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Student Employee Handbook

Sodexo at Drake University Quad Creek Cafe

Table of Contents Chain of Command - Page 2 Time, Attendance & Schedules Page 2 Uniforms and Appearance Page 2 Customer Service Page 3 Working a Station Page 3 Teamwork Page 4 Policies Page 4-5 Other Things of Note Page 6 Signoffs to Return to Manager Page 7 on

CHAIN OF COMMAND: General Manager Dannie Crozier Dannie is in charge of all of Sodexos food operations, client relations and corporate communication here at Drake

Director of Operations Vince Lovan Vince oversees the daily operation of all food operations for Dannie. Executive Chef Shailendra Rae Responsible for all food that comes out of a Sodexo at Drake kitchen Quad Creek Caf / Hubbell Dining Manager Joseph Luing Oversees ordering, schedules, normal operations of Quad Creek Caf first line of contact for employees in QCC. Cell: 515.208.8974 Email: TIME AND ATTENDANCE:
It is important to be on time. This makes a shift run smoother and makes you look more professional. The current time clock is set to allow a 3 minute differential. That means that you may clock in 3 minutes early and up to 3 minutes late. If you have past the time frame for regular clock in, a supervisor or manager is required to override the system and clock you in. Other advantages to being on time: -youll make more money -your co-workers will be happy -believe it or not, but your learning responsibility! As for attendance, there is a policy in place for substitutes on shifts. This will be explained in detail under the policy section. As will calling in if sick.


The specific uniform for QCC include the following: dark (preferably black) pants (that means no capris, shorts, or skirts) Sodexo logo blue polo (On Rack Outside Joes Office) beanie (issued to you on your first day) Thermometer (issued to you on your first day) Nametag (issued to you on your first day) No skid shoe liner (In Dishroom)

everything except the pants will be provided to you. After the end of your shift it is your responsibility to dispose of the soiled laundry into the proper bins found by the locker rooms where you change. As for appearance, hygiene is a must since employees come in contact with products that costumers consume. That means: hair should always be tied back no jewelry (ex: rings, earrings, watches, bracelets, etc.) shoes must be closed healed (no sandals) Changing of clothes into uniform is to be done before you clock in. You can use the locker room downstairs and the table / coat rack outside of the locker room to store your personal items. Objects such as backpacks, coats, etc. do not go in the kitchen or anywhere upstairs.

Serving the customers is the number 1 priority here. Remember, they are the reason we have jobs! So follow these guidelines and you will become a master at excellent customer service: Be ready to serve the customer at all times Smile and greet the customer Give them prompt, courteous service Be sure to give them correct change and thank them The largest part of RETAIL is the customer experience! That means no cell phones at all. Seriously.

Using the proper utensils and portions Using only steel pans, Plan o gram if applicable Neat layout of food in pans (look at the station from customers point of view) No junk on shelves; gloves, plastic wrap stored out of view of customer Glass, cooler doors, sign holder and silverware rack(s), floor, walls clean Plates, Silverware stocked Sanitizer bucket, FMS HACCP Logs in place Cooler Logs done Food prepped for batch cooking Cart(s) at station cleaned very well

All backup in coolers on station stored properly (orderly and labeled) Garbage can ready Clean, clean, oh, and clean Following specs in the QCC manual

Naturally good teamwork is necessary in order to work smoothly. Along with having good people skills, employees must be able to work all parts of the kitchen. During a shift, workers jump from place to place depending upon where they are needed.

*finding a substitute / illness If you know of an absence in advance, it is your responsibility to find coverage for that shift. To start the process, email the student manager/cc: manager with your name, the date and time of the upcoming shift. The info will be sent for other workers to see and hopefully coverage will be found. In the event that there is no coverage, it is your shift, and you must work it. Under certain circumstances, permission from a manager or the supervisor may be given to miss a shift such as family emergencies, illness, etc. For illness call in please call 515.271.2777 and the QCC Manager Cell. *homework Absolutely no homework is allowed. Although some of you may be working under work study it is not study at work. This is because at work, the attention must be placed on either maintaining cleanliness, or serving customers. So, absolutely no homework, or other forms of entertainment. That includes cell phones, newspapers, electronic devices (ipods) etc. *dirty laundry Shirts that are discarded after a shift must be placed in the bin by the locker room downstairs. Any person found leaving aprons or shirts in corners, shelves, etc. will be spoken to by the manager. It is not hygienic to leave dirty laundry next to stored food, so be courteous and bring them to the appropriate dirty bins downstairs. *storage of personal items Purses, backpacks, and clothing are to be left in the locker rooms downstairs during your shift. Please do not bring items upstairs Hubbell with you while working, because it clutters the shelves and floor and creates a hazardous working environment. 4

*eating and drinking Eating is not allowed on the line. Employees wishing to eat may do so on breaks. Drinking is to be done off the line so that customers will not see you. Never let a customer see you consume any food or drink since it looks unprofessional. You are allowed a meal while on break. All packaged foods and beverages are off limits and no food leaves without payment.


*keep busy!!! There are always things to be done in the shop customers are not around. Please restock the condiments, lids, and wipe counters when there is a slow period. Also, make sure that trashes are not full, and tidy up or stock anything inside the kitchen that looks like it might need to be refilled before the next rush. Making sure these things are done will ensure a smooth run when the next rush of customers hits. *safe food handling Follow these simple steps and this will guarantee excellent customer service: Monitor expiration dates. Dispose of all products once they have reached the expiration date. Monitor refrigeration temperatures. They should not exceed 40F, and if they do, notify the lead or supervisor immediately. Keep floors clean and clear Use care with equipment and do not use equipment you have not been trained on Use FIFO: First In First Out product rotation. (this keeps us from wasting products) Keep chemicals away from food (ex. Sanitizer) Use proper PPE Also refer to safety signoff for student and temporary labor (signed on your first day of work)

Please read sign and return page 7 and all pages afterward which includes: -Page 7 Acknowledgement of Student Handbook -Food Safety for Temporary Labor (once reviewed on First day of work) -Student Orientation Checklist (once reviewed on First day of work) -Uniform Issue Sheet (once items are received on First day of work)

I have read the Student Handbook for Sodexo at Drake Quad Creek Cafe and by signing acknowledge that I will comply with the standards set in it. Name(print)________________________ Signature________________________ Date______________________ 6

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