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American dream

The American dream is the belief that anyone regardless of where or what class
they were born into, can attain their own version of success in a society. But
success in the American dream is achieved through hard and risk-taking work.

First the The term was coined by writer and historian James Truslow Adams in
his book "Epic of America." He described it like a dream of a land in which life
should be better and richer for everyone. He added that the American dream it is
not about the absolute best model of motor cars and high wages, but a dream of
ability to attain to the fullest stature and be recognized by others, regardless of
the fortuitous circumstances of birth.
The ideas of the American dream can be found in the Declaration of
Because of the principles like “all men are created equal, unalienable rights,
liberty and the pursuit of happiness” America grew mostly as a nation of

Advantages and Disadvantages of the American Dream


Though, American Dream requires political and economic freedom without it,
individuals cannot make any choices that will let them to achieve success. The
American Dream promises freedom and equality. It such possibilities like:
- the freedom to accumulate wealth;
- the freedom to live in accordance with one’s own values
- the freedom to make the large and small decisions
- the opportunity to lead a dignified life;
-and the freedom to aspire to all things and the possibility of achieving them;
Moreover, AD also promises all individuals whether they were born American
citizens or immigrants – do not completely determine their future. For example,
The books of post Civil War writer Horatio Alger, in which simple teenage boys
rise to success through all trials in their lives.
Also, AD offers to have one`s own dwelling place instead of being always
controlled by a landlord. In addition, access to education and healthcare it is also
the elements of the Dream.
There a lot of thing that have undermined the ideas and aims of the Dream for
many who live in the United States. I mean: slavery, the spread of settlers into
Native American lands, the limitation of the vote and other injustices and
Moreover, in the 1970s AD has begun to seem less real for those who aren't
already affluent or born to affluence. According to U. S. Census income data, real
family income began to grow among the top classes of society than among other
part of American society. It shows that the idea of AD not so ideal and successful
than it seemed first.

Special Considerations about AD

In book "Spreading the American Dream: American Economic and Cultural
Expansion," sociologist Emily Rosenberg identified five components of the
American Dream. These five points tell about that other nations should
reproduce America's development;
- (faith in a) free market economy;
- support for free trade agreements and foreign direct investment;
- promotion of free flow of information and culture;
- and acceptance of government protection of private enterprise.
Because of AD the USA has a huge advantage over other countries.
For starters, it is isolated geographically and enjoys a temperate climate. It has a
culturally diverse population that businesses use to stimulate innovation in a
global landscape. Its abundant natural resources – including oil, arable
land and long coastlines.
I think the idea of AD is really perspective, but several years ago, not now. I
believe that the dream of a land in which life should be better and richer for
everyone accessible everywhere not only in America. Nowadays our society is
tolerant, respectful and open to all people from different classes, other races and
genders. To sum up, the AD is cool, but not in 21st century.

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