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Part 1
Develop our understanding of what is meant by a Personal Brand
Identify some of the criteria that can be used to develop and evaluate an effective
Personal Brand
Undertake a range of activities that will enable us to reflect upon and receive
feedback about our current Personal Brand
Work to understand the importance of an effective Personal Brand in terms of
Employability and Employment effectiveness
Support sessions will be organized to assist in the analysis of your PB

Section / Title Details / Guidance Words

Title page Title of your report. Address (to/from) and date the report.
Contents Page With page numbers
Introduction Short introduction to the report setting out its aims and 50
objectives, what it will cover and why.
1. Structure of a What is a personal brand statement? What makes a strong 500
personal brand statement personal brand? Features of a personal brand statement and
the process.
2. Reflections on my Why a personal brand is important. Clearly evaluate 500
Personal Brand feedback; Demonstrate changes and considerations made in
the process of developing your own personal brand
3. Use of Literature A wide range of literature is taken from reliable sources to 300
understand how to create an effective personal brand and to
create an effective personal brand
My Personal Brand Justified new personal brand statement 100
Conclusions This section should initially summarize the assessment 100
analysis and identify professional progression paths.
Bibliography &Reference A list of all sources cited directly in the text. Harvard style
Appendices Relevant supporting material
2. Part 2
Use the portfolio of assessment 1 (mid-term test) as the basis to develop a Personal
Development plan and commentary (3,000 words) which clearly demonstrates how your
future actions are linked to the gaps, theoretical and personal, identified in the gap
Evaluate the current developments in recruitment and the requirements for
successful employability. This includes how you can utilise feedback from telephone,
video and one to one interview and pitch competition activities to make timely and
successful applications for real employment opportunities.
Via a reflective review of your learning experiences, and a critical evaluation of
your strengths and weaknesses, construct an achievable personal development plan to
address knowledge and personal attribute gaps within your remaining study time before
--------------------------------------End of test--------------------------------------
Note: - This paper contains 01 (one) page.
- Students are allowed to use materials during the examination.
- Invigilators shall not provide further explanation.
- Good luck!

Hướng dẫn làm bài luận:

Your personal brand:
Giải thích personal brand của mình, tại sao chọn, kể 1 câu chuyện hoài bão là
tôi giỏi ở điểm nào và dựa trên mô hình Akigai hoặc MIBT đều đc thì tôi mơ ước
công việc này và có công ty A,B,C sau đây với mức lương là, mô tả công việc là,
đặc điểm là…
Đã là personal brand thì phải có passion, có đam mê running 1 business riêng
dạy tiếng Anh với trẻ em…giúp cho họ (Ví dụ)
1 bài luận có một câu chuyện make sence,…Nhưng tìm kiếm công ty bằng
cách nào, dựa vào corevalue cùa mình,….
Hoặc đi theo hướng company check list liệt kê đc những gì công ty cần =>
suy ra đc mình có phù hợp hay không
Top level high
2. Reflection: bản chất vấn đề => biện pháp reflection
1 số mô hình lý thuyết của reflection:
Ngoài ra có action plan để phát triển kế hoạch hành động trong tương lai và
xử lí những vấn đề để phát triển bản thân.

Mô hình gốc gồm 6 bước, còn điều chỉnh là 4 bước nhưng nên sử dụng mô
hình gốc:

The benefits of having a strong brand are tremendous. Strong brands charge
premium pricing. They thrive during economic downturns. They attract
valuable employees, business partners and customers. And they can branch
out to thrive in new business areas with ease. Every company, product, city
and person can reap these benefits when they focus on uncovering, building
and expanding their brands. The characteristics that define a strong brand all
begin with the letter C.
When building and nurturing a strong personal brand, you have a lot more to
think about than these ten C’s, but no brand is truly powerful unless it aces the
Ten C Test.

As you think about growing your brand and your career success, ask yourself if
you exhibit all ten C’s. Are you:

1. Competent

All brands begin with competence. It’s a rational brand attribute because
brands that are rooted in false promises will fail. Your competencies are the
table stakes that get you into the game. You aren't going to get too far with
branding if you can’t tick the box next to all the skills required to do your job.
Brands aren’t built around ineptitude. Start with meeting the minimum
eligibility requirements for your role—and for the role you seek to have next.

2. Clear

Strong brands are clear about who they are and who they are not. They
have uncovered the six drivers of their personal brand and understand their
unique promise of value. This promise sets them apart from their peers or
competitors. Clarity differentiates them and allows them to attract and build
loyalty among a desirable set of internal or external clients.

3. Credible

Not only do your competencies need to be solid, you need to be believable.

While competence comes from the inside—your ability to make things happen
—credibility often derives from others’ impressions of you. When you have a
chorus of peers, clients, and others singing your praises, you grow your
credibility quotient. Of course, proof of your accomplishments also
contributes to your credibility. Establishing credibility through your actions,
words and expertise is essential for building a strong personal brand.


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4. Consistent

Strong personal brands are also consistent. They are always who they say they
are in all that they do. Consistently presenting and expressing your personal
brand reinforces your brand message and helps you build trust and credibility
with the people you hope to influence.

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5. Constant

Strong brands are constant—always visible and available to their customers

and prospects. They don't go into hiding. When you think about one of the
world’s strongest brands, Coca-Cola, the entire planet is the target market.
That is why you can't make it through a day without being exposed to the
brand’s bright red color or familiar script logo. Chances are, your brand's
target market is a lot smaller than Coke's. Phew! That will make it more
manageable for you to remain constantly visible to your target audience.



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6. Compelling

A strong brand is appropriate for—and interesting to—its target audience. It is

relevant. It knows who to focus on and what that audience is passionate about,
and how to get that audience to feel passionate about what the brand has to
offer. You need to build excitement and enthusiasm for your offerings with the
right decision makers.

7. Connected

Relationships are the currency of business, and building and nurturing

relationships is essential for having a strong personal brand. This means
having a network of partners, colleagues and clients. It also means developing
affiliations that reinforce your brand. And it means building relationships with
people outside your area of expertise, diversifying your network so you can be
open to opportunities you don’t even know exist.

8. Committed
Branding is not a one-time event; it's not about fads. A strong brand is in it for
the long haul, built steadily over time with a steadfast commitment to
pursuing a defined purpose. Dorie Clark in her bestselling book The Long
Game put it this way: “True networking is not about trying to get something as
fast as you can. When we set out to make friends and build relationships,
rather than to simply get something, it feels entirely different.”

9. Confident

Confidence is attractive, and it’s an attribute of all strong brands. Strong

brands are not wishy-washy. They make decisions with conviction and are
willing to deal with the consequences of that. They have a vision and believe
that the vision can become reality. Showing confidence in your personal brand
can help you to inspire trust and credibility in others. Just don’t overdo it. Too
much confidence becomes arrogance, and that won’t build your fan club.

10. Current

Strong brands are based in today, with room to evolve for tomorrow. Although
grounded in authenticity, there is an important aspirational element to
branding. You must remain relevant to your target audience while becoming
relevant to new audiences. Everything around us changes, but you pursue your
goals with persistence, in support of your life purpose. Strong brands don’t
stay stuck in the past.

11. Bonus! Courageous

In a world that praises conformity, it takes courage to stand out by truly being
yourself— always without fear or excuses. Personal branding is all about
standing out authentically, and it can be challenging to do in the face of
criticism or adversity. Having courage will make each of the 10 C’s achievable.
How does your brand stack up?

William Arruda is a keynote speaker, co-founder of CareerBlast.TV and co-

creator of the Personal Brand Power Audit - a complimentary quiz that
helps you measure the strength of personal brand.

Follow me on LinkedIn. Check out my website.

The reflective cycle:

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