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Hương Giang – KTQT50B10436

Humans and chimpanzees are all classified as primates, which are considered the most intelligent
type of animal. Apart from the basic similarities, there are also differences between humans and
chimpanzees. It will be outlined in my essay below.

On the one hand, humans and chimpanzees share a common ancestor which leads to several
similarities. The most significant one is that they have the genetic similarity. According to
scientists, humans and chimpanzees share approximately 98-99% of their DNA. This high degree
of genetic similarity is also the basic reason that leads to other mutual characteristics such as
physical features, social behaviors, and so on. In term of physiological features, both humans and
chimpanzees are primates so they share many common physiological features such as five
fingers on each hand, forward-facing eyes, and similar skeletal structures. These characteristics
are what distinguish them from other types of animals. Lastly, chimpanzees, like humans, are
social creatures. They live in communities, form social hierarchies, and engage in complex social
interactions. As a matter of fact, chimpanzees exhibit their social behaviors by playing, grooming
together, and even cooperating.

On the other hand, there are also differences that distinguish humans from chimpanzees. Firsly, it
is cognitive abilities. Humans have a much higher level of cognitive abilities compared to
chimpanzees. This includes abstract thinking, problem-solving, the ability to reflect on one's own
thoughts and actions. and the ability to plan for the future. In reality, thanks to these skills,
humans have made a variety of groundbreaking inventions, while the greatest creativity of
chimpanzees is still making rudimentary stone tools to get food. The next difference is culture
life. Humans have developed complex cultures and that are passed down through generations.
They can create art, music, agriculture, and various forms of technology to enrich their culture.
To contrast, chimpanzees do not exhibit such cultural diversity or technological advancement.
Lastly, it is language and communication. Humans have developed complex language systems
with intricate grammatical structures, allowing for sophisticated communication and the
transmission of culture. Chimpanzees have also been shown to have rudimentary communication
abilities like using gestures, vocalizations, and even sign language in captivity, but it is not as
complex or diverse as human language.

In conclusion, while humans and chimpanzees share many similarities due to their common
ancestry, they have also developed distinct traits and capabilities that have led to significant
differences between the two species such as cognitive abilities, culture, technology and

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