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Diploma Second year Project :

Photovoltaic Energy Conversion using

Colloidal Quantum Dot Solar Cell
Taif Mohammed Al- Suleimani
Quds Mansour Al-Haddab
Boutaina Boujrada
Fatma Abdullah Nassr Al hinai
Hawra Yousif Mohammed Al Maqbali
Supervisor: Mr. Sunil Honnurappa
The Abstract:
in fo c u s o n
a n t u m d o t s
y m e e t s q u
ll t ec h n o l o g Q D C S ).
Solar c e s o la r c e ll s (
a n t u m d o t n c e o f
colloidal q u n d im p o r t a
a m e n t a l s a
la r c e ll f u n d h li g h t e d . n
So a t e r i a ls h ig a p p li ca t io
u c to r m r t ie s a n d
semicond q u a n tu m d o t p r o p e
lo ra t io n o f
Exp u m d o t s l ik e
c e lls . n g q u a n t
in solar de ta ile d , i n v o l v i
S s t r u c t u r e i o n .
Q D C ll o i d a l s o lu t n a t
r P b S in c o t a b s o rp tio
C dS e o i n c l u d e li g h .
e s o f Q D C S l e b a n d g ap
Ad va n t a g n d a d ju s t a b
v e le n g th s a
multip l e w a
f the Project:
The aims o
o f c o l l o i d a l
iz e t h e u s e
e a n d o p t im f ic i e n t
1-exp lo r c e l ls fo r e f
ot s in s o la r c a l e n e r g y .
qu an t u m d y t o e le c t r i
s o la r e n e r g
r sio n o f
conve a n i sm s
e n t a l m e c h
t h e fu n d a m s o la r
e rs t a n d i n g i th in t he s e
2 - u n d o n v e r s io n w
in e n e r g y c o rm a n c e .
involved e t h e ir p e r f
h e r i m p r o v
ce lls to f u r t
c y , s t a b i l it y
ra ll e f f ic ie n
th e o v e
3- enhance
s u s t a in a b l e
r ie n d ly a n d el ls
g e c o- f s o la r c
4-explorin p ro c e s s e s f o r t h e s e
u f a c t ur in g
Solar cells, or photovoltaic cells, convert light
energy into electrical power using the
photovoltaic effect.
Fundamental units are photovoltaic modules or
solar panels.
Regardless of the light source, solar cells are
referred to as photovoltaic.
Dots (QDs)
QDs are semiconductor particles,
10,000 times smaller than a human
Properties change with size
reduction, exhibiting photovoltaic
Absorb and re-emit light in various
Quantum Dot Solar Cells
Innovative solar cell design using QDs as light-absorbing material.
Aims to replace conventional materials like silicon, CIGS, or CdTe.
Tunable bandgaps in QDs offer advantages in multi-junction cells.

Key Components and Characteristics

Colloidal quantum dot solar cells leverage QDs like CdSe or PbS.
Components include nanoscale semiconductor particles, colloidal
suspension, multiple absorption bands, tunable bandgap.
Challenges include material toxicity and potential lower efficiency.
Quantum Dot-Based Photovoltaics
Interest in QD solar cells for high-energy conversion efficiency.
Potential to surpass the 32% efficiency limit of traditional silicon-
based cells.
Challenges in practical applications, requiring further investigation
Solar Energy Conversion
Solar cells turn sunlight into electricity
using semiconductor materials.

Silicon is a common choice, modified with

impurities like phosphorus and boron.

Junction formation establishes an electric

field for current generation.
QD Solar Cell Operation
Explains QD cell light-to-electrical
energy conversion.
Photon hits a semiconductor material
QDs absorb light, transferring
energy to an electron.
Excited electrons move, generating a
Literature Review P PO RTU NIT IES IN
SEMICONDUCT OR QUAN TUM w pro m is e fo r a d a p table
CQDs in liquid form sh o
ap e r e x p lo re s e co - fr ie nd ly solar panels.
Research p ffic ien c y o f c urr ent
an tu m d o t (Q D ) s yn th e sis . Efforts to enhance th e 6 % e
semiconductor qu
o n c h all e n g e s a n d p ote n tial CQD solar panels.
Emphasis e n t a llo w s v ari e d su n lig h t
CQD size adjustm
in je c tio n " te ch n iq ue fo r absorption.
Highlights the "hot- e ffic ien t en e rg y e x tr ac tion from
p ro d u ction. Challenges in
safe an d e ffic ie n t Q D
th is m e th o d su ita b le CQD films.
High-quality QDs fr o m s b y e x p ert s to o p tim ize CQD solar
Ongoing effort
dg ets an d g re en s o la r cells.
fo r ga panels for everyday use.
Literature Review
PROSPECTS ctr ic ity , a d a p ta b le fo r v ario u s
re s re c e n t p ro g ress in CQDs: Glow and conduct ele
a p e r ex p lo
Saim Emin et al.'s p electronic devices.
q ua n tum d o t s ola r c e lls . as e d s o la r c ells , e m p h a s iz ing
colloidal on Article focuses on CQD-b
al as a n alt ern a ti ve to s il ic
Emphasis on future potenti pote ntial for energy conve rs io n.
a te ria ls im p ro v e s s o la r c ell
solar cells. le s, and Evolution of designs and m
th od s , w o rk in g p rin cip
Covers preparation me efficiency.
ice arch ite c tu re s . ll p e rf o rm an c e b a s e d o n device
e v ce
diverse d
d d it ion al re s e arch to Table 2.15 compares solar
c es s ity fo r a
Highlights the ne architecture.
ls o v e r 8 .5 % , p ro m ising
improve efficiency. ll- o rd ered CQD solar cells show efficie
nc y le v e
k th ro u g h s w it h w e
Emphasizes potential brea c e lls . for solar energy.
ic le s in p h o to vo lta ic ll te c hn o logy.
semiconductor nanopart Ongoing efforts to enha n ce C Q D s o la r c e
1- M.Arun Student, Department of EEE & Paavai Engineering College, Namakkal, Tamilnadu-6370
018.India, February 2019,
2- Nash, J. (2018). Photovoltaic properties and solar cell applications of colloidal quantum dots.
Aisthesis: Honors Student Journal, 9(2), 36-41.
3- Arun, M. (2019, February). Types of Solar Cells and its Applications. International Journal of
Scientific Development and Research (IJSDR), 4(2), 260. ISSN: 2455- 2631.
4- Emin, S., Singh, S. P., Han, L., Satoh, N., & Islam, A. (2011, March 12). Colloidal quantum
dot solar cells. National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), Advanced Photovoltaics Center,
Sengen 1-2-1, Tsukuba 305-0047, Japan. 3417/10/5/1743
5- Keskar Vinaya N. “Electricity Generation Using Solar Power”, International Journal of
Engineering Research and Technology 2.3 (2013).
6- D. M. CHAPIn, C. 5. FULLER, AND G. L. PEARSON Bell Telephone Laborafories, Inc. Murray
Hill, Nets Jersey (Received January 11, 1954)
7- Kamat, Prashant V. "Quantum dot solar cells. The next big thing in photovoltaics." The journal
of physical chemistry letters 4.6 (2013): 908-918.
Gannt Chart

week one and week three and week five and week eight
two four six and nine
Determine the research Research the topic Start and finish Chapter Preparing the
topic and take a general closely through One and Two presentation and
picture of it scientific papers and modifying Chapter One
chapter division and Two
"Why did the quantum dot go to therapy? It had too many issues
with its energy levels! But don't worry, our solar cells are working
on their problems more efficiently!"

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