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Conflict management

Conflict ….

• Interpersonal conflict refers to a conflict between two

individuals. This occurs typically due to how people are
different from one another. When interpersonal conflict
gets too destructive, calling in a mediator would help so as
to have it resolved.
• Intrapersonal conflict occurs within an individual. The
experience takes place in the person’s mind.
• Intragroup conflict is a type of conflict that happens among
individuals within a team. The incompatibilities and
misunderstandings among these individuals lead to an
intragroup conflict
• Intergroup conflict takes place when a misunderstanding
arises among different teams within an organization
Sources of conflict
• There are many causes or reasons for conflict in any work
setting. Some of the primary causes are:
• Poor Communication: different communication styles can
lead to misunderstandings between students or between
students and teacher. Lack of communication drives conflict
•Different Values: any unit is made up of individuals
who see the world differently. Conflict occurs when
there is a lack of acceptance and understanding of
these differences.
•Differing Interests: conflict occurs when individual
peole ‘fight’ for their personal goals, ignoring
organizational goals and organizational well-being.
•Limited Resources: too often, students feel they have to compete for
available resources in order to do their school activities. In a resource
scarce environment, this causes conflicts – despite awareness of how
scarce resources may be.
•Personality Conflicts: all school environments are made up of differing
personalities. Unless colleagues understand and accept each other’s
approach to work and problem-solving, conflict will occur.
•Poor Performance: when one or more individuals within a class are not
performing - not learning up to potential – and this is not addressed,
conflict is inevitable.
Sources of conflict
The differences between
The differences
perception of words,
between needs,
arguments, discussions
goals and value
and actions


Different expectations
Lack of desire for
about outcomes
agreement, compromise
– favourable
and collaboration
or unfavourable
Conflict Management Strategies
• Each part is concerned about their
goal accomplishment and is willing
to engage in give and take exchange
to reach a reasonable solution.
• It’s a win-win strategy. Both side
• Risk: the problem occur again later.
• “Keeps the peace’’
• It is not encouraged creativity
• The conflict is solved in the short-
Collaboration Ideal strategy
It’s a win-win strategy. Both side win.
Creativity is problem solving.
Maintains relationship.
New level of understanding of situation.
Improves quality of solution and
The conflict is solved in the long-term.
• Accommodation
• It’s a win-lose strategy based on empathy. (you are more concerned with
maintaining the relationship, not to solve the conflict)
(I like my friend and I think (I want to think) he's right. We are friends for a
long time and I don't want to destroy our friendship with my point of you.
• Lowered self-assertion and self-esteem
• One party simply gives in to the other party.
• The conflict is solved on the moment, so in the short-term.
• It’s a lose-lose strategy
• Both sides try to ignore the problem and do nothing to resolve the
• They choose not to deal with the issues or the people involved, hoping it
either goes away or resolves itself.
• They choose this strategy when the issues are trivial or the problem is
minor without importance for you, when emotions are high, when you
feel you have no chance of satisfying your concerns, or when others could
resolve the conflict more effectively.
• Goals may not be addressed or achieved and the relationship may not be
able to progress beyond its current state.
Competition (imposing/ forcing)
It’s a win-lose strategy
Exercise own sense of power
Achieve the goals at all costs, even if it means
sacrificing the relationship
Chance to win or to lose everything
Discourages others from working with you
Chris and Kelly have been friends for 10 years and have always
spent a lot of time with each other. Chris recently became upset
when Kelly started hanging out with other kids at school. Today at
school, Chris heard a group of students say that Kelly doesn’t like
Chris any more. Chris became angry and went to find Kelly.
You are a classmate of Chris and Kelly’s, but you don’t know them
well. You are standing nearby and see Chris march up to Kelly and
say, “I hate you! You never do things with me anymore. I thought
you were my friend!” Kelly replied by saying, “What do you
mean? I’ve always been your friend.” Chris said, “Don’t you lie to
me!” Chris and Kelly continue to argue.

Solve the conflict used one of the management styles of conflict
(without accommodation).
Present the case using role play

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