Types of Speech Delivery

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Types of Speech Delivery: Reading from Manuscript

Jodi Adylene Rencio

Greetings, as you all know, I am Jodi; and I will be talking about communication and
how it is an essential part of life. Before everything else, I must first define the word
communication, communication is a broad term for the two-way dynamic process of message
transmission, where this process is defined as the transmission of ideas and emotions between
or among persons with the use of verbal and non-verbal cues. Therefore, communication is
simply the process of transmitting ideas either verbally or non-verbally.
I believe that communication is a fundamental part of our lives, and that is because I
think that we, as human beings, are intrinsically inclined to socialize. As the saying goes, “No
man is an island.” Therefore, everyone is a part of society and must interact with those that
are within it. Furthermore, communication serves as the connection between person to
person, groups, communities, and so on. In my own words, it would be that communication is
a bond that binds humans together, creates and strengthens relationships. Without
communication, I reckon that life would be perpetuated by boredom, monotone, and banality.
So, communication is any process that involves a transmission of ideas, and I think
that communication serves to be a fundamental part of life that colors our connections with
people—by “color” I mean that it forms, creates, and brightens these relationships. Therefore,
communication is simply a process, and an essential part of life; where life without it, seems
nearly impossible for a human being.
Types of Speech Delivery in Terms of Purpose: Persuasive
Lucy Anndrea S. Sionosa

In our ever-evolving world ladies and gentlemen, communication stands as the

cornerstone of human interaction, the bridge that connects individuals, communities, and
nations. It is the lifeblood of our societies, the force that drives progress and shapes our
understanding of the world around us.
Imagine a world devoid of communication, where voices are silenced and words
remain unspoken. Ideas would remain confined within minds, innovation would cease to
exist, and conflict would reign supreme. Without communication, we would be mere islands
in a vast ocean, isolated and unable to connect with the richness of human experience. But
communication is not merely the exchange of information; it is an art, a craft that requires
skill, empathy, and a deep understanding of human experiences. It is about weaving words
into tapestries of meaning, about conveying not just facts but also emotions, intentions, and
the essence of who we are.
In the realm of business, effective communication is the driving force behind success.
Without clear and concise communication, businesses would falter, unable to navigate the
complexities of the modern marketplace. In our personal lives, communication is the lifeline
that nurtures relationships, the foundation upon which love, friendship, and mutual respect
are built.
Communication is not without its challenges. Language barriers, cultural differences,
and personal biases can sometimes hinder our ability to connect effectively. However, these
obstacles should not deter us; instead, they should serve as reminders of the importance of
clear and empathetic communication. As we strive to navigate the complexities of the modern
world, let us remember the power of communication. In doing so, we not only enhance our
own lives but also contribute to the creation of a more harmonious, and interconnected world.
Types of Speech Delivery: Memorized
Kritine Jane Sario

Ladies and gentlemen, communication, the invisible thread weaving the fabric of
human interaction, is a power we wield every day. It transcends mere words; it's about
connection, understanding, and empathy. In this intricate dance of expression and
interpretation, we communicate not just through speech but through our gestures,
expressions, and silences.
Yet, amidst the methods to convey thoughts, feelings, and ideas, miscommunication
lies, ready to sabotage our best intentions. The art of effective communication is a skill to be
honed, a bridge to be built between diverse minds and hearts.
To truly communicate is to listen, not merely to respond but to understand. It's about
creating a space where perspectives collide, harmonize, and evolve. It's about seeking clarity
amid confusion and finding common ground amid differences. The power of communication
lies not only in expressing ourselves but also in comprehending others. It's in the art of asking
the right questions, in the art of active listening, in the art of empathy.
As we navigate the complexities of this world, let us remember the potency of
communication. Let us strive for clarity, understanding, and connection. For in the realm of
effective communication lies the gateway to mutual respect, growth, and harmony.
Types of Speech Delivery in Terms of Purpose: Entertaining
Gabriella Mae D. Pandili

Hey guys, so diba our topic is communication nga, so like, communication is the ano,
yung ano, yung process, ganon, process of a transmission of ideas—diba? Oo, right. It may
also be an interchangeable exchange of meanings din, huy interchangeable, anu yun, haha
joke, siyempre alam ko meaning, sakin nanggaling eh, hindi ako—eehhh, char lang walang
ganun guys. For those who don’t know, it means like yung cyclical na communication ba,
hindi linear, like yung encoder pwede maging decoder and yung decoder pwede maging
encoder, ganon. Pero yes, ayun na nga, communication may simply be defined as any
processes that involves a transmission, sharing, and exchange of ideas and meanings. Yun na
yun guys wag na lituhin ang sarili.
However, hindi naman pwede na communication is as it is diba, like, paano natin
maiimprove ang ating communication skills if walang mga tips, ganon. So that’s the purpose
of our core subject, to develop our communication skills—kanina pa paulit ulit yang
communication ba, gasgas na gasgas na siya hahahahah, TUMAWA NAMAN KAYO GUYS,
kaserious ba naman ng mga persons, eeehh serious daw. Pero ayun na nga, my point is, you
must learn guys, we must learn. Hindi natin to pinagaaralan just to be able to answer
something pag may tests or exams, dapat is ang main goal natin is to pick up things that will
be useful for us in the future.
Therefore, communication is defined as a process, and communication on its own, is
an important part of life, kaya let us learn to develop it through this subject. Mag-aral para
matuto, hindi lamang para pumasa.
Group 4: Discussion
Contains the flow, lesson plan, and outcomes to be discussed by the 4th Group.

Members and Roles:

- Members
(A: Fully participated) (B: Somehow participated) (C: Barely participated) (D: Did not participate)

(C) Nolasco, Jaymark F. (A) Sario, Kristine Jane

(A) Onipa, Olin Cri T. (D) Singco, Mary Cyndie S.
(C) Pace, Francis Britt T. (B) Sionosa, Lucy Anndrea S.
(A) Pandili, Gabriella Mae D. (D) Velasco, Aiza L.
(A) Porillo, Divine Angel (A) Villaceran, Gwen Elysa S.
(A) Rencio, Jodi Adylene M.
- Reporters
They will be the ones that will be reporting the entirety of the discussion.

Onipa, Olin Cri T.

Porillo, Divine Angel
Villaceran, Gwen Elysa S.
- Speakers
They will be demonstrating the various types of speech in terms of delivery and purpose.

Pandili, Gabriella Mae D. (Entertaining)

Rencio, Jodi Adylene M. (Manuscript)
Sario, Kristine Jane (Memorized)
Sionosa, Lucy Anndrea S. (Persuasive)
Lesson Plan:
- Introduction
The reporters will briefly introduce themselves.
- Objectives
Contains the objectives of the discussion which is to:
 refresh the students from their learnings from the past discussions,
 make the students be able to adapt to the guidelines,
 let the students learn how to create better presentations,
 be able to differentiate the speeches according to purpose and speeches
according to delivery,
 and answer the given questions at the end of the discussion.
- Recap
A recap of the past topics that may serve to assess the students’ learnings from the previous
- Handout 1
To discuss the topics that are within the Module 12: Handout 1.
- Scorm 1 & 2
Discussion of Module 12: Scorm 1 and 2.
- Review
A review of the whole discussion to assess the students’ learnings.

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