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+6281269127900 | |

Medan, Indonesia
A highly-motivated and ambitions person who loves learning something useful, new and challenging.
Study in industrial engineering with GPA 3.69/4.00 who has 6 months experience working as a
lecturer assistant and production process laboratory, 3 months internship at PT Socfin Indonesia as
Maintenance staff. I am a person who is easy to adapt, assertive, intelligent in communication, good
public speaking, persistent, responsible, thorough and always learns new things and open-minded in
solving problems.
Education Level
Malikussaleh University - Indonesia Sep 2016 - Feb 2022
Bachelor Degree in Industrial Engineering with GPA of, 3.69/4.00
Winner of English Scientific Writing Competition - Malikussaleh University -(2017)
Winner of King and Queen of Engineering Faculty- (2016)
PPA Scholarship from The Indonesian Directorate General of Higher Education (DIKTI), The Ministry of Research, Technology and
Higher Education of The Republic of Indonesia - (2018-2020)
Received a BUMN (State Owned Enterprise) certified student internship program at PT Perkebunan Nusantara V, Pekanbaru Riau
HIMTI General Treasurer Award Certificate Recipient- (2019-2020)
Recipient of certificate of participation at the International Conference on Multidisciplinary Engineering (ICoMdEn)-(2018)
SMAN 1 Kotapinang - Kotapinang, Medan, Indonesia Sep 2013 - Sep 2016
Senior High School, with the average score of the exam is 91/100
General Secretary of the Intra-School Student Organization 2015-2016

Work Experiences
PT Socfin Indonesia - Aceh Tamiang, Aceh, Indonesia Jun 2019 - Aug 2019
Maintenance Staff
Build the latest downtime data on the screw press machine by conducting field observations and reporting data to provide insi ght into
the progress of the machine
Successfully measure the effectiveness and performance of the 3 screw press machines using the OTE and OEE methods for the last
6 months and managed to find the location of the screw press machine damage with downtime data for 6 months and fou nd a solution
by doing preventive maintenance
Industrial Engineering, Malikussaleh University - Jan 2019 - Jun 2019
Lhokseumawe, Aceh, Indonesia
Lecturer Assistant and Laboratory Assistant
Ensure that every equipment used for practicum functions and works optimally and checks the condition of the equipment before use
Provide information and key insights about the production process practicum, procedures for using tools and Pretesting the practicum
module to more than 100 students before the practicum starts and posttesting the results of the practicum to more than 100 students
after the practicum is over

Organisational Experience
Industrial Engineering Student Association (HIMTI) - Lhokseumawe, Aceh, Indonesia Jan 2019 - May 2020
General Treasurer
Prepare the procurement of organizational equipment needs for each division for the next 1 year and prepare budget expenditur e
reports for 6 eventsTransparency of the remaining cash every month at the end of the position for 1 year
Volunteer Turun Tangan Lhokseumawe - Lhokseumawe, Aceh, Indonesia Mar 2017 - Present
Education Volunteer
Arrange school visit activities every 3 months for 1 year
Organize and manage division's financial expenses for 1 year
Build relationships and conduct sponsorship analysis to expand collaboration and simplify the process of running the event

Skills, Achievements & Other Experience

Skill: Ms. Office, Ms. Excel, Ms. Power Point, Auto Cad, Video Maker, Photo and Video Editor

Languages: English : Professional, Indonesian: Native

Soft Skills: Professional Communication (publik speaking), Collaborative, Fast Learner, Open Minded, Solve problems from various
points of view, Loyal, Work with targets, Easy to adapt and Accept change

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