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1. A) Describe each machine. Who uses it? What is it used for?

1. The Car: The car is used by people. The car is used to transport
people from one place to another. Cars are also used to transport
goods. There are many different types of cars and they are used
for different purposes.

2. The Airplane: The airplane is used by people. The airplane is

used to transport people and goods from different places or
different countries. This allows people to reach places that cars
cannot go.

3. The Bicycle: The bicycle is used by adults and children. The

bicycle is used by some adults to transport them to different
places, also to transport goods. The bicycle is also used for
exercise. Children uses the bicycle for riding and enjoyment.

4. The Rocket. The rocket is used by NASA. NASA stands for

National Aeronautics and Space Administration. NASA uses
rockets to launch satellites into space.

b) Which of these machines do you think has made the greatest

difference to our lives? Why?
I would say the car has made the greatest difference in our lives. My
reasons for this are: Cars are easily access, you can get a car very easy.
When you have a car you can travel anywhere you want at your own
time. Cars can provide jobs for people like a taxi driver. Cars can be used
to transport goods and services for people.
2. Choose an important invention. Find out about it and present it
to your class.
a) Find out more about this invention. Make questions to guide
your research, example: Who invented it? When? How is it
b) Make notes for your presentation. Include a picture or a
diagram of the invention.
c) Give your presentation to your class.

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