Pak Afghan Reltions

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Assad Ullah

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Submitted to
Dr. Irum Khalid

Department of political science, university of the Punjab, Lahore

Pakistan relation with Afghanistan under Taliban regime since 2021____2024.

Challenges and opportunities for Pakistan
 Introduction
 Research Questions
 Question: What are the primary challenges and opportunities that Pakistan
has encountered in its relationship with Afghanistan under the Taliban
regime from 2021 to 2024?
 Conclusion

Pakistan and Afghanistan map

The rise of the Taliban in Afghanistan is both good and bad for
Pakistan. It could bring many social, political, and economic benefits, but it could
also cause serious problems. Everything depends on whether Afghanistan can
achieve political peace and stability.

Major Challenges Pakistan faced:

 Security concerns
After the fall of Kabul, Pakistan faced significant security threats from Afghanistan side.
Different militant groups like TTP, TJP are actively targeted civilian and military troops
in the Northwest former FATA and Balochistan. The return of Taliban in Afganistan, the
militant activities in Pakistan increasing significantly. According to AL Jazeera (2024),
TTP terror activities were 14%, 25%, 36%, 45%, in 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 respectively.
TTP demanding from Pakistan to reversal former FATA from KPK and they establish the
Islamic system in FATA like in Afghanistan while rejected their demand. BBC (2022),
many militant groups in former FATA like TJP to joined officially TTP against anti
Pakistan sentiment. According to GDISPR in the recent press talk he said that TTP
actively involved in 574 terror incidents since 2021 to 2024 in which approximately more
than 1000 casualties and more 15 hundred are injured.

TTP militant group TTP attacks record

 Cross boarder terrorism

Boarder terrorism is also a serious threat to internal security of Pakistan and it can
affect the border trade activities.

 Influx of refugees
Political instability and conflict in Afghanistan created another major challenge for
Pakistan as Pakistan supporting Afghan Refugees from last 20 years which create burden
on Pakistan economic system and the illegal refugees are also involved in anti Pakistan
sentiment. Federal government decided in 2023 to deport undocumented refugees from
Pakistan. Former interior minister of Pakistan (2023).

 Durand line issue

Durand line issue was an international agreement signed in 1893 between the British and
the government of Afghan under Abdur Rehman Khan. Although the Durand Line is
internationally recognized as the western border of Pakistan, it remains largely
unrecognized in Afghanistan.
Historically different regimes and the current regime of Taliban are not ready to
acknowledge the Durand line agreement.

 Impacts of ban on women education in Afghanistan on Pakistan

The ban on women's education in Afghanistan, imposed by the Taliban, has significant
repercussions for neighboring Pakistan, primarily through increased refugee influx,
heightened security concerns, and strained diplomatic relations. First, the influx of
Afghan refugees, particularly uneducated women and children, will strain Pakistan's
resources, labor market, and social services, overwhelming healthcare and educational
systems. Second, the situation may embolden extremist elements within Pakistan, raising
security concerns and the risk of cross-border terrorism. Third, diplomatic relations
between Pakistan and Afghanistan could become strained, especially under international
pressure to address human rights violations, complicating Pakistan's international
standing and requiring strategic policy adjustments.

 Social Challenges

Drug culture and Kalashnikov culture would get another boost in Pakistan. Pakistan's
urban centers would bear the brunt of Afghan refugees: Increase in ghetto areas and
According to UN Report on crime and drugs, Afghanistan is a country which produce
80% opium and heroin and export 50% of it to international community illegally.

Opportunities for Pakistan if there would be a permeant peace and

stability in Afghanistan

 Economic opportunities
Afghanistan is second largest export companion country of Pakistan. Pakistan along with
china can meet with the help of CPEC to Afghanistan and central Asia and Iran as well.
Pakistan could materialize its geo-economic vision. The dream of energy corridor could
be fulfilled. The rapid industrialization gets the required spur. Pakistan could exploit the
huge reserves of minerals in Afghanistan.

 Strengthening regional alliance

Pakistan can use its pivotal role in Afghanistan to strengthen ties with key regional
players like China, Russia, and Iran. This aligns with its broader geopolitical strategy of
balancing relations between major powers and enhancing its own strategic autonomy

 Cultural opportunity
Pakistan can leverage the shared Pashtoon culture to foster better relations with Afghanistan
through focused people-to-people diplomacy and cultural exchanges. Organizing joint
cultural festivals, sports events, and academic exchange programs can promote mutual
appreciation and understanding. Additionally, facilitating cross-border festivals, collaborative
art projects, and traditional craft workshops can help Pashtoon communities from both
countries interact and celebrate their common heritage, building trust and a sense of unity
that transcends political boundaries and enhances bilateral relations.

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