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‫مراجعة للصف السادس‬

‫االسئلة العامة‬

1 – What time do you get up in the morning?

A . I usually get up at 6:00. B . I got up at 6:00.
2 – What time did go to bed yesterday?
A. I go to bed at 10:30.  B. yesterday, I went to bed at 10:30.
3 – What is the time? 10:30
A . It is ten o'clock.  B. It is ten thirty.
4 – What does your dad do ?
A . I am playing.  B . He is a doctor.
5 – What does the firefighter do?
 A. He puts out fires . B. He flies plane .
6 – What does your mom do?
A . She is sleeping .  B. She is a nurse .
7 – What did you do over the weekend?
A . I am 10 years.  B . I cleaned my room .
8 – How much flour do we need?
A. It is 10 SAR .  B. We need 2 cups .
9 – can I help you ?
 A . Yes, please . B. No, I am not.
10 – What happened to you last week?
 A. I broke my leg. B. I am playing football.
11 – I won a table tennis game 21 to 3 .
A. Sorry about that .  B. Congratulations. WE CAN ‫متجر‬

‫مراجعة للصف السادس‬
‫قراءة الجمل البسيطة وفهمها‬

1. It is seven o'clock.
 
2. I eat my lunch.
 
3. He is a pilot.
 

4. She works in a school.

 

5. He kicked a ball .
 

6. She watched TV.

 
1. I caught a cold.
 
2. I caught a big fish .
  WE CAN ‫متجر‬

‫مراجعة للصف السادس‬

‫الكتابة حسب المطلوب من الجملة أو اختيار حسب صياغة الجملة أو حسب الصورة‬

‫ اخت‬choose - ‫ اكمل‬complete - ‫ رتب‬Rearrange

1– brush - I – teeth – my. ( rearrange ) I brush my teeth .

2– she - a – teacher – is. ( rearrange ) She is a teacher.

3– breakfast – cooked – she . ( rearrange ) She cooked breakfast.

4– sick – was – I . ( rearrange ) I was sick

5.One _______. ( complete) hundred

6. It is ____o'clock. ( complete ) four

7. I'd like _______please . ( choose )

cheese Ice cream


8– I went to the ____ to buy some milk. ( choose ) bank park grocer's  WE CAN ‫متجر‬

‫مراجعة للصف السادس‬
‫ امس‬yesterday ‫ فعل الماض‬PAST

1 – I usually ____ up at 5:00 . go get  got

2-yesterday, I ____ home at 1:00 . come came  go

3. what time ___ you eat your lunch does did  do


4- The PAST tense of (take) is ___ took  take talk

5 – ____is he ? He is a Abdullah. what which who 

‫ من‬who ‫الجواب هنا عبدهللا – اذا نختار السؤال ب‬

6- ____ does she do ? She is a nurse . who what  where

‫ ما‬/ ‫ ماذا‬what ‫الجواب هنا ممرضة – اذا نختار السؤال ب‬

7. He works ___ a hospital . on in  under

8- She ______ her teeth . brush brushs brushes 

9 – How____ oil do you need ? much  many some

10- How____ tomatoes do you need ? much many  some

11. We have ____ flour . any some many

12- We don't have ____ oil. any  some many

1- The PAST TENSE of win is ______ win won  wining

2- The PAST TENSE of lose is ______ . loses lost  saw

3- Our father drove ______ there I he us 

) ‫ للمفرد‬s ‫غت المعدود ( اليوجد لها جمع واليمكن إضافة‬
‫ هنا تأتت للسؤال عن ر‬much

) ‫ ومع السؤال أيضا‬not ‫ تات مع النف ( الجملة الت فيها‬any ) ‫ هنا تأت للسؤال عن أشياء يمكن عدها ( لها مفرد ولها جمع ف اللغة‬many WE CAN ‫متجر‬

‫مراجعة للصف السادس‬

brush bath clock Get up

baker doctor firefighter Three


– French
cheese clean Trampoline

oil chicken meat carrots WE CAN ‫متجر‬

‫مراجعة للصف السادس‬

‫الحرف أو الحروف الناقصة‬

Choose the correct letter: ( gh - ph - f )

frog elephant laugh friends phone

Choose the correct letter: ( nk - ng - ck - )

swing ink thick ring drink

Choose the correct letter: ( kn - gh )

clock knife knee light right

Choose the correct letter: ( nd - nt )

Paint Hand Plant Stand Tent WE CAN ‫متجر‬

‫مراجعة للصف السادس‬
‫رابط للملف كامل يمكن نسخة وإرساله او وضعة بالمنصة كمراجعة‬


‫وهنا كودات للملف السابق يمكن توزيعها عىل الطالب ‪ /‬الطالبات بدون طباعة أوراق ( قص فقط )‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫متجر ‪WE CAN‬‬

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