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Model-based Programming: Redefining the Atomic

Unit of Programming for the Deep Learning Era

Abstract—This paper introduces and explores a new programming

paradigm, Model-based Programming, designed to address the 3. Model-based Programming Language and

challenges inherent in applying deep learning models to real-world Framework Design

applications. Despite recent significant successes of deep learning ● Principles and Goals of Language Design
models across a range of tasks, their deployment in real business ● Core Features of M Language
scenarios remains fraught with difficulties, such as complex model ● Interoperability with Other Programming
training, large computational resource requirements, and integration Languages
issues with existing programming languages. To ameliorate these ● Comparison between M and Python
challenges, we propose the concept of 'Model-based Programming'
4. Applications and Case Studies
and present a novel programming language - M Language, tailored to
a prospective model-centered programming paradigm. M Language ● Natural Language Processing Task - Question
treats models as basic computational units, enabling developers to and Answer System
concentrate more on crucial tasks such as model loading, fine-tuning, ● Computer Vision Task - Face Recognition
evaluation, and deployment, thereby enhancing the efficiency of ● Data Analysis and Prediction Task - Financial
creating deep learning applications. We posit that this innovative Market Forecast
programming paradigm will stimulate the extensive application and ● Human Resources Task - Job Matching
advancement of deep learning technology and provide a robust
5. Experimental Setup and Benchmark Methods
foundation for a model-driven future.
● Experiment Setup and Benchmark Methods
● Experiment One: Question-Answering
Index Terms — Model-based Programming,Deep Learning
Models,Real-world Applications,M Language, Programming Systems

Paradigm, Model Loading, Fine-tuning, Evaluation, Deployment. ● Experiment Two: Face Recognition
● Experiment Three: Financial Market

1. Introduction ● Experiment Four: Job-Person Matching

● Background Introduction 6. Conclusion and Future Work

● Motivation ● Discussion on Limitations and Potential
● Contributions of the Paper Improvements of Model-based Programming
● Organization of the Paper ● Prospect of Future Work

2. Theory of Model-based Programming

● Concept and Definition of Model-based Programming
1.1 Background Introduction
● Theoretical Basis of Model-based Programming
● Theoretical Advantages of Model-based Programming In recent years, deep learning models have achieved

● Theoretical Challenges of Model-based Programming remarkable success in a variety of tasks and fields [1].
Especially, pre-trained large models such as GPT-3[2]
and BERT[3] have made significant breakthroughs in
areas like natural language processing, computer vision,
and speech recognition. However, despite these models
being highly advanced, their application in real business scenarios rich set of APIs and tools to facilitate model development
still faces major challenges, such as the complexity of model and deployment in various environments.
training[4], the requirement for large amounts of computing In summary, the emergence of the M language aims to
resources[5], and difficulties integrating with existing programming solve the challenges of deep learning models in practical
languages[6]. applications. By providing a programming language
In the evolution of technology, programming paradigms are also designed specifically for deep learning models, it will
constantly changing. In past programming practices, object-oriented help promote the widespread application and
programming (OOP), as a mainstream programming paradigm, development of deep learning technology and lay a solid
helps programmers more effectively organize and manage complex foundation for a model-driven future world.
code through concepts like encapsulation, inheritance, and
polymorphism. However, with the popularity of deep learning and
1.2 Motivation
large-scale pre-trained models, we believe that future programming
As we delve into the challenges of deep learning models
paradigms may undergo fundamental changes, focusing more on
in real business applications, we realize that the core of
model-centric design and application. To cope with this potential
these challenges is that current programming languages
change, we first propose a brand-new concept: Model-based
do not fully consider the role and needs of models. In
Programming. This programming paradigm views models as basic
traditional programming languages, pre-trained models
processing units to handle business logic, solving problems that
are usually considered as a part of the program, rather
traditional programming languages cannot effectively address. In
than an object that can be directly operated and fine-
Model-based Programming, the focus of developers shifts from
tuned. This situation makes developers face multiple
specific code implementation to key tasks like model loading, fine-
complex steps such as model loading, fine-tuning,
tuning, evaluation, and deployment.
deployment in practical applications, increasing the
Against the backdrop of this change, we propose the M language.
difficulty and complexity of model application.
This is a new programming language designed specifically for
To address these challenges, we propose the concept of
model management and application, aiming to adapt to a possible
Model-based Programming, aiming to simplify the
future programming paradigm centered around models. The design
application and fine-tuning process of models, so that
philosophy of M language is to treat models as basic processing
developers can more easily leverage pre-trained models
units, thereby helping developers better adapt to a future model-
to solve practical problems. Model-based Programming
driven world. By shifting the granularity of processing from object-
treats pre-trained models as first-class citizens of the
oriented to model-oriented, M language allows developers to focus
programming language, achieving model modularity,
more on key tasks such as model loading, fine-tuning, evaluation,
combination, and abstraction level elevation (Baldi et al.,
and deployment, thereby achieving more efficient development of
2020), thereby better meeting practical business needs.
deep learning applications.
We believe that this model-centric programming
This model-centric programming paradigm helps the widespread
paradigm will help solve current pain points in deep
application of deep learning technology across various industries.
learning applications and promote the widespread
With M language, developers can build and deploy complex AI
application and development of deep learning
systems faster, thereby solving various real-world problems. At the
same time, the emergence of M language will also drive the further
evolution of programming paradigms to better adapt to a model-
driven future world.
The M language also draws on the advantages of existing
programming languages, while introducing new features and design
principles to meet the needs of model-based programming. For
example, M language supports local storage and loading of models,
provides native operations for models like fine-tuning and
evaluation, and supports various deep learning frameworks like
TensorFlow and PyTorch. In addition, M language also provides a

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