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Table of Contents

 Questions about Facebook

 General Questions about Facebook
 Time on Facebook
 Shopping on Facebook
 Facebook Pages
 Security and Privacy
 Facebook Fast Facts
 More ESL Conversation Questions

Questions about Facebook

Questions about Facebook can help teachers listen to opinions
about a topic which is familiar to all of us.
General Questions about Facebook
These are some general questions about Facebook
What is your id name?
When do you use facebook?
How long do you use facebook in a day?
Why do you use / scroll on it?
How many facebook friends do you have?
How many facebook accounts do you have?
How long have you been using it?
Do you watch any kind of videos on there?
What sort of videos do you prefer to watch on fb?
What are the disadvantages by using it ?
What are the advantages of it?
When did you create your first account?
Do you still have your original Facebook account?
Have you ever created and close a Facebook account?
Do you use your real name on Facebook?
How many Facebook friends do you have?
What do you like about Facebook?
What’s something you don’t like about Facebook?
What’s the worst thing about Facebook?
Do you use the official Facebook messaging a lot
What do you think about Facebook user interface?
What do you use the most? The Facebook app or the web version?
Do you have your co-workers on Facebook?

Time on Facebook
These are some questions about how much time you spend on
Facebook and what you usually do in it.

1. How often do you check your Facebook account

2. How much time do you spend on Facebook every day?
3. Did you know that there is a way inside the app to know
how much time you spent on Facebook?
4. What do you usually do when you enter Facebook every
5. Do you spend a lot of time on Facebook groups?

Shopping on Facebook
These are some questions about shopping on Facebook

1. Did you know that there is a Marketplace on Facebook?

2. Have you ever bought anything from an stranger on

Facebook Pages
These are some interesting questions about Facebook pages?

1. Do you have a Facebook page?

2. What Facebook Pages do you follow?
3. Do you follow memes Facebook pages?
4. What Facebook pages would you recommend?

Security and Privacy

These are some questions regarding security and privacy on

1. Has your Facebook account been hacked?

2. Has another Facebook user stolen your Facebook identity?
3. What sort of things would you hesitate to share?
4. Do you upload many pictures to your Facebook account?

Facebook Fast Facts

what’s your opinion about these Facebook facts:

1. Facebook was created in the dormitories of Harvard

2. Mark Zuckerberg is color-blind to red and green and
therefore, blue is the richest color for him.
3. 2.5 billion pictures are uploaded to Facebook each month.
4. Al Pacino’s Face Was on the Original Facebook
5. The Meaning of the Term Poke Has Never Been Defined
6. Facebook Is the Third Most Popular Site in the World
7. Women Use Facebook More than Men
8. Only Half of Facebook Users Speak English
9. 98% of active user accounts worldwide accessed the
social network via any kind of mobile phone.
10. The Average Daily Time People Spend on Facebook
Is 58 Minutes

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