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A Study on The Prospects and Challenges Faced by Small-

Coffee Planters in Selling Coffee Seeds Through

Cooperatives in Chickmagalur, Karnataka.

Tilak M K1, Prof Nagendra V2, Dr H S Srivatsa2

Student of MBA in Business Analytics at Department of Management Studies, Faculty of Management and
Commerce, M. S. Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India,,
Professor at Department of Marketing Management, Faculty of Management and Commerce, Ramaiah
University of Applied Sciences, University House, Gnanagangothri Campus, New BEL Road, MSR Nagar,
Bangalore, Karnataka, India,
Professor at Department of Marketing Management, Faculty of Management and Commerce, Ramaiah
University of Applied Sciences, University House, Gnanagangothri Campus, New BEL Road, MSR Nagar,
Bangalore, Karnataka, India,


The aim of this research is to develop a theoretical framework to analyze the consumer
cooperative’s role in coffee market based on the primary research in several villages around
Chickmagalur, Karnataka. A conceptual framework was developed based on the factors identified
from the literature review. Through the cluster sampling method, five areas are identified. With
the help of identified variables, the questionnaire was validated by face-to-face interview and
Google form. The survey was conducted and a structural equational model (SEM) is developed
using the JMP Pro 16. Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) is a multi-layered circumstance where more
than one dormant variable is estimated simultaneously. The development and performance of
structural equational model (SEM) measurement was evaluated using the root mean square (RMS)
error approximation. The author found that the small coffee planters will get better coffee price if
they get an opportunity to sell their coffee crop yield through the cooperative.
Keywords: Consumer cooperatives, small coffee planters, planters’ intention, buyers’ attitude,
economic influence, willingness to adapt.


Indian coffee has a unique historic flavor too! body and acidity that you enjoy with each coffee
It all began with a long, arduous journey around experience is rooted in these mystical beginnings.
four hundred years ago... when the legendary saint In India, coffee is traditionally grown in the
Bababudan brought seven magical beans from Western Ghats spread over Karnataka, Kerala and
distant Yemen and planted them in the Chandragiri Tamil Nadu. Coffee cultivation is also being
hills of Karnataka. The sensations of aroma, flavor, expanding rapidly in the non-traditional areas of
AP and Odisha as well as in the North East states. high employment content. This is evident from the
Coffee is predominantly an export-oriented fact that more than six lakh persons are directly
commodity and 65% to 70% of coffee produced in employed and an equal number of individuals get
the country is exported while the rest is consumed indirect employment from this sector.
within the country. Indian coffee industry earns a This research has always been motivated to
foreign exchange to the tune of about Rs.4000 make a study on the difficulties faced by the small
Crores. Indian coffee has created a niche for itself coffee planters around Chickmagalur for coffee
in the international market and the Indian Coffees marketing and the fluctuating price of coffee which
are earning high premium, particularly Indian is purely dependent on the Trade market(non-
Robusta which is highly preferred for its good government).
blending quality. Arabica Coffee from India is also To eliminate the middlemen like curers, Agents,
well received in the international market. Coffee is retailers and traders in the market to stop the
an export product with low import intensity and coffee price violation in the market.


Literature review is the summary of the selected by the researcher for the study
research conducted on a topic previously. purpose. Keeping in mind the objectives of the
Literature review surveys scholarly books, research, the review of related literature is
articles, and other author sources related a organized in the following way:
particular topic The review of literature is an A literature review has been conducted on
essential component of a research scholarly journals of national and international
investigation which gives necessary inputs for articles. A research gap has been identified
the researcher to frame the research study on from the literature gap by critical analysis. The
the elected topic. The basic objective of this identified literature gaps are planters’
chapter is to analyze the previous findings so intention, cost factor, buyers attitude, social
that it will help to know the gap in earlier influence, and willingness to adopt.
studies and to justify the research problem

Objectives of the study coffee seeds through cooperatives

• To identify factors and variables using suitable analytical tool
affecting sales of coffee seeds for small • To develop a theoretical framework to
planters through cooperatives. analyze the consumer cooperative’s
• To analyze the factors affecting the role in coffee market based on the
small coffee planters for selling their primary research.

Sources of Data Collection

• Observations
The researcher has used following sources in • Discussion with the respondents
collecting data
• Pilot study
• Google forms
• Expert opinion
• Face-to-face interviews
Conceptual Model
Conceptual framework is qualitative research
used to show relationships between different
ideas and how they are related to each other.
The conceptual frameworks will link the
concepts between important theories and
empirical research From Figure, this model
was applied to investigate the effects of
planter’s intention, buyer’s attitude, economic
influence and willingness to adapt in the field
of marketing channel of marketing of coffee
through cooperatives. From the factors
gathered and critically analyzed literature the

Fig: Conceptual model above factors contribute to have an impact on

willingness to adapt.

Sample size Calculation the appropriate sample size is one of the most
important factors in statistical analysis.
Sample size is a research term used for
𝑧2 ×𝑝(1−𝑝)
defining the number of individuals included in sample size= 𝑧2 ×𝑝(1−𝑝)
1+( )
𝑒2 𝑁
a research study to represent a population.
The sample size references the total number • Z – confidence level = 90%

of respondents included in a study, and the • Margin of error = 5%

number is often broken down into sub-groups
• Population proportion = 50%
by demographics such as age, gender, and
location so that the total sample achieves • Population size = 1500

represents the entire population. Determining • Sample size = 210

Scope of the Study

The study was conducted in Chickmagalur the small coff planters due to middlemen in
District, Karnataka state during 2022. coffee value chain. from the study the
Chickamaglur was picked mainly because of planters’ intentions and their willingness to
the huge fluctuation in coffee price faced by adopt sales through cooperatives in villages
around chickmagalur. From the research the cooperatives and the benefit of cooperatives
adoption of coffee seeds sales through needs to be analysed.

Research Design
The nature of the study conducted was exploratory residing in Chickmaglauru. Data collection was
and the place selected for the study to be done with the help of questionnaire and on those
conducted was villages in Chickmagaluru area. data various tests were conducted which are
Convenience Sampling was the method adopted Reliability test (Cronbach’s Alpha),(KMO test),
for the sampling technique and the sample size Factor Analysis , Descriptive analysis. SPSS, JMP
considered for this research was 210 which and Excel were the tools used in this study to do
included the respondents of all citizens group the required tests.

Population 15000
Sample size 210
Sampling Convenance Sampling
Accepted rate 206
Rejected rate Out of 210 samples 206 where accepted and 04 were rejected due to
incomplete information
Tools used JMP, Excel
Targeted area Mallenahalli, Bindiga, Aldur, Mudigere, Gonibedu, Kaimara, Kumargiri, Hospete,
Chikollale, Hebbali, Jannapura, Hanbal, Handi, Amble (Villages in Chickmagalur).

• Hypothesis1: Planters Intention has a • Hypothesis4: Planters Intention has a
significant influence on Economic significant influence on Willingness to
influence adopt

• Hypothesis2: Buyers Intention has a • Hypothesis5: Buyers Intention has a

significant influence on Economic significant influence on Willingness to
influence adopt

• Hypothesis3: Economic influence has a

significant influence on Willingness to
Reliability Test factors and what they mean for one another in
In addition to providing data on the
numerous ways. The performance of
correlations between the scale's constituent
structural model and measurement was
items, the reliability analysis technique creates
evaluated using the Root Mean Square Error
a variety of regularly used scale reliability
approximation (RMSEA) Tucker-Lewis’s index
measures, the overall Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin
(TLI), Comparative Fit Index (CFI), Goodness of
(KMO) is 0.948 and Conversion Rate Outcome
Fit Index (GFI), and adjusted goodness of fit
(CRO) is 0. 950.As all the test values are above
index (AGFI). RMSEA, TLI and CFI can be
0.9 therefore, the data collected are most
expressed has. (Ampofo, 2022)
reliable and factor analysis is suitable for all the
RMSEA=√max⁡(𝑋𝑘2−𝑑𝑓𝑘,0) 𝑑𝑓𝑘(𝑁−1)
Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO).
where RMSEA: -Root mean square error
TEST RESULT The below represents CFI formula
KMO 0.835 CFI=max(𝑋02−𝑑𝑓0,0) −max⁡(𝑋𝑘2−𝑑𝑓𝑘,0)
CRO 0.887 max⁡(𝑋02−𝑑𝑓0,0)
where CFI: -Comparative fit index
The below represents TLI formula
Structural Equational Model
Primary condition demonstrating is generally
where TLI: -Tucker-Lewis’s index
involved multivariate procedure for examining
Here (𝑋02, 𝑑𝑓0) and (𝑋𝑘2, 𝑑𝑓𝑘) represent the
the immediate and backhanded impact of
chi-square for the baseline model and fitted
connections among noticed and latent factors.
model, with their corresponding degrees of
In SEM, a noticed variable is a variable that has
been straight forwardly estimated and adds to
The GFI and AGFI are given as
the synthesis of a latent variable (Abdel
GFI=1−𝑡𝑟{𝑤−12(𝑠−Σ) 𝑤−12] 𝑡𝑟(𝑤−12𝑠𝑤−12)2
Wahed, 2020). The method clearly determines
AGFI=1-[𝑘(𝑘+1) (1−𝐺𝐹𝐼)2𝑑𝑓𝑘] Where w: -
the relationship between the cause-and-effect
weight, tr: -trace: -covariance matrix, S: -
variables. The SEM plans to sum up a
unrestricted sample variance, k: -observed
Corroborative component investigation model
to survey the connection between latent
Descriptive statistics
1.) Current market trends

Mean Std. Deviation N

There is a fluctuation in the coffee price everyday 1.6629 1.1344 210

Are you satisfied with the current coffee price 2.1222 0.9786 209

Do you sell your yield to the same buyer every year 3.7398 0.8797 208

Is the coffee grading transparent to the planters 4.1286 0.9267 210

Are you updated with the coffee prices 3.6379 0.8973 210

2.) Problems and barriers in Coffee processing

Mean Std. Deviation N

Do you get any government support for selling coffee 4.5678 1.1432 210

Required labours are available easily 4.2874 1.2532 210

Do you get any financial support for coffee processing from the 3.7934 1.0283 210
Do you have a proper storage and transport facilities to protect 2.4399 0.9812 209
your dry coffee
Annual rain affects the yield of coffee every year 1.4565 0.9782 209

3.) Economic Influence

Mean Std. Deviation N

Lack of financial resource of the firm to export 2.3467 0.9682 210

Lack of export marketing research and development. 3.4623 1.2634 204

Lack of appropriate technology innovation to export 4.1987 0.9532 204

Problems of pricing policies to obtain competitive advantages 2.3143 1.0542 210

Product quality problems affect export performance. 3.7615 1.0353 209

Problems of placing the product in the right time. 3.9827 1.1243 209

3.) My thesis works

Mean Std. Deviation N

Would you like to eliminate middlemen like agents and curers in 1.7638 1.1234 210
the market
Do you get benefited, if coffee consumer cooperatives involve 3.4325 1.0253 210
into the selling of coffee
Do you need to price the coffee on the grading basis? 1.3532 1.3542 210

Have you ever sold coffee through cooperatives 4.4213 1.1732 210

If you get the opportunity to sell through cooperatives, are you 1.4585 0.9832 210
willing to sell?

Are you aware that planters at other countries like Indonesia and 3.5372 1.0386 210
Colombia are selling their coffee through consumer cooperatives

Are you getting financial support in the form of loan for 2.3453 1.1833 210
plantation from consumer cooperatives

Consumer cooperatives are providing a good quality of fertilizers 2.5623 0.9873 210

Are you currently being satisfied with the fertilizer support you 2.4723 1.1538 210
are getting from cooperatives

Do you think you’ll get payments on time, if you sell through 1.7345 1.0173 210
Do you think you’ll get a fair price by selling your coffee through 1.2386 0.9346 210
coffee consumer cooperatives

Exploratory analysis
The exploratory factor analysis (EFA) is a are first normalized. EFA is in many cases
traditional conventional estimation model that utilized in the multi-layered circumstance
is utilized when both noticed and inert factors where more than one dormant variable is
are thought to be estimated at the stretch estimated simultaneously.
level. Normal for EFA is that the noticed factors

Factors Variables Insignificant variables

Planters Intention Profit per produce Equipment availability

Fair price for seeds Producer / Planter
Labour availability
High selling price

Buyer’s attitude Quality test Consumer / Buyer

Regular customers
Agents and curing house
Coffee grading

Economic Influence Government role / support Loan owed

Effects of rain
Yield per hectare
Fluctuation in price
Commercial crop

Willingness to adapt Comparative advantages

Middlemen elimination
Coffee supply chain
Sales through cooperatives
Market Constraints

Path Diagram of SEM

Fig: SEM Mode

The goodness of fit between the data and the Square Error of Approximation (RMSEA),
model may be used to evaluate the According to Table, each of these indices is
effectiveness of SEM. The test includes the chi- above its corresponding general acceptance
square to degrees of freedom (x2 /df) ratio, level (Kelloway 1998; Hair et al. 2010),
the Goodness of Fit Index (GFI), the Adjusted demonstrating that the measurement model
Goodness of Fit Index (AGFI), the comparative exhibits high agreement the acquired data.
fit index (CFI), the Incremental Fit Index (IFI), Hence, we can see all the fit indices are
the Relative Fit Index (RFI), and the Root Mean satisfactory and are accepted in the model
Results of Structural Equation Model

Initial 0.097 0.685 0.670 0.890 0.875


Final model 0.058 0.973 0.921 0.932 0.916

Acceptable <0.06 ≥0.900 ≥0.900 >0.900 >0.800


Remarks Satisfactory Satisfactory Satisfactory Satisfactory Satisfactory

on final
Table: Results of SEM

Null Hypothesis: The Null Hypothesis is Alternative Hypothesis: It is denoted by H1 or
generally the hypothesis that will affect the Ha, Alternative hypothesis is the hypothesis
sample observation which will affect entirely that sample observations are impacts by some
from chance. H O is the denotation of the Null non-random phenomena.
Alternate Path Standard Path Remarks
Hypothesis coefficient
H1 Planters’ intention → Economic 0.904 Significant
H2 Buyers Attitude → Economic 0.564 Significant
H3 Economic Influence → Willingness to 0.958 Significant
H4 Planters Intention → Willingness to 0.677 Significant
H5 Buyers Attitude → Willingness to 0.786 Significant
Economic Influence-> willingness to adapt is most significant path which shows in SEM model
Findings and Conclusions Chickmagalur, Karnataka. The results of this
The data collected through 210 study suggest that implementation of new
questionnaires has been analyzed for the marketing channels in the segment of
study. Out of 210 respondents, dominant consumer cooperatives should be fostered to
portion of the respondents lies in the age give farmers the opportunity to participate in
group of 21-39 years old. Descriptive statistics these new market developments and increase
has been done for the factors and variables. the value of their produce
Cronbach’s Alpha and KMO test has been done
in order to test the reliability of the
Suggestions for future work
Questionnaire & Responses, all the test values
• The study overviews the process of the
are above 0.8 therefore, the data collected are
eliminating the middlemen like agents
reliable. Exploratory factor analysis with a
and curers in the coffee market chain and
threshold value of 0.4has been done to
replacing them by the consumer
remove the insignificant variables. Also,
cooperatives. The major focus in the
alternative hypothesis test has been
study is the Small coffee planters. Hence
performed. Structural equational model has
there is a scope for further studies
been developed to measure and analyze the
focusing on the deeper insights of each
relationships of observed and latent variables
actor in the chain.
and its made a satisfactory remark on the final
model. • Further, the study is confined to one

This research shows that participation in district with limited sample size. Hence

cooperatives serve to increase the prices similar studies can be carried focusing in

received by small coffee planters in the export markets.

The management and everyone at M.S. publishing research paper. The author
Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences gratefully thanks to mentor Prof V Nagendra
(MSRUAS) and respondents of Bangalore, are and Dr H S Srivatsa and all the respondents for
gratefully acknowledged by the author for their participation in the study.
their encouragement and assistance in

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