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Master of Management Studies (University of Mumbai)

2021-2023 Batch

Name of the Student: Pratik Rajendra Ghode

Roll Number: P42



This is to certify project report entitled “Corporate Social Responsibility Activities Of

Aditya Birla Group” which is submitted by me in partial fulfillment of the requirement for
the award of Master of Management Studies, (University of Mumbai) Dr. V.N. Bedekar
Institute of Management Studies, comprises of my original work and due acknowledgment has
been made in the text to all other material used.

Wherever references have been made to intellectual properties of any individual / Institution
/ Government / Private / Public Bodies / Universities, research paper, text books, reference
books, research monographs, archives of newspapers, corporate, individuals, business /
Government and any other source of intellectual properties viz., speeches, quotations,
conference proceedings, extracts from the website, working paper, seminal work et al, they
have been clearly indicated, duly acknowledged and included in the Bibliography.

Date & Signature of Candidate


This is to certify that project report entitled “Corporate Social Responsibility Activities Of
Aditya Birla Group” which is submitted by Pratik Rajendra Ghode in partial fulfillment of
the requirement for the award of Master of Management Studies,(University of Mumbai) Dr.
V.N. Bedekar Institute of Management Studies, is a record of the candidate's own work carried
out by him under my guidance. The matter embodied in this report is original and due
acknowledgment has been made in the text to all other material used.

Guide's Name: Dr. Dinesh Sonkul

Authorized Signatory:



With immense pleasure I am presenting my Summer Internship Report on “Corporate Social

Responsibility Activities of Aditya Birla Group” as a part of my curriculum. I would like to
express myprofound gratitude to my mentors Dr. Dinesh Sonkul for their support,
supervision and useful insights throughout this project. Their moral support and continuous
guidance enable me to complete my work successfully. I am also thankful and indebted to all
the people, who have helped me directly or indirectly for the completion of my project.

Pratik Rajendra Ghode


EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ........................................................................................................ 6

OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY ....................................................................................... 7

LITERATURE REVIEW ........................................................................................................... 8

INTRODUCTION TO CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY .................................... 11

NEED & IMPORTANCE OF CSR .......................................................................................... 14

COMPANY PROFILE ............................................................................................................. 17

RESEARCH METHODOLOGY............................................................................................. 19


CSR ENGAGEMENT ............................................................................................................. 21

FINDINGS ............................................................................................................................... 24

CONCLUSION ........................................................................................................................ 28

BIBLIOGRAPHY .................................................................................................................... 29


The year 1990 is known for the dynamism it brought into the business world.
This era of Globalization and liberalization forced the corporate sector to take
up its responsibility towards society, human rights and the environment. This
role corporate gave a new beginning to what we call now as Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR). The principles of CSR are based on the fact that not only
Government policy, but corporate should be responsible towards social issues.
This study examines the Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives taken by
Indian Corporates Aditya Birla Groups to serve the community.

This Study attempts to make an attempt to reveal conceptual approaches and

practical function of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in Aditya Birla
Group-India. From the initial days of barter system to the recent trend of plastic
money, the human kind has threaded a long way. Certainly, profitability has
constantly been the strong force behind running a business; however, as each
coin has two faces, rising cutthroat competition and company’s rivalries are
taking a huge toll on the society, environment and quality of products in
general, imperiling the diplomatic coexistence of society and corporate
business. The corporate houses have started realized and recognized that they
would have to look beyond the profitability aspect and take care of all the
stakeholders, those who connected with their endurance directly or else
indirectly in the society.

This resulted in the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). This

study move about rising am considering about the CSR investigating into its
idea and finding out its extent taking the study of the Aditya Birla Group about
their social responsibility focusing social development, environmental
protection, etc. This study is based on the secondary sources of information
collected from various journals, sustainability reports of the company, the
website of the company.


To understand the nature of Corporate Social Responsibility.

 To study the Corporate Social Responsibility by Aditya Birla Group.

 To highlight the CSR initiatives of Aditya Birla Group and analyze

their impact on society.

 To establish with the organizations in various parts of the world which

promote CSR practices for exchange of ideas and for collaborative actions and


The journey to completion was a learning experience of a new model and a practical scenario
of project financing. The project was shaped with primary and secondary data. The primary
data comprises of information from filling questionnaire and secondary data comprises of
information from various Internet websites and books in the library and some assistance from
the guide and lecturers. Newspapers were also an important source of information to help
through the entire project newspaper like Economic times, Business Standards etc.

Hopkins, (2003) Found in his study that businesses that engage in CSR typically focus on
some or all of the followings:

• Environment: While focusing on this, organizations look at the environmental impacts of

their products and services, as well as what they do outside the business to improve the

• Employees: The organizations who think in this perspective, they take care of all the
employees adequately focusing on workplace conditions, benefits, living wages, and training.
• Communities: The organizations that care about the communities they voluntarily take
advance steps to improve the quality of life for employees and their families as well as for the
local community and society.

• Regulations: While focusing on this point, organizations respect the laws fully and often
exceed them to be more socially responsible.

• Emergency supports: Sometimes organizations keep plans ready to manage business crises
and ensure safety for employees and surrounding communities. Besides, they also take
initiatives to provide support in times of emergencies such as disaster or epidemics.

Development (2004) 47, 93 – 100 Critiques argue that Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
is a North-led agenda with a narrow focus. Bimal Arora and Ravi Puranik apply a
developmentoriented framework to contextualize CSR to structural adjustments-related
macro socioeconomic issues relevant to the developing countries, with a focus on CSR in
India. They review contemporary CSR trends in India concluding that although the corporate
sector in India benefited immensely from liberalization and privatization processes, its
transition from philanthropic mind sets to CSR has been lagging behind its impressive
financial growth.

Gary and Gray (1988) concluded that corporate social responsibility is a part of value added
statements (VAS) and shall promote cooperation among various stakeholders though there is
some ambiguity regarding the inclusion of some parties as genuine stakeholders.

Gray et al (1996) attempted to explain the disclosure of social and environmental

information in the annual reports of large companies by reference to observable
characteristics of those companies. An extensive literature has sought to establish whether
variables such as corporate size, profit and industry segments can explain corporations'
disclosure practices. The results from these studies predominantly North American and
Australasian literature are largely inconclusive. This paper provided an extension of literature
by considering a more disaggregated specification of social and environmental disclosure and
by employing a detailed time-series data set. By so doing, the paper tested two possible
explanations for the inconclusiveness of prior research: namely that any relationships
between corporate characteristics and disclosure are dependent upon the type of disclosure
and that any such relationships are not stable through time.

Purushotahman, et al (2000) focused on corporate social reporting in Singapore, taking five

themes such as environment, human resources, energy, community involvement and products
and services. The study concluded by presenting a relationship between the size of the
company and CSRD. The relationship was doubtful regarding industry and corporate social
reporting. The economically better performing companies were found to be more inclined
towards corporate social reporting. It also asserted the fact that human resources were the
most disclosed theme and that award winning companies were following more corporate
social reporting practices. Belal (2001) pointed towards lack of adequate research in
corporate social responsibility disclosures been in the context of developing countries. This
study reported the results of a survey of CSR practices in Bangladesh. In addition to
measuring the extent and volume of disclosures by using content analysis, it explored the
socio-political and economic context in which these disclosures take place.

Jatana and Crowther (2008) edited book named “Corporate social responsibility – theory
and practice with case studies” has shed light on myths of Corporate social responsibility,
value addition, Globalization perspectives on Corporate governance, whistle blowing policies
as Corporate social responsibility and other contemporary issues in Corporate social
responsibility. In addition, it dealt with various case studies related to various industrial
sectors insurances, private banking, SMEs, Information Technology, power generation sectors
and companies like Ambuja cements, Coca- Cola. With all these articles, details of current
projects pursed by companies have given but the CSRD has not been measured as such.

Chahoud et al (2007) pointed out that in Indian companies the corporate social
responsibility is still in a confused state. The researcher also asserted that the concept of
corporate social responsibility in India has slowly matured from philanthropy to sustainability
business strategy and from self regulation to multi stakeholder concept. An Important finding
of this research report was that the companies carry out corporate social activities have a
business case.


“The voluntary compliance of social and ecological responsibility of companies is called

Corporate Social Responsibility.”

Corporate social responsibility is basically a concept whereby companies decide voluntarily

to contribute to a better society and a cleaner environment. Corporate social responsibility
is portayed by the contributions undertaken by companies to society through its business
activities and its social investment. This is also to connect the concept of sustainable
development to the company’s level.

The concept of Corporate Social Responsibility was first mentioned 1953 in the publication
‘Social Responsibilities of the Businessman’ by William J. Bowen. However, the term
CSR became only popular in the 1990s.

Responsible Companies in the age of globalization

How a company perceives its societal responsibility depends on various factors such as the
markets in which it operates, its business line and its size.

Companies have explored that their impact on the economic, social and environmental sector
directly affects their relationships with investors, employees and customers. As companies
face themselves within the context of globalization, they are increasingly aware that
Corporate Social Responsibility are often of direct economic value. Although the prime goal
of a company is to generate profits, companies will at the same time contribute to social and
environmental objectives by integrating corporate social responsibility as a strategic
investment into their business strategy.

How "social responsible" are Companies in reality?

Due to the lack of international CSR guidelines, the practical application of CSR differs and
CSR Strategies within most companies still show major deficiencies. There are still
complaints about multinational companies wasting the environment and NGOs still
denouncing human rights abuses in companies.

Critics suggest that better governmental and international regulation and enforcement, rather
than voluntary measures are necessary to ensure that companies behave during a socially
responsible manner.

Corporate social responsibility should therefore not be seen as a substitute to regulation

concerning social rights or environmental standards. In countries where such regulations do
not exist, efforts should focus on putting the proper regulatory framework in place on the
basis of which socially responsible practices can be developed.

Why are governments interested in CSR?

Their task is to make sure that the process of global and economic and social change is
managed properly and fairly. Several guidelines or standards have been developed to serve as
frameworks for CSR.

International Initiatives for Corporate Social Responsibility

The OECD Guidelines for multinational Enterprises and the ILO - International Labour
Standards form the principles for the societal responsibility of companies and will help to
implement CSR on the international level.


There is no unitary or binding international norm for CSR Coverage for companies. The
Organization Ceres, Investors and Environment a lists for Sustainable Prosperity hopes for a
greater engagement - as well as more transparency in reference to CSR


Generally, CSR refers that organizations consider the interests of society by taking
responsibility for the impact of their activities on customers, suppliers, employees,
shareholders, communities, future generation and the environment.

According to Hopkins (2003), the CSR is concerned with treating the internal and external
stakeholders of the firm ethically or in a socially responsible manner and the wider aim of
corporate social responsibility is to create higher and higher standards of living, while
preserving the profitability of the corporation, for its stakeholders.

Similarly, The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (1999) explains CSR as
the continuing commitment by business to behave ethically and contribute to economic
development while improving the quality of life of the workforce and their families as well as
of the local community and society at large.


Corporate social responsibility focusses on the concept that a business has a social obligation
above and beyond making a profit. It needs a management to be accountable to the full range
of stakeholders. Corporate Social Responsibility is that the continuing commitment by
the business to behave morally and contribute to the economic development of the country
while improving the quality of life of the workforce and their families and local community
and society at large. Corporate Social Responsibility is achieving commercial success in
ways that honor the moral values and respect people, communities and therefore the natural

CSR is a combination of policies, education and practices which extent throughout a

corporation’s operations and into the communities in which they operate. CSR is that the
commitment of businesses to behave ethically and to contribute to the property economic
development by working with all stakeholders to enhance their lives in the ways that are good
for business and therefore the society at large.

Why There Is A Need For Corporate Social Responsibility?

1. Better Public Image: Each firm must enhance its public image to secure more customers,
better employees and higher profit. Acceptance of social responsibility goals leads to improve
public image.

2. Conversion of Resistances into Resources: If the innovative ability of business is turned to

social problems, many resistances can be transformed into resources and the functional
capacity of resources can be increased many times

3. Long Term Business Interest: A better society would produce a better environment in
which the business may gain long term maximization of profit. A firm which is sensitive to
community needs would in its own selfinterest like to have a better community to conduct its
business. To achieve this it would implement social programs for social welfare.

4. Avoiding Government Intervention: Regulation and control are costly to business both in
terms of money and energy and restrict its flexibility of decision making. Failure of
businessmen to assume social responsibilities invites government to intervene and regulate or
management their activities. The prudent course of business is to understand the limit of its
power and how to use that power carefully and responsibly thereby avoiding government

Importance of Corporate Social Responsibility

 It aims at consumer protection.

 It aims at protection of local and global environment.

 It ensures respect for human rights.

 It results in avoiding bribery and corruption.

 It promotes adherence to labour standards by companies and their business partners.

Benefits of Corporate Social Responsibility

 Productivity and Quality:

Improved working conditions, reduced environmental impacts or accumulated employee
involvement in decision making which leads to – increased productivity and defective
rate in a very company.

 Improved Financial Performance:

Socially responsible business is linked to positive financial performances. Improved
financial results are attributed to stable socio, political, legal, environment, increased
competitive advantage through higher corporate reputation and brand image, and
improved employee rectruitment, retention and motivation and a more secure
environment to work in.

 Brand Image and Reputation:

A company considered socially responsible can benefit both from its enhanced reputation
with the public as well as its reputation within the business community, increasing the
company’s ability to attract trading partners.

 Access to Capital:
The growth of socially responsible investing concept means that the companies with
strong CSR performance have increased access to capital that may not otherwise are on
the market.


About the Company:

The Aditya Birla Group is a multi-national conglomerate company (MNCs) in India named
after Aditya Vikram Birla headquartered in Aditya Birla Centre at Worli, Mumbai,
Maharashtra, India. It functions in 33 different countries with worldwide more than 1,36,000
employees are working. The group was established in 1857 by Seth Shiv Narayan Birla. The
group interested in sectors such as cement (Ultratech Cement), metals (Hindalco Industries),
Diversified(Grasim Industries), telecom (Idea Cellular), viscose staple fiber, financial
services, insulators, fertilizers, branded apparel, carbon black, viscose filament yarn, retail
(Aditya Birla Retail Ltd, Pantaloons,) chemicals (Aditya Birla (India) Chemicals,), IT and
BPO services. The Aditya Birla group is a diversify company with total profits in the year
2012 of approximately US$ 40 billion and with gross profit of US 40$ billion it is the third
biggest Indian private sector conglomerate company behind Tata Group with profit of just
over US$ 100 Billion and RIL with revenue of US$ 74 Billion.

The Aditya Birla Group has been ranked fourth in the world and first in Asia Pacific in the
‘Top Companies for Leaders’ study 2011, conducted by Aon Hewitt, Fortu ne Magazine and
RBL (a strategic HR and leadership advisory firm). The Group has topped the Nielsen's
Corporate Image Monitor 2014-15 and emerged as the 'No.1 Corporate', the 'Best in Class',
for the third consecutive year.

A US $43 billion corporation, the Aditya Birla Group is in the League of Fortune 500.
Anchored by an extraordinary force of over 120,000 employees, belonging to 42
nationalities. Over 50 per cent of its revenues flow from its overseas operations spanning 35

Vision and Values


To be a premium global conglomerate, with a clear focus on each of the businesses.


To deliver superior value to our customers, shareholders, employees and society at large.


 Integrity: Acting and taking decisions in a manner that is fair and honest. Following the
highest standards of professionalism and being recognised for doing so. Integrity for us
means not only financial and intellectual integrity, but encompasses all other forms as are
generally understood.

 Commitment: On the foundation of Integrity, doing all that is needed to deliver value to
all stakeholders. In the process, being accountable for our own actions and decisions,
those of our team and those on the part of the organisation for which we are responsible.

 Passion: An energetic, intuitive zeal that arises from emotional engagement with the
organisation that makes work joyful and inspires each one to give his or her best. A
voluntary, spontaneous and relentless pursuit of goals and objectives with the highest
level of energy and enthusiasm.

 Seamlessness: Thinking and working together across functional groups, hierarchies,

businesses and geographies. Leveraging diverse competencies and perspectives to garner
the benefits of synergy while promoting organisational unity through sharing and
collaborative efforts.

 Speed: Responding to internal and external customers with a sense of urgency.

Continuously striving to finish before deadlines and choosing the best rhythm to optimise
organisational efficiencies


The research methodology is a systematic way to solve a research problem. The research
methodology means the way in which we would complete our prospected task. Before
undertaking any task, it becomes very essential for anyone to determine the problem of study.

Sources of data collection

Two sources of collecting data have been employed, i.e., Primary data and secondary data.

Secondary data:

The secondary data is collected through articles, annual reports and from the websites of the
respective banks. These data are easy to search and are not expensive too. For my study I
have totally utilized the secondary data.

Source of Secondary Data

 Annual reports of Aditya Birla Group

 Internet

 Books, etc


Corporate social responsibility is a very fundamental and essential part of the Aditya Birla
Group's value system. The Group's social work has expanded to 3,000 villages in India,
reaching out to seven million people every year. The effort put by the group can be best
understood by their vision statement, which states "To actively contribute to the social and
economic development of the communities in which we operate. In doing so, build a better,
sustainable way of life for the weaker sections of society and raise the country's human
development index". The group has carried forward the philosophy of Shri G.D. Birla, who
believed in, that the wealth one makes is to be put into trusteeship to all the shareholders,
which literally means in the language of CSR, to utilize and invest a part of your profits for
the welfare of the society at large. It has implemented the concept of 'sustainable livelihood'
has channelized resources to ensure that people have the necessary means to meet both their

The same philosophy has been taken a step forward by Mr. Kumar Mangalam Birla
(Chairman) by establishing the concept of triple bottom line accountability represented by
economic success as an organization culture. He puts it in simple language which very
beautifully highlights and gives us a clear vision of the groups thought process towards CSR,
when he says, “Our community work is a way of telling the people among whom we operate
that We Care”. The group’s focus is on the most development of the area of people in around
their plants. The companies Grasim, Hindalco, Aditya Birla Nuvo and Ultra Tech of the group
have special Rural Development Cells, as most of the plants are in rural and tribal areas are
the bodies which put into action the CSR initiatives. The group in his effort towards
developing an improved better society has many foundations, NGO’s, and Central and State
governments as its partners, together with them, they mainly focus on Education, Healthcare
and Family Welfare, Social Issues, Infrastructure development and Sustainable livelihood.


The Aditya Birla Group is working in 5,000 villages, reaching out to 7.5 million people
annually through the Aditya Birla Centre for Community Initiatives and Rural Development.

Focusing on:

 HealthCare • Education

 The Girl Child

 Sustainable Livelihood

 Women Empowerment

 Infrastructure

 Espousing Social Causes


To actively contribute to the social and economic development of the underserved

communities, lifting the burden of poverty and helping bring in inclusive growth. In therefore
doing, build an improved better, sustainable way of life for the weaker sections of society and
raise the country’s Human Development Index.


The Team comprises 150 qualified professionals and a very senior leader, besides CSR Board
level Committees, which include internal and external Directors. Furthermore, they have an
on- ground force of 1,000 field workers.

Annual spend

The Group’s annual spend in India is Rs.250 crore. Additionally, they mobilise Rs.200 crore
from Government schemes. Here, they act as catalysts and help the beneficiaries access the
funds earmarked for different schemes.

 Health care

Health care and family welfare goal is to cause to be fineness health care facilities to people
living in the rural community and everywhere throughout our Hospitals. Group runs 18
hospitals, pulse polio programs, mobile clinic’s -doctor's office visits, cleft lips, multi-
specialty and general medical camps, child health care and reproductive, mid-day meal
projects, supplementary nutrition, Sanitation, Safe drinking water, community hospitals,
household toilets, TB awareness, HIV / AIDS, cancer and prevention camps, Blood donation
camps Responsible parenting.

 Education

To carry about Education, endeavour is to glow the wish for learning and information at
every phase throughout Group runs 45 schools, the company is doing work in Adult
education, formal and non-formal education, Scholarships for girl students, technical
education for boys and merit scholarships, Distance education, Girl student education,
Computer education facility and Digital literacy awareness program sector.

 Sustainable

livelihood Aditya Birla Group programmes are aim at provided that livelihood in a close by
appropriate and eco-sustainable manner through Self-Help Groups (SHGs)-Micro-finance to
the farmers and women, Incorporated agriculture development, Integrated livestock activity,
Watershed management, Micro-enterprise development, Vocational training and Skill
development throughout Aditya Birla Technology Park for included training programs and
VT centers at the majority in association of our industrial plants.

 Social causes

In Social Change, the company is enthusiast and support, Dowry-less mass marriages,
Widowre-marriage, Social security and insurance, Sports and culture, Women empowerment

 Infrastructure

To support agriculture and conserve water, check dams, 67 ponds, and bore-wells were built.
At Jagdishpur, the reformation of 110 primary schools and helping the setting up of the
midday meal kitchen at Veraval has involved more children in schools. The setting up of 59
lamps of solar at schools in Renukoot has been a boon to students. A community hall was
constructed at Gummidipoondi, community health centres at Rishra and Renukoot and a
75,000 liter storage tank at Veraval with sufficient pipelines to the villages have been
provided a welcome break in these critical rural areas



 Over a million patients treated at 5,000 medical camps and our 20 hospitals annually.

 More than 1,200 children underwent cleft lip surgery.

 50 deaf and mute children (0-5 years) underwent the cochlear implant surgery. This was a

life changing experience for the children as they can now speak and hear.

 They have helped immunise 70 million children against polio over the last 7 years. For
the last 3 years, they have been working with Rotary International on the non-resurgence
of polio.
 Mother and Child Healthcare projects serve 1 lakh women and their children every year.

 HIV Aids Awareness programmes reach out to 30,000 people annually.


 At 56 schools across India, we provide quality education to 46,500 children. Merit

Scholarships are given to 32,000 children from the interiors. Over 28,000 children in the
hinterland of India are being taught conversational English to build their confidence.
 They support projects for the differently abled in Baroda and Odisha. In Baroda, They are
connected with the M. S. University, which conducts an annual sports event for the
differently abled through their association “Prayas”. In Odisha, we are linked with
“Swabhiman”. They conduct a skills and personality development programme for 400
children from the urban poor/slum households, which is completely funded by them.
 They are transforming 20 schools in Rajasthan into model schools.

 They foster the cause of the girl child by supporting 40 Kasturba Gandhi Balika
Vidyalayas (residential schools for girls). They also foster Population First Foundation’s
programme Laadli for girl child advocacy and support.
 Through KHEL, a Knowledge Hub for e-learning, 7,500 students across 50 schools in
Maharashtra, MP and UP learn English, Math and Science using game pedagogy
multimedia methods.

Sustainable livelihood programmes

 Vocational Training Centres and the Aditya Birla Rural Technology Park accord training
in sustainable livelihood projects to 95,000 people.
 Through the Aditya Birla Skills Foundation, we have set up 5 large Multi Skill Multi
Sector Training Centres in Raipur, Udaipur, Vadodara, Bhopal and Nagpur, creating an
annual capacity of approx. 2,000 urban poor (18 – 30 years). Short term (2 to 3 months)
different skills training programmes are being offered to the youngsters at these Centres
ranging from hospitality to computers to electronic and electrical repair to cosmetology.
Plans are on the anvil to open another 6 to 8 centres by next year.
 In a collaborative project with CII and Sector Skills Council – Pradhan Mantri Kaushal
Vikas Yojana (PMKVY), They run 6 centres. Up until now 2,200 youngsters (college
dropouts and unemployed youngsters) have benefited. Through this project, we train them
in automobile repairing, electrical services, IT enabled services, beauty and wellness,
BPO, retail sales, garment designing, courier services and logistics. Of the youngsters
registered with us, 75% are assured employment.
 4,500 Self-Help Groups have led to the empowerment of 45,000 women who now
earn between Rs.3,000 to Rs.7,000 a month.


 Across the country, they have helped build community halls, school blocks, playgrounds,
approach roads, solar lights, water harvesting structures, installed hand pumps, facilitated
village drainage systems, impacting the lives of nearly 500,000 people.
 They have installed more than 1,000 biogas plants pan India.
 Working closely with Habitat for Humanity, we have so far built more than 500 houses
as part of their community outreach programme, besides supporting the building of an
additional 3,800 houses across India



 Birla Cellulose is ranked Number one globally, for its work on the conservation of ancient
and endangered forests, by the NGO Canopy in its Hot Button Report.
 Grasim Industries Limited is awarded the US Department of Agriculture (USDA)
certified biobased product label for its dope dyed fibres — Birla Spunshades.


• Mrs. Rajashree Birla was honoured with the Lifetime Achievement Award 2015-2016 by the
Ladies’ Wing of the Indian Merchants’ Chamber Awards


• ‘Champion of Humanity’ award bestowed upon Mrs. Rajashree Birla by the Hindustan Cha
mber of Commerce


• Mrs. Rajashree Birla accorded the CSR Leader award — a Jury award — at the CEO India
Awards 2014.

• The Fine Arts Society (FAS), Mumbai, confers the 'FAS Stree Ratna Award 2014' on Mrs.
Rajashree Birla.

• Mrs. Rajashree Birla receives the 'Exceptional Leader – Social and Rural Development'
award from the ASSOCHAM Ladies League

• The Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) team at Grasim Industries Limited (Grasim), a
global leader in viscose staple fibre manufacturing, wins the first 'CSR Activist of the Year
Award' instituted by the Federation of Madhya Pradesh Chamber of Commerce & Industries
for its work in uplifting the marginalised.

• Vikram Woollens, a unit of Grasim Industries Limited, is named the overall winner at the
'Amity CSR Conclave 2013'.

• Novelis is honoured with 'Best Report' award in PR Daily's 2013 CSR Awards.

• The CSR team at Indian Rayon, Veraval is recognised with the 'Greentech CSR Award' for a
sustainable development project empowering 400 marginalised women through extensive
training in tailoring.


• Aditya Birla Nuvo Ltd.- Madura Clothing- wins the 2013 Golden Peacock Award for
Corporate Social Responsibility.

• UltraTech wins the Intel-AIM Corporate Responsibility Award — Governance and

Society: Asian CSR Awards 2013, for its work among the underprivileged and the highest
standards of governance.

• Mrs. Rajashree Birla is awarded the Godfrey Phillips 'Social Lifetime Achievement Award'
in April


It can be concluded that in today’s informative world wherever information are readily
available to general public CSR has been a very important part of any organization to achieve
success. Organization in present world cannot be successful without taking into account the
social responsibility. CSR has been a vital component for any organization to have long-
lasting success and to create a brand.

All corporate houses are indebted social responsibility towards the society, national and
international in common which give it with all material, natural resources and human. In sight
of the long term sustainable growth and following the CSR norms, planning new policies and
implementation effectively is UN predictable to bring out and sustain an equilibrium among
society, corporate world, current generation, future generation and nature. As much as the
Aditya Birla Group is concerned, it has a long way in fulfilling its responsibility and duty
towards the nation and therefore the society. It has achieved the masses to raise their lives, to
take care for their dreams and to sharpen their skills mitigating the declaration of the founder.

All business houses have an obligation towards the environment and society, which provides
them with the much needed raw material and most importantly human resources. Aditya Birla
Group has very religiously and responsibly fulfilled their duty toward world, nation, society
and the environment. Aditya Birla Group has been actively participating in the development
of a self sustainable society. They have worked in the fields of education, health, social and
women’s issues. Their active participation and rising above the traditional philanthropic style
have added to both companies good will. They are very good examples to be followed by
nurturing business man throughout the world to how and why to take up the cause of CSR.
Thus to conclude this social participation of business would grow and result in a harmonious
and healthy bond between the society and business. CSR creates a better public image and
goodwill for the company which ultimately leads to in better business and also projects every
corporate as a good corporate citizen.



 Asmus. P. (2003),”Corporate Social Responsibility

 Hempel, Martin, (2008), Corporal Social Responsibility, Landshut, pages 12f; cp.

 Corporate Social Responsibility in India - An Empirical Research By Bernadette Dsilva

 CSR could prove to be a valuable asset in an age of M&As, as it helpsfirms spread

their brand name - Maitreyee Handique

 International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 5, May-2014

35 ISSN 2229-5518








Winter Internship Progress Report

Name of the Student: Pratik Rajendra Ghode

Area of Specialization: Marketing

Name of the Internal Guide (College): Dr. Dinesh Sonkul

Title of the project: Corporate Social Responsibility Activities Of Aditya Birla Group

Progress Report:

Sr. No Date Particulars/ Progress Guide Student

Signature Signature
1. 20/3/2023 Executive Summary
2. 23/3/2023 Objective
3. 28/3/2023 Literature Review
4. 2/4/2023 Research Methodology
5. 5/4/2023 Company Profile
6. 7/4/2023 CSR at Aditya Birla Group
7. 10/4/2023 Findings and Conclusion

Authorized Signatory Students Signature

corporate social responsibility activities of aditya birla group

17 %


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Monaco 1%
Student Paper

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Innovation A Role For Sustainability Driven by 1%
the Global South?, 2014.

Submitted to Hult International Business

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Student Paper

Submitted to Singapore Management

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Student Paper

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Student Paper
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Student Paper

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Student Paper

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