2024 Indexofeconomicfreedom Twelvefreedoms

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E conomic freedom is an essential aspect of human
dignity, autonomy, and personal empowerment.
Equally important, it provides a proven formula for
challenges from those who seek to impose their own
views or control the economic actions of others.
As new challenges to economic freedom arise,
economic progress and success. our definitions and methodologies will continue to
Each measured aspect of economic freedom has a evolve so that we can provide as true a picture as
significant relevance to economic growth and pros- possible of the state of economic freedom around
perity. Policies that allow greater freedom in any the world.
of the measured areas tend to spur growth, which
translates into more opportunities for people to ad- DEFINING ECONOMIC FREEDOM
vance themselves economically. This leads in turn to At its heart, economic freedom is about individu-
measurable progress and lasting prosperity. al autonomy: the freedom of choice that individuals
Economic freedom is best understood as a philos- enjoy in acquiring and using economic goods and
ophy of governance that rejects dogma and embraces resources. The underlying assumption of those who
a diverse range of strategies for economic advance- favor economic freedom is that individuals know their
ment. When governments inject themselves into own needs and desires best and that a self-directed life,
economic decision-making, their actions, however guided by one’s own philosophies and priorities rather
well-intentioned, tend toward coercion, standard- than those of a government or technocratic elite, is the
ization, and the restriction of freedom. They cannot foundation of a fulfilling existence. Independence and
possibly account for the needs and preferences of self-respect flow from the ability and responsibility to
individuals as effectively as a free marketplace can. take care of oneself and one’s family and are invaluable
They also are nearly certain to undermine efficiency contributors to human dignity and equality.
and thus promote the waste of resources and effort. Obviously, because we live together with others
The Index of Economic Freedom provides compel- in societies, individual autonomy is not absolute. For
ling evidence that it is the counterproductive poli- many individuals, their own well-being and that of
cies that our governments all too often put in place, their families and communities are equally import-
not the policies we fail to implement, that hold back ant, and the personal rights enjoyed by one person
economic growth. may therefore end at his or her neighbor’s doorstep.
For three decades, the Index has explored many Decisions and activities that have an impact or po-
critical aspects of the relationships between indi- tential impact on others are rightly constrained by
viduals and governments. In measuring economic societal norms and, in the most critical areas, by gov-
freedom, we have focused on a comprehensive yet ernment laws or regulations.
far from exhaustive range of policy areas in which In a market-oriented economy, societal norms,
governments typically act for good or ill. However, not government laws and regulations, are the prima-
by its very nature, the concept of freedom resists ry regulators of behavior. Such norms grow organi-
narrow definition, and each year seems to bring new cally out of society itself and reflect its history, its

The Heritage Foundation | heritage.org/Index 11

culture, and the experience of generations as they aspects of economic freedom that are evaluated
have learned how to live with one another. They guide (for example, the extent of an economy’s openness
our understanding of ethics, the etiquette of personal to global investment or trade) are concerned with
and professional relationships, and consumer tastes. a country’s interactions with the rest of the world.
At their best, democratic political systems reflect Most, however, focus on policies within a country,
societal norms in their laws and regulations, but if assessing the liberty of individuals to use their la-
they are not constrained by constitutional or other bor or finances without undue restraint and govern-
traditional limits, even democratic governments ment interference.
can pose substantial threats to economic freedom. A Each of the measured aspects of economic free-
constraint imposed on economic freedom by major- dom plays a vital role in promoting and sustaining
ity rule is no less a constraint than one imposed by personal and national prosperity, but all are com-
an absolute ruler or oligarch. It is thus not so much plementary in their impact, and progress in one
the type of government that determines the degree area can easily reinforce or even inspire progress in
of economic freedom as it is the extent to which gov- another. Similarly, repressed economic freedom in
ernment has limits beyond which it may not (or at one area (for example, a lack of respect for property
least does not) go. rights) can make it much more difficult to achieve
Inevitably, any discussion of economic freedom high levels of freedom in other categories.
will focus on the critical relationship between the The 12 aspects of economic freedom measured in
individual and government. In general, state action the Index are grouped into four broad pillars:
or government control that interferes with individ-
ual autonomy limits economic freedom. • Rule of law (property rights, judicial effective-
However, the goal of economic freedom is more ness, and government integrity);
than the absence of government coercion or con-
straint: The ultimate goal is creation and mainte- • Government size (tax burden, government
nance of a mutual sense of liberty for all. Some gov- spending, and fiscal health);
ernment action is necessary both for the citizens of
a nation to defend themselves and to promote the • Regulatory efficiency (business freedom,
peaceful evolution of civil society, but government labor freedom, and monetary freedom); and
action that goes beyond the minimal necessary level
will inevitably infringe on someone’s economic or • Market openness (trade freedom, investment
personal freedom. freedom, and financial freedom).
Throughout history, governments have imposed
a wide array of constraints on economic activity.Rule of Law
Sometimes they have imposed these constraints in Property Rights. In a fully functioning market
the name of equality or some other ostensibly no-economy, the ability to accumulate private proper-
ble societal purpose; most often, however, they have
ty and wealth is a central motivating force for both
imposed them to benefit elites or special interests.
workers and investors. Private property rights and
Government’s excessive intrusion into wide an effective rule of law to protect them are vital fea-
spheres of economic activity comes at a high costtures of any such economy. Secure property rights
to society as a whole. By substituting political judg-
give citizens the confidence to undertake entrepre-
ments for those of the marketplace, government neurial activity, save their income, and make long-
diverts entrepreneurial resources and energy fromterm plans because they know that their income,
productive activities to rent-seeking: the quest for
savings, and property (both real and intellectual)
economically unearned benefits. As a result, society
are safe from unfair expropriation or theft.
experiences lower productivity, economic stagna- Property rights are a primary factor in the ac-
tion, and declining prosperity. cumulation of capital for production and invest-
ment. Secure titling is key to unlocking the wealth
ASSESSING ECONOMIC FREEDOM embodied in real estate, making natural resources
The Index of Economic Freedom takes a com- available for economic use, and providing collateral
prehensive view of economic freedom. Some of the for investment financing. It is also by extending and

12 2024 Index of Economic Freedom

protecting property rights that societies avoid the in every society or circumstance, they all erode the
“tragedy of the commons”—the phenomenon that integrity of government wherever they are found.
leads to the degradation and exploitation of prop- By allowing some individuals or special interests to
erty that is held communally and for which no one gain government benefits at the expense of others,
is accountable. they are grossly incompatible with the principles of
A key aspect of the protection of property rights is fair and equal treatment that are necessary for an
the enforcement of contracts. The voluntary under- economically free society.
taking of contractual obligations is the foundation of There is a direct relationship between the extent
the market system and the basis for economic spe- of government intervention in economic activi-
cialization, gains from commercial exchange, and ty and the prevalence of corruption. In particular,
trade among nations. Evenhanded government en- excessive and redundant government regulations
forcement of private contracts is crucial to ensuring provide opportunities for bribery and graft, which
equity and integrity in the marketplace. in turn are detrimental to economic growth and de-
Judicial Effectiveness. Effective legal frame- velopment. In addition, government regulations or
works protect the rights of all citizens against in- restrictions in one area may create informal or black
fringement of the law by others, including infringe- markets in another. For example, by imposing such
ment by governments and powerful parties. Judicial burdensome barriers to the conduct of business as
effectiveness requires efficient and fair judicial sys- including regulatory red tape and high transaction
tems to ensure that laws are fully respected and ap- costs, a government can incentivize bribery and
propriate legal actions are taken against violations. encourage illegitimate and secret interactions that
Especially for developing countries, judicial effec- compromise the transparency that is essential to the
tiveness may be the area of economic freedom that is efficient functioning of a free market.
most important in laying the foundations for econom-
ic growth. In advanced economies, deviations from Government Size
judicial effectiveness may be the first signs of serious Tax Burden. All governments impose fiscal bur-
problems that will lead to economic decline. dens on economic activity through taxation and
There is abundant evidence from countries borrowing. Governments that permit individuals
around the world that an honest, fair, and effective and businesses to keep and manage a larger share
judicial system is a critical factor in empowering of their income and wealth for their own benefit and
individuals, ending discrimination, and enhanc- their own use help to maximize economic freedom.
ing competition. In the never-ending struggle to The higher the government’s share of income or
improve the human condition and achieve greater wealth is, the lower the individual’s reward for his or
prosperity, an institutional commitment to the pres- her economic activity and the lower the incentive to
ervation and advancement of judicial effectiveness undertake work at all will be. Higher tax rates reduce
is indispensable. the ability of individuals and firms to pursue their
Government Integrity. In a world character- goals in the marketplace and thereby also reduce the
ized by social and cultural diversity, practices that overall level of private-sector activity.
are regarded as corrupt in one place may simply re- Individual and corporate income tax rates are
flect traditional interactions in another. For exam- an important and direct constraint on an individ-
ple, small informal payments to service providers ual’s economic freedom and are reflected as such in
or even government officials may be regarded as a the Index, but they are not by themselves a compre-
normal means of compensation, a “tip” for unusually hensive measure of the tax burden. Governments
good service, or a corrupt form of extortion. impose many other indirect taxes, including pay-
While such practices may indeed constrain an roll, sales, and excise taxes, as well as tariffs and val-
individual’s economic freedom, their impact on the ue-added taxes (VATs). The Index of Economic Free-
economic system as a whole is likely to be modest. dom captures the burden of these taxes by measuring
Of far greater concern is the systemic corruption of the overall burden from all forms of taxation as a
government institutions by such practices as bribery, percentage of total gross domestic product (GDP).
nepotism, cronyism, patronage, embezzlement, and Government Spending. The cost, size, and
graft. Though not all of these practices are crimes intrusiveness of government taken together are a

The Heritage Foundation | heritage.org/Index 13

central economic freedom issue that the Index mea- interest rates, crowd out private investment, and
sures in a variety of ways. Government spending limit government’s flexibility in responding to eco-
takes many forms, not all of which are equally harm- nomic crises. Mounting public debt driven by per-
ful to economic freedom. Some government spend- sistent budget deficits—particularly deficits caused
ing (for example, to provide infrastructure, fund by spending that merely boosts government con-
research, or improve human capital) may be consid- sumption or transfer payments—often undermines
ered investment. Government also spends on public overall productivity growth and leads to economic
goods, the benefits of which accrue broadly to soci- stagnation rather than economic growth.
ety in ways that markets cannot price appropriately.
All government spending, however, must even- Regulatory Efficiency
tually be financed by higher taxation and entails an Business Freedom. An individual’s ability to es-
opportunity cost—the value of the consumption or tablish and run an enterprise without undue inter-
investment that would have occurred had the re- ference from the state is one of the most fundamen-
sources involved been left in the private sector. tal indicators of economic freedom. Burdensome
Excessive government spending can easily crowd and redundant regulations are the most common
out private economic activity. Even if government barriers to the free conduct of entrepreneurial ac-
spending helps to promote faster economic growth, tivity. By increasing the costs of production, regu-
such economic expansion tends to be only tempo- lations can make it difficult for entrepreneurs to
rary, distorting the market allocation of resources succeed in the marketplace.
and private investment incentives. Even worse, a Many regulations hinder business productivity
government’s insulation from market discipline of- and profitability, but those that most inhibit entre-
ten leads to bureaucracy, lower productivity, ineffi- preneurship are often those that are associated with
ciency, and mounting public debt that imposes an the licensing of new businesses. In some countries,
even greater burden on future generations. as well as many states in the United States, the pro-
Fiscal Health. One of the clearest indicators of cedure for obtaining a business license can be as sim-
the extent to which a government respects the prin- ple as mailing in a registration form with a minimal
ciple of limited government is its budget. By delin- fee. In Singapore, it takes only a day and a half and
eating priorities and allocating resources, a budget two procedures to start a business, and there is no
signals unmistakably both the areas in which gov- minimum-capital requirement. In other economies,
ernment will intervene in economic activity and the such as India and parts of South America, the pro-
extent of that intervention. A budget also reflects a cess for obtaining a business license can take much
government’s commitment (or lack of commitment) longer and involve endless trips to government of-
to the sound financial management of resources, fices and repeated encounters with officious and
which is both imperative for dynamic long-term eco- sometimes corrupt bureaucrats.
nomic expansion and critical to the advancement of Once a business is open, government regulation
economic freedom. may interfere with the normal decision-making or
Widening deficits and a growing debt burden, price-setting process. Significantly, two countries
both of which are direct consequences of poor gov- with the same set of regulations can impose different
ernment budget management, erode a country’s regulatory burdens that have different consequenc-
overall fiscal health. Deviations from sound fiscal es. A country that applies its regulations evenly and
positions often disturb macroeconomic stability, transparently can lower the regulatory burden by
induce economic uncertainty, and thus limit eco- facilitating long-term business planning, but a coun-
nomic freedom. try that applies regulations inconsistently adds to
Debt is an accumulation of budget deficits over the regulatory burden by creating an unpredictable
time. In theory, debt financing of public spending business environment.
could contribute to productive investment and eco- Labor Freedom. The ability of individuals to
nomic growth. Debt could also be a mechanism for find employment opportunities and work is essen-
positive macroeconomic countercyclical interven- tial to the advancement of economic freedom. By
tions or even long-term growth policies. On the oth- the same token, the ability of businesses to con-
er hand, high levels of public debt can lead to higher tract freely for labor and dismiss redundant workers

14 2024 Index of Economic Freedom

when they are no longer needed is essential to the Market Openness
achievement of enhanced productivity and sus- Trade Freedom. Many governments restrict
tained economic growth. their citizens’ ability to interact freely as buyers or
The core principle of any economically free mar- sellers in the international marketplace. Imped-
ket is voluntary exchange. This is just as true in the iments to trade include tariffs, export taxes, trade
labor market as it is in the market for goods. quotas, outright trade bans, and nontariff barriers
State intervention generates the same prob- related to various licensing, standard-setting, and
lems in the labor market that it produces in any other regulatory actions. Given the development of
other market. Government labor regulations take global supply chains and cross-border production
a variety of forms: minimum wages or other wage processes, businesses increasingly value stability in
controls, limits on hours worked or other workplace trade policy. Government actions that create uncer-
conditions, restrictions on hiring and firing, and tainty about future trade conditions may thus have a
other constraints. In many countries, unions play negative impact on trade freedom that goes beyond
an important role in regulating labor freedom and, their immediate economic effect.
depending on the nature of their activity, may be ei- The degree to which government hinders the free
ther a force for greater freedom or an impediment to flow of foreign commerce has a direct bearing on the
the efficient functioning of labor markets. ability of individuals to pursue their economic goals
Onerous labor laws penalize businesses and and maximize their productivity and well-being.
workers alike. Rigid labor regulations prevent Tariffs, for example, increase the prices that local
employers and employees from freely negotiating consumers pay for foreign imports, but they also
changes in terms and conditions of work, and the distort production incentives for local producers,
result is often a chronic mismatch of labor supply causing them to produce either a good in which they
and demand. lack a comparative advantage or more of a protected
Monetary Freedom. Monetary freedom re- good than is economically ideal. This undermines
quires a stable currency and market-determined overall economic efficiency and growth.
prices. Whether acting as entrepreneurs or as con- In many cases, restricting trade also means lim-
sumers, economically free people need a steady and iting the productive development of local entrepre-
reliable currency as a medium of exchange, unit of neurs by putting advanced-technology products and
account, and store of value. The lack of monetary services beyond their reach.
freedom seriously limits their ability to create long- Investment Freedom. A free and open invest-
term value or amass capital. ment environment provides more entrepreneurial
The value of a country’s currency can be influ- opportunities and incentives for expanded economic
enced significantly by the monetary policy of its activity, greater productivity, and job creation than
government. A monetary policy that endeavors to any other. The benefits of such an environment flow
fight inflation, maintain price stability, and preserve not only to the individual companies that take the
the nation’s wealth enables people to rely on mar- entrepreneurial risk in expectation of greater return,
ket prices for the foreseeable future. They can invest, but also to society as a whole. An effective investment
save, and make other longer-term plans more confi- framework is characterized by transparency and equi-
dently. An inflationary policy, by contrast, operates ty, supporting all types of firms rather than just large
like an invisible tax to confiscate wealth and distorts or strategically important companies, and encourages
prices, misallocates resources, and raises the cost of rather than discourages innovation and competition.
doing business. Restrictions on the movement of capital, whether
There is no single accepted theory of the right domestic or international, undermine the efficient
monetary policy for a free society. At one time, the allocation of resources and reduce productivity,
gold standard enjoyed widespread support. What thereby distorting economic decision-making. Re-
characterizes almost all monetary theories today is strictions on cross-border investment can limit both
support for low inflation and an independent cen- inflows and outflows of capital, thereby shrinking
tral bank. It is also widely recognized that price con- markets and reducing opportunities for growth.
trols corrupt market efficiency and lead to shortages By contrast, when individuals and companies
or surpluses. are free to choose where and how to invest, capital

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can flow to its best uses: to the sectors and activities and in promoting disclosure of assets, liabilities,
where it is most needed and the returns are greatest. and risks.
State action to redirect the flow of capital and limit State banking and financial regulation that goes
choice restricts both the freedom of the investor and beyond assuring transparency and honesty in finan-
the freedom of the person seeking capital. The great- cial markets can promote inefficiency, increase the
er the number of restrictions a country imposes on costs of financing entrepreneurial activity, and limit
investment is, the lower its level of entrepreneurial competition. If the government intervenes in the
activity will be. stock market, for instance, it contravenes the choic-
Financial Freedom. An accessible and efficient- es of millions of individuals by interfering with the
ly functioning formal financial system ensures the pricing of capital—the most critical function of a
availability of diversified savings, credit, payment, market economy.
and investment services to individuals and busi-
nesses. By expanding financing opportunities and ENHANCING THE HUMAN
promoting entrepreneurship, an open banking en- CONDITION THROUGH BETTER
vironment encourages competition, which works ECONOMIC GOVERNANCE
in turn to provide the most efficient financial inter- Economic freedom is about much more than a
mediation between households and firms as well as business environment in which entrepreneurship
between investors and entrepreneurs. and prosperity can flourish. With its far-reaching
Through a process driven by supply and demand, impacts on various aspects of human development,
markets provide real-time information on prices economic freedom empowers people, unleashes
and immediate discipline for those who have made powerful forces of choice and opportunity, nourish-
bad decisions. This process depends on market es other liberties, and improves the overall quality of
transparency and the integrity of the information life. Greater economic freedom really means better
that is made available. A prudent and effective regu- economic governance.
latory system, through disclosure requirements and No other system—and many have been tried—
independent auditing, ensures both. comes close to free-market capitalism in promot-
Increasingly, the central role played by banks ing growth and enhancing the human condition.
is being complemented by other financial services The undeniable link between economic freedom
that offer alternative ways to raise capital or diver- and prosperity is a striking demonstration of what
sify risk. As with the banking system, the useful people can do when they have the maximum oppor-
role for government in regulating these institu- tunity to pursue their own interests within the rule
tions lies in ensuring transparency and integrity of law.

16 2024 Index of Economic Freedom

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