3 - Improved Vehicle Painting Process Using Statistical Process Controltools in An Automobile Industry

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Improved Vehicle Painting Process Using Statistical Process Control Tools In

An Automobile Industry

Article in International Journal for Quality Research · November 2021

DOI: 10.24874/IJQR15.04-14


23 392

9 authors, including:

Maria da gloria diniz de Almeida José Salvador Da Motta Reis

Rio de Janeiro State University Associação Educacional Dom Bosco


Luis César F. Motta Barbosa Gilberto Santos

Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica Celso Suckow da Fonseca (CEFET/RJ) Polytechnic Institute of Cavado and Ave


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International Journal for Quality Research 15(4) 1251–1268
ISSN 1800-6450

Hugo de Oliveira Guimarães da

Mariana Cristina Magalhães PROCESS USING STATISTICAL
Maria da Glória Diniz de Abstract: This abstract presents a case study
Almeida approach based on qualitative methods and data
Bernardo Bastos da Fonseca that aimed a detailed examination of an
environment, a particular subject or situation. The
José Salvador da Motta Reis objective of this work is to improve the painting
Luís César Ferreira Motta process of an automotive company through the
Barbosa application of Statistical Process Control for the
Gilberto Santos¹ optimization of performance indicators quality and
Nilo Antonio de Souza Sampaio productivity. Statistical Process Control is applied
to the monitoring of manufacturing industry
processes, including automotive manufacturing. The
Article info: implementation of the SPC in production
Received 28.03.2021 environments is to improve and control real-time
Accepted 05.07.2021 product and process characteristics, quality and
productivity is an accepted manufacturing event.
UDC – 005.6
DOI – 10.24874/IJQR15.04-14 Keywords: Statistical process control; Quality
Tools; Capability; Assembly Line; Quality

1. Introduction In this context, the automotive industry aims

to reduce production time and cost, which
The manufacturing industry deals with influence the project decisions regarding the
different challenges to manage complexity in quality aspects that can guarantee
the production process due to a requirement manufacturing results and variations (Félix et
for product diversity offered to customers al., 2019a; Azevedo et al., 2019; Machado et
(Chan & Wu, 2002; Prashar, 2018; Santos, al., 2019). On the other hand, these decisions
Murmura & Bravi, 2019; Félix et al., 2019b; can affect the perceived quality in a negative
Barbosa et al., 2020). This scenario is way, as well as the quality of the
common in the automotive industry, manufacturing (Stylidis, Madrid, Wickman,
especially in truck manufacturing, where the & Söderberg, 2017). Quality can play an
combination of different accessories, details, important role in the organization and
colors and technical specifications available influence its survival and competitiveness
to consumers results in a higher quantity than (Mehrafrooz & Noorossana, 2011; Araújo et
light car manufacturing. al., 2019; Costa et al., 2019;

Corresponding author: Gilberto Santos
Email: gsantos@ipca.pt
Africano, Rodrigues & Santos, 2019). In a ways to achieve some important results for an
competitive environment, organizations use organization. Applying the SPC processes
management tools, such as, lean tools can be evaluated and waste can be reduced
(Rodrigues et al., 2020; Santos et al., 2019a; through the constant process evaluation
Ribeiro et al., 2019; Rodrigues et al., 2019; (Tsung et al., 2018; Weusten & Tummers,
Santos et al., 2020) and others (Vieira et al., 2017).
2019; Santos et al., 2019c; Zgodavova et al., This paper presents a case study approach
2020; Silva et al., 2020) that enable them to based on qualitative methods and data that
achieve products and processes with high aimed a detailed examination of an
quality, without harming the environment and environment, a particular subject or situation.
employee welfare (Murmura, Bravi & Santos, The objective of this work is to improve the
2021; Santos et al., 2014). Therefore, painting process of an automotive company
companies implement different quality, located in the south of the State of Rio de
environmental, occupational health and Janeiro through the application of Statistical
occupational safety management systems as a Process Control for the optimization of
way to achieve these goals (Barbosa, de performance indicators regarding quality and
Oliveira, & Santos, 2018; Nunhes, Motta productivity.
Barbosa, & de Oliveira, 2017; Santos,
The relevance of this study is based on quality
Mendes & Barbosa, 2011; Carvalho, Santos
and statistical tools, among them process
& Gonçalves, 2019; Santos et al.,2019b;
capability indices, theme that has been
Rebelo, Santos & Silva, 2016).
broadly studied and still widely applied in
One of the quality assessment techniques is industrial processes that need to be
the Statistical Process Control (SPC). The understood and analyzed with its
SPC was initially proposed by Walter characteristics.
Shewhart as a tool to assist the elimination of
abnormal variations in processes by 2. Literature Background
differentiating between the common causes
and the random (special) causes. Problems
Statistical Process Control is applied to the
arising from special causes are inevitable in
monitoring of manufacturing industry
any process. Through the interpretation of the
processes, including automotive
control chart, a process can be controlled and
manufacturing. The implementation of the
the common causes can be eliminated,
SPC in production environments is to
avoiding the continuation of the problem. The
improve and control real-time product and
SPC can be used as a management analysis
process characteristics, quality and
tool for the monitoring process of the flow
productivity is an accepted manufacturing
from a sector. By monitoring the flow, it is
event (Rungtusanatham, 2001).
possible to estimate the losses in a study
Understanding the process structure and
region. The causes of loss can be due to
quantifying the process performance is
special causes or common causes which the
essential for positive initiatives of quality
SPC helps to manage (Capizzi, 2015; Tsung,
improvement (Wagner et al., 2019; Wu,
Zhang, Cheng, & Song, 2018).
Pearn, & Kotz, 2009; Bravi, Murmura &
The SPC is composed of a set of techniques Santos, 2019a; Jimenez et al., 2019; Sá et al.,
and statistical tools, organized to provide, 2020).
through their application, the maintenance
According to Montgomery, (2017), statistical
and improvement of the quality levels of a
process control is a useful problem-solving
process. It can be considered as a tool or as a
toolkit to achieve process stability and
strategy of the quality process among the
increase capability by reducing variability.
many existing processes, being one of the
The SPC has a focus on conducting and

Hugo O. G. Silva, M. C. M. Costa, M. V. C. Aguilera, M. G. D. Almeida, B. B. Fonseca,

1252 J.S. da Motta Reis, L.C.F.M. Barbosa, G. Santos, N.A. de Souza Sampaio
maintaining the process in a stable state of measurements of whether or not a
operating conditions, always close to the manufacturing process is capable of meeting
desired goal (Tsung et al., 2018). Process a production tolerance predetermined level.
capability studies are used to monitor the The concept of PCI is used to compare what
capacity of a process. To get a picture of the the process should do with what the process
process capability, conditions need to be really does. The specification range must
stable when the data is collected. Then the reflect the product usability limits in order to
data can be evaluated in different ways, the process control results in a high quality
including the use of process capability indices product. What the process actually does refers
(Deleryd, 1999). mainly to process variability - the lower the
Process Capability Indices (PCI) are applied variability, the lower the proportion of items
to quantify the process performance, in order that fall outside tolerance limits level (Wu et
to meet the required specification limits. In al., 2009).
particular, Cp was the first index proposed in To apply the standard SPC, there are three
the engineering literature and used to assess requirements, a mature understanding of the
the simple precision index considering the process, an observable relevant quality
overall variability related to the characteristic with associated quality criteria,
manufacturing tolerance as a measure of and a strategy to verify the quality criteria in
process precision. Ca, mentioned as an the organization in real time (Escobar,
accuracy index, a function of the process Wincek, Chakraborty, & Morales-Menendez,
means and the specification limits 2018). In this process, prevention through
conditioned to measure the degree of process learning from past mistakes and failures is
centering relative to the manufacturing indispensable. When an error or failure
tolerance (Liu & Li, 2020; Rasay, occurs, the causes are sought and analyzed, to
Naderkhani, & Golmohammadi, 2020; then take necessary measures and action to
White, Szarka, Childress, & Jensen, 2020). prevent future errors and failures. This is done
The Cpk, aims to measure the distance by researching and eliminating the errors and
between the specification limit closest to the failures made (Schippers, 1998).
expected value from the quality characteristic
studied in order to relate half this distance to 3. Research Method
the amplitude of the natural process, 3σ. It
considers both the magnitude of the process To address the study of this case it has been
variance and the process departure according chosen an exploratory research (Yin, 2017) in
to the midpoint m in consideration. The Cpm, order to comprehend the context, to analyze
is an alternative index to Cp and considers, in and be more familiarized with the problems
addition to the process variation, the distance identified in the company making it more
from the average in relation to the nominal explicit. The context of the case study is
value of the specification. It is applied to described in section 3.1 and 3.2 where it is
measure the ability of a process to cluster possible to identify parameter of initial
around the target, and reflects the degrees of references using quality tools and statistical
process targeting. The index Cpmk combines data of the problems to be solve among the
the features of the indices Cp, Cpk and Cpm framework delineated.
(Liu & Li, 2020; Weusten & Tummers, 2017;
Known the real scenario of the painting
White et al., 2020).
process in the production line, in section 3.3,
It is an index that refines the analysis alerting it is established the goals of performance and
the user when the process variance increases quality to be achieved. The problems
and/or the process mean deviates from its encountered in the initial situation were
target value. These indices provide numerical treated with solutions methods resulting in a

new situation that was deployed and analyzed coefficient) (Rungtusanatham, 2001).
with quality tools. The focus of this work at the painting process
The validation of these solutions proposed is the sealing step of the areas classified as
occurred through the Statistical Process critical because this step is related to a direct
Control, which allow the comparison of the impact activity of the end customer product.
initial situation and the new situation by index Moreover, it is a process that requires
values, exposed in section 4 and discussed in operational skill because it has low
section 5. automation with high manual activity rate.
The sealing step is performed by the caulking
3.1. Analysis of the Vehicle Cabin process, which consists of the application of a
Painting Process viscous mass (Figure 1) capable of inhibiting
oxidation in plate bonding regions of the
The automotive company's painting process vehicle body. This application is performed
is divided into four different stages: chemical by using a brush and thereafter the vehicle
treatment of bare plate surface (E-coat body goes to a greenhouse so that the applied
painting), sealing of vehicle critical areas, product is “cured” at elevated temperatures
anti-corrosive paint UVA and UVB lightning (Figure 2). In this phase the viscous mass is
protection of bodywork and painting Surface stiffened, fulfilling its protective role.
coatings (Top-Coat). Surface treatments
The initial study scenario was based on a
ensure the preservation of parts and
situation where the average of failure in the
structures, increasing resistance to
body caulking process was above 1 (one) per
atmospheric agents (moisture, sunlight, heat,
vehicle, which is the maximum value that a
cold), chemical agents (acids, bases, organic
quality occurrence can represent in a vehicle.
solutions), mechanical effects (wear,
The result of this extrapolation generates
scratching, deformation), besides it gives an
increased rework activities, which can impact
esthetic finishing effect and gain special
negatively the product quality and increases
physical properties (thermal and / or electrical
insulation or conductivity, radiation

Figure 1. Viscous mass applied to the vehicle body

Hugo O. G. Silva, M. C. M. Costa, M. V. C. Aguilera, M. G. D. Almeida, B. B. Fonseca,

1254 J.S. da Motta Reis, L.C.F.M. Barbosa, G. Santos, N.A. de Souza Sampaio
Figure 2. Viscous mass cured on the vehicle body

3.2. Data Collection And Numerical the impact that each occurrence generate in
Survey the production process.
For a better understanding of the losses in the
To measure the impact failures of the body production process, it was necessary for an
caulking process data was collected from 40 additional stratification to show what body
days of work records and then we gathered region was the center of quality problem as
the number of occurrences in the production show in Figures 3 and 4.
process in order to stratify in a Pareto graph

Figure 3. Quality problems stratification

The frequency of occurrences was ordered The first occurrence shown in Figure 3 is
from the highest to the lowest, which allows assessed as a recurring factor and is addressed
the prioritization of problems, where 80% of through the process of continuous
the consequences come from 20% of the improvement with the company's kaizen unit.
causes. It is possible to view and identify the The kaizen unit is responsible for receiving
most important problems, enabling the demands from the assembly line and
concentration of efforts. developing immediate solutions. The second
largest occurrence is directly related to the

supplier process. The third, caulking failure, The vehicle body is fragmented into regions
is the focus of the study and has an average of called quadrants for easy viewing, design
1.13 occurrences per vehicle, higher than studies, and corrections in regions that have a
what the company considers satisfactory. defect. Each quadrant is the combination of
These three occurrences together represent letter (X-axis) and number (Y-axis). To show
approximately 57% of the problems that the impact in relation to the vehicle region, a
occur in the painting process. The caulking complementary stratification by regions was
failure has a direct impact on the satisfaction performed using the Pareto diagram (Figures
of the end customer and it alone represents 4 and 5.
approximately 25% of the problems.

Figure 4. Vehicle region Stratification

Figure 5. Most defective quadrants - rear panel of the vehicle cabin

The quadrants represented by a letter represent the rear area of the vehicle body.
followed by a number refer to a region of the Thus, the focus of actions to reduce the
vehicle and the quadrants that added the average occurrence will be in these four
greatest impact were C1, C2, D1, D2, which quadrants.
together represent approximately 53% of the
problems (Figure 5). These quadrants

Hugo O. G. Silva, M. C. M. Costa, M. V. C. Aguilera, M. G. D. Almeida, B. B. Fonseca,

1256 J.S. da Motta Reis, L.C.F.M. Barbosa, G. Santos, N.A. de Souza Sampaio
Due to the occurrences in the selected as shown in Figure 6. The x-axis represent the
quadrants and in order to propose days considered in the study and the y-axis
improvements over those occurrences, a data represent the averages of caulking failures by
collection plan based on 40 working days was day.
developed to monitor the daily average of Over the data collection period, 28 days
caulking failure. The monitoring values were presented occurrences that exceeded the limit
collected at the workstation where the plate value of 1.00 occurrences per vehicle and the
joints are caulked and inserted into a table in process oscillation at different amplitudes is
Microsoft Excel® after being registered in the high (Figure 7).
company's official control tool and recorded

Figure 6. Daily average caulks failure

Figure 7. Initial Statistical Data – sample normality test

After the data collection period, the data was deviation values (Figures 7 and 8), besides
statistically interpreted in the MINITAB® knowing the performance indices and process
software to obtain the starting values for capability to subsequently measure process
sample normality, mean and standard improvement.

Figure 8 shows the dispersion of the sampled accordance with what the company
values where the average of occurrences is establishes as ideal with the average value
1.159 occurrences per vehicle, the standard less than 1.00 occurrences per vehicle.
deviation of the process is 0.441 and the first Additionally, the initial results of the process
and third quartiles values are 0.91 and 1.388 capability were obtained as shown in Figure
respectively. The values found are not in 9.

Figure 8. Daily average of caulking failures - dispersion of collected sample values

Figure 9. Initial process capability - caulking failure

The Cp and Cpk, Pp and Ppk indices found The goal for the improvement project was set
indicate that the process has low capability according to the data collection and process
and performance, and their values are below capability scenario mapped. The company's
the established convention of 1.33 for Cpk in aim is to reduce the average occurrence value
automotive industries processes capability. from 1.159 to the 0.91 value found in the first
Evaluation of the index calculation Inability quartile, in order to meet the specification of
process: Cpk <1 Acceptable process: 1 = Cpk = 1.00 occurrence per vehicle established by the
1.33 Capable process: Cpk = 1.33. company. This change means a reduction of
21% in vehicle occurrences.

Hugo O. G. Silva, M. C. M. Costa, M. V. C. Aguilera, M. G. D. Almeida, B. B. Fonseca,

1258 J.S. da Motta Reis, L.C.F.M. Barbosa, G. Santos, N.A. de Souza Sampaio
4. Result and Discussions prioritization of causes, and the established
action plan.
Once we defined the problem to be treated The improvement process started with the
and its current configuration with regard to participation of the process engineering,
incidences and impacts were established, the industrial engineering and Kaizen units of the
quality tools Cause and Effect Diagram, company through a brainstorming meeting to
Ishikawa and Effort vs. Impact Matrix were raise potential causes for the emergence of
used to assist in the search for the origin of the vehicle painting failures.
problem and to organize the solution The ideas of all the collaborators involved
methods, which reflected in positive results were presented in a table so that it was
for the problem to reach the goal of 0.91 possible to apply the Cause and Effect
occurrence per vehicle. Therefore, the Diagram tool (Figure 10). A quality tool
sequence of application of quality tools widely used to manage and control processes,
becomes essential to achieve the objectives of that allows the analysis and identification of
the work, so that the application of one tool the main causes or occurrences of a problem,
triggers the need for the other since the hence providing an overview of the subject
detection of potential causes, the under study (Prashar, 2018).

Figure 10. Cause and effect diagram for caulking failures

Once the cause and effect diagram was Using the Matrix tool (Figure 11) of
structured, a new brainstorming with the Effort/Cost versus Impact, based on the
same team was performed to apply the Effort previous Cause and Effect diagram (Figure
vs. Impact Matrix tool (Figure 11) based on 10) it was found the potential causes related
caulking failures in Figure 10. The team could to the appearance of the caulking failure in the
analyze, vote and select from the potential vehicle that will have more impact and will
causes identified previously the ones that demand less effort and cost, bottom right
influence in a direct manner the product and quadrant. According to matrix results they
then prioritize what emergency action plan are: (01) perform operation with the finger;
will be prepared. This means that the Effort x (03) removing the sealer at the junction of the
Impact Matrix tool helps to narrow down the rear panel with the vehicle roof; (02) lack of
direct causes for optimizing work effort. sealer in the rear panel region with the roof,
(09) lack of pattern.

From the problems that were selected, an tool (Table 1), in order to prioritize the
action plan was developed using the 5W2H probable constrained causes.

Figure 11. Effort/Cost vs. Impact Matrix of potential causes based on Cause and Effect
diagram for caulking failures

Table 1. Action plan based on 5W1H tool

5W 1H
What? Why Where? Who? When? How?
Prevent the
emergence of
Test ½” Request the
failures caused by
brush to Workstation Engineering operator to use
the use of the 12/26/2017
finish off the 5 assistant the tool and
operator’s finger and
sealer. monitor the cab.
excessive removal of
Avoid the
appearance of Request the
Test PU failures caused by operator to use
plate to the use of the Intern 12/27/2019 the plate and
finish. operator's finger and monitor the cab
by the excessive results.
removal of material.
Avoid the
appearance of Request the
Test mastic
failures caused by operator to use
glue on Workstation
the use of the Engineer 12/28/2017 the trowel and
stamping 5
operator's finger and monitor the
by the excessive cabin results.
removal of material.
Apply sealer Avoid lack of sealer Modify sealer
on stamping in specific cab Intern 12/28/2017 application
marks. regions. method.
Avoid operational Instruct the
Implement errors and guide the operator and
Workstation Engineering
new work activity to be 12/29/2017 document the
5 assistant
pattern. performed in the sequence to be
same way. performed.

Hugo O. G. Silva, M. C. M. Costa, M. V. C. Aguilera, M. G. D. Almeida, B. B. Fonseca,

1260 J.S. da Motta Reis, L.C.F.M. Barbosa, G. Santos, N.A. de Souza Sampaio
The application of the tool pointed out that the finishing purpose, in addition to the
root cause of the caulking failure occurrence elaboration of a new work pattern in the
was related to the caulking operation using station, making the operation safer and more
the finger as a way of finishing, which, reliable.
besides being an act that presents risks of After implementing the process improvement
accidents to the operator, had a direct impact solution, satisfactory results were achieved
on service quality due to excessive removal of with the use of the ½” inch brush, and the
material from the application region (Ferreira, process indicators were positively impacted
Santos & Silva, 2019; Bravi, Murmura reaching the quality standards required by the
& Santos, 2019b). company. Table 2 shows short-term
Therefore, the action taken to reduce the operational data collected, as well as the
indicators linked to the occurrence was the statistical results achieved over the long term.
implementation of a ½” inch brush for

Table 2. Short-term results

Total of caulking Average of defective
# Total vehicles Method
failures cabins
I 0 13 0% Brush
II 4 12 33% Finger
III 12 18 67% Finger
IV 2 8 25% Brush
V 0 5 0% Brush
VI 3 13 23% Brush
VII 10 27 37% Finger
VIII 4 13 31% Brush
IX 8 16 50% Finger

Based on the operators’ job rotation, a sample caulking failure after implementation of
was collected to verify the errors related to the improvements lead to better process control
finishing methods and it was concluded that (Figure 14).
the use of the brush reduces the risk of vehicle When discussing the capacity of a process, it
caulking failure. is necessary to analyze the associated Cpk and
To verify the effectiveness of the proposed Cpk indices. The capability of the company’s
action, a statistical survey of the process caulking process has changed since the Cp and
behavior was performed (see Figures 12 and Cpk indices were increased to 0.79 and 0.35,
13) one month after the implementation of the respectively, the process provides greater
new way of doing the activity and new work capacity and performance. However, the
pattern to relate new values obtained to the index values obtained are below the
initial values collected, according to the considered ideal value of 1.33. Therefore, in
results shown below. the case where Cpk < Cp, as presented in this
paper, the process is non-centered. Note that
Therefore, as shown in the final result, it obtained
a higher than expected gain of 32.53%, with the the condition Cpk > Cp is impossible, since the
average below the target value 0.91 being the value of Cp is the maximum capability that a
current average 0.782, also reducing the standard process can present.
deviation of the caulking process by 36.73% from
0.441 to 0.279. Furthermore, the daily averages of

Figure 12. Sample collected and statistical results after the implementation of
improvement actions

Figure 13. Process capability achieved

Figure 14. Daily averages of caulking failures after implementation of improvement actions

Hugo O. G. Silva, M. C. M. Costa, M. V. C. Aguilera, M. G. D. Almeida, B. B. Fonseca,

1262 J.S. da Motta Reis, L.C.F.M. Barbosa, G. Santos, N.A. de Souza Sampaio
The Cp compares the specified tolerance with important to constantly check any change in
the potential variation of the process and the process that may modify the operations
describes the relationship between the space performed. In addition, the company should
available for variation according to the consider changes in the product, enabling
specifications and the space occupied by the process improvements and acquire new tools
process variation. The Cpk performance index, and devices to data and personnel involved
which takes into account the distance from the are always up to date.
process average in relation to the
specification limits. When the process 5. Conclusion
operates centered on the nominal (target of
the specification), the two indexes (Cp and According to the results obtained in this study
Cpk) will have the same value, or very close it can be concluded that the increased of the
values. As the average of the process deviates Cp and Cpk indices in the caulking process
from the nominal, the Cpk becomes smaller capability provided a better capacity and
than the Cp (Liu & Li, 2020; Weusten & performance, despite the index values were
Tummers, 2017; Wu, Lee, & Chang Chien, lower than the ideal values.
One alternative that the company can apply to
The interpretation of Cp and Cpk values achieve higher Cp and Cpk values is to use the
depends on whether the process is under or average and amplitude control charts to detect
out of statistical control, so if the process is variability in both indices. Thus, the average
under control, the Cp and Cpk represent the is taken to the center, which results in greater
real capacity of the process - how it has process capability.
behaved in the past and what is expected that
The study points to the need for consistency
you continue to do in the future. If the process
of work in search of higher indexes and,
is unpredictable - or out of control - Cp and
consequently, greater capability of the
Cpk are not representative, thus, the proximity
caulking process. Caulking is a critical step in
between the values of Cp and Cpk
vehicle painting and has a direct impact on the
characterizes a process that is being operated
end customer of the product. As a manual
consistently over time. When these two
process that requires attention, the caulking
indices differ substantially, you can be sure
process requires skill and dexterity from the
that the process is being operated in an
operator; the proposed actions resulted in
unpredictable manner.
improvement of vehicle production and better
Montgomery (2017) defines the process is conditions for operators with the simple
incapable when Cp <1, which is the case of the implementation of a new brush, which made
process studied in this work, and during the the operation safer and more reliable.
same discussion there was a need for higher
This study was limited to conduct a data
levels of caulking of the paint, which did not
collection and analysis using statistical
occur fully but aroused the need to use
process control tools not considering aspects
medium and amplitude control graphics to
such as the moment when the failure occurs
improve the capacity of the process.
during the work shift, the operator's
Another important aspect was the experience time and the production demand.
implementation of a new way of performing Future research could, for instance,
the activity. This change had a positive considered such aspects, which will
impact on the painting process with a contribute to understand the process in
reduction in the risk of vehicle caulking detailed in order to develop improvement
failure and reduction in the risk of accident. actions to the identified failures including the
However, as pointed out by Fin et al. (2017), different elements of the system.
to maintain the work standardized, it is

Acknowledgment: This study was funded in de Pessoal de Nível Superior - Brazil
part by the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento (CAPES).


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Hugo de Oliveira Mariana Cristina Maria Victoria
Guimarães da Silva Magalhães Costa Cabrera Aguilera
Universidade do Estado do Rio Universidade do Estado do Rio Universidade do Estado do
de Janeiro, de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro,
Resende, Resende, Resende,
Brazil Brazil Brazil
hugo.osilva@hotmail.com marianacmcosta@hotmail.com mvca85@gmail.com

Maria da Glória Diniz de Bernardo Bastos da José Salvador da Motta

Almeida Fonseca Reis
Universidade do Estado do Rio Universidade do Estado do Rio Universidade Estadual
de Janeiro, de Janeiro, Paulista,
Resende, Resende, Guaratnguetá,
Brazil Brazil Brazil
gloria_uerj@yahoo.com.br bernardobastosf@gmail.com jmottareis@gmail.com

Luís César Ferreira Motta Gilberto Santos Nilo Antonio de Souza

Barbosa ESD - Polytechnic Institute of Sampaio
Centro Federal de Educação Cavado and Ave, Universidade do Estado do
Tecnológica Celso Suckow da Barcelos, Rio de Janeiro,
Fonseca, Portugal Resende,
Rio de Janeiro, gsantos@ipca.pt Brazil
Brazil nilo.samp@terra.com.br

Hugo O. G. Silva, M. C. M. Costa, M. V. C. Aguilera, M. G. D. Almeida, B. B. Fonseca,

1268 J.S. da Motta Reis, L.C.F.M. Barbosa, G. Santos, N.A. de Souza Sampaio

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