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Case Study

Samardeep Singh (100442006)

Kwantlen Polytechnic University

BUSI 1110: Canadian Business Fundamentals

Sarah Kesler

June 18,2023


Introduction: In this essay, we'll examine a case study with Lori, the department manager of payroll at
B&T Internet Services Company, and the moral dilemmas she faces there. We will first review the case's
primary issue, then look at some potential solutions. Finally, we will provide Lori a suggestion based on
the benefits and drawbacks of each option.

Ethical Concerns

1. Confidentiality Breach: The first ethical concern is the confidentiality breach involving employee
salary and compensation. The former Payroll manager was dismissed for breaking this guideline,
which Don emphasises is crucial for maintaining absolute confidentiality. When Lori starts to
wonder why Patrick's pay is so different from other people's and starts talking to other people
about her worries, the ethical ideal of privacy and confidentiality is violated.
2. Nepotism: This case also involves a moral dilemma involving nepotism. Concerns are raised by
Don's regular lunches with Patrick, his brother, and the apparent favouritism displayed by giving
him the simpler, higher-paying tasks. When familial links influence professional decisions and
result in special treatment, the ethical value of fairness and equal opportunity is compromised.

Main Problem

The presence of unfair practises and a lack of transparency within the organisation are the primary
issues in this case study. Don's acts that violate the moral values of fairness, secrecy, and transparency
are the cause of the issue.

Evidence and Examples:

- Patrick's higher pay raises concerns regarding pay fairness because it is not clearly justified when
compared to the salaries of other service technicians.

- Patrick receives special treatment from Don, as shown by their frequent meetings for lunch and the
separate stack of work tickets. Don's shady control over Lori is further evidenced by his threat to fire her
if she talks about the situation with anyone.

Possible Choices

1. Confront Don: Lori could go over to Don and voice her concerns about Patrick receiving
special treatment. This could result in discussion and a potential settlement, ensuring fairness and
transparency within the organisation. The drawback is that Don has previously threatened to dismiss Lori
if she brings up the subject, so there is also a chance of termination.

2. Seek Advice from HR or Superiors: In order to address her observations and ethical worries, Lori might
speak with the HR department or higher-level supervisors. This strategy might offer an unbiased
environment for discussing the problem and might result in a just resolution. The drawback, given Don's
influence over hiring and firing choices, is the possibility for Don to take revenge.

3.Maintain Confidentiality and Get Outside Advice: Lori could decide to maintain the information's
secrecy while getting outside counsel from organisations like professional groups, attorneys, or ethical
hotlines. This strategy could assist her in gaining perspective and exploring potential ethical or legal

solutions without suffering immediate consequences. The drawback is that there may be a delay in the
organisation dealing with the problem.


It is advised that Lori must use a mix of strategies after weighing the benefits and drawbacks of each
option. She should initially retain her anonymity and look for outside counsel from specialised
organisations or ethical hotlines. This will give her direction on prospective legal proceedings or moral
acts to take.

Lori should begin recording her observations and discussions simultaneously in order to compile proof of
the unethical practises. If additional action is required in the future, this proof can be used. Additionally,
Lori should keep up her dedicated work, keeping her professionalism and moral integrity.

In the end, Lori should raise her concerns with higher-level management or the Human Resources
division, making sure she has assistance from outside counsel and documented evidence. Lori raises the
possibility of an unbiased examination into the scenario by expressing her concerns in a professional and
helpful way. This could result in a fair resolution and the elimination of unfair practises inside the


The case study illustrates moral dilemmas like nepotism in a family business and confidentiality
breaches. By identifying the core issue and considering many options, I have suggested a course of action
for Lori that strikes a balance between her worries and the associated dangers. Addressing these moral
concerns will encourage equity, openness, and professionalism inside the business, ultimately leading to
a more ethical workplace.

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