Natasha Strongosky - Detailed Outline - Zoom in - Zoom Out 1

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Outline #1 – Zoom in and then zoom out

Use this outline if you find your argument works best by first zooming into the extract and
then you want to zoom out to explore the whole work or body of work in connection to your
global issue. This structure also provides a clear separation between the extract and the
larger work or body of work.

Narrowed Down Global Issue:

How class differences can fuel ambition in people.

1-minute introduction (This is just a suggestion and is not exhaustive nor the only thing
students can do! In no particular order, students may want to have the following in their

What is the summary/description of the “whole” translated work you’ve chosen? Write
1-2 bullet points.

The Lying Life of Adults:

- Giovanna, from high class, rebels against her parents and pursues her sexual
- Her ambition to be more sexual is sparked when she first meets her promiscuous
Aunt Victoria.

What is the summary/description of this particular extract you’ve chosen and why? Write
1-2 bullet points.

The Lying Life of Adults Extract (Ferrante 185):

- When Giovanna has sexual desires for Roberto, an engaged man.
- Giovanna becomes more like her Aunt who also had an affair with a married man.

What is the summary/description of the “whole” non-translated body of work you’ve

chosen? Write 1-2 bullet points.

Glengarry Glen Ross:

- Realtors are in competition to sell the most houses and win a “Cadillac” , a symbol
of power, respect, and influence. (that's my class difference)
- Levene is trying to reclaim his glory and be the best realtor in the office.
- He steals from the office and gets caught on page 99.

What is the summary/description of this particular extract you’ve chosen and why? Write
1-2 bullet points.

Glengarry Glen Ross Extract (Mamet 99):

- Levene is getting arrested because he tried stealing the better leads from the office
to make more money from selling them.
- He is caught and is taken advantage of by Williamson

What is the link or connection between the translated and the non-translated work/text
and how do they connect to the global issue in question?

In my translated text, The Lying Life of Adults by Elena Ferrante and in my non-translated
text, Glengarry Glen Ross by David Mamet both connect to the global issue, how class
differences can fuel ambition in people.

For The Lying Life of Adults by Elena Ferrante, Giovanna’s rebellion is mainly caused by her
exposure to the class differences in her family. Her Aunt Victoria is one of the family
members who showed her what life was like being at a lower class status. With the
constant exposure to her Aunt, Giovanna gains this ambition for being more sexually
active, something she would not have wanted before when surrounded by her higher class

For Glengarry Glen Ross by David Mamet, Levene is a great example of a tragic hero. In the
past, he was very successful in his work in the realtors office but lost his mojo. With the
competition in the office of who can close the most, winning a Cadillac represents
whoever wins, will be the most successful and reach the next social class status. Levene
wants this opportunity to become rich and gains ambition to reach this goal no matter the

What is your thesis or main claim? Alternatively, what is a question you could pose that
would frame your exploration?

2-minute translated extract discussion zooming in on specific and detailed examples of the
author’s choices in connection to the global issue

Main claim/argument for this portion of the IO:

Piece(s) of evidence to support the claim/argument:

Unpacking of the evidence - Name the formal or technical choice(s) in your evidence and
add your analysis and interpretation of how meaning is created:
(Repeat the evidence and the unpacking as many times as you need. There’s no set
number here as to how many examples you must have or how many choices you must
discuss in relation to meaning.)

2-minute whole translated work discussion zooming out on larger authorial choices in
connection to the global issue

Main claim/argument for this portion of the IO:

Piece(s) of evidence to support the claim/argument:

Unpacking of the evidence - Name the broader authorial choices or how the choices in the
extract are continued in the whole literary work. Make sure to add your analysis and
interpretation of how meaning is created:

(Repeat the evidence and the unpacking as many times as you need. There’s no set
number here as to how many examples you must have or how many choices you must
discuss in relation to meaning.)
2-minute non-translated extract discussion zooming in on specific and detailed examples
of the author’s choices in connection to the global issue

Main claim/argument for this portion of the IO:

Piece(s) of evidence to support the claim/argument:

Unpacking of the evidence - Name the formal or technical choice(s) in your evidence and
add your analysis and interpretation of how meaning is created:
(Repeat the evidence and the unpacking as many times as you need. There’s no set
number here as to how many examples you must have or how many choices you must
discuss in relation to meaning.)

2-minute body of work discussion zooming out on larger authorial choices in connection to
the global issue

Main claim/argument for this portion of the IO:

Piece(s) of evidence to support the claim/argument:

Unpacking of the evidence - Name the broader authorial choices or how the choices in the
extract are continued in the whole literary work. Make sure to add your analysis and
interpretation of how meaning is created:

(Repeat the evidence and the unpacking as many times as you need. There’s no set
number here as to how many examples you must have or how many choices you must
discuss in relation to meaning.)
Conclusion/Synthesis (This is just a suggestion and is not exhaustive nor the only thing
students can do! In no particular order, students may want to have the following in their

Return to the global issue at hand. Why does it matter?

My global issue, how class differences can fuel ambition in people, is important because
ambitions fuels people to do better. It makes them set goals for them to achieve and alters
their behavior and values. This matters because if class differences affect their ambitions,
it affects their everyday life affecting society.

Return to the techniques and choices used by both authors in the extract and the body of
work or whole work. How is the global issue presented in both the work and the text?
Why? Make sure this isn’t just a list of devices or features!

Global issues are presented in the work since we can see the class difference in the novel.
Like real life, in the Lying Life of Adults, the industrial district is less fortunate and it is
described the same way like it is in real life. In Glengarry Glen Ross, class differences can
be seen in the contest, where the workers compete to win status and avoid being fired.
The characters gain ambition due to the opportunity to experience the different social

Try to synthesize what both authors have done in connection to the global issue. What’s
interesting or insightful about the ways in which they have explored the global issue?

Elena Ferrante highlighted the global issue in the book by having its main character evolve
through experiencing the differences. It's interesting how they connected it to Giovanna’s
new ambition to satisfy her sexual desire.

David Mamet highlights diction and tone in the character's dialogue to show the emotion
and desperation behind their actions to achieve their ambitions. Their ambitions stem
from the opportunity of advancing into the next class, winning the Cadillac.

If you want to do so, go broad. Why does all of this matter? How might this connect to
TOK? What makes this worth studying?

This matters because experiencing the class differences fuels ambition and justified the
actions taken to achieve said ambition. This is worth studying because social class has so
much influence on someone and can cause the lengths people will go to, to achieve their
goal. It motivates people and that impacts society for either the better or worse.

Feedback space (from peers, your teacher, or your own self-reflection)

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