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Herbal Allies for Cycle Support

To get started . . .
Let’s first learn a simple method for getting daily herbs into your body for vitality, an
herbal infusion. It’s a great way to drink your medicine and the longer you steep the
herbs, the more potent they will be!
1. Get a quart size Mason jar, teapot, or French press
2. Heat water to boiling point
3. Collect your desired herbs and throw in about 3 Tbs. of your mix into the vessel
4. Pour boiling water over the herbs and cover
5. Let soak overnight and drink in the morning, or steep for 1-4 hours
6. Use a strainer as needed when pouring your infusion into a mug or to-go cup
7. Drink the infusion throughout the day
When using Nettles, only soak for 1-2 hours and drink immediately, as it is more
perishable. All other herbs are stable, especially roots, and can be kept in the fridge
a day or two to drink.

The most potent way to get your herbal medicine dose is with a tincture; this is even
better than an infusion, although each has its specific use. A tincture is an herbal
extraction, usually from soaking an herb in alcohol, glycerin or vinegar. These can be
made at home, however that will not be taught here. You can buy tinctures at any health
food or supplement store. They are highly concentrated and work very well for acute
and chronic conditions. I use tinctures daily for all sorts of reasons; try them and you
can see how they work for you!

Menstrual Herbs (Day 1-7)

Red Raspberry Leaf (Rubus idaeus)

Tonifies uterine muscles
Vitamin C
Can induce pregnancy in early trimester
Helpful in preparing uterus for pregnancy/contractions

Use as tea/infusion.

Crampbark (Viburnem opulus)

Relives cramps
Relieves nervous conditions that threaten miscarriage
Regulator-relaxant for uterus and ovaries
Good for painful and difficult menses
Good for menopausal women
Those who bleed excessively during menstruation

Best when taken as a tincture- 30-60 drops every 15 minutes until symptoms abate.
Can be used as a strong tea.

Dandelion Root (Taraxacum of cinale)

Liver tonic
Digestive aid
Diuretic- assists with edema, bloating
Source of potassium
Regulates hormone production
Tones kidneys

Use as tea/infusion or tincture.

Oatstraw (Avena Sativa)

Nerve Tonic- relaxing and soothing
Relieves stress, anxiety, rapid heartbeat
B vitamins

Use as tea (mixed with fruit juice), infusion or tincture.

Ginger (Zingiber of cinale)

Promotes circulation
Helpful for digestion
Relieves nausea
Helps with cramps

Use as tea, tincture, hot compress or add to bath.

Stinging Nettles (Urtica dioica)

B vitamin support
Silicon, magnesium, manganese, zinc
Overall superfood tonic
Liver cleanser, which helps eliminate excess hormones which can cause
symptoms of PMS and menopause

Use as tea/infusion, tincture or thoroughly steam the fresh plant for edible greens. Can
be taken everyday, non-toxic.

California Poppy (Eschscholzia californica)

Nerve Tonic
Pain Reliever
Dream inducing
Sleeping aid

Use as tea or tincture; best taken at night, causes drowsiness.

Chamomile (Matricaria recutita)

Nerve Tonic, calming
Bitter tonic for tummy aches

Use as tea/infusion.

Maca Root (Lepidium meyenii)

Rich in vitamin B vitamins, C, and E
Amino acids
Increases libido and fertility
Alleviates cramps and hot flashes
Helps with mood swings, depression, and anxiety
Boosts energy and stamina
Balances hormones

Use in smoothies, protein drinks, juices or with food; look for recipes online.
*Caution, not to be used during pregnancy.
Follicular Herbs (Day 4-14)

Dong Quai (Angelica sinensis)*

For use during first half of cycle, except during menstruation
Increases blood flow and circulation
Can increase bleeding, use caution*
Fortifies iron, good for anemia and women with light bleeding
Strengthening and balancing the uterus
Regulates and normalizes hormone production
Helpful for irregular cycles, dysmenorrhea, delayed or absent menses
Eases anxiety
Use with eleuthero (Eleutherococcus senticosus), ginseng (Panax) and licorice
(Glycyrrhiza glabra) to support stress hormones.

Roots used in infusion or tincture.

* Recommended use after menstruation is complete, do not use if you experience
heavy bleeding. Not for use during pregnancy.

Black Cohosh (Actaea racemosa)*

Helpful for irregular cycles
Induces labor
Relieves depression
Peri & Menopausal women to increase estrogen levels
Reducing hot flashes

* Caution, not to be used during pregnancy. Use roots used in tea or tincture.

Dandelion Greens (Taraxacum of cinale)

Vitamins A & C

Eat greens fresh/steamed, or make tea.

Milk Thistle (Silybum Marianum)

Perfect for liver detox and lowering cholesterol
Prevents diabetes, gallstones and kidney stones
Boosts skin health and is anti-aging
Benefits adrenal disorders
Helps with Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Candida and food allergies
Stimulates breast milk production
Starts a late blood time

Take 50-150 mg per day in capsule form or tincture. Take throughout the cycle except
during bleeding.

Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris)*

Stimulates digestion & appetite
Bitter tonic
Brings on menstrual flow
Soothes muscles (externally)
Dream inducer
Helpful for PMS

Tea or tincture.
Use externally as massage oil; the dried leaves make great dream pillows.
Bath, herbal compress.
* Caution, not to be used during pregnancy.

Ovulatory Herbs (Day 14-28)

Vitex/Chaste tree berry (Vitex angus castus)
Hormone balance
Contraindicated for birth control users
Beneficial for establishing regular cycles
Assists with symptoms of PMS
Beneficial for infertility
Best when blended with an adaptogen such as schizandra (Schisandra
chinensis), which helps clear the liver of excess hormones. Also, holy basil
(Ocimum sanctum), gotu kola (Centella asiatica), and ashwagandha (Withania
somnifera) are helpful

Take tincture from ovulation until you start bleeding- 2-3 times/day, for 3 moon cycles for
best results.

Luteal Herbs (Day 18-28)

Motherwort (Leonorus cardiarca)*
Nerve tonic, good for stress and anxiety
Stimulates blood, good for PMS and delayed menses
Uterine cramps associated with scanty menstrual flow
Relieving water retention
Relieving menopausal hot flashes and mood swings

Use as tea/infusion or tincture.

Take before bleeding, not during, or at the end of cycle to fully cleanse uterus.
* Caution, not to be used during pregnancy.

Maca Root (Lepidium meyenii)

Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris)
Red Raspberry Leaf (Rubus idaeus)
Crampbark (Viburnem opulus)
Stinging Nettles (Urtica dioica)

Vitamins and Supplements- be sure you’re getting these

everyday to prevent PMS and
maintain a healthy cycle
Vitamin B (6, 12 and folic acid)
Vitamin C
Vitamin D
Omega 3s

* Please note that cleansing is not recommended during your bleeding time. Cleansing
is best suited for the 10 days prior to your menstruation or in the pre-ovulation phase.

** As with all herbs and supplements, please consult your primary care provider. I am a
Certified Herbalist, not a medical doctor use caution with these as you would with
prescription medications. Also, use caution when using any herbs during pregnancy and
always consult your primary care provider.

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