Eulogy of John Maccain

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Continueing with these instances mentioned above, people used euphemism in

eulogies at the John McCain’s Funeral. Telling a lot of John’s meaningful stories in
each time, they made the atmostphere around the Cathedral less causing drief
within using euphemism.
One of John McCain’s Friends, Joe Lieberman, an American politician, lobbyist and
attorney , whose tribute brang attendees dozens of emotions. He not only talked
about John’s vitue and life concept but also emphasized on whether or not John
was gone that those things were still alive. One by one story told by Joe, people
can understand that he had a friendship and lost a best friend forever. Everything
left is memories and their experiences when they have stayed closed for years. He
said: “I heard John say those words hundreds of times particularly to young
people and you all heard them a lot as well, but for him we know they are not just
words in speechs, they were the creed that he lived by and the greater cause to
which he devoted his life was America.”
These following sentences used euphemism in Joe’s tribute :
“This week, the celebration of the life and values and patriotism of this hero I
think have taken our country above all that.” This hero means John McCain who
was a greatness of America. After all this time, Joe and John’s blood and meat had
to say goodbye to John.
“In a way it is the last great gift that John McCain gave America and I want to
suggest today that we can give a last great gift to him, which is to nurture these
values and take them forward into the years ahead to make America the better
country John always knew it could be. I pray that we will and I ask you to do so as
well.” “John traveled to learn so he could be a better senator. He traveled to
represent America as best he could wherever we went, and he did. He traveled to
support the men and women of our armed services, whether in war or at pace,
wherever they were, and they in turn welcomed him in not just respect but awe
as the hero John McCain was, is, and always will be.”
“I'm sure if he were here now, he would tell me that was divine justice.” “ Again,
these words were not just rhetoric for John, he acted on them, he lived them.” “It
is the original heavenly shining city on the hill. In that sense, for many people in
the life of the spirit, Jerusalem, the shining city on the hill, is really heaven, and it
is to that heavenly Jerusalem where I am confident the soul of John Sidney
McCain III is going now.”“Godspeed, dear friend. May angels sing you to your
eternal home.” These sentences used euphemism in order to lead invited people
to the end of John McCain’s life.

Another is dr.Henry A.kissinger’s tribute tells John McCain was like American
people’s honor. He called John hero who can inspire people: “If the happy and
casual beauty of youth prove ephemeral, something better can endure and
endure until our last moment on Earth and that is the moment in our lives when
we sacrifice for something greater than ourselves. Heroes inspire us by the matter
of factness of their sacrifice and the elevation of the root vision.”“ John McCain is
one of those Gifts of destiny”
“The world will be lonelier without John McCain, his faith in America and his
instinctive sense of moral duty. None of us will ever forget how even in his parting
John has bestowed on us a much needed moment of unity and renewed faith in
the possibilities of America.”“In this manner John McCain 's name became
synonymous with an America that reached out to oblige the powerful to be loyal
and give hope to the oppressed.”“Henceforth, the country's honor is ours to
sustain.” Dr.Henry told everyone that John was an American’s honor, when John
lived, he represented for America’s honor; when He was gone, this is continuely
taken on by America people.

George W. Bush, once rivals of the late Senator John McCain, praised him in
eulogies on his funeral: “Some lives are so vivid, it is difficult to imagine them
ended; some voices are so vibrant and distinctive, it is hard to think of them
stilled. A man who seldom rested is laid to rest and his absence is tangible, like
the silence after a mighty roar.” “Where does such strength and conviction come
from? Perhaps from a family where honor was in the atmosphere. Or from the
firsthand experience of cruelty, which left physical reminders that lasted his
whole life.”
According to the things John had done , he has recognized John like a historical
hero: “In one epic life was written the courage and greatness of our country.”
“Friends said, “He can't stand to stay in the same experience.” One of his books
ended with the words: “And I moved on.””
In the end of his tribute, he once again declare that John will live forever in mind:
“He would probably not want us to dwell on it, but we are better for his presence
among us. The world is smaller for his departure. And we will remember him as
he was: unwavering, undimmed, unequal

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