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The Lying Life of Adults ZOOM IN (EXTRACT): on page 184-185

1 I soon understood what had happened; I had fallen in love

2 at first sight. I had read enough about hat type of love, but, I
3 don’t know why, I never used that expression to myself. I pre-
4 ferred to consider Roberto - his face, his voice, his hands
5 around mine - a sort of miraculous consolation for my agitated
6 days and nights. Naturally, I wanted to see him again, but after
7 the first upheaval - that unforgettable moment when seeing
8 him had coincided with a violent need for him - a sort of calm
9 realism had taken over. Roberto was a man, I a girl. Roberto
10 was in accessible, he lived in Milan, I didn’t know anything
11 about what was important to him. The only possible contact
12 was Vittoria, and Vittoria was a complicated person, apart from
13 the fact that every attempt to see her would be painful to my
14 mother. So I let the days pass, uncertain what to do. Then I
15 thought that I surely had the right to a life of my own without
16 having to constantly worry about my parents’ reactions, espe-
17 cially since they weren’t worrying at all about mine. And I
18 couldn’t resist, one afternoon when I was alone in the house I
19 called my aunt. I regretted not having accepted her invitation
20 to lunch, I seemed to have wasted an important opportunity,
21 and I wanted to cautiously find out when I could go and visit
22 her with some certainty of seeing Roberto. I was sure I would
23 be warmly welcomed, after giving back the bracelet, but
24 Vittoria wouldn’t let me get a word in. I learned from her that
25 the day after the lie about Caserta my mother had called her to
26 say, in her feeble way, that she was to leave me alone, that she
27 wasn’t ever to see me again. In light of which she was now furi-
28 ous. She insulted her sister-in-law, shouted that she would wait
29 outside the house to stab her. She yelled: how could she dare to
30 say that I am doing all I can to steal you from her when it’s all
31 of you taking away from me every reason for living, you, your
32 father, your mother, and you, too, you thought that all you had
33 to do was give me back the bracelet and everything would be
34 fine. She shouted: if you’re on your parents’ side don’t call me
35 ever again, get it? And, breathless, she went on to gasp a series
36 of obscenities about her brother and sister-in-law, after which
37 she hung up.
Glengarry Glen Ross ZOOM IN (EXTRACT): on page 77

1 “Levene: … (to Williamson): and you don’t remember. ‘Cause you

2 weren’t around. That’s cold calling. Walk up to the
3 door. I don’t even know their name. I’m selling
4 something they don’t even want. You talk about
5 soft sell…. Before we had a name for it … be-
6 fore we called it anything, we did it.
7 Roma: That’s right, Shel.
8 Levene: And, and, and, I did it. And I put a kid
9 through school. She… and Cold calling, fella.
10 Door to door. But you don’t know. You don’t know.
11 You never heard of a streak. You never heard of
12 “marshaling your sales force…” What are you,
13 you’re a secretary, John. F- you. That’s my
14 message to you. F- you and kiss my A. You
15 don’t like it, I'll go talk to Jerry Graff. Period. F-
16 you. Put me on the board. And I want three
17 worthwhile leads today and I don’t want any BS
18 about them and I want ‘em close together’ cause
19 I’m going to hit them all today. That’s all I have to
20 say to you.”

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