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Chapter 2


Fiber-Optic Communications Systems, Third Edition.

Govind P. Agrawal

1/22/2024 1
Chapter Goals
Describe the details of Geometrical-Optics: Step-Index Fiber,

Graded-Index Fibers

Describe Refraction and Reflection rays

Derive Total Internal Reflection Conditions

Determine Numerical Aperture

Describe propagation rays in Multi-Mode Step-Index Fiber and

in Multi-Mode Graded-Index Fiber

1/22/2024 2
Determine BL product Limitation of Step-Index Fiber, Graded-

Index Fiber

Determine Dispersion in Single-Mode Fibers: Group-Velocity,

Material, Waveguide, Higher-Order, Polarization-Mode

Determine Fiber Losses: Attenuation Coefficient, Material

Absorption, Rayleigh Scattering, Waveguide Imperfections.

Investigate Dispersion Compensation in Fiber by OptiWave

1/22/2024 3
Geometrical-Optics Description

1/22/2024 4
Geometrical-Optics Description



Multi-Mode Step-Index (MM-SI) Fiber




Multi -Mode Graded-Index (MM-GI) Fiber


Single-Mode Fiber
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1/22/2024 6
Refraction and Reflection

1/22/2024 7
Refraction and Reflection


2 Assuming: n1  n2
Law’s Snell:
1 1 n1. sin 1  n2 . sin 2
incident ray

1/22/2024 8
Total Internal Reflection

 1 increase then 2 increase

n2 2  refracted

2 ray
1  c then 2 
n1 n2
1  c 1 sin c  , c : critical angle

Total Internal Reflection conditions?

1/22/2024 9
Total Internal Reflection Conditions

n2 2  refracted
2 ray

1  c 1

Conclusion: The total reflection occurs when:

n1  n2

all rays with 1  c
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1/22/2024 11
Numerical Aperture (NA) of the Fiber

NA  n0 sin  i  (n  n )

In analogy with lenses, is known as

the numerical aperture (NA) of the fiber. It represents

the light-gathering capacity of an optical fiber.

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Numerical Aperture (NA) of the Fiber

1/22/2024 13
Example 1
Determine Numerical Aperture of the Fiber?
(i) n1 = 1.46 and n2 = 1 (air)
(ii) n1 = 1.465 and n2 = 1.45.
Application of Eq:

NA  n0 sin  i  (n12  n22 )

(i) NA  n12  n22  1.462  12  1.07

(ii) NA  n12  n22  1.4652  1.452  0.2091

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Numeric Aperture (NA) of the Fiber

1/22/2024 15
Numeric Aperture (NA) of the Fiber

NA  n0 sin  i  (n  n )

n1  n2
With 

NA  n1 2 ?

1/22/2024 16
Typical Numerical Aperture values
of the MM Fiber

1/22/2024 17
  : divergence operation
 : curl operation

1/22/2024 18
E & H: the electric & magnetic field vectors,
D & B: the corresponding flux densities.
The constitutive relations:
D = 0 E + P, (2.2.5)
B = m0 H + M, (2.2.6)
0 : the vacuum permittivity,
m0 : the vacuum permeability,
P & M: the induced electric & magnetic polarizations

1/22/2024 19
Analysis in Cylindrical Coordinates

  j (t  z )
E  E0 (  ,  )e
 
H  H 0 (  ,  )e j (t z )

1/22/2024 20
1/22/2024 21
Vector Identity

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1/22/2024 24
SMF Condition


1/22/2024 25
The single-mode condition: V < 2.405

o The smallest value of V which J0 (V )= 0 is 2.405.

A fiber designed such that V < 2.405 supports only
the fundamental HE11 mode.
o Using Eq. (2.2.35)

to estimate the core radius of single-mode fibers

used in lightwave systems.
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One SMF has n1 = 1.505 and n2 = 1.502
at  = 1300 nm.
+ NA?
+ Determine core radius of this Fiber (a) ?

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1/22/2024 28

Determine core radius of the MM –SI fiber

which has 1,000 modes at =1.3 mm if
n1=1.5 ; n2 = 1.48

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37.92 mm

1/22/2024 30
Kinds of Dispersion in Fiber

Total Dispersion

Mode Dispersion Chromatic Disp.or Polarisation Mode

Group Velocity Disp Dispersion

Material Dispersion Waveguide Dispersion



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1/22/2024 32
1/22/2024 33
Pulse Shapes versus distance

1/22/2024 34
Fiber Dispersion

1/22/2024 35
Example 2

 Determine BL of the SM fiber which has these

parameters as follows: Spectrum width of optical
pulse: f = 12.5 GHz, =1.55 mm, and D =
 Determine Bit rate is transferred through this fiber
which has length of 50 km?

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1/22/2024 37
1/22/2024 38
ng  n  

1/22/2024 39
 For pure silica these parameters are found to be B1 =
0.6961663, B2 = 0.4079426, B3 = 0.8974794, 1 = 0.0684043
mm,2 = 0.1162414 mm, and 3 = 9.896161 mm, where  j =
2c/j with j = 1–3.

 The group index ng = n +  (dn/d ) can be obtained by

using these parameter values

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1/22/2024 41
Index n1 shape of DCF

1/22/2024 42
Dispersion Shifting/Flattening
Zero Dispersion Wavelength
Dispersion coefficient (ps km-1 nm-1 )

20 Dm

Dm + Dw
-10 0


1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6

Material dispersion coefficient (Dm) for the core material (taken as

SiO2 ), waveguide dispersion coefficient (Dw) (a = 4.2 mm) and the
total or chromatic dispersion coefficient Dch (= Dm + Dw) as a
function of free space wavelength,  
Material Dispersion

Different Index Profiles
1/22/2024 47
Two parts of Chromatic Dispersion of SMF

2 dn2 g 1 dn2 g
DM   2 
 d c d

2 2 g Vd 2 (Vb) dn2 g d (Vb) 
DW   2   
  n2 dV 2
d dV 

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1/22/2024 51
Polarizasion Mode Dispersion



Fast axis

t:Differential Group Delay
Slow axis

T    L  1x   1 y  L( 1 )
v gx v gy
1/22/2024 52
1/22/2024 53
Dispersion Compensation

Two popular Dispersion Compensation methods

1. By Fiber: DCF, DSF, NZDSF…
2. By MCU (Module of Compensation Unit): Grating,
micro thin film Filters…


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Attenuation versus Wavelength



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1/22/2024 56
Attenuation versus Wavelength

1/22/2024 57
Fiber losses
 The loss of fiber is about 0.2 dB/km in the wavelength
region near 1.55 mm. This value is close to the fundamental
limit ( 0.16 dB/km) for silica fibers.

 The loss spectrum exhibits a strong peak near 1.39 mm

and several other smaller peaks.

 A secondary minimum is found to occur near 1.3 mm,

where the fiber loss is below 0.5 dB/km.

(Fiber dispersion is minimum near 1.3 mm).

1/22/2024 58
Material Absorption

Material absorption can be divided into two kinds:

+ Intrinsic absorption losses correspond to absorption by fused
silica (material used to make fibers)
+ Extrinsic absorption is related to losses caused by impurities
within silica.
 Any material absorbs at certain wavelengths corresponding to
the electronic and vibrational resonances associated with specific
 For silica (SiO2) molecules, electronic resonances occur in the
ultraviolet region (< 0.4 mm),

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 whereas vibrational resonances occur in the infrared region
(> 0.7mm).

 Because of the (shapeless, formless, changeable)

amorphous nature of fused silica, these resonances are in the
form of absorption bands whose tails extend into the visible

 Extrinsic absorption results from the presence of impurities.

Metal impurities such as Fe, Cu, Co, Ni, Mn, and Cr absorb
strongly in the wavelength range 0.6–1.6 mm.

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Their amount should be reduced to below 1 part per

billion to obtain a loss level below 1 dB/km. Such high-

purity silica can be obtained by using modern techniques.

 The main source of extrinsic absorption in state-of-the-

art silica fibers is the presence of water vapors.

 A vibrational resonance of the OH ion occurs near 1.4

1/22/2024 61
 Its harmonic and combination tones with silica produce
absorption at the 1.39, 1.24, and 0.95 mm wavelengths. The
three spectral peaks seen occur near these wavelengths and are
due to the presence of residual water vapor in silica.

 Even a concentration of 1 part per million can cause a loss

of about 50 dB/km at 1.39 mm.

 The OH ion concentration is reduced to below 10 −8 in

modern fibers to lower the 1.39 mm peak below 1 dB. In a new
kind of fiber, known as the dry fiber, the OH ion concentration
is reduced to such low levels that the 1.39 mm peak almost

1/22/2024 62
Rayleigh Scattering
 Rayleigh scattering is a fundamental loss mechanism arising
from local microscopic fluctuations in density.
 Silica molecules move randomly in the molten state and freeze
in place during fiber fabrication.
 Density fluctuations lead to random fluctuations of the
refractive index on a scale smaller than the optical wavelength  .
 Light scattering in such a medium is known as Rayleigh

1/22/2024 63
1/22/2024 64
Linear and Decibel (dB) optical power units

 Optical power P expressed in W, mW, dBm

 P[dBm] = 10 log10 (P/1mW)

Linear dBm

1W +30 dBm
Typical EDFA output power
100 mW +20 dBm
Typical output power
10 mW +10 dBm
of a semiconductor
1 mW 0 dBm DFB laser
100 mW -10 dBm
10 mW -20 dBm
1 mW -30 dBm Typical sensitivity of a
10-Gbit/s receiver

1/22/2024 65
Typical loss value of optical components

Linear Decibel

1000 +30 dB Gain in the small signal regime of EDFAs


+10 dB Gain with saturating input signal


0.977 -0.1 dB Splice loss between two identical fibres

0.955 -0.2 dB Cable fiber loss per km

Loss of a 10% tap coupler
0.9 -0.5 dB Isolator, 1480/1550 nm multiplexer
0.5 -3.0 dB Bulk optical filter

1/22/2024 66
1. Calculate the transmission distance over which
the optical power will attenuate by a factor of
10 for three fibers with losses of 0.2, 20, and
2000 dB/km.
2. Assuming that the optical power decreases as
exp(−L), calculate  (in cm −1) for the three
fibers with their lengths calculated in question1

1/22/2024 67
Cable Construction

1/22/2024 68
Cross Section of a Fiber Cable

1/22/2024 69
Cable Construction

1/22/2024 70
Inside Plant Ribbon-Cable System

1/22/2024 71
Cross Section of Inside-Plant Cables

1/22/2024 72
Cross Section of Armored Outside-Plant Cables

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1/22/2024 74
1/22/2024 75
Lab 2- Dispersion Compensation by DCF

1/22/2024 76
Complete Compensation D1L1=D2L2, Rb=2.5 GB/s

1/22/2024 77
Complete Compensation D1L1=D2L2 Rb=5 GB/s

1/22/2024 78
Uncomplete Compensation D1L1D2L2 Rb=5 Gb/s

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1/22/2024 81
End of Chapter 2

1/22/2024 82
Tán sắc vận tốc nhóm (GVD)

 Tín hiệu bao gồm nhiều thành phần

 Mỗi thành phần phổ tương ứng với tần
số góc được truyền trong sợi với một vận
tốc nhóm riêng biệt.
 Vận tốc nhóm thay đổi theo chiết suất
nhóm và chiết suất nhóm thay đổi theo
tần số góc.
  mỗi thành phần phổ được truyền
với vận tốc khác nhau nên khi phát đồng dn
ng  n  
thời, đưa vào sợi thì chúng không đến d
cùng một lúc ở đầu ra tạo nên giãn nở vg 
xung do tán sắc vận tốc nhóm. ng
1/23/2024 83
Các thành phần cơ bản
của sợi quang điển hình

1/23/2024 84
Cấu trúc sợi quang với lớp vỏ
có dạng ống đệm lỏng

1/23/2024 85
Cấu trúc sợi quang với lớp vỏ
có dạng ống đệm khít

1/23/2024 86
Cấu trúc sợi quang với lớp vỏ
có dạng băng dẹt

1/23/2024 87
Cấu trúc cơ bản của cáp quang điển hình

1/23/2024 88
Cấu trúc cáp treo

1/23/2024 89
Cấu trúc cáp thả cống tiêu biểu

1/23/2024 90
Cấu trúc cáp chôn trực tiếp

1/23/2024 91
Cấu trúc cáp trong nhà

1/23/2024 92
Cấu trúc cáp quang dưới nước
và dưới biển

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