Apelles Hotel Reservation Department

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Apelles Hotel Reservation Department, Cindy Fox speaking.

How can I help you?

Good morning. My name's Jasmine Goodman. I'd Like to

reserve a room for a meeting from 9 o'clock until6 o'clock for

next Friday, April 27th.

Are you a customer of ours already, Ms Goodman?

Yes. It's Lowis Engineering.

All right. How many participants will there be?

20 to 25.

OK, let me check .... Yes, that's fine, Ms Goodman. The

Napoleon and the Wellington Suites are both available.

Excellent. I'd like the Wellington Suite, please. Now, does the

room have a projector?

Yes, and Internet. Is there anything else you need?

Could you provide a flipchart and four pin boards?


Good. Now, can you set up a coffee break for 1 0.15, and

another break for 4.30, please?

OK. What about water and juice during the meeting?

Oh, good idea! Next, lunch: Please could you reserve tables in

the hotel restaurant for 1 o'clock?

Certainly, Ms Goodman.

Good. Now, would you mind repeating that back to me?

Of course. Friday 27th, the Wellington Suite from 9.00 until6.00

for 20 to 25 people. Coffee at 1 0.15, lunch at one, and a coffee

break again at 4.30, plus water and juice in the meeting room.

And don't forget the equipment!

One projector, one flipchart and three pinboards.

No. One projector, one flipchart and four pinboards.

Sorry, got that. I'll confirm it all in an email to you .

Thanks. My email address is ....

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