Personal Profile

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Personal Profile

My name is Alma Pasciullo. That’s A-l-m-a and

P-a-s-c-i-u-l-l-o. I’m 12 years old AND I’m from
Argentina. My address is 57 Ruiz Moreno street
and my phone number is 3364188060. I’ve got
long brown hair and brown eyes. I can cook and
swim but i can’t play violin or skateboard. My
favorite subject is English. I have got English on
Monday and Wednesday. I like maths and PE but
i don’t like history or geography. I like cooking
and sleeping but I don’t like skateboarding or
running. Every day I get up at 6 o’clock and I get
dressed at 6:05. Then I brush my teeth and I have
breakfast at 6:15. I have some milk and fruit for
breakfast. Later I prepare my schoolbag and use
my phone. Next I go to school at 7 o’clock. I have
lunch at school at 1:10 and I go back home at 3
p.m. After that I take a nap and in the afternoon I
study and I do my homework. In the evening I go
boxing. Then I go back home at 9:30 and I have a
shower at 10 o’clock. Later I have dinner and
finally I go to bed at 11 o’clock

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