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Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy

Transactions of the Institutions of Mining and Metallurgy: Section C

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Characterisation of copper slag in view of metal


X. Wang, D. Geysen, S. V. Padilla Tinoco, N. D'Hoker, T. Van Gerven & B.


To cite this article: X. Wang, D. Geysen, S. V. Padilla Tinoco, N. D'Hoker, T. Van Gerven & B.
Blanpain (2015) Characterisation of copper slag in view of metal recovery, Mineral Processing and
Extractive Metallurgy, 124:2, 83-87, DOI: 10.1179/1743285515Y.0000000004

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Characterisation of copper slag in view
of metal recovery
X. Wang*1,2, D. Geysen1, S. V. Padilla Tinoco1, N. D’Hoker2, T. Van Gerven2 and
B. Blanpain1
In this study, the copper bearing particle of a fayalitic copper slag was assessed using
quantitative evaluation of minerals by scanning electron microscopy (QEMSCAN) and X-ray
computed tomography (CT). The copper content of the slag was ,0?87 wt-%. Copper in this slag
was present as sulphidic droplets. The content and particle size distribution of the major sulphide
phases (bornite, chalcopyrite and chalcocite/digenite) were quantified using QEMSCAN. The
copper bearing particles had a wide particle size distribution from a few micrometres up to
millimetre level. Large copper bearing particles (.100 mm) were composed mainly of bornite and
chalcocite/digenite and tended to accumulate in the lower part of the slag layer. As characterised
with CT, ,70% of the copper value was present in these large copper bearing particles.
Keywords: Copper slag, Characterisation, QEMSCAN, Copper sulphides, Particle size distribution, CT

Introduction non-destructive characterisation technology, which can

provide direct volumetric data acquisition and quantitative
Metal slags generated from metallurgical processes are a analysis in three dimensions (3D) with a reasonably short
group of promising recyclable sources of metal. Each year, analysis time and limited sample preparation
a large amount of copper slag is produced worldwide. (Jan D. Miller and Lin, 2004). CT scanning has been
Copper slag usually contains a certain quantity of valuable applied to characterise different properties of rocks and
metals, such as copper, nickel, cobalt and iron (Gorai et al., ores (J. D. Miller et al., 2003, Remeysen, 2006, Ghorbani
2003). Therefore, it can be treated as a secondary resource et al., 2011). CT scanning and QEMSCAN are powerful
for metal extraction rather than as a waste. Numerous characterisation tools that have not yet been applied in the
studies have been carried out on metal recovery from study of copper slag. In this work, the species and distri-
copper slag using hydro- and/or pyrometallurgical bution of copper bearing phases were characterised
methods (Altundogan et al., 2004, Banza et al., 2002, through QEMSCAN. In addition, the distribution of
González et al., 2005, Das et al., 2010, Kucharski et al., copper bearing grains was studied through CT scanning.
2014, Yang et al., 2014, Heo et al., 2014). Once the mineralogy and distribution of copper bearing
Characterisation of feed material to determine the particles are understood, the suitable slag processing
expected concentrate grade and metal recovery is essential techniques and conditions can be designed in view of
for the design of separation flow sheets and achieving copper recovery.
sustainable development in the utilisation of resources
(Jan D. Miller et al., 2009). Extensive research has been
performed to characterise copper slags in view of metal
recovery through various techniques (Li et al., 2009, Das
et al., 2010, Cardona et al., 2011). For the sake of metal The copper slag was generated by the El Teniente pro-
recovery, the mineralogy and particle size of metal phases cess and cooled in the ambient air. It was received as
are the key metallurgical parameters. Quantification of fragments with a size from *100 mm up to 7 cm.
minerals can be performed by quantitative evaluation of In preparation of chemical and mineralogical analysis,
minerals by scanning electron microscopy (QEMSCAN). the slag was crushed down to 5–10 mm with a jaw
It is an automated image analysis system using back- crusher. Further milling was performed with a tungsten
scattered electron (BSE) and energy dispersive X-ray carbide ring mill and a McCrone micronising mill down
(EDX) signals from a scanning electron microscope to v10 mm. The overall chemical composition of the
(SEM). QEMSCAN has been widely applied in the study of slag was determined with X-ray fluorescence (XRF,
mineral properties (Pascoe et al., 2007, Liu et al., 2005, Philips PW 2400) and inductively coupled plasma mass
Matjie et al., 2011). X-ray computed tomography (CT) is a spectroscopy (ICP-MS, Thermo Elemental type X
Series). The mineralogical composition of the slag was
characterised with X-ray diffraction (XRD, Siemens
Department of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering, KU Leuven, D500). The quantification of phases was carried out with
Leuven, Belgium Rietveld refinement (Mertens, 2009). The microstructure
Department of Chemical Engineering, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium of the slag was characterised with SEM (Philips XL30
*Corresponding author, email FEG, coupled with EDX detector).

Ñ 2015 Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining and The AusIMM

Published by Maney on behalf of the Institute and The AusIMM
Received 22 May 2014; accepted 21 March 2015 Mineral Processing and Extractive
DOI 10.1179/1743285515Y.0000000004 Metallurgy (Trans. Inst. Min. Metall. C) 2015 VOL 124 NO 2 83
Wang et al. Copper slag in view of metal recovery

The distribution and portion of copper bearing phases sulphide particles were located in the lower part of the
were obtained through QEMSCAN. The distribution of slag layer. This may be due to the long solidification time
copper sulphide particles in the horizontal direction of a of the thick slag layer, which allowed the sedimentation
slag layer is rather homogenous and can therefore be and accumulation of copper sulphide particles in the
considered to be randomly dispersed. A piece of slag, lower part of the slag layer, while the upper part of the
representing the structure of the whole slag layer, was slag layer was more quickly cooled by air.
cut through the vertical direction of the slag layer. The
cross-section was then polished and coated with carbon Chemical composition
for QEMSCAN measurement. The scanning area The chemical composition of the slag is presented in
was *5|50 mm, and the resolution was 1 mm2 per pixel Table 1. The most abundant elements in the slag were
for a total measurement time of *2 h. In total, iron (*42 wt-%) and silicon (*14 wt-%). This was in
14 064 copper sulphide particles were analysed. The line with the fayalitic nature of the copper slag. The
detection limit in this scan is generally 1–3 wt-%. The concentration of copper was close to 0?9 wt-%,
two-dimensional (2D) particle size distribution obtained which is higher than that of certain copper ores
by QEMSCAN was transferred into a 3D particle size (Davenport et al., 2002).
through the stereological programme CSDCorrections
1?40 (Higgins, 2000). The distribution of copper bearing Mineralogical composition
particles inside the identical slag piece applied in The XRD pattern of the copper slag is shown in Fig. 2.
QEMSCAN scanning was characterised with The calculated quantitative XRD results are listed in
CT (GE Nanotom). The sample, a cylinder with 5 mm Table 2.
diameter and length of 5 cm, was prepared for Fayalite was the major crystalline mineral present in
CT scanning by cutting through the vertical direction of the slag taking up to 52 wt-% of the system. Besides
the slag layer (*5 cm thick). Nine sections (each fayalite, 13 wt-% magnetite was present due to the
*5 mm in length) were scanned from the top to the overoxidation of iron oxide (Jalkanen et al., 2003). The
bottom of the cylinder. Voxel size of 2|2|2 mm3 was large amorphous phase content (35 wt-%) suggested that
acquired, and 830 024 copper bearing particles were the slag had undergone a relatively fast cooling process
analysed in total. The scanning images were reconstructed and/or had relatively high silica content.
with phoenix datos|x (GE Measurement & Control) Figure 3 shows the microstructure of the slag. Faya-
and analysed through CT-Analyser (SkyScan). As most lite, magnetite (spinel), copper sulphides and glassy
of the copper bearing particles are in a droplet form, phase could be distinguished. The copper sulphide
it is a reasonable assumption that the shape of copper phases existed as spherical particles with diverse particle
bearing particles will be spherical. With this assumption, sizes (from a few micrometres to several hundred
the relevant particle size (diameter) of individual micrometres). All the copper bearing phases observed
particles can be calculated from the volume results. were sulphides, having an overall Cu–Fe–S composition.
However, the Cu–Fe–S stoichiometry varied among the
Results and discussion copper bearing particles. No metallic copper was
observed in the slag.
Morphology As shown in Fig. 3, different crystal shapes could be
The cross-sections representing the internal structure are observed within the same slag fragment, which may be
shown in Fig. 1. Large copper sulphide particles (shiny caused by the change in cooling rate at different
droplets) as well as pores and cracks could be observed. positions. In the part close to the top of the slag layer
The size of the copper sulphide particles in the slag (Fig. 3b), the liquid slag was in direct contact with the
varied from a few micrometres (observed by SEM) up to air. As a result, the cooling rate in this part was higher.
the millimetre level. The majority of the large copper Skeletal/dendritic fayalite crystals coexisted with fine
magnetite, and copper sulphide particles could form
during the solidification. The solidified slag might act as
an insulator and slow down the cooling of the middle
and bottom part of the slag layer (Fig. 3a) (Pandelaers,
2011). Hence, the slag in these parts could develop into
larger grains.

Mineral phase distribution

Detailed study of the distribution of copper bearing
phases was carried out using a QEMSCAN system.
As shown in Table 3, bornite was the most abundant
copper sulphide phase, followed by chalcopyrite and
chalcocite/digenite. Trace concentrations of idaite
(Cu5FeS6) were also found.
2D grain size analysis was performed to determine the
size distribution of the various copper bearing grains.
Figure 4 was compiled from data obtained across the
entire scanned surface of the sample (5 mm|45 mm).
Only bornite and chalcocite/digenite occurred in grain
sizes of w20 mm, while chalcopyrite only appeared in
1 Cross-section of fragmented slag grain sizes v20 mm. Chalcocite/digenite had a roughly

84 Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy (Trans. Inst. Min. Metall. C) 2015 VOL 124 NO 2
Wang et al. Copper slag in view of metal recovery

Table 1 Chemical composition of copper slag

Major element Concentration/wt-% Standard deviation Trace element Concentration/ppm Standard deviation

Al 1.5 ,0.1 As 238 1

Cu 0.87 0.02 Ba 116 4
Fe 42 3 Ca 480 80
K 0.88 0.01 Cl* 600 300
Mg 0.56 ,0.01 Co 160 10
Na 0.28 0.02 Cr 71 2
Mo 0.12 ,0.01 Mn 162 5
S* 0.43 ,0.01 Sr 76 ,1
Si* 13.6 0.3 Ni 45 6
Ti 0.37 ,0.01 Pb 340 20
Zn 0.20 ,0.01 Sb 254 7
O{ 39 n.a. Sr 76 ,1
V 55 4
W 93 6

* XRF data.
{ Calculated based on the listed data; all others by ICP-MS.
The standard deviation was calculated with three replicates. n.a., not analysed.

2 XRD pattern of copper slag: F, fayalite; S, spinel (magnetite); Z, zincite (internal standard)

Table 2 Quantitative XRD results of slag sample

The volume of copper bearing particles in nine sections,
from top to bottom, is illustrated in Fig. 6, where
Mineral Chemical formula Concentration/wt-% the ‘top’ means the surface of the slag layer and the
‘bottom’ means the base of the slag layer. As can be
Fayalite Fe2SiO4 52 observed, *60 vol.-% of copper bearing particles accu-
Magnetite Fe3O4 13 mulated in the lower (depth w50%) part of the slag
Glassy phase 35
layer. The section near the bottom (depth between 80
and 90%), illustrated as point B in Fig. 6, contained
bimodal size distribution, with a significant percentage w25 vol.-% of the copper sulphides, while the part close
of grains in size ranges w40 mm. to the top (depth between 20 and 30%), illustrated as
However, the grain size here only refers to the size of point A in the figure, contained only *8 vol.-% of the
the individual copper sulphide mineral grain. The copper copper sulphides. As can be concluded, large particles
bearing particles, especially large particles (w100 mm), tended to accumulate in the lower part of the slag layer.
were aggregates of various copper sulphides in most
cases. Hence, a copper bearing particle could be several Comparison of QEMSCAN and CT data
times larger than a copper sulphide grain. Chalcocite/
The cumulative copper sulphide volume distributions
digenite and bornite were the major components of large
versus particle size of the whole cross-section, obtained
copper bearing particles and were, therefore, potentially
through different methods, are plotted in Fig. 7. In the 3D
easier to be liberated. Chalcopyrite, on the other hand,
data obtained through CT scanning, *70% of the total
was randomly distributed in the slag samples as fine
copper sulphides appeared in particles with sizes w100 mm.
grains. Figure 5 demonstrates a typical aggregate copper
Extra-large copper sulphide particles (w300 mm) could
bearing particle with complex texture.
also be observed. The data directly obtained from QEM-
SCAN, which is a 2D means, show different results. In this
Particle size distribution case, only *32% of the copper sulphides appeared in
The particle size distribution of copper bearing particles, particles with size w100 mm and no extra-large particle
in the identical slag piece applied in QEMSCAN could be observed. After 3D transformation of QEM-
characterization, was studied through CT scanning. SCAN data, the obtained curve (with triangle dots) fits the

Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy (Trans. Inst. Min. Metall. C) 2015 VOL 124 NO 2 85
Wang et al. Copper slag in view of metal recovery

3 SEM-BSE image of copper slag: F, fayalite; S, magnetite (spinel); G, glass; C, copper sulphides; P, pores (Wang et al., 2011)

Table 3 Volume abundance of copper bearing phases in


Mineral Chemical formula vol.-%

Bornite Cu5FeS4 0.23

Chalcocite/digenite Cu2S/Cu9S5 0.14
Chalcopyrite CuFeS2 0.27
Idaite Cu5FeS6 0.01
Copper bearing 0.65
phases in total
Other phases in slag 99.35 5 Large aggregate copper bearing particle composed of
various copper sulphides

6 Copper sulphide volume distribution along depth of slag

layer: (A) section near top of slag layer; (B) section near
bottom of slag layer

4 Copper sulphide grain size distribution (2D) CT scanning, QEMSCAN data, in this case, under-
estimated the volume and size of the large copper bearing
particles. Relative accurate size distribution could only be
CT scanning curve relatively well v200 mm. However, the obtained through calculations based on numerous 2D
curve deviates from the CT scanning data in the larger intersection scans, which require enormous time and
particle size range (w200 mm). This deviation may be due sample reparation steps, while 3D scanning can provide the
to the ‘section size’ nature of the QEMSCAN data. Large accurate particle size distribution of the sample through
particles have a larger diameter, and therefore a greater only one scan.
probability of intersection with the sample plane (Peterson, The integration of QEMSCAN and CT scanning can
1996). The particle sizes deduced from other intersection provide the mineralogy and particle size distribution
planes are not an accurate representation of the true par- respectively, which are crucial metallurgical factors for
ticle size as they tend to be smaller, even after stereological the recovery of copper from slag. The optimum grinding
transformation. Hence, compared to the data from size should be set according to the size distribution of the

86 Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy (Trans. Inst. Min. Metall. C) 2015 VOL 124 NO 2
Wang et al. Copper slag in view of metal recovery

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Acknowledgements Remeysen, K. 2006. Combination of medical computed tomography
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We are grateful to Mr Matthew D. Dye and
characterization. PhD thesis, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven,
Dr Katharina Pfaff for the QEMSCAN analysis Leuven, Belgium.
performed in Colorado School of Mines, and Dr Greet Wang, X., Daneel, G., Padilla Tinoco, S. V., Sun, Z., Jones, P. T.,
Kerckhofs and the Materials Performance and Van Gerven, T. and Blanpain, B. 2011. Characterization of
Non-destructive Testing research group (MTM, copper slag in the view of copper beneficiation. Proc. Copper
Metallurgy, Krakow.
K.U.Leuven) for providing the CT scanning device and Yang, Z., Lin, Q., Lu, S., He, Y., Liao, G. and Ke, Y. 2014. Effect of
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Machiels is also acknowledged. ceramics from copper slag, Ceram. Int., 40, 7297–7305.

Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy (Trans. Inst. Min. Metall. C) 2015 VOL 124 NO 2 87

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