Exam Instructions b2

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As we approach the end of our academic year, it’s time to prepare for the final

examination of our module. This document is designed to provide you with

comprehensive information about the examination process. Please read this

document carefully and make sure you understand all the information provided.

If you have any questions or need further clarification, do not hesitate to inquire

in class.

U. HEULLE 2023-2024 2ND TERM


Final exam (June/ August) = 1st + 2nd semesters (!)

FIRST SEMESTER ▪ International Marketing

(30%) ▪ Communication

▪ Management Styles
▪ Success
▪ Job Satisfaction


o Dress and act professionally.

o Be on time.

o Don’t speak French! (Three French interactions = 0/42!).

o Be fully prepared to discuss any topic!

o Bring a reflective paragraph on your learning journey for this module.

Grading system (Second Term)

5/28 Management Styles Presentations

1/28 Reading (Homework)

9/28 End of chapter Test

4/28 Success Presentations (TV Show)
8/28 Team Building

1/28 Attendance (>50%) & Participation

TOT: /28

EXAM TOT: /42 2 Questions (see below)

U. Heulle 2023-2024 1st Year

Questions 1 and 2: Bank


What factors should companies consider when entering a new

international market? (1) What are some of the problems companies

may face when they try to internationalise a brand? (2) Why do some

brands/products fail in other countries? Can you give any examples?

How can businesses adapt their products or services to cater to

diverse international markets?

International brands: What brands of cars/ clothing/ cosmetics/

electrical equipment/ soft drinks do you know that are marketed

internationally? What are their brand image? What is the target

market/ segment? What sort of advertising campaigns do those

brands use? (Are they standardised or adapted to local markets?) And

what is their current slogan?

Explain the concept of free trade, its opposite concept, the pros and

cons of free trade, and cite examples.

Define globalisation, list two pros and cons of the concept, and share

your opinion.


Why do you need solid communication skills in general and more

specifically within the field of marketing? Develop and illustrate with


Some people say ‘technology has ruined interpersonal

communications. Do you agree or not? What is your point of view?

U. Heulle 2023-2024 1st Year

What does the term "body language" refer to? When and why do we

need it? Do you consider it when conducting a presentation? Develop

and give an example to illustrate.

Can you share a memorable experience of either attending or giving a

public presentation? Use theory to support your ideas.


What are the advantages and disadvantages of micromanagement?

Would you like to be “micromanaged”?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of macromanagement?

Would you like to be “macromanaged”

Define KPIs, and list 5 KPIs we could use to assess the performance of a

marketing team. Justify.

Reflecting on your case studies, pick two of the following leaders and

compare their management styles: Tim Cook, Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk,

Mark Zuckerberg, Donald Trump, Carol Talome, Safra Catz, Kay R.

Whitmore, Bill Gates, Bob Iger, Bill Ready.

Why do big corporations don’t like hiring young people? Do you agree

with them? Why (not)?

How do you think the trend of young people not being attracted to 9-5

jobs will impact the future job market?

Is it fair to assume young people are lazy when it comes to working?


Who is the world’s most successful individual in your opinion? Support

your arguments by defining your perspective on “success”.

Does education play a role into becoming successful?

U. Heulle 2023-2024 1st Year

What is the most successful company in the world? Support your

arguments by defining your perspective on “success”.

Is good parenting an essential ingredient of success?

Do you have to be lucky to be successful?

How to motivate people at work? List 5 elements and explain them.

Have you (or someone you know) ever experienced ‘burnout‘? How

would you describe it?

Imagine you are a manager; how would you deal with one of your

employees suffering from burnout?

Do you think Belgian workers go on strike too often? What is your

opinion on strikes? (Mention some pros and cons)

What would make you feel frustrated at work?

List three elements for managers to implement in their business to

avoid staff turnover and justify.

Do you believe in the power of team buildings? Why (not)?

Explain the following concepts: red tape, fringe benefits, golden

handshake, workaholics, resilience, recognition.

Rank 5 factors that are really important to you in a job and justify.

Reflect on your English learning journey, from a corporate/

constructive/ insightful point of view.

U. Heulle 2023-2024 1st Year

Evaluation Criteria


No fault No fault Native level

Excellent; native level ≥16

Complex and varied structures

Almost always adequate Very good
+ accent and
varied intonation
Little hesitation Good sentences; very few mistakes

Generally adequate
Good sentences; quite a few Good overall 13
Some hesitation +
acceptable mistakes A few acceptable mistakes
quite varied 12

Simple sentences 11
Quite a bit of hesitation Relevant words are known Communication is still possible
despite the mistakes.

Basic sentences
Lack of rhythm Lower than average
Numerous mistakes
Very basic
Several relevant words remain
unknown. Most sentences include mistakes.
Hard to understand
Troublesome communication
Several mistakes in most sentences Too difficult to understand
Lack of vocabulary
Poor communication most of the ideas

Poor communication reflected by a

Very few words are known or used
Poor communication clear lack of basic grammatical No understanding

U. Heulle 2023-2024 1st Year

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