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Colorado Cultural Resource Survey Report

North Side

Phase I

SHF Project No. 2005-01-041

Deliverable 7
April 2007
Colorado Cultural Resource Survey

North Side

Phase I

Prepared by:

Adam Thomas,
Architectural Historian
Post Office Box 419
Estes Park, Colorado 80517-0419

State Historical Fund

Project 2005-01-041
Deliverable 7

April 2007

Introduction 1 On the Cover: Prominent North Side buildings include

(left to right) the Edgar Olin House (5PE.517.40), at 727
Section 1: Project Area 3 West Thirteenth Street; the Thomas Mishou House
(5PE.516.15), at 302 West Eighteenth Street; the Dr. Wilbur
Lucas House (5PE.516.19), at 409 West Eighteenth Street;
Section 2: Research Design and Methods 7 and Parkview Hospital (5PE.516.13), spanning the 400 block
Goals and Objectives 7 of West Seventeenth Street.
Scope of Work 7 Adam Thomas | Historitecture
File Search and Previous Work 8
Methods 9
Fieldwork 9
Archival Research 9
Form Completion 10
The Procedure 10
Determination of Significance 10

Section 3: Historical Context 15

Early Development of the North Side Neighborhood 16
Houses and Residents 22
North Side Institutions 28
Transportation in the North Side 34
Architects 39
Conclusion 42
Notes 43

Section 4: Results 45

Section 5: Recommendations 79

Section 6: Bibliography 89

Appendix A: Photograph Log 93

Time did not allow for concurrence between the consultant and
OAHP staff on individual National Register eligibility. The eligibility
assessments in the Results section and on the tables in this report
represent consultant field determinations only. Anyone interested in
preparing a nomination for properties determined field eligible to the
National Register should contact the National and State Register
Historian prior to beginning the nomination process.

Pueblo’s North Side Neighborhood is one of the most Register-listed house currently remains intact, Parkview,
significant collections of residential buildings in southeast- like I-25, will only grow in the foreseeable future. Planning
ern Colorado. Here, the city’s merchant princes and pro- efforts must balance the protection of significant historic
fessionals found a retreat from the bustle of the busy buildings with the hospital’s need–and right–to grow.
downtown and the belching smokestacks of the Colorado Spearheaded by David Cockrell, senior neighborhood
This project was paid for in part
Fuel & Iron Company’s enormous Minnequa steel works. planner, the City of Pueblo pursued a State Historical by a State Historical Fund grant
Beginning in the 1880s, Mahlon and John Thatcher, Fund grant to conduct an intensive-level survey of the from the Colorado Historical Society.
Pennsylvania brothers who became the model Pueblo self- neighborhood, which was awarded in late 2004. A selection
made men, chose to locate their enormous estates in the committee reviewed proposals from a variety of cultural
North Side. They established a trend that would span the resource contractors and chose Historitecture, an Estes
next seven decades. Park-based architectural history consulting firm.
But the North Side faces a variety of threats requiring Architectural Historian and Managing Principal Adam
careful preservation planning. Delimiting the eastern edge Thomas conducted the survey.
of the neighborhood is Interstate 25. This busy superhigh- The goals of the intensive-level survey were to
way occupied a narrow corridor through Pueblo and is slat- • Inventory all properties in the survey area
ed for expansion and realignment. The continued popula- • Determine the significance and National
tion growth of the Front Range, however, will mean even Register/local landmark eligibility of all properties in
further expansion of this major transportation corridor. the survey area
Occupying a large parcel at the center of the neigh- • Analyze historic district potential and boundaries
borhood is Parkview Medical Center, one of the largest • Develop a report summarizing the findings of the sur-
hospitals in southeastern Colorado. The explosive growth vey.
of this facility has already resulted in the demolition of sig- The results of the survey included the inventorying of
nificant historic buildings, and the hospital currently owns 347 properties. Of them, 24 (6.9 percent) were field deter-
additional historic properties in the neighborhood. In mined eligible for individual listing in the National Register
2004, Colorado Preservation, Inc., listed a Parkview prop- of Historic Places and 43 for listing as a Pueblo Landmark
erty, the historic Allen J. Beaumont House, on its list of (including the 24 National Register properties and three
Colorado’s most endangered places. While this National properties previously listed as Pueblo Landmarks.)

Pueblo’s North Side Neighborhood

Contributing to a potential historic district were 275 prop- text:

erties (79.7 percent), and Historitecture determined that 4. Foster better cooperation between the City and
National Register and Pueblo Landmark districts could be Parkview Medical Center; and
created within at least the project area, if not further. 5. Work with North Side property owners to instill
Based on these results, Historitecture made the fol- respect for and pride in their historic houses.
lowing recommendations to the City of Pueblo: The following report is organized as recommended in
1. Investigate the creation of historic districts. the Colorado Cultural Resource Survey Manual, as revised in
1. Conduct further intensive-level surveys. 2006.
3. Develop a city-wide historical and architectural con-

Section 1
Project Area

The North Side Neighborhood is a largely residential town intensive-level, comprehensive survey, which pro-
neighborhood north of downtown Pueblo. The bound- truded into the southeastern portion of this survey area.
aries established for this project encompass only a portion As well, properties in the I-25 Area of Potential Effect
of this large neighborhood. (APE) had recently been surveyed. Mineral Palace Park
The boundaries of the North Side Intensive-Level constitutes much of the eastern boundary of this project.
Survey were as follows: However, because it was included in the APE, it was not
surveyed for this project. With these considerations, the
North: West Nineteenth Street eastern boundary was generally the western edge of the
East: Interstate 25 park, Court Street.
South: West Eleventh Street The survey area was situated entirely in section 25 of
West: Craig Street (including the properties on the west township 20 south, range 65 west, depicted on USGS 7.5-
side of the street) minute topographic maps in the Northeast Pueblo quad-
rangle (1961, photorevised in 1970 and 1974). The project
The eastern boundary and southeastern corner of the area covered approximately 145 acres.
project area were, in practice, much more irregular. The Maps of the survey area are included on the following
City did not want to replicate the 1997 Simonich down- pages.

Pueblo’s North Side Neighborhood

Map 1.1. USGS 7.5-minute topographic map segment of

the Northeast Pueblo quadrangle (1961, photorevised in
1970 and 1974). The heavy green line indicates the survey
area boundary.

actual survey boundary

Transparent Overlay 1
Colorado Cultural Resource Survey Report

Map 1.2. Pueblo North Side map depicting the project

area boundaries.
City of Pueblo

study area

1997 Simonich downtown survey

I-25 area of potential effect

Pueblo’s North Side Neighborhood

Map 1.3. Resource (site) numbers within the survey area.

Also noted are the historic names of notable North Side land-
City of Pueblo

Section 2
Research Design and Methods

Goals and Objectives and to receive suggestions about local sources of

The major goal of this project was to acquire as much b. Document 300 buildings in the Phase I survey
architectural and historical data as possible for every prop- area through fieldwork which produces architec-
erty in the North Side survey area, allowing City staff and tural descriptions, black and white photographs,
others to make sound preservation planning decisions in and locations on a base map. Color slides or dig-
this neighborhood. Subordinate to this goal were several ital images will also be prepared for use in a final
objectives: public meeting.
• Inventory all properties in the survey area; c. Conduct research on the history of the chosen
• Determine the significance and National 300 properties and, where necessary, contact cur-
Register/local landmark eligibility of all properties in rent and former owners and longtime residents
the survey area; regarding the histories of properties.
• Analyze historic district potential and boundaries; and d. Consult with the National Register historians at
• Develop a report summarizing the findings of the sur- the Colorado Historical Society Office of
vey. Archaeology and Historic Preservation regarding
evaluations of eligibility.
Scope of Work e. Complete and submit two sets of the appropriate
OAHP Inventory forms with associated photo-
The City of Pueblo and the State Historical Fund col- graphs.
laboratively developed the following scope of work for the f. Submit a draft survey report, per the current
North Side survey: OAHP survey manual, for review by OAHP staff.
I. Project Purpose: The purpose of this project is to g. Submit a representative sample of 10 draft survey
conduct a survey of 300 sites identified in the Phase I forms for review by OAHP staff.
North Side survey area in Pueblo, Colorado . h. Incorporate OAHP/SHF review comments into
II. Scope of Service is as follows: the final survey report and submit two copies to
a. Facilitate a kickoff meeting in the community to the SHF for review. Provide the form database in
explain the survey process, to answer questions, Microsoft Access and the survey report in

Pueblo’s North Side Neighborhood

Microsoft Word to the City of Pueblo on CD- west. Properties with 5PE.526 site numbers were part of
ROM. the Dundee Place survey area, which included only a hand-
i. Present survey results at a community meeting ful of properties in the extreme northwest corner of the
near the conclusion of the project. current project area.
This Scope of Service is in accordance with Section Historitecture resurveyed all properties included in
12-47.1-12-1 C.R.S. (1999) The Limited Gaming Act, these 1981 surveys for three of reasons. First, while these
which authorizes the Colorado Historical Society to admin- 1981 surveys were considered intensive-level at the time,
ister the State Historical Fund as a statewide grants pro- the requirements for intensive-level have become more rig-
gram. orous and the data required more exhaustive. Second,
Historitecture desired to update the information collection
File Search and Previous Work of two decades ago. Third, these earlier surveys were inten-
sive-selective, meaning that the researchers included only
The first step in this survey project was to determine particularly interesting or relevant properties.
the extent and results of previous surveys and nominations Historitecture, however, conducted an intensive-compre-
within the survey area. Historitecture requested an official hensive survey, meaning that all properties, regardless of
search of OAHP files, which was conducted on March 26, age, apparent significance, or physical integrity, were
2005. included.
The file search found that 88 properties in the project The file search also indicated that nine properties were
area had been previously surveyed, dating to between 1974 listed in the National Register of Historic Places:
and 2001. The City of Pueblo and the Pueblo Regional • Gast Mansion (5PE.483), 1801 North Greenwood
Planning Commission conducted the earliest surveys of Street, listed June 3, 1982;
the neighborhood in 1981. Within the boundaries of this • Rosemount (John Thatcher Mansion) (5PE.491), 419
current project area, properties with 5PE.513 site numbers West Fourteenth Street, listed June 27, 1975;
were located in the 400 blocks of West Eleventh and West • Baxter House/Bishop’s House (5PE.497), 325 West
Twelfth streets. Properties with 5PE.516 site numbers were Fifteenth Street, listed February 17, 1978;
with a previous survey area bounded on the north by West • Asbury White House (5PE.4200), 417 West Eleventh
Eighteenth Street, on the east by Court Street, on the south Street, listed October 11, 1984.
by West Fourteenth Street, and on the west by North • Allen J. Beaumont House (5PE.4201), 425 West
Elizabeth Street. Surveyed properties with 5PE.517 site Fifteenth Street, listed August 18, 1983;
numbers were within an area delimited by West Fifteenth • Temple Emanuel (5PE.4202), 1325 North Grand
Street on the north, North Greenwood Street to the east, Avenue, listed March 14, 1996;
West Eleventh Street to the south, and West Street to the • Frank Pryor House/Von Ahlefeldt Chateau

Colorado Cultural Resource Report

(5PE.4203), listed February 8, 1985; work, archival research, and form completion.
• Nathaniel W. Duke House (5PE.4204), 1409 Craig St,
listed February 8, 1985; and Fieldwork
• Ward Rice House (5PE.4207), 1825 North Grand The first step was to physically visit each property to
Avenue, listed November 7, 1985. record its architectural features, photograph as many eleva-
OAHP staff previously determined the following proper- tions of each building as possible, and interview the prop-
ties in the project area eligible for listing in the National erty owner or resident, when practical. A hand-held global
Register: positioning satellite receiver was used to pinpoint universal
• 425 West Eighteenth Street (5PE.516.22), determined transmercator coordinates.
officially eligible on December 12, 1988; During the fieldwork, archaeological potential was not
• 522 West Twelfth Street (5PE.517.25), determined considered because this was an architectural survey. Also,
officially eligible on October 16, 1989; Historitecture, the City of Pueblo, and the Colorado
• 727 West Thirteenth Street (5PE.517.40), determined Historical Society agreed that previously listed National
officially eligible on April 12, 2001; and Register and State Register properties would not be inven-
• 802 West Twelfth Street (5PE.1179), determined offi- toried unless their physical integrity had been compro-
cially eligible on July 2, 1990. mised. (This was not found to be the case for any of the
Like field field determinations, official determinations of North Side’s listed properties.)
National Register eligibility are subject to change, particu- Historitecture surveyed properties on the east-west-
larly if the determination was made prior to extensive yet oriented streets first, beginning with West Eleventh Street
unrecorded modifications, which would affect physical and working northward to West Nineteenth Street. The
integrity, or the revelation of further historical and archi- survey then continued to the north-south streets, from
tectural data, which would affect significance. Main Street west to Craig Street.
One property was listed in the Colorado State Register
of Historic Properties during the duration of this project: Archival Research
Church of the Ascension (5PE.4175), 420 West Eighteenth Constructing the property histories was based on a
Street. review of city directory listing for each property, reinforced
The results of the file search are summarized in table with public records from the Pueblo County Clerk and
2.1. Recorder and the Pueblo County Tax Assessor, as well as
U.S. Census records. This process resulted in a list of own-
Methods ers and/or residents for each property in the survey area.
The Pueblo City-County Library District’s online obituary
This survey was organized in three major steps: field- index, as well as books of Colorado biographies provided

Pueblo’s North Side Neighborhood

the bulk of biographical data for the previous owners individual eligibility for listing in the National Register of
and/or residents of each property. Historic Places and as Pueblo landmarks. Initially, in con-
sideration of National Register eligibility, Historitecture
Form Completion ranked each parcel on a scale that considered the combined
The final step, form completion, was to combine the levels of historical significance and physical integrity, based
fieldwork and archival research onto the Colorado Cultural on the four National Register criteria of significance and
Resource Survey Architectural Inventory Form (OAHP seven standards of integrity. In turn, Historitecture applied
1403, revised September 1998). A form was generated for local criteria for local landmark eligibility. Those rankings
each property, with the appropriate photographs and maps were, from low (not significant, low physical integrity) to
attached. high (very significant, high physical integrity):
• Not individually eligible
The Procedure • Individually eligible, local landmark; and
• Individually eligible, National Register.
Historitecture Architectural Historian Adam Thomas
began this intensive-level, comprehensive survey on April LOCAL LANDMARK ELIGIBILITY. Pueblo’s standards for
19, 2005, and completed the bulk of the fieldwork by landmark designation are found in section 4-14-8 of the
August 16, 2006. City’s Historic Preservation Code (Title 14, Chapter 14,
Photographs were captured on an Olympus Camedia City of Pueblo Ordinances):
C-5500 digital camera with 5.1 megapixel resolution. They
A building, object, monument, structure or site may individually be
were printed according to the National Register’s 75-year
designated as a Landmark, or one or more buildings, objects, monu-
archival standard by way of a Hewlett-Packard Officejet ments, structures or sites which are united by past events or aestheti-
7410 inkjet printer. This included gray Vivera inks (car- cally by plan or physical development may be designated as a Historic
tridge number 100) on four-by-six-inch HP Premium District, if they have distinctive character and have:
photo paper. The photos were saved as four-by-six-inch,
1. Special historic or prehistoric interest or importance:
300 dots-per-inch images, in tagged image file format
a. has significant character, interest or value, as part
(TIF) and burned onto a 300-year, archival compact disc. of the development, heritage, or cultural charac-
Forms were compiled and generated in Archinventory, teristics of the City, State or Nation; or is associ-
a Microsoft Access database. ated with the life of a person significant in the
past; or
b. is the site of a historic event with a significant
Determination of Significance effect upon society; or
Historitecture assessed North Side properties for their c. exemplifies the cultural heritage of the communi-
historical and architectural significance and, thus, their ty; or has yielded, or may be likely to yield, impor-

Colorado Cultural Resource Survey Report

tant prehistoric information. structures, and objects that possess integrity of location, design, set-
2. Special architectural, engineering or aesthetic interest or impor- ting, materials, workmanship, feeling, and association, and:
a. portrays the environment in an era of history A. That are associated with events that have made a sig-
characterized by a distinctive architectural style;
nificant contribution to the broad patterns of our his-
b. embodies those distinguishing characteristics of tory; or
an architectural-type or engineering specimen; or B. That are associated with the lives of persons signifi-
c. is the work of a designer whose individual work cant in our past; or
has significantly influenced the development of C. That embody the distinctive characteristics of a type,
the City; or
period, or method of construction, or that represent
d. contains elements of design, detail, materials or
craftsmanship which represent a significant inno- the work of a master, or that possess high artistic val-
vation. ues, or that represent a significant and distinguishable
3. Special geographic interest or importance: entity whose components may lack individual distinc-
a. by being part of or related to a square, park or
tion; or
other distinctive area, which should be developed
or preserved according to a plan based on a his- D. That have yielded, or may be likely to yield, informa-
toric, cultural or architectural motif, or tion important in prehistory or history.
b. owing to its unique location or singular physical
characteristic, represents an established and In addition to the criteria listed above, the National
familiar visual feature of the neighborhood, com- Register requires some additional considerations before a
munity, or City.
property can be listed:
For a property to be eligible for Pueblo Landmark sta-
tus, it must be significant under at least two of the three Ordinarily cemeteries, birthplaces, graves of historical figures,
major categories. properties owned by religious institutions or used for religious purpos-
es, structures that have been moved from their original locations,
NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBILITY. The National reconstructed historic buildings, properties primarily commemorative
Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended, created the in nature, and properties that have achieved significance within the
National Register of Historic Places, which the National past 50 years shall not be considered eligible for the National
Park Service administers. Criteria for National Register eli- Register. However, such properties will qualify if they are integral
gibility are set forth in Title 36, Part 60, of the Code of parts of districts that do meet the criteria or if they fall within the
Federal Regulations and are summarized as follows: following categories:

The quality of significance in American history, architecture, arche-

ology, engineering, and culture is present in districts, sites, buildings, a. A religious property deriving primary significance

Pueblo’s North Side Neighborhood

from architectural or artistic distinction or historical years if it is of exceptional importance.In general,

importance; or properties achieving significance within the past 50
b. A building or structure removed from its original loca- years are not considered eligible for individual listing
tion but which is primarily significant for architectural in the National Register.
value, or which is the surviving structure most impor-
tantly associated with a historic person or event; or Determination of District Eligibility
c. A birthplace or grave of a historical figure of out-
standing importance if there is no appropriate site or Historitecture used National Register standards as a
building associated with his or her productive life; or guide for considering potential districts. As a general rule,
d. A cemetery that derives its primary importance from 50 percent or more of the properties in a potential district
graves of persons of transcendent importance, from must be considered contributing resources for the district
age, from distinctive design features, or from associa- to be eligible. However, in actuality,the density and distri-
tion with historic events; or bution of contributing resources is critical in determining
e. A reconstructed building when accurately executed in the boundaries of a potential district. Districts, as a whole,
a suitable environment and presented in a dignified are subject to same National Register areas of significance,
manner as part of a restoration master plan, and when criteria, criteria considerations, and determinations of
no other building or structure with the same associa- integrity as an individual property.
tion has survived; or Field assessments of individual eligibility for the
f. A property primarily commemorative in intent if National Register and as local landmarks, as well as deter-
design, age, tradition, or symbolic value has invested it minations of contribution to a potential historic district,
with its own exceptional significance; or are summarized in the tables in the results section (section
g. A property achieving significance within the past 50 4) of this report.

Colorado Cultural Resource Survey Report

Table 2.1: Summary of OAHP File Search Results Note: Determinations of National Register eligibility and
Site Number Property Name Address Natl Reg Eligibility Dstrct Elgblty Notes district contribution are based on previous surveys. Official
5PE.483 Gast Mansion 1801 N Greenwood St Listed 06/03/1982 Contributes
determinations of eligibility are subject to further review and
5PE.491 Rosemount Mansion 419 W 14th St Listed 06/27/1975 Contributes
5PE.497 Baxter House/Bishop's House 325 W 15th Street Listed 02/17/1978 Contributes
5PE.513.22 421 W 11th St Officially Not Eligible Contributes
5PE.513.26 420-422 W 12th St Officially Not Eligible Contributes
5PE.513.27 428-430 W 12th St Officially Not Eligible Contributes
5PE.513.32 1116 Greenwood St Contributes
5PE.516.1 313 W 14th St Contributes
5PE.516.3 420 W 14th St Contributes
5PE.516.4 307 W 15th St Contributes Demolished
5PE.516.5 315 W 15th St Contributes
5PE.516.8 507 W 16th St Contributes Demolished
5PE.516.9 509 W 16th St Contributes Demolished
5PE.516.10 303 W 17th St Contributes
5PE.516.11 307 W 17th St Contributes
5PE.516.12 327 W 17th St Contributes
5PE.516.13 Parkview Hospital 406 W 17th St Contributes
5PE.516.14 605 W 17th St Contributes
5PE.516.15 610 W 17th St Contributes
5PE.516.16 302 W 18th St Contributes
5PE.516.17 306 W 18th St Contributes
5PE.516.18 401 W 18th St Contributes
5PE.516.19 409 W 18th St Contributes
5PE.516.20 419 W 18th St Contributes
5PE.516.21 423 W 18th St Contributes
5PE.516.22 425 W 18th St Officially Eligible Contributes
5PE.516.23 Thatcher School 1615 Court St Contributes Demolished
5PE.516.24 1607 N Elizabeth St Contributes Demolished
5PE.516.25 1701 N Elizabeth St Contributes
5PE.516.26 1707 N Elizabeth St Contributes
5PE.516.27 1800 N Elizabeth St Contributes
5PE.516.28 1801 N Elizabeth St Contributes
5PE.516.30 1402 N Grand Ave Contributes Demolished
5PE.516.31 1426 N Grand Ave Contributes
5PE.516.32 1701 N Grand Ave Contributes Demolished
5PE.516.34 1401 N Greenwood St Contributes Local Landmark
5PE.517.9 503 W 11th St Officially Not Eligible Contributes Demolished
5PE.517.11 615 W 11th St Contributes
5PE.517.13 619 W 11th St Contributes
5PE.517.15 701 W 11th St Contributes
5PE.517.16 713 W 11th St Contributes
5PE.517.17 721 W 11th St Contributes

Pueblo’s North Side Neighborhood

Site Number Property Name Address Natl Reg Eligibility Dstrct Elgblty Notes
5PE.517.22 511 W 12th St Contributes
5PE.517.23 515 W 12th St Officially Not Eligible Contributes
5PE.517.24 517 W 12th St Officially Not Eligible Contributes
5PE.517.25 522 W 12th St Officially Eligible Contributes
5PE.517.26 524 W 12th St Contributes
5PE.517.27 607 W 12th St Contributes
5PE.517.28 623 W 12th St Contributes
5PE.517.29 716 W 12th St Contributes
5PE.517.30 721 W 12th St Contributes
5PE.517.31 724 W 12th St Contributes
5PE.517.32 801 W 12th St Contributes
5PE.517.38 705 W 13th St Contributes
5PE.517.39 726 W 13th St Contributes
5PE.517.40 727 W 13th St Officially Eligible Contributes Local Landmark
5PE.517.41 728 W 13th St Contributes
5PE.517.42 802 W 13th St Contributes
5PE.517.46 624 W 14th St Contributes
5PE.517.47 711 W 14th St Contributes
5PE.517.48 715 W 14th St Contributes
5PE.517.49 723 W 14th St Contributes
5PE.517.50 725 W 14th St Contributes
5PE.517.54 719 W 15th St Contributes
5PE.517.55 725 W 15th St Officially Not Eligible Contributes Demolished
5PE.517.60 1205 N Elizabeth St Contributes
5PE.517.61 1117 N Greenwood St Contributes
5PE.517.62 1123 N Greenwood St Contributes
5PE.517.63 1125 N Greenwood St Contributes
5PE.517.64/5815 1201-1203 N Greenwood St Contributes
5PE.517.66 1116 West St Contributes
5PE.517.67 1117 West St Contributes
5PE.526.11 1810 N Elizabeth St n/a
5PE.526.12 1819 N Elizabeth St n/a
5PE.526.13 1827 N Elizabeth St n/a
5PE.526.14 1820 N Elizabeth St n/a
5PE.526.42 1827 N Grand Ave n/a
5PE.1144 119 W 14th St Officially Not Eligible Not Demolished
5PE.1179 802 W 12th St Officially Eligible Contributes
5PE.1220 707 W 15th St Officially Not Eligible Not
5PE.4175 Church of the Ascension 420 W 18th St Listed State Reg 2005 n/a
5PE.4200 Asbury White House 417 West 11th St Listed 10/11/1984 Contributes
5PE.4201 Allen J. Beaumont House 425 W 15th St Listed 08/18/1983 Contributes
5PE.4202 Temple Emanuel 1325 N Grand Ave Listed 03/14/1996 Contributes
5PE.4203 Frank Pryor House/Von Ahlefeldt Chateau 1325 N Greenwood St Listed 02/08/1985 Contributes

Section 3
Historical Context

Pueblo began as one of the greatest crossroads in the confluence of Fountain Creek and the Arkansas River, in
American west. The high plains just east of the Front 1858. An adjacent settlement, dubbed “Pueblo,” was estab-
Range of the Rocky Mountains marked a natural course lished during the winter of 1859 and spring of 1860. It was
north and south. The Arkansas River pierced the Front located west of Fountain Creek and north of the Arkansas
Range, connecting the arid Great Plains, to the east, with River. These two settlements acted as funnels, receiving
lush mountain parks, to the west. The Arkansas also served and processing the products of a great agricultural hinter-
as a political and cultural boundary; it marked the northern land to the north, east, and south and transporting them to
extent of Spanish and, later, Mexican territory. To the the hungry mountain mining camps to the west.2
north were French and American lands. Here, at the con- The arrival of General William Jackson Palmer’s
fluence of the Arkansas River and Fontaine Qui Bouille Denver & Rio Grande Railroad in 1872 made it even easi-
(Fountain Creek), was a gray area, where the American er for Pueblo area merchants to obtain supplies for mining
Indian, Spanish, Mexican, French and American mingled camps. Between that time and 1888, four more railroads
freely. It was practically inevitable, then, that settlers estab- arrived in Pueblo, forging in iron the burgeoning city’s role
lished a trading post, Fort Pueblo, in 1842. But like many as an economic, cultural, and political crossroads. The city
pioneer enterprises in the West, success–and even mere became Colorado’s principal railroad hub and, for decades,
survival–was fleeting. On Christmas day 1854, a band of the gateway to the state’s only mainline route to Salt Lake
Ute Indians attacked the fort and massacred its inhabitants. City and the West.
But the draw of commerce along this crossroads was The railroads also made the settlements at Fountain
ceaseless, and settlement continued despite the risks. 1
Creek and the Arkansas River the logical place to establish
Yet the future of Pueblo lay not in dusty trails and large-scale ore-processing facilities. Gold, silver, and other
prairie outposts but in cold, hard metal. In July 1859, a ore traveled out of the mountains to the west and arrived
group of prospectors, led by William Green Russell, dis- in Pueblo, where smelters refined them into bullion and
covered gold on Dry Creek, near present-day Denver, and pure metals. The railroads then shipped the metals to the
ignited the Colorado Gold Rush. Pueblo’s crossroads loca- rest of the nation. By the 1880s, Pueblo had become a
tion made it an ideal location to profit from the great mass- leader in metal refining and acquired a smoky mantle of
es heading west, proclaiming “Pikes Peak or bust.” Savvy industrial progress, which it would proudly wear for
businessmen established Fountain City, northeast of the decades.3

Pueblo’s North Side Neighborhood

The greatest of Pueblo’s metal refining enterprises Despite the area’s unparalleled economic success, the
was the vision of General Palmer. Part of the Denver & settlement remained politically divided. It was, in fact, three
Rio Grande’s early success was due to Palmer’s creation of contiguous but independently governed towns: Pueblo,
sister industries, which supplied business to his railroad. South Pueblo, and Central Pueblo. The towns formally
These included coal mining and smelting companies. At merged in 1886, the same year the town of Bessemer was
the same time, Palmer saw the eastern monopoly of rolled incorporated adjacent to the CF&I mill. The City of
iron and steel rail as an impediment to the future growth Pueblo annexed Bessemer in 1894 and became, at last, a
of his railroad. Thus, in 1880, he merged three of his united community.5
smaller companies to create the Colorado Coal & Iron
Company and capitalized the new organization at $10 mil- Early Development of the North Side
lion, the equivalent of $200 million today. The company Neighborhood
would supply business and rails to his railroad. The first
blast furnace was fired in 1881 and the following year the Neighborhood development north of what is now
mill rolled its first rails. Reorganized as the Colorado Fuel downtown Pueblo was at first quite tepid. The merchants
& Iron Company in 1892 and eventually known as the and the owners and laborers of the smelters, to the south,
CF&I Steel Corporation, the Pueblo plant eventually lived near their places of work. But the North Side’s geo-
became Colorado’s single largest employer, the biggest graphic isolation from Pueblo’s principal economic centers
Photo 3.1. The Colorado Fuel & Iron Company’s steel mill west of the Mississippi River, and one of the eventually made it the most desirable location in the city
Minnequa Works, circa 1918.
Stone, History of Colorado
greatest industrial complexes in the world.4 for an emerging merchant and professional class wishing to
show physically its separation from the largely blue-collar
world south of the Arkansas River. Indeed, the histories of
properties in this survey reveal that CF&I employees
inhabited few of the North Side’s houses. This was the
realm of entrepreneurs who, while ultimately dependent
on the city’s industrial class to fund their dreams, nonethe-
less did not toil in smelters and blast furnaces.6
The first property owners and, in some cases, devel-
opers in what would become Pueblo’s North Side
Neighborhood acquired their property through land grants
from the federal government. Those early homesteaders
included some of the most colorful individuals in the his-
tory of southeastern Colorado. Colonel John M. Francisco

CF&I Minnequa Works


Colorado State Mental Asylum/

Colorado State Hospital

Pueblo County Courthouse

Centennial School

Transparent Overlay 1
Colorado Cultural Resource Survey Report

Stone, History of Colorado

Figure 3.2: Bird’s-eye view of Pueblo, 1888, by H.P. Bicknell. While these kinds of maps were highly idealized and, therefore, often inaccurate, this image does show the relative relationship of notable
Pueblo landmarks to the North Side.This view is looking north to south, with the extreme southern portion of the survey area in the foreground.

Pueblo’s North Side Neighborhood

and Solomon Jones acquired the first land patent in section issued another land patent, for a 160-homestead in section
25 on October 1, 1867. The 160-acre parcel comprised the 25, to Amelia Bickham and Edward B. Cozzens. In addi-
south half of the southwest quarter of section 25 as well tion to the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of
as the north half of the northwest quarter of adjacent sec- section 25, the parcel also consisted of the southeast quar-
tion 36. Solomon Jones was born in Turkey in May 1871. ter of the southeast quarter of section 24; the southwest
He was a dry goods merchant, eventually settling in quarter of the southwest quarter of section 19; and the
Walsenburg. His partner, John Francisco, was born in 1820 northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section 30,
in Bath County, Virginia, to a family descended from the in range 64 west.8
Spanish aristocracy. In 1836, he moved to Missouri where Augustus Bartlett acquired a patent for his homestead
he outfitted wagon trains for the Santa Fe Trail. He accom- on August 5, 1869. It consisted of the west half of the
panied those trains to New Mexico in 1839 and 1848. The southeast quarter of section 24 and the west half of the
latter trip required 60 days to cross the wilderness. At the northeast quarter of section 25–a 160-acre parcel.9
end of the adventure, Francisco decided to settle perma- The federal government issued the next land patent
nently in the Southwest, starting businesses in northern for a portion of section 25 to pioneer Pueblo attorney,
New Mexico. Francisco moved to Colorado in 1851, when Colorado Territorial Supreme Court Justice, and U.S.
he became a sutler (a civilian who sells provisions to sol- Representative Judge Allen A. Bradford, on August 5,
diers) at Fort Massachusetts in the San Luis Valley. When 1869. The 160-acre homestead consumed the southeastern
the Army closed the outpost and moved to Fort Garland, quarter of the section. Bradford was born on July 23, 1815,
Francisco operated the store there for the U.S. in Friendship, Maine. He moved to Missouri in 1841,
Government. While at the fort, he sent goods he acquired where he began to study law. He was admitted to the bar in
in the San Luis Valley and New Mexico to Colonel A.G. Missouri in 1843. By 1845, he was clerk of the circuit court
Boone in Pueblo, who operated a mercantile on Santa Fe for Atchison County, Missouri. He moved to Iowa in 1851
Avenue, near First Street. In 1861, Francisco served and a year later was appointed a federal judge for the Sixth
Costilla County in the first Colorado Territorial Legislature. Judicial District. Bradford resigned his judgeship in 1855
He remained at Fort Garland until 1862, when he sold his when he moved to the Nebraska Territory, where he served
business. Francisco later acquired an old Spanish land in the legislative council. The judge settled in Central City,
grant, consisting of 1,700 acres along Cuchara Creek, Colorado Territory, in 1860. He moved to Pueblo two
where he built a stockade to protect his ranch. This stock- years later. He was appointed to the Colorado Territorial
ade eventually became the town of Le Veta. He died there Supreme Court in 1862, a position he held until his election
in 1902. Francisco Street in Pueblo is named in the to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1864. He was then
colonel’s honor. 7
twice reelected. Bradford returned to private practice in
On December 10, 1867, the federal government Pueblo in 1871. Allen Bradford married Emiline Cowles at

Colorado Cultural Resource Survey Report

St. Joseph, Missouri, on November 1, 1849. They had one North Side Neighborhood was established in 1869 with
son, Thomas Bradford, who continued his father’s law the filling of the County Addition to the City of Pueblo.
practice. Allen Bradford died on March 13, 1888. 10
The area consisted of Judge Bradford’s 160-acre property
Pueblo financial mogul Mahlon D. Thatcher received in the southeastern quarter of section 25. The plat map
a patent on May 10, 1870, for an 80-acre parcel in the reveals an unyielding grid of streets, stretching south to
southeast quarter of the southwest quarter of section 24 north from West Seventh Street through West Fourteenth
and the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter of sec- Street. Santa Fe Avenue marked the eastern boundary and
tion 25. Thatcher was one of the major forces in the devel- West Street the western boundary. All lots were oriented
opment of the North Side Neighborhood and will be dis- along the east-west streets and one block, bounded by West
cussed more fully later in this document. 11
Eleventh Street, North Main Street, West Tenth Street, and
Cyrus H. McLaughlin acquired a small parcel consist- Court Street was reserved for the Pueblo County
ing of the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of Courthouse.15
section 25, on July 1, 1870.12 The reality of Pueblo’s topography, however, often
Another leading player in developing the North Side betrayed the grandest plans of early neighborhood surveys.
was prominent stock dealer Philander Craig, who acquired Towering over the northeast corner of the County
a land patent for a portion of section 25 on September 20, Addition was, in fact, a steep bluff. Sanborn maps show
1870. It consisted of the south half of the northwest quar- that the sheer sides of the bluff severed West Twelfth
ter and the north half of the southwest quarter of section Street at North Greenwood Avenue. Greenwood itself was
20. He was born around 1833 in Indiana. His wife, Bethane only partially graded as it traversed the bluff. The lots in the
Craig, was also born around 1833, also in Indiana. They area were unbuildable until the bluff was graded, sometime
had 3 children: William, Ellen, Charles, and John.13 after 1889, two decades after Bradford platted the County
The patent for the last remaining parcel of public land Addition. Future North Side developers, however, often
in section 25 was issued to Denver real estate developer went out of their way to make sure their streets were fully
and broker Henry C. Brown on December 1, 1876. The 80- graded and lined with trees.16
acre property consisted of the southeast quarter of the The number of plat map filings involving the North
northeast quarter of section 25, as well as the southwest Side exploded in 1871, indicating a boom in real estate
quarter of the northwest quarter of adjacent section 30, in speculation north of downtown Pueblo. The first filing
range 64 west. Brown was born around 1825 in Ohio. His occurred on March 1, when Augustus Bartlett subdivided
wife, Jane Brown, was born in New York, around 1838. his homestead in the northern half of section 25. Bartlett
They had three children: James H., Carrie M., and Sherman & Miller’s Addition to the City of Pueblo was a joint effort
Thompson. 14
of Bartlett and Pueblo pioneer businessman and develop-
The first subdivision of what would become the er John D. Miller. Miller was born on March 22, 1836, in

Pueblo’s North Side Neighborhood

Great Plains between Leavenworth and Denver. In 1866,

he began ranching in the Arkansas Valley, but by the fall he
had moved to Pueblo. He engaged in real estate specula-
tion, at which he proved quite successful. In 1872, he and
T.W. Sayles opened a grocery store in Pueblo, which, by
1888, had developed into one the largest wholesale grocery
operations in southeastern Colorado. Miller was elected
Pueblo County Clerk, an office he held from 1868 through
1872. Miller was a founding member of the Pueblo Board
of Trade, helped establish and build First Presbyterian
Church (on lots he had purchased and then donated to the
church), was president of the Pueblo Light, Heat & Power
Company, and was involved in the construction of the
Colorado Mineral Palace. Miller married Lizzie Dotson on
Danby, New York. He enrolled in the Syracuse Institute in December 2, 1869, and had three daughters.17
Sanborn Map & Publishing Company | Library of Congress
Figure 3.3: This September 1889 Sanborn map depicts the
intersection of West Twelfth and North Greenwood streets, 1854. However, after two years of study, Miller left Bartlett & Miller’s addition was a rather revolutionary
where a ungraded bluff interrupted the rigid grid of streets.
Syracuse to join the free-state side of the skirmish in departure from earlier settlement patterns in Pueblo’s
Kansas. He preempted a homestead claim near Lawrence, North Side in that lots were oriented toward the north-
where he remained for a year. Then, in the spring of 1858, south streets rather than the east-west streets. However,
he joined a party of gold prospectors heading for the Pikes except for the large homes of wealthy individuals who
Peak area. He camped on the Fountain Creek only ten could afford the longer commute downtown, Bartlett &
miles north of present-day Pueblo. Despite two successful Miller’s Addition remained relatively undeveloped until the
summits of Pikes Peak and a foray into the San Luis Valley, turn of the twentieth century.18
Miller returned to Kansas empty-handed. But his gold A more immediately successful subdivision was
fever persisted, and Miller returned to Colorado in 1859, Philander Craig’s namesake addition. Situated closer to
prospecting at the Deadwood Diggings, Central City, downtown and immediately west of the quickly developing
California Gulch, Sulfur Springs, and Georgetown. At the County Addition, Craig’s Addition to the City of Pueblo
outbreak of the Civil War, Miller enlisted in Company F, was officially platted in April 1871. The original filing of
First Colorado Cavalry, in August 1861. He was mustered the subdivision consisted of the northeastern portion of
out in 1864 and returned to New York, where he planned Craig’s homestead in section 25, bounded by West
to remain. But like so many easterners who tasted life in Eighteenth Street on the North, Craig Street on the east,
the West, Miller returned, freighting goods across the West Eleventh Street to the south, and Carlton Street (now

Colorado Cultural Resource Survey Report

Conley Street) to the west. A year later, Craig expanded his Pueblo extended from Twenty-First Street, on the north, to
addition westward to include Baxter, Francisco, and Martin around Nineteenth Street, on the south, between Santa Fe
Streets, between West Fifteenth and West Eighteenth Avenue and High Street (now Grand Avenue).21
streets. Like the County Addition, Craig’s Addition orient- Like Bartlett & Miller’s Addition, surveyors oriented
ed all lots toward the east-west streets. 19
lots along the north-south streets. However, to make his
November 1871 brought two more subdivisions to the subdivisions more attractive, despite their then inconven-
neighborhood and introduced to Pueblo one of the most ient distances from downtown, Barndollar fully graded
prolific promoters and developers of the North Side streets, planted trees, and constructed model homes,
Neighborhood, Ferd Barndollar. He was born on including his own residence on the northwest corner of
December 8, 1847, in Everett, Pennsylvania, and received Court and West Nineteenth streets. In the years before the
an unusually advanced education for the time, attending Thatchers’ Hillcrest and Rosemount mansions, the
both Franklin and Dickson seminaries. Barndollar left Barndollar House was among the most gracious homes in
Pennsylvania in 1867 and traveled with a cattle train across southeastern Colorado. Completed on December 28, 1871,
the Great Plains. He arrived in Pueblo on October 18 of the mansard-roofed house, complete with cupola, was con-
that year. Realizing the unusual confluence of needs at structed in the popular and sophisticated French Second
Pueblo, where feverish city building intertwined with Empire style. The house may have appeared as a fantastic
numerous prospectors seeking supplies, Barndollar imme- castle as it loomed over the empty lots of the North Side
diately established a general mercantile and commissary, Neighborhood. Ferd Barndollar’s brother, Winifred J.
Ferd Barndollar & Company, which proved instantly and Barndollar, arrived in Pueblo in 1871 and constructed a
amazingly successful. His prosperity was a direct result of house at 1906 Court Street, directly across the thorough-
his business acumen. For example, builders up to that time fare from the Ferd Barndollar House. In one of the more
had to use wood for construction. Barndollar expanded his infamous moments in Pueblo history, an unknown
business to include Pueblo’s first brickyard, allowing assailant murdered Winifred Barndollar outside his home
masons to erect much larger and more permanent busi- during an 1896 robbery attempt.22
nesses and dwellings.20 Ferd Barndollar’s development efforts became even
In 1869, Barndollar turned his attention to his true more grandiose when, in 1888, he platted the Dundee
calling, real estate development. He joined with Denver Place subdivision, one of the most innovative planned
real estate speculators Henry C. Brown and David H. neighborhoods in Colorado. The project was financed
Moffat, and his local partner, John R. Lowther, in acquir- through Barndollar’s Dundee Home and Investment
ing land north of the County Addition. In early 1871, sur- Company, which also included John D. Miller, and J.E.K.
veyors platted two subdivisions for Barndollar. Ferd Henrick (or Herrick). Dundee Place spanned from West
Barndollar & Company’s First Addition to the City of Nineteenth through West Twenty-Fourth streets, between

Pueblo’s North Side Neighborhood

High Street (Grand Avenue) and West Street. As with his of Pueblo’s upper class who sought to remove themselves
previous development, Barndollar constructed unusual from more developed neighborhoods. A number of more
model homes to generate news and attract the curious, modest homes were constructed, however, particularly in
who would hopefully become buyers. One of these model the County Addition. These houses were often built in a
homes was a striking octagonal house at 2201 Grand local vernacular form that consisted of a one- or one-and-
Avenue. Dundee Place was also the first subdivision in a-half-story box with a front-gabled roof. These boxes
Pueblo–and one of the first in Colorado–to institute pro- were almost always constructed of adobe and, later, clay
tective covenants. These included restrictions on planting bricks.
cottonwood trees, “which turn the ladys’ [sic] black dress- But even these small houses were initially the resi-
es white.” 23
dences of Pueblo’s emerging professional class. For
Yet the most influential of these rules may have been instance, the small adobe dwelling at 705 West Fifteenth
a minimum building cost. Barndollar wanted to create the Street (5PE.5712), most likely dating to between 1870 and
most exclusive neighborhood in Pueblo and successfully 1880, was initially the home of M.J. Maley, a real estate bro-
petitioned the City to change the name of High Street to ker, and W.C. Stewart, a bookkeeper. The house at 409
Grand Avenue; he envisioned the thoroughfare eventually West Twelfth Street (5PE.5601) was a slightly more sophis-
Adam Thomas | Historitecture rivaling Denver’s Broadway. 24 ticated, masonry example of the form. Dating to between
Figures 3.4 and 3.5: The houses at 705 West Fifteenth
Street (5PE.5712, above) and 409 West Twelfth Street The final piece of the neighborhood to be developed 1875 and 1885, this small house was originally home to
(5PE.5601, below) are among the oldest in the North Side. was Henry C. Brown’s 80-acre parcel. The plat map of pioneer Pueblo attorney Edmund C. Glenn.26
The house above is constructed of adobe bricks.
Henry C. Brown’s Addition was filed at the Pueblo County Before 1880, the development of the North Side
Courthouse on May 25, 1889. It spanned Summit Street to Neighborhood, particularly north of Thirteenth Street,
Grand Avenue, between West Fifteenth Street and West was sparse indeed. But the construction of one house,
Eighteenth streets. The subdivision departed from its more more than any other event, established the North Side as
recent predecessors in that most lots were oriented on the Pueblo’s premier neighborhood for the burgeoning entre-
east-west streets. However, the lots along Santa Fe Avenue preneurial, professional, and merchant class. This house
were oriented toward that north-south thoroughfare. But was Mahlon Thatcher’s grand Hillcrest estate, the first true
most of the survey ultimately proved unnecessary; Mineral mansion constructed in Pueblo.27
Palace Park, established in 1891, consumed most of The three Thatcher brothers who settled in Pueblo
Brown’s Addition. 25
became one of the city’s greatest success stories. From
humble roots and with hard work, they rose to become one
Houses and Residents of the most powerful economic, social, and political forces
As mentioned above, many of the earliest houses in in the city and one of wealthiest families in Colorado. John
the North Side were either model homes or the residences Thatcher was the first of the brothers to arrive in the ter-

Overlay Layer 2: North Side subdivisions and dates of
filing with the Pueblo County clerk and recorder.

1888 Barndollar

Craig’s Bartlett & Henry C.

Addition Miller’s Brown’s
2nd Filing Addition Addition
1872 Craig’s 1871 1889
1st Filing

County Addition

Transparent Overlay 1
Overlay Layer 2: North Side subdivisions and dates of
filing with the Pueblo County clerk and recorder.

Overlay Layer 1: North Side homestead claims with

dates of land patents.

Thatcher Bartlett Bickham-Cozzens

1870 1869 1867





Colorado Cultural Resource Survey Report

Map 31: Homestead claims and subdivisions of Pueblo’s North Side Neighborhood.The heavy black line indicates the survey area.

Pueblo’s North Side Neighborhood

ritory. He came to Denver on September 15, 1862, and ini- Supreme Court justice.30
tially worked as a tanner. Trained as a clerk in his native The Thatchers were shrewd frontier capitalists: wher-
Pennsylvania, Thatcher sought work as a storekeeper, ever there was a need, they filled it, developing a diverse
eventually becoming the junior partner in a general store business portfolio. They were merchants, millers, mine
operated by James H. Voorheis (also spelled Voorhees) in owners, ranchers, Indian traders, and real estate developers.
Denver. One day, a customer from Pueblo arrived in the But their most successful and longest-lived business enter-
store and told Voorheis and Thatcher that his settlement prise began as an offshoot of their general mercantile busi-
badly needed a general store. The partners liked the idea so ness. “General stores frequently were the only place for
much that Vorhees agreed to set up Thatcher in the new hundreds of miles to deposit money,” writes local histori-
business in return for half of the profits. In 1863 John an Joanne West Dodds in her history of the Thatcher fam-
Thatcher established his general store in a rough, log cabin ily. “The brothers’ banking interests began as a courtesy to
near First Street and Santa Fe Avenue. Business proved so their general store customers. … Before long, the brothers
successful in the first few days that Thatcher had to request were making more money financing other men’s dreams
more inventory from Denver. 28
than they were in the general store.”31
John Thatcher’s business thrived, and he soon needed The Thatcher Brothers Bank opened on January 25,
Dodds, Hard Work Won the West | from the Pueblo City-County Library District
Figures 3.6 and 3.7: John Thatcher (above) and Mahlon assistance operating the general store. The obvious candi- 1871. John and Mahlon reorganized their fledgling finan-
Thatcher (below) constructed their grand estates on date for the job was his brother, Mahlon, who assisted their cial institution into the First National Bank of Pueblo on
Pueblo’s North Side.
father in operating the family’s general store in April 17, 1871. It became the fourth national bank in the
Martinsburg, Pennsylvania. In September 1864, John’s territory and established Pueblo as the financial center of
entreaties worked, and Mahlon agreed to head west. He left southern Colorado. While John and Mahlon served as offi-
Pennsylvania on February 21, 1865, and arrived in Pueblo cers and were major stockholders for the rest of their lives,
on March 19. The business only continued to increase it was Mahlon who acted as cashier, overseeing the day-to-
under the combined business acumen of the Thatcher day operation of the bank.32
brothers, becoming the premier retail store in southeastern By 1880, the Thatchers were very wealthy men indeed.
Colorado. 29
Yet their houses remained modest until Mahlon Thatcher
Calvin Henry Thatcher was the best educated of the hired that year one the nation’s most prominent architects
Thatcher brothers and trained as an attorney. Despite the to design a huge mansion for him and his family. Henry
prospects of a successful legal practice in Pennsylvania, the Hudson Holly had written two of the most influential
allure of the West pulled Henry to his brothers. Sometime architecture books of the late nineteenth century. Country
after 1866 he arrived in Pueblo and established a law prac- Seats (1863) and Modern Dwellings (1878) established the
tice. He quickly became a formidable political force in the whimsical styles of the Picturesque and Victorian eras as
territory and early state and served as Colorado’s first the only appropriate and truly tasteful house designs in

Colorado Cultural Resource Survey Report

America. The Queen Anne-style house Holly designed for

Mahlon Thatcher was of enormous proportions and
extravagant materials. A railroad car of bricks for the man-
sion arrived in January 1881 from Philadelphia. The bricks
were so carefully made that each was wrapped in paper and
cradled in hay. When completed, the three-story house
consisted of 41 rooms.33
The mansion was impressive in its own right. But its
location made it awe-inspiring and provided the estate its
name: Hillcrest. Mahlon Thatcher chose a block of real
estate at the highest point in what would become Pueblo’s
North Side. The location provided a 360-degree view from
the house’s numerous windows, verandas, porches and bal-
conies. Yet it was the view to the south that was the most
important. From a fashionable distance that was neither
too close to compromise the family’s privacy nor too far to
seem aloof, Mahlon Thatcher could gaze upon his business
empire and the city he helped create. Conversely, residents
in the rest of Pueblo could look up to Hillcrest, both as a
symbol of the Thatcher family’s success and as a beacon of Thatcher purchased a block of the neighborhood south-
Dodds, Hard Work Won the West | from the Pueblo City-County Library District
Figures 3.8: Mahlon Thatcher’s enormous Hillcrest man-
their own potential. Hillcrest established the North Side as east of his brother’s estate to build an equally impressive sion occupied a North Side location befitting the estate’s
the fashionable neighborhood for the up-and-coming cap- dwelling. John also hired Holly to design his house, which
italist, the successful merchant, or white-collar profession- was much more Romanesque in style than Hillcrest.
al. Dubbed Rosemount in honor of the favorite flower of
Mahlon and Luna Thatcher also extensively groomed John’s beloved wife, Margaret Thatcher, the three-story, 37-
the grounds of their hilltop estate. Under the supervision room mansion was completed in 1893. It featured pink
of landscape gardener M.A. Free, the grounds took over volcanic stone (rhyolite) quarried near Castle Rock and an
four years to complete and were “the most impressive in opulent interior, including Tiffany chandeliers. The firm of
the city.” Mahlon and Luna Thatcher continued to employ
Frederick Law Olmsted, America’s foremost landscape
a staff of gardeners and even constructed a large green- architect, designed the grounds. Thus, by 1900, two of the
house on land to the west. largest homes in Pueblo–and in Colorado–existed in the
The draw of the North Side only increased when John same neighborhood.35

Pueblo’s North Side Neighborhood

Moreover, the occupants and operations of Hillcrest bank most of his adult life, retiring as vice president after
and Rosemount became significant forces themselves in 46 years of service.36
the settlement of the North Side. In particular, many of In addition, Hillcrest and Rosemount required huge
the Thatchers’ business associates constructed their homes domestic staffs for the daily operation of the estates. Many
or moved into existing dwellings near the two great man- of those who did not actually reside in the servants’ quar-
sions. For instance, Albert S. Booth constructed his large ters within each mansion chose to live in some of the
house just north of Rosemount and northeast of Hillcrest, smaller houses in the neighborhood. For example, the orig-
at 425 West Eighteenth Street (5PE.516.22). He arrived in inal owner and resident of the small house at 1205 North
Pueblo on December 1, 1890, to become private secretary Elizabeth Street (5PE.517.60) was Theodore J. Mennitt,
to Mahlon Thatcher. The two quickly became close friends. coachman and chauffeur for John Thatcher. Guy W. Mann,
Thatcher appointed Booth as cashier of the bank on the personal florist to both Thatcher families, resided at
March 15, 1902, and, on February 1, 1913, he became vice 615 West Sixteenth Street (5PE.5725).
Figures 3.9: With the completion of John Thatcher’s
Rosemount mansion (5PE.491, far left) in 1893, the North president of the institution and received a seat on its board Unfortunately, Hillcrest did not survive even a centu-
Side became the preferred neighborhood for the showplaces of directors. Charles M. Thompson, another First National ry. After Luna Thatcher’s death on December 31, 1935, the
of Pueblo’s merchant princes. The other buildings (left to
right) are Hillcrest, the Allen J. Beaumont House (5PE.4201),
Bank executive, lived directly south of Rosemount, at 420 fate of the mansion became uncertain. Like many of the
and Rosemount’s coach house. West Fourteenth Street (5PE.516.3). He worked for the grand homes of the Gilded Age, its continued upkeep
became a burden to subsequent generations. Thus, Mahlon
Dodds, Hard Work Won the West | from the Pueblo City-County Library District

and Luna’s children donated the mansion and grounds to

the Pueblo chapter of the American Red Cross during
World War II. The Scottish Rite Temple Association of
Pueblo purchased Hillcrest in 1946 for $25,000. The
organization sought the property for two reasons. First, the
mansion could be used for smaller meetings and as a dor-
mitory for degree teams. Second, and more important, the
grounds provided a perfect hilltop site for the construction
of a Scottish Rite Temple. The cornerstone for the new
Temple was revealed on November 17, 1949, and laid on
April 13, 1950. The order held its first reunion in the unfin-
ished temple in November 1952. The Scottish Rite and its
associated orders officially moved from the downtown
Masonic Building in 1953 and held their meetings in the
basement of the new building until the auditorium was

Colorado Cultural Resource Survey Report

completed, in 1955. this project, few had residents who worked at CF&I. This
The new Scottish Rite Temple assumed Hillcrest’s is particularly notable when considering the enormity of
prestigious hilltop location. Yet architect Walter the mill as Pueblo employer. Among the blue-collar work-
DeMordaunt’s choice of architectural style was particular- ers residing in the neighborhood, railroad employees were
ly interesting for two reasons. First, the use of the most common. They tended to represent those rail-
International-style-inspired minimalism stood in marked roads that were geographically closest to the neighbor-
contrast to the vast majority of Scottish Rite temples in the hood. Thus, employees of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa
United States, which were often textbook examples of Fe Railway, with facilities immediately south and east of the
classicism. Second, the Masons intended to retain Hillcrest neighborhood, outnumbered those working for the
and physically connect it to their new temple. A brick pas- Denver & Rio Grande Western Railroad, which was cen-
Adam Thomas | Historitecture
Figures 3.10: Pueblo’s Scottish Rite Temple (5PE.5837)
sageway extending off the south end of the temple’s rear tered south of downtown. eventually took over Hillcrest’s lofty site.

(east) elevation connected to the north end of the house’s These blue-collar workers established an interesting
west elevation. Thus, when this complex was completed, it property transfer pattern in the North Side. They tended to
consisted of architectural opposites: the ornamented, com- keep a property’s ownership within the same occupation.
plex mansion joined to the austere, simple temple. Thus, railroad workers tended to sell their North Side
The Scottish Rite orders and associated organizations houses to other, unrelated railroad workers. For instance,
used this temple into the 1990s, long after the demolition around 1900 the owner of 611 West Eleventh Street
of Hillcrest, but membership continued to decline. Only (5PE.5595) was James A. Longinotti, foreman of the Pueblo
July 7, 1998, the Scottish Rite Temple Association sold its Chieftain’s bindery department. Prior to 1914, he sold the
temple and grounds to the adjacent Parkview Medical house to Edward M. Scott, a typesetter for the same news-
Center for $1.3 million. Parkview uses the building as its paper.38
West Annex, housing its business services, fitness center, White-collar workers, however, were far more com-
and Rosemount Room. The site of Hillcrest is now a park- mon in the neighborhood, particularly before 1930. Many
ing lot. Descendants of John and Mahlon Thatcher built of the smaller houses were the residences of teachers,
other grand residences in the North Side, often within view small business owners, clerks, and bookkeepers. The larger
of Hillcrest and Rosemount. Most have been demolished. houses were the residences of doctors, attorneys, and more
Happily, however, Rosemount has been preserved and is often, self-made entrepreneurs in the fashion of the
open to the public as a house museum. 37
Thatchers. Again and again, the individual property histo-
As mentioned earlier, much of the attraction to the ries repeat the story: an individual arrived in Pueblo, dis-
North Side had to do with its geography–it was located on covered and supplied an underserved market, and amassed
the opposite side of Pueblo from CF&I’s steel mill. a fortune. Typical of the pioneer Pueblo entrepreneur, who
Indeed, in the individual property histories complied for tended to diversify his business interests like the Thatchers,

Pueblo’s North Side Neighborhood

was Edgar Olin, who resided at 727 West Thirteenth Street edly higher ground was even more enticing to those who
(5PE.517.40). With his brothers Fred E. and Ceylon E. could afford to do so. Often, however, this migration
Olin, Edgar Olin established a successful icehouse, bottling resulted in the vacancy of large houses in the southern por-
works, vinegar and pickle factory, funeral home, dairy, and tion of the neighborhood. As this trend was occurring, in
grocery store.39
the first three decades of the twentieth century, much of
Later entrepreneurs tended to focus on just one busi- Pueblo’s working class existed in economic turmoil. Thus,
ness. An example of this pattern was Asbury White, who as the wealthy professionals left these houses, the new
came to Pueblo in 1880. He had worked as a clerk in a gen- owners, who were often less affluent than the former occu-
eral mercantile in Creston, Iowa, and subsequently became pants, were forced to divide large residences into apart-
a clerk at the Nusbaum General Merchandise Store in ments.
Pueblo. It was there that he met Samuel E. Davis, with Another example of this trend was pioneer Pueblo
whom, in 1889, White established the White & Davis jeweler Gorton Elwell Rushmer, founder and manager of
Adam Thomas | Historitecture
Figures 3.11: Asbury White’s residence at 1819 West
Elizabeth Street (5PE.526.12) marked the pinnacle of the Clothing Store. Their enterprise soon became one of the the highly successful Rushmer Jewelry Store. He initially
merchant’s success.
largest mercantile stores in southeastern Colorado, rivaled resided with his family in a large house at 720 West Twelfth
only by the Crews-Beggs Dry Goods Company. Street (5PE.5610). Around 1904, however, he constructed
White initially resided in a small house at 419 West a new, but not necessarily larger house at 1827 North
Eleventh Street (5PE.5588). With the meteoric success of Elizabeth Street (5PE.526.13). Rushmer resided at this
his department store, he commissioned Pueblo architect address the rest of his life. His former home, however, ulti-
Francis W. Cooper to design a large dwelling immediately mately became a boarding house.41
east, at 417 West Eleventh Street (5PE.4200). But as White
looked toward retirement, he desired a residence that North Side Institutions
reflected his decades of business success. Thus, in 1925 he
commissioned Pueblo’s leading architect, William W. Mineral Palace Park
Stickney, to design a grand home at 1819 North Elizabeth Following the Civil War, Americans became obsessed
Street (5PE.526.12), which was completed in 1926. 40
with public spectacles and enormous expositions. The
Asbury White’s relocation to a larger house in the trend peaked with the 1876 Centennial Exposition in
northern portion of the neighborhood was a common Philadelphia, the 1893 World’s Columbian Exposition in
trend among the prominent business owners and profes- Chicago, and the 1904 World’s Fair in St. Louis. These
sionals in the North Side. Moving northward, away from events were enormously successful because America’s
the center of commerce, made a statement that the entre- transportation network had matured to the point that inter-
preneur had arrived at a point of financial independence. city travel was not only practical, but relatively simple. At
After the great flood of 1921, moving northward to decid- the same time, the middle class swelled and so, too, did dis-

Colorado Cultural Resource Survey Report

posable incomes. Cities and towns across the country however, was the style of the building, which Burlow
developed their own spectacles and expositions to lure referred to as “modernized Egyptian.” Oriented to the
tourists and their money. south, the building featured a colonnade of 28 brick
In the early 1880s, ardent Colorado boosters Horace columns along its south, east, and west elevations. Capping
Tabor and William Loveland promoted the creation of an the columns at the corners of the building were huge
exposition of the state’s vast mineral wealth and burgeon- globes, ten feet in diameter, painted to resemble the earth.43
ing industrial might. The National Mining and Industrial The interior of the building, designed by Levy of New
Exposition opened in the summer of 1882 on a 40-acre York, dripped in ornament. At the base of each heavily
site along South Broadway in Denver. The central hall of sculpted column, painted in metallic finishes, were display
the main exposition building stretched 500 feet, connecting cases for the huge mineral collection. Punctuating the ceil-
four, long wings. At the corners of the building rose enor- ing were 28 domes. This included 25 smaller domes that
mous towers. The exposition reopened for the summers of measured 28-feet in diameter and hosted paintings of
1893 and 1894. But like many of the era’s expositions, the Colorado wildflowers. Two other domes were 42-feet in
thrill of the spectacle wore off and the crowds diminished diameter. Spanning the vast space at the center of the hall
before the enormous building costs–and ever-mounting was a grand, 90-foot dome. Painted on it were four medal-
operating debt–could be repaid. The exposition never lions depicting figures from the development of Colorado:
reopened.42 an Indian, a prospector, a cowboy, and a merchant.
Still the idea of the National Mining and Industrial Presiding over the hall, on either side of the main stage,
Exposition continued to burn in the minds of Pueblo were two enormous sculptures. King Coal was a gift from
boosters, who saw their city, not Denver, as the center of Trinidad and Las Animas County. The Town of Aspen
Colorado’s mineral and industrial wealth. On December provided Queen Silver.44
31, 1888, W.W. Palmer, Ferd Barndollar, and O.H.P. Baxter More important for the development of the North
incorporated the Pueblo Mineral Palace and Industrial Side, however, was the location of the Colorado Mineral
Association. Notably, all three men were heavily invested in Palace. The building itself occupied a city block, on the
North Side properties, a factor that ultimately figured into south side of West Nineteenth Street, between North Main
the exposition’s location. The corporation eventually hired Street and North Santa Fe Avenue. The grounds, however,
Pueblo architect Otto Burlow to design a grand edifice to stretched southward from the main door of the Mineral
house their exposition. The result was the Colorado Palace, initially consuming a 16-block area, nearly all of
Mineral Palace, one of the most unusual buildings ever Henry C. Brown’s Addition. By 1896 these intricately man-
constructed in the state. Opened to great fanfare on July 4, icured gardens became Mineral Palace Park–a setting fit for
1891, the building was massive, containing over 30,000 a palace. The park was the epitome of the City Beautiful
square feet of exhibition space. What was most striking, movement that swept the nation following the 1893

Pueblo’s North Side Neighborhood

World’s Columbian Exposition in Chicago. The choice of attribute–and another selling point for the developers of
this location, however, reflected the North Side’s role as a its subdivisions.45
retreat from Pueblo’s industrial grit. Expositions were Unfortunately, the Colorado Mineral Palace suffered
intended to boost a city’s image, attract tourist money, and from the same astronomical building costs and mounting
even lure people into relocating. From the higher stories of operational debt that doomed so many expositions in the
the Mineral Palace, CF&I would have been visible and awe- late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. From the
some, but safely at a distance. Bringing visitors through the genesis of the enterprise, many of the individuals who
pledged financial support for the project failed to pay. This
resulted in many building compromises including a deci-
sion not to install any kind of heating system. Thus, not
only was the Mineral Palace forced to close in the winter,
but also the frigid temperatures cracked and loosened the
ornate plasterwork, increasing long-term maintenance
costs. The lack of funding caused the hall to be closed
entirely through 1894. But the Colorado Mineral Palace
would ultimately die a long, slow death. The City of Pueblo
created park District No. 1 and assumed ownership of the
Mineral Palace and its park. The park district converted the
building into a pavilion and exhibition hall, hosting car
shows and the like. In the 1930s, laborers from the Works
Progress Administration renovated the building and fur-
ther enhanced the park, building a bathhouse, boathouse,
and band shell. They installed sidewalks and walls around
the park and Lake Clara, which was located at the south-
North Side would have taken them near the recently com- eastern corner of the park. But the WPA’s efforts to save
Pueblo City-County Library District
Figures 3.12: The Colorado Mineral Palace and Gardens
in 1907. While the palace itself has been demolished, its last- pleted Hillcrest, later Rosemount, and other grand homes. the building were ultimately in vain. The City razed the
ing legacy has been its grounds, which now constitute Mineral
Palace Park. As mentioned above, the incorporating directors of the Colorado Mineral Palace in 1942, selling many of the min-
Mineral Palace were all North Side developers. Thus, the eral displays to a smelter in Leadville.46
exposition showcased the wide streets and generous lots of Despite the demolition of the Colorado Mineral
Barndollar’s Dundee Place and other North Side subdivi- Palace and the loss of a swath of land along the eastern
sions. In return, the Colorado Mineral Palace and, particu- edge of the park for what would become Interstate 25,
larly, its park gave the North Side yet another desirable Mineral Palace Park remains an important feature of

Colorado Cultural Resource Survey Report

Pueblo’s North Side Neighborhood. It acts as a counter- promoted, and they are more content, their duties having a
balance to City Park, located south of the city, providing tendency to awaken an interest in the institution and a feel-
North Siders with their own place for recreation and ing that herein they have a home.” As early as 1884, the
escape. hospital’s farm and gardens, which the patients tended,
produced beans, beets, cabbages, cucumbers, cantaloupes,
Colorado State Hospital dry corn fodders, garden peas, green corn, lettuce, onions,
The largest of the North Side’s two major healthcare parsnips, squash, tomatoes, chickens, and milk.
institutions was also the oldest, the Colorado State At the center of Dr. Thomas’s philosophy was the
Hospital. On February 8, 1879, the Colorado legislature goal of curing as many of his patients as possible.
created an institution to care and treat the state’s mentally Previously, the insane were generally housed in asylums
ill. At the time, reform movements across the country with little thought of their eventual discharge. “The object
demanded more effective government care of the mental- of the Asylum treatment is the cure of the insane,” Dr.
ly ill, who, in the past, had been generally institutionalized Thomas wrote in his 1890 annual report. “I am not in favor
with little concern about their treatment. Colorado’s first of either overcrowding or building large asylums…as such
U.S. Senator, George M. Chilcott, donated a Pueblo farm- establishments serve principally for the custodial care of
house and 40 acres of land, located at the west end of the insane, and the Superintendent is compelled to devote
Thirteenth Street, for the facility. Management consisted of a great share of his time to the business feature of the
a three-person board of appointed commissioners and a institution, thus interfering with the individualized care and
superintendent, who was initially Dr. P.R. Thomas. The treatment of the Patients.”
Colorado State Mental Asylum opened on October 23, Yet the state continued to send more of the chroni-
1879, with 14 patients who previously boarded in Illinois. cally insane to Dr. Thomas, who had to devote more and
(Prior to the opening of the Colorado State Mental more of his time “to the business feature of the institu-
Asylum, counties sent the insane to various eastern institu- tion.” By 1883, wings to the original farmhouse and sub-
tions.) In its first year, the hospital admitted 77 patients, 25 stantial masonry buildings increased the capacity of the
of whom were discharged and 12 died. 47
facility to 220 patients, but conditions remained cramped
Dr. Thomas advocated an innovative treatment cen- and the facilities inadequate. While Dr. Thomas paroled
tered on providing the patient with a suitable daytime occu- and discharged as many patients as was safely possible, the
pation, preferably outdoors. He also desired a program rich number of chronically insane, who would never be able to
in music, reading, correspondence, visitation, and enter- leave the institution, only grew. However, Dr. Thomas and
tainment. “A large number of patients are employed in and subsequent superintendents did achieve a victory when it
about the institution,” Dr. Thomas wrote in the 1886 annu- came to the physical layout of asylum buildings at the hos-
al report. “In giving them bodily exercise their health is pital. They detested the large, gloomy institutional build-

Pueblo’s North Side Neighborhood

ings of older, eastern asylums. Instead, they advocated the emphasized individual patient freedom, and the facility was
“cottage plan,” which envisioned a campus of modest, made to feel as homelike as possible. That same year, the
comfortable buildings in which the patients lived and 120-acre hospital facility had 1,200 patients and 125
worked. In 1893, the state legislature adopted a law direct- employees.
ing all new construction at the asylum be of moderate size On April 10, 1917, the legislature changed the name of
and on the cottage plan. Unfortunately, the cottage plan the institution to the Colorado State Hospital (CSH).
also recommended that no one institution should have Unfortunately, the state also required the facility to receive
over 500 patients. In 1889, as the population of the Pueblo all cases committed to it, whether or not the hospital had
asylum approached that number, the superintendent peti- room for the patients. By 1923, the average daily popula-
tioned the legislature to open another asylum in Denver. tion at CSH was 2,422 people. Superintendent Dr. H.A.
Unfortunately, his request would require more than 70 LaMoure again urged the state to open a second hospital in
years to fulfill, when the Fort Logan Metal Health Center the northern portion of the state. This time, however,
opened in 1961. 48
Pueblo businessmen opposed the move. CSH had become
In 1896, a staff of physicians volunteered their serv- a major economic force in the city and they feared a newer
ices to the asylum. They were R.W. Corwin, Hubert Work, second hospital would lead to closure of the older Pueblo
A.T. King, Rilla G. Hay, E.M. Marbourgh, and W.W. facility.
Bulette, all from Pueblo; and E.J.A. Rogers and Clayton The hospital continued to struggle with cramped,
Parkhill, from Denver. By 1902, the staff consisted of 47 inadequate facilities. New construction between 1916 and
employees, including 23 nurses. The 80-acre facility had 1928 provided room for 327 additional patients, yet they
became a major employer and economic force in Pueblo, hospital had 1,378 admissions during that same period.
with many of the hospital’s employees residing in the near- The Great Depression, however, actually provided some
by North Side Neighborhood. relief of the hospital’s cramped conditions. Laborers for
Nonetheless, the hospital’s facilities remained inade- the Public Works Administration constructed three ward
quate even after the turn of the twentieth century. It lacked buildings, a dining hall and kitchen, and completed an addi-
a laboratory, medical equipment, an operating room, and tion to the nurses’ home. Further relief came in 1961,
other basic needs. Nurses refused to work at the hospital when Superintendent Dr. W.H. Bower launched a radical
because they had to live in rooms in the same wards as their transformation of the institution, which by then had a
patients. But the reforms of the Progressive era swept population of over 6,000 people. In March 1962, the state
through the mental heath field and revolutionized the hos- finally decentralized its metal health care system, establish-
pital. In 1913-14, the facility expanded its staff to include ing a system of regional mental hospitals.
five full-time physicians, a dietician, a pharmacist, and a
part-time dentist. More scientifically based treatments Parkview Medical Center

Colorado Cultural Resource Survey Report

Parkview Medical Center began as a response to one

of the worst disasters to ever beset Pueblo, the great flood
of June 1921. As the Arkansas River raged and left its
banks, it cut off victims on the north side of the city from
the area’s only two hospitals, St. Mary’s and Corwin, which
were both located on the south side of the city. This con-
vergence of geography and a natural disaster ultimately
cost lives. But in 1923, a group of six Pueblo physicians
established their own medical facility in Pueblo’s North
Side Neighborhood: Parkview Hospital.
The hospital opened on March 17, 1923, in a convert-
ed house on the southwest corner of West Seventeenth
Street and North Grand Avenue. Not surprisingly, its
board of directors largely consisted of the North Side
Neighborhood’s most prominent men, including Mahlon
Thatcher, Raymond Thatcher, Robert S. Gast, E.I.
Crockett, Thomas A. Duke, and Sumner W. Pressey.
In 1926, Parkview completed a formal, 4-story, 28-bed
hospital building immediately west of the old house, along
West Seventeenth Street. While the new, L-shaped building
was of modern, fireproof construction, architect William
W. Stickney chose to decorate the building in the Tudor- wing added another 50 beds to the facility.
4Pueblo Chieftain | from Parkview Medical Center
Figures 3.14: Parkview Hospital circa 1940. This image
revival style. By 1948, subsequent alterations expanded the DeMordaunt also designed the next major addition to shows architect William W. Stickney’s original tudor-revival
hospital building before an addition to its west side (at right
bed capacity to 100. the hospital, a 3-story, 72-bed facility extending across the in photo).
The first major addition to the hospital was complet- entire south elevation of the original hospital building and
ed in 1950, just two years after the Episcopal Diocese of its 1950 addition. Completed in 1961, this addition, known
Colorado purchased Parkview. Designed by Stickney’s suc- as the south wing, was minimalist in style and moved the
cessor, architect Walter DeMordaunt, the addition extend- principal entrance from West Seventeenth Street to West
ed the original building to the west, but masterfully main- Sixteenth Street. The most interesting architectural feature
tained the same proportions and Tudor style. This L- of this building was the concrete hoods over each of the
shaped building then turned the entire facility into a U, windows. DeMordaunt designed this wing to accommo-
with the spine parallel to West Seventeenth Street. This date additional stories and, in 1965, Parkview added anoth-

Pueblo’s North Side Neighborhood

er three stories, including a top-floor solarium. Office Building, at 1600 North Grand Avenue.
In 1970, Parkview expanded the single-story emer- Today, Parkview is the region’s only locally governed
gency department, extending from the main building’s medical facility and is a leader in acute medical care and
south elevation, to include also the surgery department. behavioral medicine. The facility provides cardiac and neu-
This addition required the hospital to permanently close rological surgery as well as a Level I trauma center. The
West Sixteenth Street between North Grand Avenue and hospital’s service area includes Pueblo and 27 additional
Greenwood Street. With the simultaneous completion of counties, covering 45,432 square miles or 43 percent of the
the North Annex, on the northeast corner of West entire state of Colorado. Parkview is the largest private sec-
Seventeenth and Greenwood streets, the hospital expand- tor employer in Pueblo with 1,950 employees.49
ed its capacity to 350 beds, which it maintains today.
Parkview broke ground on another expansion to the emer- Transportation in the North Side
gency and surgery departments in 1984, adding a two-story
structure to the existing single-story wing. Certainly no other innovations made the settlement of
In the late 1980s, the Episcopal Diocese of Colorado neighborhoods distant from city centers as practical as the
leased the hospital to the Parkview Episcopal Hospital streetcar and, ultimately, the automobile. Public transit
Association, which in turn contracted Parkview Health came to Pueblo unusually early, a testament to the city’s
System to operate the facility. The diocese eventually began skyrocketing growth and prosperity. By 1878, the city had
selling its interests in the hospital directly to Parkview a horse-drawn streetcar system, the Pueblo Street Railroad,
Health System. Around 1992, Parkview Health System with over a mile of track connecting the commercial cen-
completed a four-story addition to the west end of the ter of downtown (then at Santa Fe Avenue and Fifth
south elevation, providing a major entrance from North Street) to the Denver & Rio Grande Railroad station at
Greenwood Street, as well as a new lobby at North Grand West B and Victorian streets (now the site of Union
Avenue and West Sixteenth Street. In April 1997, the dio- Depot). In 1882, the tracks extended southward to the new
cese sold its remaining interest in the hospital–the original Colorado Coal & Iron Company’s steel mill. Similarly, the
Tudor-Revival building–to the health system for $838,000. arrival of the new State Hospital pulled the tracks north-
The most recent addition was completed in 2002 and ward, suggesting that, at the time at least, the hospital was
obscured almost all but the upper stories of the east end of akin to the steel mill in its workforce and economic impact.
the 1961/1965 addition. The 2002 addition was four sto- The State Hospital line traveled on West Tenth Street from
ries and spanned at an angle (from southwest to northeast) Main Street to West Street. From there, the rails traveled
the 1992 addition and remodeled and expanded lobby. This north on West Street to West Thirteenth Street, where the
project also provided better access to the pedestrian bridge line turned west and terminated at Francisco Street.50
connecting the main hospital to the Parkview Medical Yet Ferd Barndollar and other North Side developers

Colorado Cultural Resource Survey Report

saw the streetcar as another way to bring more residents

northward and further enhance their vision of Grand
Avenue. As Morris Cafky and John A. Haney observe in
Pueblo’s Steel Town Trolleys:

The city was also growing northward. Since

this new growth included the building of some
substantial homes for local nobility and gentry,
the street railway’s managers decided they had
better say yes to requests for car service. A switch
was spiked in at Tenth and Grand, and a short
branch of the state hospital line was built north
on Grand to 16th Street. In the electric traction
era, this modest branch would grow to become
the company’s longest route.51

Technological innovations underway as Pueblo estab-

lished its first streetcar system allowed transit systems and
the neighborhoods they served to grow exponentially. In
1890, Frank Julian Sprague contracted with the Richmond,
Virginia, Union Passenger Railway to design and build an
electrically powered public transportation system serving
the entire city. The result was the first successful electrified developmental pattern of suburban housing. Whereas Cafky and Haney, Pueblo's Steel Town Trolleys | from WestPlains Energy
Figures 3.14: Pueblo’s horse-drawn streetcars tied the
streetcar system in the United States. Within a few years, older railroad suburbs had developed circularly around North Side to the rest of the city and laid the foundation for
train stations, those served by streetcars grew in a rectilin- a much more extensive electrified system.
cities across the country installed extensive electric street-
car systems, which could haul more passengers at a faster ear pattern along streetcar lines, forming a suburban hous-
speed and with less pollution than horse-drawn or steam- ing corridor. The size and mobility of streetcars allowed
powered conveyances.52 drivers more flexibility in making frequent stops, some-
These streetcar systems transformed neighborhood times at every block. Consequently, homes at any point
landscapes physically, demographically, and commercially. along the streetcar line were essentially their own stations,
Throughout the United States, the physical layout of the providing convenience for just about every resident. The
streetcar system directly affected the organizational and “suburban ring” expanded and led to lower density hous-

Pueblo’s North Side Neighborhood

ing. Freestanding, single-family, suburban homes, built Street Railway Company and prosperity soon returned.
using balloon-frame construction, a mass-production-era Indeed, the streetcar system became so successful that it
innovation, sat on relatively large lots that increased in size attracted the attentions of John and Mahlon Thatcher, who
as one moved further from the city center. 53
purchased financial control of the Pueblo Electric Street
Installation of streetcar systems triggered changes in Railway Company in 1898. They merged the company with
the demography of suburban neighborhoods. Since street- their Pueblo Light & Power Company to create the Pueblo
car lines ran through crowded urban city centers just as Traction & Electric Company. Further consolidation creat-
they did in tranquil and spacious suburbs, virtually all peo- ed the Pueblo & Suburban Traction & Lighting Company.
ple used the streetcar to get to work, regardless of their In 1911, the Thatchers sold control of their power and
socio-economic status; all could enjoy mobility. As a result, streetcar system to H.M. Byllesby & Company, one of the
as one group moved out of a neighborhood to the coun- first major utility holding companies, who reorganized
tryside, another group, usually lower on the economic lad- Pueblo’s streetcar and power company as the Arkansas
der, was able to take its place. In general, suburbs began to Valley Railway, Light & Power Company. As a result of the
develop into overwhelmingly white, middle-class neighbor- financial crisis following the 1921 flood, Byllesby reorgan-
hoods, a characterization that continued through the rest ized the company once again, this time as the Southern
of the twentieth century. Colorado Power Company.55
The development of suburbs along streetcar lines also During Pueblo’s electric streetcar era, from around
spurred commercial growth, once confined to urban city 1890 through 1947, three separate routes served the North
centers, in suburban areas. Entrepreneurs recognized the Side Neighborhood. The Lake Minnequa-Grand
changing dynamics of life in the city and began building Avenue/Fairmount Park route was, with the Bessemer-
grocery stores, bakeries, and drug stores at the intersec- East Pueblo route, the busiest section of rail in the entire
tions of major streetcar lines. 54
system and comprised the major north-south corridor
The first electric streetcar began plying Pueblo’s through the North Side Neighborhood. The line started at
streets in June 1890. The demonetization of silver in 1893 Lake Minnequa, on the southern edge of the city, and trav-
led to financial panic and depression that lingered through eled north on Main Street, through downtown, to Tenth
the 1890s. Pueblo was particularly hard hit by the financial Street, following the route of the horse-drawn streetcars to
downturn, and a severe flood of the Arkansas River, on Grand Avenue. From there, the line traveled north on
May 30, 1894, made the situation worse. Not surprisingly, Grand Avenue to Twenty-Fourth Street. The intersection
the Pueblo City Railway Company entered receivership in of Grand Avenue and Twenty-Fourth Street was an impor-
late 1894 and was sold at foreclosure to the company’s tant operational node on the streetcar network. It was here
bondholders on August 31, 1895. In September, the bond- that a wye in the track allowed trolleys with “Grand
holders reorganized the company as the Pueblo Electric Avenue” destination signs to turn around and return to

Map 3.3: Pueblo’s streetcar system in the North Side,
To terminus at Cheyenne Street imposed on a present-day street map.

Horse-Drawn Streetcar System, 1889

Electric Streetcar System, 1921

Lake Minnequa-Grand Avenue-Fairmount Park Route

Irving Park-Orman Avenue Route

West Abriendo Avenue-Mineral Palace Route

Transparent Overlay 1
Colorado Cultural Resource Survey Report

Map 3.3: Pueblo’s streetcar system in the North Side,

imposed on a present-day street map.

Horse-Drawn Streetcar System, 1889

To downtown and points south

Pueblo’s North Side Neighborhood

Lake Minnequa. Those trolleys with “Fairmount Park” that intersection.58

destination signs turned west onto Twenty-Fourth Street The West Abriendo-Mineral Palace line was the third
for the remainder of their northwesterly journey. Not sur- route serving the North Side. It was only lightly traveled
prisingly, a small commercial district sprang up at this inter- and, thus, existed only briefly. From the southwestern ter-
section, evolving from this streetcar hub. 56
minus at West Abriendo Avenue and Arthur Street, the line
As mentioned earlier, the Lake Minnequa-Fairmount traveled through downtown via Santa Fe Avenue. The
Park route was the longest in the entire system. As Cafky route turned west on Fifteenth Street and stopped to dis-
and Haney note, before widespread automobile ownership charge passengers at the southern gates of Mineral Palace
this route was exceptionally popular on holidays and Park. From there the streetcar would loop southward on
Sundays as residents sought a recreational excursion. Also, Main and return to West Abriendo Avenue. In 1913, the
during the rush hours, additional cars were assigned city decided to pave Main Street north of Tenth Street. The
between Lake Minnequa and Grand Avenue-Twenty- Arkansas Valley Railway, Light & Power Company decided
Fourth Street, indicating the high volume of North Side not to invest in the costly track modifications necessary for
residents who commuted to and from downtown work- the paving and abandoned the line north of Tenth Street.
places.57 After all, its heavily traveled Grand Avenue corridor was
The second, more lightly traveled route serving the only one block west of the park. This route was eventual-
North Side was the Irving Place-Orman Line. From its ly truncated into a spur or shuttle line between the West
southern terminus near Indiana and Abriendo avenues, the Abriendo Avenue-Arthur Street terminal and Mesa
line traveled north on Orman Avenue and Union Avenue Junction.59
to downtown. Here it followed the route of its sister Lake The North Side Neighborhood developed many of
Minnequa-Grand Avenue line north on Main Street and the characteristics common to streetcar suburbs. As men-
west on Tenth Street. However, the Irving Place-Orman tioned above, small commercial districts developed at par-
Avenue route continued west on Tenth Street to Elizabeth ticularly prominent stops, as at Grand and Twenty-Fourth,
Street, where it turned north. After traveling three blocks and Elizabeth and Thirteenth. As well, the large houses
north on Elizabeth, the line turned west on Thirteenth and mansions of the neighborhood’s professional and
Street to Francisco and what was then the main gate of the merchant class were generally located close, if not on, one
Colorado State Hospital. Streetcars then traveled north on of the trolley routes. Of the eight residential properties in
Francisco and west on Seventeenth Street to a wye at this survey area previously listed in the National Register,
Hooper Street, in the Irving Place Addition. Like the hub all of them were within one block or less of a major street-
at Grand Avenue and Twenty-Fourth Street, the line’s car line. All of the neighborhood’s major institutions,
curve from Elizabeth Street to West Thirteenth Street including the Colorado State Hospital, Parkview Hospital,
sparked the development of a small commercial area at and Mineral Palace Park were located directly on streetcar

Colorado Cultural Resource Survey Report

lines. As well, most of its churches, including Church of Architects

the Ascension and Temple Emmanuel, were on or within a
block of a route. Although it is unclear whether it was the Because of the large number of public buildings and
result of planning or the influence of the streetcar lines, high-style residences in the North Side, architects played an
residential lots along the trolley routes did become larger important role in shaping the neighborhood’s built envi-
the farther they were from downtown. Around Grand ronment. Below are some of the most notable Pueblo
Avenue and Tenth Street, houses generally occupied single architects who designed North Side buildings. While many
lots measuring 5,280 square feet. Ten blocks north (and ten of the properties listed here are within the North Side, they
blocks farther from downtown), houses were generally may be located outside of the survey area and, therefore,
built on double lots measuring a total of 8,400 square feet. do not appear elsewhere in this document.
Adam Thomas | Historitecture
The proliferation of the automobile through the Figures 3.15: Pueblo’s first architect, Patrick P. Mills,
designed the Owen Caffrey House (5PE.517.17) at 721 West
1920s ultimately eroded the streetcar monopoly on rapid Patrick P. Mills
Eleventh Street.
transit and closed systems across the country following Likely the first architect to open an office in Pueblo,
World War II. The automobile provided more flexibility Patrick P. Mills came to the city in 1880 from Wooster,
and freedom than the streetcar could ever provide. As a Massachusetts. He specialized in large, public buildings,
result, suburbs developed even further from downtown. including the women’s wing of the Colorado State
Following World War II, many of the wealthy business Hospital, the Pueblo County Jail, and St. Mary’s Hospital.
owners and professionals in Pueblo chose to reside further But Mills certainly did not limit himself to public commis-
from the city center than the North Side Neighborhood sions only. His residential buildings are among the most
and further development waned. notable in the North Side, including the 1889 Barndollar-
The trickle of buildings constructed after in the North Gann House (5PE.525.4) at 1906 Court Street, the circa
Side after World War II were generally small ranch-form 1890 Owen Caffrey House (5PE.517.17) at 721 West
houses. Some notable exceptions were large ranch houses Eleventh Street, and a circa 1900 residence at 2007 North
built in the 1700 block of North Elizabeth Street and the Greenwood Street (5PE.526.83). Perhaps his most impor-
1800 block of West Street. As well, Colonial Manor tant residential commission was one of the first three
Apartments (5PE.5769 and 5PE.5784) and similar multi- model homes for the North Side’s prominent Dundee
family residences filled undeveloped lots in the 1950s and Place subdivision. Developer Ferd Barndollar envisioned
’60s. Most recent new construction in the neighborhood these houses as huge advertisements for his subdivision,
has been related to Parkview Medical Center. and Mills did not let him down. Located at 2201 North
Grand Avenue the 1888 J.L. Streit House (5PE.4208) was
based on an usual and eye-catching octagonal plan.60

Pueblo’s North Side Neighborhood

Francis W. Cooper the Union. Despite this loss, George Roe excelled in his
Working contemporaneously with Patrick Mills was public education and attended Hopedale College, in
Francis W. Cooper. A native of New York state, Cooper Hopedale, Ohio. He initially worked for the Pittsburgh
attended Cornell University, graduating in 1874. He firm of W.A. Burkett, one the nation’s most prominent
worked in Ohio and Cheyenne, Wyoming, before opening architectural practices, before moving to Cañon City in
an office in Pueblo in 1881. Cooper served as president of 1881. He then moved to Denver, but finding 27 architects
the Colorado State Board of Architect Examiners for six- already practicing there, thought that he would give mining
teen years and was a fellow in the American Institute of a try. Roe eventually returned to his profession and Cañon
Architects. He designed numerous business blocks for the City, moving his practice to Pueblo in 1889. He married
developing city, including the Mechanics Block, Henkel- Clara Schaefer and had two children, George H. Roe and
Adam Thomas | Historitecture
Figures 3.16: Architect Francis W. Cooper designed the Duke Building, and the Pope Block. Almost all of his Anne Roe. The elder George Roe was also an active
Albert S. Booth House (5PE.516.22), at 425 West Eighteenth
notable residential commissions were located in the North Democrat, and served as a Pueblo town trustee and coun-
Side. He assisted in the design and construction of what ty commissioner.
was, perhaps, the city’s grandest residence, Mahlon D. With an architecture career that spanned three
Thatcher’s enormous Hillcrest Mansion. (Cooper married decades, Roe designed some of the most prominent build-
Lillian Jordan, Luna Thatcher’s sister, on April 25, 1883.) ings in Colorado, including the library at the University of
Other Cooper-designed residences included the 1891 Colorado at Boulder; the dining hall, chapel, and other
Asbury White House (5PE.4200) at 417 West Eleventh buildings for the State Industrial Schools for Boys (now the
Street; the 1892 Bowen Mansion (5PE.493) at 229 West Colorado School of Mines) at Golden; and the Carnegie
Twelfth Street; the 1892 Ward Rice House (5PE.526.41) at Library, in Lamar. Roe assisted Albert R. Ross in the design
Figures 3.17: The Dr.Wilbur Lucas House (5PE.516.19), at
409 West Eighteenth Street, was designed by architect
1825 Grand Avenue; the 1900 Albert S. Booth House of the monumental Pueblo County Courthouse. He
George W. Roe. (5PE.516.22) at 425 West Eighteenth Street; and residences planned 60 school buildings throughout the state, including
Adam Thomas | Historitecture
at 1921 North Elizabeth Street, 2002 North Elizabeth Centennial High School, in Pueblo. In all, Roe probably
Street, 2029 North Elizabeth Street, 2311 North Elizabeth designed more than 600 buildings constructed across the
Street, and 1915 North Greenwood Street. Cooper also state. Yet in the North Side, only one building is known to
chose to live in the North Side, designing his own home at be a Roe design, although he was probably responsible for
1225 Court Street, completed in 1903. 61
many more. That building was the Dr. Wilbur Lucas House
(5PE.516.19), at 409 West Eighteenth Street.62
George W. Roe
A prolific architect statewide, George W. Roe was William W. Stickney
born on October 24, 1850, in Jefferson County, Ohio. His Perhaps the greatest of Pueblo’s architects was
father, William Roe, was killed in the Civil War fighting for William W. Stickney. He was born in Colorado on October

Colorado Cultural Resource Survey Report

26, 1883, to prominent Pueblo banker Charles Stickney. He City and Butte. The United States entered World War I as
attended Pueblo public schools and graduated from the he graduated from college, prompting the young architect
prestigious School of Architecture at Harvard. Stickney to serve his country. He worked as a draftsman for the
returned to Pueblo and resided in his father’s house, at 101 United State Shipping Board in Washington, D.C., before
East Orman Street. With his wife, the former Katherine being appointed chief of the division of planning and sta-
Duce, William Stickney had three children: Anne, Frances, tistics for the Emergency Fleet Corporation in
and Charles. Philadelphia. After the war, DeMordaunt returned to the
Stickney was responsible for many of the grand pub- West, working first in Wyoming before arriving in Pueblo
lic buildings in Pueblo, including City Auditorium, for to work as a draftsman for Stickney. DeMordaunt received
which he won a national award. Other major commissions his licenses in 1926 and took over Stickney’s firm. He mar-
Adam Thomas | Historitecture
were Keating Junior High School, the Nurses’ Home at ried Fredella Phillips on August 5, 1919, and had 2 chil- Figures 3.18: Located at 1821 Court Street, the Daniel
Colorado State Hospital, and First Methodist Church. He dren: Pauline Sells and Walter DeMordaunt Jr. Zane Phillips House (5PE.5805) was designed by architect
William W. Stickney.
also designed one of the largest public buildings in the DeMordaunt began his career by designing in the
North Side, Parkview Hospital, which was a large-scale same historical revival styles as his predecessor. However,
example of the architect’s stylistic preference for historical Ray Bertholf, who worked with DeMordaunt, recalled that
revivals, particularly those of Gothic, Classical, and the architect was “not as interested in style as he was in
Mediterranean descent. His North Side residential com- structure. Other employees concerned themselves with the
missions included the 1925-26 Daniel Zane Phillips House decorative end of the plans.”64
(5PE.5805) at 1821 Court Street; and the 1926 Asbury DeMordaunt preferred styles that were defined more
White residence (5PE.526.12) at 1819 North Elizabeth by the sculptural impact of the entire building and less
Street, which was one of his last commissions before sell- about surface ornamentation. Thus, he favored the Art
ing his firm to his protégé Walter DeMordaunt. Stickney Nouveau, Art Deco, and Art Moderne movements over
then moved his family to Los Angeles, where he died on the more ornamented revival styles. He pioneered a simpli-
April 28, 1958. 63
fied local subtype of the Mediterranean Revival, best
expressed in his 1935 Young Women’s Christian
Walter DeMordaunt Association building at 801 North Santa Fe Avenue. The
Assuming Stickney’ practice in 1926 was Walter building features the clay-tile roofing, arcaded walk, and
DeMordaunt, who, with a career spanning nearly 40 years, bracketed eaves indicative of the style, but lacks other fea-
would become one of the most prolific architects in tures and has an irregular plan. The minimalism of the
Colorado. He was born on September 4, 1896, in Butte, International style was particularly appealing to the archi-
Montana. DeMordaunt attended the University of Utah tect and defined many of his later buildings.
while simultaneously interning for architects in Salt Lake His portfolio of public buildings was expansive, and

Pueblo’s North Side Neighborhood

included many designs for the Public Works (5PE.4210), was an immediate success. Other North Side
Administration. His designs included the First Presbyterian residences included the 1929 Dr. Fritz Lassen House
Church, in Las Animas; the Catholic church, in La Veta; the (5PE.526.14) at 1830 North Elizabeth Street; the 1951
Chaffee County Courthouse, in Salida; the Lincoln School, Frank John Meyer House (5PE.5862) at 1700 West Street;
in La Junta; Ouray and Ridgeway high schools; the United the 1926 Allen G. Chamberlain House (5PE.5749) at 1703
State Post Office, in Lamar; and a women’s dormitory at West Street; and the 1929 Joseph C. Welte House
the University of Colorado, Boulder. Some of his Pueblo (5PE.5803) at 1801 Court Street. The architect continued
commissions were the Carlile and Bessemer schools; sever- to practice until his death on April 7, 1962.65
al buildings for Pueblo Junior College (now Pueblo
Community College); McClelland Orphanage; and the Conclusion
Adam Thomas | Historitecture
Figures 3.19: Architect Walter DeMordaunt chose the Maxwell Hotel.
Colonial-Revival style for the Joseph C. Welte House In the North Side, DeMordaunt was responsible for From the time of its earliest boosters, Pueblo’s North
(5PE.5803), at 1801 Court Street.
some of the most notable public and residential buildings. Side Neighborhood was envisioned as a genteel retreat
His public buildings in the neighborhood included the from the city’s commercial and industrial heart. The mer-
1949-55 Scottish Rite Temple (5PE.5837) at 1518 North chant princes who built their palaces here inspired other
Elizabeth Street; Freed Middle School; several additions to up-and-coming entrepreneurs and professionals to move
Parkview Hospital; and, astoundingly, over 50 buildings for northward and create their own architectural statements.
the Colorado State Hospital. His residential buildings in The expansion of the city’s streetcar lines and, later, the
the neighborhood included one of the most important widespread adoption of the automobile made the neigh-
commissions of his career. Just as the architect took over borhood even more attractive to those who needed an easy
Stickney’s firm, in 1926, the Pueblo Star-Journal commis- means of commuting to downtown. Institutions such the
sioned him to design a house that would represent for the Colorado State Hospital, Parkview Medical Center, and
newspaper’s readers the ideal home of the late 1920s. The Mineral Palace Park helped diversify the neighborhood.
Star-Journal was one of the most widely read newspapers in And the imaginations of gifted architects crafted the North
Colorado and a successful design would guarantee the Side into one of the most vibrant built environments in
young architect future commissions. The completed house, Colorado.
notably situated in the North Side at 2920 Grand Avenue

Colorado Cultural Resource Survey Report


1. Joanne West Dodds, Pueblo: A Pictorial History (Norfolk,Va.: Donning Company, 1982), 16-17.
2. Carl Ubbelohde, Maxine Benson, and Duane A. Smith, A Colorado History, 8th ed. (Boulder: Pruett Publishing Co., 2001), 57; Dodds, Pictorial
History, 23.
3. Dodds, Pictorial History, 44, 46-47.
4. Ubbelohde et al., 197.
5. Dodds, Pictorial History, 47, 63.
6. Dodds, Pictorial History, 47.
7. U.S. General Land Office, land patent 104406 (to John M. Francisco and Solomon Jones), issued 1 October 1867; Ralph C. Taylor, “Colorado
Colorado: Le Vetans Restoring Fort–Col. Francisco’s Paradise,” Pueblo Star-Journal and Sunday Chieftain, 6 October 1957, p. 8C; “Colonel John M.
Francisco,” TMs (photocopy), Special Collections, Robert Hoag Rawlins Public Library, Pueblo.
8. U.S. General Land Office, land patent 89902 (to Amelia Bickham and Edward B. Cozzens), issued 10 December 1867.
9. U.S. General Land Office, land patent 718 (to Augustus Bartlett), issued 5 August 1869.
10. U.S. General Land Office, land patent 684 (to Allen A. Bradford), issued 5 August 1869; U.S. Census of 1870, Pueblo, Pueblo County, Colorado
Territory, Roll: M593_95, Page 488, Image 498; U.S. Census of 1880, Pueblo, Pueblo County, Colorado, Roll T9_92, Family History Film 1254092,
Page 264.1000, Enumeration District 93, Image 0534; “Judge Allen A. Bradford [obituary],” Pueblo Chieftain, 15 March 1888; “Judge Allen A.
Bradford,” TMs [photocopy], Special Collections, Robert Hoag Rawlins Public Library, Pueblo.
11. U.S. General Land Office, land patent 1157 (to Mahlon D.Thatcher), issued 10 May 1870.
12. U.S. General Land Office, land patent 1232 (to Cyrus H. McLaughlin), issued 1 July 1870.
13. U.S. General Land Office, land patent 860 (to Philander Craig), issued 20 September 1870; U.S. Census of 1870, Pueblo, Pueblo County, Colorado
Territory, Roll M593_95, Page 485, Image 492; U.S. Census of 1880, Pueblo, Pueblo County, Colorado, Roll T9_92, Family History Film 1254092,
Page 242.2000, Enumeration District 93, Image: 0491.
14. U.S. General Land Office, land patent 1782 (to Henry C. Brown), issued 1 December 1876; U.S. Census of 1880, Denver, Arapahoe, Colorado,
Roll T9_88, Family History Film 1254088, Page 174.3000, Enumeration District 8, Image 0170.
15. County Addition to the City of Pueblo, Amended [plat map], book 2A, page 8, 20 November 1879.
16. Sanborn Map for Pueblo Colorado, Map 3. New York: Sanborn Map and Publishing, September 1889.
17. “John Miller Among Pueblo Pioneers Who Contributed To Area’s Progress,” Pueblo Star-Journal and Chieftain, 31 December 1958, p. 12AA;“John
D. Miller,” in Portrait and Biographical Record of the State of Colorado (Chicago: Chapman Publishing Co., 1899, 1307; “John D. Miller,” TMs (photo-
copy), Special Collections, Robert Hoag Rawlins Public Library, Pueblo.
18. Bartlett and Miller’s Addition to the City of Pueblo [plat map], book 5, page 12, 1 March 1871.
19. Craig’s Addition to the City of Pueblo [plat map], book 18, page 14, 24 April 1871; Craig’s Addition to the City of Pueblo, Amended [plat map[,
book 18, page 23, 12 March 1872.
20. “Biographical Sketch of Ferd Barndollar,” in History of the State of Colorado, Frank Hall (Blankley Printing Co., 1895), 381.
21. “Biographical Sketch of Ferd Barndollar;” Ferd Barndollar & Company’s Addition to the City of Pueblo [plat map], book 1B, page 12, 18
November 1871; Ferd Barndollar & Company’s Second Addition to the City of Pueblo, book 1B, page 20, 26 February 1872.
22. Barndollar plat maps; History and Statement of Significance for the Ferd Barndollar House,TMs [photocopy], Special Collections, Robert Hoag
Rawlins Public Library, Pueblo.
23. Pueblo Chieftain, 5 June 1888.
24. County historic places cards, Pueblo County Court House; Colorado Historical Society, Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation,
Colorado Architects Biographical Sketch for Mills, Patrick P. Denver: CHS-OAHP, 11 April 2001.
25. Henry C. Brown, esq., of Denver, Being His First Addition to the City of Pueblo [plat map no. 332222], book 4, page 28, 25 May 1889.
26. Adam Thomas, Colorado Cultural Resource Architectural Inventory Forms for 705 West Fifteenth Street (5PE.5712), 19 July 2005, and 409
West Twelfth Street (5PE.5601), 8 June 2005.
27. Joanne West Dodds, The Thatchers: Hard Work Won The West (Pueblo, Colo.: My Friend,The Printer, Inc., 2001), 77.
28. Ibid., 1-2.
29. Ibid., 4.
30. Ibid., 11.
31. Ibid., 29.
32. Ibid., 31-32.
33. Ibid., 76-78.

Pueblo’s North Side Neighborhood

34. Ibid., 79.

35. Ibid., 115, 123-126.
36. Thomas, Colorado Cultural Resource Architectural Inventory Forms for 420 West Fourteenth Street (5PE.516.3), 12 July 2005, and 425 West
Eighteenth Street (5PE.516.22), 1 August 2005.
37. Thomas, Colorado Cultural Resource Survey Architectural Inventory Form for 1518 North Elizabeth Street (5PE.5837), 19 September 2006.
38. Thomas, Colorado Cultural Resource Architectural Inventory Form for 611 West Eleventh Street (5PE.5595), 19 April 2005.
39. Thomas, Colorado Cultural Resource Architectural Inventory Form for 727 West Thirteenth Street (5PE.517.40), 28 June 2005.
40. Thomas, Cultural Resource Architectural Inventory Forms for 419 West Eleventh Street (5PE.5588), 19 April 2005, and 1819 North Elizabeth
Street (5PE.526.12), 16 August 2005.
41. Thomas, Cultural Resource Architectural Inventory Forms for 720 West Twelfth Street (5PE.5629), 21 June 2005, and 1827 North Elizabeth
Street (5PE.526.13), 16 August 2005.
42. Carl Abbott, Stephen J. Leonard, and David McComb, Colorado: A History of the Centennial State, 3rd ed. (Niwot: University Press of Colorado,
1994), 120-1.
43. Dodds, Pictorial History, 88-9; Eleanor Fry and Ione Miller, Pueblo: An Illustrated History (Carlsbad, Calif.: Heritage Media Corporation, 2001), 40-
41; Morris Cafky and John A. Haney, Pueblo’s Steel Town Trolleys (Golden: Colorado Railroad Historical Foundation, 1999), 83; Dodds, The Thatchers,
44. Dodds, Pictorial History, 88-89.
45. David Cockrell, MaryJo Vobejda, and Kevin Shanks, “Reconnecting with the Past: Mineral Palace Park,” in Colorado Preservationist 18, no. 4 (win-
ter 2004/05), 13.
46. Dodds, Pictorial History, 88-89; Weston Burrer, “The WPA in Mineral Palace Park,” in Colorado Preservationist 18, no. 4 (winter 2004/05), 12; Fry
and Miller, 40-41.
47. “Colorado State Hospital,” TMs [photocopy], 4 March 1970, Special Collections, Robert Hoag Rawlins Public Library, Pueblo.
48. Ibid.
49. Thomas, Colorado Cultural Resource Architectural Inventory Form for 600 West Sixteenth Street (5PE.5960), 6 November 2006.
50. Cafky and Haney, 11.
51. Ibid., 12.
52. Kenneth T. Jackson, Crabgrass Frontier: The Suburbanization of the United States (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1985), 108.
53. Ibid., 16.
54. David L. Ames and Linda Flint McClelland. Historic Residential Suburbs: Guidelines for Evaluation and Documentation for the National Register of
Historic Places (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service, National Register of Historic Places, 2002), 17-20.
55. Cafky and Haney, 19-23, 41.
56. Ibid., 76-77.
57. Ibid., 78.
58. Ibid., 78-79.
59 Ibid., 79, 83.
60. Colorado Historical Society, Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation, Colorado Architects Biographical Sketch for Mills, Patrick P. Denver:
CHS-OAHP, 11 April 2001.
61. Colorado Historical Society, Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation, Colorado Architects Biographical Sketch for Cooper, Francis W.
Denver: CHS-OAHP, 17 August 2001; Dodds, The Thatchers, 83.
62. “George W. Roe,” in History of Colorado, vol. II, Wilbur Fisk Stone, ed. (Chicago: S.J. Clarke Publishing Company, 1918), 438.
63. Rotary Club of Pueblo, resolution naming William W. Stickney as a posthumous honorary member, May 1958.
64. Paul J. McLeod, “Walter DeMordaunt,” 1982, unpublished manuscript, Special Collections, Robert Hoag Rawlins Public Library, Pueblo.
65. Ibid.

Section 4

The North Side Neighborhood intensive-level survey 1870-1910) and smaller than those in the northern portion
resulted in the inventory of 347 properties, resulting in the of the survey area. Also, the majority of significant build-
creation of over 3,000 pages of geographical, architectur- ings are oriented on the east-west streets. Thus, this section
al, and historical information, and over 1,300 photographs. of the neighborhood is architecturally and contextually dif-
Of these properties, 24 (6.9 percent) were field determined ferent than the portion to the north. The northern neigh-
as individually eligible for listing in the National Register of borhood extends northward from West Seventeenth Street.
Historic Places. As for Pueblo Local Landmarks, 43 prop- The houses in this section of the neighborhood are larger
erties (12.4 percent) were field determined as eligible, and newer (ca. 1890-1950), and significant properties are
including the 23 National Register-eligible properties and generally oriented on the north-south streets.
three previously listed Local Landmark properties. Taken as a whole, the study area does not have the dis-
Of the 347 properties surveyed, 275 (79.7 percent) tribution and density of resources to constitute a district.
could potentially contribute to an historic district. That is However, some select portions of the survey area show a
to say, these properties have sufficient integrity and are rep- high distribution and density of contributing properties.
resentative of the associated historical and architectural Potential districts are discussed more fully in the next sec-
contexts. An ultimate determination of district contribu- tion of this document.
tion depends on the district boundaries, areas of signifi- The period of significance for the study are in gener-
cance, period of significance, and other factors. While the al begins circa 1875, the approximate date of construction
number of potentially contributing properties exceeds the for the oldest houses in the project area. It extends through
50-percent threshold necessary for the integrity of a dis- 1955, when most of vacant lots in the area had been devel-
trict, many of the noncontributing properties are concen- oped and the residential construction in the neighborhood
trated near the center of the study area, where there are largely ended.
also large vacant parcels and parking lots. The results of this survey are summarized in the fol-
In addition, the study area actually consists of two, lowing tables. In general, the property naming convention
rather distinctive neighborhoods. The southern neighbor- used in the tables is last name, first name, building type (e.g.
hood extends southward from West Fifteenth Street The house or duplex, etc.).
houses in this particular area are on average older (ca.

Pueblo’s North Side Neighborhood

Table 4.1: Survey Log Sorted by Address

National Register Local Landmark
Address Property Name Site Number
Eligibility Eligibility
419 W 11th Street White, Asbury, House 5PE.5588
421 W 11th Street Slaughter, Robert F., House 5PE.513.22
423 W 11th Street McClung, James S., House 5PE.5589
507 W 11th Street Rantschler, Christina, House (circa 1900) 5PE.5590
509 W 11th Street Talbott, J.L., House 5PE.5591
515 W 11th Street Liddy, P.M., House 5PE.5592
519 W 11th Street Hill, G.O., House 5PE.5593
525 W 11th Street Gonzales, Andrew N. and Virgnia I., House 5PE.5594
611 W 11th Street Wicks, Edward Burke, House 5PE.5595
613 W 11th Street 613 West Eleventh Street 5PE.5596
615 W 11th Street Gerry, M.B., House 5PE.517.11
617 W 11th Street 617 West 11th Street 5PE.5597
619 W 11th Street Neubauer, Fred, House 5PE.517.13
701 W 11th Street Lewis,Thomas L., House 5PE.517.15 1A, 2A
705 W 11th Street Jagman, William, House 5PE.5598
713 W 11th Street Overton-King House; McLagan, George, House; Pressey, Sumner W., House 5PE.517.16 A, C 1A, 1C, 2A
715 W 11th Street Weber, Frank A., House 5PE.5599
719 W 11th Street Haskell, J.W., House 5PE.5600
721 W 11th Street Caffrey, Owen E., House 5PE.517.17 1A, 2A, 2B
409 W 12th Street Glenn, Edmund C., House 5PE.5601
411-415 W 12th Street 411-413 West Twelfth Street 5PE.5602
417 W 12th Street Duke, F.G. and J.W., House 5PE.5603
418 W 12th Street McCloskey, Lydia, House 5PE.5604
419-421 W 12th Street Wells, R.H., House 5PE.5605
420-422 W 12th Street Crockett, Edmond I., Duplex 5PE.513.26
424-426 W 12th Street 424-426 West Twelfth Street Duplex 5PE.5606
425 W 12th Street Osgood, Daniel W., House 5PE.5607
427 W 12th Street Burris, Samuel J. House 5PE.5608
428-430 W 12th Street Nichols, Wilbur Fisk, Duplex 5PE.513.27
507 W 12th Street Lousteau-Langley House 5PE.5609
511 W 12th Street Cazaly, George E., House 5PE.517.22
515 W 12th Street Finlan, John W., House; Jahn, F. William, House 5PE.517.23 1A, 1C, 2A
517 W 12th Street Lewis, James A., House 5PE.517.24
520 W 12th Street Brayton, Homer E., House 5PE.5610
522 W 12th Street Martini, Joseph F., House 5PE.517.25
524 W 12th Street Crane, Leroy A., House 5PE.517.26
526 W 12th Street Pifer, Charles H., House 5PE.5611

Colorado Cultural Resource Survey Report

National Register Local Landmark

Address Property Name Site Number
Eligibility Eligibility
603 W 12th Street Birch, Harvey, House 5PE.5612
605 W 12th Street Innes, W.E.A., House 5PE.5613
607 W 12th Street Kidder, Josiah, House 5PE.5614
610 W 12th Street Dye, Russell E., House 5PE.5615
612 W 12th Street Mayer, Edna I., House 5PE.5616
613 W 12th Street Clanton-Stilwell House 5PE.5617
616 W 12th Street 616 West Twelfth Street 5PE.5618
618 W 12th Street Williams, G.P., House 5PE.5619
619 W 12th Street Morse, H.E., House 5PE.5620
623 W 12th Street Leach, A.L., House 5PE.517.28
624 W 12th Street Collins, Horace E., House 5PE.5621
626 W 12th Street Hunter, Andrew J., House 5PE.517.66
631 W 12th Street Knebel, George M. and Leo J., House 5PE.5623
711 W 12th Street Unfug, Charles O., House 5PE.5624
712 W 12th Street Wolff Grocery Store 5PE.5625
714 W 12th Street Thompson Grocery Store 5PE.5626
715 W 12th Street Geist, Daniel H., House 5PE.5627
716 W 12th Street Collins, William H., House 5PE.517.29
717 W 12th Street Rude, Joshua R. and Megan R., House 5PE.4222
718 W 12th Street Sun-Ra Apartments 5PE.5628
720 W 12th Street Rushmer, Gorton, House 5PE.5629
721 W 12th Street Spencer, Samuel Taylor, House 5PE.517.30
722 W 12th Street Mertz, Aaron C., House 5PE.5630
724 W 12th Street Gregory, Gilbert D., House 5PE.517.31 1A, 2A, 2C
725 W 12th Street Rouen,Timothy, House 5PE.5631
727 W 12th Street 727 West Twelfth Street 5PE.5632
801 W 12th Street Morrow, John, House 5PE.517.32
802 W 12th Street James, Joseph A., House 5PE.1179
405-407 W 13th Street Rettberg-Stanchfield Duplex 5PE.5633
408 W 13th Street Fanning, John J., House 5PE.5634
409 W 13th Street Meigs, Dwight C., House 5PE.5635
410 W 13th Street Ross-Whistler House 5PE.5636
411 W 13th Street Latshaw, William D., House 5PE.5637
412 W 13th Street Bergerman, Solomon, House 5PE.5638
413 W 13th Street Roberts, Juila H., House 5PE.5639
414 W 13th Street Johnson, J. Will, House 5PE.5640
417 W 13th Street Townsend, Samuel W., House 5PE.5642
508 W 13th Street Neighbours, James R., House 5PE.5643

Pueblo’s North Side Neighborhood

National Register Local Landmark

Address Property Name Site Number
Eligibility Eligibility
511 W 13th Street Duke,Thomas A., House; Flutcher, Charles A. Jr., House 5PE.5644 A, C 1A, 1C, 2A
515 W 13th Street Nash, Herman Woodworth, House 5PE.5645
520 W 13th Street Central Assembly of God Church 5PE.5646
609 W 13th Street Cassidy, Harry N., House 5PE.5647
611 W 13th Street LeCompte, L.E., House 5PE.5648
614-616 W 13th Street Monterey Apartments 5PE.5649
615-619 W 13th Street Housing Authority of Pueblo Apartments 5PE.5650
618 W 13th Street Colburn, U. Grant, House 5PE.5651
701 W 13th Street Unfug, Conrad, House 5PE.5652
702 W 13th Street Cowne, Robert, House 5PE.5653
705 W 13th Street Heller-Crow House 5PE.517.38
706 W 13th Street Lusk, Jack P., Duplex 5PE.5654
711 W 13th Street Ritchey, Marcellus M., House 5PE.5655
712 W 13th Street Footman, Lawrence and John, House 5PE.5656
713 W 13th Street Allee, Mary F., House 5PE.5657
714 W 13th Street Langdon, John J., House 5PE.5658
715 W 13th Street Bannister, Charles, Building 5PE.5659
716 W 13th Street Warden, H.C., House 5PE.5660
719 W 13th Street McKenna-Smith House 5PE.5661
722 W 13th Street Cleghorn, John, House 5PE.5662
724 W 13th Street Bland, John H., House 5PE.5663
726 W 13th Street Barber,Thomas, House 5PE.517.39
727 W 13th Street Olin House; Coulter, Judge, House;Thompson House 5PE.517.40 A, C Listed
728 W 13th Street Kellogg, John D., House 5PE.517.41
802 W 13th Street Ross, James A., House; Taylor, Dr. Cyrus Freeland, House 5PE.517.42 1A, 1C, 2A
111 W 14th Street Hogg, William, House/Skinner Grocery Store 5PE.5664
115 W 14th Street Douglas, James E., House 5PE.5665
116 W 14th Street Macon, John F., House 5PE.5666
117 W 14th Street Wadhams, Addison D., House 5PE.5667
203-209 W 14th Street Palace Courts 5PE.5668
213 W 14th Street Calder-Durham House 5PE.5669
218 W 14th Street Coleman-Collins House 5PE.5670
220 W 14th Street Adamson, Walter, House 5PE.5671
221 W 14th Street Park Lane Apartments 5PE.5672
310 W 14th Street MacDaniel, Anna, House 5PE.5673
313 W 14th Street Trimble, William W., House 5PE.516.1
410-414 W 14th Street Corkish Trust Apartments 5PE.5674
416 W 14th Street Phillips, Charles Haughton, House 5PE.5675

Colorado Cultural Resource Survey Report

National Register Local Landmark

Address Property Name Site Number
Eligibility Eligibility
420 W 14th Street Kenworthy, Jeremiah D., House 5PE.516.3 A, C 1A, 2A, 2C
424 W 14th Street Stakus-Tipple House 5PE.5676
426 W 14th Street Day-Preston House 5PE.5677
508 W 14th Street Berno, Peter, House 5PE.5678
510 W 14th Street Hipp, Roy Lee, House 5PE.5679
512 W 14th Street Lucy, Emmett K., House 5PE.5680
514 W 14th Street Sullivan, Earl, House 5PE.5681
516 W 14th Street McKelvy, Ernest E., House 5PE.5682
605 W 14th Street Heaton, Wilbur M., House 5PE.5683
606 W 14th Street Carleton, Albert R., House 5PE.5684
608 W 14th Street Haubrich, G.T., House 5PE.5685
609 W 14th Street 609 West 14th Street 5PE.5686
616-620 W 14th Street 610-620 West 14th Street Apartments 5PE.5687
624 W 14th Street Mooney-Marmaduke House 5PE.517.46
625 W 14th Street Capri Apartments 5PE.5688
710 W 14th Street Balcom-Phillips House 5PE.5689
711 W 14th Street Christman, Henry R., House 5PE.5690
712 W 14th Street Miller, William H., House 5PE.5691
714 W 14th Street Hill-Burke House 5PE.5692
715 W 14th Street Laben, Frank J., House 5PE.517.48
719 W 14th Street Drake, William A., House 5PE.5693
723 W 14th Street Allard, Joseph G., House 5PE.517.49
724 W 14th Street Bauer, Minnie D., House 5PE.5694
725 W 14th Street Reece, Charles W., House 5PE.517.50
802 W 14th Street Kohn, Max, House 5PE.5695 1A, 2A
220 W 15th Street Presbyterian Towers 5PE.5696
315 W 15th Street Williams, F.E., House 5PE.516.5
316 W 15th Street Thatcher, Ethel M., Garage 5PE.5697
322 W 15th Street Barlett, Ralph A., House 5PE.5698
405 W 15th Street Parkview Medical Center 5PE.5699
421 W 15th Street Woodling, Obert Lee, House 5PE.5700
604 W 15th Street Lewis, Earl R., House 5PE.5701
605-607 W 15th Street Hill, Nelson B., Jr., Duplex 5PE.5702
614-616 W 15th Street 614-616 West 15th Street Duplex 5PE.5703
615 W 15th Street Wyman, William S., House 5PE.5704
617 W 15th Street Vorhees, Israel, House 5PE.5705
618-620 W 15th Street 618-620 West 15th Street Duplex 5PE.5706
619 W 15th Street Hobey, L.M., House 5PE.5707

Pueblo’s North Side Neighborhood

National Register Local Landmark

Address Property Name Site Number
Eligibility Eligibility
622 W 15th Street Sanders, Kenneth A., House 5PE.5708
623 W 15th Street Coffee, Michael J., House 5PE.5709
624 W 15th Street Pace, Leonard A., Sr., and Mabel, House 5PE.5710
628 W 15th Street Specken, David I., House 5PE.5711
705 W 15th Street Maley-Stewart House 5PE.5712 1A, 2A, 2C
706 W 15th Street Greenburg, William, House 5PE.5713
707 W 15th Street Stephenson House 5PE.5714
710 W 15th Street Sergeant, Stephen B., House 5PE.5715
714 W 15th Street Ward, Herman D., House 5PE.5716
715 W 15th Street Viles House 5PE.5717
717 W 15th Street 717 West 15th Street 5PE.5718
719 W 15th Street Parker, Rollin, House 5PE.517.54
740 W 15th Street West Side Nazarene Church 5PE.5719
801 W 15th Street Gottula, Ernest J., House 5PE.5720
314 W 16th Street Johnson-Smith House 5PE.5721
400 W 16th Street Parkview Hospital; Parkview Episcopal Hospital; Parkview Episcopal Medical Center 5PE.516.13 1A, 2A, 2B, 3A
606-608 W 16th Street Johnson-Richards House 5PE.5722
610 W 16th Street Sutton, Stephen K., House 5PE.5723
614 W 16th Street Moore, Peter and Anneliese, House 5PE.5724
615 W 16th Street Mann, Guy W., House 5PE.5725
617 W 16th Street Pitcher, Mary, House 5PE.5726
621-623 W 16th Street 621-623 West 16th Street 5PE.5727
625 W 16th Street Hartsoe, Daniel Boone, House 5PE.5728
703 W 16th Street Biundo, Joseph, House 5PE.5729
706 W 16th Street Wahl, Joseph, House 5PE.5730
707 W 16th Street Caufeild-James, Paul, House 5PE.5731
708 W 16th Street Seydel, Burt K., House 5PE.5732
710 W 16th Street Eppeneter, George J., House 5PE.5733
711 W 16th Street Bradley, Donald F., House 5PE.5734
714 W 16th Street Baldwin, Benjamin F., House 5PE.5735
715 W 16th Street Huskins, Fred G., House 5PE.5736
716 W 16th Street Wilson,Thomas A., House 5PE.5737
717 W 16th Street Smith-Brannon House 5PE.5738
718 W 16th Street Graham, James H. Jr., House 5PE.5739
721 W 16th Street Marshall, James E., House 5PE.5740
723 W 16th Street Holden, John O., House 5PE.5741
801 W 16th Street Littlejohn, Libbie, House 5PE.5742
303 W 17th Street Bullen, Fred H. and Mabel, House; Breckenridge, Robert G., House; Boyer, Dr. David W., House 5PE.516.10 A, C 1A, 1C, 2A, 2C

Colorado Cultural Resource Survey Report

National Register Local Landmark

Address Property Name Site Number
Eligibility Eligibility
307 W 17th Street Cole, Henry LeRoy, House 5PE.516.11
311 W 17th Street Storm-Isaacs House 5PE.5743
315-317 W 17th Street Pepper, Abe, Duplex 5PE.5744
327 W 17th Street Benson, Warren B., House 5PE.516.12
406 W 17th Street Parkview Episcopal Hospital North Annex 5PE.5964
509 W 17th Street Prichard, George H., House 5PE.5747
515 W 17th Street Halbert, Richard E., House 5PE.5748
605 W 17th Street Forbush, Augustus DuBois, House 5PE.516.14
610 W 17th Street Walker, Luther G. and Bessie Evelyn, House 5PE.516.15
621 W 17th Street Wallace, William S., House 5PE.5751
630 W 17th Street Lippis, Arthur B., House 5PE.5752
700 W 17th Street MacIntyre, Remer Young and Mary Eva, House; Playhouse Preschool 5PE.5753
714 W 17th Street Tortessi, Gabriel, House 5PE.5754
719 W 17th Street Welch, Donald E., House 5PE.5755
720 W 17th Street Butz, William K., House 5PE.5756
725 W 17th Street Lampton, Walter E., House 5PE.5757
726 W 17th Street Multer, Carl S., House 5PE.5758
802 W 17th Street Holden, George Otis, House 5PE.5759
803 W 17th Street Gottula, John George, House 5PE.5760
302 W 18th Street Mishou,Thomas F., House; Gleason, George J., House 5PE.516.16 A, C 1A, 1C, 2A, 2C
306 W 18th Street Bullen, Fred H. and Mabel, House 5PE.516.17 1A, 1C, 2A
310 W 18th Street Walker, Grant Emmet, House 5PE.5761
314 W 18th Street Teller, Edward C., House 5PE.5762
315 W 18th Street McCafferty, William F., House 5PE.5763
317 W 18th Street Corkish, Robert Jr., House; Curtis, Dr. Lee W. and Helen, House 5PE.5764 1A, 1C, 2A
320 W 18th Street Bailey, Raymond H., House 5PE.5765
321 W 18th Street Vories, Harry Pryor, House; Evans, Dr. Arthur W., House 5PE.5766 A, C 1A, 1C, 2C
322 W 18th Street Sumners, William G., House 5PE.5767
325 W 18th Street Fisher, Willliam R., House 5PE.5768
401 W 18th Street Vories, Harry Pryor; House Meston; George Dodd, House 5PE.516.18 A, C 1A, 1C, 2A
409 W 18th Street Lucas, Dr. Wilbur; House Johnston, J. Will, House; Clevenger, Mac V., House 5PE.516.19 A, C 1A, 1C, 2A
419 W 18th Street Voorhees, Judge John H.; House Nelson, Louis W., House 5PE.516.20 A, C 1A, 1C, 2A, 2C
423 W 18th Street Downen,Thomas J., House 5PE.516.21 A, C 1A, 1C, 2A
425 W 18th Street Booth, Albert S., House 5PE.516.22 A, C 1A, 1C, 2A
508-518 W 18th Street Colonial Manor Apartments (South) 5PE.5769
529 W 18th Street Levy, Maurice H., House 5PE.5770
611 W 18th Street Klein, Ferdinand, House 5PE.5771
612 W 18th Street Baitlon, Domingo and Yvonne, House 5PE.5772

Pueblo’s North Side Neighborhood

National Register Local Landmark

Address Property Name Site Number
Eligibility Eligibility
615 W 18th Street Cramer, Dr. George W., House 5PE.5773 1A, 2A
620 W 18th Street Becker, Clayton A., House 5PE.5774
621 W 18th Street Smart, Willard Crockett, House 5PE.5775
627 W 18th Street Edwards, Evalyn Anderson, House 5PE.5776
708 W 18th Street Guyot, Napoleon Eugue, House 5PE.5777
709-719 W 18th Street Tonne Apartments 5PE.5778
716-718 W 18th Street Osnowitz, David P., Apartments 5PE.5779
801 W 18th Street Manzanares, Mucio, House 5PE.5780
306 W 19th Street Werntz, William G., House 5PE.5781
308 W 19th Street Stanwood, Dr. Harry D., House 5PE.5782
422 W 19th Street Siegel, Joseph D. and Lisa A., House 5PE.5783
504-520 W 19th Street Colonial Manor Apartments (North) 5PE.5784
616 W 19th Street Hartshorn, Ora Burdett, House 5PE.5785
620 W 19th Street Bergstresser, Reuben, House; Maynard Dr. Carl W., House 5PE.5786
624 W 19th Street Newett, J.J., House Nelson, Louis W., House 5PE.5787
1310 Court Street Boyce, Glen W., House 5PE.5794
1314 Court Street Sands, Haryy C., House 5PE.5795
1315 Court Street Garnett, Elizabeth Anderson, House 5PE.5796
1317 Court Street Gaines, Richard Faikler, House 5PE.5797
1318 Court Street Sands, Harry C, House 5PE.5798
1319 Court Street Tudor, Leavitt, House 5PE.5799
1401 Court Street Willumstad, Paul J., Law Offices 5PE.5800
1437 Court Street Logan's Standard Service Gas Station; Henry's Standard Service Gas Station 5PE.5801
1501 Court Street Center for Eye Care and Surgery 5PE.5802
1801 Court Street Welte, Joseph C., House 5PE.5803 A, C 1A, 1C, 2A, 2B
1805 Court Street Matheney, W. Howard, House 5PE.5804
1821 Court Street Phillips, Daniel Zane, House; Bugg, Grady, House; Hudspeth, Philip K., House 5PE.5805 A, C 1A, 1C, 2A, 2B
1825 Court Street 1825 Court Street 5PE.5806
1827 Court Street Kellogg, John D., House; Hurd, Walter K., House 5PE.5807 1A, 1C, 2A
1101-07 Craig Street 1101-1107 Craig Street 5PE.5858
1303 Craig Street Maese, Eugene L., House 5PE.5952
1415 Craig Street Duke,Thomas Alexander House; Duke, Nathaniel Wilson, House 5PE.5953
1419 Craig Street Tienda, Manuel, House 5PE.5954
1520 Craig Street Karr, George W., House 5PE.5955
1521 Craig Street Von Gundy, George Joseph, House 5PE.5956
1712 Craig Street 1712 Craig Street 5PE.5957
1718-20 Craig Street 1718-1720 Craig Street 5PE.5958
1721-23 Craig Street 1721-1723 Craig Street 5PE.5959

Colorado Cultural Resource Survey Report

National Register Local Landmark

Address Property Name Site Number
Eligibility Eligibility
1103 N Elizabeth Street Kwik Way Store No. 16 5PE.5821
1106 N Elizabeth Street Russell, Raymond H., House 5PE.5822
1123 N Elizabeth Street Spanish Peaks Mental Health Center 5PE.5823
1126 N Elizabeth Street 1126 North Elizabeth Street 5PE.5824
1202 N Elizabeth Street Campbell, Arthur, Duplex 5PE.5825
1205 N Elizabeth Street Mennitt,Theodore J., House 5PE.517.60
1206 N Elizabeth Street Pearson, Carter S., House 5PE.5826
1210 N Elizabeth Street Barhydt, Aaron G., House 5PE.5827
1213 N Elizabeth Street North Side Groceteria; Potter's Pharmacy; Bi-Rite Groceteria; North Side Arapahoe Grocery 5PE.5828
1214 N Elizabeth Street Potter's Pharmacy 5PE.5829
1300 N Elizabeth Street Curtis & Roller Texaco Station; Bassi Texaco Gas Station; Bob's Texaco; Harold's Texaco Service Station 5PE.5830
1301 N Elizabeth Street 1301 North Elizabeth Street Service Station 5PE.5831
1312 N Elizabeth Street Larson, Howard, House 5PE.5832
1321-25 N Elizabeth Street Smith, Dr. Dean B., Building 5PE.5833
1401 N Elizabeth Street Osburne-Brady Building 5PE.5834
1505-07 N Elizabeth Street Hill, Nelson B. Jr., Duplex 5PE.5835
1509-11 N Elizabeth Street Tapia, Abel, Apartments 5PE.5836
1518 N Elizabeth Street Scottish Rite Temple 5PE.5837 A, C 1A, 2A, 2B, 3A
1605 N Elizabeth Street 1605 North Elizabeth Street 5PE.5838
1701 N Elizabeth Street Rogers, Platt Jr,, House; Adams, Alva Blanchard Jr., House 5PE.516.25 A, C 1A, 1C, 2A, 2C
1702 N Elizabeth Street Smith, Dr. Dean B., House 5PE.5839
1707 N Elizabeth Street Ackerman, Fred, House; Dial, Dr. Oran C., House 5PE.516.26 1A, 2A
1720 N Elizabeth Street Leach, Honald W., House 5PE.5840
1800 N Elizabeth Street Brown, Edward Frederick, House; Allen, Arthur Leslie, House 5PE.516.27 1A, 1C, 2A
1801 N Elizabeth Street Meserole, George Van Sant, House; Belcher, Reason J., House 5PE.516.28 A, C 1A, 1C, 2A
1810 N Elizabeth Street Crews, Floyd Hooper, House; Ellis, Robert D., House 5PE.526.11 A, C 1A, 1C, 2A
1819 N Elizabeth Street White, Asbury, House; Berstein, Morey, House 5PE.526.12 A, B, C Listed
1827 N Elizabeth Street Rushmer, Gorton Elwell and Esther Monnet, House 5PE.526.13 1A, 1C, 2A
1830 N Elizabeth Street Lassen, Dr. Fritz, House 5PE.526.14 A, C 1A, 1C, 2A, 2B
1310-20 N Grand Avenue Murley Medical Office Building 5PE.5808
1426 N Grand Avenue Francis, Hugh R., House 5PE.516.31
1600 N Grand Avenue Parkview Medical Office Building 5PE.5961
1720 N Grand Avenue Klein, Ferdinand, House 5PE.5809
1724 N Grand Avenue 1724 North Grand Avenue 5PE.5810
1812 N Grand Avenue Babcock, L.F., House 5PE.5811
1818 N Grand Avenue Abell, J. Ernest, House 5PE.5812
1820 N Grand Avenue Vanderveer, Herbert E., House 5PE.5813
1822-24 N Grand Avenue Kellogg, John D., Duplex 5PE.5814

Pueblo’s North Side Neighborhood

National Register Local Landmark

Address Property Name Site Number
Eligibility Eligibility
1827 N Grand Avenue Kilbourn, Jonathan Burwell, House; DeMordaunt, Walter, House 5PE.526.42 A, C 1A, 1C, 2A
1101 N Greenwood Street 1101 North Greenwood Street 5PE.517.9
1117 N Greenwood Street Armstrong, David M., House 5PE.517.61
1123 N Greenwood Street Farney, Michael, House 5PE.517.62
1125 N Greenwood Street Price, Albert L., House; Wigton, W. Irving, House 5PE.517.63 1A, 1C, 2A
1201-09 N Greenwood Street 1201-1203 North Greenwood Street Duplex 1207-1209 North Greenwood Street Duplex 5PE.517.64/5PE.5815
1217 N Greenwood Street Hall, Eugene C., Duplex 503 West 13th Street 5PE.5816
1226 N Greenwood Street Harpster, George F., House 5PE.5641
1311 N Greenwood Street Saunders, Miles G., House 5PE.5817 A, C 1A, 2A
1401 N Greenwood Street Hartman, William L., House Hoag, Frank S., House 5PE.516.34 A, C Listed
1619 N Greenwood Street Greenwood Medical Arts Building 5PE.5963
1705 N Greenwood Street Colonial Manor Apartments 5PE.5818
1814 N Greenwood Street House, Rev. Floyd E., House 5PE.5819
1822 N Greenwood Street Seydel, Burt K., House 5PE.5820
1310-20 N Main Street Shaver, Carl Worth, Apartments Park Terrace Apartments 5PE.5788
1315 N Main Street Sherman, Frank C., House 5PE.5789
1317 N Main Street Rouch Funeral Home 5PE.5790 A, C 1A, 2A
1400-10 N Main Street 1400-1410 North Main Street Apartments 5PE.5791 1A, 2A
1414-20 N Main Street 1414-1420 North Main Street Apartments 5PE.5792
1417-19 N Main Street Linsley, Fred Alonzo, Houses and Apartments 5PE.5746
1422 N Main Street Pueblo Board of Realtors Building 5PE.5793
1115 West Street Tudor, Leavitt M., House 5PE.5845
1117 West Street 1117 West Street 5PE.517.67
1119 West Street 1119 West Street 5PE.5846
1203 West Street Speck, George F., Houses 5PE.5847
1216-18 West Street 1216-1218 West Street Duplex 5PE.5848
1302-10 West Street 1302-1310 West Street Triplex 5PE.5849
1316-18 West Street 1316-1318 West Street Duplex 5PE.5850
1321 West Street Holt, Joseph Roscoe, House 5PE.5851
1323 West Street Chamberlin, Nathaniel H., House 5PE.5852
1325 West Street Chiariglione, Hector J., House 5PE.5853
1403 West Street 1403 West Street Apartments 5PE.5854
1409-11 West Street 1409-1411 West Street Duplex 5PE.5855
1501 West Street 1501 West Street 5PE.5856
1502 West Street Snyder, Roy C., House 5PE.5857
1503 West Street 1503 West Street 5PE.517.68
1505 West Street Titus, Horace L., House 5PE.5859
1507 West Street Beiter, John A., House 5PE.5860

Colorado Cultural Resource Survey Report

National Register Local Landmark

Address Property Name Site Number
Eligibility Eligibility
1520 West Street 1520 West Street 5PE.5861
1700 West Street Meyer, Frank John, House 5PE.5862 1A, 2A, 2B, 2C
1703 West Street Chamberlain, Allen G. and Lenore Thatcher, House 5PE.5749 1A, 1C, 2A, 2B
1716 West Street Nichols, Charles H. “Chic” Jr., House 5PE.5750
1817 West Street Meston -Johnson Mansion Coach House 5PE.5622
1825 West Street 1825 West Street Duplex 5PE.5745

Pueblo’s North Side Neighborhood

Table 4.2: Survey Log Sorted by Site Number

National Register Local Landmark
Site Number Property Name Address
Eligibility Eligibility
5PE.513.22 Slaughter, Robert F., House 421 W 11th Street
5PE.513.26 Crockett, Edmond I., Duplex 420-422 W 12th Street
5PE.513.27 Nichols, Wilbur Fisk, Duplex 428-430 W 12th Street
5PE.516.1 Trimble, William W., House 313 W 14th Street
5PE.516.3 Kenworthy, Jeremiah D., House 420 W 14th Street A, C 1A, 2A, 2C
5PE.516.5 Williams, F.E., House 315 W 15th Street
5PE.516.10 Bullen, Fred H. and Mabel, House; Breckenridge, Robert G., House; Boyer, Dr. David W., House 303 W 17th Street A, C 1A, 1C, 2A, 2C
5PE.516.11 Cole, Henry LeRoy, House 307 W 17th Street
5PE.516.12 Benson, Warren B., House 327 W 17th Street
5PE.516.13 Parkview Hospital; Parkview Episcopal Hospital; Parkview Episcopal Medical Center 400 W 16th Street 1A, 2A, 2B, 3A
5PE.516.14 Forbush, Augustus DuBois, House 605 W 17th Street
5PE.516.15 Walker, Luther G. and Bessie Evelyn, House 610 W 17th Street
5PE.516.16 Mishou,Thomas F., House; Gleason, George J., House 302 W 18th Street A, C 1A, 1C, 2A, 2C
5PE.516.17 Bullen, Fred H. and Mabel, House 306 W 18th Street 1A, 1C, 2A
5PE.516.18 Vories, Harry Pryor, House; Meston, George Dodd, House 401 W 18th Street A, C 1A, 1C, 2A
5PE.516.19 Lucas, Dr. Wilbur, House; Johnston, J. Will House; Clevenger, Mac V., House 409 W 18th Street A, C 1A, 1C, 2A
5PE.516.20 Voorhees, Judge John H., House; Nelson, Louis W., House 419 W 18th Street A, C 1A, 1C, 2A, 2C
5PE.516.21 Downen,Thomas J., House 423 W 18th Street A, C 1A, 1C, 2A
5PE.516.22 Booth, Albert S., House 425 W 18th Street A, C 1A, 1C, 2A
5PE.516.25 Rogers, Platt Jr,, House; Adams, Alva Blanchard Jr., House 1701 N Elizabeth Street A, C 1A, 1C, 2A, 2C
5PE.516.26 Ackerman, Fred, House; Dial, Dr. Oran C., House 1707 N Elizabeth Street 1A, 2A
5PE.516.27 Brown, Edward Frederick, House; Allen, Arthur Leslie, House 1800 N Elizabeth Street 1A, 1C, 2A
5PE.516.28 Meserole, George Van Sant, House; Belcher, Reason J., House 1801 N Elizabeth Street A, C 1A, 1C, 2A
5PE.516.31 Francis, Hugh R., House 1426 N Grand Avenue
5PE.516.34 Hartman, William L., House; Hoag, Frank S., House 1401 N Greenwood Street A, C Listed
5PE.517.9 1101 North Greenwood Street 1101 N Greenwood Street
5PE.517.11 Gerry, M.B., House 615 W 11th Street
5PE.517.13 Neubauer, Fred, House 619 W 11th Street
5PE.517.15 Lewis,Thomas L., House 701 W 11th Street 1A, 2A
5PE.517.16 Overton-King House; McLagan, George, House; Pressey, Sumner W., House 713 W 11th Street A, C 1A, 1C, 2A
5PE.517.17 Caffrey, Owen E., House 721 W 11th Street 1A, 2A, 2B
5PE.517.22 Cazaly, George E., House 511 W 12th Street
5PE.517.23 Finlan, John W., House; Jahn, F. William, House 515 W 12th Street 1A, 1C, 2A
5PE.517.24 Lewis, James A., House 517 W 12th Street
5PE.517.25 Martini, Joseph F., House 522 W 12th Street
5PE.517.26 Crane, Leroy A., House 524 W 12th Street
5PE.517.28 Leach, A.L., House 623 W 12th Street

Colorado Cultural Resource Survey Report

National Register Local Landmark

Site Number Property Name Address
Eligibility Eligibility
5PE.517.29 Collins, William H., House 716 W 12th Street
5PE.517.30 Spencer, Samuel Taylor, House 721 W 12th Street
5PE.517.31 Gregory, Gilbert D., House 724 W 12th Street 1A, 2A, 2C
5PE.517.32 Morrow, John, House 801 W 12th Street
5PE.517.38 Heller-Crow House 705 W 13th Street
5PE.517.39 Barber,Thomas, House 726 W 13th Street
5PE.517.40 Olin House; Coulter, Judge, House;Thompson House 727 W 13th Street A, C Listed
5PE.517.41 Kellogg, John D., House 728 W 13th Street
5PE.517.42 Ross, James A., House;Taylor, Dr. Cyrus Freeland, House 802 W 13th Street 1A, 1C, 2A
5PE.517.46 Mooney-Marmaduke House 624 W 14th Street
5PE.517.48 Laben, Frank J., House 715 W 14th Street
5PE.517.49 Allard, Joseph G., House 723 W 14th Street
5PE.517.50 Reece, Charles W., House 725 W 14th Street
5PE.517.54 Parker, Rollin, House 719 W 15th Street
5PE.517.60 Mennitt,Theodore J., House 1205 N Elizabeth Street
5PE.517.61 Armstrong, David M., House 1117 N Greenwood Street
5PE.517.62 Farney, Michael, House 1123 N Greenwood Street
5PE.517.63 Price, Albert L., House; Wigton, W. Irving, House 1125 N Greenwood Street 1A, 1C, 2A
5PE.517.64/5PE.5815 1201-1203 North Greenwood Street Duplex; 1207-1209 North Greenwood Street Duplex 1201-09 N Greenwood Street
5PE.517.66 Hunter, Andrew J., House 626 W 12th Street
5PE.517.67 1117 West Street 1117 West Street
5PE.517.68 1503 West Street 1503 West Street
5PE.526.11 Crews, Floyd Hooper, House; Ellis, Robert D., House 1810 N Elizabeth Street A, C 1A, 1C, 2A
5PE.526.12 White, Asbury, House; Berstein, Morey, House 1819 N Elizabeth Street A, B, C Listed
5PE.526.13 Rushmer, Gorton Elwell and Esther Monnet, House 1827 N Elizabeth Street 1A, 1C, 2A
5PE.526.14 Lassen, Dr. Fritz, House 1830 N Elizabeth Street A, C 1A, 1C, 2A, 2B
5PE.526.42 Kilbourn, Jonathan Burwell, House; DeMordaunt, Walter, House 1827 N Grand Avenue A, C 1A, 1C, 2A
5PE.1179 James, Joseph A., House 802 W 12th Street
5PE.4222 Rude, Joshua R. and Megan R., House 717 W 12th Street
5PE.5588 White, Asbury, House 419 W 11th Street
5PE.5589 McClung, James S., House 423 W 11th Street
5PE.5590 Rantschler, Christina, House (circa 1900) 507 W 11th Street
5PE.5591 Talbott, J.L., House 509 W 11th Street
5PE.5592 Liddy, P.M., House 515 W 11th Street
5PE.5593 Hill, G.O., House 519 W 11th Street
5PE.5594 Gonzales, Andrew N. and Virgnia I., House 525 W 11th Street
5PE.5595 Wicks, Edward Burke, House 611 W 11th Street
5PE.5596 613 West Eleventh Street 613 W 11th Street

Pueblo’s North Side Neighborhood

National Register Local Landmark

Site Number Property Name Address
Eligibility Eligibility
5PE.5597 617 West 11th Street 617 W 11th Street
5PE.5598 Jagman, William, House 705 W 11th Street
5PE.5599 Weber, Frank A., House 715 W 11th Street
5PE.5600 Haskell, J.W., House 719 W 11th Street
5PE.5601 Glenn, Edmund C., House 409 W 12th Street
5PE.5602 411-413 West Twelfth Street 411-415 W 12th Street
5PE.5603 Duke, F.G. and J.W., House 417 W 12th Street
5PE.5604 McCloskey, Lydia, House 418 W 12th Street
5PE.5605 Wells, R.H., House 419-421 W 12th Street
5PE.5606 424-426 West Twelfth Street Duplex 424-426 W 12th Street
5PE.5607 Osgood, Daniel W., House 425 W 12th Street
5PE.5608 Burris, Samuel J. House 427 W 12th Street
5PE.5609 Lousteau-Langley House 507 W 12th Street
5PE.5610 Brayton, Homer E., House 520 W 12th Street
5PE.5611 Pifer, Charles H., House 526 W 12th Street
5PE.5612 Birch, Harvey, House 603 W 12th Street
5PE.5613 Innes, W.E.A., House 605 W 12th Street
5PE.5614 Kidder, Josiah, House 607 W 12th Street
5PE.5615 Dye, Russell E., House 610 W 12th Street
5PE.5616 Mayer, Edna I., House 612 W 12th Street
5PE.5617 Clanton-Stilwell House 613 W 12th Street
5PE.5618 616 West Twelfth Street 616 W 12th Street
5PE.5619 Williams, G.P., House 618 W 12th Street
5PE.5620 Morse, H.E., House 619 W 12th Street
5PE.5621 Collins, Horace E., House 624 W 12th Street
5PE.5622 Meston -Johnson Mansion Coach House 1817 West Street
5PE.5623 Knebel, George M. and Leo J., House 631 W 12th Street
5PE.5624 Unfug, Charles O., House 711 W 12th Street
5PE.5625 Wolff Grocery Store 712 W 12th Street
5PE.5626 Thompson Grocery Store 714 W 12th Street
5PE.5627 Geist, Daniel H., House 715 W 12th Street
5PE.5628 Sun-Ra Apartments 718 W 12th Street
5PE.5629 Rushmer, Gorton, House 720 W 12th Street
5PE.5630 Mertz, Aaron C., House 722 W 12th Street
5PE.5631 Rouen,Timothy, House 725 W 12th Street
5PE.5632 727 West Twelfth Street 727 W 12th Street
5PE.5633 Rettberg-Stanchfield Duplex 405-407 W 13th Street
5PE.5634 Fanning, John J., House 408 W 13th Street

Colorado Cultural Resource Survey Report

National Register Local Landmark

Site Number Property Name Address
Eligibility Eligibility
5PE.5635 Meigs, Dwight C., House 409 W 13th Street
5PE.5636 Ross-Whistler House 410 W 13th Street
5PE.5637 Latshaw, William D., House 411 W 13th Street
5PE.5638 Bergerman, Solomon, House 412 W 13th Street
5PE.5639 Roberts, Juila H., House 413 W 13th Street
5PE.5640 Johnson, J. Will, House 414 W 13th Street
5PE.5641 Harpster, George F., House 1226 N Greenwood Street
5PE.5642 Townsend, Samuel W., House 417 W 13th Street
5PE.5643 Neighbours, James R., House 508 W 13th Street
5PE.5644 Duke,Thomas A., House Flutcher, Charles A. Jr., House 511 W 13th Street A, C 1A, 1C, 2A
5PE.5645 Nash, Herman Woodworth, House 515 W 13th Street
5PE.5646 Central Assembly of God Church 520 W 13th Street
5PE.5647 Cassidy, Harry N., House 609 W 13th Street
5PE.5648 LeCompte, L.E., House 611 W 13th Street
5PE.5649 Monterey Apartments 614-616 W 13th Street
5PE.5650 Housing Authority of Pueblo Apartments 615-619 W 13th Street
5PE.5651 Colburn, U. Grant, House 618 W 13th Street
5PE.5652 Unfug, Conrad, House 701 W 13th Street
5PE.5653 Cowne, Robert, House 702 W 13th Street
5PE.5654 Lusk, Jack P., Duplex 706 W 13th Street
5PE.5655 Ritchey, Marcellus M., House 711 W 13th Street
5PE.5656 Footman, Lawrence and John, House 712 W 13th Street
5PE.5657 Allee, Mary F., House 713 W 13th Street
5PE.5658 Langdon, John J., House 714 W 13th Street
5PE.5659 Bannister, Charles, Building 715 W 13th Street
5PE.5660 Warden, H.C., House 716 W 13th Street
5PE.5661 McKenna-Smith House 719 W 13th Street
5PE.5662 Cleghorn, John, House 722 W 13th Street
5PE.5663 Bland, John H., House 724 W 13th Street
5PE.5664 Hogg, William, House/Skinner Grocery Store 111 W 14th Street
5PE.5665 Douglas, James E., House 115 W 14th Street
5PE.5666 Macon, John F., House 116 W 14th Street
5PE.5667 Wadhams, Addison D., House 117 W 14th Street
5PE.5668 Palace Courts 203-209 W 14th Street
5PE.5669 Calder-Durham House 213 W 14th Street
5PE.5670 Coleman-Collins House 218 W 14th Street
5PE.5671 Adamson, Walter, House 220 W 14th Street
5PE.5672 Park Lane Apartments 221 W 14th Street

Pueblo’s North Side Neighborhood

National Register Local Landmark

Site Number Property Name Address
Eligibility Eligibility
5PE.5673 MacDaniel, Anna, House 310 W 14th Street
5PE.5674 Corkish Trust Apartments 410-414 W 14th Street
5PE.5675 Phillips, Charles Haughton, House 416 W 14th Street
5PE.5676 Stakus-Tipple House 424 W 14th Street
5PE.5677 Day-Preston House 426 W 14th Street
5PE.5678 Berno, Peter, House 508 W 14th Street
5PE.5679 Hipp, Roy Lee, House 510 W 14th Street
5PE.5680 Lucy, Emmett K., House 512 W 14th Street
5PE.5681 Sullivan, Earl, House 514 W 14th Street
5PE.5682 McKelvy, Ernest E., House 516 W 14th Street
5PE.5683 Heaton, Wilbur M., House 605 W 14th Street
5PE.5684 Carleton, Albert R., House 606 W 14th Street
5PE.5685 Haubrich, G.T., House 608 W 14th Street
5PE.5686 609 West 14th Street 609 W 14th Street
5PE.5687 610-620 West 14th Street Apartments 616-620 W 14th Street
5PE.5688 Capri Apartments 625 W 14th Street
5PE.5689 Balcom-Phillips House 710 W 14th Street
5PE.5690 Christman, Henry R., House 711 W 14th Street
5PE.5691 Miller, William H., House 712 W 14th Street
5PE.5692 Hill-Burke House 714 W 14th Street
5PE.5693 Drake, William A., House 719 W 14th Street
5PE.5694 Bauer, Minnie D., House 724 W 14th Street
5PE.5695 Kohn, Max, House 802 W 14th Street 1A, 2A
5PE.5696 Presbyterian Towers 220 W 15th Street
5PE.5697 Thatcher, Ethel M., Garage 316 W 15th Street
5PE.5698 Barlett, Ralph A., House 322 W 15th Street
5PE.5699 Parkview Medical Center 405 W 15th Street
5PE.5700 Woodling, Obert Lee, House 421 W 15th Street
5PE.5701 Lewis, Earl R., House 604 W 15th Street
5PE.5702 Hill, Nelson B., Jr., Duplex 605-607 W 15th Street
5PE.5703 614-616 West 15th Street Duplex 614-616 W 15th Street
5PE.5704 Wyman, William S., House 615 W 15th Street
5PE.5705 Vorhees, Israel, House 617 W 15th Street
5PE.5706 618-620 West 15th Street Duplex 618-620 W 15th Street
5PE.5707 Hobey, L.M., House 619 W 15th Street
5PE.5708 Sanders, Kenneth A., House 622 W 15th Street
5PE.5709 Coffee, Michael J., House 623 W 15th Street
5PE.5710 Pace, Leonard A., Sr., and Mabel, House 624 W 15th Street

Colorado Cultural Resource Survey Report

National Register Local Landmark

Site Number Property Name Address
Eligibility Eligibility
5PE.5711 Specken, David I., House 628 W 15th Street
5PE.5712 Maley-Stewart House 705 W 15th Street 1A, 2A, 2C
5PE.5713 Greenburg, William, House 706 W 15th Street
5PE.5714 Stephenson House 707 W 15th Street
5PE.5715 Sergeant, Stephen B., House 710 W 15th Street
5PE.5716 Ward, Herman D., House 714 W 15th Street
5PE.5717 Viles House 715 W 15th Street
5PE.5718 717 West 15th Street 717 W 15th Street
5PE.5719 West Side Nazarene Church 740 W 15th Street
5PE.5720 Gottula, Ernest J., House 801 W 15th Street
5PE.5721 Johnson-Smith House 314 W 16th Street
5PE.5722 Johnson-Richards House 606-608 W 16th Street
5PE.5723 Sutton, Stephen K., House 610 W 16th Street
5PE.5724 Moore, Peter and Anneliese, House 614 W 16th Street
5PE.5725 Mann, Guy W., House 615 W 16th Street
5PE.5726 Pitcher, Mary, House 617 W 16th Street
5PE.5727 621-623 West 16th Street 621-623 W 16th Street
5PE.5728 Hartsoe, Daniel Boone, House 625 W 16th Street
5PE.5729 Biundo, Joseph, House 703 W 16th Street
5PE.5730 Wahl, Joseph, House 706 W 16th Street
5PE.5731 Caufeild-James, Paul, House 707 W 16th Street
5PE.5732 Seydel, Burt K., House 708 W 16th Street
5PE.5733 Eppeneter, George J., House 710 W 16th Street
5PE.5734 Bradley, Donald F., House 711 W 16th Street
5PE.5735 Baldwin, Benjamin F., House 714 W 16th Street
5PE.5736 Huskins, Fred G., House 715 W 16th Street
5PE.5737 Wilson,Thomas A., House 716 W 16th Street
5PE.5738 Smith-Brannon House 717 W 16th Street
5PE.5739 Graham, James H. Jr., House 718 W 16th Street
5PE.5740 Marshall, James E., House 721 W 16th Street
5PE.5741 Holden, John O., House 723 W 16th Street
5PE.5742 Littlejohn, Libbie, House 801 W 16th Street
5PE.5743 Storm-Isaacs House 311 W 17th Street
5PE.5744 Pepper, Abe, Duplex 315-317 W 17th Street
5PE.5745 1825 West Street Duplex 1825 West Street
5PE.5746 Linsley, Fred Alonzo, Houses and Apartments 1417-19 North Main Street
5PE.5747 Prichard, George H., House 509 W 17th Street
5PE.5748 Halbert, Richard E., House 515 W 17th Street

Pueblo’s North Side Neighborhood

National Register Local Landmark

Site Number Property Name Address
Eligibility Eligibility
5PE.5749 Chamberlain, Allen G. and Lenore Thatcher, House 1703 West Street 1A, 1C, 2A, 2B
5PE.5750 Nichols, Charles H. “Chic” Jr., House 1716 West Street
5PE.5751 Wallace, William S., House 621 W 17th Street
5PE.5752 Lippis, Arthur B., House 630 W 17th Street
5PE.5753 MacIntyre, Remer Young and Mary Eva, House; Playhouse Preschool 700 W 17th Street
5PE.5754 Tortessi, Gabriel, House 714 W 17th Street
5PE.5755 Welch, Donald E., House 719 W 17th Street
5PE.5756 Butz, William K., House 720 W 17th Street
5PE.5757 Lampton, Walter E., House 725 W 17th Street
5PE.5758 Multer, Carl S., House 726 W 17th Street
5PE.5759 Holden, George Otis, House 802 W 17th Street
5PE.5760 Gottula, John George, House 803 W 17th Street
5PE.5761 Walker, Grant Emmet, House 310 W 18th Street
5PE.5762 Teller, Edward C., House 314 W 18th Street
5PE.5763 McCafferty, William F., House 315 W 18th Street
5PE.5764 Corkish, Robert Jr., House; Curtis, Dr. Lee W. and Helen, House 317 W 18th Street 1A, 1C, 2A
5PE.5765 Bailey, Raymond H., House 320 W 18th Street
5PE.5766 Vories, Harry Pryor, House; Evans, Dr. Arthur W., House 321 W 18th Street A, C 1A, 1C, 2C
5PE.5767 Sumners, William G., House 322 W 18th Street
5PE.5768 Fisher, Willliam R., House 325 W 18th Street
5PE.5769 Colonial Manor Apartments (South) 508-518 W 18th Street
5PE.5770 Levy, Maurice H., House 529 W 18th Street
5PE.5771 Klein, Ferdinand, House 611 W 18th Street
5PE.5772 Baitlon, Domingo and Yvonne, House 612 W 18th Street
5PE.5773 Cramer, Dr. George W., House 615 W 18th Street 1A, 2A
5PE.5774 Becker, Clayton A., House 620 W 18th Street
5PE.5775 Smart, Willard Crockett, House 621 W 18th Street
5PE.5776 Edwards, Evalyn Anderson, House 627 W 18th Street
5PE.5777 Guyot, Napoleon Eugue, House 708 W 18th Street
5PE.5778 Tonne Apartments 709-719 W 18th Street
5PE.5779 Osnowitz, David P., Apartments 716-718 W 18th Street
5PE.5780 Manzanares, Mucio, House 801 W 18th Street
5PE.5781 Werntz, William G., House 306 W 19th Street
5PE.5782 Stanwood, Dr. Harry D., House 308 W 19th Street
5PE.5783 Siegel, Joseph D. and Lisa A., House 422 W 19th Street
5PE.5784 Colonial Manor Apartments (North) 504-520 W 19th Street
5PE.5785 Hartshorn, Ora Burdett, House 616 W 19th Street
5PE.5786 Bergstresser, Reuben, House; Maynard Dr. Carl W., House 620 W 19th Street

Colorado Cultural Resource Survey Report

National Register Local Landmark

Site Number Property Name Address
Eligibility Eligibility
5PE.5787 Newett, J.J., House; Nelson, Louis W., House 624 W 19th Street
5PE.5788 Shaver, Carl Worth, Apartments; Park Terrace Apartments 1310-20 N Main Street
5PE.5789 Sherman, Frank C., House 1315 N Main Street
5PE.5790 Rouch Funeral Home 1317 N Main Street A, C 1A, 2A
5PE.5791 1400-1410 North Main Street Apartments 1400-10 N Main Street 1A, 2A
5PE.5792 1414-1420 North Main Street Apartments 1414-20 N Main Street
5PE.5793 Pueblo Board of Realtors Building 1422 N Main Street
5PE.5794 Boyce, Glen W., House 1310 Court Street
5PE.5795 Sands, Haryy C., House 1314 Court Street
5PE.5796 Garnett, Elizabeth Anderson, House 1315 Court Street
5PE.5797 Gaines, Richard Faikler, House 1317 Court Street
5PE.5798 Sands, Harry C, House 1318 Court Street
5PE.5799 Tudor, Leavitt, House 1319 Court Street
5PE.5800 Willumstad, Paul J., Law Offices 1401 Court Street
5PE.5801 Logan's Standard Service Gas Station; Henry's Standard Service Gas Station 1437 Court Street
5PE.5802 Center for Eye Care and Surgery 1501 Court Street
5PE.5803 Welte, Joseph C., House 1801 Court Street A, C 1A, 1C, 2A, 2B
5PE.5804 Matheney, W. Howard, House 1805 Court Street
5PE.5805 Phillips, Daniel Zane, House; Bugg, Grady, House; Hudspeth, Philip K., House 1821 Court Street A, C 1A, 1C, 2A, 2B
5PE.5806 1825 Court Street 1825 Court Street
5PE.5807 Kellogg, John D., House; Hurd, Walter K., House 1827 Court Street 1A, 1C, 2A
5PE.5808 Murley Medical Office Building 1310-20 N Grand Avenue
5PE.5809 Klein, Ferdinand, House 1720 N Grand Avenue
5PE.5810 1724 North Grand Avenue 1724 N Grand Avenue
5PE.5811 Babcock, L.F., House 1812 N Grand Avenue
5PE.5812 Abell, J. Ernest, House 1818 N Grand Avenue
5PE.5813 Vanderveer, Herbert E., House 1820 N Grand Avenue
5PE.5814 Kellogg, John D., Duplex 1822-24 N Grand Avenue
5PE.5816 Hall, Eugene C., Duplex; 503 West 13th Street 1217 N Greenwood Street
5PE.5817 Saunders, Miles G., House 1311 N Greenwood Street A, C 1A, 2A
5PE.5818 Colonial Manor Apartments 1705 N Greenwood Street
5PE.5819 House, Rev. Floyd E., House 1814 N Greenwood Street
5PE.5820 Seydel, Burt K., House 1822 N Greenwood Street
5PE.5821 Kwik Way Store No. 16 1103 N Elizabeth Street
5PE.5822 Russell, Raymond H., House 1106 N Elizabeth Street
5PE.5823 Spanish Peaks Mental Health Center 1123 N Elizabeth Street
5PE.5824 1126 North Elizabeth Street 1126 N Elizabeth Street
5PE.5825 Campbell, Arthur, Duplex 1202 N Elizabeth Street

Pueblo’s North Side Neighborhood

National Register Local Landmark

Site Number Property Name Address
Eligibility Eligibility
5PE.5826 Pearson, Carter S., House 1206 N Elizabeth Street
5PE.5827 Barhydt, Aaron G., House 1210 N Elizabeth Street
5PE.5828 North Side Groceteria; Potter's Pharmacy; Bi-Rite Groceteria; North Side Arapahoe Grocery 1213 N Elizabeth Street
5PE.5829 Potter's Pharmacy 1214 N Elizabeth Street
5PE.5830 Curtis & Roller Texaco Station; Bassi Texaco Gas Station; Bob's Texaco; Harold's Texaco Service Station 1300 N Elizabeth Street
5PE.5831 1301 North Elizabeth Street Service Station 1301 N Elizabeth Street
5PE.5832 Larson, Howard, House 1312 N Elizabeth Street
5PE.5833 Smith, Dr. Dean B., Building 1321-25 N Elizabeth Street
5PE.5834 Osburne-Brady Building 1401 N Elizabeth Street
5PE.5835 Hill, Nelson B. Jr., Duplex 1505-07 N Elizabeth Street
5PE.5836 Tapia, Abel, Apartments 1509-11 N Elizabeth Street
5PE.5837 Scottish Rite Temple 1518 N Elizabeth Street A, C 1A, 2A, 2B, 3A
5PE.5838 1605 North Elizabeth Street 1605 N Elizabeth Street
5PE.5839 Smith, Dr. Dean B., House 1702 N Elizabeth Street
5PE.5840 Leach, Honald W., House 1720 N Elizabeth Street
5PE.5845 Tudor, Leavitt M., House 1115 West Street
5PE.5846 1119 West Street 1119 West Street
5PE.5847 Speck, George F., Houses 1203 West Street
5PE.5848 1216-1218 West Street Duplex 1216-18 West Street
5PE.5849 1302-1310 West Street Triplex 1302-10 West Street
5PE.5850 1316-1318 West Street Duplex 1316-18 West Street
5PE.5851 Holt, Joseph Roscoe, House 1321 West Street
5PE.5852 Chamberlin, Nathaniel H., House 1323 West Street
5PE.5853 Chiariglione, Hector J., House 1325 West Street
5PE.5854 1403 West Street Apartments 1403 West Street
5PE.5855 1409-1411 West Street Duplex 1409-11 West Street
5PE.5856 1501 West Street 1501 West Street
5PE.5857 Snyder, Roy C., House 1502 West Street
5PE.5858 1101-1107 Craig Street 1101-07 Craig Street
5PE.5859 Titus, Horace L., House 1505 West Street
5PE.5860 Beiter, John A., House 1507 West Street
5PE.5861 1520 West Street 1520 West Street
5PE.5862 Meyer, Frank John, House 1700 West Street 1A, 2A, 2B, 2C
5PE.5952 Maese, Eugene L., House 1303 Craig Street
5PE.5953 Duke,Thomas Alexander, House; Duke, Nathaniel Wilson, House 1415 Craig Street
5PE.5954 Tienda, Manuel, House 1419 Craig Street
5PE.5955 Karr, George W., House 1520 Craig Street
5PE.5956 Von Gundy, George Joseph, House 1521 Craig Street

Colorado Cultural Resource Survey Report

National Register Local Landmark

Site Number Property Name Address
Eligibility Eligibility
5PE.5957 1712 Craig Street 1712 Craig Street
5PE.5958 1718-1720 Craig Street 1718-20 Craig Street
5PE.5959 1721-1723 Craig Street 1721-23 Craig Street
5PE.5961 Parkview Medical Office Building 1600 N Grand Avenue
5PE.5963 Greenwood Medical Arts Building 1619 N Greenwood Street
5PE.5964 Parkview Episcopal Hospital North Annex 406 W 17th Street

Pueblo’s North Side Neighborhood

Table 4.3: Potential Historic District Eligibility

Potentially Contributes
Address Property Name Site Number
to District
419 W 11th Street White, Asbury, House 5PE.5588 Contributing
421 W 11th Street Slaughter, Robert F., House 5PE.513.22 Contributing
423 W 11th Street McClung, James S., House 5PE.5589 Noncontributing
507 W 11th Street Rantschler, Christina, House (circa 1900) 5PE.5590 Noncontributing
509 W 11th Street Talbott, J.L., House 5PE.5591 Contributing
515 W 11th Street Liddy, P.M., House 5PE.5592 Noncontributing
519 W 11th Street Hill, G.O., House 5PE.5593 Contributing
525 W 11th Street Gonzales, Andrew N. and Virgnia I., House 5PE.5594 Contributing
611 W 11th Street Wicks, Edward Burke, House 5PE.5595 Contributing
613 W 11th Street 613 West Eleventh Street 5PE.5596 Noncontributing
615 W 11th Street Gerry, M.B., House 5PE.517.11 Contributing
617 W 11th Street 617 West 11th Street 5PE.5597 Noncontributing
619 W 11th Street Neubauer, Fred, House 5PE.517.13 Contributing
701 W 11th Street Lewis,Thomas L., House 5PE.517.15 Contributing
705 W 11th Street Jagman, William, House 5PE.5598 Contributing
713 W 11th Street Overton-King House; McLagan, George, House; Pressey, Sumner W., House 5PE.517.16 Contributing
715 W 11th Street Weber, Frank A., House 5PE.5599 Contributing
719 W 11th Street Haskell, J.W., House 5PE.5600 Contributing
721 W 11th Street Caffrey, Owen E., House 5PE.517.17 Contributing
409 W 12th Street Glenn, Edmund C., House 5PE.5601 Contributing
411-415 W 12th Street 411-413 West Twelfth Street 5PE.5602 Noncontributing
417 W 12th Street Duke, F.G. and J.W., House 5PE.5603 Contributing
418 W 12th Street McCloskey, Lydia, House 5PE.5604 Noncontributing
419-421 W 12th Street Wells, R.H., House 5PE.5605 Contributing
420-422 W 12th Street Crockett, Edmond I., Duplex 5PE.513.26 Contributing
424-426 W 12th Street 424-426 West Twelfth Street Duplex 5PE.5606 Contributing
425 W 12th Street Osgood, Daniel W., House 5PE.5607 Contributing
427 W 12th Street Burris, Samuel J. House 5PE.5608 Contributing
428-430 W 12th Street Nichols, Wilbur Fisk, Duplex 5PE.513.27 Contributing
507 W 12th Street Lousteau-Langley House 5PE.5609 Contributing
511 W 12th Street Cazaly, George E., House 5PE.517.22 Contributing
515 W 12th Street Finlan, John W., House; Jahn, F. William, House 5PE.517.23 Contributing
517 W 12th Street Lewis, James A., House 5PE.517.24 Contributing
520 W 12th Street Brayton, Homer E., House 5PE.5610 Contributing
522 W 12th Street Martini, Joseph F., House 5PE.517.25 Contributing
524 W 12th Street Crane, Leroy A., House 5PE.517.26 Contributing
526 W 12th Street Pifer, Charles H., House 5PE.5611 Contributing

Colorado Cultural Resource Survey Report

Potentially Contributes
Address Property Name Site Number
to District
603 W 12th Street Birch, Harvey, House 5PE.5612 Contributing
605 W 12th Street Innes, W.E.A., House 5PE.5613 Contributing
607 W 12th Street Kidder, Josiah, House 5PE.5614 Contributing
610 W 12th Street Dye, Russell E., House 5PE.5615 Contributing
612 W 12th Street Mayer, Edna I., House 5PE.5616 Noncontributing
613 W 12th Street Clanton-Stilwell House 5PE.5617 Contributing
616 W 12th Street 616 West Twelfth Street 5PE.5618 Contributing
618 W 12th Street Williams, G.P., House 5PE.5619 Contributing
619 W 12th Street Morse, H.E., House 5PE.5620 Contributing
623 W 12th Street Leach, A.L., House 5PE.517.28 Contributing
624 W 12th Street Collins, Horace E., House 5PE.5621 Contributing
626 W 12th Street Hunter, Andrew J., House 5PE.517.66 Contributing
631 W 12th Street Knebel, George M. and Leo J., House 5PE.5623 Contributing
711 W 12th Street Unfug, Charles O., House 5PE.5624 Contributing
712 W 12th Street Wolff Grocery Store 5PE.5625 Contributing
714 W 12th Street Thompson Grocery Store 5PE.5626 Contributing
715 W 12th Street Geist, Daniel H., House 5PE.5627 Contributing
716 W 12th Street Collins, William H., House 5PE.517.29 Contributing
717 W 12th Street Rude, Joshua R. and Megan R., House 5PE.4222 Noncontributing
718 W 12th Street Sun-Ra Apartments 5PE.5628 Contributing
720 W 12th Street Rushmer, Gorton, House 5PE.5629 Contributing
721 W 12th Street Spencer, Samuel Taylor, House 5PE.517.30 Contributing
722 W 12th Street Mertz, Aaron C., House 5PE.5630 Contributing
724 W 12th Street Gregory, Gilbert D., House 5PE.517.31 Contributing
725 W 12th Street Rouen,Timothy, House 5PE.5631 Contributing
727 W 12th Street 727 West Twelfth Street 5PE.5632 Noncontributing
801 W 12th Street Morrow, John, House 5PE.517.32 Contributing
802 W 12th Street James, Joseph A., House 5PE.1179 Contributing
405-407 W 13th Street Rettberg-Stanchfield Duplex 5PE.5633 Contributing
408 W 13th Street Fanning, John J., House 5PE.5634 Contributing
409 W 13th Street Meigs, Dwight C., House 5PE.5635 Contributing
410 W 13th Street Ross-Whistler House 5PE.5636 Contributing
411 W 13th Street Latshaw, William D., House 5PE.5637 Contributing
412 W 13th Street Bergerman, Solomon, House 5PE.5638 Contributing
413 W 13th Street Roberts, Juila H., House 5PE.5639 Contributing
414 W 13th Street Johnson, J. Will, House 5PE.5640 Contributing
417 W 13th Street Townsend, Samuel W., House 5PE.5642 Contributing
508 W 13th Street Neighbours, James R., House 5PE.5643 Noncontributing

Pueblo’s North Side Neighborhood

Potentially Contributes
Address Property Name Site Number
to District
511 W 13th Street Duke,Thomas A., House; Flutcher, Charles A. Jr., House 5PE.5644 Contributing
515 W 13th Street Nash, Herman Woodworth, House 5PE.5645 Noncontributing
520 W 13th Street Central Assembly of God Church 5PE.5646 Noncontributing
609 W 13th Street Cassidy, Harry N., House 5PE.5647 Contributing
611 W 13th Street LeCompte, L.E., House 5PE.5648 Contributing
614-616 W 13th Street Monterey Apartments 5PE.5649 Contributing
615-619 W 13th Street Housing Authority of Pueblo Apartments 5PE.5650 Noncontributing
618 W 13th Street Colburn, U. Grant, House 5PE.5651 Contributing
701 W 13th Street Unfug, Conrad, House 5PE.5652 Contributing
702 W 13th Street Cowne, Robert, House 5PE.5653 Contributing
705 W 13th Street Heller-Crow House 5PE.517.38 Contributing
706 W 13th Street Lusk, Jack P., Duplex 5PE.5654 Contributing
711 W 13th Street Ritchey, Marcellus M., House 5PE.5655 Contributing
712 W 13th Street Footman, Lawrence and John, House 5PE.5656 Contributing
713 W 13th Street Allee, Mary F., House 5PE.5657 Noncontributing
714 W 13th Street Langdon, John J., House 5PE.5658 Contributing
715 W 13th Street Bannister, Charles, Building 5PE.5659 Noncontributing
716 W 13th Street Warden, H.C., House 5PE.5660 Contributing
719 W 13th Street McKenna-Smith House 5PE.5661 Contributing
722 W 13th Street Cleghorn, John, House 5PE.5662 Contributing
724 W 13th Street Bland, John H., House 5PE.5663 Contributing
726 W 13th Street Barber,Thomas, House 5PE.517.39 Contributing
727 W 13th Street Olin House; Coulter, Judge, House;Thompson House 5PE.517.40 Contributing
728 W 13th Street Kellogg, John D., House 5PE.517.41 Contributing
802 W 13th Street Ross, James A., House;Taylor, Dr. Cyrus Freeland, House 5PE.517.42 Contributing
111 W 14th Street Hogg, William, House/Skinner Grocery Store 5PE.5664 Contributing
115 W 14th Street Douglas, James E., House 5PE.5665 Contributing
116 W 14th Street Macon, John F., House 5PE.5666 Contributing
117 W 14th Street Wadhams, Addison D., House 5PE.5667 Contributing
203-209 W 14th Street Palace Courts 5PE.5668 Contributing
213 W 14th Street Calder-Durham House 5PE.5669 Contributing
218 W 14th Street Coleman-Collins House 5PE.5670 Contributing
220 W 14th Street Adamson, Walter, House 5PE.5671 Contributing
221 W 14th Street Park Lane Apartments 5PE.5672 Contributing
310 W 14th Street MacDaniel, Anna, House 5PE.5673 Contributing
313 W 14th Street Trimble, William W., House 5PE.516.1 Contributing
410-414 W 14th Street Corkish Trust Apartments 5PE.5674 Noncontributing
416 W 14th Street Phillips, Charles Haughton, House 5PE.5675 Contributing

Colorado Cultural Resource Survey Report

Potentially Contributes
Address Property Name Site Number
to District
420 W 14th Street Kenworthy, Jeremiah D., House 5PE.516.3 Contributing
424 W 14th Street Stakus-Tipple House 5PE.5676 Contributing
426 W 14th Street Day-Preston House 5PE.5677 Contributing
508 W 14th Street Berno, Peter, House 5PE.5678 Contributing
510 W 14th Street Hipp, Roy Lee, House 5PE.5679 Contributing
512 W 14th Street Lucy, Emmett K., House 5PE.5680 Contributing
514 W 14th Street Sullivan, Earl, House 5PE.5681 Contributing
516 W 14th Street McKelvy, Ernest E., House 5PE.5682 Contributing
605 W 14th Street Heaton, Wilbur M., House 5PE.5683 Contributing
606 W 14th Street Carleton, Albert R., House 5PE.5684 Contributing
608 W 14th Street Haubrich, G.T., House 5PE.5685 Contributing
609 W 14th Street 609 West 14th Street 5PE.5686 Contributing
616-620 W 14th Street 610-620 West 14th Street Apartments 5PE.5687 Contributing
624 W 14th Street Mooney-Marmaduke House 5PE.517.46 Contributing
625 W 14th Street Capri Apartments 5PE.5688 Noncontributing
710 W 14th Street Balcom-Phillips House 5PE.5689 Contributing
711 W 14th Street Christman, Henry R., House 5PE.5690 Contributing
712 W 14th Street Miller, William H., House 5PE.5691 Contributing
714 W 14th Street Hill-Burke House 5PE.5692 Contributing
715 W 14th Street Laben, Frank J., House 5PE.517.48 Contributing
719 W 14th Street Drake, William A., House 5PE.5693 Contributing
723 W 14th Street Allard, Joseph G., House 5PE.517.49 Contributing
724 W 14th Street Bauer, Minnie D., House 5PE.5694 Contributing
725 W 14th Street Reece, Charles W., House 5PE.517.50 Contributing
802 W 14th Street Kohn, Max, House 5PE.5695 Contributing
220 W 15th Street Presbyterian Towers 5PE.5696 Noncontributing
315 W 15th Street Williams, F.E., House 5PE.516.5 Contributing
316 W 15th Street Thatcher, Ethel M., Garage 5PE.5697 Noncontributing
322 W 15th Street Barlett, Ralph A., House 5PE.5698 Contributing
405 W 15th Street Parkview Medical Center 5PE.5699 Noncontributing
421 W 15th Street Woodling, Obert Lee, House 5PE.5700 Noncontributing
604 W 15th Street Lewis, Earl R., House 5PE.5701 Contributing
605-607 W 15th Street Hill, Nelson B., Jr., Duplex 5PE.5702 Noncontributing
614-616 W 15th Street 614-616 West 15th Street Duplex 5PE.5703 Noncontributing
615 W 15th Street Wyman, William S., House 5PE.5704 Contributing
617 W 15th Street Vorhees, Israel, House 5PE.5705 Contributing
618-620 W 15th Street 618-620 West 15th Street Duplex 5PE.5706 Noncontributing
619 W 15th Street Hobey, L.M., House 5PE.5707 Contributing

Pueblo’s North Side Neighborhood

Potentially Contributes
Address Property Name Site Number
to District
622 W 15th Street Sanders, Kenneth A., House 5PE.5708 Contributing
623 W 15th Street Coffee, Michael J., House 5PE.5709 Contributing
624 W 15th Street Pace, Leonard A., Sr., and Mabel, House 5PE.5710 Noncontributing
628 W 15th Street Specken, David I., House 5PE.5711 Contributing
705 W 15th Street Maley-Stewart House 5PE.5712 Contributing
706 W 15th Street Greenburg, William, House 5PE.5713 Contributing
707 W 15th Street Stephenson House 5PE.5714 Contributing
710 W 15th Street Sergeant, Stephen B., House 5PE.5715 Contributing
714 W 15th Street Ward, Herman D., House 5PE.5716 Noncontributing
715 W 15th Street Viles House 5PE.5717 Noncontributing
717 W 15th Street 717 West 15th Street 5PE.5718 Contributing
719 W 15th Street Parker, Rollin, House 5PE.517.54 Contributing
740 W 15th Street West Side Nazarene Church 5PE.5719 Contributing
801 W 15th Street Gottula, Ernest J., House 5PE.5720 Contributing
314 W 16th Street Johnson-Smith House 5PE.5721 Noncontributing
400 W 16th Street Parkview Hospital; Parkview Episcopal Hospital; Parkview Episcopal Medical Center 5PE.516.13 Noncontributing
606-608 W 16th Street Johnson-Richards House 5PE.5722 Noncontributing
610 W 16th Street Sutton, Stephen K., House 5PE.5723 Contributing
614 W 16th Street Moore, Peter and Anneliese, House 5PE.5724 Noncontributing
615 W 16th Street Mann, Guy W., House 5PE.5725 Contributing
617 W 16th Street Pitcher, Mary, House 5PE.5726 Contributing
621-623 W 16th Street 621-623 West 16th Street 5PE.5727 Noncontributing
625 W 16th Street Hartsoe, Daniel Boone, House 5PE.5728 Noncontributing
703 W 16th Street Biundo, Joseph, House 5PE.5729 Contributing
706 W 16th Street Wahl, Joseph, House 5PE.5730 Contributing
707 W 16th Street Caufeild-James, Paul, House 5PE.5731 Contributing
708 W 16th Street Seydel, Burt K., House 5PE.5732 Contributing
710 W 16th Street Eppeneter, George J., House 5PE.5733 Contributing
711 W 16th Street Bradley, Donald F., House 5PE.5734 Contributing
714 W 16th Street Baldwin, Benjamin F., House 5PE.5735 Contributing
715 W 16th Street Huskins, Fred G., House 5PE.5736 Contributing
716 W 16th Street Wilson,Thomas A., House 5PE.5737 Contributing
717 W 16th Street Smith-Brannon House 5PE.5738 Contributing
718 W 16th Street Graham, James H. Jr., House 5PE.5739 Contributing
721 W 16th Street Marshall, James E., House 5PE.5740 Noncontributing
723 W 16th Street Holden, John O., House 5PE.5741 Contributing
801 W 16th Street Littlejohn, Libbie, House 5PE.5742 Noncontributing
303 W 17th Street Bullen, Fred H. and Mabel, House; Breckenridge, Robert G., House; Boyer, Dr. David W., House 5PE.516.10 Contributing

Colorado Cultural Resource Survey Report

Potentially Contributes
Address Property Name Site Number
to District
307 W 17th Street Cole, Henry LeRoy, House 5PE.516.11 Contributing
311 W 17th Street Storm-Isaacs House 5PE.5743 Contributing
315-317 W 17th Street Pepper, Abe, Duplex 5PE.5744 Contributing
327 W 17th Street Benson, Warren B., House 5PE.516.12 Contributing
406 W 17th Street Parkview Episcopal Hospital North Annex 5PE.5964 Noncontributing
509 W 17th Street Prichard, George H., House 5PE.5747 Noncontributing
515 W 17th Street Halbert, Richard E., House 5PE.5748 Noncontributing
605 W 17th Street Forbush, Augustus DuBois, House 5PE.516.14 Contributing
610 W 17th Street Walker, Luther G. and Bessie Evelyn, House 5PE.516.15 Contributing
621 W 17th Street Wallace, William S., House 5PE.5751 Contributing
630 W 17th Street Lippis, Arthur B., House 5PE.5752 Noncontributing
700 W 17th Street MacIntyre, Remer Young and Mary Eva, House; Playhouse Preschool 5PE.5753 Contributing
714 W 17th Street Tortessi, Gabriel, House 5PE.5754 Contributing
719 W 17th Street Welch, Donald E., House 5PE.5755 Contributing
720 W 17th Street Butz, William K., House 5PE.5756 Contributing
725 W 17th Street Lampton, Walter E., House 5PE.5757 Contributing
726 W 17th Street Multer, Carl S., House 5PE.5758 Noncontributing
802 W 17th Street Holden, George Otis, House 5PE.5759 Contributing
803 W 17th Street Gottula, John George, House 5PE.5760 Contributing
302 W 18th Street Mishou,Thomas F., House Gleason, George J., House 5PE.516.16 Contributing
306 W 18th Street Bullen, Fred H. and Mabel, House 5PE.516.17 Contributing
310 W 18th Street Walker, Grant Emmet, House 5PE.5761 Contributing
314 W 18th Street Teller, Edward C., House 5PE.5762 Contributing
315 W 18th Street McCafferty, William F., House 5PE.5763 Contributing
317 W 18th Street Corkish, Robert Jr., House Curtis, Dr. Lee W. and Helen, House 5PE.5764 Contributing
320 W 18th Street Bailey, Raymond H., House 5PE.5765 Contributing
321 W 18th Street Vories, Harry Pryor, House Evans, Dr. Arthur W., House 5PE.5766 Contributing
322 W 18th Street Sumners, William G., House 5PE.5767 Contributing
325 W 18th Street Fisher, Willliam R., House 5PE.5768 Contributing
401 W 18th Street Vories, Harry Pryor, House; Meston, George Dodd, House 5PE.516.18 Contributing
409 W 18th Street Lucas, Dr. Wilbur, House; Johnston, J. Will, House; Clevenger, Mac V., House 5PE.516.19 Contributing
419 W 18th Street Voorhees, Judge John H. House; Nelson, Louis W., House 5PE.516.20 Contributing
423 W 18th Street Downen,Thomas J., House 5PE.516.21 Contributing
425 W 18th Street Booth, Albert S., House 5PE.516.22 Contributing
508-518 W 18th Street Colonial Manor Apartments (South) 5PE.5769 Contributing
529 W 18th Street Levy, Maurice H., House 5PE.5770 Contributing
611 W 18th Street Klein, Ferdinand, House 5PE.5771 Contributing
612 W 18th Street Baitlon, Domingo and Yvonne, House 5PE.5772 Noncontributing

Pueblo’s North Side Neighborhood

Potentially Contributes
Address Property Name Site Number
to District
615 W 18th Street Cramer, Dr. George W., House 5PE.5773 Contributing
620 W 18th Street Becker, Clayton A., House 5PE.5774 Contributing
621 W 18th Street Smart, Willard Crockett, House 5PE.5775 Contributing
627 W 18th Street Edwards, Evalyn Anderson, House 5PE.5776 Contributing
708 W 18th Street Guyot, Napoleon Eugue, House 5PE.5777 Contributing
709-719 W 18th Street Tonne Apartments 5PE.5778 Noncontributing
716-718 W 18th Street Osnowitz, David P., Apartments 5PE.5779 Noncontributing
801 W 18th Street Manzanares, Mucio, House 5PE.5780 Contributing
306 W 19th Street Werntz, William G., House 5PE.5781 Contributing
308 W 19th Street Stanwood, Dr. Harry D., House 5PE.5782 Contributing
422 W 19th Street Siegel, Joseph D. and Lisa A., House 5PE.5783 Noncontributing
504-520 W 19th Street Colonial Manor Apartments (North) 5PE.5784 Contributing
616 W 19th Street Hartshorn, Ora Burdett, House 5PE.5785 Contributing
620 W 19th Street Bergstresser, Reuben, House; Maynard Dr. Carl W., House 5PE.5786 Contributing
624 W 19th Street Newett, J.J., House; Nelson, Louis W., House 5PE.5787 Contributing
1310 Court Street Boyce, Glen W., House 5PE.5794 Contributing
1314 Court Street Sands, Haryy C., House 5PE.5795 Contributing
1315 Court Street Garnett, Elizabeth Anderson, House 5PE.5796 Contributing
1317 Court Street Gaines, Richard Faikler, House 5PE.5797 Contributing
1318 Court Street Sands, Harry C, House 5PE.5798 Noncontributing
1319 Court Street Tudor, Leavitt, House 5PE.5799 Contributing
1401 Court Street Willumstad, Paul J., Law Offices 5PE.5800 Noncontributing
1437 Court Street Logan's Standard Service Gas Station; Henry's Standard Service Gas Station 5PE.5801 Contributing
1501 Court Street Center for Eye Care and Surgery 5PE.5802 Noncontributing
1801 Court Street Welte, Joseph C., House 5PE.5803 Contributing
1805 Court Street Matheney, W. Howard, House 5PE.5804 Contributing
1821 Court Street Phillips, Daniel Zane, House; Bugg, Grady, House; Hudspeth, Philip K., House 5PE.5805 Contributing
1825 Court Street 1825 Court Street 5PE.5806 Contributing
1827 Court Street Kellogg, John D., House; Hurd, Walter K., House 5PE.5807 Contributing
1101-07 Craig Street 1101-1107 Craig Street 5PE.5858 Contributing
1303 Craig Street Maese, Eugene L., House 5PE.5952 Noncontributing
1415 Craig Street Duke,Thomas Alexander, House; Duke, Nathaniel Wilson, House 5PE.5953 Contributing
1419 Craig Street Tienda, Manuel, House 5PE.5954 Contributing
1520 Craig Street Karr, George W., House 5PE.5955 Contributing
1521 Craig Street Von Gundy, George Joseph, House 5PE.5956 Contributing
1712 Craig Street 1712 Craig Street 5PE.5957 Noncontributing
1718-20 Craig Street 1718-1720 Craig Street 5PE.5958 Noncontributing
1721-23 Craig Street 1721-1723 Craig Street 5PE.5959 Contributing

Colorado Cultural Resource Survey Report

Potentially Contributes
Address Property Name Site Number
to District
1103 N Elizabeth Street Kwik Way Store No. 16 5PE.5821 Noncontributing
1106 N Elizabeth Street Russell, Raymond H., House 5PE.5822 Contributing
1123 N Elizabeth Street Spanish Peaks Mental Health Center 5PE.5823 Noncontributing
1126 N Elizabeth Street 1126 North Elizabeth Street 5PE.5824 Noncontributing
1202 N Elizabeth Street Campbell, Arthur, Duplex 5PE.5825 Contributing
1205 N Elizabeth Street Mennitt,Theodore J., House 5PE.517.60 Contributing
1206 N Elizabeth Street Pearson, Carter S., House 5PE.5826 Contributing
1210 N Elizabeth Street Barhydt, Aaron G., House 5PE.5827 Contributing
1213 N Elizabeth Street North Side Groceteria; Potter's Pharmacy; Bi-Rite Groceteria; North Side Arapahoe Grocery 5PE.5828 Contributing
1214 N Elizabeth Street Potter's Pharmacy 5PE.5829 Contributing
1300 N Elizabeth Street Curtis & Roller Texaco Station; Bassi Texaco Gas Station; Bob's Texaco; Harold's Texaco Service Station 5PE.5830 Noncontributing
1301 N Elizabeth Street 1301 N Elizabeth St Service Station 5PE.5831 Noncontributing
1312 N Elizabeth Street Larson, Howard, House 5PE.5832 Contributing
1321-25 N Elizabeth Street Smith, Dr. Dean B., Building 5PE.5833 Contributing
1401 N Elizabeth Street Osburne-Brady Building 5PE.5834 Noncontributing
1505-07 N Elizabeth Street Hill, Nelson B. Jr., Duplex 5PE.5835 Noncontributing
1509-11 N Elizabeth Street Tapia, Abel, Apartments 5PE.5836 Noncontributing
1518 N Elizabeth Street Scottish Rite Temple 5PE.5837 Contributing
1605 N Elizabeth Street 1605 North Elizabeth Street 5PE.5838 Contributing
1701 N Elizabeth Street Rogers, Platt Jr,, House; Adams, Alva Blanchard Jr., House 5PE.516.25 Contributing
1702 N Elizabeth Street Smith, Dr. Dean B., House 5PE.5839 Noncontributing
1707 N Elizabeth Street Ackerman, Fred, House; Dial, Dr. Oran C., House 5PE.516.26 Contributing
1720 N Elizabeth Street Leach, Honald W., House 5PE.5840 Contributing
1800 N Elizabeth Street Brown, Edward Frederick, House; Allen, Arthur Leslie, House 5PE.516.27 Contributing
1801 N Elizabeth Street Meserole, George Van Sant, House; Belcher, Reason J., House 5PE.516.28 Contributing
1810 N Elizabeth Street Crews, Floyd Hooper, House; Ellis, Robert D., House 5PE.526.11 Contributing
1819 N Elizabeth Street White, Asbury, House; Berstein, Morey, House 5PE.526.12 Contributing
1827 N Elizabeth Street Rushmer, Gorton Elwell and Esther Monnet, House 5PE.526.13 Contributing
1830 N Elizabeth Street Lassen, Dr. Fritz, House 5PE.526.14 Contributing
1310-20 N Grand Avenue Murley Medical Office Building 5PE.5808 Noncontributing
1426 N Grand Avenue Francis, Hugh R., House 5PE.516.31 Contributing
1600 N Grand Avenue Parkview Medical Office Building 5PE.5961 Noncontributing
1720 N Grand Avenue Klein, Ferdinand, House 5PE.5809 Contributing
1724 N Grand Avenue 1724 North Grand Avenue 5PE.5810 Contributing
1812 N Grand Avenue Babcock, L.F., House 5PE.5811 Contributing
1818 N Grand Avenue Abell, J. Ernest, House 5PE.5812 Contributing
1820 N Grand Avenue Vanderveer, Herbert E., House 5PE.5813 Contributing
1822-24 N Grand Avenue Kellogg, John D., Duplex 5PE.5814 Contributing

Pueblo’s North Side Neighborhood

Potentially Contributes
Address Property Name Site Number
to District
1827 N Grand Avenue Kilbourn, Jonathan Burwell, House; DeMordaunt, Walter, House 5PE.526.42 Contributing
1101 N Greenwood Street 1101 North Greenwood Street 5PE.517.9 Noncontributing
1117 N Greenwood Street Armstrong, David M., House 5PE.517.61 Contributing
1123 N Greenwood Street Farney, Michael, House 5PE.517.62 Contributing
1125 N Greenwood Street Price, Albert L., House; Wigton, W. Irving, House 5PE.517.63 Contributing
1201-09 N Greenwood Street 1201-1203 North Greenwood Street Duplex; 1207-1209 North Greenwood Street Duplex 5PE.517.64/5PE.5815 Contributing
1217 N Greenwood Street Hall, Eugene C., Duplex; 503 West 13th Street 5PE.5816 Contributing
1226 N Greenwood Street Harpster, George F., House 5PE.5641 Contributing
1311 N Greenwood Street Saunders, Miles G., House 5PE.5817 Contributing
1401 N Greenwood Street Hartman, William L., House; Hoag, Frank S., House 5PE.516.34 Contributing
1619 N Greenwood Street Greenwood Medical Arts Building 5PE.5963 Noncontributing
1705 N Greenwood Street Colonial Manor Apartments 5PE.5818 Contributing
1814 N Greenwood Street House, Rev. Floyd E., House 5PE.5819 Contributing
1822 N Greenwood Street Seydel, Burt K., House 5PE.5820 Contributing
1310-20 N Main Street Shaver, Carl Worth, Apartments; Park Terrace Apartments 5PE.5788 Contributing
1315 N Main Street Sherman, Frank C., House 5PE.5789 Contributing
1317 N Main Street Rouch Funeral Home 5PE.5790 Contributing
1400-10 N Main Street 1400-1410 North Main Street Apartments 5PE.5791 Contributing
1414-20 N Main Street 1414-1420 North Main Street Apartments 5PE.5792 Contributing
1417-19 N Main Street Linsley, Fred Alonzo, Houses and Apartments 5PE.4763 Contributing
1422 N Main Street Pueblo Board of Realtors Building 5PE.5793 Noncontributing
1115 West Street Tudor, Leavitt M., House 5PE.5845 Contributing
1117 West Street 1117 West Street 5PE.517.67 Contributing
1119 West Street 1119 West Street 5PE.5846 Contributing
1203 West Street Speck, George F., Houses 5PE.5847 Contributing
1216-18 West Street 1216-1218 West Street Duplex 5PE.5848 Noncontributing
1302-10 West Street 1302-1310 West Street Triplex 5PE.5849 Noncontributing
1316-18 West Street 1316-1318 West Street Duplex 5PE.5850 Noncontributing
1321 West Street Holt, Joseph Roscoe, House 5PE.5851 Noncontributing
1323 West Street Chamberlin, Nathaniel H., House 5PE.5852 Contributing
1325 West Street Chiariglione, Hector J., House 5PE.5853 Contributing
1403 West Street 1403 West Street Apartments 5PE.5854 Noncontributing
1409-11 West Street 1409-1411 West Street Duplex 5PE.5855 Noncontributing
1501 West Street 1501 West Street 5PE.5856 Contributing
1502 West Street Snyder, Roy C., House 5PE.5857 Contributing
1503 West Street 1503 West Street 5PE.517.68 Contributing
1505 West Street Titus, Horace L., House 5PE.5859 Contributing
1507 West Street Beiter, John A., House 5PE.5860 Contributing

Colorado Cultural Resource Survey Report

Potentially Contributes
Address Property Name Site Number
to District
1507 West Street Beiter, John A., House 5PE.5860 Contributing
1520 West Street 1520 West Street 5PE.5861 Noncontributing
1700 West Street Meyer, Frank John, House 5PE.5862 Contributing
1703 West Street Chamberlain, Allen G. and Lenore Thatcher, House 5PE.5749 Contributing
1716 West Street Nichols, Charles H. “Chic” Jr., House 5PE.5750 Contributing
1817 West Street Meston -Johnson Mansion Coach House 5PE.5622 Contributing
1825 West Street 1825 West Street Duplex 5PE.5745 Contributing

Pueblo’s North Side Neighborhood

Map 4.1. Pueblo North Side map depicting individual eligi-

bility for the National Register of Historic Places and as
Pueblo Landmarks.

National Register listed

National Register eligible

State Register listed

Local Landmark eligible

survey area boundary

Colorado Cultural Resource Survey Report

Map 4.2. Pueblo North Side map depicting properties

potentially contributing to an historic district. Properties
marked as “potentially contributing” have sufficient physical
integrity and represent the associated historical and architec-
tural contexts. An ultimate determination of district contri-
bution depends on the district boundaries, areas of signifi-
cance, period of significance, and other factors.

potentially contributing


vacant/not surveyed

survey area boundary

Section 5

The results of this intensive-level, comprehensive sur- suggesting the need for further intensive-level, compre-
vey, combined with observations about the neighborhood, hensive surveys. (See Recommendation 2, below.)
suggest several recommendations for the City of Pueblo to Historitecture proposes the creation of a West
consider. Eighteenth Street Historic District generally extending one
block on either side of Eighteenth Street from Court Street
Recommendation 1: Designate Historic to West Street. The specific district boundaries, as pro-
Districts posed on map 5.1, are designed to specifically exclude the
northern and southern portions of the Colonial Manor
Perhaps the most powerful tool in neighborhood Apartments (5PE.5784 and 5PE.5769) and other resources
preservation planning is the creation of historic districts. that are not directly associated with historical and architec-
They provide a more comprehensive means of not only tural context of the rest of proposed district. In essence,
protecting individual historic properties, but also preserv- this particular district portrays better than any other por-
ing the larger landscape or physical context. An example of tion of the survey area the themes developed in the histor-
the lack of comprehensive preservation planning occurs in ical context.
the 400 block of West Seventeenth Street, where a massive, The Eighteenth Street Historic District is eligible for
five-story parking structure on the south side of the street listing in the National Register of Historic Places under cri-
looms over the modest, single-story bungalows on the terion A (history) for its close association with the estab-
north side of the street. This garage has changed the phys- lishment and growth of Pueblo’s professional and entre-
ical context of these houses. At present, Pueblo has only preneurial class, many of whom became powerful civic
two National Register historic districts: Pitkin Place and leaders. (This theme is developed in the historical context,
Union Avenue. It does not have any local landmark dis- presented in section 3 of this document.) These individu-
tricts. als chose to distance themselves from the Colorado Fuel &
The results of this survey suggest the creation of two Iron Company’s Minnequa Works, on the south side of the
districts and further study to create an additional district. city, both as a retreat from the industrial din and dirt as well
Determining the boundaries of these districts, however, is as a symbol of their self-made, economic independence.
problematic given the limits of this particular project area, Almost every residence in the proposed district was origi-

Pueblo’s North Side Neighborhood

Map 5.1. Potential historic districts and areas of further

study in the North Side Neighborhood.

potentially contributing


vacant/not surveyed

survey area boundary

West Eighteenth Street District

Rosemount-West Thirteenth Street District

Olin-Duke Area of Further Study

Colorado Cultural Resource Survey Report

Table 5.1: West Eighteenth Street District Eligibility

Potentially Contributes
Address Property Name Site Number
to District
303 W 17th Street Bullen, Fred H. and Mabel, House; Breckenridge, Robert G., House; Boyer, Dr. David W., House 5PE.516.10 Contributing
307 W 17th Street Cole, Henry LeRoy, House 5PE.516.11 Contributing
311 W 17th Street Storm-Isaacs House 5PE.5743 Contributing
315-317 W 17th Street Pepper, Abe, Duplex 5PE.5744 Contributing
327 W 17th Street Benson, Warren B., House 5PE.516.12 Contributing
605 W 17th Street Forbush, Augustus DuBois, House 5PE.516.14 Contributing
621 W 17th Street Wallace, William S., House 5PE.5751 Contributing
302 W 18th Street Mishou,Thomas F., House Gleason, George J., House 5PE.516.16 Contributing
306 W 18th Street Bullen, Fred H. and Mabel, House 5PE.516.17 Contributing
310 W 18th Street Walker, Grant Emmet, House 5PE.5761 Contributing
314 W 18th Street Teller, Edward C., House 5PE.5762 Contributing
315 W 18th Street McCafferty, William F., House 5PE.5763 Contributing
317 W 18th Street Corkish, Robert Jr., House Curtis, Dr. Lee W. and Helen, House 5PE.5764 Contributing
320 W 18th Street Bailey, Raymond H., House 5PE.5765 Contributing
321 W 18th Street Vories, Harry Pryor, House Evans, Dr. Arthur W., House 5PE.5766 Contributing
322 W 18th Street Sumners, William G., House 5PE.5767 Contributing
325 W 18th Street Fisher, Willliam R., House 5PE.5768 Contributing
401 W 18th Street Vories, Harry Pryor, House; Meston, George Dodd, House 5PE.516.18 Contributing
409 W 18th Street Lucas, Dr. Wilbur, House; Johnston, J. Will, House; Clevenger, Mac V., House 5PE.516.19 Contributing
419 W 18th Street Voorhees, Judge John H. House; Nelson, Louis W., House 5PE.516.20 Contributing
420 W 18th Street Ascension Episcopal Church (Listed, State Register) 5PE.4175 Contributing
423 W 18th Street Downen,Thomas J., House 5PE.516.21 Contributing
425 W 18th Street Booth, Albert S., House 5PE.516.22 Contributing
529 W 18th Street Levy, Maurice H., House 5PE.5770 Contributing
611 W 18th Street Klein, Ferdinand, House 5PE.5771 Contributing
612 W 18th Street Baitlon, Domingo and Yvonne, House 5PE.5772 Noncontributing
615 W 18th Street Cramer, Dr. George W., House 5PE.5773 Contributing
620 W 18th Street Becker, Clayton A., House 5PE.5774 Contributing
621 W 18th Street Smart, Willard Crockett, House 5PE.5775 Contributing
627 W 18th Street Edwards, Evalyn Anderson, House 5PE.5776 Contributing
708 W 18th Street Guyot, Napoleon Eugue, House 5PE.5777 Contributing
306 W 19th Street Werntz, William G., House 5PE.5781 Contributing
308 W 19th Street Stanwood, Dr. Harry D., House 5PE.5782 Contributing
616 W 19th Street Hartshorn, Ora Burdett, House 5PE.5785 Contributing
620 W 19th Street Bergstresser, Reuben, House; Maynard Dr. Carl W., House 5PE.5786 Contributing
624 W 19th Street Newett, J.J., House; Nelson, Louis W., House 5PE.5787 Contributing
1801 Court Street Welte, Joseph C., House 5PE.5803 Contributing

Pueblo’s North Side Neighborhood

Potentially Contributes
Address Property Name Site Number
to District
1805 Court Street Matheney, W. Howard, House 5PE.5804 Contributing
1821 Court Street Phillips, Daniel Zane, House; Bugg, Grady, House; Hudspeth, Philip K., House 5PE.5805 Contributing
1825 Court Street 1825 Court Street 5PE.5806 Contributing
1827 Court Street Kellogg, John D., House; Hurd, Walter K., House 5PE.5807 Contributing
1701 N Elizabeth Street Rogers, Platt Jr,, House; Adams, Alva Blanchard Jr., House 5PE.516.25 Contributing
1707 N Elizabeth Street Ackerman, Fred, House; Dial, Dr. Oran C., House 5PE.516.26 Contributing
1800 N Elizabeth Street Brown, Edward Frederick, House; Allen, Arthur Leslie, House 5PE.516.27 Contributing
1801 N Elizabeth Street Meserole, George Van Sant, House; Belcher, Reason J., House 5PE.516.28 Contributing
1810 N Elizabeth Street Crews, Floyd Hooper, House; Ellis, Robert D., House 5PE.526.11 Contributing
1819 N Elizabeth Street White, Asbury, House; Berstein, Morey, House 5PE.526.12 Contributing
1827 N Elizabeth Street Rushmer, Gorton Elwell and Esther Monnet, House 5PE.526.13 Contributing
1830 N Elizabeth Street Lassen, Dr. Fritz, House 5PE.526.14 Contributing
1720 N Grand Avenue Klein, Ferdinand, House 5PE.5809 Contributing
1724 N Grand Avenue 1724 North Grand Avenue 5PE.5810 Contributing
1812 N Grand Avenue Babcock, L.F., House 5PE.5811 Contributing
1818 N Grand Avenue Abell, J. Ernest, House 5PE.5812 Contributing
1820 N Grand Avenue Vanderveer, Herbert E., House 5PE.5813 Contributing
1822-24 N Grand Avenue Kellogg, John D., Duplex 5PE.5814 Contributing
1825 N Grand Avenue Rice, Ward, House (Listed, National Register) 5PE.4207 Contributing
1827 N Grand Avenue Kilbourn, Jonathan Burwell, House; DeMordaunt, Walter, House 5PE.526.42 Contributing
1801 N Greenwood Street Gast Mansion (Listed, National Register) 5PE.483 Contributing
1700 West Street Meyer, Frank John, House 5PE.5862 Contributing
1703 West Street Chamberlain, Allen G. and Lenore Thatcher, House 5PE.5749 Contributing
1716 West Street Nichols, Charles H. “Chic” Jr., House 5PE.5750 Contributing

nally home to a rising or already successful Pueblo busi- group, Pueblo’s entrepreneurial and professional class. The
nessman or professional. period of significance would extend for circa 1880, the
The district would also be eligible under National dates of the construction of the large Late Victorian-era
Register criterion C (architecture) as an intact collection of mansions that dominate many of the corner lots, and
nearly every notable residential style constructed from circa extend to 1955, when the last large-scale ranch houses were
1880 through the 1950s. Moreover, many of these homes completed here.
were designed by prominent Pueblo architects, and the Of the 61 properties contained within the boundaries
proposed district includes at least one residence designed of this potential district, 60 of them (98.4 percent) could
by every architect discussed in the historical context. be considered contributing resources. This district also
The areas of significance would be Architecture and contains a number of properties listed or eligible for listing
Social History, relating to the history of a particular social in the National Register, State Register, and as a Pueblo

Colorado Cultural Resource Survey Report

landmark. Thus, two properties (3.3 percent) are listed in and ends around 1930, when members of this class con-
the National Register of Historic Places. They are the Gast structed the last of the major houses here.
Mansion (5PE.483), at 1801 North Greenwood Street, and Of the 27 properties in this potential district, 22 (81.4
the Ward Rice House (5PE.4207), at 1825 North Grand percent) would be contributing resources. This small area
Avenue. Another 16 properties (26.2 percent) are field eli- of the North Side Neighborhood contains a high density
gible for listing. In addition, one property, Church of the of National Register-listed properties; five properties (18.5
Ascension (5PE.4175), is listed in Colorado State Register percent) are listed, accounting for nearly half of the land
of Historic Properties and another nine (14.8 percent) are area. They are the Rosemount Mansion (5PE.491), at 419
field eligible as Pueblo landmarks. Thus, 28 properties West Fourteenth Street; the Baxter House/Bishop’s House
(45.9 percent) are either listed on or field eligible for listing (5PE.497), at 325 West Fifteenth Street; the Allen J.
in the National Register, the State Register, or as Pueblo Beaumont House (5PE.4201), at 425 West Fifteenth Street;
Landmarks. Temple Emanuel (5PE.4202), at 1325 North Grand
With an even higher density of National Register-list- Avenue; and the Frank Pryor House/Von Ahlefeldt
ed properties, the Rosemount-West Thirteenth Street Chateau (5PE.4203), at 1325 North Greenwood Street.
District represents an earlier epoch of the emerging entre- Another four properties (14.8 percent) are field eligible for
preneurial-professional class. These individuals were either listing in the National Register.
directly associated with or wanted to be compared to the An obvious advantage of this district is that is creates
city’s ultimate success story: the rise of the Thatcher fami- a buffer around the monumental Rosemount Mansion, Adam Thomas | Historitecture
Figures 5.1 and 5.2. The proposed West Eighteenth
ly. This district is significant under National Register crite- preserving what portion of its historic setting remain
Street Historic District includes resources as architecturally
rion A for its association with the emergence of Pueblo’s intact. As the continued growth of Parkview Medical diverse as the Gast Mansion (5PE.483) and the Meyer House
(5PE.5862), united by their connection to Pueblo’s entrepre-
entrepreneurial and professional class, particularly those Center consumes and towers over the neighborhood, the
neurial and professional class.
associated with the city’s foremost financial moguls, comprehensive preservation of Rosemount, truly one of
Mahlon and John Thatcher. the greatest historical and architectural treasures in
The potential district is eligible under National Colorado, depends on preserving its physical context. This
Register Criterion C (architecture) for its concentration of district would help preserve a ring of residences that tradi-
high-style residential architecture ranging from the late tionally flanked the estate.
Victorian-era to early twentieth-century revivals. These proposed districts would most likely be eligible
The areas of significance would be Architecture and under either the National Register of Historic Places or
Social History, relating to the history of a particular social Pueblo landmarking. However, the creation of a Pueblo
group, Pueblo’s entrepreneurial and professional class. The Landmark District could possibly provide stronger preser-
period of significance would begin circa 1880, when some vation planning tools to the City than a National Register
pioneering entrepreneurs first built their residences here, district. Also, a local district may provide more flexibility in

Pueblo’s North Side Neighborhood

establishing a district immediately within the project area Street district could extend northward beyond the West
and expanding it as surveys are completed. Nineteenth Street survey area boundary. Properties similar
Historitecture also identified one area that could in historical association and context to those within the
potentially constitute a historic district but, because clearly proposed Rosemount-West Thirteenth Street district may
related resources were located outside of the survey area, be located just east and south of the survey area. The Olin-
further study would be required. The Olin-Duke Area of Duke AFS clearly extends to the west. Past surveys in and
Further Study (AFS) is named for the prominent homes of around the survey area have generally been either recon-
pioneering Pueblo businessmen, whose homes are located naissance or intensive-selective, not providing the data
within this area. They are the Edgar Olin House needed to determine district boundaries. The only compre-
Adam Thomas | Historitec ture
(5PE.517.40), at 727 West Thirteenth Street, and the hensive survey near this area was the 1997 Simonich down-
Figures 5.3 and 5.4. The proposed Rosemount-West
Thirteenth Street District contains some of the most historic Nathaniel W. Duke House (5PE.4204), at 1409 Craig town survey, which largely inventoried commercial rather
buildings in Pueblo, including the National Register-listed Street. The Olin House is a Pueblo Landmark and the than residential properties.
Rosemount Mansion (5PE.491) and Temple Emanuel syna-
gogue (5PE.4202). Duke House is listed in the National Register. This area has The area in greatest need of an additional intensive-
high distribution and density of properties representative level survey is located north of the northern project area
of the associated historical context. Many of these houses boundaries. Properties located north of Nineteenth Street
were residences of pioneering Pueblo businessmen, who are clearly associated with those south of this boundary by
established the entrepreneurial and professional class that virtue of their locations in the same subdivisions and near-
dominated this neighborhood. Architecturally, this AFS ly identical architecture and settlement trends.
appears to predate both the West Eighteenth Street and
Rosemount-West Thirteenth Street districts. Recommendation 3: Develop a City-Wide
However, determining the exact boundaries of a dis- Historical and Architectural Context
trict for this AFS is difficult because clearly associated
properties are located outside of the survey area. One of the major obstacles in constructing the neigh-
Historitecture proposes further investigation to the west, borhood historical context and determining the signifi-
as indicated on map 5.1. cance of individual properties was the lack of an overarch-
ing, city-wide historical and architectural context–or even a
Recommendation 2: Conduct Further thorough academic history of Pueblo. Local historian
Intensive-Level Surveys Joann West Dodds has authored several interesting and
professional local history books. But the books about
As mentioned above, determining the certain bound- Pueblo history in general are largely pictorials. The same is
aries of potential historic districts within the scope of this true for Eleanor Fry and Ione Miller’s more recent Pueblo:
survey area is extremely difficult. The West Eighteenth An Illustrated History.

Colorado Cultural Resource Survey Report

Table 5.2: Rosemount-West Thirteenth Street Historic District Eligibility

Potentially Contributes
Address Property Name Site Number
to District
408 W 13th Street Fanning, John J., House 5PE.5634 Contributing
409 W 13th Street Meigs, Dwight C., House 5PE.5635 Contributing
410 W 13th Street Ross-Whistler House 5PE.5636 Contributing
411 W 13th Street Latshaw, William D., House 5PE.5637 Contributing
412 W 13th Street Bergerman, Solomon, House 5PE.5638 Contributing
413 W 13th Street Roberts, Juila H., House 5PE.5639 Contributing
414 W 13th Street Johnson, J. Will, House 5PE.5640 Contributing
417 W 13th Street Townsend, Samuel W., House 5PE.5642 Contributing
511 W 13th Street Duke, Thomas A., House; Flutcher, Charles A. Jr., House 5PE.5644 Contributing
410-414 W 14th Street Corkish Trust Apartments 5PE.5674 Noncontributing
416 W 14th Street Phillips, Charles Haughton, House 5PE.5675 Contributing
419 W 14th Street Rosemount Mansion (Listed, National Register) 5PE.491 Contributing
420 W 14th Street Kenworthy, Jeremiah D., House 5PE.516.3 Contributing
424 W 14th Street Stakus-Tipple House 5PE.5676 Contributing
426 W 14th Street Day-Preston House 5PE.5677 Contributing
508 W 14th Street Berno, Peter, House 5PE.5678 Contributing
322 W 15th Street Barlett, Ralph A., House 5PE.5698 Contributing
325 W 15th Street Baxter House/Bishop’s House (Listed, National Register) 5PE.497 Contributing
421 W 15th Street Woodling, Obert Lee, House 5PE.5700 Noncontributing
425 W 15th Street Beaumont, Allen J., House (Listed, National Register) 5PE.4201 Contributing
1310-20 N Grand Avenue Murley Medical Office Building 5PE.5808 Noncontributing
1325 N Grand Avenue Temple Emanuel (Listed, National Register) 5PE.4202) Contributing
1426 N Grand Avenue Francis, Hugh R., House 5PE.516.31 Contributing
1226 N Greenwood Street Harpster, George F., House 5PE.5641 Contributing
1311 N Greenwood Street Saunders, Miles G., House 5PE.5817 Contributing
1325 N Greenwood Street Pryor, Frank, House/Von Ahlefeldt Chateau (Listed, National Register) 5PE.4203 Contributing
1401 N Greenwood Street Hartman, William L., House; Hoag, Frank S., House (Listed, Pueblo Landmark) 5PE.516.34 Contributing

Pueblo has one of the longest, most intriguing and Recommendation 4: Foster Better
complex histories of any city in Colorado–and the West. Cooperation Between the City of Pueblo
Few places in the state can rival the city’s cultural diversity and Parkview Medical Center
and architectural heritage. Yet it lacks an academic, exhaus-
tively researched, and carefully written history of its own. In September 2003, Parkview Medical Center bristled
A city-wide context would certainly improve future surveys at the accusation that it was a “gorilla” in the North Side
by providing a broader baseline for determining signifi- Neighborhood. The label surfaced after the hospital
cance. demolished the historic John H. Thatcher House

Pueblo’s North Side Neighborhood

(5PE.516.30), at 1402 North Grand Avenue, just days ed on or eligible for listing in the National Register, the
before its designation as a City of Pueblo Landmark. State Register, and as Pueblo landmarks. As well, the City
But this was not the only demolition in Parkview’s his- could bring to the medical center a portfolio of other hos-
tory. In addition to numerous small homes razed for the pital-related preservation projects across the country that
initial construction and subsequent expansions of the hos- have preserved historic buildings while making them func-
pital, Parkview also demolished the Mahlon D. Thatcher Jr. tional for modern healthcare applications.1
Mansion, at 520 West Fifteenth Street, and the Thatcher
School (5PE.516.23), at 1615 Court Street. Recommendation 5: Work with North Side
However, the hospital does have a some record in sup- Property Owners to Instill Respect for and
porting preservation. It has thus far proven to be a good Pride in their Historic Houses.
steward of the Allen J. Beaumont House, at 425 West
Fifteenth Street, a National Register property. It also owns While conducting the fieldwork for this project, Adam
and maintains the Scottish Rite Temple, at 1518 North Thomas spoke to several homeowners who believed that
Elizabeth Street, field determined eligible for the National when they were ready to move, they would simply cash in
Register. As well, the original hospital building, on West their real estate investment by “selling it to Parkview.”
Seventeenth Street, has been identified in this project as Unfortunately, many of these people happened to own
being potentially eligible as a Pueblo Landmark. Parkview some of the most significant properties in the project area.
has argued that it abstained from buying the National They saw the potential creation of a historic district as a
Register-listed Baxter House/Bishop’s House (5PE.497), serious impediment to their investment plans rather than a
325 West Fifteenth Street, over a concern for its continued means to protect their property from unfavorable develop-
preservation. It also provides substantial parking for the ment and, potentially, secure real estate values. But this
Rosemount Museum. kind of thinking is fundamentally flawed and suggests that
Yet the hospital’s major reason for demolishing the the City needs to launch a better public education cam-
John H. Thatcher House was economic. The building paign about neighborhood property values and the impact
would have required upward of $400,000 just to stabilize, of historic districts.
and still would not have met the hospitals needs. Thus, the Residents who plan to sell to Parkview assume that the
City and the Colorado preservation community must hospital would be interested in buying their property,
become a partner in providing economic incentives for which may or may not be true. What has been proven is
Parkview to maintain its historic buildings. The hospital that historic districts:
could be eligible for substantial funding through the State • Do not freeze or reduce property values;
Historical Fund and other sources for the continued • Sometimes appreciate property values faster than the
preservation and even adaptive reuse of its properties list- community as a whole;

Colorado Cultural Resource Survey Report

• Actually protect properties from wild fluctuations in Donovan Rypkema's The Economics of Historic Preservation: A
the real estate market; and Community Leader’s Guide (Washington, D.C.: National Trust
• Can be a significant catalyst for private investment for Historic Preservation, 1994).2
because public interest in the area makes investments Fostering pride in historic properties could come from
less risky. a series of newspaper articles, a museum exhibit, or a web-
For more information on the impact of historic dis- site promoting individual property histories. Also, inviting
trict designations on real estate values, see Colorado these owners to include their residences in historic house
Historical Society publication 1620, The Economic Benefits of tours not only instills pride in the homeowner, but also may
Historic Preservation in Colorado (available at www.colorado- spread that pride to visitors. See also


1. Karen Vigil, “Parkview refutes ‘gorilla’ label,” Pueblo Chieftain, 10 September 2003, p. 1A; James Amos, “Several blast hospital for house demoli-
tion,” Pueblo Chieftain, 12 August 2003; “Thatcher Residence Given to Parkview Hospital,” Pueblo Star-Journal, 14 November 1967, 11A.; “Parkview
Episcopal Hospital Expansion Project Readied,” Pueblo Chieftain, 2 July 1969.
2. Donovan D. Rypkema, The Economics of Historic Preservation: A Community Leader’s Guide (Washington, D.C.: National Trust for Historic
Preservation, 1994), 40-46.

Section 6

General and Colorado Histories

Abbott, Carl, Stephen J. Leonard, and David McComb. Colorado: A History of the Centennial State, 3rd ed. Niwot:
University Press of Colorado, 1994.
Ames, David L., and Linda Flint McClelland. Historic Residential Suburbs: Guidelines for Evaluation and Documentation for the
National Register of Historic Places. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service,
National Register of Historic Places, 2002.
Hall, Frank. History of the State of Colorado. Blankley Printing Co., 1895
Jackson, Kenneth T. Crabgrass Frontier: The Suburbanization of the United States. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1985.
Portrait and Biographical Record of the State of Colorado. Chicago: Chapman Publishing Co., 1899.
Rypkema, Donovan D. The Economics of Historic Preservation: A Community Leader’s Guide. Washington, D.C.: National Trust
for Historic Preservation, 1994.
Stone, Wilbur Fiske, ed. History of Colorado. Chicago: S.J. Clarke Publishing Company, 1918.
Ubbelohde, Carl, Maxine Benson, and Duane A. Smith. A Colorado History, 8th ed. Boulder: Pruett Publishing Co.,

Pueblo Histories
Cafky, Morris, and John A. Haney. Pueblo’s Steel Town Trolleys. Golden: Colorado Railroad Historical Foundation, 1999.
County historic places cards. Pueblo County Court House.
Dodds, Joanne West. Pueblo: A Pictorial History. Norfolk, Va.: Donning Company, 1982.
_____. The Thatchers: Hard Work Won The West. Pueblo, Colo.: My Friend, The Printer, Inc., 2001.
Fry, Eleanor, and Ione Miller. Pueblo: An Illustrated History. Carlsbad, Calif.: Heritage Media Corporation, 2001.

Amos, James. “Several blast hospital for house demolition.” Pueblo Chieftain, 12 August 2003.

Pueblo’s North Side Neighborhood

Burrer, Weston. “The WPA in Mineral Palace Park.” Colorado Preservationist 18, no. 4 (winter 2004/05), 12.
Cockrell, David, MaryJo Vobejda, and Kevin Shanks,. “Reconnecting with the Past: Mineral Palace Park.” Colorado
Preservationist 18, no. 4 (winter 2004/05), 13.
“Judge Allen A. Bradford [obituary].” Pueblo Chieftain, 15 March 1888.
“John Miller Among Pueblo Pioneers Who Contributed To Area’s Progress,” Pueblo Star-Journal and Chieftain, 31
December 1958, p. 12AA.
“Parkview Episcopal Hospital Expansion Project Readied.” Pueblo Chieftain, 2 July 1969.
Pueblo Chieftain, 5 June 1888.
Taylor, Ralph C. “Colorado Colorado: Le Vetans Restoring Fort–Col. Francisco’s Paradise,” Pueblo Star-Journal and
Sunday Chieftain, 6 October 1957, p. 8C.
“Thatcher Residence Given to Parkview Hospital.” Pueblo Star-Journal, 14 November 1967, 11A.
Vigil, Karen. “Parkview refutes ‘gorilla’ label.” Pueblo Chieftain, 10 September 2003, p. 1A.

Colorado Historical Society, Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation. Colorado Architects Biographical Sketch
for Cooper, Francis W. Denver: CHS-OAHP, 17 August 2001.
_____. Colorado Architects Biographical Sketch for Mills, Patrick P. Denver: CHS-OAHP, 11 April 2001.

Public Records
U.S. Census of 1870. Pueblo, Pueblo County, Colorado Territory. Roll M593_95, Page 485, Image 492.
_____. Pueblo, Pueblo County, Colorado Territory. Roll M593_95, Page 488, Image 498.
U.S. Census of 1880. Denver, Arapahoe, Colorado. Roll T9_88, Family History Film 1254088, Page 174.3000,
Enumeration District 8, Image 0170.
_____. Pueblo, Pueblo County, Colorado. Roll T9_92, Family History Film 1254092, Page 242.2000, Enumeration
District 93, Image: 0491.
_____. Pueblo, Pueblo County, Colorado. Roll T9_92, Family History Film 1254092, Page 264.1000, Enumeration
District 93, Image 0534.
U.S. General Land Office, land patent 684 (to Allen A. Bradford). Issued 5 August 1869.
_____. Land patent 718 (to Augustus Bartlett). Issued 5 August 1869.

Colorado Cultural Resource Survey Report

_____. Land patent 860 (to Philander Craig). Issued 20 September 1870
_____. Land patent 1157 (to Mahlon D. Thatcher). Issued 10 May 1870.
_____. Land patent 1232 (to Cyrus H. McLaughlin). Issued 1 July 1870.
_____. Land patent 1782 (to Henry C. Brown). Issued 1 December 1876.
_____. Land patent 89902 (to Amelia Bickham and Edward B. Cozzens). Issued 10 December 1867.
_____. Land patent 104406 (to John M. Francisco and Solomon Jones). Issued 1 October 1867.

“Colonel John M. Francisco.” TMs [photocopy], Special Collections, Robert Hoag Rawlins Public Library, Pueblo.
“Colorado State Hospital.” TMs [photocopy], 4 March 1970, Special Collections, Robert Hoag Rawlins Public Library,
History and Statement of Significance for the Ferd Barndollar House. TMs [photocopy], Special Collections, Robert
Hoag Rawlins Public Library, Pueblo.
“John D. Miller.” TMs [photocopy], Special Collections, Robert Hoag Rawlins Public Library, Pueblo.
“Judge Allen A. Bradford.” TMs [photocopy], Special Collections, Robert Hoag Rawlins Public Library, Pueblo.
McLeod, Paul J. “Walter DeMordaunt,” 1982, unpublished manuscript, Special Collections, Robert Hoag Rawlins
Public Library, Pueblo.
Rotary Club of Pueblo. Resolution naming William W. Stickney as a posthumous honorary member, May 1958.
Planning Department, City of Pueblo.

Bartlett and Miller’s Addition to the City of Pueblo [plat map]. Book 5, page 12, 1 March 1871.
County Addition to the City of Pueblo, Amended [plat map]. Book 2A, page 8, 20 November 1879.
Craig’s Addition to the City of Pueblo [plat map]. Book 18, page 14, 24 April 1871.
Craig’s Addition to the City of Pueblo, Amended [plat map]. Book 18, page 23, 12 March 1872.
Ferd Barndollar & Company’s Addition to the City of Pueblo [plat map]. Book 1B, page 12, 18 November 1871.
Ferd Barndollar & Company’s Second Addition to the City of Pueblo. Book 1B, page 20, 26 February 1872.
Henry C. Brown, esq., of Denver, Being His First Addition to the City of Pueblo [plat map no. 332222]. Book 4, page

Pueblo’s North Side Neighborhood

28, 25 May 1889.

Sanborn Map for Pueblo Colorado, Map 3. New York: Sanborn Map and Publishing, September 1889.

Architectural Inventory Forms

The following Colorado Cultural Resource Survey Architectural Invetory Forms (OAHP 1403), completed by Adam
Thomas, were cited in this document:

425 West Eighteenth Street (5PE.516.22), 1 August 2005.

419 West Eleventh Street (5PE.5588), 19 April 2005.
611 West Eleventh Street (5PE.5595), 19 April 2005.
1518 North Elizabeth Street (5PE.5837), 19 September 2006.
1819 North Elizabeth Street (5PE.526.12), 16 August 2005.
1827 North Elizabeth Street (5PE.526.13), 16 August 2005.
705 West Fifteenth Street (5PE.5712), 19 July 2005.
420 West Fourteenth Street (5PE.516.3), 12 July 2005.
600 West Sixteenth Street (5PE.5960), 6 November 2006.
727 West Thirteenth Street (5PE.517.40), 28 June 2005.
409 West Twelfth Street (5PE.5601), 8 June 2005.
720 West Twelfth Street (5PE.5629), 21 June 2005

Appendix A
Photograph Log

The following tables contain information for each of The disc itself is formatted in a generic Unix-based file
the digital images recorded on the CD-ROM accompany- hierarchy compatible with any Windows- or Macintosh-
ing this report. They are stored as 300 dots-per-inch, four- based operating system. The photographer was Adam
by-six-inch images in Tagged Image File Format (TIFF). Thomas, Historitecture, L.L.C.
Pueblo’s North Side Neighborhood

Address Site Number File Name View To Object Elevations Notes Date
419 W 11th Street 5PE.5588 11thstw419_01.tif southwest north and east 04/19/2005
419 W 11th Street 5PE.5588 11thstw419_02.tif northwest south and east 04/19/2005
419 W 11th Street 5PE.5588 11thstw419_03.tif southwest north and east 04/19/2005
419 W 11th Street 5PE.5588 11thstw419_04.tif southwest barn north and east 04/19/2005
421 W 11th Street 5PE.513.22 11thstw421_01.tif northeast south and west 04/19/2005
421 W 11th Street 5PE.513.22 11thstw421_02.tif northwest south and east 04/19/2005
421 W 11th Street 5PE.513.22 11thstw421_03.tif south north west elevation of garage in foreground 04/19/2005
423 W 11th Street 5PE.5589 11thstw423_01.tif northeast south and west 04/19/2005
423 W 11th Street 5PE.5589 11thstw423_02.tif southeast north and west 04/19/2005
423 W 11th Street 5PE.5589 11thstw423_03.tif southwest north and east 04/19/2005
507 W 11th Street 5PE.5590 11thstw507_01.tif northwest south and east 04/19/2005
507 W 11th Street 5PE.5590 11thstw507_02.tif northeast south and west 04/19/2005
507 W 11th Street 5PE.5590 11thstw507_03.tif southwest north and east 04/19/2005
507 W 11th Street 5PE.5590 11thstw507_04.tif southwest shed north and east 04/19/2005
509 W 11th Street 5PE.5591 11thstw509_01.tif northwest south and east 04/19/2005
509 W 11th Street 5PE.5591 11thstw509_02.tif northeast south and west 04/19/2005
509 W 11th Street 5PE.5591 11thstw509_03.tif south north 04/19/2005
515 W 11th Street 5PE.5592 11thstw515_01.tif northwest south and east 04/19/2005
515 W 11th Street 5PE.5592 11thstw515_02.tif northeast south and west 04/19/2005
515 W 11th Street 5PE.5592 11thstw515_03.tif south north 04/19/2005
515 W 11th Street 5PE.5592 11thstw515_04.tif foundation north of building view to northeast 04/19/2005
519 W 11th Street 5PE.5593 11thstw519_01.tif northwest south and east 04/19/2005
519 W 11th Street 5PE.5593 11thstw519_02.tif northeast south and west 04/19/2005
519 W 11th Street 5PE.5593 11thstw519_03.tif south north 04/19/2005
525 W 11th Street 5PE.5594 11thstw525_01.tif northeast south and west 04/19/2005
525 W 11th Street 5PE.5594 11thstw525_02.tif northwest south and east 04/19/2005
525 W 11th Street 5PE.5594 11thstw525_03.tif southeast north and west 04/19/2005
525 W 11th Street 5PE.5594 11thstw525_04.tif east shed west Viewed through patio on north elevation of house. 04/19/2005
611 W 11th Street 5PE.5595 11thstw611_01.tif northeast south and west 04/19/2005
611 W 11th Street 5PE.5595 11thstw611_02.tif northwest south and east 04/19/2005
611 W 11th Street 5PE.5595 11thstw611_03.tif southeast north and west 04/19/2005
611 W 11th Street 5PE.5595 11thstw611_04.tif southwest shed north and east 04/19/2005
613 W 11th Street 5PE.5596 11thstw613_01.tif northwest south and east 04/19/2005
613 W 11th Street 5PE.5596 11thstw613_02.tif northeast south and west 04/19/2005
613 W 11th Street 5PE.5596 11thstw613_03.tif south north 04/19/2005
613 W 11th Street 5PE.5596 11thstw613_04.tif north shed south 04/19/2005
615 W 11th Street 5PE.517.11 11thstw615_01.tif northwest south and east 04/28/2005
615 W 11th Street 5PE.517.11 11thstw615_02.tif northeast south and west 04/28/2005
615 W 11th Street 5PE.517.11 11thstw615_03.tif south north 04/28/2005
617 W 11th Street 5PE.5597 11thstw617_01.tif northwest south and east 04/28/2005
617 W 11th Street 5PE.5597 11thstw617_02.tif northeast south and west 04/28/2005
617 W 11th Street 5PE.5597 11thstw617_03.tif south north north and west elevations of garage in foreground, left 04/28/2005
617 W 11th Street 5PE.5597 11thstw617_04.tif north garage south 04/28/2005
619 W 11th Street 5PE.517.13 11thstw619_01.tif northeast south and west 04/28/2005
619 W 11th Street 5PE.517.13 11thstw619_02.tif northwest south and east 04/28/2005
619 W 11th Street 5PE.517.13 11thstw619_03.tif southeast garage (left) and shed (right) north and west 04/28/2005
701 W 11th Street 5PE.517.15 11thstw701_01.tif northwest south and east 04/28/2005
701 W 11th Street 5PE.517.15 11thstw701_02.tif southeast north and west 04/28/2005
701 W 11th Street 5PE.517.15 11thstw701_03.tif southwest shed north and east 04/28/2005
705 W 11th Street 5PE.5598 11thstw705_01.tif northeast south and west 04/28/2005

Colorado Cultural Resource Survey Report

Address Site Number File Name View To Object Elevations Notes Date
705 W 11th Street 5PE.5598 11thstw705_01.tif northeast south and west 04/28/2005
705 W 11th Street 5PE.5598 11thstw705_02.tif northwest south and east 04/28/2005
705 W 11th Street 5PE.5598 11thstw705_03.tif south north 04/28/2005
705 W 11th Street 5PE.5598 11thstw705_04.tif north garage south 04/28/2005
713 W 11th Street 5PE.517.16 11thstw713_01.tif northwest south and east 04/28/2005
713 W 11th Street 5PE.517.16 11thstw713_02.tif northeast south and west 04/28/2005
713 W 11th Street 5PE.517.16 11thstw713_03.tif southwest north and east 04/28/2005
713 W 11th Street 5PE.517.16 11thstw713_04.tif southeast north and west 04/28/2005
713 W 11th Street 5PE.517.16 11thstw713_05.tif detail of arched window in south elevation, view to north- 04/28/2005
715 W 11th Street 5PE.5599 11thstw715_01.tif northwest south and east 04/28/2005
715 W 11th Street 5PE.5599 11thstw715_02.tif northeast south and west 04/28/2005
715 W 11th Street 5PE.5599 11thstw715_03.tif southwest north and east 04/28/2005
715 W 11th Street 5PE.5599 11thstw715_04.tif northwest garage south and east 04/28/2005
719 W 11th Street 5PE.5600 11thstw719_01.tif northwest south and east 06/08/2005
719 W 11th Street 5PE.5600 11thstw719_02.tif southwest north and east 06/08/2005
719 W 11th Street 5PE.5600 11thstw719_03.tif northeast south and west 06/08/2005
719 W 11th Street 5PE.5600 11thstw719_04.tif north garage south 06/08/2005
721 W 11th Street 5PE.517.17 11thstw721_01.tif northeast south and west 06/08/2005
721 W 11th Street 5PE.517.17 11thstw721_02.tif northeast south and west 06/08/2005
721 W 11th Street 5PE.517.17 11thstw721_03.tif southeast north and west 06/08/2005
721 W 11th Street 5PE.517.17 11thstw721_04.tif northeast barn south and west 06/08/2005
721 W 11th Street 5PE.517.17 11thstw721_05.tif southwest barn north and east 06/08/2005
409 W 12th Street 5PE.5601 12thstw409_01.tif northwest south and east 06/08/2005
409 W 12th Street 5PE.5601 12thstw409_02.tif south north 06/08/2005
411-415 W 12th Street 5PE.5602 12thstw411-415_01.tif northwest south and east 06/08/2005
411-415 W 12th Street 5PE.5602 12thstw411-415_02.tif northeast south and west 06/08/2005
411-415 W 12th Street 5PE.5602 12thstw411-415_03.tif south north 06/08/2005
411-415 W 12th Street 5PE.5602 12thstw411-415_04.tif southeast shed north and west 06/08/2005
417 W 12th Street 5PE.5603 12thstw417_01.tif northwest south and east 06/08/2005
417 W 12th Street 5PE.5603 12thstw417_02.tif northeast south and west 06/08/2005
417 W 12th Street 5PE.5603 12thstw417_03.tif south north shed at left 06/08/2005
418 W 12th Street 5PE.5604 12thstw418_01.tif north south 06/13/2005
418 W 12th Street 5PE.5604 12thstw418_02.tif northwest south and east 06/13/2005
418 W 12th Street 5PE.5604 12thstw418_03.tif northeast south and west 06/13/2005
419-421 W 12th Street 5PE.5605 12thstw419-421_01.tif northeast south and west 06/13/2005
419-421 W 12th Street 5PE.5605 12thstw419-421_02.tif southwest north and east 06/13/2005
419-421 W 12th Street 5PE.5605 12thstw419-421_03.tif southeast garage north and west 06/13/2005
420-422 W 12th Street 5PE.513.26 12thstw420-422_01.tif southeast north and west 06/14/2005
420-422 W 12th Street 5PE.513.26 12thstw420-422_02.tif southwest north and east 06/14/2005
420-422 W 12th Street 5PE.513.26 12thstw420-422_03.tif northeast south and west 06/14/2005
424-426 W 12th Street 5PE.5606 12thstw424-426_01.tif southeast north and west 06/14/2005
424-426 W 12th Street 5PE.5606 12thstw424-426_02.tif southwest north and east 06/14/2005
424-426 W 12th Street 5PE.5606 12thstw424-426_03.tif northeast south and west 06/14/2005
425 W 12th Street 5PE.5607 12thstw425_01.tif northwest south and east 06/13/2006
425 W 12th Street 5PE.5607 12thstw425_02.tif northeast south and west 06/13/2006
425 W 12th Street 5PE.5607 12thstw425_03.tif southeast north and west 06/13/2006
425 W 12th Street 5PE.5607 12thstw425_04.tif north garage south 06/13/2006
427 W 12th Street 5PE.5608 12thstw427_01.tif northeast south and west 06/13/2005
427 W 12th Street 5PE.5608 12thstw427_02.tif northwest south and east 06/13/2005

Pueblo’s North Side Neighborhood

Address Site Number File Name View To Object Elevations Notes Date
427 W 12th Street 5PE.5608 12thstw427_03.tif south north 06/13/2005
428-430 W 12th Street 5PE.513.27 12thstw428-430_01.tif southwest north and east 06/14/2005
428-430 W 12th Street 5PE.513.27 12thstw428-430_02.tif northeast south and west 06/14/2005
507 W 12th Street 5PE.5609 12thstw507_01.tif northwest south and east 06/14/2005
507 W 12th Street 5PE.5609 12thstw507_02.tif northeast south and west 06/14/2005
507 W 12th Street 5PE.5609 12thstw507_03.tif south north 06/14/2005
511 W 12th Street 5PE.517.22 12thstw511_01.tif north south 06/14/2005
511 W 12th Street 5PE.517.22 12thstw511_02.tif south north 06/14/2005
515 W 12th Street 5PE.517.23 12thstw515_01.tif northwest south and east 06/14/2005
515 W 12th Street 5PE.517.23 12thstw515_02.tif northeast south and west 06/14/2005
515 W 12th Street 5PE.517.23 12thstw515_03.tif south north 06/14/2005
517 W 12th Street 5PE.517.24 12thstw517_01.tif northeast south and west 06/14/2005
517 W 12th Street 5PE.517.24 12thstw517_02.tif northwest south and east 06/14/2005
517 W 12th Street 5PE.517.24 12thstw517_03.tif south north 06/14/2005
517 W 12th Street 5PE.517.24 12thstw517_04.tif southeast shed north and west 06/14/2005
520 W 12th Street 5PE.5610 12thstw520_01.tif southwest north and east 06/14/2003
520 W 12th Street 5PE.5610 12thstw520_02.tif northwest south and east 06/14/2003
520 W 12th Street 5PE.5610 12thstw520_03.tif west east 06/14/2003
522 W 12th Street 5PE.517.25 12thstw522_01.tif south north 06/14/2005
522 W 12th Street 5PE.517.25 12thstw522_02.tif northwest shed south and east 06/14/2005
522 W 12th Street 5PE.517.25 12thstw522_03.tif northeast south and west 06/14/2005
524 W 12th Street 5PE.517.26 12thstw524_01.tif southeast north and west 06/15/2005
524 W 12th Street 5PE.517.26 12thstw524_02.tif north south 06/15/2005
526 W 12th Street 5PE.5611 12thstw526_01.tif southeast north and west 06/15/2005
526 W 12th Street 5PE.5611 12thstw526_02.tif southwest north and east 06/15/2005
526 W 12th Street 5PE.5611 12thstw526_03.tif north south 06/15/2005
526 W 12th Street 5PE.5611 12thstw526_04.tif northwest shed south and east 06/15/2005
603 W 12th Street 5PE.5612 12thstw603_01.tif northwest south and east 06/15/2005
603 W 12th Street 5PE.5612 12thstw603_02.tif southwest north and east 06/15/2005
603 W 12th Street 5PE.5612 12thstw603_03.tif northeast south and west 06/15/2005
605 W 12th Street 5PE.5613 12thstw605_01.tif northwest south and east 06/15/2005
605 W 12th Street 5PE.5613 12thstw605_02.tif northeast south and west 06/15/2005
605 W 12th Street 5PE.5613 12thstw605_03.tif southeast north and west 06/15/2005
605 W 12th Street 5PE.5613 12thstw605_04.tif southeast garage north and west 06/15/2005
607 W 12th Street 5PE.5614 12thstw607_01.tif north south 06/15/2005
607 W 12th Street 5PE.5614 12thstw607_02.tif northwest south and east 06/15/2005
607 W 12th Street 5PE.5614 12thstw607_03.tif south north 06/15/2005
607 W 12th Street 5PE.5614 12thstw607_04.tif northwest shed south and east 06/15/2005
610 W 12th Street 5PE.5615 12thstw610_01.tif southwest north and east 06/15/2005
610 W 12th Street 5PE.5615 12thstw610_02.tif southeast north and west 06/15/2005
610 W 12th Street 5PE.5615 12thstw610_03.tif northwest south and east 06/15/2005
612 W 12th Street 5PE.5616 12thstw612_01.tif southeast north and west 06/20/2005
612 W 12th Street 5PE.5616 12thstw612_02.tif southwest north and east 06/20/2005
612 W 12th Street 5PE.5616 12thstw612_03.tif north south shed in foreground, right 06/20/2005
613 W 12th Street 5PE.5617 12thstw613_01.tif northeast south and west 06/15/2005
613 W 12th Street 5PE.5617 12thstw613_02.tif northwest south and east 06/15/2005
613 W 12th Street 5PE.5617 12thstw613_03.tif south north 06/15/2005
616 W 12th Street 5PE.5618 12thstw616_01.tif southwest north and east 06/20/2005
616 W 12th Street 5PE.5618 12thstw616_02.tif southeast north and west 06/20/2005

Colorado Cultural Resource Survey Report

Address Site Number File Name View To Object Elevations Notes Date
616 W 12th Street 5PE.5618 12thstw616_03.tif northeast south and west 06/20/2005
616 W 12th Street 5PE.5618 12thstw616_04.tif east shed west 06/20/2005
618 W 12th Street 5PE.5619 12thstw618_01.tif southwest north and east 06/20/2005
618 W 12th Street 5PE.5619 12thstw618_02.tif southeast north and west 06/20/2005
618 W 12th Street 5PE.5619 12thstw618_03.tif northwest south and east garage in foreground, left 06/20/2005
619 W 12th Street 5PE.5620 12thstw619_01.tif northwest south and east 06/15/2005
619 W 12th Street 5PE.5620 12thstw619_02.tif northeast south and west 06/15/2005
619 W 12th Street 5PE.5620 12thstw619_03.tif southwest north and east 06/15/2005
619 W 12th Street 5PE.5620 12thstw619_04.tif southwest shed north and east 06/15/2005
623 W 12th Street 5PE.517.28 12thstw623_01.tif northwest south and east 06/15/2005
623 W 12th Street 5PE.517.28 12thstw623_02.tif northeast south and west 06/15/2005
623 W 12th Street 5PE.517.28 12thstw623_03.tif southeast north and west garage in foreground, left 06/15/2005
624 W 12th Street 5PE.5621 12thstw624_01.tif southwest north and east 06/20/2005
624 W 12th Street 5PE.5621 12thstw624_02.tif southeast north and west 06/20/2005
624 W 12th Street 5PE.5621 12thstw624_03.tif north south 06/20/2005
624 W 12th Street 5PE.5621 12thstw624_04.tif northwest garage south and east 06/20/2005
626 W 12th Street 5PE.517.66 12thstw626_01.tif southeast north and west 06/20/2005
626 W 12th Street 5PE.517.66 12thstw626_02.tif northeast south and west 06/20/2005
626 W 12th Street 5PE.517.66 12thstw626_03.tif southeast second house (1116 West St) north and west 06/20/2005
626 W 12th Street 5PE.517.66 12thstw626_04.tif northwest second house (1116 West St) south and east 06/20/2005
626 W 12th Street 5PE.517.66 12thstw626_05.tif east garage west 06/20/2005
631 W 12th Street 5PE.5623 12thstw631_01.tif northeast south and west 06/15/2005
631 W 12th Street 5PE.5623 12thstw631_02.tif southeast north and west 06/15/2005
631 W 12th Street 5PE.5623 12thstw631_03.tif southwest north and east 06/15/2005
631 W 12th Street 5PE.5623 12thstw631_04.tif northeast second house (1208 West St) south and west 06/15/2005
631 W 12th Street 5PE.5623 12thstw631_05.tif southwest second house (1208 West St) north and east 06/15/2005
631 W 12th Street 5PE.5623 12thstw631_06.tif southeast shed and incinerator north and west 06/15/2005
711 W 12th Street 5PE.5624 12thstw711_01.tif northwest south and east 06/20/2005
711 W 12th Street 5PE.5624 12thstw711_02.tif northeast south and west 06/20/2005
711 W 12th Street 5PE.5624 12thstw711_03.tif southwest north and east 06/20/2005
711 W 12th Street 5PE.5624 12thstw711_04.tif northeast garage south and west 06/20/2005
711 W 12th Street 5PE.5624 12thstw711_05.tif northeast apartment/garage (northeast) south and west 06/20/2005
711 W 12th Street 5PE.5624 12thstw711_06.tif northwest apartment/garage (northwest) south and east 06/20/2005
711 W 12th Street 5PE.5624 12thstw711_07.tif southeast apartment/garage (northwest) north and west 06/20/2005
712 W 12th Street 5PE.5625 12thstw712_01.tif southwest north and east 06/21/2005
712 W 12th Street 5PE.5625 12thstw712_02.tif southeast north and west 06/21/2005
712 W 12th Street 5PE.5625 12thstw712_03.tif north south 06/21/2005
714 W 12th Street 5PE.5626 12thstw714_01.tif southeast north and west 06/21/2005
714 W 12th Street 5PE.5626 12thstw714_02.tif north south 06/21/2005
715 W 12th Street 5PE.5627 12thstw715_01.tif northwest south and east 06/20/2005
715 W 12th Street 5PE.5627 12thstw715_02.tif south north 06/20/2005
716 W 12th Street 5PE.517.29 12thstw716_01.tif southwest north and east 06/21/2005
716 W 12th Street 5PE.517.29 12thstw716_02.tif southeast north and west 06/21/2005
716 W 12th Street 5PE.517.29 12thstw716_03.tif northeast garage in foreground, right south and west 06/21/2005
716 W 12th Street 5PE.517.29 12thstw716_04.tif south garage north 06/21/2005
717 W 12th Street 5PE.4222 12thstw717_01.tif northeast south and west 06/20/2005
717 W 12th Street 5PE.4222 12thstw717_02.tif southwest north and east 06/20/2005
718 W 12th Street 5PE.5628 12thstw718_01.tif southeast north and west 06/21/2005
718 W 12th Street 5PE.5628 12thstw718_02.tif southwest north and east 06/21/2005

Pueblo’s North Side Neighborhood

Address Site Number File Name View To Object Elevations Notes Date
718 W 12th Street 5PE.5628 12thstw718_03.tif northwest south and east garage at left 06/21/2005
720 W 12th Street 5PE.5629 12thstw720_01.tif southeast north and west 06/21/2005
720 W 12th Street 5PE.5629 12thstw720_02.tif southwest north and east 06/21/2005
721 W 12th Street 5PE.517.30 12thstw721_01.tif northwest south and east 06/20/2005
721 W 12th Street 5PE.517.30 12thstw721_02.tif northeast south and west 06/20/2005
721 W 12th Street 5PE.517.30 12thstw721_03.tif south north 06/20/2005
722 W 12th Street 5PE.5630 12thstw722_01.tif southwest north and east 06/21/2005
722 W 12th Street 5PE.5630 12thstw722_02.tif north south 06/21/2005
724 W 12th Street 5PE.517.31 12thstw724_01.tif southeast north and west 06/21/2005
724 W 12th Street 5PE.517.31 12thstw724_02.tif northeast south and west 06/21/2005
724 W 12th Street 5PE.517.31 12thstw724_05.tif southeast garage north and west 06/21/2005
725 W 12th Street 5PE.5631 12thstw725_01.tif northwest south and east 06/20/2005
725 W 12th Street 5PE.5631 12thstw725_02.tif northeast south and west 06/20/2005
725 W 12th Street 5PE.5631 12thstw725_03.tif southwest north and east 06/20/2005
725 W 12th Street 5PE.5631 12thstw725_04.tif southeast garage (left), shed (right) north and west 06/20/2005
727 W 12th Street 5PE.5632 12thstw727_01.tif northeast south and west 06/20/2005
727 W 12th Street 5PE.5632 12thstw727_02.tif northeast south and west 06/20/2005
801 W 12th Street 5PE.517.32 12thstw801_01.tif northwest south and east 06/21/2005
801 W 12th Street 5PE.517.32 12thstw801_02.tif northeast south and west 06/21/2005
801 W 12th Street 5PE.517.32 12thstw801_03.tif southwest north and east 06/21/2005
801 W 12th Street 5PE.517.32 12thstw801_04.tif southwest shed north and east 06/21/2005
802 W 12th Street 5PE.1179 12thstw802_01.tif southwest north and east 06/21/2005
802 W 12th Street 5PE.1179 12thstw802_02.tif southeast north and west 06/21/2005
802 W 12th Street 5PE.1179 12thstw802_03.tif northwest south and east 06/21/2005
405-407 W 13th Street 5PE.5633 13thstw405-407_01.tif northeast south and west 06/22/2005
405-407 W 13th Street 5PE.5633 13thstw405-407_02.tif northwest south and east 06/22/2005
405-407 W 13th Street 5PE.5633 13thstw405-407_03.tif southwest north and east garage in foreground 06/22/2005
408 W 13th Street 5PE.5634 13thstw408_01.tif southeast north and west 06/22/2005
408 W 13th Street 5PE.5634 13thstw408_02.tif north south 06/22/2005
408 W 13th Street 5PE.5634 13thstw408_03.tif northwest shed south and east 06/22/2005
409 W 13th Street 5PE.5635 13thstw409_01.tif northwest south and east 06/21/2005
409 W 13th Street 5PE.5635 13thstw409_02.tif northeast south and west 06/21/2005
409 W 13th Street 5PE.5635 13thstw409_03.tif south garage north rear (north) elevation of house in background 06/21/2005
410 W 13th Street 5PE.5636 13thstw410_01.tif southwest north and east 06/22/2005
410 W 13th Street 5PE.5636 13thstw410_02.tif southeast north and west 06/22/2005
410 W 13th Street 5PE.5636 13thstw410_03.tif north south 06/22/2005
410 W 13th Street 5PE.5636 13thstw410_04.tif northeast shed south and west 06/22/2005
411 W 13th Street 5PE.5637 13thstw411_01.tif northeast south and west 06/22/2005
411 W 13th Street 5PE.5637 13thstw411_02.tif northwest south and east 06/22/2005
411 W 13th Street 5PE.5637 13thstw411_03.tif southwest north and east 06/22/2005
411 W 13th Street 5PE.5637 13thstw411_04.tif southwest garage north and east 06/22/2005
412 W 13th Street 5PE.5638 13thstw412_01.tif southeast north and west 06/22/2005
412 W 13th Street 5PE.5638 13thstw412_02.tif southwest north and east 06/22/2005
412 W 13th Street 5PE.5638 13thstw412_03.tif northeast south and west garage in foreground, right 06/22/2005
412 W 13th Street 5PE.5638 13thstw412_04.tif northeast south and west garage 06/22/2005
413 W 13th Street 5PE.5639 13thstw413_01.tif northwest south and east 06/22/2005
413 W 13th Street 5PE.5639 13thstw413_02.tif northeast south and west 06/22/2005
413 W 13th Street 5PE.5639 13thstw413_03.tif southwest north and east 06/22/2005
413 W 13th Street 5PE.5639 13thstw413_04.tif southwest garage north and east 06/22/2005

Colorado Cultural Resource Survey Report

Address Site Number File Name View To Object Elevations Notes Date
414 W 13th Street 5PE.5640 13thstw414_01.tif southwest north and east 06/22/2005
414 W 13th Street 5PE.5640 13thstw414_02.tif southeast north and west 06/22/2005
414 W 13th Street 5PE.5640 13thstw414_03.tif east west 06/22/2005
414 W 13th Street 5PE.5640 13thstw414_04.tif northeast south and west 06/22/2005
414 W 13th Street 5PE.5640 13thstw414_05.tif northeast garage south and west 06/22/2005
417 W 13th Street 5PE.5642 13thstw417_01.tif northwest south and east 06/22/2005
417 W 13th Street 5PE.5642 13thstw417_02.tif northeast south and west 06/22/2005
417 W 13th Street 5PE.5642 13thstw417_03.tif southeast north and west 06/22/2005
417 W 13th Street 5PE.5642 13thstw417_04.tif northeast office annex south and west 06/22/2005
508 W 13th Street 5PE.5643 13thstw508_01.tif south north 06/27/2005
508 W 13th Street 5PE.5643 13thstw508_02.tif southwest north and east 06/27/2005
508 W 13th Street 5PE.5643 13thstw508_03.tif north south 06/27/2005
511 W 13th Street 5PE.5644 13thstw511_01.tif northeast south and west 06/22/2005
511 W 13th Street 5PE.5644 13thstw511_02.tif northwest south and east 06/22/2005
511 W 13th Street 5PE.5644 13thstw511_03.tif southeast north and west 06/22/2005
511 W 13th Street 5PE.5644 13thstw511_04.tif southeast garage north and west 06/22/2005
515 W 13th Street 5PE.5645 13thstw515_01.tif north south 06/22/2005
515 W 13th Street 5PE.5645 13thstw515_02.tif west east 06/22/2005
515 W 13th Street 5PE.5645 13thstw515_03.tif northeast south and west 06/22/2005
515 W 13th Street 5PE.5645 13thstw515_04.tif southeast north and west garage at left 06/22/2005
520 W 13th Street 5PE.5646 13thstw520_01.tif southeast north and west 06/27/2005
520 W 13th Street 5PE.5646 13thstw520_02.tif southwest north and east 06/27/2005
520 W 13th Street 5PE.5646 13thstw520_03.tif northwest south and east 06/27/2005
609 W 13th Street 5PE.5647 13thstw609_01.tif northwest south and east 06/27/2005
609 W 13th Street 5PE.5647 13thstw609_02.tif northeast south and west 06/27/2005
609 W 13th Street 5PE.5647 13thstw609_03.tif south north 06/27/2005
611 W 13th Street 5PE.5648 13thstw611_01.tif northeast south and west 06/27/2005
611 W 13th Street 5PE.5648 13thstw611_02.tif northwest south and east 06/27/2005
611 W 13th Street 5PE.5648 13thstw611_03.tif southwest north and east garage in foreground 06/27/2005
614-616 W 13th Street 5PE.5649 13thstw614-616_01.tif south north 06/27/2005
614-616 W 13th Street 5PE.5649 13thstw614-616_02.tif northwest south and east 06/27/2005
614-616 W 13th Street 5PE.5649 13thstw614-616_03.tif north south 06/27/2005
614-616 W 13th Street 5PE.5649 13thstw614-616_04.tif southeast north and west 06/27/2005
615-619 W 13th Street 5PE.5650 13thstw615-619_01.tif north south 06/27/2005
615-619 W 13th Street 5PE.5650 13thstw615-619_02.tif southwest north and east 06/27/2005
615-619 W 13th Street 5PE.5650 13thstw615-619_03.tif southeast north and west 06/27/2005
618 W 13th Street 5PE.5651 13thstw618_01.tif southwest north and east 06/27/2005
618 W 13th Street 5PE.5651 13thstw618_02.tif southeast north and west 06/27/2005
618 W 13th Street 5PE.5651 13thstw618_03.tif northeast south and west garage in foreground, left 06/27/2005
618 W 13th Street 5PE.5651 13thstw618_04.tif southwest garage north and east 06/27/2005
701 W 13th Street 5PE.5652 13thstw701_01.tif northwest south and east 06/27/2005
701 W 13th Street 5PE.5652 13thstw701_02.tif northeast south and west 06/27/2005
701 W 13th Street 5PE.5652 13thstw701_03.tif west east 06/27/2005
701 W 13th Street 5PE.5652 13thstw701_04.tif southwest north and east 06/27/2005
701 W 13th Street 5PE.5652 13thstw701_05.tif southwest garage north and east 06/27/2005
702 W 13th Street 5PE.5653 13thstw702_01.tif southwest north and east 06/28/2005
702 W 13th Street 5PE.5653 13thstw702_02.tif southeast north and west 06/28/2005
702 W 13th Street 5PE.5653 13thstw702_03.tif northwest south and east 06/28/2005
702 W 13th Street 5PE.5653 13thstw702_04.tif southwest garage north and east 06/28/2005

Pueblo’s North Side Neighborhood

Address Site Number File Name View To Object Elevations Notes Date
705 W 13th Street 5PE.517.38 13thstw705_01.tif northeast south and west 06/27/2005
705 W 13th Street 5PE.517.38 13thstw705_02.tif northwest south and east 06/27/2005
705 W 13th Street 5PE.517.38 13thstw705_03.tif southwest north and east garage in foreground 06/27/2005
705 W 13th Street 5PE.517.38 13thstw705_04.tif southeast small shed north and west 06/27/2005
705 W 13th Street 5PE.517.38 13thstw705_05.tif southeast large shed north and west 06/27/2005
706 W 13th Street 5PE.5654 13thstw706_01.tif south north 06/28/2005
706 W 13th Street 5PE.5654 13thstw706_02.tif southeast north and west 06/28/2005
706 W 13th Street 5PE.5654 13thstw706_03.tif northwest south and east 06/28/2005
711 W 13th Street 5PE.5655 13thstw711_01.tif northwest south and east 06/27/2005
711 W 13th Street 5PE.5655 13thstw711_02.tif northeast south and west 06/27/2005
711 W 13th Street 5PE.5655 13thstw711_03.tif south north 06/27/2005
711 W 13th Street 5PE.5655 13thstw711_04.tif southeast shed north and west 06/27/2005
712 W 13th Street 5PE.5656 13thstw712_01.tif south north 06/28/2005
712 W 13th Street 5PE.5656 13thstw712_02.tif southeast north and west 06/28/2005
712 W 13th Street 5PE.5656 13thstw712_03.tif southwest north and east 06/28/2005
712 W 13th Street 5PE.5656 13thstw712_04.tif north south 06/28/2005
712 W 13th Street 5PE.5656 13thstw712_05.tif northwest garage south and east 06/28/2005
713 W 13th Street 5PE.5657 13thstw713_01.tif northwest south and east 06/27/2005
713 W 13th Street 5PE.5657 13thstw713_02.tif northeast south and west 06/27/2005
713 W 13th Street 5PE.5657 13thstw713_03.tif southwest north and east 06/27/2005
713 W 13th Street 5PE.5657 13thstw713_04.tif north south garage in background 06/27/2005
714 W 13th Street 5PE.5658 13thstw714_01.tif southwest north and east 06/27/2005
714 W 13th Street 5PE.5658 13thstw714_02.tif southeast north and west 06/27/2005
714 W 13th Street 5PE.5658 13thstw714_03.tif northwest south and east 06/27/2005
714 W 13th Street 5PE.5658 13thstw714_04.tif northwest garage south and east 06/27/2005
715 W 13th Street 5PE.5659 13thstw715_01.tif northwest south and east 06/28/2005
715 W 13th Street 5PE.5659 13thstw715_02.tif northeast south and west 06/28/2005
715 W 13th Street 5PE.5659 13thstw715_03.tif southeast garage north and west 06/28/2005
716 W 13th Street 5PE.5660 13thstw716_01.tif southwest north and east 06/28/2005
716 W 13th Street 5PE.5660 13thstw716_02.tif southeast north and west 06/28/2005
716 W 13th Street 5PE.5660 13thstw716_03.tif northeast south and west 06/28/2005
716 W 13th Street 5PE.5660 13thstw716_04.tif northeast garage south and west 06/28/2005
719 W 13th Street 5PE.5661 13thstw719_01.tif northeast south and west 06/28/2005
719 W 13th Street 5PE.5661 13thstw719_02.tif northwest south and east 06/28/2005
719 W 13th Street 5PE.5661 13thstw719_03.tif southeast north and west 06/28/2005
722 W 13th Street 5PE.5662 13thstw722_01.tif southwest north and east 06/28/2005
722 W 13th Street 5PE.5662 13thstw722_02.tif north south 06/28/2005
724 W 13th Street 5PE.5663 13thstw724_01.tif southwest north and east 06/29/2005
724 W 13th Street 5PE.5663 13thstw724_02.tif southeast north and west 06/29/2005
724 W 13th Street 5PE.5663 13thstw724_03.tif north south 06/29/2005
724 W 13th Street 5PE.5663 13thstw724_04.tif northeast shed south and west 06/29/2005
726 W 13th Street 5PE.517.39 13thstw726_01.tif southwest north and east 06/29/2005
726 W 13th Street 5PE.517.39 13thstw726_02.tif southeast north and west 06/29/2005
726 W 13th Street 5PE.517.39 13thstw726_03.tif northeast garage/barn south and west 06/29/2005
727 W 13th Street 5PE.517.40 13thstw727_01.tif north south 06/28/2005
727 W 13th Street 5PE.517.40 13thstw727_02.tif northwest south and east 06/28/2005
727 W 13th Street 5PE.517.40 13thstw727_03.tif east west 06/28/2005
727 W 13th Street 5PE.517.40 13thstw727_04.tif southeast north and west 06/28/2005
727 W 13th Street 5PE.517.40 13thstw727_05.tif north south detail of principal (south) entrance 06/28/2005


Colorado Cultural Resource Survey Report

Address Site Number File Name View To Object Elevations Notes Date
728 W 13th Street 5PE.517.41 13thstw728_01.tif southwest north and east 06/28/2005
728 W 13th Street 5PE.517.41 13thstw728_02.tif southeast north and west 06/28/2005
728 W 13th Street 5PE.517.41 13thstw728_03.tif northeast small house south and west 06/28/2005
728 W 13th Street 5PE.517.41 13thstw728_04.tif northeast south and west house (left), garage (middle), small house (right) 06/28/2005
728 W 13th Street 5PE.517.41 13thstw728_05.tif northwest small house south and east 06/28/2005
802 W 13th Street 5PE.517.42 13thstw802_01.tif southwest north and east 06/29/2005
802 W 13th Street 5PE.517.42 13thstw802_02.tif south north 06/29/2005
802 W 13th Street 5PE.517.42 13thstw802_03.tif northwest south and east 06/29/2005
802 W 13th Street 5PE.517.42 13thstw802_04.tif northwest garage south and east 06/29/2005
111 W 14th Street 5PE.5664 14thstw111_01.tif northwest south and east 07/11/2005
111 W 14th Street 5PE.5664 14thstw111_02.tif northeast south and west 07/11/2005
111 W 14th Street 5PE.5664 14thstw111_03.tif southwest north and east 07/11/2005
115 W 14th Street 5PE.5665 14thstw115_01.tif northwest south and east 07/11/2005
115 W 14th Street 5PE.5665 14thstw115_02.tif northeast south and west 07/11/2005
115 W 14th Street 5PE.5665 14thstw115_03.tif south north 07/11/2005
115 W 14th Street 5PE.5665 14thstw115_04.tif north garage south 07/11/2005
115 W 14th Street 5PE.5665 14thstw115_05.tif southeast garage north and west 07/11/2005
116 W 14th Street 5PE.5666 14thstw116_01.tif southeast north and west 07/11/2005
116 W 14th Street 5PE.5666 14thstw116_02.tif southwest north and east 07/11/2005
116 W 14th Street 5PE.5666 14thstw116_03.tif northeast south and west 07/11/2005
116 W 14th Street 5PE.5666 14thstw116_04.tif southeast shed north and west 07/11/2005
117 W 14th Street 5PE.5667 14thstw117_01.tif north south 07/11/2005
117 W 14th Street 5PE.5667 14thstw117_02.tif northeast south and west 07/11/2005
117 W 14th Street 5PE.5667 14thstw117_03.tif southeast north and west 07/11/2005
117 W 14th Street 5PE.5667 14thstw117_04.tif southwest garage north and east 07/11/2005
203-209 W 14th Street 5PE.5668 14thstw203-209_01.tif north south 07/11/2005
203-209 W 14th Street 5PE.5668 14thstw203-209_02.tif northwest south and east east building 07/11/2005
203-209 W 14th Street 5PE.5668 14thstw203-209_03.tif southeast north and west east building 07/11/2005
203-209 W 14th Street 5PE.5668 14thstw203-209_04.tif southwest north and east west building 07/11/2005
213 W 14th Street 5PE.5669 14thstw213_01.tif north south 07/11/2005
213 W 14th Street 5PE.5669 14thstw213_02.tif southeast north and west 07/11/2005
213 W 14th Street 5PE.5669 14thstw213_03.tif southwest north and east 07/11/2005
213 W 14th Street 5PE.5669 14thstw213_04.tif southeast garage north and west 07/11/2005
218 W 14th Street 5PE.5670 14thstw218_01.tif southwest north and east 07/11/2005
218 W 14th Street 5PE.5670 14thstw218_02.tif southeast north and west 07/11/2005
218 W 14th Street 5PE.5670 14thstw218_03.tif north south 07/11/2005
218 W 14th Street 5PE.5670 14thstw218_04.tif northeast garage south and west 07/11/2005
220 W 14th Street 5PE.5671 14thstw220_01.tif southwest north and east 07/12/2005
220 W 14th Street 5PE.5671 14thstw220_02.tif southeast north and west 07/12/2005
220 W 14th Street 5PE.5671 14thstw220_03.tif north south 07/12/2005
220 W 14th Street 5PE.5671 14thstw220_04.tif northeast garage south and west 07/12/2005
221 W 14th Street 5PE.5672 14thstw221_01.tif north south Presbyterian Towers (220 W 15th St) in background 07/11/2005
221 W 14th Street 5PE.5672 14thstw221_02.tif northeast south and west 07/11/2005
221 W 14th Street 5PE.5672 14thstw221_03.tif southeast north and west 07/11/2005
221 W 14th Street 5PE.5672 14thstw221_04.tif southwest north and east 07/11/2005
221 W 14th Street 5PE.5672 14thstw221_05.tif northwest south and east 07/11/2005
310 W 14th Street 5PE.5673 14thstw310_01.tif southwest north and east 07/12/2005
310 W 14th Street 5PE.5673 14thstw310_02.tif southeast north and west 07/12/2005
310 W 14th Street 5PE.5673 14thstw310_03.tif north south 07/12/2005


Pueblo’s North Side Neighborhood

Address Site Number File Name View To Object Elevations Notes Date
310 W 14th Street 5PE.5673 14thstw310_04.tif southwest garage north and east 07/12/2005
313 W 14th Street 5PE.516.1 14thstw313_01.tif north south 07/12/2005
313 W 14th Street 5PE.516.1 14thstw313_02.tif northeast south and west 07/12/2005
313 W 14th Street 5PE.516.1 14thstw313_03.tif south garage north 07/12/2005
410-414 W 14th Street 5PE.5674 14thstw410-414_01.tif southeast north and west 07/12/2005
410-414 W 14th Street 5PE.5674 14thstw410-414_02.tif southwest north and east 07/12/2005
410-414 W 14th Street 5PE.5674 14thstw410-414_03.tif northwest south and east 07/12/2005
416 W 14th Street 5PE.5675 14thstw416_01.tif southwest north and east 07/12/2005
416 W 14th Street 5PE.5675 14thstw416_02.tif southeast north and west 07/12/2005
416 W 14th Street 5PE.5675 14thstw416_03.tif north garage south 07/12/2005
416 W 14th Street 5PE.5675 14thstw416_04.tif south garage north 07/12/2005
420 W 14th Street 5PE.516.3 14thstw420_01.tif southwest north and east 07/12/2005
420 W 14th Street 5PE.516.3 14thstw420_02.tif southeast north and west 07/12/2005
420 W 14th Street 5PE.516.3 14thstw420_04.tif northwest south and east 07/12/2005
420 W 14th Street 5PE.516.3 14thstw420_08.tif northeast garage south and west 07/12/2005
424 W 14th Street 5PE.5676 14thstw424_01.tif southwest north and east 07/12/2005
424 W 14th Street 5PE.5676 14thstw424_02.tif southeast north and west 07/12/2005
424 W 14th Street 5PE.5676 14thstw424_03.tif northeast south and west 07/12/2005
424 W 14th Street 5PE.5676 14thstw424_04.tif northwest garage south and east 07/12/2005
426 W 14th Street 5PE.5677 14thstw426_01.tif southeast north and west 07/12/2005
426 W 14th Street 5PE.5677 14thstw426_02.tif southwest north and east 07/12/2005
426 W 14th Street 5PE.5677 14thstw426_03.tif north south 07/12/2005
426 W 14th Street 5PE.5677 14thstw426_04.tif northeast garage south and west 07/12/2005
508 W 14th Street 5PE.5678 14thstw508_01.tif southeast north and west 07/12/2005
508 W 14th Street 5PE.5678 14thstw508_02.tif southwest north and east 07/12/2005
508 W 14th Street 5PE.5678 14thstw508_03.tif north south 07/12/2005
508 W 14th Street 5PE.5678 14thstw508_04.tif northwest stairs and retaining wall south and east 07/12/2005
510 W 14th Street 5PE.5679 14thstw510_01.tif southwest north and east 07/13/2005
510 W 14th Street 5PE.5679 14thstw510_02.tif southeast north and west 07/13/2005
510 W 14th Street 5PE.5679 14thstw510_03.tif north south 07/13/2005
512 W 14th Street 5PE.5680 14thstw512_01.tif southeast north and west 07/13/2005
512 W 14th Street 5PE.5680 14thstw512_02.tif southwest north and east 07/13/2005
512 W 14th Street 5PE.5680 14thstw512_03.tif north south 07/13/2005
514 W 14th Street 5PE.5681 14thstw514_01.tif southwest north and east 07/13/2005
514 W 14th Street 5PE.5681 14thstw514_02.tif southeast north and west 07/13/2005
514 W 14th Street 5PE.5681 14thstw514_03.tif north south 07/13/2005
516 W 14th Street 5PE.5682 14thstw516_01.tif southeast north and west 07/13/2005
516 W 14th Street 5PE.5682 14thstw516_02.tif south north 07/13/2005
516 W 14th Street 5PE.5682 14thstw516_03.tif northeast south and west 07/13/2005
516 W 14th Street 5PE.5682 14thstw516_04.tif east west detail of integral (basement) garage 07/13/2005
605 W 14th Street 5PE.5683 14thstw605_01.tif northeast south and west 07/13/2005
605 W 14th Street 5PE.5683 14thstw605_02.tif northwest south and east 07/13/2005
605 W 14th Street 5PE.5683 14thstw605_03.tif south north garage in foreground, right 07/13/2005
606 W 14th Street 5PE.5684 14thstw606_01.tif south north 07/13/2005
606 W 14th Street 5PE.5684 14thstw606_02.tif southeast north and west 07/13/2005
606 W 14th Street 5PE.5684 14thstw606_03.tif north south 07/13/2005
608 W 14th Street 5PE.5685 14thstw608_01.tif southwest north and east 07/13/2005
608 W 14th Street 5PE.5685 14thstw608_02.tif southeast north and west 07/13/2005
608 W 14th Street 5PE.5685 14thstw608_03.tif north south 07/13/2005


Colorado Cultural Resource Survey Report

Address Site Number File Name View To Object Elevations Notes Date
609 W 14th Street 5PE.5686 14thstw609_01.tif northwest south and east 07/13/2005
609 W 14th Street 5PE.5686 14thstw609_02.tif northeast south and west 07/13/2005
609 W 14th Street 5PE.5686 14thstw609_03.tif southwest north and east garage in foreground, right 07/13/2005
616-620 W 14th Street 5PE.5687 14thstw616-620_01.tif south north 07/13/2005
616-620 W 14th Street 5PE.5687 14thstw616-620_02.tif southeast north and west 07/13/2005
616-620 W 14th Street 5PE.5687 14thstw616-620_03.tif northeast south and west 07/13/2005
624 W 14th Street 5PE.517.46 14thstw624_01.tif southwest north and east 07/13/2005
624 W 14th Street 5PE.517.46 14thstw624_02.tif southeast north and west 07/13/2005
624 W 14th Street 5PE.517.46 14thstw624_03.tif northeast south and west 07/13/2005
624 W 14th Street 5PE.517.46 14thstw624_04.tif southwest shed 1 (east/left) shed 2 (west/right) north and east 07/13/2005
625 W 14th Street 5PE.5688 14thstw625_01.tif northeast south and west 07/13/2005
625 W 14th Street 5PE.5688 14thstw625_02.tif northwest south and east 07/13/2005
625 W 14th Street 5PE.5688 14thstw625_03.tif southeast north and west 07/13/2005
710 W 14th Street 5PE.5689 14thstw710_01.tif south north 07/18/2005
710 W 14th Street 5PE.5689 14thstw710_02.tif southeast north and west 07/18/2005
710 W 14th Street 5PE.5689 14thstw710_03.tif north south 07/18/2005
710 W 14th Street 5PE.5689 14thstw710_04.tif northeast shed south and west 07/18/2005
710 W 14th Street 5PE.5689 14thstw710_05.tif northwest garage south and east 07/18/2005
711 W 14th Street 5PE.5690 14thstw711_01.tif northwest south and east 07/18/2005
711 W 14th Street 5PE.5690 14thstw711_02.tif northeast south and west 07/18/2005
711 W 14th Street 5PE.5690 14thstw711_03.tif southwest north and east 07/18/2005
711 W 14th Street 5PE.5690 14thstw711_04.tif south garage north 07/18/2005
712 W 14th Street 5PE.5691 14thstw712_01.tif southeast north and west 07/18/2005
712 W 14th Street 5PE.5691 14thstw712_02.tif southwest north and east 07/18/2005
712 W 14th Street 5PE.5691 14thstw712_03.tif north south 07/18/2005
712 W 14th Street 5PE.5691 14thstw712_04.tif northeast garage south and west 07/18/2005
712 W 14th Street 5PE.5691 14thstw712_05.tif southwest shed north and east 07/18/2005
714 W 14th Street 5PE.5692 14thstw714_01.tif southeast north and west 07/18/2005
714 W 14th Street 5PE.5692 14thstw714_02.tif southwest north and east 07/18/2005
714 W 14th Street 5PE.5692 14thstw714_03.tif north south 07/18/2005
715 W 14th Street 5PE.517.48 14thstw715_01.tif northeast south and west 07/18/2005
715 W 14th Street 5PE.517.48 14thstw715_02.tif northwest south and east 07/18/2005
715 W 14th Street 5PE.517.48 14thstw715_03.tif south north 07/18/2005
715 W 14th Street 5PE.517.48 14thstw715_04.tif south garage north 07/18/2005
719 W 14th Street 5PE.5693 14thstw719_01.tif northwest south and east 07/18/2005
719 W 14th Street 5PE.5693 14thstw719_02.tif northeast south and west 07/18/2005
719 W 14th Street 5PE.5693 14thstw719_03.tif southwest north and east 07/18/2005
719 W 14th Street 5PE.5693 14thstw719_04.tif southeast garage north and west 07/18/2005
719 W 14th Street 5PE.5693 14thstw719_05.tif southeast shed 1 (northeast of house) north and west 07/18/2005
719 W 14th Street 5PE.5693 14thstw719_06.tif southeast shed 2 (north of house) north and west 07/18/2005
723 W 14th Street 5PE.517.49 14thstw723_01.tif northwest south and east 07/18/2005
723 W 14th Street 5PE.517.49 14thstw723_02.tif north south 07/18/2005
723 W 14th Street 5PE.517.49 14thstw723_03.tif south north 07/18/2005
723 W 14th Street 5PE.517.49 14thstw723_04.tif northeast chicken coop south and west 07/18/2005
723 W 14th Street 5PE.517.49 14thstw723_05.tif northwest cottage south and east 07/18/2005
723 W 14th Street 5PE.517.49 14thstw723_06.tif southeast garage north and west 07/18/2005
724 W 14th Street 5PE.5694 14thstw724_01.tif southeast north and west 07/18/2005
724 W 14th Street 5PE.5694 14thstw724_02.tif southwest north and east 07/18/2005
724 W 14th Street 5PE.5694 14thstw724_03.tif northwest south and east 07/18/2005


Pueblo’s North Side Neighborhood

Address Site Number File Name View To Object Elevations Notes Date
724 W 14th Street 5PE.5694 14thstw724_04.tif north south 07/18/2005
724 W 14th Street 5PE.5694 14thstw724_05.tif southeast shed north and west 07/18/2005
725 W 14th Street 5PE.517.50 14thstw725_01.tif north south 07/18/2005
725 W 14th Street 5PE.517.50 14thstw725_02.tif northeast south and west 07/18/2005
725 W 14th Street 5PE.517.50 14thstw725_03.tif southeast north and west 07/18/2005
725 W 14th Street 5PE.517.50 14thstw725_04.tif southeast garage north and west 07/18/2005
802 W 14th Street 5PE.5695 14thstw802_01.tif southwest north and east 07/18/2002
802 W 14th Street 5PE.5695 14thstw802_02.tif southeast north and west 07/18/2002
802 W 14th Street 5PE.5695 14thstw802_03.tif north south 07/18/2002
802 W 14th Street 5PE.5695 14thstw802_04.tif northwest shed 1 south and east 07/18/2002
802 W 14th Street 5PE.5695 14thstw802_05.tif northeast shed 2 south and west 07/18/2002
204 W 15th Street 5PE.5863 15thstw204_01.tif southeast north and west 07/20/2005
204 W 15th Street 5PE.5863 15thstw204_02.tif southwest north and east 07/20/2005
204 W 15th Street 5PE.5863 15thstw204_03.tif north south 07/20/2005
204 W 15th Street 5PE.5863 15thstw204_04.tif south garage north 07/20/2005
204 W 15th Street 5PE.5863 15thstw204_05.tif northeast 1315 N Main St south and west 07/20/2005
204 W 15th Street 5PE.5863 15thstw204_06.tif west 1415 N Main St east 07/20/2005
204 W 15th Street 5PE.5863 15thstw204_07.tif southeast 1415 N Main St north and west 07/20/2005
204 W 15th Street 5PE.5863 15thstw204_08.tif northwest garage for 1415 N Main St south and east 07/20/2005
204 W 15th Street 5PE.5863 15thstw204_09.tif southwest 1417 -1423 N Main St apartments north and east 07/20/2005
204 W 15th Street 5PE.5863 15thstw204_10.tif northwest 1417 -1423 N Main St apartments south and east 07/20/2005
204 W 15th Street 5PE.5863 15thstw204_11.tif southeast 1417 -1423 N Main St apartments north and west 07/20/2005
220 W 15th Street 5PE.5696 15thstw220_01.tif southwest north and east 07/20/2005
220 W 15th Street 5PE.5696 15thstw220_02.tif southeast north and west 07/20/2005
220 W 15th Street 5PE.5696 15thstw220_03.tif north south 07/20/2005
315 W 15th Street 5PE.516.5 15thstw315_01.tif northeast south and west 07/18/2005
315 W 15th Street 5PE.516.5 15thstw315_02.tif northwest south and east 07/18/2005
315 W 15th Street 5PE.516.5 15thstw315_03.tif south north 07/18/2005
316 W 15th Street 5PE.5697 15thstw316_01.tif southwest north and east 07/18/2005
316 W 15th Street 5PE.5697 15thstw316_02.tif southeast north and west 07/18/2005
316 W 15th Street 5PE.5697 15thstw316_03.tif north south 07/18/2005
316 W 15th Street 5PE.5697 15thstw316_04.tif northeast south and west 07/18/2005
322 W 15th Street 5PE.5698 15thstw322_01.tif southwest north and east 07/18/2005
322 W 15th Street 5PE.5698 15thstw322_02.tif southeast north and west 07/18/2005
322 W 15th Street 5PE.5698 15thstw322_03.tif northeast south and west 07/18/2005
405 W 15th Street 5PE.5699 15thstw405_01.tif northwest south and east 07/18/2005
405 W 15th Street 5PE.5699 15thstw405_02.tif northeast south and west 07/18/2005
405 W 15th Street 5PE.5699 15thstw405_03.tif southwest north and east 07/18/2005
421 W 15th Street 5PE.5700 15thstw421_01.tif northeast south and west 07/18/2005
421 W 15th Street 5PE.5700 15thstw421_02.tif northwest south and east 07/18/2005
421 W 15th Street 5PE.5700 15thstw421_03.tif south north 07/18/2005
421 W 15th Street 5PE.5700 15thstw421_04.tif southwest shed north and east 07/18/2005
604 W 15th Street 5PE.5701 15thstw604_01.tif southwest 600 W 15th Street north and east 07/19/2005
604 W 15th Street 5PE.5701 15thstw604_02.tif southeast 600 W 15th Street north and west 07/19/2005
604 W 15th Street 5PE.5701 15thstw604_03.tif north 600 W 15th Street south 07/19/2005
604 W 15th Street 5PE.5701 15thstw604_04.tif southwest 604 West 15th Street north and east 07/19/2005
604 W 15th Street 5PE.5701 15thstw604_05.tif southeast 604 West 15th Street north and west 07/19/2005
604 W 15th Street 5PE.5701 15thstw604_06.tif northeast 604 West 15th Street south and west 07/19/2005
605-607 W 15th Street 5PE.5702 15thstw605-607_01.tif northeast south and west 07/19/2005


Colorado Cultural Resource Survey Report

Address Site Number File Name View To Object Elevations Notes Date
605-607 W 15th Street 5PE.5702 15thstw605-607_02.tif northwest south and east 07/19/2005
614-616 W 15th Street 5PE.5703 15thstw614-616_01.tif southwest north and east 07/18/2005
614-616 W 15th Street 5PE.5703 15thstw614-616_02.tif northeast south and west 07/18/2005
615 W 15th Street 5PE.5704 15thstw615_01.tif northeast south and west 01/19/2005
615 W 15th Street 5PE.5704 15thstw615_02.tif northwest south and east 01/19/2005
615 W 15th Street 5PE.5704 15thstw615_03.tif south north 01/19/2005
615 W 15th Street 5PE.5704 15thstw615_04.tif southeast garage north and west 01/19/2005
615 W 15th Street 5PE.5704 15thstw615_05.tif southeast shed north and west 01/19/2005
617 W 15th Street 5PE.5705 15thstw617_01.tif northeast south and west 07/19/2005
617 W 15th Street 5PE.5705 15thstw617_02.tif northwest south and east 07/19/2005
617 W 15th Street 5PE.5705 15thstw617_03.tif south north 07/19/2005
617 W 15th Street 5PE.5705 15thstw617_04.tif southeast garage north and west 07/19/2005
618-620 W 15th Street 5PE.5706 15thstw618-620_01.tif southwest north and east 07/19/2005
618-620 W 15th Street 5PE.5706 15thstw618-620_02.tif southeast north and west 07/19/2005
618-620 W 15th Street 5PE.5706 15thstw618-620_03.tif north south 07/19/2005
619 W 15th Street 5PE.5707 15thstw619_01.tif northwest south and east 07/19/2005
619 W 15th Street 5PE.5707 15thstw619_02.tif southwest north and east 07/19/2005
619 W 15th Street 5PE.5707 15thstw619_03.tif north garage south 07/19/2005
619 W 15th Street 5PE.5707 15thstw619_04.tif northwest shed south and east 07/19/2005
622 W 15th Street 5PE.5708 15thstw622_01.tif southwest north and east 07/19/2005
622 W 15th Street 5PE.5708 15thstw622_02.tif southeast north and west 07/19/2005
622 W 15th Street 5PE.5708 15thstw622_03.tif north south 07/19/2005
623 W 15th Street 5PE.5709 15thstw623_01.tif northeast south and west 07/19/2005
623 W 15th Street 5PE.5709 15thstw623_02.tif northwest south and east 07/19/2005
623 W 15th Street 5PE.5709 15thstw623_03.tif south north 07/19/2005
623 W 15th Street 5PE.5709 15thstw623_04.tif northeast shed south and west 07/19/2005
624 W 15th Street 5PE.5710 15thstw624_01.tif southwest north and east 07/18/2005
624 W 15th Street 5PE.5710 15thstw624_02.tif southeast north and west 07/18/2005
624 W 15th Street 5PE.5710 15thstw624_03.tif north south shed at left 07/18/2005
628 W 15th Street 5PE.5711 15thstw628_01.tif southeast north and west 07/19/2005
628 W 15th Street 5PE.5711 15thstw628_02.tif southwest north and east 07/19/2005
628 W 15th Street 5PE.5711 15thstw628_03.tif northeast garage south and west 07/19/2005
705 W 15th Street 5PE.5712 15thstw705_01.tif northeast south and west 07/19/2005
705 W 15th Street 5PE.5712 15thstw705_02.tif northwest south and east 07/19/2005
705 W 15th Street 5PE.5712 15thstw705_03.tif southeast shed north and west 07/19/2005
706 W 15th Street 5PE.5713 15thstw706_01.tif southwest north and east 07/19/2005
706 W 15th Street 5PE.5713 15thstw706_02.tif southeast north and west 07/19/2005
706 W 15th Street 5PE.5713 15thstw706_03.tif north south west elevation of garage at right 07/19/2005
706 W 15th Street 5PE.5713 15thstw706_04.tif south garage north 07/19/2005
707 W 15th Street 5PE.5714 15thstw707_01.tif northwest south and east 07/19/2005
707 W 15th Street 5PE.5714 15thstw707_02.tif northeast south and west 07/19/2005
707 W 15th Street 5PE.5714 15thstw707_03.tif south north 07/19/2005
710 W 15th Street 5PE.5715 15thstw710_01.tif southwest north and east 07/19/2005
710 W 15th Street 5PE.5715 15thstw710_02.tif southeast north and west 07/19/2005
710 W 15th Street 5PE.5715 15thstw710_03.tif north south 07/19/2005
710 W 15th Street 5PE.5715 15thstw710_04.tif northwest shop/garage south and east 07/19/2005
710 W 15th Street 5PE.5715 15thstw710_05.tif northeast shed south and west 07/19/2005
714 W 15th Street 5PE.5716 15thstw714_01.tif southwest north and east 07/19/2005
714 W 15th Street 5PE.5716 15thstw714_02.tif southeast north and west 07/19/2005


Pueblo’s North Side Neighborhood

Address Site Number File Name View To Object Elevations Notes Date
714 W 15th Street 5PE.5716 15thstw714_03.tif northeast south and west 07/19/2005
714 W 15th Street 5PE.5716 15thstw714_04.tif northeast garage south and west 07/19/2005
715 W 15th Street 5PE.5717 15thstw715_01.tif northeast south and west 07/19/2005
715 W 15th Street 5PE.5717 15thstw715_02.tif northwest south and east 07/19/2005
715 W 15th Street 5PE.5717 15thstw715_03.tif southeast north and west garage in foreground 07/19/2005
715 W 15th Street 5PE.5717 15thstw715_04.tif southwest north and east 07/19/2005
717 W 15th Street 5PE.5718 15thstw717_01.tif northwest south and east 07/19/2005
717 W 15th Street 5PE.5718 15thstw717_02.tif northeast south and west 07/19/2005
717 W 15th Street 5PE.5718 15thstw717_03.tif south north 07/19/2005
717 W 15th Street 5PE.5718 15thstw717_04.tif southwest garage north and east 07/19/2005
717 W 15th Street 5PE.5718 15thstw717_05.tif southwest shed 1 north and east 07/19/2005
717 W 15th Street 5PE.5718 15thstw717_06.tif west shed 2 east 07/19/2005
719 W 15th Street 5PE.517.54 15thstw719_01.tif northwest south and east garage in background, at right 07/19/2005
719 W 15th Street 5PE.517.54 15thstw719_02.tif northeast south and west 07/19/2005
719 W 15th Street 5PE.517.54 15thstw719_03.tif southeast north and west west elevation of garage at left 07/19/2005
719 W 15th Street 5PE.517.54 15thstw719_04.tif north garage south 07/19/2005
740 W 15th Street 5PE.5719 15thstw740_01.tif southeast north and west 07/19/2005
740 W 15th Street 5PE.5719 15thstw740_02.tif southwest north and east 07/19/2005
740 W 15th Street 5PE.5719 15thstw740_03.tif north south 07/19/2005
801 W 15th Street 5PE.5720 15thstw801_01.tif northwest south and east 07/20/2005
801 W 15th Street 5PE.5720 15thstw801_02.tif northeast south and west 07/20/2005
801 W 15th Street 5PE.5720 15thstw801_03.tif southeast north and west 07/20/2005
801 W 15th Street 5PE.5720 15thstw801_04.tif southwest garage north and east 07/20/2005
314 W 16th Street 5PE.5721 16thstw314_01.tif southeast north and west 07/20/2005
314 W 16th Street 5PE.5721 16thstw314_02.tif southwest north and east 07/20/2005
314 W 16th Street 5PE.5721 16thstw314_03.tif southwest north and east 07/20/2005
314 W 16th Street 5PE.5721 16thstw314_04.tif northeast south and west 07/20/2005
400 W 16th Street 5PE.516.13 16thstw400_01.tif northwest south and east 11/06/2006
400 W 16th Street 5PE.516.13 16thstw400_02.tif northwest south and east southwest end of southeast elevation 11/06/2006
400 W 16th Street 5PE.516.13 16thstw400_03.tif northeast panorama south and west 11/06/2006
400 W 16th Street 5PE.516.13 16thstw400_04.tif southeast panorama north and west 11/06/2006
400 W 16th Street 5PE.516.13 16thstw400_05.tif southeast north and west original hospital building (administration building) 11/06/2006
400 W 16th Street 5PE.516.13 16thstw400_06.tif south detail of central tower, north elevation north 11/06/2006
400 W 16th Street 5PE.516.13 16thstw400_07.tif southeast north and west 11/06/2006
606-608 W 16th Street 5PE.5722 16thstw606_01.tif southwest north and east 07/20/2005
606-608 W 16th Street 5PE.5722 16thstw606_02.tif southeast north and west 07/20/2005
606-608 W 16th Street 5PE.5722 16thstw606_03.tif northeast south and west 07/20/2005
610 W 16th Street 5PE.5723 16thstw610_01.tif southwest north and east 07/20/2005
610 W 16th Street 5PE.5723 16thstw610_02.tif southeast north and west 07/20/2005
610 W 16th Street 5PE.5723 16thstw610_03.tif south garage north east elevation of house at right 07/20/2005
614 W 16th Street 5PE.5724 16thstw614_01.tif south north 07/20/2005
614 W 16th Street 5PE.5724 16thstw614_02.tif northwest south and east 07/20/2005
614 W 16th Street 5PE.5724 16thstw614_03.tif northeast south and west 07/20/2005
614 W 16th Street 5PE.5724 16thstw614_04.tif northeast shed south and west 07/20/2005
615 W 16th Street 5PE.5725 16thstw615_01.tif north south 07/20/2005
615 W 16th Street 5PE.5725 16thstw615_02.tif northwest south and east 07/20/2005
615 W 16th Street 5PE.5725 16thstw615_03.tif northeast south and west 07/20/2005
615 W 16th Street 5PE.5725 16thstw615_04.tif southwest north and east 07/20/2005
615 W 16th Street 5PE.5725 16thstw615_05.tif north garage south 07/20/2005


Colorado Cultural Resource Survey Report

Address Site Number File Name View To Object Elevations Notes Date
617 W 16th Street 5PE.5726 16thstw617_01.tif northwest south and east 07/20/2005
617 W 16th Street 5PE.5726 16thstw617_02.tif north south 07/20/2005
617 W 16th Street 5PE.5726 16thstw617_03.tif south north 07/20/2005
617 W 16th Street 5PE.5726 16thstw617_04.tif northwest shed south and east 07/20/2005
621-623 W 16th Street 5PE.5727 16thstw621-623_01.tif northeast south and west 07/20/2005
621-623 W 16th Street 5PE.5727 16thstw621-623_02.tif northwest south and east 07/20/2005
621-623 W 16th Street 5PE.5727 16thstw621-623_03.tif south north 07/20/2005
625 W 16th Street 5PE.5728 16thstw625_01.tif northeast south and west 07/20/2005
625 W 16th Street 5PE.5728 16thstw625_02.tif northwest south and east 07/20/2005
625 W 16th Street 5PE.5728 16thstw625_03.tif south north 07/20/2005
625 W 16th Street 5PE.5728 16thstw625_04.tif southwest north and east 07/20/2005
625 W 16th Street 5PE.5728 16thstw625_05.tif north shed south 07/20/2005
703 W 16th Street 5PE.5729 16thstw703_01.tif northwest south and east 07/20/2005
703 W 16th Street 5PE.5729 16thstw703_02.tif northeast south and west 07/20/2005
703 W 16th Street 5PE.5729 16thstw703_03.tif south north 07/20/2005
706 W 16th Street 5PE.5730 16thstw706_01.tif southwest north and east 07/25/2005
706 W 16th Street 5PE.5730 16thstw706_02.tif southeast north and west 07/25/2005
706 W 16th Street 5PE.5730 16thstw706_03.tif northwest south and east 07/25/2005
707 W 16th Street 5PE.5731 16thstw707_01.tif northwest south and east 07/20/2005
707 W 16th Street 5PE.5731 16thstw707_02.tif northeast south and west 07/20/2005
707 W 16th Street 5PE.5731 16thstw707_03.tif south north 07/20/2005
707 W 16th Street 5PE.5731 16thstw707_04.tif northeast shed south and west 07/20/2005
707 W 16th Street 5PE.5731 16thstw707_05.tif north garage south 07/20/2005
708 W 16th Street 5PE.5732 16thstw708_01.tif southwest north and east 07/25/2005
708 W 16th Street 5PE.5732 16thstw708_02.tif southeast north and west 07/25/2005
708 W 16th Street 5PE.5732 16thstw708_03.tif south garage north 07/25/2005
708 W 16th Street 5PE.5732 16thstw708_04.tif north south 07/25/2005
710 W 16th Street 5PE.5733 16thstw710_01.tif southeast north and west 07/25/2005
710 W 16th Street 5PE.5733 16thstw710_02.tif southwest north and east 07/25/2005
710 W 16th Street 5PE.5733 16thstw710_03.tif north south 07/25/2005
710 W 16th Street 5PE.5733 16thstw710_04.tif northeast garage south and west 07/25/2005
711 W 16th Street 5PE.5734 16thstw711_01.tif northwest south and east 07/25/2005
711 W 16th Street 5PE.5734 16thstw711_02.tif northeast south and west 07/25/2005
711 W 16th Street 5PE.5734 16thstw711_03.tif north south 07/25/2005
711 W 16th Street 5PE.5734 16thstw711_04.tif southeast garage north and west 07/25/2005
714 W 16th Street 5PE.5735 16thstw714_01.tif southwest north and east 07/25/2005
714 W 16th Street 5PE.5735 16thstw714_02.tif southeast north and west 07/25/2005
714 W 16th Street 5PE.5735 16thstw714_03.tif north south 07/25/2005
714 W 16th Street 5PE.5735 16thstw714_04.tif northwest shed 2 (left), shed 1 (right) south and east 07/25/2005
715 W 16th Street 5PE.5736 16thstw715_01.tif northwest south and east 07/25/2005
715 W 16th Street 5PE.5736 16thstw715_02.tif northeast south and west 07/25/2005
715 W 16th Street 5PE.5736 16thstw715_03.tif south north 07/25/2005
715 W 16th Street 5PE.5736 16thstw715_04.tif northwest shed south and east 07/25/2005
716 W 16th Street 5PE.5737 16thstw716_01.tif southeast north and west 07/25/2005
716 W 16th Street 5PE.5737 16thstw716_02.tif southwest north and east 07/25/2005
716 W 16th Street 5PE.5737 16thstw716_03.tif north south 07/25/2005
716 W 16th Street 5PE.5737 16thstw716_04.tif northeast shed south and west 07/25/2005
717 W 16th Street 5PE.5738 16thstw717_01.tif northwest south and east 07/25/2005
717 W 16th Street 5PE.5738 16thstw717_02.tif northeast south and west 07/25/2005


Pueblo’s North Side Neighborhood

Address Site Number File Name View To Object Elevations Notes Date
717 W 16th Street 5PE.5738 16thstw717_03.tif south north 07/25/2005
717 W 16th Street 5PE.5738 16thstw717_04.tif south shed north 07/25/2005
718 W 16th Street 5PE.5739 16thstw718_01.tif southwest north and east 07/25/2005
718 W 16th Street 5PE.5739 16thstw718_02.tif southeast north and west 07/25/2005
718 W 16th Street 5PE.5739 16thstw718_03.tif north south 07/25/2005
721 W 16th Street 5PE.5740 16thstw721_01.tif northwest south and east 07/25/2005
721 W 16th Street 5PE.5740 16thstw721_02.tif northeast south and west 07/25/2005
721 W 16th Street 5PE.5740 16thstw721_03.tif south north 07/25/2005
721 W 16th Street 5PE.5740 16thstw721_04.tif southeast shed north and west 07/25/2005
721 W 16th Street 5PE.5740 16thstw721_05.tif southwest garage north and east 07/25/2005
723 W 16th Street 5PE.5741 16thstw723_01.tif northeast south and west 07/25/2005
723 W 16th Street 5PE.5741 16thstw723_02.tif northwest south and east 07/25/2005
723 W 16th Street 5PE.5741 16thstw723_03.tif south north 07/25/2005
723 W 16th Street 5PE.5741 16thstw723_04.tif northeast garage south and west 07/25/2005
801 W 16th Street 5PE.5742 16thstw801_01.tif northwest south and east 07/25/2005
801 W 16th Street 5PE.5742 16thstw801_02.tif northeast south and west 07/25/2005
801 W 16th Street 5PE.5742 16thstw801_03.tif south north 07/25/2005
303 W 17th Street 5PE.516.10 17thstw303_01.tif northwest south and east 07/25/2005
303 W 17th Street 5PE.516.10 17thstw303_02.tif northeast south and west 07/25/2005
303 W 17th Street 5PE.516.10 17thstw303_03.tif southeast north and west 07/25/2005
303 W 17th Street 5PE.516.10 17thstw303_04.tif north south courtyard and swimming pool gazebo in background 07/25/2005
303 W 17th Street 5PE.516.10 17thstw303_05.tif southwest north and east 07/25/2005
307 W 17th Street 5PE.516.11 17thstw307_01.tif northwest south and east 07/25/2005
307 W 17th Street 5PE.516.11 17thstw307_02.tif northeast south and west 07/25/2005
307 W 17th Street 5PE.516.11 17thstw307_03.tif south north 07/25/2005
307 W 17th Street 5PE.516.11 17thstw307_04.tif southwest garage north and east 07/25/2005
311 W 17th Street 5PE.5743 17thstw311_01.tif northwest south and east 07/25/2005
311 W 17th Street 5PE.5743 17thstw311_02.tif southeast north and west 07/25/2005
311 W 17th Street 5PE.5743 17thstw311_03.tif southwest north and east 07/25/2005
311 W 17th Street 5PE.5743 17thstw311_04.tif northeast garage (northeast) south and west 07/25/2005
311 W 17th Street 5PE.5743 17thstw311_05.tif northwest garage (northwest) south and east 07/25/2005
315-317 W 17th Street 5PE.5744 17thstw315-317_01.tif northwest south and east 07/25/2005
315-317 W 17th Street 5PE.5744 17thstw315-317_02.tif northeast south and west 07/25/2005
315-317 W 17th Street 5PE.5744 17thstw315-317_03.tif south north west half of north elevation 07/25/2005
315-317 W 17th Street 5PE.5744 17thstw315-317_04.tif south north east half of north elevation 07/25/2005
327 W 17th Street 5PE.516.12 17thstw327_01.tif northeast south and west 07/25/2005
327 W 17th Street 5PE.516.12 17thstw327_02.tif northwest south and east 07/25/2005
327 W 17th Street 5PE.516.12 17thstw327_03.tif east west 07/25/2005
327 W 17th Street 5PE.516.12 17thstw327_04.tif southeast north and west 07/25/2005
406 W 17th Street 5PE.5964 17thstw406_01.tif northeast south and west 07/25/2005
406 W 17th Street 5PE.5964 17thstw406_02.tif northwest south and east 07/25/2005
406 W 17th Street 5PE.5964 17thstw406_03.tif southeast north and west 07/25/2005
406 W 17th Street 5PE.5964 17thstw406_04.tif northwest Parkview Medical Center Physical Plant south and east 07/25/2005
406 W 17th Street 5PE.5964 17thstw406_05.tif northeast Parkview Medical Center Physical Plant south and west 07/25/2005
406 W 17th Street 5PE.5964 17thstw406_06.tif south Parkview Medical Center Physical Plant north 07/25/2005
509 W 17th Street 5PE.5747 17thstw509_01.tif northeast south and west 07/25/2005
509 W 17th Street 5PE.5747 17thstw509_02.tif northwest south and east 07/25/2005
509 W 17th Street 5PE.5747 17thstw509_03.tif south north 07/25/2005
515 W 17th Street 5PE.5748 17thstw515_01.tif northwest south and east 07/25/2005


Colorado Cultural Resource Survey Report

Address Site Number File Name View To Object Elevations Notes Date
515 W 17th Street 5PE.5748 17thstw515_02.tif northwest south and east 07/25/2005
515 W 17th Street 5PE.5748 17thstw515_03.tif south north 07/25/2005
605 W 17th Street 5PE.516.14 17thstw605_01.tif northwest south and east 07/25/2005
605 W 17th Street 5PE.516.14 17thstw605_02.tif north south 07/25/2005
605 W 17th Street 5PE.516.14 17thstw605_03.tif southeast north and west 07/25/2005
605 W 17th Street 5PE.516.14 17thstw605_04.tif north guest house/studio south 07/25/2005
605 W 17th Street 5PE.516.14 17thstw605_05.tif northwest pavillion south and east 07/25/2005
610 W 17th Street 5PE.516.15 17thstw610_01.tif southwest north and east 07/25/2005
610 W 17th Street 5PE.516.15 17thstw610_02.tif southeast north and west 07/25/2005
610 W 17th Street 5PE.516.15 17thstw610_03.tif north south 07/25/2005
610 W 17th Street 5PE.516.15 17thstw610_04.tif northeast garage south and west 07/25/2005
621 W 17th Street 5PE.5751 17thstw621_01.tif northwest south and east 07/25/2005
621 W 17th Street 5PE.5751 17thstw621_02.tif northeast south and west 07/25/2005
621 W 17th Street 5PE.5751 17thstw621_03.tif south north 07/25/2005
630 W 17th Street 5PE.5752 17thstw630_01.tif southeast north and west 07/26/2005
630 W 17th Street 5PE.5752 17thstw630_02.tif southwest north and east 07/26/2005
630 W 17th Street 5PE.5752 17thstw630_03.tif north south 07/26/2005
700 W 17th Street 5PE.5753 17thstw700_01.tif southeast north and west 07/26/2005
700 W 17th Street 5PE.5753 17thstw700_02.tif southwest north and east 07/26/2005
700 W 17th Street 5PE.5753 17thstw700_03.tif northeast south and west 07/26/2005
714 W 17th Street 5PE.5754 17thstw714_01.tif southwest north and east 07/26/2005
714 W 17th Street 5PE.5754 17thstw714_02.tif southeast north and west 07/26/2005
714 W 17th Street 5PE.5754 17thstw714_03.tif north south 07/26/2005
719 W 17th Street 5PE.5755 17thstw719_01.tif northeast south and west 07/26/2005
719 W 17th Street 5PE.5755 17thstw719_02.tif northwest south and east 07/26/2005
719 W 17th Street 5PE.5755 17thstw719_03.tif south north 07/26/2005
719 W 17th Street 5PE.5755 17thstw719_04.tif southeast garage north and west 07/26/2005
720 W 17th Street 5PE.5756 17thstw720_01.tif southeast north and west 07/26/2005
720 W 17th Street 5PE.5756 17thstw720_02.tif southwest north and east 07/26/2005
720 W 17th Street 5PE.5756 17thstw720_03.tif northwest south and east 07/26/2005
720 W 17th Street 5PE.5756 17thstw720_04.tif northwest shed south and east 07/26/2005
725 W 17th Street 5PE.5757 17thstw725_01.tif northeast south and west 07/26/2005
725 W 17th Street 5PE.5757 17thstw725_02.tif northwest south and east 07/26/2005
725 W 17th Street 5PE.5757 17thstw725_03.tif southwest north and east 07/26/2005
726 W 17th Street 5PE.5758 17thstw726_01.tif southwest north and east 07/26/2005
726 W 17th Street 5PE.5758 17thstw726_02.tif southeast north and west 07/26/2005
726 W 17th Street 5PE.5758 17thstw726_03.tif north south 07/26/2005
802 W 17th Street 5PE.5759 17thstw802_01.tif southwest north and east 07/26/2005
802 W 17th Street 5PE.5759 17thstw802_02.tif southeast north and west 07/26/2005
802 W 17th Street 5PE.5759 17thstw802_03.tif north south garage at left 07/26/2005
802 W 17th Street 5PE.5759 17thstw802_04.tif southwest secondary house north and east 07/26/2005
802 W 17th Street 5PE.5759 17thstw802_05.tif northeast secondary house south and west 07/26/2005
802 W 17th Street 5PE.5759 17thstw802_06.tif south garage north 07/26/2005
803 W 17th Street 5PE.5760 17thstw803_01.tif northwest south and east 07/26/2005
803 W 17th Street 5PE.5760 17thstw803_02.tif northeast south and west 07/26/2005
803 W 17th Street 5PE.5760 17thstw803_03.tif south north 07/26/2005
803 W 17th Street 5PE.5760 17thstw803_04.tif west east 07/26/2005
803 W 17th Street 5PE.5760 17thstw803_05.tif north garage south 07/26/2005
803 W 17th Street 5PE.5760 17thstw803_06.tif northeast shed south and west 07/26/2005


Pueblo’s North Side Neighborhood

Address Site Number File Name View To Object Elevations Notes Date
302 W 18th Street 5PE.516.16 18thstw302_01.tif southwest north and east 07/27/2005
302 W 18th Street 5PE.516.16 18thstw302_02.tif southeast north and west 07/27/2005
302 W 18th Street 5PE.516.16 18thstw302_03.tif northwest south and east 07/27/2005
306 W 18th Street 5PE.516.17 18thstw306_01.tif southwest north and east 07/27/2005
306 W 18th Street 5PE.516.17 18thstw306_02.tif southeast north and west 07/27/2005
306 W 18th Street 5PE.516.17 18thstw306_03.tif north south 07/27/2005
306 W 18th Street 5PE.516.17 18thstw306_04.tif southeast shed north and west 07/27/2005
310 W 18th Street 5PE.5761 18thstw310_01.tif southwest north and east 07/27/2005
310 W 18th Street 5PE.5761 18thstw310_02.tif southeast north and west 07/27/2005
310 W 18th Street 5PE.5761 18thstw310_03.tif north south 07/27/2005
310 W 18th Street 5PE.5761 18thstw310_04.tif southeast garage north and west 07/27/2005
310 W 18th Street 5PE.5761 18thstw310_05.tif east shed west 07/27/2005
314 W 18th Street 5PE.5762 18thstw314_01.tif southwest north and east garage in background, left 07/27/2005
314 W 18th Street 5PE.5762 18thstw314_02.tif southeast north and west 07/27/2005
314 W 18th Street 5PE.5762 18thstw314_03.tif northeast south and west 07/27/2005
315 W 18th Street 5PE.5763 18thstw315_01.tif northwest south and east 07/27/2005
315 W 18th Street 5PE.5763 18thstw315_02.tif north south 07/27/2005
315 W 18th Street 5PE.5763 18thstw315_03.tif south north 07/27/2005
315 W 18th Street 5PE.5763 18thstw315_04.tif north garage (northeast) south 07/27/2005
315 W 18th Street 5PE.5763 18thstw315_05.tif northwest northwest garage south and east 07/27/2005
317 W 18th Street 5PE.5764 18thstw317_01.tif northeast south and west 07/27/2005
317 W 18th Street 5PE.5764 18thstw317_02.tif northwest south and east 07/27/2005
317 W 18th Street 5PE.5764 18thstw317_03.tif south north 07/27/2005
317 W 18th Street 5PE.5764 18thstw317_04.tif north garage south 07/27/2005
320 W 18th Street 5PE.5765 18thstw320_01.tif southeast north and west garage in background, right 07/27/2005
320 W 18th Street 5PE.5765 18thstw320_02.tif southwest north and east 07/27/2005
320 W 18th Street 5PE.5765 18thstw320_03.tif south north 07/27/2005
320 W 18th Street 5PE.5765 18thstw320_04.tif southwest garage north and east 07/27/2005
321 W 18th Street 5PE.5766 18thstw321_01.tif northwest south and east 07/27/2005
321 W 18th Street 5PE.5766 18thstw321_02.tif northeast south and west 07/27/2005
321 W 18th Street 5PE.5766 18thstw321_03.tif southwest north and east 07/27/2005
321 W 18th Street 5PE.5766 18thstw321_04.tif north south 07/27/2005
321 W 18th Street 5PE.5766 18thstw321_05.tif north pergola south 07/27/2005
322 W 18th Street 5PE.5767 18thstw322_01.tif southwest north and east 07/27/2005
322 W 18th Street 5PE.5767 18thstw322_02.tif southeast north and west 07/27/2005
322 W 18th Street 5PE.5767 18thstw322_03.tif north south 07/27/2005
322 W 18th Street 5PE.5767 18thstw322_04.tif south garage north 07/27/2005
325 W 18th Street 5PE.5768 18thstw325_01.tif northeast south and west 07/27/2005
325 W 18th Street 5PE.5768 18thstw325_02.tif northwest south and east 07/27/2005
325 W 18th Street 5PE.5768 18thstw325_03.tif northeast garage south and west 07/27/2005
325 W 18th Street 5PE.5768 18thstw325_04.tif southeast north and west 07/27/2005
401 W 18th Street 5PE.516.18 18thstw401_01.tif northeast south and west 08/01/2005
401 W 18th Street 5PE.516.18 18thstw401_02.tif northwest south and east 08/01/2005
401 W 18th Street 5PE.516.18 18thstw401_03.tif southwest north and east 08/01/2005
401 W 18th Street 5PE.516.18 18thstw401_04.tif north garage south west elevation of house in foreground, right 08/01/2005
409 W 18th Street 5PE.516.19 18thstw409_01.tif north south 07/26/2005
409 W 18th Street 5PE.516.19 18thstw409_02.tif northwest south and east 07/26/2005
409 W 18th Street 5PE.516.19 18thstw409_03.tif northeast south and west 07/26/2005
409 W 18th Street 5PE.516.19 18thstw409_04.tif north south 07/26/2005


Colorado Cultural Resource Survey Report

Address Site Number File Name View To Object Elevations Notes Date
409 W 18th Street 5PE.516.19 18thstw409_05.tif north garage south 07/26/2005
409 W 18th Street 5PE.516.19 18thstw409_06.tif southwest pergola north and east garage in background, right 07/26/2005
419 W 18th Street 5PE.516.20 18thstw419_01.tif northeast south and west 08/01/2005
419 W 18th Street 5PE.516.20 18thstw419_02.tif northwest south and east 08/01/2005
419 W 18th Street 5PE.516.20 18thstw419_03.tif southeast north and west 08/01/2005
419 W 18th Street 5PE.516.20 18thstw419_04.tif north garage south 08/01/2005
423 W 18th Street 5PE.516.21 18thstw423_01.tif northwest south and east 08/01/2005
423 W 18th Street 5PE.516.21 18thstw423_02.tif northeast south and west 08/01/2005
423 W 18th Street 5PE.516.21 18thstw423_03.tif southwest north and east 08/01/2005
423 W 18th Street 5PE.516.21 18thstw423_04.tif north garage south 08/01/2005
425 W 18th Street 5PE.516.22 18thstw425_01.tif north south 08/01/2005
425 W 18th Street 5PE.516.22 18thstw425_02.tif east west 08/01/2005
425 W 18th Street 5PE.516.22 18thstw425_03.tif northwest south and east 08/01/2005
425 W 18th Street 5PE.516.22 18thstw425_04.tif southwest north and east 08/01/2005
508-518 W 18th Street 5PE.5769 18thstw508-518_01.tif south 508 W 18th St apartment building north 08/02/2005
508-518 W 18th Street 5PE.5769 18thstw508-518_02.tif north 508 W 18th St apartment building south 08/02/2005
508-518 W 18th Street 5PE.5769 18thstw508-518_03.tif south 512 W 18th St apartment building north 08/02/2005
508-518 W 18th Street 5PE.5769 18thstw508-518_04.tif northwest 412 W 18th St apartment building south and east 08/02/2005
508-518 W 18th Street 5PE.5769 18thstw508-518_05.tif south 518 W 18th St apartment building north 08/02/2005
508-518 W 18th Street 5PE.5769 18thstw508-518_06.tif northwest 518 W 18th St apartment building south and east 08/02/2005
508-518 W 18th Street 5PE.5769 18thstw508-518_07.tif west 1715 N Greenwood St apartment east 08/02/2005
508-518 W 18th Street 5PE.5769 18thstw508-518_08.tif northeast 1715 N Greenwood St apartment south and west 08/02/2005
529 W 18th Street 5PE.5770 18thstw529_01.tif northeast south and west 08/02/2005
529 W 18th Street 5PE.5770 18thstw529_02.tif northwest south and east 08/02/2005
529 W 18th Street 5PE.5770 18thstw529_03.tif south north 08/02/2005
611 W 18th Street 5PE.5771 18thstw611_01.tif northeast south and west 08/02/2005
611 W 18th Street 5PE.5771 18thstw611_02.tif northwest south and east 08/02/2005
611 W 18th Street 5PE.5771 18thstw611_03.tif south north 08/02/2005
611 W 18th Street 5PE.5771 18thstw611_04.tif north garage south 08/02/2005
612 W 18th Street 5PE.5772 18thstw612_01.tif southeast north and west 08/02/2005
612 W 18th Street 5PE.5772 18thstw612_20.tif northeast south and west 08/02/2005
615 W 18th Street 5PE.5773 18thstw615_01.tif north south 08/02/2005
615 W 18th Street 5PE.5773 18thstw615_02.tif northeast south and west 08/02/2005
615 W 18th Street 5PE.5773 18thstw615_03.tif detail of foyer, south elevation, view to northeast 08/02/2005
615 W 18th Street 5PE.5773 18thstw615_04.tif south garage north north elevation of house in background 08/02/2005
620 W 18th Street 5PE.5774 18thstw620_01.tif southeast north and west 08/02/2005
620 W 18th Street 5PE.5774 18thstw620_02.tif southwest north and east 08/02/2005
620 W 18th Street 5PE.5774 18thstw620_03.tif north south 08/02/2005
620 W 18th Street 5PE.5774 18thstw620_04.tif south garage north 08/02/2005
621 W 18th Street 5PE.5775 18thstw621_01.tif northeast south and west 08/02/2005
621 W 18th Street 5PE.5775 18thstw621_02.tif northeast south and west 08/02/2005
621 W 18th Street 5PE.5775 18thstw621_03.tif south north 08/02/2005
627 W 18th Street 5PE.5776 18thstw627_01.tif northwest south and east 08/02/2005
627 W 18th Street 5PE.5776 18thstw627_02.tif northeast south and west 08/02/2005
627 W 18th Street 5PE.5776 18thstw627_03.tif south north 08/02/2005
708 W 18th Street 5PE.5777 18thstw708_01.tif southwest north and east 08/02/2005
708 W 18th Street 5PE.5777 18thstw708_02.tif northwest south and east 08/02/2005
708 W 18th Street 5PE.5777 18thstw708_03.tif south north 08/02/2005
708 W 18th Street 5PE.5777 18thstw708_04.tif north south 08/02/2005


Pueblo’s North Side Neighborhood

Address Site Number File Name View To Object Elevations Notes Date
708 W 18th Street 5PE.5777 18thstw708_05.tif northeast south and west 08/02/2005
708 W 18th Street 5PE.5777 18thstw708_06.tif southeast arbor north and west 08/02/2005
709-719 W 18th Street 5PE.5778 18thstw709-719_01.tif northeast 709 W 18th St apartment building south and west 08/02/2005
709-719 W 18th Street 5PE.5778 18thstw709-719_02.tif southeast 709 W 18th St apartment building north and west 08/02/2005
709-719 W 18th Street 5PE.5778 18thstw709-719_03.tif northwest 713 W 18th St apartment building south and east 08/02/2005
709-719 W 18th Street 5PE.5778 18thstw709-719_04.tif southeast 713 W 18th St apartment building north and west 08/02/2005
709-719 W 18th Street 5PE.5778 18thstw709-719_05.tif northwest 715 W 18th St apartment building south and east 08/02/2005
709-719 W 18th Street 5PE.5778 18thstw709-719_06.tif southeast 715 W 18th St apartment building north and west 08/02/2005
709-719 W 18th Street 5PE.5778 18thstw709-719_07.tif southeast 719 W 18th St apartment building north and west 08/02/2005
709-719 W 18th Street 5PE.5778 18thstw709-719_08.tif northwest 719 W 18th St apartment building south and east 08/02/2005
709-719 W 18th Street 5PE.5778 18thstw709-719_09.tif northwest garage south and east 08/02/2005
709-719 W 18th Street 5PE.5778 18thstw709-719_10.tif southeast garage north and west 08/02/2005
716-718 W 18th Street 5PE.5779 18thstw716-718_01.tif southeast north and west 08/02/2005
716-718 W 18th Street 5PE.5779 18thstw716-718_02.tif southwest north and east 08/02/2005
716-718 W 18th Street 5PE.5779 18thstw716-718_03.tif northeast south and west 08/02/2005
801 W 18th Street 5PE.5780 18thstw801_01.tif northwest south and east 08/02/2005
801 W 18th Street 5PE.5780 18thstw801_02.tif northeast south and west 08/02/2005
801 W 18th Street 5PE.5780 18thstw801_03.tif northeast garage south and west 08/02/2005
306 W 19th Street 5PE.5781 19thstw306_01.tif southeast north and west 08/03/2005
306 W 19th Street 5PE.5781 19thstw306_02.tif south north 08/03/2005
306 W 19th Street 5PE.5781 19thstw306_03.tif northwest south and east 08/03/2005
306 W 19th Street 5PE.5781 19thstw306_04.tif west garage east 08/03/2005
308 W 19th Street 5PE.5782 19thstw308_01.tif southwest north and east 08/03/2005
308 W 19th Street 5PE.5782 19thstw308_02.tif southeast north and west 08/03/2005
422 W 19th Street 5PE.5783 19thstw422_01.tif southeast north and west 08/03/2005
422 W 19th Street 5PE.5783 19thstw422_02.tif southwest north and east 08/03/2005
422 W 19th Street 5PE.5783 19thstw422_03.tif north south 08/03/2005
422 W 19th Street 5PE.5783 19thstw422_04.tif southwest garage north and east 08/03/2005
504-520 W 19th Street 5PE.5784 19thstw504-520_01.tif southwest 502 W 19th St apartment building north and east 08/03/2005
504-520 W 19th Street 5PE.5784 19thstw504-520_02.tif northeast 502 W 19th St apartment building south and west 08/03/2005
504-520 W 19th Street 5PE.5784 19thstw504-520_03.tif southwest 514 W 19th St apartment building north and east 08/03/2005
504-520 W 19th Street 5PE.5784 19thstw504-520_04.tif northeast 514 W 19th St apartment building south and west 08/03/2005
504-520 W 19th Street 5PE.5784 19thstw504-520_05.tif southeast 520 W 19th St apartment building north and west 08/03/2005
504-520 W 19th Street 5PE.5784 19thstw504-520_06.tif northeast 520 W 19th St apartment building south and west 08/03/2005
504-520 W 19th Street 5PE.5784 19thstw504-520_07.tif northwest 1813 N Greenwood St apartment building south and east 08/03/2005
504-520 W 19th Street 5PE.5784 19thstw504-520_08.tif southeast 1813 N Greenwood St apartment building north and west 08/03/2005
504-520 W 19th Street 5PE.5784 19thstw504-520_09.tif southwest 1819 N Greenwood St apartment building north and east 08/03/2005
504-520 W 19th Street 5PE.5784 19thstw504-520_10.tif northeast 1819 N Greenwood St apartment building south and west 08/03/2005
616 W 19th Street 5PE.5785 19thstw616_01.tif south north 08/03/2005
616 W 19th Street 5PE.5785 19thstw616_02.tif southeast north and west 08/03/2005
616 W 19th Street 5PE.5785 19thstw616_03.tif north south 08/03/2005
616 W 19th Street 5PE.5785 19thstw616_04.tif northwest south and east 08/03/2005
616 W 19th Street 5PE.5785 19thstw616_05.tif southwest shed north and east 08/03/2005
620 W 19th Street 5PE.5786 19thstw620_01.tif southwest north and east 08/03/2005
620 W 19th Street 5PE.5786 19thstw620_02.tif southeast north and west 08/03/2005
620 W 19th Street 5PE.5786 19thstw620_03.tif northeast south and west 08/03/2005
620 W 19th Street 5PE.5786 19thstw620_04.tif south garage north 08/03/2005
624 W 19th Street 5PE.5787 19thstw624_01.tif southwest north and east 08/03/2005
624 W 19th Street 5PE.5787 19thstw624_02.tif southeast north and west 08/03/2005


Colorado Cultural Resource Survey Report

Address Site Number File Name View To Object Elevations Notes Date
624 W 19th Street 5PE.5787 19thstw624_03.tif north south 08/03/2005
1310 Court Street 5PE.5794 courtst1310_01.tif southeast north and west 08/08/2005
1310 Court Street 5PE.5794 courtst1310_02.tif northeast south and west 08/08/2005
1310 Court Street 5PE.5794 courtst1310_03.tif southwest north and east 08/08/2005
1310 Court Street 5PE.5794 courtst1310_04.tif northeast garage south and west 08/08/2005
1314 Court Street 5PE.5795 courtst1314_01.tif southeast north and west 08/08/2005
1314 Court Street 5PE.5795 courtst1314_02.tif northwest south and east 08/08/2005
1314 Court Street 5PE.5795 courtst1314_03.tif northeast garage south and west 08/08/2005
1315 Court Street 5PE.5796 courtst1315_01.tif southwest north and east 08/08/2005
1315 Court Street 5PE.5796 courtst1315_02.tif northwest garage in background, left south and east 08/08/2005
1315 Court Street 5PE.5796 courtst1315_03.tif east garage in foreground, right west 08/08/2005
1317 Court Street 5PE.5797 courtst1317_01.tif southwest north and east 08/08/2005
1317 Court Street 5PE.5797 courtst1317_02.tif northwest south and east 08/08/2005
1317 Court Street 5PE.5797 courtst1317_03.tif northeast south and west 08/08/2005
1318 Court Street 5PE.5798 courtst1318_01.tif southeast north and west 08/08/2005
1318 Court Street 5PE.5798 courtst1318_02.tif northeast south and west 08/08/2005
1318 Court Street 5PE.5798 courtst1318_03.tif southwest north and east 08/08/2005
1319 Court Street 5PE.5799 courtst1319_01.tif southwest north and east 08/08/2005
1319 Court Street 5PE.5799 courtst1319_02.tif west east 08/08/2005
1319 Court Street 5PE.5799 courtst1319_03.tif northwest south and east 08/08/2005
1319 Court Street 5PE.5799 courtst1319_04.tif southeast north and west 08/08/2005
1319 Court Street 5PE.5799 courtst1319_05.tif east west 08/08/2005
1401 Court Street 5PE.5800 courtst1401_01.tif northeast south and west 08/08/2005
1401 Court Street 5PE.5800 courtst1401_02.tif southeast north and west 08/08/2005
1401 Court Street 5PE.5800 courtst1401_03.tif west east 08/08/2005
1437 Court Street 5PE.5801 courtst1437_01.tif southwest north and east 08/08/2005
1437 Court Street 5PE.5801 courtst1437_02.tif northwest south and east 08/08/2005
1437 Court Street 5PE.5801 courtst1437_03.tif southeast north and west 08/08/2005
1437 Court Street 5PE.5801 courtst1437_04.tif southeast fuel island north and west 08/08/2005
1501 Court Street 5PE.5802 courtst1501_01.tif northwest south and east 08/08/2005
1501 Court Street 5PE.5802 courtst1501_02.tif southeast north and west 08/08/2005
1801 Court Street 5PE.5803 courtst1801_01.tif northwest south and east 08/08/2005
1801 Court Street 5PE.5803 courtst1801_02.tif southwest north and east 08/08/2005
1801 Court Street 5PE.5803 courtst1801_03.tif east west 08/08/2005
1801 Court Street 5PE.5803 courtst1801_04.tif northwest garage south and east 08/08/2005
1805 Court Street 5PE.5804 courtst1805_01.tif northwest south and east 08/08/2005
1805 Court Street 5PE.5804 courtst1805_02.tif southwest north and east 08/08/2005
1805 Court Street 5PE.5804 courtst1805_03.tif southeast north and west 08/08/2005
1821 Court Street 5PE.5805 courtst1821_01.tif northwest south and east 08/08/2005
1821 Court Street 5PE.5805 courtst1821_02.tif southwest north and east 08/08/2005
1821 Court Street 5PE.5805 courtst1821_03.tif northeast south and west 08/08/2005
1821 Court Street 5PE.5805 courtst1821_04.tif northeast south and west 08/08/2005
1821 Court Street 5PE.5805 courtst1821_05.tif northeast garage south and west 08/08/2005
1825 Court Street 5PE.5806 courtst1825_01.tif southwest north and east 08/08/2005
1825 Court Street 5PE.5806 courtst1825_02.tif northwest south and east 08/08/2005
1825 Court Street 5PE.5806 courtst1825_03.tif southeast north and west 08/08/2005
1825 Court Street 5PE.5806 courtst1825_04.tif northeast south and west 08/08/2005
1827 Court Street 5PE.5807 courtst1827_01.tif northwest south and east 08/08/2005
1827 Court Street 5PE.5807 courtst1827_02.tif southwest north and east 08/08/2005


Pueblo’s North Side Neighborhood

Address Site Number File Name View To Object Elevations Notes Date
1827 Court Street 5PE.5807 courtst1827_03.tif northeast south and west 08/08/2005
1827 Court Street 5PE.5807 courtst1827_04.tif east garage west 08/08/2005
1101-07 Craig Street 5PE.5858 craigst1101-07_01.tif northwest south and east 08/30/2005
1101-07 Craig Street 5PE.5858 craigst1101-07_02.tif southwest north and east 08/30/2005
1101-07 Craig Street 5PE.5858 craigst1101-07_03.tif northeast south and west 08/30/2005
1101-07 Craig Street 5PE.5858 craigst1101-07_04.tif southeast north and west 08/30/2005
1303 Craig Street 5PE.5952 craigst1303_01.tif northwest south and east 08/30/2005
1303 Craig Street 5PE.5952 craigst1303_02.tif northeast south and west 08/30/2005
1303 Craig Street 5PE.5952 craigst1303_03.tif southwest north and east 08/30/2005
1303 Craig Street 5PE.5952 craigst1303_04.tif southwest garage north and east 08/30/2005
1415 Craig Street 5PE.5953 craigst1415_01.tif west east 08/30/2005
1415 Craig Street 5PE.5953 craigst1415_02.tif northwest south and east 08/30/2005
1415 Craig Street 5PE.5953 craigst1415_03.tif northeast south and west 08/30/2005
1415 Craig Street 5PE.5953 craigst1415_04.tif north shed south 08/30/2005
1415 Craig Street 5PE.5953 craigst1415_05.tif northwest garage south and east 08/30/2005
1419 Craig Street 5PE.5954 craigst1419_01.tif southeast north and west 08/30/2006
1419 Craig Street 5PE.5954 craigst1419_02.tif northwest south and east 08/30/2006
1520 Craig Street 5PE.5955 craigst1520_01.tif southeast north and west 08/30/2005
1520 Craig Street 5PE.5955 craigst1520_02.tif southwest north and east 08/30/2005
1520 Craig Street 5PE.5955 craigst1520_03.tif northwest south and east 08/30/2005
1521 Craig Street 5PE.5956 craigst1521_01.tif southwest north and east 08/30/2005
1521 Craig Street 5PE.5956 craigst1521_02.tif southeast north and west 08/30/2005
1521 Craig Street 5PE.5956 craigst1521_03.tif northwest garage south and east 08/30/2005
1712 Craig Street 5PE.5957 craigst1712_01.tif northeast south and west 08/30/2006
1712 Craig Street 5PE.5957 craigst1712_02.tif southeast north and west 08/30/2006
1712 Craig Street 5PE.5957 craigst1712_03.tif northwest south and east 08/30/2006
1718-20 Craig Street 5PE.5958 craigst1718-20_01.tif east west 08/30/2006
1718-20 Craig Street 5PE.5958 craigst1718-20_02.tif southwest north and east 08/30/2006
1718-20 Craig Street 5PE.5958 craigst1718-20_03.tif southeast shed north and west 08/30/2006
1721-23 Craig Street 5PE.5959 craigst1721-23_01.tif northwest south and east 08/30/2005
1721-23 Craig Street 5PE.5959 craigst1721-23_02.tif southwest north and east 08/30/2005
1721-23 Craig Street 5PE.5959 craigst1721-23_03.tif northeast south and west 08/30/2005
1103 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.5821 elizabethstn1103_01.tif northwest south and east 08/10/2005
1103 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.5821 elizabethstn1103_02.tif southwest north and east 08/10/2005
1103 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.5821 elizabethstn1103_03.tif southeast north and west 08/10/2005
1103 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.5821 elizabethstn1103_04.tif southeast fuel island north and west 08/10/2005
1106 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.5822 elizabethstn1106_01.tif northeast south and west 08/10/2005
1106 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.5822 elizabethstn1106_02.tif southeast north and west 08/10/2005
1106 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.5822 elizabethstn1106_03.tif southwest north and east 08/10/2005
1106 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.5822 elizabethstn1106_04.tif southeast shed (east of house) north and west 08/10/2005
1106 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.5822 elizabethstn1106_05.tif southeast shed (northeast of house) north and west 08/10/2005
1123 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.5823 elizabethstn1123_01.tif southwest north and east 08/10/2005
1123 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.5823 elizabethstn1123_02.tif northeast south and west 08/10/2005
1126 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.5824 elizabethstn1126_01.tif northeast south and west 08/10/2005
1126 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.5824 elizabethstn1126_02.tif southeast north and west 08/10/2005
1126 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.5824 elizabethstn1126_03.tif southwest north and east 08/10/2005
1126 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.5824 elizabethstn1126_04.tif northeast garage south and west 08/10/2005
1202 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.5825 elizabethstn1202_01.tif northeast south and west 08/10/2005
1202 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.5825 elizabethstn1202_02.tif west east 08/10/2005


Colorado Cultural Resource Survey Report

Address Site Number File Name View To Object Elevations Notes Date
1202 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.5825 elizabethstn1202_03.tif southeast north and west 08/10/2005
1205 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.517.60 elizabethstn1205_01.tif northwest south and east 08/10/2005
1205 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.517.60 elizabethstn1205_02.tif southwest north and east 08/10/2005
1205 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.517.60 elizabethstn1205_03.tif southeast north and west 08/10/2005
1205 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.517.60 elizabethstn1205_04.tif southwest shed north and east 08/10/2005
1206 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.5826 elizabethstn1206_01.tif southeast north and west 08/10/2005
1206 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.5826 elizabethstn1206_02.tif northeast south and west 08/10/2005
1206 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.5826 elizabethstn1206_03.tif northwest south and east 08/10/2005
1210 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.5827 elizabethstn1210_01.tif southeast north and west 08/10/2005
1210 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.5827 elizabethstn1210_02.tif northeast south and west 08/10/2005
1210 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.5827 elizabethstn1210_03.tif southwest garage north and east 08/10/2005
1213 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.5828 elizabethstn1213_01.tif southwest north and east 08/10/2005
1213 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.5828 elizabethstn1213_02.tif northwest south and east 08/10/2005
1213 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.5828 elizabethstn1213_03.tif southeast north and west 08/10/2005
1213 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.5828 elizabethstn1213_04.tif northeast south and west 08/10/2005
1214 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.5829 elizabethstn1214_01.tif southeast north and west 08/10/2005
1214 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.5829 elizabethstn1214_02.tif northeast south and west 08/10/2005
1214 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.5829 elizabethstn1214_03.tif northwest south and east 08/10/2005
1214 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.5829 elizabethstn1214_04.tif southwest north and east 08/10/2005
1300 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.5830 elizabethstn1300_01.tif northeast south and west 08/30/2005
1300 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.5830 elizabethstn1300_02.tif southeast north and west 08/30/2005
1300 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.5830 elizabethstn1300_03.tif southwest north and east 08/30/2005
1300 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.5830 elizabethstn1300_04.tif north shed south 08/30/2005
1301 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.5831 elizabethstn1301_01.tif northwest south and east 08/30/2005
1301 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.5831 elizabethstn1301_02.tif southwest north and east 08/30/2005
1312 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.5832 elizabethstn1312_01.tif northeast south and west 08/30/2005
1312 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.5832 elizabethstn1312_02.tif northwest south and east 08/30/2005
1312 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.5832 elizabethstn1312_03.tif southeast north and west 08/30/2005
1321-25 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.5833 elizabethstn1321-25_01.tif northwest south and east 08/30/2005
1321-25 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.5833 elizabethstn1321-25_02.tif northeast south and west 08/30/2005
1321-25 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.5833 elizabethstn1321-25_03.tif southwest north and east 08/30/2005
1401 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.5834 elizabethstn1401_01.tif northwest south and east 08/30/2005
1401 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.5834 elizabethstn1401_02.tif north south 08/30/2005
1401 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.5834 elizabethstn1401_03.tif southwest north and east 08/30/2005
1401 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.5834 elizabethstn1401_04.tif southeast north and west 08/30/2005
1505-07 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.5835 elizabethstn1505-07_01.tif west east 08/30/2005
1505-07 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.5835 elizabethstn1505-07_02.tif northeast south and west 08/30/2005
1505-07 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.5835 elizabethstn1505-07_03.tif southwest north and east 08/30/2005
1505-07 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.5835 elizabethstn1505-07_04.tif southeast north and west 08/30/2005
1509-11 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.5836 elizabethstn1509-11_01.tif west east 08/30/2005
1509-11 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.5836 elizabethstn1509-11_02.tif northeast south and west 08/30/2005
1509-11 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.5836 elizabethstn1509-11_03.tif southeast north and west 08/30/2005
1518 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.5837 elizabethstn1518_01.tif east west 09/19/2006
1518 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.5837 elizabethstn1518_02.tif southeast north and west 09/19/2006
1518 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.5837 elizabethstn1518_03.tif southwest north and east 09/19/2006
1518 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.5837 elizabethstn1518_04.tif northwest south and east 09/19/2006
1518 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.5837 elizabethstn1518_05.tif northeast south and west 09/19/2006
1518 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.5837 elizabethstn1518_06.tif south shed north 09/19/2006
1518 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.5837 elizabethstn1518_07.tif east west detail of terra cotta tile above principal doorway 09/19/2006


Pueblo’s North Side Neighborhood

Address Site Number File Name View To Object Elevations Notes Date
1518 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.5837 elizabethstn1518_08.tif northeast stone retaining wall south and west remaining garden wall from Mahlon Thatcher’s Hillcrest estate 09/19/2006
1605 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.5838 elizabethstn1605_01.tif southwest north and east 08/30/2006
1605 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.5838 elizabethstn1605_02.tif south north 08/30/2006
1605 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.5838 elizabethstn1605_03.tif northwest south and east 08/30/2006
1701 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.516.25 elizabethstn1701_01.tif west east 08/30/2005
1701 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.516.25 elizabethstn1701_02.tif northeast south and west 08/30/2005
1701 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.516.25 elizabethstn1701_03.tif north south detail of integral porch, south elevation 08/30/2005
1701 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.516.25 elizabethstn1701_04.tif south north 08/30/2005
1701 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.516.25 elizabethstn1701_05.tif west detail of terra cotta tile, east elevation east 08/30/2005
1701 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.516.25 elizabethstn1701_06.tif southwest garage north and east 08/30/2005
1701 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.516.25 elizabethstn1701_07.tif west garden fountain east located along east wall 08/30/2005
1702 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.5839 elizabethstn1702_01.tif southeast north and west 08/30/2005
1702 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.5839 elizabethstn1702_02.tif northeast south and west 08/30/2005
1702 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.5839 elizabethstn1702_03.tif east west 08/30/2005
1702 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.5839 elizabethstn1702_04.tif southwest north and east 08/30/2005
1707 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.516.26 elizabethstn1707_01.tif southwest north and east 08/30/2005
1707 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.516.26 elizabethstn1707_02.tif southwest north and east 08/30/2005
1707 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.516.26 elizabethstn1707_03.tif northwest south and east 08/30/2005
1707 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.516.26 elizabethstn1707_04.tif northwest garage south and east 08/30/2005
1720 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.5840 elizabethstn1720_01.tif northeast south and west 08/30/2005
1720 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.5840 elizabethstn1720_02.tif northwest south and east 08/30/2005
1720 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.5840 elizabethstn1720_03.tif east west 08/30/2005
1720 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.5840 elizabethstn1720_04.tif southeast north and west 08/30/2005
1800 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.516.27 elizabethstn1800_01.tif southeast north and west 08/16/2005
1800 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.516.27 elizabethstn1800_02.tif east west 08/16/2005
1800 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.516.27 elizabethstn1800_03.tif northeast south and west 08/16/2005
1800 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.516.27 elizabethstn1800_04.tif northwest south and east 08/16/2005
1800 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.516.27 elizabethstn1800_05.tif southwest north and east detail of rear (east) porch 08/16/2005
1801 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.516.28 elizabethstn1801_01.tif northwest south and east 08/30/2005
1801 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.516.28 elizabethstn1801_02.tif southwest north and east 08/30/2005
1801 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.516.28 elizabethstn1801_03.tif northeast south and west 08/30/2005
1801 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.516.28 elizabethstn1801_04.tif southwest garage north and east 08/30/2005
1810 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.526.11 elizabethstn1810_01.tif southeast north and west 08/16/2005
1810 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.526.11 elizabethstn1810_02.tif east west 08/16/2005
1810 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.526.11 elizabethstn1810_03.tif northeast south and west 08/16/2005
1810 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.526.11 elizabethstn1810_04.tif northwest south and east 08/16/2005
1819 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.526.12 elizabethstn1819_01.tif northwest south and east 08/16/2005
1819 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.526.12 elizabethstn1819_02.tif southwest north and east 08/16/2005
1819 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.526.12 elizabethstn1819_03.tif northwest south and east 08/16/2005
1819 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.526.12 elizabethstn1819_04.tif east west 08/16/2005
1819 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.526.12 elizabethstn1819_05.tif northeast south and west 08/16/2005
1819 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.526.12 elizabethstn1819_06.tif west east detail of principal entrance 08/16/2005
1827 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.526.13 elizabethstn1827_01.tif west east 08/16/2005
1827 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.526.13 elizabethstn1827_02.tif north south 08/16/2005
1827 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.526.13 elizabethstn1827_03.tif southeast north and west 08/16/2005
1830 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.526.14 elizabethstn1830_01.tif east west 08/16/2005
1830 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.526.14 elizabethstn1830_02.tif northeast south and west 08/16/2005
1830 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.526.14 elizabethstn1830_03.tif southeast north and west 08/16/2005
1830 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.526.14 elizabethstn1830_04.tif west east 08/16/2005


Colorado Cultural Resource Survey Report

Address Site Number File Name View To Object Elevations Notes Date
1830 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.526.14 elizabethstn1830_05.tif south garage north 08/16/2005
1830 N Elizabeth Street 5PE.526.14 elizabethstn1830_06.tif southwest north and east 08/16/2005
1310-20 N Grand Avenue 5PE.5808 grandaven1310-20_01.tif southeast north and west 08/09/2005
1310-20 N Grand Avenue 5PE.5808 grandaven1310-20_02.tif northeast south and west 08/09/2005
1310-20 N Grand Avenue 5PE.5808 grandaven1310-20_03.tif west east 08/09/2005
1426 N Grand Avenue 5PE.516.31 grandaven1426_01.tif southeast north and west 08/09/2005
1426 N Grand Avenue 5PE.516.31 grandaven1426_02.tif northeast south and west 08/09/2005
1426 N Grand Avenue 5PE.516.31 grandaven1426_03.tif southwest north and east 08/09/2005
1426 N Grand Avenue 5PE.516.31 grandaven1426_04.tif northwest south and east 08/09/2005
1600 N Grand Avenue 5PE.5961 grandaven1600_01.tif northeast south and west 11/06/2006
1600 N Grand Avenue 5PE.5961 grandaven1600_02.tif southeast north and west pedestrian bridge in foreground connects to Parkview Medica Centerl 11/06/2006
1600 N Grand Avenue 5PE.5961 grandaven1600_03.tif northwest south and east 11/06/2006
1600 N Grand Avenue 5PE.5961 grandaven1600_04.tif west Thatcher School Memorial east 11/06/2006
1600 N Grand Avenue 5PE.5961 grandaven1600_05.tif southwest parking structure north and east 11/06/2006
1600 N Grand Avenue 5PE.5961 grandaven1600_06.tif southeast parking structure north and west 11/06/2006
1720 N Grand Avenue 5PE.5809 grandaven1720_01.tif northeast south and west 08/09/2005
1720 N Grand Avenue 5PE.5809 grandaven1720_02.tif southeast north and west 08/09/2005
1724 N Grand Avenue 5PE.5810 grandaven1724_01.tif southeast north and west 08/09/2005
1724 N Grand Avenue 5PE.5810 grandaven1724_02.tif northeast south and west 08/09/2005
1724 N Grand Avenue 5PE.5810 grandaven1724_03.tif southwest north and east 08/09/2005
1812 N Grand Avenue 5PE.5811 grandaven1812_01.tif northeast south and west 08/09/2005
1812 N Grand Avenue 5PE.5811 grandaven1812_02.tif southeast north and west 08/09/2005
1812 N Grand Avenue 5PE.5811 grandaven1812_03.tif southwest north and east 08/09/2005
1818 N Grand Avenue 5PE.5812 grandaven1818_01.tif east west 08/09/2005
1818 N Grand Avenue 5PE.5812 grandaven1818_02.tif southeast north and west 08/09/2005
1818 N Grand Avenue 5PE.5812 grandaven1818_03.tif west east 08/09/2005
1818 N Grand Avenue 5PE.5812 grandaven1818_04.tif northwest south and east 08/09/2005
1818 N Grand Avenue 5PE.5812 grandaven1818_05.tif northeast garage south and west 08/09/2005
1820 N Grand Avenue 5PE.5813 grandaven1820_01.tif southeast north and west 08/09/2005
1820 N Grand Avenue 5PE.5813 grandaven1820_02.tif southwest north and east 08/09/2005
1820 N Grand Avenue 5PE.5813 grandaven1820_03.tif northeast south and west 08/09/2005
1822-24 N Grand Avenue 5PE.5814 grandaven1822-24_01.tif southwest north and east 08/09/2005
1822-24 N Grand Avenue 5PE.5814 grandaven1822-24_02.tif northeast south and west 08/09/2005
1822-24 N Grand Avenue 5PE.5814 grandaven1822-24_03.tif southwest north and east 08/09/2005
1827 N Grand Avenue 5PE.526.42 grandaven1827_01.tif southwest north and east 08/09/2005
1827 N Grand Avenue 5PE.526.42 grandaven1827_02.tif northwest south and east 08/09/2005
1827 N Grand Avenue 5PE.526.42 grandaven1827_03.tif view to northwest, south elevation only 08/09/2005
1827 N Grand Avenue 5PE.526.42 grandaven1827_04.tif northeast south and west 08/09/2005
1827 N Grand Avenue 5PE.526.42 grandaven1827_05.tif view to southeast detail of west end of north elevation 08/09/2005
1101 N Greenwood Street 5PE.517.9 greenwoodstn1101_01.tif northwest south and east 08/09/2005
1101 N Greenwood Street 5PE.517.9 greenwoodstn1101_02.tif southwest north and east 08/09/2005
1101 N Greenwood Street 5PE.517.9 greenwoodstn1101_03.tif east west 08/09/2005
1117 N Greenwood Street 5PE.517.61 greenwoodstn1117_01.tif southwest north and east 08/09/2005
1117 N Greenwood Street 5PE.517.61 greenwoodstn1117_02.tif northwest south and east 08/09/2005
1117 N Greenwood Street 5PE.517.61 greenwoodstn1117_03.tif east west 08/09/2005
1123 N Greenwood Street 5PE.517.62 greenwoodstn1123_01.tif northwest south and east 08/09/2005
1123 N Greenwood Street 5PE.517.62 greenwoodstn1123_02.tif southwest north and east 08/09/2005
1123 N Greenwood Street 5PE.517.62 greenwoodstn1123_03.tif east west 08/09/2005
1125 N Greenwood Street 5PE.517.63 greenwoodstn1125_01.tif northwest south and east 08/09/2005


Pueblo’s North Side Neighborhood

Address Site Number File Name View To Object Elevations Notes Date
1125 N Greenwood Street 5PE.517.63 greenwoodstn1125_02.tif southwest north and east 08/09/2005
1125 N Greenwood Street 5PE.517.63 greenwoodstn1125_03.tif southeast north and west 08/09/2005
1125 N Greenwood Street 5PE.517.63 greenwoodstn1125_04.tif northeast garage south and west 08/09/2005
1201-09 N Greenwood Street 5PE.5815 greenwoodstn1201-09_01.tif southwest 1201-1203 N Greenwood St north and east 08/09/2005
1201-09 N Greenwood Street 5PE.5815 greenwoodstn1201-09_02.tif northwest 1201-1203 N Greenwood St south and east 08/09/2005
1201-09 N Greenwood Street 5PE.5815 greenwoodstn1201-09_03.tif southeast 1201-1203 N Greenwood St north and west 08/09/2005
1201-09 N Greenwood Street 5PE.517.64 greenwoodstn1201-09_04.tif northwest 1207-1209 N Greenwood St south and east 08/09/2005
1201-09 N Greenwood Street 5PE.517.64 greenwoodstn1201-09_05.tif southwest 1207-1209 N Greenwood St north and east 08/09/2005
1201-09 N Greenwood Street 5PE.517.64 greenwoodstn1201-09_06.tif southeast 1207-1209 N Greenwood St north and west 08/09/2005
1201-09 N Greenwood Street 5PE.517.64 greenwoodstn1201-09_07.tif southwest garage north and east 08/09/2005
1217 N Greenwood Street 5PE.5816 greenwoodstn1217_01.tif southwest north and east 08/09/2005
1217 N Greenwood Street 5PE.5816 greenwoodstn1217_02.tif northwest south and east 08/09/2005
1217 N Greenwood Street 5PE.5816 greenwoodstn1217_03.tif northeast south and west 08/09/2005
1226 N Greenwood Street 5PE.5641 greenwoodstn1226_01.tif south north 06/22/2005
1226 N Greenwood Street 5PE.5641 greenwoodstn1226_02.tif east west 06/22/2005
1226 N Greenwood Street 5PE.5641 greenwoodstn1226_03.tif northeast south and west 06/22/2005
1311 N Greenwood Street 5PE.5817 greenwoodstn1311_01.tif northwest south and east 08/09/2005
1311 N Greenwood Street 5PE.5817 greenwoodstn1311_02.tif southwest north and east 08/09/2005
1311 N Greenwood Street 5PE.5817 greenwoodstn1311_03.tif southeast north and west 08/09/2005
1401 N Greenwood Street 5PE.516.34 greenwoodstn1401_01.tif west east 08/09/2005
1401 N Greenwood Street 5PE.516.34 greenwoodstn1401_02.tif northwest south and east 08/09/2005
1401 N Greenwood Street 5PE.516.34 greenwoodstn1401_03.tif north south 08/09/2005
1619 N Greenwood Street 5PE.5963 greenwoodstn1619_01.tif west east 11/06/2006
1619 N Greenwood Street 5PE.5963 greenwoodstn1619_02.tif southwest north and east 11/06/2006
1619 N Greenwood Street 5PE.5963 greenwoodstn1619_03.tif southeast north and west 11/06/2006
1619 N Greenwood Street 5PE.5963 greenwoodstn1619_04.tif northwest south and east 11/06/2006
1705 N Greenwood Street 5PE.5818 greenwoodstn1705_01.tif northwest south and east 08/09/2005
1705 N Greenwood Street 5PE.5818 greenwoodstn1705_02.tif southeast north and west 08/09/2005
1814 N Greenwood Street 5PE.5819 greenwoodstn1814_01.tif northeast south and west 08/10/2005
1814 N Greenwood Street 5PE.5819 greenwoodstn1814_02.tif southeast north and west 08/10/2005
1814 N Greenwood Street 5PE.5819 greenwoodstn1814_03.tif west east 08/10/2005
1822 N Greenwood Street 5PE.5820 greenwoodstn1822_01.tif northeast south and west 08/10/2005
1822 N Greenwood Street 5PE.5820 greenwoodstn1822_02.tif east west 08/10/2005
1822 N Greenwood Street 5PE.5820 greenwoodstn1822_03.tif southeast north and west 08/10/2005
1310-20 N Main Street 5PE.5788 mainstn1310-20_01.tif northeast south and west 08/03/2005
1310-20 N Main Street 5PE.5788 mainstn1310-20_02.tif southeast north and west 08/03/2005
1310-20 N Main Street 5PE.5788 mainstn1310-20_03.tif southwest north and east 08/03/2005
1315 N Main Street 5PE.5789 mainstn1315_01.tif southwest north and east 08/02/2005
1315 N Main Street 5PE.5789 mainstn1315_02.tif northwest south and east 08/02/2005
1315 N Main Street 5PE.5789 mainstn1315_03.tif southeast shed in foreground, right north and west 08/02/2005
1317 N Main Street 5PE.5790 mainstn1317_01.tif southwest north and east 08/03/2005
1317 N Main Street 5PE.5790 mainstn1317_02.tif northwest south and east 08/03/2005
1317 N Main Street 5PE.5790 mainstn1317_03.tif southeast north and west 08/03/2005
1317 N Main Street 5PE.5790 mainstn1317_04.tif northeast south and west 08/03/2005
1400-10 N Main Street 5PE.5791 mainstn1400-10_01.tif southeast north and west 08/03/2005
1400-10 N Main Street 5PE.5791 mainstn1400-10_02.tif northeast south and west 08/03/2005
1400-10 N Main Street 5PE.5791 mainstn1400-10_03.tif northwest south and east 08/03/2005
1414-20 N Main Street 5PE.5792 mainstn1414-20_01.tif northeast south and west 08/03/2005
1414-20 N Main Street 5PE.5792 mainstn1414-20_02.tif southeast north and west 08/03/2005


Colorado Cultural Resource Survey Report

Address Site Number File Name View To Object Elevations Notes Date
1414-20 N Main Street 5PE.5792 mainstn1414-20_03.tif west east 08/03/2005
1422 N Main Street 5PE.5793 mainstn1422_01.tif southeast north and west 08/03/2005
1422 N Main Street 5PE.5793 mainstn1422_02.tif northeast south and west 08/03/2005
1422 N Main Street 5PE.5793 mainstn1422_03.tif southwest north and east 08/03/2005
1115 West Street 5PE.5845 westst1115_01.tif west east 08/23/2005
1115 West Street 5PE.5845 westst1115_02.tif southwest north and east 08/23/2005
1115 West Street 5PE.5845 westst1115_03.tif northeast south and west 08/23/2005
1117 West Street 5PE.517.67 westst1117_01.tif northwest south and east 08/23/2006
1117 West Street 5PE.517.67 westst1117_02.tif southwest north and east 08/23/2006
1117 West Street 5PE.517.67 westst1117_03.tif southeast north and west shed in foreground, right 08/23/2006
1119 West Street 5PE.5846 westst1119_01.tif southwest north and east 08/23/2006
1119 West Street 5PE.5846 westst1119_02.tif northwest south and east 08/23/2006
1119 West Street 5PE.5846 westst1119_03.tif southeast north and west 08/23/2006
1203 West Street 5PE.5847 westst1203_01.tif southwest south (main) house north and east 08/23/2005
1203 West Street 5PE.5847 westst1203_02.tif northwest south (main) house, left north house, right south and east 08/23/2005
1203 West Street 5PE.5847 westst1203_03.tif north south (main) house south 08/23/2005
1203 West Street 5PE.5847 westst1203_04.tif northwest north house south and east 08/23/2005
1203 West Street 5PE.5847 westst1203_05.tif southeast north house north and west 08/23/2005
1216-18 West Street 5PE.5848 westst1216-18_01.tif southeast north and west 08/23/2005
1216-18 West Street 5PE.5848 westst1216-18_02.tif northeast south and west 08/23/2005
1216-18 West Street 5PE.5848 westst1216-18_03.tif northwest south and east 08/23/2005
1302-10 West Street 5PE.5849 westst1302-10_01.tif northeast south and west 08/23/2005
1302-10 West Street 5PE.5849 westst1302-10_02.tif northwest south and east 08/23/2005
1302-10 West Street 5PE.5849 westst1302-10_03.tif southwest north and east 08/23/2005
1316-18 West Street 5PE.5850 westst1316-18_01.tif southeast north and west 08/23/2005
1316-18 West Street 5PE.5850 westst1316-18_02.tif northeast south and west 08/23/2005
1316-18 West Street 5PE.5850 westst1316-18_03.tif southwest north and east 08/23/2005
1316-18 West Street 5PE.5850 westst1316-18_04.tif southeast east shed, left west shed, right north and west 08/23/2005
1321 West Street 5PE.5851 westst1321_01.tif southwest north and east 08/23/2005
1321 West Street 5PE.5851 westst1321_02.tif northeast south and west 08/23/2005
1321 West Street 5PE.5851 westst1321_03.tif view to north west elevation of house at right, shed at left 08/23/2005
1321 West Street 5PE.5851 westst1321_04.tif northwest garage south and east 08/23/2005
1321 West Street 5PE.5851 westst1321_05.tif northwest shed south and east 08/23/2005
1323 West Street 5PE.5852 westst1323_01.tif southwest north and east 08/23/2005
1323 West Street 5PE.5852 westst1323_02.tif northwest south and east 08/23/2005
1323 West Street 5PE.5852 westst1323_03.tif southwest garage north and east 08/23/2005
1325 West Street 5PE.5853 westst1325_01.tif southwest north and east 08/23/2005
1325 West Street 5PE.5853 westst1325_02.tif northwest south and east 08/23/2005
1325 West Street 5PE.5853 westst1325_03.tif southeast north and west 08/23/2005
1325 West Street 5PE.5853 westst1325_04.tif southwest garage north and east 08/23/2005
1403 West Street 5PE.5854 westst1403_01.tif west east 08/23/2005
1403 West Street 5PE.5854 westst1403_02.tif northwest south and east 08/23/2005
1403 West Street 5PE.5854 westst1403_03.tif southeast north and west 08/23/2005
1409-11 West Street 5PE.5855 westst1409-11_01.tif west east 08/23/2005
1409-11 West Street 5PE.5855 westst1409-11_02.tif southwest north and east 08/23/2005
1409-11 West Street 5PE.5855 westst1409-11_03.tif northeast south and west 08/23/2005
1501 West Street 5PE.5856 westst1501_01.tif northwest south and east 08/23/2005
1501 West Street 5PE.5856 westst1501_02.tif southwest north and east 08/23/2005
1501 West Street 5PE.5856 westst1501_03.tif northeast south and west 08/23/2005


Pueblo’s North Side Neighborhood

Address Site Number File Name View To Object Elevations Notes Date
1502 West Street 5PE.5857 westst1502_01.tif northeast south and west 08/23/2005
1502 West Street 5PE.5857 westst1502_02.tif southeast north and west 08/23/2005
1502 West Street 5PE.5857 westst1502_03.tif northwest south and east 08/23/2005
1503 West Street 5PE.517.68 westst1503_01.tif northwest south and east 08/28/2005
1503 West Street 5PE.517.68 westst1503_02.tif southwest north and east 08/28/2005
1505 West Street 5PE.5859 westst1505_01.tif northwest south and east 08/23/2005
1505 West Street 5PE.5859 westst1505_02.tif southwest north and east 08/23/2005
1505 West Street 5PE.5859 westst1505_03.tif southeast north and west 08/23/2005
1507 West Street 5PE.5860 westst1507_01.tif southwest north and east 08/23/2005
1507 West Street 5PE.5860 westst1507_02.tif northeast south and west 08/23/2005
1520 West Street 5PE.5861 westst1520_01.tif northeast south and west garage at right 08/23/2005
1520 West Street 5PE.5861 westst1520_02.tif southwest north and east 08/23/2005
1520 West Street 5PE.5861 westst1520_03.tif southeast north and west 08/23/2005
1520 West Street 5PE.5861 westst1520_04.tif northeast south and west 08/23/2005
1700 West Street 5PE.5862 westst1700_01.tif northeast south and west 08/23/2005
1700 West Street 5PE.5862 westst1700_02.tif southeast north and west 08/23/2005
1700 West Street 5PE.5862 westst1700_03.tif southwest north and east horseshoe-capped wall around rear (east) patio 08/23/2005
1700 West Street 5PE.5862 westst1700_04.tif detail of horseshoe brackets supporting awning over south window, view to east 08/23/2005
1700 West Street 5PE.5862 westst1700_05.tif northwest south and east 08/23/2005
1703 West Street 5PE.5749 westst1703_01.tif west east 08/23/2005
1703 West Street 5PE.5749 westst1703_02.tif southwest north and east 08/23/2005
1703 West Street 5PE.5749 westst1703_03.tif southeast north and west 08/23/2005
1703 West Street 5PE.5749 westst1703_04.tif northeast south and west 08/23/2005
1716 West Street 5PE.5750 westst1716_01.tif southeast north and west 08/23/2005
1716 West Street 5PE.5750 westst1716_02.tif northeast south and west 08/23/2005
1716 West Street 5PE.5750 westst1716_03.tif northwest south and east 08/23/2005
1716 West Street 5PE.5750 westst1716_04.tif southeast north and west 08/23/2005
1716 West Street 5PE.5750 westst1716_05.tif southwest north and east 08/23/2005
1817 West Street 5PE.5622 westst1817_01.tif west east 08/23/2005
1817 West Street 5PE.5622 westst1817_02.tif northwest south and east 08/23/2005
1817 West Street 5PE.5622 westst1817_03.tif southwest north and east 08/23/2005
1817 West Street 5PE.5622 westst1817_04.tif east west 08/23/2005
1825 West Street 5PE.5769 westst1825_01.tif west east 08/15/2006
1825 West Street 5PE.5769 westst1825_02.tif northwest south and east 08/15/2006
1825 West Street 5PE.5769 westst1825_03.tif southeast north and west 08/15/2006
1825 West Street 5PE.5769 westst1825_04.tif southwest garage north and east 08/15/2006


Post Office Box 419, Estes Park, Colorado 80517 • 970.586.1165 •

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