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About 71% of the earth's surface is covered in water, and we can harness some of it to create energy.

The two
most common water energy technologies are hydropower and tidal power. Hydropower is electrical energy
derived from falling or running water. The movement of the water turns the blades of a turbine, which is
connected to a generator, which produces electricity. Hydropower is the most commonly used form of renewable
Tidal power converts the natural rise and fall of the tides into electricity using variety of technologies including
tidal fences, garages and turbines. Additionally, wave power can be harnessed to capture energy from waves on
the surface of the ocean using a special buoy.
Energy from water is considered a renewable energy resource because it uses the Earth's water cycle and
gravitational pull to generate electricity. It also does not directly emit greenhouse gas emissions or air pollutants.
However, depending on the water energy technology, negative environmental land-use impacts can be an issue.
Water is also heavily used in energy production processes. For example, water is used in power generation to
generate steam, cool nuclear thermal plants, extract and process fossil fuels, and to irrigate biofuel crops.

The lecture mainly talks about water. Firstly, we can hear that the given audio shows
significant points related to the earth's surface and water. So, it is fair to say that it is
crucial. Also, the lecturer talked about movement water; produce electricity; power;
wave; generate electricity. Finally, the lecturer said that energy; hydropower; running
water; air pollution; greenhouse gas; water; fossil fuels.
Score Info10/10

The given audio is talking about many interesting topics based on various different
categories. Firstly, we can clearly see that audio can show a major viewpoint
connected to a society. Water; energy; surface; technology; power; electricity;
renewable energy; greenhouses gases; issue; emissions; process; steam; crops. In
conclusion, the information given in the audio is very informative and concise.
Score Info9.9/10

The main point of the summary is the earth. Adding more to the information, the
speaker also gives some key features about the topic, such as water; earth surface;
energy; technologies; running water and hydro power. Going deeper into the topic,
the narrator also narrates turbine; connect; formed; variety; capture; water cycle; air
pollutions and fossil fuels. Finally, the speaker concludes by talking about the
Score Info10/10

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