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Team 29 Catapult Project Report

1. Introduction:
The six sigma catapult project was conducted in order to find the best settings for input
variables of firing a projectile from a catapult that will land the projectile within the 6inches of
target. The purpose of the experiment also included finding the most critical input variables
affecting the projectile distance travelled. The catapult was placed 30 inches away from a target
area of 90*96 inches and launching spot was 30 inches high.

A total of 45 experiments were allowed to be conducted. Out of allowed 45 experiments

21 were used as test experiments that resulted in screening of vital a few input variables while
the remaining 24 experiments were utilized to identify the best setting of vital a few input
variables that provided maximum precision and accuracy.

2. Project SMART Goal:

Specific: Finding best input settings for catapult throwing in order to hit the intruders.

Measureable: The projectile shall launch with 6inches of target area.

Achievable: Finding the best setting of inputs is achievable with the experimentation

Realistic: The said target is highly realistic as it can be achieved by experimentation and
six-sigma methodology.

Time-bound: Complete the project before firing day.

Figure 1: Schematic of Catapult Project Setting

3. Project Thought Map:

Figure 2: Though Map for Catapult Project

4. Summary of Group Activities:

Summary of group activities is provided below:

 Group meetings according to the schedule provided by the professor in order to

achieve the SMART project goal.
 After identifying significant input variables through 21 trial runs the group filtered
that working with 03 variables angle, projectile weight and Band position will be
within the available resources and it would optimum data to work with.
 Team also decided to perform Design of Experiments using (2^3 * 3 ) full factorial
experiments for 2 levels of 03 variables with 3 repetitions each.
 A total of 24 experimental runs were conducted based on high and low level setting
of 03 variables.
 23 designs were used as it would provide the maximum data for analyzing results of
experimentation in place of 24-1 experimentation design.
 In order to reduce noise during experimentation and output measurement, laser was
used to measure final distance while base of the catapult was tapped to reduce
 Raw data from experimentation is provided below:
Figure 3: Raw data
Figure 4: Catapult with Various Input Settings

5. Experimentation Design and Results:

Full factorial DOE was performed with 03 replicates for each of the 08 runs.
Randomization of experiments conducted was also done. Finally the distance from 03 replicates
of each run was averaged to get the precise results for the output distance. The table containing
the significant input variables’ settings, experimental runs and final output (distance)
measurements are provided below:

Figure 4: Experimental Setting

Sr. No. Variable High Setting (+1) Low Setting (-1)
1. Angle 145 115
2. Ball Weight Heavy Light
3. Band Position 1 Spot 3 Spot
Table 1: Input Variables' Settings

Table 2: Experimental Runs and Results

6. Analysis:
Various observations regarding the experimentation conducted are provided below:

 Maximum value of the distance is achieved when the setting of angle is low. Lower
the angle higher the distance covered by projectile.
 Shortest projectile distance is achieved with High Angle setting, Heavy Ball and
3 Spot Band position.
 Run number 5 has the least residual value so the precision is best for run 05.
 Maximum precision is achieved 5 when the angle setting is 145 (high), ball weight is
light (low) and band position is 3 spot (low).
 None of the residual values is greater than 6 inches so the accuracy criterion is met.
 Angle is most significant factor in deciding the launch distance as is evident from the
normal probability plot with A deviating from the line..
Figure 5: Geo Plot

Figure 6: Residual vs. Predicted Analysis

Figure 7: Normal Probability Plot

7. Conclusion:
Maximum distance of projectile is achieved when the setting of angle is low and the
maximum precision in projectile position is achieved when the Band Position is 03 Spot and
angle setting is high.

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