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Advancements in science and technology have effectively tackled numerous societal issues.

primarily focusing on practical techniques, seeks to solve problems without considering non-material

Machinery , a product of scientific innovation, is ubiquitous in our daily lives, revolutionazing tasks
and echancing efficiency. Continuous technologicsal afvancements underscore the endless potential
for improvement. Notable innovations like, computers, have greatly expanded global connectivity,
allowaing activites such as remote exams like GRE, a more convenient and cost-effective option.

The evolution of airplanes exemplifies technology role in expanding global travel and
accessibility to remote destinations. Science not only simplifies tasks but also endeavors to make
them more accessible and affordable.
Integrating AI in the healthcare sector has significantly improved diagnosis and treatment.

Machines offer exceptional accuracy, minimizing human error. However, the proliferation of
technology raises concerns regarding human complaceny and job displacement, while science can
address many chanllenges, it cannot single-handedly resolve issues tied to human behaviour, such as
war and corruptions.

The prevalence of societal issues varies across nation due to different policies, ranging from deeply
entranched corruption to transparent governance. Individual not adapting to changing treds to

I largely agree that governments should limit their restrictions on scientific research and
development. Encouraging scientific exploration and innovation often leads to remarkable
breakthroughs that can positively impact society . However, there are scenarios where
some level of regulations or restrictions may be necessary.
Advantages of limiting restrictions on scientific research
Innovation and progress: by fostering an environement of freedom in research
give ample space for innovation and progress. Openess in research gives
groundbreaking discovering that advance technology, medicine, agriculture,
and defence.
Economic Growth : Freedom in research give rise to new methods in society
which gives birth to enterprenuership and business. New jobs gets created in
countries hence it leads to growth of country.
Global Competetiveness Countries promoting research often do good in
creating new methods in industry They become leaders in technology and
industry. Such leadership can enhance global competiveness and influence.
Limiting restrictiions on research give scientists problem solving attitude they
think more freely about solving the issue rather than following guidelines.
We can limiting the restrictions on aerospace has made possible many
missions like MARS mission and beyond. Many discoveries have been made in
space because scientists are abel to work freely.
In the area of engery sector, we can see due to technology many sustainable
alternatives to fossil fuels have been discovered. Today we there is wind
energy, solar engery, hydel power plants\. These are all results of free research
in energy sector. If scientitsts were not able to use natural water bodies we
would not have been discovered electricity from water bodies.

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