Rozdziały 3-4 MiniMatura Grupa B

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Rozdziały 3– Imię i nazwisko:

4 MiniMatura Klasa:
Grupa B

1 Przetłumacz zwroty podane w nawiasach na język 4 Uzupełnij zdania poprawnymi formami
angielski. czasowników w ramce.
0 Would you like to go to a (szkoły z internatem)
can'tnot wantbeworkhavepaint
boarding school ?
1 I think PE should be (nieobowiązkowe) ,
not compulsory. 0 I told my boss that I couldn't come to work and
2 I hope we get a good (premię) this year. he fired me!
3 Have you finished your (pracę licencjacką) 1 The headmaster is having the gym this
week so we have to do PE outside in the rain.
2 I told my parents that I to go to
4 I think you would be a very good (tłumaczem (ustnym))
3 The interviewer asked me if I any
5 This job is badly-paid but it is very (dającą satysfakcję)
previous experience in marketing.
4 If you hadn’t been late so often, you wouldn’t
/ sacked last month.
5 He’ll get a good pension as long as he
2 Uzupełnij tekst poprawnymi formami słów
podanych w nawiasach. for at least 45 years.

Despite Jake’s obvious 0 academic (academy) skills, he /

didn’t have a successful career. He became a web designer
and was given a lot of professional 1 ŚRODKI JĘZYKOWE
(develop) training. Unfortunately, it didn’t do him any good.
He didn’t show the necessary 2 (create) and 5 Wybierz opcje A, B lub C, aby poprawnie uzupełnić tekst.
he was soon out of work. It was a time when It was during the first 0 of my final year at school – in
(employ) was very high and the middle of October – that we started doing work
competition for jobs was fierce. Potential 4 experience one afternoon a week. We didn’t earn a 1
(employ) looked at his CV and references and chose but it was interesting and the people there were friendly.
someone else. Jake sometimes sat at home and thought: If I had had a 2 job there, working 9-5, five days a
By the time I reach the age of 5 (retire), week, I wouldn’t have been upset. I enjoyed working 3
I’ll have spent more time out of work than in work. a team and they always asked me 4 with their ideas,
even though I wasn’t really employed there. Now, I’m at
university. I might try to get a summer job there – 5
3 Uzupełnij drugie zdanie w każdej parze, tak one of my friends here has a better idea for the holidays!
aby zachowało znaczenie zdania wyjściowego.
0 A seminar B term C break D syllabus
0 We got together to share ideas and think of new ideas.
We had a brainstorming session. 1 A salary B pension C pay D profit
1 Tim was thrown out of his school for fighting. 2 A menial B lucrative C blue-collar D full-time
Tim was e from his school for fighting. 3 A on B at C in D from
2 I have to take my exams again because I did so badly.
4 A do I agree B if I agreed C if I agree
I have to r my exams because I did
so badly. D did I agree

3 We had a practice exam two months before the real one. 2 A if B unless C as long as D provided
We had a m exam two months before
the real one.
4 Let’s finish now and go home.
Let’s c it a d and go home.
5 My dad’s been on unemployment benefit for a month.
My dad’s been on the d for a month.

© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2014 PHOTOCOPIABLE LONGMAN Repetytorium maturalne z języka angielskiego – poziom rozszerzony
MiniMatura Rozdziały 3–4 Grupa B

6 Uzupełnij drugie zdanie w każdej parze, tak aby

zachowało znaczenie zdania wyjściowego. Możesz CHRIS GARDNER – FROM RAGS TO RICHES
wpisać od 2 do 5 słów, wliczając słowa podane
drukowanymi literami. Nie zmieniaj formy słów When Chris Gardner was growing up, no-one could have
podanych drukowanymi literami. predicted how his life would end up. He was born into a
0 “I didn’t have the chance to go to university” said my dad. poor family and spent some time living with foster
HAD parents. After finishing high school, he joined the US
My dad said that he hadn't had the chance to go Navy where he met a famous heart surgeon. When he left
to university. the navy, Chris went to work for the doctor. 1 . He had
1 Do you think you’ll become a businessman in the dreams of becoming a doctor himself but gave up because
future? THOUGHT of the length of training needed.
My friend asked me become
Instead, he became a salesperson, selling medical
equipment. Again, he had a lucky meeting. 2 .
2 He was sacked because of his continual lateness.
For two months, Chris stopped his sales work and
concentrated on meeting these managers. While in these
He was sacked his
meetings, he often parked illegally and then ignored the
3 Our headmaster has expelled two boys for fighting.
parking tickets. Finally, he was accepted onto a training
programme. 3 First of all, the
Two boys for
person who hired him for the training programme was
4 I fell behind with my school work because I started
sacked a week before Chris was due to start working for
dating. HAVE
him. Then, he was arrested and given ten days in prison. His
If I hadn’t started dating,
offence was not paying $1200 of unpaid parking fines,
behind with my school work.
which he had foolishly ignored.
5 When did you start working at this company?
BEEN When he was released from prison, Chris finally found
How long at this a place on a training programme. It was great experience
but it was also unpaid. He had to continue selling medical
/ equipment in order to pay his rent and buy food. 4_____ .
CZYTANIE That meant that he didn’t have time to concentrate on his
sales job and often didn’t earn enough money to live on.
7 Przeczytaj tekst, z którego usunięto pięć zdań. Wpisz By the time he was offered a proper, paid position in the
w luki (1–5) litery, którymi oznaczono brakujące company, he was homeless and had to sleep in the office,
zdania (A–F), tak aby otrzymać logiczny i spójny in parks or anywhere else he could find.
Uwaga: jedno zdanie zostało podane Five years later, with his financial problems now behind
dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej luki. him, he set up his own investment company. He built it up
A It seemed that everything was about to go right for him. from nothing to a multi-million dollar firm. He now has a
Unfortunately, things didn’t go as he expected. different company with offices in New York, San
B During their time together, Chris learned how to Francisco and Chicago. He hasn’t forgotten his roots,
manage a laboratory and even helped write some though. 5 It’s no wonder
articles for medical journals.
that this inspirational man was the subject of a blockbuster
movie starring Will Smith, which was also a financial
C It was while he was there that he first discovered
his talent for making successful financial decision.
D He has donated millions of dollars to provide low
income housing and employment opportunities in
the area of San Francisco where he, himself, was /
once homeless.
E This time, it was with a financier called Bob Bridges.
Bob organised meetings for Chris with managers of
investment companies who ran training programmes.
F However, he was determined to succeed in his new
career. He arrived for work early and stayed in the
office until late.

© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2014 PHOTOCOPIABLE LONGMAN Repetytorium maturalne z języka angielskiego – poziom rozszerzony
MiniMatura Rozdziały 3–4 Grupa B


8 TRACK 03 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie pięć wypowiedzi

związanych ze szkołą. Z podanych odpowiedzi
wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią nagrania. Zakreśl
literę A, B albo C.
1 Which of the headlines sums up the speaker’s
speech best?
2 The students are having
problems A doing an experiment.
B memorising some facts.
C writing up an experiment.
3 How did Mrs Davis respond?
A She confirmed that Cheryl would help any time.
B She was happy for Cheryl to help.
C She didn’t want to decide for Cheryl on the spot.
4 The best heading for this speech would
be A Continual assessment or exams?
B How can you prepare for your exams?
C How do students manage to cheat?
5 The teacher asked to speak to Mr Wilkins
because his son
A will have to catch up on some work.
B is going to change classes.
C has been misbehaving recently.


9 Wykonaj zadanie egzaminacyjne.

Obecny podział roku szkolnego na dwa semestry i długie
wakacje letnie prowadzi do dużego zmęczenia w ciągu
roku szkolnego i problemu nudy podczas wakacji letnich.
Niektórzy mówią, że lepiej byłoby, gdyby rok szkolny
został podzielony na sześć semestrów oddzielonych
siebie dwutygodniowymi przerwami wakacyjnymi. Napisz
rozprawkę, podając argumenty za i przeciw pomysłowi
nowego podziału roku szkolnego.
Wypowiedź powinna zawierać od 200 do 250 słów i
spełniać wszystkie wymogi dotyczące formy wskazanej w

© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2014 PHOTOCOPIABLE LONGMAN Repetytorium maturalne z języka angielskiego – poziom rozszerzony
MiniMatura Rozdziały 3–4 Grupa B

© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2014 PHOTOCOPIABLE LONGMAN Repetytorium maturalne z języka angielskiego – poziom rozszerzony

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