Sarvarbek Gulomjonov Resume

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Sarvabek G’ulomjonov

Backend Software Developer

H +998 95 0940303 sarvargulomjonov278@gmail.comÑ Uzbekistan , Toshkent , Andijon

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I am an inquisitive person who always learns what he doesn’t know and shares what he knows. I like to solve complex
problems and take criticism well. Because of my good ability to understand other people code, I can perform well in team
projects.In addition, I am a person with my own values, I am loyal to my team and projects.

Professional Experience
Learning Menagament System LMS Uzbekistan Tashkent 2/2024 - present
• C Backend Api Project
• Technologies for back: Sql Server, API, EF Core, .net8.0, ASP.NET Core, N-Tier architecture, Unit-Of-Work pattern, OOP,
• Working in teams with GitHub technology, writing triggers for database.
ITTradeSoft, ITTradeSoft Uzbekistan Tashkent 12/2023 - 01/2024
• Full Stack Project Angular/C .net
• This is our ITTradeSoft project, mainly for practice. I used Figma to test my organic knowledge while learning Angular. The
main purpose of the project is to evaluate IT projects. This project does not fulfill its main purpose yet, because the unfinished
project is an ongoing small startup project.
• In our ITTradeSoft project, N-tire architecture is used in the Backend part of this project, and Enity Framework is used, the
project is uploaded through CQRS Madiatr pattern
Microservice-ATTO Microservice-ATTO Uzbekistan Tashkent 11/2023 - 12/2023
• C Backend Api Project
• We have used Microservices to make this project, this project consists of 3 services: University service, School service and Public
Transport Service
• In this project, Docker, Fluent Api, Ocelot, Entity Framework, Cashing, Redis, JWT, API Getaway and our floor project are
uploaded in CQRS MEDIATR pattern
Elita shop Elita shop Uzbekistan Tashkent 10/2023 - 11/2023
• C Backend Api Project
• Technologies for back: PostgreSQL, API, EF Core, .net6.0, ASP.NET Core, N-Tier architecture, Unit-Of-Work pattern, OOP,
• Working in teams with GitHub technology, writing triggers for database.

Tashkent University of Information Technologies Uzbekistan Tashkent 9/2021-6/2025
Artificial Intelligence
Najot Ta’lim digital academy Najot Ta’lim Uzbekistan Tashkent 10/2022-1/2024
Bootcamp .net Backend

• Technologies: .net, C# ,OOP, MSSQL SERVER , DAPPER, ADO.NET, EF Core, LINQ, Git/Github, .NET Core,
ASP.NET MVC, Web Api, Clean Architecture, Caching, Logging, JWT Identity Server, RabbitMQ, Docker, Docker
Compose, Microservices, Redis, Windows Forms, WPF, SignalR, CQRS & MediatR, Telegram Bot, Blazor, TDD,
Testing(xUnit),CI/CD, Design Patterns, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Javascript, Typescript, Angular

English - Elementary Russian - Basic Uzbek - Native

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