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E L E- E L E
E LEANOR, of Aquitaine (1122-1204), queen of France
and afterwards of England, was the daughter of
has been described as the founder of the school, and though
that title is with more strictness to be given to Parmenides,
William IX., the last duke of Guienne, and was born in it may not incorrectly be applied to him. The philosophy
1122. She succeeded her father in 1138, and was married of Xenophanes took its rise in a strong antagonism to the
the same year to Louis VII. of France. Her lively and popular anthropomorphic mythology; and, though it con-
somewhat frivolous manners, and her love of pleasure, did tains part, it is far from containing the whole, of the
not fit her for the society of a husband who was naturally Eleatic doctrine as maintained by Parmenides and his
austere, and who from religious conviction had adopted followers. Its chief doctrines were that the One is God,
many ascetic habits. They became gradually estranged, and that God is self-existent, eternal, unchangeable,
and in the Holy Land, whither she had accompanied Louis immovable, of the same substance throughout, and in every
in 1147, their quarrels became so frequent and so bitter respect incomparable to man.
that at last a divorce was agreed upon, which on their re- The Eleatic philosophy is founded upon the doctrine of
turn from France was completed under the pretest of kin- a complete severance and opposition of thought and sense.
ship, 18th March 1152. Six months afterwards she gave Truth is in no degree attainable by sense ; sense gives only
her hand and her possessions to Henry of Navarre, who in false appearances, non-being: it is by thought alone that
1155 mounted the throne of England as Henry II. That we arrive at the knowledge of being, at the great truth that
the duchy of Guienne should thus become permanently “the All is One,” eternal, unchangeable; or rather, as
annexed to the English crown was naturally displeasing to Hegel rightly interprets the Eleatics, thought is being. No
Louis, and the indirect consequence of his displeasure was distinction is drawn by Parmenides between thought and
protracted wars between France and England. In other material being; the “ One and All,” indeed, is described
respects also the marriage had unhappy consequences. The materially as a perfect and immovable sphere. The notions
infidelities of Henry, and the special favours he showed to of creation, change and destruction, diversity and multipli-
one of his mistresses, so greatly roused Eleanor’s jealousy, city, time and space, and the various sensations, are all
that she incited her son Richard to rebellion, and also in- mere false appearances of sense, which thought shows to
trigued with her former husband to get him to lend his in- be contradictory and false. Upon a very common con-
fluence to the great league formed against Henry in 1173. fusion of the word exist with the verb to be, which does
Her son had fled to Louis, and she was preparing to follow not necessarily imply existence, he founded his argument
him when she was arrested and placed in confinement, against the possibility of creation : creation cannot be, for
where she remained till the death of her husband in 1189. being cannot arise out of non-being; nor can non-being
As soon as he died she regained her liberty, and reigned as be. Again, there can be no difference or change except in
regent until Richdrd’s arrival from France. She also held appearance, for a thing cannot arise from what is different
this position during Richard’s absence in the Holy Land, from it. But this side of the Eleatic argument was more
for which he left in 1190. After his escape in 1194 from completely developed by Zeno. In the second part of his
the captivity which befell him as he was returning home, poem, Parmenides, notwithstanding his assertion of their
she retired to the abbey of Fontevrault, where she died falseness, does offer an explanation of the facts of conscious-
April 1, 1204. ness. Of this part of his theory, however, we have only
ELEATIC SCHOOL, a Greek school of philosophy, so very incomplete knowledge. It stands altogethei distinct
called because Elea was the birth-place or residence of its from his main doctrine. It is materialistic, like nearly all
chief representatives. Parmenides, who was born at Elea the other early Greek explanations of the universe. The
probably about the year 515, was the first completely to universe (that is, the apparent universe) is, he says, made up
develop the Eleatic doctrines; but his philosophy has a of two elements, one of which he describes as heat and light,
very close connection with that of Xenophanes, who was the other as cold and darkness. Of these elements all men
bom more than a century earlier. Xenophanes, indeed, are composed, and their thinking varies as the proportions
2 E L E —E L E
in which these elements are mixed in their composition. ELECTIONS. The law of parliamentary and municipal
Even the dead body feels cold and darkness. elections in England is now governed as to procedure by
Zeno, born in the beginning of the 2d century B.c., the the 35 and 36 Viet. c. 33 (the Ballot Act, 1872), and
fellow-townsman, disciple, and adopted son of Parmenides, as to disputed returns by the 31 and 32 Viet. c. 125 (Par-
is famous for his attempts to prove that the notions of liamentary Elections Act, 1868) and 35 and 36 Viet. c. 60.
time, space, motion, multiplicity, sight, sound, &c., are self- See BALLOT and BRIBERY.
contradictory and unthinkable. His paradoxes were stated The inquiry into a disputed parliamentary election was
with a subtlety which has forced thinkers even of distinc- formerly conducted before a committee of the House of
tion, who were opposed to his main position, for instance, Commons, chosen as nearly as possible from both sides of
Sir William Hamilton, to admit some of them to be un- the House for that particular business. The decisions of
answerable. Against motion Zeno directed several argu- these tribunals laboured under the suspicion of being
ments, the most celebrated being that of Achilles and the prompted by party feeling, and by the above-named Act of
tortoise, which are founded upon the confusion of that 1868 the jurisdiction was finally transferred to Her Majesty’s
which is infinitely divisible with that which is infinite. judges, notwithstanding the general unwillingness of the
Against space Zeno argued that any space, however bench to accept a class of business which they feared might
large, must be in a larger space, this larger space again bring their integrity into dispute. In future no election
in a still larger, and so on ad infinitum. Against the shall be questioned except in accordance with the provisions
manifold he argued (1) that the manifold, being divisible of this Act. Section 11 of the Act orders, inter alia, that
into the infinitely small, i.e., into that which has no the trial of every election petition shall be conducted before
magnitude, can itself have none, as divisions that have no a puisne judge of one of the common law courts at West-
magnitude must make up a whole without magnitude ; and minster and Dublin; that the said courts shall each select
(2) that, being divisible into an infinite number of parts, a judge to be placed on the rota for the trial of election
it must be infinitely large. Against sound he argued—and petitions; that the said judges shall try petitions standing
he applied similar reasoning to sight—that, as you cannot for trial according to seniority or otherwise, as they may
hear a single grain of corn fall, you cannot hear the sound of agree; that the trial shall take place in the county oi
a number of grains falling, the sound of the falling of the borough to which the petition refers, unless the court
number of grains being made up of the sounds of the should think it desirable to hold it elsewhere. The judge
falling of each grain. Thus Zeno sought to prove that shall determine “ whether the member whose return is com-
thought and sense are opposed, and that the latter, con- plained of, or any and what other person, was duly returned
tradicting itself, proves itself unworthy of the consideration and elected, or whether the election was void,” and shall
of the philosopher. certify his determination to the Speaker. When corrupt
The last of the Eleatic teachers was Melissus of Samos, practices have been charged the judge shall also report (1)
the friend of Heraclitus, who was probably born somewhat whether any such practice has been committed by or with
later than Zeno. We only possess fragments of his works, the knowledge or consent of any candidate, and the nature
preserved by Simplicius and collected by Brandis. His thereof ; (2) the names of persons proved to have been
modifications of the doctrines of his master, Parmenides, guilty of any corrupt practice; and (3) whether corrupt
are not important, with the exception of his assertion of practices have extensively prevailed at the election.
the infinity, the unlimitedness, of “ the One and All,” and Questions of law may be referred to the decision of the
his distinct insistance upon the doctrine that the “ One and Court of Common Pleas. The report of the judge is
All” is immaterial, unextended, without parts. equivalent to the report of an election committee under
See the separate articles XENOPHANES, PARMENIDES, the old system. Petitions may be presented by the follow-
and ZENO. ing persons :—(1) some person who has voted or had the
ELECAMPANE (M. Lat., Enula Campana), a perennial right to vote at the election; (2) some person claiming to
composite plant, the Inula Helenium of Linnaeus, which is have a right to be returned or elected; (3) some person
common in many parts of Britain, and ranges throughout alleging himself to have been a candidate. The trial of a
central and southern Europe, and in Asia as far eastwards petition shall be proceeded with notwithstanding the
as the Himalayas. Its stem attains a height of from 3 to acceptance by the respondent of an office of profit under
5 feet; the leaves are serrate-dentate, the lower ones stalked, the Crown, and notwithstanding the prorogation of Parlia-
the rest embracing the stem; the flowers are yellow, and ment ; though it would appear that the dissolution of
2 inches broad, and have many rays, each three-notched at Parliament abates a petition. The judge appointed to try
the extremity. The root, the radix inulce of pharmacy, is a petition shall be received with the same state as a judge
thick, branching, and mucilaginous, and has a warm bitter of assize in an assize town. The costs and expenses of
taste and a camphoraceous odour. For medicinal purposes the petition shall be paid by the parties in such manner
it should be procured from plants not more than two or and such proportions as the court or judge may determine,
three years old. Besides inuliu, C12H20O10, a body isomeric regard being had to the discouragement of needless expense
with starch, the root contains, according to Kallen, two by throwing the burden thereof on the parties by whom it
crystallizable substances—helenin, C6H80, and alantcam- .has been caused, whether they are on the whole successful
phor, C10H16O. By the ancients the root was employed both or not. When a returning officer has wilfully neglected to
as a medicine and as a condiment, and in England it was return a person found on petition to have been entitled to
formerly in great repute as an aromatic tonic and stimulant be returned, such person may sue the officer (within one
of the secretory organs. “ The fresh roots of elecampane year of the act complained of, or six months of the trial of
preserved with sugar, or made into a syrup or conserve,” are the petition), and shall recover double the damage he has
recommended by Parkinson in his Theatrum Botanicum as actually sustained, together with full costs of suit.
“ very effectual to warm a cold and windy stomack, and the To meet the additional work imposed on the English
pricking and stitches therein or in the sides caused by the courts of common law by this Act, power was given to
Spleene, and to helpe the cough, shortnesse of breath, and appoint an additional judge to each of them. Section 58
wheesing in the Lungs.” As a drug, however, the root is applies the provisions of the Act, with certain modifica-
now seldom resorted to except in veterinary practice. In tions, to Scotland.
France and Switzerland it is used in the manufacture of This, like the Ballot Act, is a continuing Act.
absinthe. Petitions against municipal elections are dealt with in 35
E L E- -E L E 3
and 36 Yict. c. 60. The election judges under the last similar to those relating to parliamentary elections in the
described Act appoint a number of barristers, not exceed- former Act. The petition may allege that the election was
ing five, to try such petitions. No barrister can be appointed avoided as to the borough or ward on the ground of general
who is of less than fifteen years standing, or a member of bribery, &c., or that the election of the person petitioned
Parliament, or holder of any office of profit (other than against was avoided by corrupt practices, or by personal
that of recorder) under the Crown ; nor can any barrister disqualification, or that he had not the majority of lawful
try a petition in any borough in which he is recorder or in votes. And no election shall be questioned by any other
which he resides, or which is included in his circuit. The process whatsoever for a matter for which it might have
barrister sits without a jury. The provisions are generally been questioned under this Act.

Intro- mHE word Electricity is derived from the Greek word undressing, emitted occasionally sudden crackling sparks,
dnction. r/XeKTpov, meaning amber. The term was invented while at other times flames blazed from him without
by Gilbert,1 who used it with reference to the attractions burning his clothes. Such are the scanty gleanings of
and repulsions excited by friction in certain bodies of which electrical knowledge which we derive from the ancient
amber may be taken as the type. To the cause of these philosophy ; and though several writers of the Middle Ages
forces was given the name Electricity; and out of the have made occasional references to these facts, and even
study of these and kindred phenomena arose the science of attempted to speculate upon them, yet they added nothing
electricity, of which it is the purpose of the present article to the science, and left an open field for the researches of
to give a brief outline. modern philosophers.
The science has been divided into three branches— Dr Gilbert of Colchester may be considered as the Gilbert
Electrostatics, which deals with electricity at rest; Electro- founder of the science, as he appears to have been the first 0^40-
kinetics, which considers the passage of electricity from philosopher who carefully repeated the observations of the
place to place ; and Electromagnetism, which treats of the ancients, and applied to them the principles of philosophical
relation of electricity to magnetism. We shall, however, investigation. In order to determine if other bodies pos-
make no attempt to adhere to this division, but shall sessed the same property as amber, he balanced a light metal-
exhibit the different parts of the subject in such order and lic needle on a pivot, and observed whether or not it was
connection as seems most clear and natural in the present affected by causing the excited or rubbed body to approach
state of the science. For the sake of the non-scientific to it. In this way he discovered that the following bodies
reader we prefix a brief history2 of the science of elec- possess the property of attracting light substances :—•
tricity, wherein mention is made of some of the more amber, gagates or jet, diamond, sapphire, carbuncle, rock-
striking electrical discoveries and of the steps by which crystal, opal, amethyst, vincentina or Bristol stone, beryl,
our knowledge of the subject has advanced to its present glass, paste for false gems, glass of antimony, slags,
condition. belemnites, sulphur, gum-mastic, sealing-wax of lac, hard
resin, arsenic, rock salt, mica, and alum. These various
HISTORICAL SKETCH. bodies attracted, with different degrees of force, not only
straws and light films, but likewise metals, stones, earths,
Thales, The name of the philosopher who first observed that
COO B.C. amber when rubbed possesses the property of attracting wood, leaves, thick smoke, and all solid and fluid bodies.
and repelling light bodies has not been handed down to Among the substances which are not excited by friction
our times. Thales of Miletus is said to have described Gilbert enumerated emerald, agate, carnelian, pearls,
this remarkable property, and both Theophrastus (321 jasper, calcedony, alabaster, porphyry, coral, marble,
B.c.) and Pliny (70 A.D.) mention the power of amber to Lydian stone, flints, hematites, smyris (emery or corun-
attract straws and dry leaves. The same authors speak of dum), bones, ivory, hard woods, such as cedar, ebony,
the lapis lyncurius, which is supposed to be a mineral juniper, and cypress, metals, and natural magnets. Gilbert
called tourmaline, as possessing the same property. The also discovered that the state of the atmosphere affects
electricity of the torpedo was also known to the ancients. the production of electricity; dryness with north or east
Animal Pliny informs us, that when touched by a spear it para- wind being a favourable condition, while moisture with
elec- lyzes the muscles and arrests the feet, however swift; and south wind is unfavourable. An account of Gilbert’s
tiicity. Aristotle adds that it possesses the power of benumbing experiments will be found in his book De Magnete, lib. ii.
men, as well as the fishes which serve for its prey. The cap. 2.
influence of electricity on the human body, and the elec- Robert Boyle added many new facts to the science Boyle
tricity of the human body itself, were also known in of electricity, and he has given a full account of them in
ancient times. Anthero, a freedman of Tiberius, was his Experiments on the Origin of Electricity. ■ By means of '•
cured of the gout by the shocks of the torpedo; and a suspended needle, he discovered that amber retained its
Wolimer, the king of the Goths, was able to emit sparks attractive virtue after the friction which excited it had
415 A.D. from his own body. Eustathius, who records this fact, ceased; and though smoothness of surface had been
also states that a certain philosopher, while dressing and regarded as advantageous for excitation, yet he found a
diamond which in its rough state exceeded all the polished
De Magnete Magneticisque Corporibus. ones and all the electrics which he had tried, having been
A portion of this historical sketch was written hy Sir David able to move a needle three minutes after he had ceased to
Brewster, and formed the introduction to his article “Electricity” rub it. He found also that heat and tersion (or the clean-
in last edition of the Encyclopaedia,. It has been modified hy suppres- ing or wiping of any body) increased its susceptibility of
sions and alterations here and there, and by large additions at the
end which were thought necessary to make it suit the present state of excitation; and that if the attracted body were fixed, and
science. For the sake of the student in search of original sources of the attracting body movable, their mutual approach would
information, pretty copious reference to such has been added through- still take place. To Gilbert’s list of “ electrics ” Boyle
out. Valuable for information of this kind the student will find added the resinous cake which remained after evaporating
Eiess’s Reibungselectricitdt, Young’s Natural Philosophy, Wiede-
mann’s Galvanismus, and the recent work on electricity by Prof.
one-fourth part of good oil of turpentine, the dry mass
Mascart, of the College de France. which remains after distilling a mixture of petroleum and

strong spirit of nitre, glass of lead, caput mortuum of hair, silk, linen, woollen, paper, leather, wood, parchment,
amber, white sapphire, white amethyst, diaphanous ore and gold-beaters’ skin. Several of these bodies exhibited
of lead, carnelian, and a green stone supposed to be a light in the dark, especially after they had been warmed;
sapphire. but all of them attracted light bodies, and sometimes at
Otto von To these discoveries of Boyle his contemporary Otto the distance of eight or ten inches. An epoch was made in
Guericke von Guericke added the highly important one of electric the history of electricity by the discovery of Gray in 1729,
(1602- that certain bodies had, while others had not, the power of
light (Experimenta Nova Magdeburgica, lib. iv. cap. 15).
Having cast a globe of sulphur in a glass sphere, and conveying electricity from one body to another, i.e., in
broken off the glass, he mounted the sulphur ball upon modern phrase, conducting it. Gray experimented with a
a revolving axis, and excited it by the friction of the hand. glass tube, into the ends of which were fastened two corks;
By this means he discovered that light and sound accom- into one of these he fastened a fir rod, and to the end of the
panied strong electrical excitation, and he compares the rod an ivory ball. On rubbing the glass he found that the
light to that which is exhibited by breaking lump sugar in ball attracted the light bodies as vigorously as the glass itself.
the dark. With this powerful apparatus Guericke verified He made a variety of experiments with rods of different
on a greater scale the results obtained by his predecessors, length, and with a packthread, by which he suspended his
and obtained several new ones of very considerable import- ball from the balcony of an upper story of his house, all
ance. He found that a light body, when once attracted with the same result. He then attempted to carry the
by an excited electric, was repelled by it, and was in- electricity horizontally on a packthread which he suspended
capable of a second attraction until it had been touched by with hempen strings; but the experiment failed. On
some other body ; and that light bodies suspended within the occasion of a repetition of the experiments at the
the sphere of influence of an excited electric possessed the house of his friend Wheeler, silk strings were suggested
same properties as if they had been excited. as a support, and found to answer, while metal wires
Newton To our illustrious countryman Sir Isaac Newton the failed. Gray and Wheeler were thus led to the con-
(1643- science of electricity owes some important observations. clusion that it was the material of the supports that
He used in his electrical experiments a globe of glass was in question, and that whereas packthread had, silk
rubbed by the hand instead of the sulphur globe of Von had not the power of transmitting electricity to a
Guericke. It would appear that Newton was the first to distance. Gray and Wheeler managed, by supporting a
use glass in this way (Optics, query 8th). We owe also to packthread by silk loops, to convey electricity from a
Sir Isaac a beautiful experiment on the excitation of elec- piece of rubbed glass to a distance of 886 feet. The con-
tricity which has since become very popular. Having ducting power of fluids, and of the human body, was
fixed a round disc of glass in a short brass cylinder, established by Gray. He also made many curious experi-
he placed small pieces of thin paper within the cylinder ments on the electrical properties of resinous cakes, which
and upon a table, so that the lower surface of the he allowed to cool and harden in the ladles in which they
glass was one-eighth of an inch distant from the table. had been melted. For an account of these and others the
He then rubbed the upper surface of the glass, and student is referred to memoirs in the Philosophical Trans-
he observed the pieces of paper “ leap from one part actions for 1731, 1735, &c.
of the glass to the other, and twirl about in the air.” Desaguliers made many experiments confirming Gray’s Desagu-
This experiment, after a previous unsuccessful trial, was conclusions, and found that bodies that have the property li«rs.
repeated by the Royal Society in 1676 (Brewster’s Life of being electrically excitable by friction, or electrics per se,
of Newton, p. 307). have not the power of conduction; whereas conductors are
Hawks- Francis Hawksbee, one of the most active experi- not electrics per se. These terms, introduced by him, were
bee, mental philosophers of his age, added many new facts useful in bringing into concise and scientific language the
to the science. In 1705 he communicated to the discoveries of Gray.
Royal Society several curious experiments on what he While Gray was pursuing his career of discovery in Dufay
calls “ the mercurial phosphorus.” He showed that light England, M. Dufay, of the Academy of Sciences, and su- (1699-
could be produced by passing common air through mer- perintendent of the Royal Botanic Gardens, was actively
cury placed in a well-exhausted receiver. The air rushing employed in the same researches. He found that all bodies,
through the mercury, blew it up against the sides of the whether solid or fluid, could be electrified by an excited
glass that held it, “ appearing all around like a body of tube, by setting them on a glass stand slightly warmed, or
fire, consisting of abundance of glowing globules.” The only dried; and that those bodies which are in themselves
phenomenon continued till the receiver was half full of least electrical received the greatest degree of electricity
air. These phenomena had been observed in the Torricel- from the approach of the glass tube. He repeated the ex-
lian vacuum before Hawksbee’s time, and various explana- periments of Gray, confirming his results, and found that
tions suggested. He suspected that they were due to electricity was transmitted more easily along packthread
electricity, and remarked their resemblance to lightning. when it was wetted, and that it might be supported upon
Like Newton he used a revolving glass globe rubbed by glass tubes in place of silk lines. In this way he conveyed
the hand to generate electricity. Besides the experiment it along a string 1256 feet long. He suspended by silken
above alluded to he made many others on the electric strings and electrified a child as Gray had done ; and hav-
light and on the attractions of electrified bodies. Descrip- ing suspended himself in a similaf manner, he discovered
tions of these will be found in his Physico-Mechanical that an electrical spark, accompanied with a crackling noise,
Experiments, 1709, and in several memoirs in the Philo- took place when any other person touched him, and he has
sophical Transactions about 1707. described the prickling sensation like the burning from a
About the same time Dr Wall (Phil. Trans., 1708) spark of fire, which is at the same time felt either through
observed the spark and crackling sound accompanying the the clothes or on the skin. The great discovery of Dufay,
electrical excitation of amber, and compared them to however, was that of two different kinds of electricity.
thunder and lightning. He fully recognized the importance of this fundamental Vitreous
Stephen One of the most ardent experimentalists of his time fact, and gave the name of vitreous electricity to that which and
Gray was Stephen Gray, a Fellow of the Royal Society.
(1696- is produced by exciting glass, rock-crystal, precious stones, resinous
1736). In his first paper, published in 1720, he showed that hair of animals, wool, and many other bodies ; and the name
electricity could be excited by the friction of feathers, of resinous to that which is produced by exciting resinous r C1
sudden shock in his arms and breast, and thus established
bodies, such as amber, copal, gum-lac, silk, paper, thread, the efficacy of the Leyden jar.
and a number of other substances. The characteristic o Sir William Watson made some important experiments Sir Wm.
those two electricities was, that a body with vitreous e ec- at this period of our history (Memoirs in Phil. Trans. Watson
tricity attracted all bodies with resinous electricity, and about 1747). He succeeded in firing gunpowder by the
repelled all bodies with vitreous electricity j w 11 e a o y electric spark ; and by mixing the gunpowder with a little
with resinous electricity attracted all bodies with vitreous camphor he discharged a musket by the same pouei. He
electricity, and repelled all bodies with resinous electricity. also fired hydrogen by the electric spark; and he kindled
Two electrified silk threads, for example, repel each other both spirits of wine and hydrogen by means of a drop
and also two electrified woollen threads but an electrified of cold water, and even with ice. In the German experi-
silk thread will attract an electrified woollen thread. Hence ments the fluid or solid to be inflamed was set on fire by
it is easy to determine whether anybody possesses vitreous an electrified body; but Sir William Watson placed the
or resinous electricity. If it attracts an electrified silk fluid in the hands of an electrified person, and set it on fire
thread, its electricity will be vitreous ; if it repels it, it will by causing a person not electrified to touch it with his
be resinous. . £ r finder. Sir William Watson first observed the flash of
Gray repeated and varied the experiments of Dutay,
light which attends the discharge of the Leyden phial, and
and made many new ones. Like Hawksbee and Dr Wall, it is to him that we owe the present improved form of the
lie recognized the similarity between the phenomena of Leyden phial, in which it is coated both without and within
electricity and those of thunder and lightning ; and he
expresses a hope “ that there may be found out a way to with tinfoil. Dr Bevis indeed had suggested the outside
coating, and at Smeaton’s recommendation, he coated a pane
collect a greater quantity of electric fire, and consequently to
increase the force of that power, which, by several of these of glass on both sides, and within an inch of the edge, with
experiments, si licet magnis componere parva, seems to be tinfoil; but still the idea of coating the jar doubly belongs
to Sir William Watson.
of the same nature with thunder and lightning'
iloze, The discoveries which we have now recounted began to A party of the Royal Society, with the president at their Expen-
kVinkler, rouse the activity of the German and Dutch philosophers. head, and Sir William Watson os their chief operator, rnents of
&c. entered upon a series of magnificent experiments, for the al
To the electrical machine used by Newton and Hawksbee,
Professor Boze of Wittenberg added the prime conductor, purpose of determining the velocity of the electric imnh Society
which at first consisted of an iron or tin tube supported by and the distance to which it could be conveyed The
French savans had conveyed the influence of the Leyden
a man standing upon cakes of rosin ; but it was afterwards
suspended by silken strings. Professor Winkler of Leipsic jar through a circuit of 12,000 feet; and in one case the
substituted a cushion in place of the hand for exciting the basin at the Tuileries, containing about an acre of water,
revolving globe ; and Professor Gordon of Erfurt, a Scotch formed part of the circuit; but the English philosophers
Benedictine monk, first used a glass cylinder, eight inches made a more complete series of experiments, of which the
long and four broad, which he caused to revolve by means following were the results
1. That in all their operations, when the wires have been properly
of a bow and string. By these means electrical sparks of conducted, the electrical commotions from the charged phial have
great size and intensity were produced, and by their aid been very considerable only when the observers at the extremities
various combustible substances, both fluid and solid, were of the wire have touched some substance readily conducting elec-
inflamed. In 1744 M. Ludolph of Berlin succeeded in tricity with some part of their bodies. ... .
2 That the electrical commotion is always felt most sensibly m
firing, by the electrical spark, the ethereal spirit of Fro- those parts of the bodies of the observers which are between the
benius. Winkler did the same by a spark from his finger ; conducting wires and the nearest and the most non-electric sub-
and he succeeded in inflaming French brandy and other stance, or, in other words, so much of their bodies as conies within
weaker spirits after they had been heated. Gordon kindled the electrical circuit. ^
3. That on these considerations we infer that the electrical powei
spirits by a jet of electrified water. Dr Miles ^ inflamed
phosphorus by the electric spark; and oil, pitch, and is conducted between these observers by any non-electric substances
which happen to be situated between them, and contribute to form
sealing-wax, when strongly heated, were set on fire by the electrical circuit. - , ,
similar means. We refer the student for lists of the works 4 That the electrical commotion has been perceptible to two or
of the philosophers just mentioned to the admirable biblio- more observers at considerable distances from each other, even as
far as two miles. , , . .
graphy given by Young, Natural Philosophy, p. 515. 5 That when the observers have been shocked at the end ot two
Leyden These striking effects were all produced by the electricity miles of wire, we infer that the electrical circuit is four miles, viz.
jihial, obtained immediately from an excited electric; but a great two miles of wire, and the space of two miles of the non-electric
1745 step was now made in the science by the discovery of a matter between the observers, whether it be water, earth or both.
6. That the electrical commotion is equally strong, whether it is
method of accumulating and preserving electricity in large conducted by water or dry ground.
quantities. The author of this great invention is not dis- 7 That if the wires between the electrifying machine and the
tinctly known ; but there is reason to believe that a monk observers are conducted on dry sticks, or other substances non-
of the name of Kleist, a person of the name of Cuneus, and electric in a slight degree only, the effects of the electrical power
Professor Muschenbroeck of Leyden had each the merit of are much greater than when the wires m their progress touch the
ground, or moist vegetables, or other substances m a great degree
an independent inventor. The invention by which this
accumulation was effected was called the Leyden Jar or n°8 That by comparing the respective velocities of electricity and
Phial, because it was' principally in Leyden that it was sound, that of electricity, in any of the distances yet experienced,
either invented or tried. Having observed that excited is nearly instantaneous.
electrics soon lost their electricity in the open air, and that In the following year these experiments were resumed
their loss was accelerated when the atmosphere was charged with the view of ascertaining the absolute velocity of
with moisture or other conducting materials, Muschenbroeck electricity at a certain distance, and it was found “ that
conceived that the electricity of bodies might be retained through the whole length of a wire 12,276 feet the velocity
by surrounding them with bodies which did not conduct it. of electricity was instantaneous.”
In putting this idea to the test of experiment, he electri- The theory of positive and negative electricity which was
fied some water in a glass bottle, and a communication afterwards elaborated by Franklin, was distinctly announced
having been made between the water and the prime con- by Sir W. Watson. He lays it down as a law that in elec-
ductor, the assistant, who was holding the bottle, on trical operations there is an afflux of “ electric fluid ” to the
trying to disengage the communicating wire, received a globe and the conductor, and also an efflux of the same

matter from them. In the case of two insulated persons, it copiously from an electrified body. Hence he was fur-
the one in contact with the rubber and the other with the nished with a simple method of collecting electricity
conductor, he observed that either of them would communi- from other bodies; and he was thus enabled to perform
cate a much stronger spark to the other than to any by- those remarkable experiments which we shall now pro-
stander. The electricity of the one, he says, became more ceed to explain. Hawksbee, Wall, and Nollet had succes-
rare than it is naturally, and that of the other more dense, sively suggested the similarity between lightning and the
so that the density of the electricity in the two insulated electric spark, and between the artificial snap and the
persons differed more than that between either of them and natural thunder. Previous to the year 1750 Franklin
a bystander. drew up a statement, in which he showed that all the
A variety of interesting experiments were made about general phenomena and effects which were produced by
this time by Le Monnier, Nollet, Winckler, Ellicott, electricity had their counterpart in lightning. After wait-
Jallabert, Boze, Menon, Smeaton, and Miles. In 1746 ing some time for the erection of a spire at Philadelphia, by
Le Monnier confirmed the result previously obtained by means of which he thought to bring down the electricity of
Gray, that electricity is communicated to homogeneous a thunder-storm, he conceived the idea of sending up a kite
bodies in proportion to their surfaces only. Boze dis- among the clouds themselves. With this view he made a
covered that capillary tubes which discharged water by small cross of two small light strips of cedar, the arms
drops afforded a continuous stream when electrified. The being sufficiently long to reach to the four corners of a
Abbe Nollet (Ussai sur VEledricite, 1746; Recherches, large thin silk handkerchief when extended. The corners
1749; Lettres, 1753), the friend and coadjutor of Dufay, of the handkerchief were tied to the extremities of the
ascertained that electricity increases the natural evapora- cross, and when the body of the kite was thus formed, a
tion of fluids, and that the evaporation is hastened by tail, loop, and string were added to it. The body was
placing them in non-electric vessels. Jallabert confirmed made of silk to enable it to bear the violence and wet of a
the result previously obtained by Watson, that electricity thunder-storm. A very sharp pointed wire was fixed at the
passes through the substance of a conducting wire, and top of the upright stick of the cross, so as to rise a foot or
not along its surface. Smeaton found that the red hot more above the wood. A silk ribbon was tied to the end
part of an iron bar could be as strongly electrified as the of the twine next the hand, and a key suspended at the
cold parts on each side of it. Dr Miles kindled com- junction of the twine and silk. In company with his son,
mon spirits by a stick of black sealing-wax excited by Franklin raised the kite like a common one, in the first
dry flannel. Ellicott conceived that the particles of the thunder-storm, which happened in the month of June 1752.
electric fluid repel each other, while they attract those To keep the silk ribbon dry, he stood within a door, taking
of all other bodies. Mowbray concluded that the vege- care that the twine did not touch the frame of the door ;
tation of two myrtles was hastened by electrifying them,— and when the thunder-clouds came over the kite he watched
a result which Nollet confirmed in the case of vegetating the state of the string. A cloud passed without any elec-
seeds. The Abbe Menon found that cats, pigeons, spar- trical indications, and he began to despair of success. He
rows, and chaffinches lost weight by being electrified saw, however, the loose filaments of the twine standing out
for five or six hours, and that the same result was true of every way, and he found them to be attracted by the ap-
the human body; and hence it was concluded that electri- proach of his finger. The suspended key gave a spark on
city augments the insensible perspiration of animals. the application of his knuckle, and when the string had be-
Franklin A high place in the history of electricity must be come wet with the rain, the electricity became abundant;
(1 TOS-
allotted to the name of Dr Benjamin Franklin of Phila- a Leyden jar was charged at the key, and by the electric
delphia. His researches did much to extend our theoreti- fire thus obtained spirits were inflamed, and all the other
cal and practical knowledge of electricity, and the clearness electrical experiments performed which had been formerly
and vigour of his style made his writings popular, and made by excited electrics. In subsequent trials with
spread the study of the subject. another apparatus, he found that the clouds were some-
One of the first labours of the American philosopher times positively and sometimes negatively electrified, and
was to present, in a more distinct form, the theory of posi- so demonstrated the perfect identity of lightning and elec-
tive and negative electricity, which Sir W. Watson had tricity. Having thus succeeded in drawing the electric fire
been the first to suggest. He showed that electricity is from the clouds, Franklin conceived the idea of protecting
not created by friction, but merely collected from its state buildings from lightning by erecting on their highest parts
of diffusion through other matter by which it is attracted. pointed iron wire or conductors communicating with the
He asserted that the glass globe, when rubbed, attracted ground. The electricity of a hovering or a passing cloud
the electrical fire, and took it from the rubber, the same would thus be carried off slowly and silently ; and if the
globe being disposed, when the friction ceases, to give out cloud was highly charged, the lightning would strike in pre-
its electricity to any body which has less. In the case of ference the elevated conductors.
the charged Leyden jar, the inner coating of tinfoil had The most important of Franklin’s electrical writings are
received more than its ordinary quantity of electricity, his Experiments and Observations on Electricity made at
and was therefore electrified positively or plus, while the Philadelphia, 1751-54 ; his Letters on Electricity, and
outer coating of tinfoil having had its ordinary quantity of various memoirs and letters, Phil. Trans., 1756, 1760, &c.
electricity diminished, was electrified negatively or minus. About the same time that Franklin was making his kite
Hence the cause of the shock and spark when the jar is- experiment in America, D’Alibard and others in France had
discharged, or when the superabundant plus electricity of erected a long iron rod at Marli, and obtained results
the inside is transferred by a conducting body to the de- agreeing with those of Franklin. Similar investigations
fective or minus electricity of the outside. This theory were pursued by many others, among whom Father Bec-
of the Leyden phial Franklin established in the clearest caria deserves especial mention.
manner, by showing that the outside and the inside coat- These experiments were often dangerous, and in one case Death of
ing possessed opposite electricities, and that, in charging a fatal accident occurred. Professor Richman of St Peters- Ttich-
it, exactly as much electricity is added on one side as is burg had erected on his house an iron rod to collect the ™arn^
subtracted from the other. The abundant discharge of electricity of thunder-clouds. On the 6th August 1753, 0 '
electricity by points was observed by Franklin in his ear- during a thunder-storm, he was observing, along with his
liest experiments, and also the power of points to conduct friend Sokolow, the indications of an electrometer which
ing being then drawn out of the other, they appeared more
formed part of his apparatus, when a tremendous thunder-
or less inflated, and exhibited the attractions and repulsions
clap burst over the neighbourhood. Richman bent to ob-
of electrified bodies. Two white silk stockings, or two
serve the electrometer; while in this position, his ■heacj;
black ones, when put on the same leg and taken off, gave
being a foot from the iron rod, Sokolow saw a globe of
bluish fire about the size of the fist shoot from the iron rod no electrical indications. When a black and a white stock-
ing were put on the same leg, and after ten minutes taken
to the professor’s head, with a report like that of a pisto . off, they were so much inflated when pulled asunder, that
The shock was fatal • Richman fell back upon a chest an
each showed the entire shape of the leg, and at the dis-
instantly expired. Sokolow was stupified and benum e.,
tance of a foot and a half they rushed to meet each other.
and the red hot fragments of a metallic wire struck Ins
clothes, and covered them with burnt marks. “ But what appears most extraordinary is, that when they are
separated, and removed at a certain distance from each other, their
Canton One of the most diligent labourers in the field of electn- electricity does not appear to have been in the least impaired by
(1715- cal science was an Englishman, John Canton {Phil. Trans., the shock they had in meeting. They are again inflated, again
)- 1753-54). Before his time it had been assumed as indis- attract and repel, and are as ready to rush together as before.
putable that the same kind of electricity was invariably pro- When this experiment is performed with two black stockings in one
hand, and two white in the other, it exhibits a very curious spectacle;
duced by the friction of the same electric,—that glass, for the repulsion of those of the same colour, and the attraction of those
example, yielded always vitreous, and amber always resin- of different colours, throws them into an agitation that is not un-
ous electricity. Having roughened a glass tube by grind- entertaining, and makes them catch each at that of its opposite
ing its surface with emery and sheet lead, he found that it colour, at a greater distance than one would expect. When allowed
possessed vitreous or positive electricity when excited with to come together, they all unite in one mass. When separated,
they resume their former appearance, and admit of the repetition ot
oiled silk, but resinous electricity when excited with new the experiment as often as you please, till their electricity, gradu-
flannel. He found, in short, that vitreous or resinous ally wasting, stands in need of being recruited.
electricity might, in certain cases, be developed at will
in the same tube, by altering the surfaces of the tube Symmer likewise found that a Leyden jar could be
and the exciting rubber. Removing the polish from one charged by the stockings either positively or negatively,
half of the tube, he excited the different electricities with according as the wire from the neck of the jar was pre-
the same rubber at a single stroke, and, curiously enough, sented to the black or the white stocking. When the
the rubber was found to move much more easily over the electricity of the white stocking was thrown into the jar,
rough than over the polished half. Canton likewise dis- and then the electricity of the black one, or wee versa,
covered that glass, amber, sealing-wax, and calcareous the jar was not electrified at all. With the electricity of
spar were all electrified positively when taken out of two stockings he charged the jar to such a degree that
mercuryand hence he was led to the important practical the shock from it reached both his elbows; and by means
discovery that an amalgam of mercury and tin was most of the electricity of four silk stockings he kindled spirits
efficacious in exciting glass when applied to the surface of of wine in a tea-spoon which he held in his hand, and the
the rubber. Canton discovered, and to a certain extent ex- shock was at the same time felt from the elbows to the
plained by the then prevalent theory of “ electrical atmo- breast. Symmer has the merit of having first maintained
spheres,” the fundamental fact of electrification by induc- the theory of two distinct fluids, not independent of each
tion. He also found that the air in a room could be other, as Dufay supposed them to be, but co-existent, and,
electrified positively or negatively, and might remain thus by counteracting each other, producing all the pheno-
electrified for a considerable time. mena of electricity. He conceived that when a body is said
Beccaiia Beccaria, a celebrated Italian physicist, kept up the to be positively electrified, it is not simply that it is pos-
(1716- spirit of electrical discovery in Italy. He showed that sessed of a larger share of electric matter than in a natural
SB- water is a very imperfect conductor of electricity, that state, nor, when it is said to be negatively electrified, of a
its conducting power is proportional to its quantity, and less ; but that, in the former case, it is possessed of a larger
that a small quantity of water opposes a powerful resist- portion of one kind of electricity, and in the latter, of a
ance to the passage of electricity. He succeeded in larger portion of the other; while a body, in its natural
making the electric spark visible in water, by discharging state, remains unelectrified, because there is an equal amount
shocks through wires that nearly met in tubes filled with of the two everywhere within it.
water. In this experiment the tubes, though sometimes Contemporary with Symmer were Delaval, Wilson,
eight or ten lines thick, were burst in pieces. Beccaria Cigna, Kinnersley, Wilcke, and Priestley (for the works of
likewise demonstrated that air adjacent to an electrified these electricians consult Young). Delaval found that the
body gradually acquired the same electricity, that the sides of vessels that were perfect conductors were non-
electricity of the body is diminished by that of the air, and conductors, and that animal and vegetable bodies lost their
that the air parts with its electricity very slowly. He con- conducting power when reduced to ashes. Wilson con-
sidered that there was a mutual repulsion between the cluded that when two electrics are rubbed together, the
particles of the electric fluid and those of air, and that in harder of the two is generally electrified positively and
the passage of the former through the latter a temporary the other negatively, the electricities always being opposite.
vacuum was forme,d. Beccaria’s experiments on atmosphe- Cigna made many curious experiments by using silk
rical electricity are of the greatest interest to the meteor- ribbands in place of the silk stockings of Symmer. Kin-
ologist. For farther account of his work, see his Lettere nersley, the friend of Franklin, made some important
delV Elettr., 1758; Experimenta, 1772 ; and letters, &c., experiments on the elongation and fusion of iron wires,
in Pkil. Trans, about 1770. when a strong charge wTas passed through them in a state
Sj mmer, The science of electricity owes several practical as well of tension {Phil. Trans., 1763); he also experimented
c. 1759. ag theoretical observations to Robert Symmer {Phil. Trans., on the disruptive discharge in air. Wilcke brought to
about 1759). In pulling off his stockings in the even- light many phenomena respecting the electrification pro-
ing, he had often remarked that they not only gave a duced by the melting of electric substances.
crackling noise, but even emitted sparks in the dark. The The pyro-electricity of minerals, or the faculty possessed Pyro-
electricity was most powerful when a silk and a worsted by some minerals of becoming electric by heat, and of elec-
stocking had been worn on the same leg, and it was best exhibiting negative and positive poles, now began to attract
exhibited by putting the hand between the leg and the the notice of philosophers. There is reason to believe
stockings, and pulling them off together. The one stock- that the lyncurium of the ancients, which, according to

Theophrastus, attracted light bodies, was the tourmaline, attract the particles of all bodies, and are attracted by
a Ceylon mineral, in which the Dutch had early recog- them, with a force obeying the same law. 3. The electric
nized the same attractive property, whence it got the fluid exists in the pores of bodies; and while it moves
name of Aschentrikker, or attractor of ashes. In 1717 without any obstruction in non-electrics, such as metals,
M. Lemery exhibited to the Academy of Sciences a stone water, &c., it moves with extreme difficulty in electrics,
from Ceylon which attracted light bodies; and Linnaeus, such as glass, rosin, &c. 4. Electrical phenomena are pro-
in mentioning the experiments of Lemery, gives the stone duced either by the transference of the fluid from a body
the name of Lapis Electricus. The Duke de Hoya was containing more to one containing less of it, or from its
led in 1758 to purchase some of the stones called tourma- attraction and repulsion when no transference takes place.
line in Holland, and, assisted by Daubenton and Adanson, The electricity of fishes, like that of minerals, now be- Elec-
he made a series of experiments with them, a description gan to excite very general attention. The ancients, as we tricity
of which was published. The subject, however, had en- have seen, were acquainted with the benumbing power of of
yEpinus gaged the attention of iEpinus, a celebrated German pbilo- the torpedo, but it was not till 1676 that modern naturalists
(1724- sopher, who published an account of them in 1756. attended to this remarkable property. The Arabians had
1806). Hitherto nothing had been said respecting the necessity long before given this fish the name of raad or lightning ;
of heat to excite the tourmaline; but it was shown by but Redi was the first who communicated the fact that the
iEpinus that a temperature between 99J° and 212° Fahr. shock was conveyed to the fisherman by means of the line
was requisite for the development of its attractive powers. and rod which connected him with the fish. Lorenzini
Benjamin Wilson (Phil. Trans., 1763, &c.), Priestley, and published engravings of its electrical organs; Reaumur
Canton continued the investigation; but it was reserved described the electrical properties of the fish; Kampfer
for the Abbe Haiiy to throw a clear light on this curious compared the effects which it produced to lightning; but
branch of the science (Trait'e de Mineralogie). He found Bancroft was the first person who distinctly suspected that
that the electricity of the tourmaline decreased rapidly the effects of the torpedo were electrical. In 1773
from the summits or poles towards the middle of the Walsh (Phil. Trans., 1/73—5) and Ingenhousz proved, by
crystal, where it was imperceptible; and he discovered many curious experiments, that the shock of the torpedo
that if a tourmaline is broken into any number of frag- was an electrical one; and Hunter (Phil. Trans., 1773-5)
ments, each fragment, when excited, has two opposite examined and described the anatomical structure of its
poles. Haiiy discovered the same property in the Siberian electrical organs. Humboldt (Ann. de Chim. et de Phys., i.
and Brazilian topaz, borate of magnesia., mesotype, preh- 15), Gay-Lussac, and Geoffroy pursued the subject with
nite, sphene, and calamine. He also found that the success; and Cavendish (Phil. Trans., 1776) constructed
polarity which minerals receive from heat has a relation an artificial torpedo, by which he imitated the actions of
to the secondary forms of their crystals,—the tourma- the living animal. The subject was also investigated by
line, for example, having its resinous pole at the summit Todd, Sir Humphrey Davy (Phil. Trans., 1829), John
of the crystal which has three faces, and its vitreous pole Davy, and F araday (Lxp. Res., vol. ii.). The power of
at the summit which has six faces. In the other pyro- giving electric shocks has been discovered also in the
electrical crystals above mentioned, Hatty detected the Gymnotus electricus,^ the Alalapterurus electricusf the
same deviation from the rules of symmetry in their second- Trichiurus electricus f and the Tetraodon electricus A The
ary crystals which occurs in tourmaline. Brard discovered most interesting and the best known of these singular fishes
that pyro-electricity was a property of the axinite; and is the Gymnotus or Surinam eel. Humboldt gives a very
it was afterwards detected in other minerals. In repeating graphic account of the combats which are carried on in
and extending the experiments of Hatty, Sir David Brewster South America between the gymnoti and the wild horses in
discovered that various artificial salts were pyro-electrical; the vicinity of Calabozo.
and he mentions tartrate of potash and soda, and tartaric Among the cultivators of electricity Henry Cavendish is Caven-
acid, as exhibiting this property in a very strong degree. entitled to a distinguished place. Before he had anydish
He also made many experiments with the tourmaline when knowledge of the theory of vEpinus, he had communicated
cut into thin slices, and reduced to the finest powder, to the Royal Society a similar theory of electrical pheno-
in which state each particle preserved its pyro-electricity; mena. As, however, he had carried the theory much further,
and he showed that scolezite and mesolite, even when de- and considered it under a more accurate point of view,
prived of their water of crystallization and reduced to he did not ^hesitate to give his paper to the world (Phil.
powder, preserve their property of becoming electrical by Irans., 1 / /1). Cavendish made some accurate experi-
heat. When this white powder is heated and stirred ments on the relative conducting power of different sub-
about by any substance whatever, it collects in masses like stances. He found that electricity experiences as much
new fallen snow, and adheres to the body with which it is resistance in passing through a column of water one inch
stirred. (For Sir David Brewster’s work on pyro-electricity long as it does in passing through an iron wire of the
see Trans. E.S.E., 1845; Phil. Mag., Dec. 1847; Edin- same diameter 400,000,000 inches long, whence he con-
burgh Journal of Science, Oct. 1824 and 1825). cluded that iron wire conducts 400,000,000 times as well
In addition to his experiments on the tourmaline, yEpinus as rain or distilled water. He found that a solution of
made several on the electricity of melted sulphur; and in one part of salt in one of water conducts a hundred times
conjunction with Wilcke, he investigated the subject of better than fresh water, and that a saturated solution of
electric atmospheres, and discovered a beautiful m 1 of sea-salt conducts seven hundred and twenty times better
charging a plate of air by suspending large wooden boards than fresh water. Cavendish likewise determined by
coated with tin, and having their surfaces near each other nice experiments that the quantity of electricity on coated
and. parallel. HCpinus, however, has been principally glass of a certain area increased with the thinness of the
distinguished by his ingenious:’theory of electricity, which glass, and that on different coated plates the quantity was
he has explained and illustrated in a separate work (Ten- as the area of the coated surface directly, and as the thick-
tamen Theories Electricitatis et Magnetismi) which ap- ness of the glass inversely. Although electricity had been
peared at St Petersburg in 1759. This theory is founded employed as a chemical agent in the oxidation and fusion
on the following principles. 1. The particles of the elec- of metals, yet it is to Cavendish that we owe the first of
tric fluid repel each other with a force decreasing as the those brilliant inquiries which have done so much for the
distance increases. 2. The particles of the electric fluid 1
Powerful. 2 Weak.
advancement of modem cliemistry. By using different Towards the end of the last century a series of experi- Laplace,
proportions of oxygen and hydrogen, and examining the ments was made by Laplace, Lavoisier, and Yolta [Phil. La;_
products which they formed after explosion with the elec- Trans., 1782, or Collezione delV Op.), from which it ap-^ier’
tric spark, he obtained a proportion of which the product peared that electricity is developed when solid or fluids Volta,
was pure water [Phil. Trans., 1784-5). The decom- bodies pass into the gaseous state. The bodies which were
position of water by the electric spark was first effected to be evaporated or dissolved were placed upon an insu-
by Paets Van Troostwijk and Deiman ; improved methods lating stand, and made to communicate by a chain or wire
of effecting it were discovered and used by Pearson, Cuth- with a Cavallo’s electrometer, or with Yolta’s condenser,
bertson, and Wollaston [Phil. Trans., 1801). when it was suspected that the electricity increased gra-
Galvani The great discovery made by Galvani in 1790, that the dually. When sulphuric acid diluted with three parts of
(i737- contact of metals produced muscular contraction in the frog, water was poured upon iron filings, hydrogen was disen-
gaged with a brisk effervescence; and at the end of a few
Volta1*1 an(
* ttie inventio11 of tlie volfca]’c pile> 1800, by Yolta led
(1745- to the recognition of a new kind of electricity called Gal- minutes the condenser was so highly charged as to yield a
1827). vanic or Voltaic Electricity, which is now proved to be strong spark of negative electricity' Similar results were
identical with frictional electricity. The chemical effects of obtained when charcoal was burnt on a chafing dish.
the voltaic pile far transcend those of ordinary electricity. Volta, who happened to be at Paris when these experi-
In 1800 Mcolson and Carlisle discovered the power of ments were made, and who took an active part
the pile to decompose water; and in 1807 [Bakerian in them,- subsequently observed that the electricity
Lecture) Sir Humphry Davy decomposed the earths and the produced by evaporation was always negative. He
alkalies, and thus created a new epoch in the history of found that burning charcoal gives out negative electri-
chemistry. city ; and in other kinds of combustion he obtained dis-
Coulomlj Contemporaneous with Cavendish was Coulomb, one of tinct electrical indications. In this state of the subject
^ eminent experimental philosophers of the last Saussure [Voyage dans les Alpes, t. ii. p. 808, et seqq.) saug„
century. In order to determine the law of electrical undertook a series of elaborate experiments on the electri- sure,
action, he invented an instrument called a torsion balance, city of evaporation and combustion. In his first trials he
which has since his time been universally used in all found that the electricity was sometimes positive and
delicate researches, and which is particularly applicable sometimes negative when water was evaporated from a
to the measurement of electrical and magnetical actions. heated crucible of iron ; but he afterwards found it to be
iEpinus and Cavendish had considered the action of elec- always positive both in an iron and a copper crucible. In
tricity as diminishing with the distance; but Coulomb a silver and a porcelain crucible the electricity was nega-
proved, by a series of elaborate experiments, that it tive. The evaporation of alcohol and of ether in a silver
varied, like gravity, in the inverse ratio of the square crucible also gave negative electricity. Saussure made
of the distance. Dr Robison had previously deter- many fruitless trials to obtain electricity from combustion,
mined, without, however, having published his experi- and he likewise failed in his attempt to procure it from
ments, that in the mutual repulsion of two similarly evaporation without ebullition. Many valuable additions
electrified spheres, the law was slightly in excess of the were about this time made to electrical apparatus, as well
inverse duplicate ratio of the distance, while in the as to the science itself, by Van Marum, Cavallo, Nicholson,
attraction of oppositely electrified spheres the deviation Cuthbertson, Brooke, Bennet, Read, Morgan, Henley, and
from that ratio was in defect; and hence he con- Lane ; but these cannot here be noticed in detail.
cluded that the law of electrical action was similar to that The application of analysis to electrical phenomena may Applica-
of gravity. Adopting the hypothesis of two fluids, be dated from the commencement of the present century. tion °(
Coulomb investigated experimentally and theoretically the Coulomb had considered only the distribution of electri-
distribution of electricity on the surface of bodies. He city on the surface of spheres ; but Laplace undertook to tricity.
determined the law of its distribution between two con- investigate its distribution on the surface of ellipsoids of
ducting bodies in contact; he measured the density of the revolution, and he showed that the thickness of the coat-
electricity at different points of two spheres in contact; he ing of fluid at the pole was to its thickness at the equator
ascertained the distribution of electricity among several as the polar is to the equatorial diameter. Biot [Traite de Biot.
spheres (whether equal or unequal) placed in contact in a Physique Exp. et Alath.) has extended this investigation to
straight line ; he measured the distribution of electricity on all spheroids differing little from a sphere, whatever may be
the surface of a cylinder, and its distribution between a the irregularity of their figure. He likewise determined
sphere and cylinder of different lengths but of the same analytically that the losses of electricity form a geometrical
diameter. His experiments on the dissipation of electri- progression when the two surfaces of ajar or plate of coated
city possess also a high value. He found that the momen- glass are discharged by successive contacts; and he found
tary dissipation was proportional to the degree of electrifi- that the same law regulates the discharge when a series of jars
cation at the time, and that, when the charge was mode- or plates are placed in communication with each other. It is
rate, its dissipation was not altered in bodies of different to Poisson [Mem. de l’Inst. Alath. et Phys., 12, 1811, &c.) Poisson,
kinds or shapes. ■ The temperature and pressure of the however, that we are mainly indebted for having brought
atmosphere did not produce any sensible change ; but he the phenomena of electricity under the dominion of analy-
concluded that the dissipation was nearly proportional to the sis, and placed it on the same level as the more exact
cube of the quantity of moisture in the air. In examining sci \ Assuming the hypothesis of two fluids, he
the dissipation which takes place along imperfectly insu- deduced theorems for determining the distribution of
lating substances, he found that a thread of gum-lac was the the electric fluid on the surface of two conducting spheres
most perfect of all insulators ; that it insulated ten times when they are either placed in contact or at any given
as well as a dry silk thread ; and that a silk thread covered distance. The truth of wese theorems had been estab-
with fine sealing-wax insulated as powerfully as gum-lac lished by experiments performed by Coulomb long before
when it had four times its length. He found also that the theorems themselves had been investigated.
the dissipation of electricity along insulators was chiefly Voltaic electricity had now absorbed the attention of
owing to adhering moisture, but in some measure also to a experimental philosophers. The splendour of its phe-
slight conducting power. For the memoirs of Coulomb nomena, as well as its association with chemical discovery,
see Mem. de Math, et Phys. de VAcad. de Sc., 1785, &c. contributed to give it popularity and importance ; but the
VIII. — 2

discoveries of Galvani and Volta were destined, in their influence of the magnet on the strata, &c., in vacuum tubes,
turn, to pass into the shade, and the intellectual enterprise we are indebted to Pliicker, De la Rive, Grove, Gassiot,
of the natural philosophers of Europe was directed to new and others who followed them.
branches of electrical and magnetical science. Guided by One of the first machines in which a continuous motion Electro-
Magnetic theoretical anticipations, Professor H. C. Oersted of Copen- was produced by means of the repulsions and attractions magnetic
action of hagen (Experimenta circa effectum conflictus dectrici in between electromagnets and fixed magnets or electro- enSines-
electric (iCum magneticam) in 1820 discovered that the elec- magnets was invented by Ritchie {Phil. Trans., 1833).
current curreilt of a gaivailic battery, when made to pass The artifice in such machines consists in reversing the
covered through a platinum wire, acted upon a compass needle placed polarity of one of the electromagnets when the machine
by below the wire. He found that a magnetic needle placed is near the position of equilibrium. For a general theory of
Oersted. t|ie neighbourhood of an electric current always places these machines, showing the reasons why they are not
itself perpendicular to the plane through the current and useful as economic motive powers, see Jacobi {Memoiresur
the centre of the needle; or, more definitely, that a VApplication de VElectro-magnetisme au Mouvement des
magnetic north pole, carried at a constant distance round Machines, Potsdam, 1835), and Joule {Mech. Mag., xxxvi.).
the current in the direction of rotation of an ordinary Electro-magnetic engines have, however, found a restricted
cork-screw advancing in the positive direction of the use in scientific workshops, such as Froment’s, in driving
current, would always tend to move in the direction in telegraphic apparatus, &c.
which it is being carried. In 1820 Arago {Ann. de Chim. et de Phys., t. xv.) and Magnet-
Electro- Scarcely had the news of Oersted’s discovery reached Davy {Annals of Philosophy, 1821) discovered indepen-ization
dyna- France when a French philosopher, Ampere, set to work to dently the power of the electric current to magnetize iron ^ctric
imcs. develop the important consequences which it involved, and steel. Savary {Ann. de Chim. et de Phys., t. xxxiv., current.
pire’s Physicists had long been looking for the connection be- 1827) made some very curious experiments on the alter-
theory. tween magnetism and electricity, and had, perhaps, nate directions of magnetization of needles placed at differ-
inclined to the view that electricity was somehow to be ent distances from a wire conveying the discharge of a
explained as a magnetic phenomenon. It was, in fact, Leyden jar. The dependence of the intensity of magnet-
under the influence of such ideas that Oersted was led to ization on the strength of the current was investigated by
his discovery. Ampere showed that the explanation was Lenz and Jacobi {Pogg. Ann., xlvii., 1839), and Joule found
to be found in an opposite direction. He discovered the that magnetization did not increase proportionately with
ponderomotive action of one electric current on another, the current, but reached a maximum (Sturgeon’s Ann. of El.
and by a series of well-chosen experiments he established iv. 1839). The farther development of this subject, which
the elementary laws ef electrodynamical action, starting really belongs to magnetism, has been carried on by
from which, by a brilliant train of mathematical analysis, he Weber, Muller, Yon Waltenhofen, Dub, Wiedemann, Quin-
not only evolved the complete explanation of all the electro- tus Icilius, Riecke, Stoletow, Rowland, and others. The
magnetic phenomena observed before him, but predicted use of a core of soft iron, magnetized by a helix surround-
many hitherto unknown. The results of his researches ing it, has become universal in all kinds of electrical ap-
may be summarized in the statement that an electric current paratus. Electromagnets of great power have in this way
in a linear circuit of any form is equivalent in its action, been constructed and used in electrical researches by
whether on magnets or other circuits, to a magnetic shell Brewster, Sturgeon, Henry, Faraday, and others.
bounded by the circuit, whose strength at every point is The most illustrious among the successors of Ampere was Recent
constant and proportional to the strength of the current. Wilhelm Weber. He greatly improved the construction of progress
By his beautiful theory of molecular currents, he gave a the galvanometer, and invented the electro-dynamometer. °[ectro
theoretical explanation of that connection between electri- To these instruments he applied the mirror scale and tele- dyna,-
city and magnetism which had been the dream of previous scope method of reading, which had been suggested by mics.
investigators. If we except the discovery of the lawrs of Poggendorff, and used by himself and Gauss in magnetic
the induction of electric currents made about ten years measurements about 1833. In 1846 he proceeded with his
later by Faraday, no advance in the science of electricity improved apparatus to test the fundamental laws of Am-
can compare for completeness and brilliancy with the work pfere. The result of his researches was to establish the
of Amp&re. Our admiration is equally great wrhether we truth of Ampere’s principles, as far as experiments with
contemplate the clearness and power of his mathematical closed circuits could do so, with a degree of accuracy far
investigations, the aptness and skill of his experiments, or beyond anything attainable with the simple apparatus of
tlie wonderful rapidity with which he elaborated his dis- the original discoverer. The experiments of Weber must be
covery when he had once found the clue. looked upon as the true experimental evidence for the theory
Recent In 1821 Faraday, who was destined a little later to do of Ampere, and as such they form one of the corner-stones
progress s0 much for the science of electricity, discovered electro- of electrical science.
ma net c
g i rotation {Quarterly Journal, xii.), having suc- While experiment was thus busy, theory was not idle. In Theory
dyna- ceeded in causing a horizontal wire carrying a current to 1845 Grassmann published {Pogg. Ann., Ixiv.) his Neue of
rotate continuously across the vertical lines of a field of 1
mics. Theorie der Electrodynamik, in which he gives an elemen- electro-
magnetic force. The experiment was very soon repeated tary law different from that of Ampere, but leading to the dyna-
in a variety of forms by De la Rive, Barlow, Ritchie, same results for closed circuits. In the same year F. E.
Sturgeon, and others ; and Davy {Phil. Trans.), in 1823, Neumann published yet another law. In 1846 Weber
observed that, when two wires connected with the pole of announced his famous hypothesis connecting electro-
a battery were dipped into a cup of mercury placed on the statical and electrodynamical phenomena. Much has
pole of a powerful magnet, the fluid metal rotated in op- been written on the subject by Carl Neumann, Riemann,
posite directions about the two electrodes. The rotation of a Stefan, Clausius, and others. Very important are three
magnet about a fixed current and about its own axis was memoirs by Helmholtz, in Crelle's Journal (1870-2-4), in
at once looked for, and observed by Faraday and others. which a general view is taken of the whole question, and
The deflection of the voltaic arc by the magnet had been the works of his predecessors are critically handled. We
observed by Davy in 1821 {Phil. Trans.)-, and in 1840 shall have occasion, in the body of the article, to refer to
Walker observed the rotation of the luminous discharge in the dynamical theory of Clerk Maxwell, which promises
a vacuum tube. For many beautiful experiments on the to effect a revolution in this part of electrical science.
Thermo By his discovery of thermo-electricity in 1822 (Pogg. in a neighbouring closed circuit, and that the motion
elec- Ann., vi.), Seebeck opened up a new department He of magnets produces similar effects. To express in
found that when two different metals are joined in circuit a concise manner his discoveries, Faraday invented his
there will be an electric current in the circuit if the junctions famous conception of the lines of magnetic force, or lines the
are not at the same temperature; he arranged the metals direction of which at any point of their course coincides with
in a thermo-electric series, just as Yolta and his followers that of the magnetic force at that point. His discovery can
had arranged them in a contact series. Gumming [Annals be thus stated Whenever the number of lines of force
of Phil., 1823) found that the order of the metals was not passing through a closed circuit is altered, there is an elec-
the same at different temperatures. This phenomenon has tromotive force tending to drive a current through the cir-
been called thermo electric inversion. In 1834 Peltier dis- cuit, whose direction is such that it would itself produce lines
covered that if a current be sent round a circuit of two of force passing through the circuit in the opposite direction.
metals in the direction in which the thermo-electromotive Nothing in the whole history of science is more remarkable
force would naturally send it, then the hot junction is than the unerring sagacity which enabled Faraday te disen-
cooled, and the cool junction heated. This effect, which is tangle, by purely experimental means, the laws of such a com-
reversible, and varies as the strength of the current, is plicated phenomenon as the induction of electric currents.
called the Peltier effect. Sir W. Thomson made many The wonder is only increased when we look to his papers, and
experiments on thermo-electricity, and applied to the find the first dated November 1831,2 and another January
experimental results the laws of the dynamical theory 1832, in which he shows that he is in complete possession
of heat. His reasonings led him to predict a new of all the general principles that are yet known on the
thermo-electric phenomenon, the actual existence of which subject. Faraday very soon was able to show that the
he afterwards verified by an elaborate series of very beau- current developed by induction had all the properties of
tiful experiments (Phil. Trans., 1856). He has given* a the voltaic current, and he made an elaborate comparison
general theory of the thermo-electric properties of matter, of all the different kinds of electricity known,—statical,
taking into account the effect of structure, &c. His experi- dynamical or voltaic, magneto-, thermo-, and animal elec-
mental researches have been ably continued by Professor tricity,—showing that they were identical so far as experi-
Tait, who, guided by theoretical considerations to the conjec- ment could show. In 1833 Lenz made a series of important Law of
ture that the curves in what Thomson called the 11 thermo- researches (Pogg. Ann., xxxi., 1834, xxxiv., 1835), which, Lenz.
electric diagram”1 must be straight lines, made an extended among other results, led him to his celebrated law by means
series of experiments, and showed that they were in general of which the direction of the induced current can be pre-
very approximately either straight lines or made up of dicted from the theory of Ampere, the rule being that the
pieces of straight lines. Our knowledge of thermo-electri- direction of the induced current is always such that its
city has been advanced by Becquerel, Magnus, Matthiessen, electromagnetic action tends to oppose the motion which
Leroux, Avenarius, and others. Thermo-electric batteries produces it. This law leads to the same results as the prin-
of considerable power have been constructed by Markus, ciples of Faraday. The researches of Kitchie and Henry
Noe, and Clamond, and employed more or less in the arts. about this time, and of Dove a little later, are also of im-
Magnet- In 1824 Arago (Ann. de Chim. et de Phys., t. xxvii. Ac.) portance. In 1845 F. E. Neumann did for magneto- Mathe-
ism of made a remarkable discovery, which led ultimately to re-
electric induction what Ampere did for electrodynamics, matical
sults of the greatest importance. He found that when a by developing from the experimental laws of Lenz the theory,
magnetic needle is suspended over a rotating copper disc mathematical theory of. the subject (Ahh. der Bed. Akad.
the needle tends to follow the motion of the disc. This der Wissenschaft, 1845-7). He discovered a function
phenomenon, which has been called the “ magnetism of ro- which has been called the “potential” (of one linear
tation,” excited great interest; Barlow (Phil. Trans., 1825), current on another or on itself), from which he deduced
Herschel, Seebeck (Pogg. Ann., vii., 1826), and Babbage a theory of induction completely in accordance with ex-
(Phil. Trans., 1825) made elaborate researches on the sub- periment. About the same time Weber deduced the
ject; and Poisson (Mem. de VAcad., vii., 1826) attempted mathematical laws of induction from his elementary law
to give a theoretical explanation in his memoir on magnet- of electrical action, which, as we have already seen, he
ism in motion. The true explanation was not arrived at applied to explain electrostatic and electromagnetic action.
until Faraday took up the subject a little later. We may In 1846 Weber, applying his improved instruments, arrived
mention, here, however, the experiments of Pliicker, at accurate verifications of the laws of induction, which by
Matteucci, and Foucault on the damping of the motions of this time had been developed mathematically by Neumann
masses of metal between the poles of electromagnets. The and himself. In 1849 Kirchhoff determined experimentally
damping of a compass needle suspended over a copper in a certain case the absolute value of the current induced
plate, observed by Seebeck (f. c.), has been taken advan- by one circuit in another; and in the same year Edlund
tage of in the construction of galvanometers. made a series of careful experiments on the currents of
tion of
In 1831 Faraday began, with the discovery of the induc- self and mutual induction, which led to the firmer estab-
electric tion of electric currents, that brilliant series of experi- lishment of the received theories. Helmholtz gave the
currents mental researches which has rendered his name immortal. mathematical theory of the course of induced currents in
(Fara- The first experiment which he describes was made with two
various cases, and made a series of valuable experiments in
helices of copper wire wound side by side on a block of verification of his theory (Pogg. Ann., Ixxxiii., 1851).
wood, and insulated from each other by intervening layers Worthy of mention here are also the experiments and
of twine. One of these helices was connected with a gal- reasonings of Felici in 1852. In the Philosophical Maga-
vanometer, and the other with a battery of a hundred zine for 1855, Sir W. Thomson investigated mathematically
plates, and it was found that on making and breaking the the discharge of a Leyden jar through a linear conductor,
battery circuit a slight sudden current passed through the and predicted that under certain circumstances the dis-
galvanometer in opposite directions in the two cases. He charge would consist of a series of decaying oscillations.
also discovered that the mere approach or removal This oscillatory discharge was observed in 1857 by Fedder-
of a circuit carrying a current would induce a current sen (Pogg. Ann., cviii.) The law of Weber has been applied
A mode of representing the phenomena of thermo-electricity which 2
The first experiment seems to have been actually made on the 29th
has been greatly developed and improved by Tait. August 1831. See Bence Jones’s Life of Faraday, vol. ii. p. 1.

by Kirchhoff to the case of conductors in three dimensions. in a very vague way by the use of the terms “ intensity ” Electro-
The most important of all the recent contributions to this and “ quantity,” to which no accurately defined meaning [n°^iv^.e
part of electrical science is the theory of Clerk Maxwell, was attached. Ohm’s service consisted in introducing and glance'
which aims at deducing the phenomena of the electromag- defining the accurate notions—electromotive force, current and
netic field from purely dynamical principles with the aid of strength, and resistance. He indicated the connection of current
the fewest possible hypotheses (Phil. Trans., 1864; Elec- these with experiment, and stated his famous law that the strength,
tricity and Magnetism, 1873). He has established the gene- electromotive force divided by the resistance is equal
ral equations which determine the state of the electric field, to the strength of the current. The theory on which.
and he has by means of these equations constructed an Ohm based his law may be and has been disputed,
electromagnetic theory of light, which is full of suggestions but the law itself and the applications which Ohm and
for the philosopher, whether speculative or experimental. others have made of it are in the fullest agreement
The theory of Helmholtz, and his valuable criticisms on with, all known facts. The merit of Ohm really con-
the works of those that have laboured in this department, sists in having satisfactorily analysed a great group of
are to be found in three memoirs already alluded to. phenomena which had up to his time baffled all those w7ho
Mag- Magneto-electricity has been largely applied in the arts. attempted the task. How great his service was is easily
neto- One of the first machines for producing electricity by seen when we remark the progress of those who adopted
electric induction was made by Pixii. It consisted of a fixed his ideas as compared with those who for a time hesitated
chines. horseshoe armature wound with copper wire, in front of to do so. Ohm was guided in his mathematical work by
which revolved about a vertical axis a horseshoe mag- analogy with the problem of the flux of heat, and intro-
net. The machine was furnished with a commutator duced for the first time into the theory of the pile, the
for delivering the alternating currents in a common equivalent of the modern word 'potential. Ohm’s word was
direction. By means of this machine Faraday and electroscopic force or tension (Spannung), and he showed that
Hachette decomposed water and collected the disengaged the fall of the potential is uniform along a homogeneous
gases separately. Many variations of this type of ma- linear conductor. He considered that the potential was
chine were constructed by Ritchie, Saxton, Clark, Yon analogous to the temperature, and the flow of electricity to
Ettingshausen, Stohrer, Dove, Wheatstone, and others. the flow of heat, so that the former just as much as the
In 1857 Siemens effected a great improvement by in- latter obeys the law of continuity. Ohm verified his theo-
venting the form of armature which bears his name. retical conclusions with thermo-electric piles, and he ob-
The next improvement was to replace the fixed magnets served, as Erman (Gilb. Ann., 1801) had done before him,
by electromagnets, the current for which was furnished the differences of potential at different points of the cir-
by a small auxiliary machine. Wilde’s machine (1867) cuit. Davy, Pouillet, and Becquerel laboured at the
is of this kind. Siemens, Wheatstone, and others sug- experimental verification of Ohm’s law, and a great body
gested that the fixed electromagnet should be fed by of evidence was given by Fechner in his Maasbestim-
a coil placed on the armature itself, so that starting mungen uber die Galvanische Kette (1831). The law of the
from the residual magnetism of the armature the ma- fall of potential was verified by the elder Kohlrausch, who
chine goes on increasing its action up to a certain employed in his researches Volta’s condenser and Dell-
point. Ladd’s machine (1867) is constructed on this mann’s electrometer (Pogg. Ann., Ixxv., 1848). Later
principle. The most recent of these machines is that of researches of a similar nature were made by Gaugain and
Gramme, the peculiarity of which is that the coil of the Branly. Among recent investigations bearing on Ohm’s law,
armature is divided up into a series of coils arranged round the most remarkable is the verification for electrolytes by
an axis, the object being to produce a continuous instead Kohlrausch (the younger) and Nippoldt. They, principally
of a fluctuating current. It has been proposed of late to used alternating currents in their researches, which were
employ electromagnetic machines in lighting streets and furnished by a “sine inductor,” the measuring instrument
workshops, and the experiment has been tried with some employed being the electro-dynamometer of Weber. In
success. They have been employed for some time back the report of the British Association for 1876 an account
in lighthouse work. The most important inductive appa- is given of some experiments,1 in which the testing of this
ratus for. the physicist is the induction coil or inducto- law seems to have been carried to the limit of experimental
rium, which has been brought to great perfection in the resources. It must now be allowed to rank with the law
workshop of Ruhmkorff. Poggendorff (Annalen, 1855) of gravitation and the elementary laws of statical electricity
suggested several improvements in this kind of appa- as a law of nature in the strictest sense. Many remarkable
ratus. Fizeau, who added the condenser (1853), Fou- applications of Ohm’s law have been made of late, in par-
cault, who designed the interrupter which bears his name ticular to linear conductors by Ohm, Poggendorff, and
(1855), and Ritchie, who devised the plan of dividing especially Kirchhoff (Pogg. Ann., 1845-7-8). The works
the coil into sections by insulating partitions, have all of Helmholtz, Smaasen, and Kirchhoff on conduction in
aided in bringing the instrument to perfection. Very three dimensions must also be mentioned. Very import-
powerful machines of this kind have been constructed. A ant, on account of the experimental results with which
large one in the Polytechnic Institution, London, gives a they deal, are the calculations of Du Bois Reymond
29-inch spark, and one recently constructed by Apps for (Pogg., Ixxi., 1845) and Riemann (Werke, Leipsic, 1876)
Mr Spottiswoode gives a spark of 42 inches. The mathe- on Nobili’s rings, and of Kirchhoff (Pogg., Ixvii., 1848),
matical theory of magneto-electric machines has been W. R. Smith (Proc. Roy. Soc. Edin., 1869-70), Quincke,
treated by Maxwell (Proc. Roy. Soc., 1867). He has also Stefan, Adams, and others on conduction in plates. Theo-
given a theory of the action of the condenser in the induc- retical applications to th6 varying currents in submarine
tonuin (Phil. Mag., 1868). Two papers by Strutt (now cables of great interest have been made by Thomson
. or. ay eiS1) ln Phil. Mag., 1869-70, are very interest- (Phil. Mag., 1856) and Kirchhoff (Pogg. Ann., 1857), while
ing in connection with the same subject. practical researches of the greatest importance to tele-
Ohm’s In the year 1827 Dr G. S. Ohm rendered a great service graphy have been made on this and kindred subjects by
law. to the science of electricity by publishing his mathematical
Faraday, Wheatstone, Guillemin, Yarley, Jenkin,and others.
theory of the galvanic circuit (Die Galvanische Kette Great improvements in galvanometers and galvanometry
mathematisch hearheitet). Before his time the quantita- 1
tive circumstances of the electric current had been indicated Suggested mainly by Prof. Clerk Maxwell, and carried out by the
present writer.
Measure-. have been made in our time. One of the first to use an connect its poles with a Thomson’s electrometer, and
ment of electro-magnetic instrument for measuring or indicating compare the deflection thus obtained with that due to
current. currents was Schweigger, who in 1820 invented the some standard electromotive force. Another very satis-
Galvano- factory method is Latimer Clarke’s modification of Poggen-
meters. “ multiplier.” Nobili used (1825) the astatic “multiplier”
with two needles, which is sometimes named after him. dorff’s compensation method (see Maxwell, 413). It is
Becquerel (1837) used the electromagnetic balance, which likewise not difficult to measure by a variety of methods,
was'employed in an improved form by Lenz and Jacobi. the most satisfactory being that of Mance (Maxwell, 411),
Pouillet invented the sine and tangent compasses (1837). the internal resistance of a battery when it is only traversed
The defects of the latter instrument were pointed out by by a feeble current. But the measurement of the electro-
PoggendorfF, and remedies suggested by him as well as motive force and internal resistance of a battery working a
Wheatstone and others. Weber effected great improve- strong current has hardly as yet been achieved with success;
ments in the construction and use of galvanometers, not that we undervalue the ingenious and important
adapted them for the measurement of transient currents, methods of Paalzow, Yon Waltenhofen, Beetz (Wiede-
and elaborated the method of oscillations which had been mann, i. § 181), and Siemens (Pogg. Ann., 1874). The
much used by Fechner. In 1849 Helmholtz invented the concordant results of the last two are indeed very
tangent compass with two coils which bears his name. remarkable. Still all these methods are more or less
Great improvements in delicacy and promptness of action affected by the fact that the electromotive force of a
have been made by Sir William Thomson in galvanometers battery depends on the current which it is sending (see
destined for the measurement of resistance, and for indi- Beetz in Pogg. Ann., cxlii.).
cating the feeble currents of submarine cables. The “crown of cups” of Yolta was the parent of a Batteries,
Resist- The measurement of resistance has been carried to great great many other arrangements for the production of
ance perfection, chiefly owing to the labours of those who have voltaic electricity. These had for their end either com-
measure- busied themselves in perfecting the electric telegraph. pactness or diminution of the internal resistance by en-
ment. Among such the highest place must be assigned to Sir larging the plates; we may mention the batteries of
Charles Wheatstone; his memoirs in the Philosophical Cruickshank (1801), Wollaston (1815), and Hare (1822).
Transactions (1843) gave a great impulse to this depart- In 1830 Sturgeon introduced the capital improvement
ment of our science. He invented the rheostat, which of amalgamating the zinc plates. In 1840 Smee used
underwent several modifications, but is now superseded by platinum or silver plates instead of copper; by platinizing
the resistance box which was first used by Siemens. The these he avoided to a considerable extent polarization by
earlier methods of Ohm, Wheatstone, and others for adhering hydrogen. In 1836 Daniell invented the two-
measuring resistance were defective, because they de- fluid battery which bears his name. This battery is the
pended on the constancy of the battery which furnished best constant battery hitherto invented, and is, under
the current. These defects are completely obviated in the various modifications, largely used in practical and scien-
more modern “null methods,” which may be divided tific work. In the same year Grove invented his well-
into two classes—those which depend on the use of the known battery, which surpasses Daniell’s in smallness
differential galvanometer introduced by Becquerel, and of internal resistance and in electromotive force, although,
those which are modifications of the Wheatstone’s bridge on the other hand, it is more troublesome to manage and
method, invented by Christie and brought into use by is unsuited for long-continued action. Cooper, in 1840,
Wheatstone. As examples of the latter, we may mention replaced the expensive platinum plates of Grove’s battery
the methods of Thomson, and of Matthiessen and Hockin, by carbon. This modification was introduced in a prac-
for measuring small resistances, and Thomson’s method for tical form into the battery of Bunsen (1842), which is
measuring the resistance of the galvanometer (see Max- much used on the Continent, and combines to a certain
well’s Electricity and Magnetism, pp. 404, 410). Many extent the advantages of Grove and Daniell. Among the
determinations of the specific resistances of metals and more recent of one-fluid batteries may be mentioned the
alloys have been made by Davy, Ohm, Becquerel, Matthies- bichromate battery of Bunsen and the L6clanch6 cell. It
sen, and others. To Matthiessen in particular science is impossible here even to allude to all the forms of battery
is indebted for great improvements in method and a that have been invented. We may, however, in passing
large body of valuable results in this department. The notice the gravitation batteries of Meidinger and Varley,
metals have been arranged in a series according to and the large tray cell of Sir William Thomson.
their conducting powers; and this series is found to Following up the discoveries of Nicholson, Carlisle, Electro-
be nearly the same for electricity as for heat. The Davy, and others, Faraday took up the investigation of 1ysis-
conductivity of metals decreases as the temperature in- the chemical decompositions effected by the electric current.
creases, the rate of decrease being nearly the same for In 1833 he announced his great law of electro-chemical
most pure metals, but much smaller and more variable for equivalents, which made an epoch in the history of this
alloys, which, on the other hand, have in general a large part of electricity. He recognized and for the first time
specific resistance. The earlier attempts to measure the thoroughly explained the secondary actions which had
resistance of electrolytes were not satisfactory, owing to hitherto masked the essential features of the phenomenon.
insufficient allowance for polarization. In later times this Faraday’s discovery gave a new measure of the current,
difficulty has been overcome or avoided, and concordant and he invented an instrument called the voltameter,
results have been obtained by Beetz, Paalzow, Kohlrausch, which was much used by those who followed out his
Nippoldt, and Grotrian. The three last, using the electro- discoveries. Space fails us to notice in detail the labours
dynamometer and sine inductor, have made elaborate re- of those who verified and developed Faraday’s discovery.
searches, establishing among many other interesting re- De la Rive, Becquerel, Soret, Buff, Beetz, Hittorf, Mat-
sults that the conductivity of electrolytes increases with teucci, Daniell, Miller, and many others have worked in
the temperature {Pogg. Ann., 1869-74). this field.
Electro- The measurement of the electromotive force and that of Many theories of electrolysis have been given. That of Theories
motive internal resistance of batteries inaction are problems which, Grotthuss (1805) has been held under various modifi-of ele?*
force and in their most general form, are inextricably connected. It
internal cations by many physicists; but none of these theories trolysi3,
resist- is easy to measure with considerable accuracy the electro- have done more than give us a convenient mode of repre-
ance. motive force of an open battery. We have merely to senting experimental results. Clausius {Pogg. Ann.,

ci., 1857) has published a remarkable molecular theory forth ] It was not until the dynamical theory of heat had been
of electrolysis, which is free from some of the objections perfected that the first answer to this question was given.
to the views of Grotthuss and his followers. Joule (Phil. Mag., 1841) had arrived experimentally at Joule’s
Polariza- The advances made in the experimental study of electro- the law which regulates the generation of heat in conduc-law-
tion. lysis reacted on the theory of the galvanic battery. It tors by the electric current, and his law was verified by
was now recognized that the cause of the inconstancy of Lenz and Becquerel, both for metals and electrolytes.
batteries is the opposing electromotive force due to Reasoning from Joule’s law on the case where the whole of
the existence of the products of decomposition at the the energy appears in the form of heat, Thomson (Phil.
plates of the battery. Gautherot, in 1802, observed the Mag., 1851) established the important theorem that the
polarization current from electrodes which had been used electromotive force of an electro-chemical apparatus is,
for electrolysis. Eitter confirmed his discovery, and con- in absolute measure, equal to the mechanical equivalent
structed on the new principle his secondary pile. Ohm of the chemical action on one electro-chemical equivalent ot
also experimented on this subject. Fechner and Poggen- the substance. Calculations of the electromotive force of a
dorff suspected the existence of a transition resistance DanielI’s cell, from the results of Joule, Andrews, and Favre
(Uebergangswiderstand) at the places where the chemical and Silbermann, have given numbers agreeing with thedirect
products were evolved. But the experiments of Lenz, measurements of Bosscha. The total amount of the electro-
Beetz, and others soon showed that a vera causa existed in motive force in the circuit having been thus satisfactorily
the electromotive force of polarization amply sufficient to determined, the question between the rival theories is re-
explain their results. The influence of the strength of the duced to the determination of the seat of this force—At
current, the size and nature of the plates, time, &c., on which of the junctions does it act]
polarization have been investigated by many physicists, Besides his great services in other branches of electricity, Electro-
among whom are prominent Beetz and PoggendorfF. Faraday did much to advance electrostatics. His experi- statics,
Determinations of the electromotive force of polarization mental investigations on electrostatic induction are of great
have been made by Daniell, Wheatstone, Poggendorff, interest,, and his discovery of the effect of the medium
and Beetz, and recently by Taii and others. Among between the electrified bodies opened out a new aspect
recent labours on polarization are to be mentioned those of the phenomenon quite unsuspected by those who held
of Helmholtz and his pupils. We must not omit to notice too closely to the theories of action at a distance. He
here the gas battery of Grove, and the powerful secondary introduced the term specific inductive capacity, and
piles which have recently been constructed by Plante. measured the capacity of several solid substances, show-
We refer those interested in these and kindred sub- ing that in these it was much greater than that of
jects to the exhaustive accounts in Wiedemann’s Gal- air. He conceived that his results were at variance
vanismus. Justice to all contributors to our knowledge is with any theory of action at a distance, and gave a theory
impossible in our limited space. of his own, which accounted for all his facts, and which
Contact This is perhaps the place to mention the great battle guided him in his investigations. Matteucci and Siemens
and die- that raged so long between the upholders of the two rival adopted the views of Faraday, and the latter introduced
mieal theories of the action of the pile. Yolta and his imme- refined methods for measuring specific inductive capacities.
of the ' diate successors held that the current was due to the Such measurements have been made in later times by Bar-
pile. electromotive force of contact between the dissimilar clay and Gibson for paraffin, and by Silow for certain
metals in the circuit, the function of the electrolyte being fluids. The most remarkable result thus obtained, how-
simply to transmit the electricity, there being no contact ever, are those of Boltzmann, who succeeded not only in
force between metals and liquids. The upholders of the detecting but in actually measuring the differences between
chemical theory sought for the origin of the current in the the specific inductive capacities of different gases. Faraday
chemical affinity between the zinc and the acid or their had looked in vain for such differences, and concluded that
equivalents in the battery, and, in the first instance at the specific inductive capacity was the same for all gases.
least, denied the existence of the contact force of Yolta. The phenomenon of the residual discharge was recognized
It was soon shown, however, on the one hand, that there and experimented on by Faraday. Kohlrausch, Gaugain,
was a contact force between metals and liquids, and, on Wullner, and others have also experimented on it; and quite
the other, that an electric current could be generated with- recently Mr Hopkinson has obtained some very interesting
out a heterogeneous metallic circuit at all. results regarding the superposition of residual discharges.
Later holders of both theories modified their views as These results are analogous to the curious phenomena of
experiment established the necessity for so doing. Ohm “ elastic recovery” observed by Kohlrausch.
and Fechner and other Continental philosophers inclined Sir W. Snow Harris was a very able experimenter, and
to a modified contact theory, and Sir William Thomson at did much to improve electrostatical apparatus. He used
present lends his weighty authority to that side. On the the electrical balance and the bifilar suspension balance in-
other side are the great names of Faraday, Becquerel, and vented by himself. On the strength of his results he ques-
De la Eive. The contact theorists devoted their attention tioned the soundness of the views of Coulomb. The work
more to the electrostatic phenomena of the pile, while the of Harris on the influence of the surrounding medium on
chemical theorists studied with great minuteness the the electric spark is of great importance. Faraday made
phenomena of electrolysis, so that both theories have a series of beautiful experiments on this subject, and
rendered good service to science. Now-a-days most arrived at a body of results which still form a good portion
physicists probably recognize too well the defects of both of the established facts on this subject. Very important
theories to think it worth while to attack either, and take in this connection are the measurements of Sir W. Thomson
refuge more or less in eclecticism. of the electromotive force required to pi’oduce a spark in
Applica- There was one point which the older adherents of the air between two conductors, which he has found to be dis-
tion of contact theory overlooked, the importance of which was proportionally smaller for large distances than for small.
cMffof1* raore or ess
^ dimly perceived by their chemical opponents, The luminous phenomena attending the electric dis-
the con- ^is was, in modern language, the question, where does the charge, especially in vacuum tubes such as those of Geiss-
servation energy come from which appears as kinetic energy in the ler, are exceedingly beautiful, and have of late formed a
of en- moving parts of electromagnetic engines, as heat in the con- favourite subject of experimental study. Many interesting
sy- ducting wires, through which a current is being driven,and so results have been obtained, the significance of which we may
not yet rightly comprehend. Among the older labours in tained these fine researches, though published in 1828,
this field we may mention those of Plucker and Hittorf, De had escaped the notice not only of foreign, but even of
la Rive, Riess, Gassiot, and Varley. But even as we write British mathematicians; and it is a singular fact in the
our knowledge of the subject is extending, and we refrain history of science that all his general theorems were re-
from referring to more modern results; for historical discovered by Sir William Thomson, Chasles and Sturm,
sketching—a difficult task in any case—is unsafe in an open and Gauss (see Reprint of Thomson’s papers). Sir Wil-
field like this, where some apparently insignificant fact may liam Thomson, however, pushed his researches much
contain the germ of a great discovery. We may here further than his fellow-labourers. He showed that the
mention the experiments of Wheatstone on the velocity of experimental results of Sir William Snow Harris, which
electricity, valuable less for the results he obtained than their author had supposed to be adverse to the theory of
for the ingenious application of the rotating mirror, then Coulomb, were really in strict accordance with that theory
used for the first time, which has since been applied with in all cases where they were sufficiently simple to be sub-
much success in the study of the electric discharge. mitted to calculation. He was guided in his earlier in-
One of the greatest names in electrical science is that of vestigations by an analogy between the problems involved
Riess. In his classical research on the heating of wires by in steady flux of heat and the equilibrium of electri-
the discharge from a battery of Leyden jars, he did for elec- city on conductors. He showed in 1845 how the pecu-
tricity of high potential what Joule did for the voltaic liar electric polarization discovered by Faraday in di-
current. The electro-thermometer which he used in these electrics, or solid insulators subjected to electric force,
researches was an improvement on the older instruments of is to be taken into account in the theory of the Leyden
Kinnersley and Harris. Riess repeated and extended the iar, so as to supply the deficiency in Green’s investigations.
experiments of Coulomb, and effected many improvements in We also owe to Sir William Thomson new synthetical
the apparatus for electrostatical experiments. His Reibungs- methods of great elegance and power. The theory of
dectricitdt is a work of great value, aud was for long the electric images, and the method of electric inversion founded
best book of reference open to the experimental student. thereon, constitute the greatest advance in the mathema-
Happily we have now another in the recently published tical theory of electrostatics since the famous memoir of
work of M. Mascart. Green. These he has applied in the happiest manner to
Sir William Thomson revolutionized experimental elec- the demonstration of propositions which had hitherto re-
tricity by introducing instruments of precision. Chief quired the resources of the higher analysis, and he has
among these are his quadrant and absolute electrometers. also found by means of them the distribution on a
His portable electrometer and water-dropping apparatus are spherical bowl, a case of great interest in the theory of
instruments of great value to the meteorologist in the study partially closed conductors, which had never been attacked
of atmospheric electricity, a science which he has done much or even dreamt of as solvable before. The work of
in other wayrs to forward. Besides this, we owe to him Professor Clerk Maxwell on Electricity and Magnetism,
many valuable suggestions for electrical apparatus and ex- which appeared in 1873, has already exerted great in-
perimental methods, some of which have been carried out fluence on the study of electricity both in England and
by his pupils. on the Continent. In it are fully given his valuable
Electro- The theory of statical electricity has made great progress theory of the action of the dielectric medium. He regards
statical since Poisson’s time. Among its successful cultivators we
the electrical forces as the result of stress in the medium,
may mention Murphy {Electricity, 1833), and Plana (1845). and calculates the stress components which will give the
The latter went over much the same ground as Poisson, observed forces, and at the same time account for the
extending his results. It was, however, by Green {Essay equilibrium of the medium. The striking discovery re-
on The Application of Mathematical Analysis to the Theories cently made by Mr Kerr of Glasgow, of the effect
of Electricity and Magnetism, 1828 ; or Mathematical on polarized light exerted by a piece of glass under
Papers, edited by 1ST. M. Ferrers), a self-taught mathemati- the action of strong electric force, is of great import-
cian, that the greatest advances were made in the mathema- ance in connection with Maxwell’s theory, and realizes
tical theory of electricity. “ His researches,” as Sir William a cherished expectation of Faraday, of whom Maxwell
Thomson has observed, “ have led to the elementary pro- is the professed 'exponent. We must allude here once
position which must constitute the legitimate foundation of more to Maxwell’s electromagnetic theory of light, the
every perfect mathematical structure that is to be made touchstone of which is the proposition that in transparent
from the materials furnished in the experimental laws of media, whose magnetic inductive capacity is very nearly
Coulomb. Not only do they afford a natural and complete equal to that of air, the dielectric capacity is equal to
explanation of the beautiful quantitative experiments which the square of the index of refraction for light of infinite
have been so interesting at all times to practical electri- wave length. Although, as perhaps was to be expected,
cians, but they suggest to the mathematician the simplest owing to disturbing influences such as heterogeneity, this
and most powerful methods of dealing with problems which, proposition has not been found in good agreement with
if attacked by the mere force of the old analysis, must have experiment in the case of solids, yet for liquids (Silow,
remained for ever unsolved.” One of the simplest appli- Pogg. Ann., civ. clviii.) and gases (Boltzmann, Ibid.
cations of these theorems was to perfect the theory of the civ.) the agreement is so good as to lead us to think that
Leyden phial, a result which (if we except the peculiar the theory contains a great part of the whole truth.
action of the insulating solid medium, since discovered by In the earlier stages of the science several units were in- Absolute
I araday) we owe to his genius. He has also shown how troduced for the measurement of quantities dealt with in units,
an infinite number of forms of conductors may be invented, electricity. As examples of these we may mention the
so that the distribution of electricity in equilibrium on each wire of Jacobi, and the mercury column of Siemens, a metre
may be expressible in finite algebraical terms,'—an immense long, with a section of a square millimetre, which at
stride in the science, when we consider that the distribu- given temperatures furnished units of resistance; the
tion of electricity on a single spherical conductor, an unin- Haniell’s cell, which furnished the unit of electromotive
fluenced ellipsoidal conductor, and two spheres mutually force, the chemical unit of current intensity, &c. All
influencing one another, were the only cases solved by these units were perfectly arbitrary, and there was no con-
Poisson, and indeed the only cases conceived to be solvable nection of any kind between them. The introduction of
by mathematical writers. The work of Green, which con- a rational system of unitation, based on the fundamental

If the experiment were carefully tried it would be found

units of time, mass, and length, was one of the greatest
that a piece of glass excited as above repels another piece
steps of our time. The impulse came from the famous
memoir of Gauss, Intensitas Vis Magneticce Terrestns ad of glass similarly excited, but attracts an excited piece of1
Mensuram absolutam revocata, 1832. . In conjunction wax. A convenient way of exhibiting these action^, which
also brings under our notice another fact of fundamental
with Weber, he introduced his principles into the measure-
importance, is as follows. Two gilt balls of elder pith are
ment of the earth’s magnetic force. To Weber belongs the
fastened to the ends of a light needle of shellac, which
credit of doing a similar service for electricity. He not
is balanced horizontally on a point carried on a vertical
only devised three different systems of such units—the
electrodynamical, the electrostatical, and the electromag- stand (fig. 1). To the stand a stop is fixed for con-
netic—but he carried out a series of measurements which venience, to prevent the needle u
practically introduced the last two systems. The funda- from spinning more than half
mental research in this subject is to determine in electro- round. If we touch the ball
magnetic measure the resistance of some wire from which, A with a piece of excited
by comparison, the electromagnetic unit of resistance can glass, and B with a piece of
be constructed. Measurements of this kind were made by excited sealing-wax, and touch
Kirchhoff in 1849 ; more carefully in two different a ball C, fastened to a shellac
ways by Weber in 1851; by the committee of the Bri- stem, with a piece of excited
tish Association in 1863, &c.; by Kohlrausch in 1870; and glass, then C will chase A
by Lorenz in 1873, Accounts of these important re- away till it is brought up by
searches will be found in Wiedemann and Maxwell, and in the stop, while it will, on the other hand, attract B. If,
the collected reports of the British Association on “ Elec- again, C be touched with a piece of excited wax, it will
trical Standards.” The ratio of the electrostatic to the attract A and repel B.
electromagnetic unit of electric quantity is a velocity (ac- Pieces of glass or wax excited in this way are said to be Defmi-
cording to Maxwell’s electromagnetic theory of light it is electrified, and the balls which by contact have acquired tion of
the velocity of light), the experimental determination of properties similar to those of the originally electrified bodies
which is of the greatest theoretical and practical import- are said to be electrified by conduction. an(1 con.
ance. Such determinations have been made by Weber and It appears from the above experiment that the electrifi- duction.
Kohlrausch in 1856, by Maxwell in 1868, and by Thom- cations of glass and sealing-wax, when rubbed with wool-
son in 1869. The results are not so concordant as might len, have opposite properties, which they communicate to
be desired, but the research is a very difficult one. bodies brought into contact with them. A body which has
For convenience in practice the British Association com- similar electrification to a piece of glass rubbed with wool-
mittee have recommended certain multiples of the absolute len is said to be vitreously or positively electrified; a body
unit, to which they have given names—e.g., the Ohm, the with similar electrification to a piece of sealing-wax rubbed
Volt, the Farad, &c. These have become current to a great with woollen is said to be resinously or negatively electri-
extent among practical electricians in this country. For fied. The result of the above experiment may then be
practical purposes, an empirical standard of electromotive summarized thus:—
force has been introduced by Latimer Clark, whose value Bodies similarly electrified, whether positively or nega-
in volts is given as 1-457. It is very important, in order tively, repel each other.
to be able to reduce chemical to absolute measure, to know Bodies oppositely electrified attract each other.
iccurately the electro-chemical equivalent of water. Values We have seen that a pith ball becomes, by contact with a Conduc-
for this have been found by Weber (1840), Bunsen (1843), positively electrified piece of glass, itself positively electrified.tors an<1
Oasselman (1843), and Joule (1851). Kohlrausch (1873) If we take two pith balls, electrify one of them positively,
made a careful determination of the electro-chemical equi- and then touch both simultaneously by a piece of thin
valent of silver, from which the electro-chemical equivalent wire, suspended by white silk, and test them with the
of water can be calculated. electroscopic needle described above, they will be found
both positively electrified; each will repel A and attract
GENERAL SKETCH OP PHENOMENA B, though less powerfully than the originally electrified
F unda- If a piece of glass and a piece of sealing-wax be each ball did, before the connection between them was
mental rubbed with a dry woollen cloth, it will be found that made. The success of the experiment will be found inde-
experi- both the glass and the wax have acquired the property pendent of the length or shape of the wire, and will be
of attracting indiscriminately any small light body in the equally good with silver, gold, iron, lead, or any other
neighbourhood; and it will be further observed, in many metal. But, if we use a thread of glass or shellac to con-
cases, that the small bodies, after adhering for a little to nect the balls, the electrification of the first ball will be
the glass or wax, will be again repelled. found unaltered, and the second will remain neutral—that
These actions have at first sight a likeness to the at- is, it will not attract or repel another neutral ball, and will
tractions and repulsions of magnetic bodies, but they are equally attract both balls, A and B, of the electroscopic
sufficiently distinguished from these—1st, By their origin,— needle. The difference in the power of transmitting elec-
being excited by friction and other causes in a great trical properties from one body to another, or of aiding in
variety of bodies, whereas magnetic action is powerfully electrification by conduction, leads us to divide all sub-
exhibited and communicated only by certain varieties of stances into two classes—conductors, which do very readily,
iron and iron ore, by nickel and cobalt, and by certain and non-conductors, which do not, or do not very readily,
arrangements which we shall have to mention by-and-by; transmit electrification from one body to another. If we
2d, By the nature of the bodies acted on; for these connect an electrified conductor by means of another con-
may be, in the case of excited glass or wax, light particles ductor to a very large conducting body, such as the earth,
of any substance, whereas the only bodies powerfully acted it will be found that so much electrification has been
on magnetically are either magnets or their equivalents, carried away from the small body that it is left sen-
or iron, nickel, and cobalt; and 3d, By the fact that every sibly neutral. If, accordingly, we wish a conducting insnla-
magnet has two poles possessing opposite properties, whereas body to preserve its electrification unaltered, we must sup- tion and
an electrified body may have similar properties in every port it on some non-conducting substance. When thus insula‘
part of its surface. supported the body is said to be insulated, the non-con-tors’
ducting support being called the insulator, a name which tricity is distributed throughout the whole mass of a body,
has on that account been given to non-conductors gene- and speak of electrical “ volume density,” meaning the quan-
rally. tity of electricity in an element of volume divided by the
Induc- We have remarked above that a neutral pith ball attracts element of volume. We shall also speak of an element of elec-
tion. equally the positive and negative balls of the electroscopic tricity, meaning the electricity in an element or very small
needle ; this leads us to re- portion of a body. In certain cases we shall find that
mark, more explicitly than electricity resides on the surface of a body; electrical
we have hitherto done, that “ surface density ” then means quantity of electricity on an
an electrified body in general element of surface divided by the element of surface, and
and in the first instance element of electricity the electricity on an element of
attracts a neutral or unelec- surface.
trified body. The explana- For shortness, we shall denote positive or vitreous
tion of this action is that electricity by the mathematical sign + , and resinous or
the originally neutral body negative electricity by the sign —, remarking that the
in presence of the electri choice of the signs is arbitrary, and reserving for the pre-
fied body becomes itself \ sent the question of how far we may associate with these
electrified for the time. It \ signs the corresponding mathematical ideas.
is said to be electrified \ We shall assume that every element of electricity repels
by induction, and it is t-Q every other element of the same sign, and attracts every
very easy to show, by other element of opposite sign. The precise law of this
using large bodies, not only force will be investigated further on.
that the originally neutral This force considered as acting on any element of elec-
body is actually electrified, tricity we shall call an electric force. In perfectly con-
but that it is oppositely ducting substances electricity moves with perfect freedom
electrified in different parts. under any electromotive force, however small. In perfect
Thus (fig. 2) A and B are non-conducting substances electricity will not move under
two bodies suitably insu- any electromotive force, however great. Any case in
lated and placed one above nature lies somewhere between these extremes, but into
Fig-, 2.
the other. If B be originally questions of gradation, &c., we do not enter for the present.
neutral, and A be positively electrified, then the lower end of When the forces due to other electrical elements acting
B will be negatively, and the upper end positively electri- on the electricity in any element of a body have a resultant,
fied; as may be easily shown by exploring with a small posi- that resultant acts on the element itself, and is called the
tively electrified pith ball suspended by a dry white silk ponderomotive force, to distinguish it from the electro-
thread; the little ball will be attracted towards the lower motive1 (or electric) force which tends to move + electri-
end of B, and repelled from the upper. If we remove the city in one direction and — electricity in the opposite
body A, or, which (as we have seen) amounts to the same direction.
thing, connect it with the earth, and so “ discharge ” its When a body is neutral, we shall assume that it contains
electrification, we shall find that all traces of electrical ac- equal and equally distributed quantities of + and — elec-
tion in B have disappeared—i.e., the small positively elec- tricity, and we shall further suppose those to be practically
trified pith ball will be attracted everywhere; and, if we unlimited in amount. A + electrified body is then to be
discharge it too, it will neither be attracted nor repelled conceived as a body which has excess of + electricity and
anywhere. a - electrified body as one which has excess of - electricity.
Provisional Theory. Communication of + electricity to a body is in accordance
with this to be regarded as equivalent to the abstraction of
Before going further into detail, it will be convenient to an equal amount of - electricity, and conversely.
give a working theory of electrical phenomena, so far as It is easy to see that the above assumptions will explain
we have considered them. The use of such a theory at in a general way the phenomena already described. Thus
the present stage is to enable us to co-ordinate and classify the + electricity of the electrified pith ball C acting on the
the results of experiment, and to furnish a few leading + electricity of the ball A of the electroscopic needle
principles under which we may group results which repels it, and this force by our assumption is equally
appear to be due to a common cause. Such a exerted on the matter of A, therefore A tends to move
theory is invaluable as a memoria technica for experi- away from C, and will do so as long as it is free to move.
mental results, and is useful in suggesting directions The action on the - electrified ball B is similarly explained.
for experimental inquiry; but in framing it we must Conduction and discharge to earth may be explained
be careful to make it contain as little as possible beyond in a similar manner.
the results of actual experiment, and in using it we must The attraction of an electrified body (+ let us sup-
be on our guard against allowing it to prepossess our pose) A on a neutral insulated body B is thus explained.
minds as to what may be the ultimate explanation of the The + electricity on A (fig. 3) attracts the - electri-
phenomena we are considering. city in B and repels the
Following the caution of Coulomb and the example of + electricity, so that,
Sir William Thomson, we shall avoid the use of the term though there is still on the
electrical fluid, and substitute instead the more succinct and whole as much + elec-
Use of less misleading word electricity. We suppose that a body tricity as - electricity, yet
terms which exhibits electrical properties (as above defined) has the distribution is no
associated with its mass a certain quantity of something longer the same, for, the
&c. which, without attempting further definition, we shall call electricity being free to move, the - electricity under the
electricity. Of our right to use the word quantity here we attraction approaches A until the non-conducting air
shall give experimental justification by-and-by, and then 1
It might be well to use the term “ electric force ” here, for “ elec-
the question of the appropriate unit will (vide infra, 11 elec- tromotive force” is afterwards used to mean the line integral of a force
tric quantity”) be discussed. We may suppose that elec- (see below, p. 24).
VIII. - 3

and the attraction of the separated + electricity on B required to twist a straight wire through a given angle
stops it, and the + electricity recedes in similar fashion. varies as the angle of torsion multiplied by the fourth
When electrical equilibrium has been attained the action of power of the diameter of the wire directly, and as the
the + electricity of A on the — electricity of B will exceed length of the wire inversely {Mem. de VAcad., 1784).
its action on the + electricity of B, which is on the whole The balance used by Coulomb in most of his experiments
more distant,1 the electromotive force on the electricity of is represented in figure 4.
B will be on the whole attractive, and hence the pondero- ABDC is a cylinder of glass 1 foot in diameter and 1 foot high.
motive force on B, will be also attractive. This cylinder is closed by a glass lid pierced centrically and eccen-
trically by two openings,
The above explanation involves of course the general each about 20 lines wide.
explanation of electrification by induction. Into the middle opening
is cemented a glass tube
Experimental investigation of Electrical Quantity, 2 feet high, to the upper
Distribution, and Force. end of which is fitted a
torsion head; the sepa-
Electro- In what follows we shall suppose that we have an rate parts of the head
scopes instrument which will serve as an electroscope and to are shown larger at the
and side of the figure. H is
some extent as an electrometer \ that is, which shall tell
a collar cemented to the
meters. us readily whether a body brought into communication glass tube; MO a metal
with it is + or - electrified or not at all, and also enable us disc, divided on the edge
to tell when one body is more strongly electrified + or - into 360 degrees; this
than another. disc is fastened to a tube
IS, which slips into the
The gold-leaf electroscope of Bennet or the dry pile collar H. K is a button
electroscope of Bohnenberger will meet these require- whose neck turns easily
ments, and have been much used in electrical researches. in a hole in MO ; to the
We shall, however, suppose that we are using the rudimen- lower part of the button
is fastened a small clamp,
tary form of Thomson’s electrometer constructed by Elliot which seizes the wire of
Brothers for lecture-room experiments, which is now the balance. I is an arm
much used in England, and answers very well. For a with a small projecting
description of these and other electroscopes and electro- piece which slips over the „ , .
edge of the disc MO. - 4.-Torsion Balance.
meters, see article ELECTROMETER. This piece has a fiducial mark on it, which enables us to read off tbe
We shall also assume for the present that we have the position of the arm on the graduated edge of MO. The horizontal
means of producing and communicating to any body as arm bd consists of a silk thread or fine straw' covered with sealing
much of either kind of electrification as we please, and wax terminated by a thread of shellac at b about 18 lines long,
pass on to consider the data of experiment regarding the which carries a pith ball 2 or 3 lines in diameter. At the
other end of the arm is a vertical disc of oiled paper, which serves
distribution of statical electricity in conducting bodies. as a counterpoise to the pith ball, as a damper to the oscillations,
We are thus at the very outset brought face to face with and as an index by means of wdiich the position of the horizontal
the idea of electric quantity. arm can be read off on a graduation carried round the glass cylinder.
The eccentric hole in the cover of the balance allow'S the introduc-
Electric Quantity. tion of the fixed ball a; this is carried on a shellac stem fastened
to a clamp P, which by means of fiducial marks can be placed in a
We have to explain how the introduction of the term fixed position on the cover. The wire in Coulomb’s balance was of
quantity into electrical science is justified by experiment, and silver, about 30 cm. long. Its diameter was '0035 cm., and it
how we can multiply and subdivide quantities of electricity. weighed about -003 gm. He found by the method of oscillations
that a couple equivalent to the W'eight of T7 milligramme, acting
Although it is no doubt possible to introduce the notion of at the end of an arm a decimetre long, would keep the wire twisted
quantity independently of the measure of electric force, yet through 360°.
the most convenient and practical measure of quantity de- Besides this form of balance Coulomb used others, some
pends on the measurement of force, and the absolute more delicate for electroscopic purposes, and others less so,
electrostatic unit of quantity is stated in this wny. We but of larger dimensions, into which he could introduce
are naturally led, therefore, to combine with the study of electrified bodies of considerable size.
quantity and distribution the experimental study of the Faraday used Coulomb’s balance, and Snow Harris used
laws of electric force. the bifilar balance, which is a modification of Coulomb’s.
We shall have occasion to allude to two leading experi- In the second volume of his Experimental Researches,
mental methods that have been used in investigating the however, Faraday gives a general method of experiment-
present subject. These might be called the old method ing, which to a great extent has superseded the older
and the new. method. This may be called the “ cage method; ” it de-
The old method, which did so much for electrical science pends for its success on the use of some delicate instrument
in the master hand of Coulomb, depended on the use of for measuring differences of potential; this was supplied
the torsion balance and proof plane, both invented by by the quadrant electrometer of Sir William Thomson,
Coulomb himself. This method was used by Beiss and which has thus completely revolutionized the whole system
others up to Faraday’s time.
of electrostatic measurement.
Cou- Michell, about Coulomb’s time or a little before, first
Faraday’s experiment was as follows {Exp. Res., vol. ii.
lomb’s suggested the idea of measuring small forces by the torsion
torsion of a wire. He proposed to apply the method to measure p. 279):—
balance. the attraction of gravitation between two bodies of moderate Let A (fig. 5) be an insulated hollow conductor with an opening Cage
to allow admission to the interior. Faraday used a pewter ice pail,2 method.
size, thus finding the mean density of the earth, and the 10J in. high and 7 in. in diameter Connect the outside of A with
method was actually carried out by Cavendish; but Cou- one electrode of an electrometer E, which may for most purposes be
lomb was in all probability unaware of Michell’s suggestion. the rudimentary form of Thomson’s electrometer mentioned above.
He made careful preliminary experiments (the first of the Connect the other electrode of the electrometer with the earth. I f
now we introduce a positively electrified body, say a brass ball C,
kind) on the torsion of wires, and found that the couple
A cylinder of wire gauze will answer equally well, and allows the
It is here tacitly assumed that the attraction between two elements experimenter to see better what he is doing. Such a cylinder we shall
of electricity decreases as the distance between them increases. call for shortness an “ electric cage.’’
suspended by a white silk string, we shall find that the electro- as before, and if we now test H in G we shall get a deflec-
tion 2D. We can in this way get any multiple we please
meter needle is deflected through a certain angle, the spot of light
going a certain dis- of the unit charge. If we take the elec-
tance to the right, say,
of the scale. It will
trified brass ball C and touch it by a per-
be found that, provided fectly equal neutral ball C', on introducing
the ball C is more than C into G we shall get deflection ^ D; if we
a certain depth (about touch C again by C', previously rendered
3 in. in Farady’s ex-
periment) below the
neutral, we shall get deflection j D, and so
mouth of the pail, no on; if we had touched C simultaneously, as Fig. 6.
further motion of the in fig. 6, with two equal neutral balls, we
ball, right or left, up should have got deflection ^ D, and so on. We can thus
or down, will affect the
indications of the elec- get any submuitiple of our unit charge.
trometer. It will also To get a given multiple and submidtiple of the negative
be found that the same unit.—This is possible when we can get a quantity of —
indications will be got electricity, which will just destroy the action of a given
to whatever point of Earth
the outside of the pail quantity of + electricity in the electric cage. If we intro-
the electrometer wire duce our given quantity of + electricity into the cage H,
without allowing the conductor carrying it to touch the
is attached. If we diminish or increase the + electrification of C,
the electrometer deflection will diminish or increase accordingly.cage and at the same time put the outside of the cage in
If we introduce a negatively electrified ball C', the deflection will
communication with the ground, then if we remove the
be to the left, and everything else as before. If C gives a certain
conductor with the given quantity of + electricity and
positive (right) deflection, and C' an equal (left) deflection, then if
we introduce C and C' together, the deflection will be zero. If put it in G, it will give the same + deflection as before,
0 and C' be both + electrified and give equal + deflections, thenwhile H tested in the same way will give a negative deflec-
introduced together they will give a double + deflection, and if
three such balls, all giving equal + deflections, be introduced tion exactly equal to the former, and if both be introduced
together, they will give a treble + deflection. together there will be no deflection. We can, therefore,
It is obvious that this experiment of Faraday’s not only in this way get a — quantity equal and opposite to a
gives a very ready test of the electrical state of bodies, but given + quantity.1
at once suggests the notion of electrical quantity, and a
theoretically possible electrostatic unit. Suppose, in fact, Electrical Distribution.
we take for our test the deflection of a Thomson’s electro- Experiments had been made before Coulomb’s time to
meter of given sensibility, then we might specify as a unit determine what effect the nature of a body has on electri-
of electrical quantity the quantity of + electricity on or in a cal distribution. Gray and White concluded, from an
brass ball of given size, which will produce with a given experiment with two cubes of oak, one hollow and the
cage a certain given deflection of the electrometer. other solid, “ that it was the surface of the cubes only
To make this definition useful we must have the means which attracted.” Le Monnier 2 showed that a sheet of
of transferring a given charge from one body to another, lead gave a better spark when extended than when rolled
and charging a body with any multiple or submultiple of together. These experiments point to the conclusion that
our unit, and of charging a body with any multiple or sub- electrical distribution in conducting bodies depends merely
multiple of the unit of negative electricity, which we may on the shape of the bounding surface.
define as the quantity of - electricity which will just We may make experiments confirmatory of this conclu-
annul the action of the unit of + electricity in the electric sion wdth the electric cage. If we electrify a brass sphere
cage. A, and then touch it with another sphere B, and test the
All these requirements may be satisfied by suitably mo- electrification of B in the cage, we shall find that the
difying Faraday’s experiment. amount of electricity taken by B is always the same, what-
We saw that we might move the ball about in the middle ever its material may be, so long as the radius of its exter-
of our electric cage without affecting the electrometer de- nal surface is the same. Experiment is unable to detect
flection ; we find, moreover, that when we withdraw the any difference in this respect between a solid sphere of
electrified ball without touching the cage, the needle returns lead and the thinnest soap-bubble of the same radius.
to zero. If, however, before withdrawing the ball we cause Coulomb took a large cylinder of wood, in which he made
it to touch the inside of the cage, the electrometer deflec- several holes four lines in diameter and four lines deep.
tion remains the same as before, and after the ball has been Having electrified the cylinder and insulated it, he examined
removed the deflection is still the same, while if we examine its electrical condition by means of the proof-plane. This
the ball, we find that all traces of electrification have disap- instrument, so much used by Coulomb, consisted merely
peared. of a small disc of gilt paper (in this case a line and a half
To trans- To transfer a given quantity of electricity.—If we pro in diameter) fastened to the end of a needle of shellac.
fer a vide ourselves with two cages, a large one G, and a The disc is applied to any point of a body whose electrifi-
charge. small one H, and take a ball C, electrified positively with cation we wish to test so as to be in the tangent plane to
unit quantity as above defined, then testing C in cage the surface of the body. Assuming for a moment, what
G, in connection with the electrometer, we get a certain de- we shall by-and-by prove, that electricity resides on the
flection D. If now we transfer the electrification of C to H, surface of bodies, it is natural to suppose that the proof-
by the process just described, and then put H inside G, we plane, when placed as described, will form part of the
shall get the same deflection D as before. It appears, bounding surface, and will therefore take up as much elec-
therefore, that we can transfer electrification from one body tricity as was originally on the part of the surface which it
to another without loss; we thus fulfil one of our require- 1
ments, and give an additional justification of the use of the fromThe substance of the above and a good deal of what follows is taken
Maxwell’s Electricity and Magnetism, vol. i. We recommend
word quantity in the present case. the student to read his remarks on quantity, § 35, venturing to suggest,
Multiple To get any multiple or submultiple of the electric unit.— as an illustration of the transmission of energy by action at a distance,
3r sub- We may repeat the process above performed on the small the case of two bar magnets, in which the energy of vibration is trans-
multiple mitted and retransmitted periodically. See Tail’s Recent Advances
if unit cage H by touching its inside with the ball C, again electri- in Physical Science, p. 179.
iixarge. fied to unit quantity. All the electrification will pass to H 2
Mascart t. i. p. 90.

covers. li now we remove the proof-plane in the direction involving the same principle. AB (fig. 9) is a wire ring sup- Fara-
of the normal, keeping it, as nearly as possible, parallel to ported on an insulating stand j C is a conical muslin bag day’s ex-
the surface, the electricity will not leave it; but we shall fitted to the ring with two strings fastened to the vertex of penment
carry safely away all that it had when in contact the cone, giving the experimenter the means of quickly
with the surface of the body. We may return to the con- turning the bag inside out. If the bag be electrified in
sideration of the proof-plane when we come to study the first position in the figure and tested with the proof-
mathematically the laws of electrical distribution. plane and electric cage, it will be found that the outside
In the experiment with which we are now concerned, only is electrified. If we turn the bag inside out and test it,
Coulomb used a very delicate balance (a force of of a we shall find as before that what is now the outside, and
milligramme was sufficient to keep the wire twisted was formerly the inside, is alone electrified, ff he electricity
through 90°). When the proof-plane was applied to any has thus passed through the bag so as to be on the outside
point of the external surface of the wooden cylinder, and in both cases.
then introduced into the torsion balance, it repelled the Before leaving for a time tne question of the distribution
electrified ball of the balance with great force. When it of electricity on conductors, it may be well to warn the
was carefully introduced into one of the holes, made to student to accept with due reserve the proposition that
touch the bottom, and then carefully withdrawn so as not electricity resides entirely on the surface of conductors,
to touch the edge of the hole, it produced no appreciable and to remind him that such a proposition is from the
effect on the balance. nature of the case incapable of direct experimental proof,
Hollow Coulomb varied this experiment as follows. He insu- for we cannot operate in the substance of a mass of metal.
sphere lated and electrified a hollow sphere of metal (fig. 7), and by Some of the experiments we have quoted bear more directly
inent. carefully introducing a proof-plane through a small opening on the question than others. Coulomb’s experiment,
tested the electrical condition of the interior for instance, shows, strictly speaking, merely that electri-
surface. He found no sensible trace of city avoids cavities and re-entrant angles. Again, in Fara-
electricity inside, except very near the edge day’s experiment with the linen bag, we have not clearly
of the small opening. Hence we conclude defined what we mean by the outside of the body. The
that if the sphere had been closed entirely proposition has on the whole been suggested rather than
there would have been no electrification in- proved. Its meaning will become clearer as we go more
side. Many experiments have been made and more into the theory of distribution,1 and we shall
to illustrate the proposition that electricity meet with it by-and-by as one of the first propositions in
resides entirely on the surface of conductors. the mathematical theory.
Frank- Franklin put a long chain inside a metal
lin’s teapot, which he insulated and electrified. Laws of Electric Force.
experi- When he seized the chain by a hook at the end Before proceeding to give an account of Coulomb’s
of a glass rod and pulled it out of the teapot quantitative experiments on electrical distribution, we shall
he observed that a pair of pith balls, suspended side by side describe shortly the methods by which he arrived at the
from the teapot, collapsed more and more as the chain laws of electric force, and did for electricity what Newton
was drawn out, and he concluded that the electrification did for astronomy, i.e., laid the foundation for a mathema-
of the teapot, being now spread over a greater surface, had tical theory of the subject based on the hypothesis of action
become weaker. at a distance.
Biot’s The following experiment of Biot’s has become classical. In this research Coulomb used the form of balance Experi-
experi- which we described above. The clamp holding the fixed mental
A spherical conductor A (fig. 8) is supported on an insulat-
ing stem D. B and C are A ball of the balance is so adjusted that the centre of the ^eY[-An
two hollow hemispheres ball falls in a horizontal line through zero of the gradua- of the
fastened to insulating tion on the glass cylinder and the prolongation of the sus- elemen-
handles E and F. When pending wire; the torsion button is turned till its arm is tary law
these are fitted together at zero ; the disc, button and all, is then turned till the of f01^6,
they form a sphere some- disc on the arm and the centre of the movable ball are in
what larger than A, with a line with the zero of the lower graduation. The fixed
a small hole in it through ball, which had been removed to allow of the last adjust-
which the stem D can ment, being replaced, and the movable ball having come to
pass. If we electrify A rest in contact with it, both are electrified by means of a
very strongly, so that small metal ball carried on an insulating stem of shellac.
when put in the electric S- 8- The balls repel each other, and the movable ball takes up
cage it powerfully deflects the electrometer, and then a certain position of equilibrium; the corresponding angle
close B and C over A. and make either B or C touch is read off. The torsion button is then turned through
it, then separate B and C, and test A, B, and C in the an angle which is noted, so as to bring the balls nearer
cage, we shall find that all the electricity has gone from together. The new position of the beam is again read off;
A and spread itself over B and 0. this may be repeated a third time. We are then in pos-
The following is an ingenious experiment of Faraday’s, session of data from which we can draw conclusions as
to the law of electrical force at different distances.
Let us assume that the force between two elements of positive
electricity (supposed collected at two points, technically speaking,
“regarded as physical points ”) varies inversely as the square of the
distance between them. It will be shown in the mathematical
theory that two spheres uniformly ^ electrified, as we shall at present
One additional caution may he useful, viz., not to confound this
proposition with another of fundamental importance, of which we can
give direct experimental proof of the most conclusive nature “ that
there is no electrical action inside a hollow conductor containing no
charged bodies.”
This condition is not absolutely satisfied in any experiment; it is
approximately satisfied in Coulomb’s experiment.
assume tlie two bails in the balance to be, repel each other, as if mally on the end of a small shellac needle, which was hung Law of
their electricity were collected at their centres. up, so as to be horizontal, on a fibre of raw silk attached attrac-
Let e be the angle of equilibrium in any case, r the angle of tor- to a horizontal scale. An insulated conducting globe was lloa
sion. 0 (fig. 10) is the centre of the beam, i<
F and M the centres of the fixed and mov- - ’ set up with its centre in the same vertical plane as the ^ethody
able ball (we suppose OF —OM); OK is scale, and in the same horizontal plane as the centre of the 0f oscil-
perpendicular to FM. Then FM2 oc sin2 6-. small disc. The globe and disc were oppositely electrified, lations.
and the period of oscillation of the needle was found by
Hence moment of the force on M about observing the duration of 15 swings. The time of oscilla-
tion follows the pendulum law, and varies inversely as
Ooc !, and the torsonial couple cc r + e. the square root of the force acting on the needle, hence the
duration of 15 oscillations will vary inversely as the
square root of the force, i.e. directly as the distance between
Hence in the three cases the value of (r + e) sin ^ ^an 2 — ^ (say) the centres of the globe and disc, if the law of the
must be the same, if the law of the inverse square agree with the inverse square hold. Coulomb’s experiment gave the
experiments. following results :—
Coulomb made many experiments of the kind we have Distance of centres Duration of Ratio of distance
described. The following is the result which he has of globe and disc. 15 oscillations. to duration.
given of one such :— 9 20 2-22
18 41 2-28
24 60 2-50
The numbers in the third column ought to be all equal.
The deviation from equality are not greater than can fairly
be explained by loss of electricity and errors of observation.
Coulomb also investigated, both by means of the torsion
The third column is obtained from the two preceding. balance and by the method of oscillations, the relation be-
A is calculated by putting r= 0 and c = 36° in the formula tween electric force and quantity.
He electrified the two balls of the torsion balance by
(r + c) sin | tan ^ = A . simultaneous contact with another ball, and observed the
angle of equilibrium: he then halved the quantity on the
Then using this value of A and the observed value of r, the fixed ball by touching it with an equal neutral ball, and
formula is employed to find c in the two second cases. The reduced the torsion till the angle of equilibrium, and, in
agreement between the observed and calculated values of e consequence, the distance between the balls was the same
is the test of the truth of the law we have assumed. The as before; he found the torsional couple in the second case
agreement in the second line is as good as can be expected to be somewhat less than half what it was in the first. He
when possible errors of experiment are considered. It will therefore concluded that the force between two elements of
be seen, moreover, that the calculated is in excess of the electricity varies as the product of the quantities.
observed value, which is what we ought to expect, owing to Coulomb’s experiments were repeated, and his results
the loss of electricity which goes on during the time con- confirmed by Hiess,2 and by Marie-Davy.3 Experiments
sumed in the experiment. That there is such a loss may which, when properly interpreted, lead to the same results,
be proved experimentally by simply leaving the movable were made by Snow Harris,4 and by Egen.5
ball to itself after any of the three operations ; it will be We have then arrived at this general law of electric
seen to move slowly towards the fixed ball. We shall re- force :—
turn hereafter to this loss of electricity, with regard to the If two quantities q, q of electricity be supposed collected State-
exact nature of which authorities are not quite agreed.1 at two points, whose distance is d, the force between them ment
of law
In the third line the agreement is less good, but here the . . qq ‘
acts in the straight line joining the points and cc •
proximity of the balls renders the supposition of unifor-
mity no longer even approximately allowable. The mutual So far, this law might be merely an approximation to the
repulsion tends to drive the electricity on each ball farther truth. Later on, however, it will be seen to be logically
from the other ball, and thus the action between the balls deducible from experiments which in delicacy infinitely
is as if the electricity on each were collected at points be- surpass those just described. The law of Coulomb is
yond the centre, so that the observed repulsion must be in fact established as certainly as the law of gravitation
less than that calculated on the supposition of uniformity itself.6
of distribution. By means of the law now given the unit of electrical quan- Defini-
Coulomb also made experiments with the torsion balance tity can be defined in a satisfactory and practical manner, tion of
to test whether the law of the inverse square applies This unit we now state to be that quantity of positive elec- absolute
to the attraction as well as to the repulsion of electrified tricity which, when collected into a point, repels with unit
bodies. His experiments confirmed the law; but the of force an equal quantity similarly collected into a point unit.
difficulty of operating is much greater in this case than at unit distance from the former.
in the former. He therefore adopted another method If we take centimetre, gramme, and second as our
of experimenting. A small conducting disc was fixed nor- units of length, mass, and time, the unit force will be that
This is only one of the many experimental difficulties which beset force which in a second generates in a gramme of matter
the use of the torsion balance, one of the most difficult of all instru- a velocity of a centimetre per second.
ments to use successfully. To appreciate the skill and sagacity of 2 3
Coulomb in this and other matters, the student must read more de- 4 Reibungselectricitiit, Bd. i. p. 94. Mascart, i. p. 67.
tailed accounts (Riess and Mascart, or Memoires de VAcad., about Phil. Trans., 1834 and 1836. In connection with which we call
1785) of his labours than we can give here. He will be richly re- the attention of the student to the classical paper of Sir W. Thomson,
paid for his trouble. Nothing is better calculated to rouse the failing Reprint
5 of Papers on Electrostatics and Magnetism, p. 15 sgg
enthusiasm of the tyro in experimental electricity than a perusal of the 6 Riess, Bd. i. p. 94.
works of Coulomb, unless it be to read the Experimental Researches of We suppose, of course, that we are dealing always with one and
Faraday. the same dielectric throughout.
electricity [electric distribution.
The law of electric force between two (quantities and ^ There are various ways of using the torsion balance in
now becomes researches on distribution. We may either electrify the
movable ball independently (as above described), or we
Force = • may electrify it each time by contact with the proof-plane
when it is inserted into the balance. It must be noticed
The unit of quantity which we have just defined is that the repulsion of the movable ball is in tne first case
called the electrostatic unit, in contradistinction to the proportional to the charge on the proof-plane, but in the
electromagnetic unit which we shall define hereafter. second to the square of the charge, so that the indications
Since the dimension of unit of force is [LMT—2], where must be reduced differently.
L,M,T symbolize units of length, mass, and time, we have In measuring we may either bring the movable ball to a
for the dimension of unit of electrical quantity [Q] fixed position, in which case the whole torsion required to
[Q] = [LF*] = [LiMiT_1~|. keep it in this position is proportional to the charge on the
proof-plane (or to its square, if the second of the above
Quantitative Results concerning Distribution. modes of operation be adopted), or we may simply observe
It has already been indicated that electricity in equili- the angle of equilibrium and calculate the quantity from
brium resides on the surface of conducting bodies. We must that. It is supposed, for simplicity of explanation in all
now review shortly the experimental method by which this that follows, that the former of the two alternatives is
surface distribution has been more closely investigated. We adopted, and that the movable ball is always independently
shall state here some of the general principles arrived at, charged.
and one or two of the results, reserving others for quota- The gradual loss of electricity experienced more or less
tion when we come to the mathematical theory of electrical by every insulated conductor has already been alluded to.
distribution. This loss forms one of the greatest difficulties to be encoun-
The most important experiments are due to Coulomb. tered in such experiments as we are now describing. If
He used the proof-plane and the torsion balance. Bless, we apply the proof-plane to a part of a conductor and take
who afterwards made similar experiments, used methods the balance reading, giving a torsion iq say, and repeat the
similar to those of Coulomb. observation, after time t, we shall get a different torsion
Allusion has already been made to the use of the proof- r2, owing to the loss of electricity in the interval. This loss,
plane, and it has been stated that when applied to any part partly if not mainly due to the insulating supports, depends
of the surface of an electrified body, it brings away just as on a great many circumstances, some of which are entirely
much electricity as originally occupied the part of the sur- beyond even the observation of the experimenter. We may
face which it covers. If, therefore, we electrify the mov- admit, however, what experiment confirms within certain
able ball of the torsion balance in the same sense as the small limits, that the rate of loss of electricity is propor-
body we are to examine, and note the repulsion caused by tional to the charge, and we shall call T!-- Ta (the loss per
the proof-plane when introduced in place of the fixed ball
after having touched in succession two parts of the surface unit of time on hypothesis of uniformity) the coefficient of
of the body, we can, from the indications of the balance, dissipation (8), This coefficient, although, as we have im-
calculate the ratio of the quantities of electricity on the plied, tolerably constant for one experiment, will vary very
plane in the two cases, and hence the ratio of the electrical much from experiment to experiment, and from day to
densities at the two points of the surface. We suppose, of day; it depends above all on the weather.
course, that the proof-plane is small enough to allow us to Supposing we have determined this coefficient by such
assume that the electrical density is sensibly uniform over the an observation as the above, then we can calculate the
small area covered by it. In some of his experiments Eiess torsion r', which we should have observed had we touched
used a small sphere (about two lines in diameter) instead the body at any interval t' after the first experiment; for
of the small disc of the proof-plane as Coulomb used it. we have, provided t' be small,
The sphere in such cases ought to be very small, and even r' = r1 — = t2 + 8(< — t').
then, except in the case of plane surfaces, its use is objec- In particular, \lt' — \t, we have
tionable, unless the object be merely to determine, by twice t'=4(ti + t2).
touching the same point of the same conductor, the ratio
of the whole charges on the conductor at two different Coulomb used this principle in comparing the electric
times. The fundamental requisite is that the testing body densities at two points A and A' of the same conductor.
shall, when applied, alter the /orwi of the testing body as He touched the two points a number of times in succession,
little as possible,1 and this requisite is best satisfied by a first A, then A', then A again, and so on, observing the cor-
small disc, and the better the smaller the disc is. The responding torsions r!, t/, t2, T2',tkc., the intervals between
theoretically correct procedure would be to have a small the operations being very nearly equal. He thus got for
portion of the actual surface of the body movable. If we the ratio of the densities at A and A' the values
could remove such a piece so as to break contact with all 2t 1
neighbouring portions simultaneously, then we should, 3 , &c. These values ought to be all
by testing the electrification of this in the balance, get a 1 +t2 > xt2 0
perfect measure of the mean electric surface density on the equal: the mean of them was taken as the best result.
removed portion. We shall see that Coulomb did employ In certain cases, where the rapidity of the electric dissi-
a method like this. pation was too great to allow the above method to be
applied, Riess used the method of paired proof-planes. For
It is evident from what we have advanced here that the use of the a description of this, and for some elaborate calculations
proof-plane to determine the electric density at points of a surface
w ere the curvature is very great, e.g., at edges or conical points is on the subject of electrical dissipation, the reader is referred
inadmissible. If we attempt to determine the electrical density at the to Biess’s work.
vertex of a cone by applying a proof-sphere there, as Kiess did, we The cage method is well adapted for experiments on
shall very evidently get a result much under the mark, owing to the distribution. The proof-plane, proof-sphere, or paired
blunting of the point when the sphere is in situ. We should, on the
o er an(, or an opposite reason, get too large a result by apply- proof-planes may all be used in conjunction with it. If
ing a proof-plane edgewise to a point of a surface where the curvature the cage be fairly well insualted, and a tolerably deli-
is continuous. cate Thomson’s electrometer be used, so that the cage may
coulomb’s results.] ELECTRICITY 23
be made large, and the surface density on its outside there- Riess made a series of experiments on cubes, cones, <kc. j
fore small, there will be little loss of the external charge ; but as these are not of theoretical interest, the calculation
and the method has this advantage, that dissipation from in such cases being beyond the powers of analysis at
the proof-plane inside the cage does not affect the result of present, and as the use of the proof-plane or sphere with
the measurement in hand, it being indifferent, qua effect on bodies where edges and points occur is not free from
the electrometer, whether the electricity inside the cage be objection, we content ourselves with referring to Riess’s
on the proof-plane, in the air, or elsewhere, provided work for an account of the results.
merely it be inside. The state of the cage as to electrified Coulomb made a series of experiments on bodies of Cou-
air, &c., is easily tested by the electrometer at any time. different forms, which he built up out of spheres of different lomb’s
Coulomb's Results.—If we electrify a sphere, and test sizes, or out of spheres and cylinders. These are of very ^ ^ ^
the electrical density at two points of its surface, great interest, partly on account of the close agreement of oifeom-
experiment will show, as would be expected from the some of the results with the deductions subsequently made posite
symmetry of the body, that the density at the two by Poisson from the mathematical theory, and partly on conduo
points is the same. If we test the electric density at account of the clearness with which they convey to the tors-
any point of a sphere, and then halve its charge by mind the general principles of electric distribution. His
division with an equal neutral sphere, and test the electric method in most cases was to build up the conductor and
density again, we shall find it half what it was before. electrify it with all the different parts in contact, and then
The electric density at any point is therefore propor- after separating the parts widely, to determine the mean
tional to the whole charge on the sphere, or to the mean density or the whole amount of electricity on each part
density, meaning by that the whole charge divided by the by the proof-plane or otherwise.
whole surface of the sphere. For spheres in contact he found the following results,—
If, instead of a sphere, we operate with an ellipsoid S, Q, o-; S', Q', o-' denoting the surface, quantity of elec-
generated by the revolution of an ellipse about its major tricity, and mean surface density for the two spheies respec-
axis, we shall find that the electric density is not uniform tively.
as in the case of the sphere, but greater at the sharp ends
of the major axis than at the equator, and the ratio of the
densities increases indefinitely as we make the ellipsoid
sharper and sharper. This leads us to state a principle 3-36 3-8 1-09
of great importance in the theory of electrical distribution, 14-80 11-1 1-33
viz., that the electrical density is very great at any pointed 62-00 37-6 1-65
part of a conductor.
If we determine the ratio of the densities at two points From this it appears that although the whole amount
of an ellipsoid,1 diminish the charge, and redetermine the of electricity on the large sphere is greater than that on
same ratio, we shall find that, although the actual densities the small, yet the mean density for the smaller sphere is
are diminished, the ratio remains the same; and if we greater than for the larger. The above result also affords
determine the density at any point of the ellipsoid, and an experimental illustration of the action of the earth in
then halve its charge by touching it with an equal and discharging a conductor connected with it. Comparing
similar ellipsoid (they must be placed with their axes in the conductor to the small sphere and the earth to the
the same straight line, and made to touch at the poles),2 large sphere of 62 times the superficial area of the small
and redetermine the density at the same point as before, one, if we start with charge Q on small sphere and then
we shall find that the density in the second case is half put the two in contact, the charge on the small sphere will
that in the first. We have in fact, in general, the im- be reduced to Q, so that the mean density is dimin-
portant proposition that—
The density at any point of a conductor is proportional ished in the ratio 1 : 38-6. This ratio increases indefinitely
to the whole charge on the conductor, or, what is the same, to as the ratio ^ increases. These results are in satisfactory
the mean density.
The following case given by Coulomb is interesting; it agreement with Poisson’s calculations. Coulomb was led
shows the tendency of electricity towards the projecting by his observations to assign 2 as the limit of the ratio of
parts, ends, or points of bodies. The conductor was a the mean densities when the ratio of the diameters of the
cylinder with hemispherical ends,—the length of the cylin- spheres is infinitely great ; the mathematical theory gives
der being 30 inches, its diameter 2 inches. Coulomb 5*
gives the following results :— o or 1-65.
Coulomb also determined the density at the apex or
Distance from end. Density. smaller end of the body formed by two unequal spheres in
5 in. 1-00 contact. The following are his results, the mean density
2 1- of the larger sphere25
being unity :—
1 ‘ 1-80
0 2- 30 Density at apex.
Ratio of radii.
The density at the end is thus more than twice that at Calculated.
the middle. 1-27 1-32
Other results, taken from Coulomb’s unpublished papers, 1- 1-
may be found in Biot,3 Mascart, or Riess. His results for 2- 2-
a circular disc we shall quote further on. 3- 3-
4- 4-
1 We
suppose in all these experiments that we are dealing with
single body sufficiently distant not only from all electrified bodies b When two equal spheres are placed in contact the dis-
loin all neutral conductors to be undisturbed by them. This cone
tion2 is essential. tribution will of course be the same in each; Coulomb
It would not do to make the pole of one touch the equator of tl found that, from the point of contact up to a point on the
or to place them otherwise unsymmetrically. surface of either sphere distant from it by about 20°, no
Traite dt Physique. trace of electricity could be observed ; at 30°, 60°, 90°.
electricity [electeostatical theoey.
small conducting needle, it is obvious, from what we have
180° respectively, the electric density had the relative already laid down about induction, that it will take up a
values -20, -77, -96, I'OO. When the spheres are unequa position very nearly parallel to the line of force ; so that
the distribution is no longer alike on each. n e sma if we start from any point and carry the centre of the
sphere it is less uniform, and the density at the point o needle always in the direction in which the needle points
the small sphere diametrically opposite the point of con- we should trace out a line of force.
tact is greater than anywhere else on the body, ihe The potential at any point is the work done by a unit
distribution on the larger sphere is more uniform than on
of + electricity in passing from that point to the infinitely
the smaller, and the more unequal the spheres are he distant boundary of the electric field, the electric distri-
more uniform is the distribution on the larger, and the bution being supposed undisturbed. It is usual to call
smaller the unelectrified part in the neighbourhood of
the point of contact. the infinitely distant boundary a place of zero potential.
The following results of Coulomb are useful illustrations Zero is to be understood in the sense of “ point or posi-
of distribution on elongated and pointed bodies :— tion from which we reckon.”1
Three equal spheres (2 in. diameter) in contact, with their Consider two points P, Q, infinitely near each other Force in
centres in the same straight line : the mean densities were 1 34, in the field, and draw a curve from P passing through terms of
1-00 1'34 on the spheres 1, 2, and 3 respectively. Q to oo. Then, if F be the component parallel to
Six equal spheres as before: mean densities on 1, 2, and PQ of the resultant force at P, we have by our definition
3 = 1-56, 1-05, 1-00. ^ «_i.7o
Twelve equal spheres: mean densities on 1, 2, ana o —l /U, F.PQ = VP-Vq ;
1T4, 1-00. J _ , _ , or in differential notation
Twenty-four equal spneres : mean densities on 1, 2, and 12 — Yds— -dV,
175, 1-07, 1-00. ., „ „ , , (1),
Large (8 in. diameter) sphere with four small (2 in.) spheres bence
applied to it, all the centres in line: the mean density on large
sphere being 1, that -on the small one next it was ‘60 that on the and Y=/7 Yds =/” (Zdx +Ydy + Zdz) . . . (2),
extreme small one 2 08.
Large sphere 1, and twenty-four (2 to 25) small ones: mean where Y denotes the potential at P, and X,Y,Z the components
densities on 1, 2, 13, 24, 25 = I'OO, '60, 1'28, 1 46, 2 17. parallel to the co-ordinate axes of the resultant electric force. Y e
clearly have as particular cases of (1)
dV (3).
•A- ✓J/’V. Y=-g z=-
EQUILIBRIUM. We may remark that, in all cases which we shall consider at pre-
We take as the basis of our theory the assumptions sent, the work done in passing from any point to any other point is
the same whatever the intermediate path of our exploring unit.
already laid down under the head Provisional Theory, and Hence Y as above defined is a single valued function, and the for-
in addition the precise elementary law of electrical action mula} (3) gives the components of resultant force when Y is known.
established by Coulomb. We shall also suppose that we The work done by a unit of + electricity in passing by
have only perfect conductors and perfect non-conductors any path from P to Q is called the electromotive force from
to deal with, the medium being in all cases the same, P to Q; it is obviously equal to the difference of the poten-
viz., air. When we have to deal with electrified non-con- tials at the two points. Thus
ductors we shall suppose the electrification to be rigid, i.e.
incapable of disturbance by any electric force we have to (Xdx+Ydy+Zdz) . . . (4).
consider. is the electromotive force from P to Q.
In our mathematical outline we have in view the requirements of Suppose we concentrate m units of electricity at any point P, and Expres-
the physical more than the mathematical student, and shall pass require the potential due to this at a point Q, distant D from P. sion
over many points of great interest and importance to the latter, for
full treatment of which we must refer him to original sources, such Applying (2), and, since any path to oo may be chosen, taking the of V in
as the classical papers of Green, the papers of Sir William Thomson, integral along the production of PQ to oo, we get terms of
and the works of Gauss. Of peculiar interest mathematically definite
is the elegant and powerful memoir of the last—Allgemeine Lehr- Y =/“ , 7/1
dr — — (5). internals.
sdtze in Beziehung auf die im verkehrten Verhdltnisse des Quadrats D
der Entfernung wirlcenden Anziehungs- und Abstossungskrdfte, in If we have any number of discrete points with charges to,, to2,
which will be found detailed discussions of the continuity of the m3, at distances Dp D2, D3, from Q, since the work done by
integrals used in the potential theory, &c. The works of Green the exploring unit under the action of the whole is got by adding
and Thomson are too well known in this country to require farther up the work done under the action of each part separately, we
remark. clearly have
When, in what follows, we speak of the electric field, we TO, TO„ „ :
Defini- Y= p)“+Tr +Ac- p ^ TV (6).
tions. mean simply a portion of space which we are considering
with reference to its electrical properties ; it will be found From this we may pass to the case of a continuous volume distribu-
conducive to clearness to regard that space as bounded. In tion. If p be the volume density at the point £t}(, and V the
general the natural boundary would be the walls of the potential at xyz, we have
experimenting room; but, for mathematical purposes, we ..... (7),
shall, unless the contrary is stated, suppose our field to be
bounded by a sphere of radius so great that the action at where D denotes + + + and the integral is
a point on its circumference due to an electrified body in to be extended over every part of the field where there is any
the field is infinitely small. charge,—or, which is the same thing, over the whole field, on the
The resultant force at a point in the electric field is the understanding that p = 0 where there is no charge.
If, as will generally be the case, the electricity is distributed on a
force which would be exerted on a unit of + electricity placed surface in such a way that on an element tfS of surface there is a
there without disturbing the electrical distribution else- quantity <rcfS of electricity, where <r is a finite surface density, then
where. It is plain that the resultant force has a definite
magnitude and direction at every point in the field, and V=
^TF {8)

consequently is in modern mathematical language a vector. where D has the same meaning as before, and the integral is ex-
A curve drawn in the field such that its tangent at every tended all over the electrified surface or surfaces.
point is in the direction of the resultant force at that point 1
is called a line of force. We can draw such a line through It may be well here to warn the reader that measurement of
potential is relative, just as much as measurement of distance is, and
every point of space, and if we suspend at any point a I to caution him against the fallacious idea of absolute zero of potential.
Equation (10), originally found by Laplace for the case p = 0, and
Ooiitinu- We may make here the important remark that, so long as p or tr extended by Poisson, has been called the characteristic equation of the
.ty of Y. is not infinite, the integrals in (7) and (8) are finite and continuous. potential. It may be applied at any point where p is finite and the
This depends on the fact, which we cannot stop to prove, that the electric force continuous. It might be shown by examining the inte-
part of the potential at P, contributed by an infinitely small portion
of electricity surrounding P, is infinitely small. grals representing X,Y,Z,and &c., that the electric force is con-
In practice, therefore, the electric potential is always tinuous wherever there is finite volume density. Equation (10) may
continuous; for although we may in theory speak of be looked on either as an equation to determine the potential when
discrete points and electrified lines where finite electri- p is given, or as an equation to determine p whenV is given. We
fication is condensed into infinitely small space, yet no shall have occasion to use it in both ways.
such cases ever occur in nature. It may also be shown The characteristic equation cannot be applied in the form Condi-
for any electrical system of finite extent, that,, as the (10) when the resultant force is discontinuous. This will fi0118 at
distance of P from O, any fixed point at a finite dis- be found to be the case at a surface on which electricity is j1”
tance from the system is increased indefinitely, the distributed with finite surface density. Let us consider the surfaCe.
potential at P approaches more and more neaily the values of the resultant force at two points, P and Q, infinitely
near each other, but on opposite sides of such a surface.
value where M is the algebraical sum of all the Resolve the resultant force tangentially and normally to the
electricity in the system, and D the distance of P from 0. surface. If we consider the part of the force which arises
Hence at any point infinitely distant from O, V = 0. from an infinitely small circular disc, whose radius, though
We next proceed to prove the following proposition, infinitely small, is yet infinitely great compared with the
which will form the basis of the subsequent theory :— distance between P and Q, we see that infinitely little is
Surface The surface integral of electric induction taken all over contributed to the tangential component at P or Q by this
integral the surface inclosing any space is equal to iir times the alge- disc, while it can be readily shown that the part of the nor-
of elec- braical sum of all the electricity in that space. mal component arising therefrom is 27nr, directed from the
tric in- By the electric induction across any element of the sur- disc in each case, when a- is the surface density. Hence,
duction. face (taken so small that the resultant force at every point since the part of the resultant force arising from all the rest
of it may be regarded as uniform) is meant the product of of the electrified system obviously is not discontinuous be-
the area of the element into the component of the result- tween P and Q, the tangential component is continuous when
ant force in the direction of the normal to the element we pass through an electrified surface, but the normal com-
which is drawn outwards with respect to the inclosed ponent is suddenly altered by Ittct.
space. Thus <iS being an element of surface, e the angle For a thorough investigation of these points the reader is referred
between the positive direction of the resultant force Rand to Gauss or Green. We can arrive very readily at the amount of the
the outward normal v, and E the sum of all the electricity discontinuity of the normal force by applying (9) to the cylinder
in the inclosed space, the proposition in symbols is— formed by carrying an infinitely short generating line round the
^R cose^S = IttE . . . .(9). element dS, so that one end of the cylinder is on one side of dS and
the other on the other, the lateral dimensions being infinitely small,
We shall prove it in the manner most naturally suggested by the but still infinitely greater than the longitudinal. The only part of
theory of electrical elements acting the integral which is of the order of cfS is the part arising from the
at a distance, by first showing that it two ends ; hence if H, N' be the value of the normal components on
is true for a single element e either the two sides of S, we clearly get
outside or inside the surface. Let us (N - N') <7S = iTrotfS, or H — N' = 47r<r.
suppose e to be at a point P, fig. 11,
within S, which for greater generality If Yj, V2 denote the potentials on the two sides of S, and iq, v2 the
we may suppose to be a re-entrant normals to dS, drawn towards these sides respectively, then we may
surface. Draw a small cone of vertical obviously write our equation
solid angle du> at P, and let it cut the dV1 + dVi + 47rff = 0
surface in the elements QP, Q'K', dvi dv% (11).
Q"R"; let the outward normals to Written in this form the equation has been called the surface char- Surface
these be QM, Q'M', Q"M". The ele- acteristic equation of the potential. It may be looked upon as a charac-
ments of the surface integral contri- surface condition, which must be fulfilled by the values of V on the teristic
buted by QR, Q'R', Q"R" are obviously two sides of an electrified surface on which the surface density <r is equation,
QRe cos e . . rfcoPR2
2 -, &c.; but QR — COg f . given, and where, in consequence, there is discontinuity in the first
PR Fig. 11.
differential coefficients of V ; or it may be looked on as an equation
QR'= - cos d , and Q"R"=^Z^ hence the three elements to determine <r when V, and Y2 are given.
cos e
of the integral become + edo>, — edw, + edw ; and the sum is edw. We have seen that we can draw through every point of Level
Adding now the contributions from all the little cones which fill up the electric field a line of force. A surface constructed so surface,
the solid angle of 4ir about P, we get that the potential at every point of it has the same value is
ffB cos t:d$ = effdia = i-Ke.
Had the point P been outside, the numbers of emergences and called an equipotential or level surface. We can obviously
entrances would have been equal, the contribution of each cone zero, draw such a surface passing through every point of the field.
and on the whole It is clear, too, that the line of force at every point must be
JfB cosecfS = 0. perpendicular to the level surface passing through that point.
Combining these results, we see that the proposition is true for a For since no work is done on a unit of + electricity in
single element. Hen'ce, by summation for all the elements, we can at passing from one point of a level surface to a neighbouring
once extend it to any electrical system ; for all the elements external
to S give zero, and all the internal elements give 4tt26=dirE. point, there can be no component of the resultant force tan-
Equa- Let us apply the above proposition to the space enclosed by the gential to the surface; in other w>ords, the direction of the
tion of infinitely small parallelepiped whose centre is at xyz, and the resultant force is perpendicular to the surface. This is ex-
Laplace co-ordinates of whose angles are x±\dx, y±\dy, z±\dz. The con- pressed otherwise by saying that the lines of force are
and tributions to the surface integral from the two faces perpendicular to
Poisson. the a:-axis are dV_ orthogonal trajectories to the level surface.
dx If we take a small portion of a level surface, and draw Tubes of
Adding these and the four parts from the remaining sides, and equat- through every point of the boundary a line of force, we shall force,
ing to ‘iirpdxdydz, which is 2the 4irE in this case, we have thus generate a tubular surface which will cut orthogonally
dTf +, d V+,d*Y^. „ every level surface which it meets. Such a surface is called
dx* W d*+ 47rp = ° a tube of force.
or, as it is usually abbreviated, Let a tube of force cut two level surfaces in the elements
V2V + 47rp = . (10). <7S and c7S'. Apply to the space contained by the part of the
VIII. — 4
26 ELECT R I C I T Y [electrostatical theory.
tube between the surfaces our fundamental equation (9). only qualitatively but also quantitatively, with mathematical
We thus get, since there is no normal component perpen- accuracy, the state of the electric field. It has the additional
dicular to the generating lines of the tube, advantages of being well fitted for the use of the practical
KtfS - R'(£S' = 0, .... (12), electrician, and of lending itself very readily to graphical
provided the tube does not cut through electrified matter It will be convenient, before passing to electrical applica-
between the two surfaces. Here E and E' denote the resul- tions, to state here another general property of the potential
tant force at dS and o?'S, which are supposed so small that the which follows from our fundamental proposition.
force may be considered uniform all over each of them. It
The potential cannot have a maximum or minimum value Maxi-
Import- appears then that the product of the resultant force into the at a point where there is no electricity. mum or
ant pro- area of the normal section of a tube of force is constant for
perty of the same tube so long as it does not cut through electrified For if a maximum value were possible, we could draw round the minimum
tubes of matter ; or what amounts to the same, the resultant force at point a surface at every point of which the potential was decreasing potential
force outwards ; consequently at every point of this surface the normal impos-
IWS any point of a tube of force varies inversely as the normal component of the resultant force in the outward direction would be sible
= RtfS'. section of the tube at that point. positive, and a positive number of lines of force would leave the in free
If we divide up any level surface into a series of small surface. But this is impossible, since, by our hypothesis, there is no space.
elements, such that the product EcfS is constant for each electricity within. Similarly there could be no minimum value.
element and equal to unity, and draw tubes of force through From this it follows at once that if the potential have the Case of
each small element, then the electric induction through same val ue at every point of the boundary of a space in ivhich space
any finite area of the surface is equal to the number of tubes there is no electrified body, then the potential is constant bounded by level
of force which pass through that area; for if n be that throughout that space, and. equal to the value at the boundary. surface.
number, we have, summing over the whole of the area— For if the potential at any point within had any value
greater or less than the value at the boundary, this would
3E<iS = M (13), be a case of maximum or minimum potential at a point in
the left hand side of which is the electric induction through free space, which we have seen to be impossible.
the finite area. It is clear, from the constancy of the pro- In order that there may be electrical equilibrium in a
duct EcfS for each tube of force, that if this is true for one perfect conductor, it is necessary that the resultant electric
level surface it will be true for every other cut by the tubes force should be zero at every point of its substance. For if
of force. It is evident that the proposition is true for any it were not so at any point the positive electricity there
surface, whether a level surface or not, as may be seen by would move in the direction of the resultant force and the
projecting the area considered by lines of force on a level negative electricity in the opposite direction, which is incon-
surface, and applying to the cylinder thus formed the surface sistent with our supposition of equilibrium. This condition
integral of electric induction, it being remarked as obvious must be satisfied at any point of the conductor, however near
that the same number of tubes of force pass through the the surface. At the surface there must be no tangential
area as through the projection. This enables us to state component of resultant force, otherwise electricity would
the proposition involved in equation (9) in the following move along the surface. In other words, the resultant force
manner :— at the surface must be normal; its magnitude is not other-
Charge The excess of the number of tubes of forces which leave a wise restricted f for by our hypothesis electricity cannot
mea- closed surface over the number which enter is equal to 4— times
sured by the algebraical sum of all the electricity within the surface. penetrate into the non-conducting medium.
tubes of yN.B.—The positive direction of a line of force is that These conditions are clearly sufficient. We may sum
force. them up in the following single statement:—
direction in which a unit of + electricity would tend to move If the electricity in any conductor is in equilibrium, the Condi-
along it.) This proposition enables us to measure the charge potential must have the same value at every point in its tion of
of a body by means of the lines1 of force. We have only to substance. electrical
draw a surface inclosing the body, and very near to it, and equili-
.For it the potential be constant, its differential coefficients brium.
count the lines of force entering and leaving the surface. are zero, so that inside the conductor the resultant force
If the number of the latter, diminished by the number of vanishes. Also the surface of the conductor is a level sur-
the former, be divided by Itt, the result is the charge on the face, and therefore the resultant force is everywhere normal
body. to it. This constant value of the potential we shall hence-
If we apply (13) to a portion of an equipotential surface forth speak of as the potential of the conductor.
so small that E may be considered uniform over the whole Since the potential is constant -at every point in the Elec-
of it, we may write substance of a charged conductor, we have at every point tricity
V V = 0, and hence by the equation of Poisson p — 0; that resides
on the
is, there is no electricity in the substance of the conductor. surface.
Result- or in words :—The resultant force at any point is equal to We thus get, as a theoretical conclusion from our hypothesis,
ant force the number of lines of force per unit of area of level surface the result already suggested by experiment, that electricity
mea- at that point, meaning thereby the number of lines of
sured by resides wholly on the surface of conductors.
lines of force which would pass through a unit of area of level sur- If we apply the surface characteristic equation to any
force. face if the force were uniform throughout, and equal to its point of the surface of a conductor, we get
value at the point considered.
We are now able to express by means of the lines of ^ in dv 4ir > ‘ ■ 0^)>
force the resultant force at any point of the field, and the
charge in any element of space. The electrical language which gives the surface density in terms of the resultant _ r
thus constructed was invented by Faraday, who continually force and reciprocally. ^ ~ 4* *
used it in his electrical researches. In the hands of Sir We may put this into the language of the lines of force
Williani Thomson, and particularly of Professor Clerk Max- by saying that the charge on any portion of the surface of a
well, this language has become capable of representing, not conductor is equal to the number of lines of force issuing from
1 it divided, by Itt.
Here we' drop the distinction between line and tube of force. We Since the surface of a conductor in electric equilibrium
shall hereafter suppose the lines of force to be always drawn so as to
orm unit tubes, and shall speak of these tubes as lines of force, thereby 2
Of course in practice there is an upper limit, at which disruptive
following the usual custom. discharge occurs.
V con- is always a level surface, it follows, from what we have ducted in a space inclosed by a perfectly conducting enve-
hollow1 salread roved lope, the potential of this envelope would be the natural
an y P about a space bounded by a surface of con- zero of our reckoning.
conduc- ^ f potential, that, inside a hollow conductor the 'potential
tor. is constant, provided there be no electrified bodies within. It will be useful to analyse more closely the distribution
This is true, no matter how we electrify the conductor or on a system of conductors, in order to see how far the
what electrified bodies there may be outside. Hence, if above data really determine the solution of the electrical
we inclose any conductor A completely within another B, problem. For this purpose the following proposition is
then electrify B and put A in metallic communication with useful. If ev e2, .... en be the charges at the points Principle
it, A will not become charged either + or -; for, A being 1, 2, of any system, and V the potential at P, ofelec-
at the same potential as B, electricity will not tend to flow and
-j „ if V' be the_ Apotential at P due to eJ, eJ, .... at. superpo-
from the one to the other. This is in reality Biot’s1 ex- 1, 2, . . . .ft., then the potential at P due to e1 + e1, siti0n.
periment with the hemispheres, to which we have already e2 + e2, .... at 1, 2, .... is V + V'. This principle fol-
alluded; only the point of view is slightly changed. The lows at once from the definition of the potential as a sum
most striking experiment ever made in illustration of the formed by the mere addition of parts due to all the single
present principle is that described by Faraday in his elements of the system.
Experimental Researches. He constructed a hollowT cube Applied to a system of conductors in equilibrium, it
(12 feet in the edge) of conducting matter, and insulated may evidently be stated thus: If E2, . . . . E}1 and
it in the lecture-room of the Royal Institution. We quote Vx, V2, . . . . Y„ be the respective charges and potentials
in his own words the part of his description which bears for the conductors 1, 2, 3 .... ft, in a state of equilibrium,
on the present question :— E1', E2', .... En' and V/, V2', .... Y„' corresponding
“1172. I put a delicate gold-leat electrometer within the cube, and charges and potentials for another state of equilibrium,
then charged the whole by an outside communication, very strongly then E, + E/ E.n + E„', Vx + V/ V„ + Vn' will be
for some time2 together ; but neither during the charge or after the corresponding charges and potentials for a third state of
discharge did the electrometer or air within show the least sign of
electricity I went into the cube and lived in it, and using equilibrium.
all other tests of electrical states, I could not find the least influ- Suppose that in the system of conductors 1, 2, 3, n the con- Particu-
ence upon them, though all the time the outside of the cube was ductor 1 is kept at potential 1 and all the others at potential zero, lar case
powerfully charged, and large sparks and brushes were darting oti then it can he shown that there is one and only one distribution of of general
from every point of its outer surface. ” electricity fulfilling these conditions. Mathematically stated, the problem,
Indirect The proposition that the potential is constant inside a problem is to determine a function Y, which shall satisfy the equa-
evidence hollow conductor containing no electrified bodies may be tion v2V=0 throughout the space unoccupied by conductors, and
have the values 1, 0, 0, 0 was respectively at each point of the
law^f regarded as one of the most firmly established in the surfaces of 1, 2, n respectively.
inverse wbole of experimental science. The experiments on which Consider the integral
square, it rests are of extreme delicacy. It is of the greatest 2 dV|2 )
theoretical importance; for we can deduce from it the + + dxd dz
law of the inverse square. Taking the particular case of ^///\%\ dy\ irz\ } V • • • * (16>>
a spherical shell, uninfluenced by other bodies, on which where the integration is extended all over the space unoccupied by
of course the electrical distribution must from symmetry conductors. If we consider all the values which this integral may
be uniform, it can be demonstrated mathematically that, have, consistent with the boundary conditions Y = l, V=0,
&c. at the surfaces of 1, 2, &c., it is obvious that there must
if we assume the action between two elements of electricity be a minimum value ; for the integral is essentially positive, and
to be a function of the distance between them, then that cannot become less than zero.
function must be the inverse square, in order that the
potential may be constant throughout the interior. A Now 5! = 2 f/f^Tx ^ + &c-
demonstration of this proposition was given by Caven-
dish, who saw its importance; a more elaborate proof (17)
was afterwards given by Laplace; for a very elegant and -'M SY dxdydz
simple demonstration we refer the mathematical reader by partial integration. 2The surface terms vanish, since 8V = 0 at
to Clerk Maxwell’s Electricity, vol. i. § 74. This must be every surface. Hence v V=0 is the condition for a maximum or
regarded as by far the most satisfactory evidence for the minimum value of I, and since we know that a minimum value
exists, there must he a solution of this equation. It can, moreover,
law of the inverse square; for the delicacy of the tests be shown, by a method which we shall apply below to2 the more
involved infinitely surpasses that of the measurements general problem, that there is only one solution of v V — 0 con-
made with the torsion balance; and now that we have sistent with the given conditions, and this will of course he
instruments of greatly increased sensitiveness, like Thom- that which makes I a minimum. If our mathematical methods
son’s quadrant electrometer, the experimental evidence were powerful enough to determine Y, we might proceed to
find the surface density for each conductor by means of the formula
might be still further strengthened. 1 dY
a= - j- ; then the charges on the conductors could he found
General In the problem to determine the distribution of elec-
problem tricity in a given system of conductors, the data are in 1 /rrdY
by means of the integral ~ 4^ / . In very few cases
tricalC" m St CaSeS eitlier t Le c
° ^ barge or the potential for each con-
distribu- duc or indeed could we actually find these cnarges ; we have, however, de-
nor ^ se
- If the conductor is insulated it can neither give
monstrated their existence and shown that our problem is definite.
tion. l° electricity, its charge is therefore given. If, on
the other hand, it be connected with some inexhaustible
source of electricity at a constant potential, its potential Let these charges on 1, 2,... ft be called Si 1, 2i 2 • • • «• Coeffi-
is given. Such a source the earth is assumed to be; and Corresponcling to the data 0, 1, 0, .... 0 for the potentials dents of
we shall henceforth take the potential of the earth as of 1, 2,... ft, we should get a series of charges <?2 n 22 2> • • • • caPacity
zero, and reckon the potential of all other bodies with q2 n, and so on; <?i i> <72 2> 23 3 • • • are called the coefficients of
inference to it. If all our electrical experiments were con- self-induction or capacity for the conductors 1, 2, 3, ...; u
2i 2’ 2i 3’ ‘^c,j are caUed coefficients of induction of 1 on
2, 1 on 3, &c. It is obvious that these coefficients depend
] experiment was first made by Cavendish. There is an account solely on the form and relative position of the conductors.
of 2it in his hitherto unpublished papers.
Faraday was looking for what he called the absolute charge of It follows, from the principle of the superposition, that, if
matter; incidentally the experiment illustrates the point we are dis- 1, 2, ... ft be at the potentials Y1? 0, 0 ... 0, then the
cussing. charges on them will be 2i x^n 2i2^x Y »V We
ELECTRICITY [electrostatical THEORY.
may construct then a series of states of equilibrium repre- gral represents the potential energy of the system. It
sented thus :— follows, therefore, that the distribution W'hich we have
°_ found is in stable equilibrium.
Potential, V! c If we solve the equations (18), we shall get
Charge, <7nVa *7l 2^1 <h 3Vi ll nV\
Ei + ftu E2+ • • • •
Potential, 0 0 0 Y 2 —JPi 2 E1+p22 E2+ • • . . 2>»2 E„1 (20).
Charge, | q% iV2 I 2^2 I ^ 3^2 I I S'a«' 2 I &c. )
and so on. Superposing all these, we get a system in A set of equations which we might obviously have Coeffi- cients of
equilibrium, in which the potentials are V1; V2, . V„, and arrived at by first principles. The physical meaning of the potential
the charges coefficients plv Pi2> and yq,, is very obvious ; they are
Ei =?n^ri + 2,2i^r2+ • • • +9'ni^» ) the potentials, corresponding to a state of equilibrium, in
E2 2^1 TSa2^2• • • + qnzVn r • (18). which the charges on 1, 2, 3,... .n are 1, 0, 0, ... 0, and
&c. =&c. )
so on. yq l5 p12> • • &c-> are ca^ed coefficients of potential;
It appears therefore that the 2» quantities E15 &c., Yv &c., and, inutatis mutandis, all the remarks already made about
are connected by n linear equations; so that when 11 of 2i i> 2i 2’ <^c-’ aPPly 1° th®111- M-any interesting and im-
them are given, the rest can be determined in terms of portant theorems have been proved about these coefficients,
these in a definite manner. for which we refer the reader to Maxwell (Electricity, vol.
Eeturning then to our general problem, we see that, i. chap. 2), whose treatment of the subject we have in the
when either the charge or the potential is given for each main been, folio wing. One of these, of great importance,
conductor, the electrical problem is determinate, and a we shall prove here, because it leads us to state a very
solution is given by the linear equations of (18). The important general theorem, which we shall have occasion
potential at any point of the field can be written down to use again.
very easily. Suppose in fact iq to be the value at the The mutual potential energy of two electrical systems, Theorem
point P of the function V which we determined in solving A and B, is the work done in removing the two systems potential of mutual
the case where the potentials 1, 0, 0,.... 0 are given for to an infinite distance from each other, the internal arrange- energy.
1, 2, ... n, iq the corresponding function for the case ment of each system being supposed unaltered during the
0, 1, 0, . . . 0, and so on. Then the potential at P in the process. It is clear that we may suppose either that A is
general case is obviously fixed and B moves off to infinity, or that B is fixed and A
Y = Y1v1 + YgWg +. . . . + Vnvn . . (19), moves; the work done in both cases is, by Newton’s third
where vv v2, ... vn are all known functions, and law of motion, the same. This is sometimes expressed by
Yx, Y2, . . . Vm are all either given, or determined in terms saying that the potential of A on B is the same as that of
of given quantities by the equations (18). B on A.
It is very easy to show that there is no other solution In fact, the expression for the mutual potential energy is
of the problem than the one we have found. Jtf (21),
Suppose in fact that Y' is a function different from V, which where q is any element of electricity belonging to A, and <f any
satisfies all the conditions of the problem. Consider the2 function element belonging to B, and D is the distance between them, the
U -- Y - V', since Y and V' both satisfy the equation v Y = 0 , we summation being extended so as to include every pair of elements.
have v2U ~ 0. Also at surfaces where Y is given U = 0 . At We may arrange (21) as follows :—
surfaces where V is not given, we have U = constant - constant =
constant; and, since in this case the charge will be given, we shall <7i'2i3+?2'22-|J+&c.,
rrdY rrdY' rrau each group belonging to a point in B, or, as we may write it,
JJ dv (m =JJ > and thereforeyy ^8 = 0. + or 2g'V.
Now we have We may also arrange (21) in the form
+ c
& - | dxdydz A 21^- + ^22^ + &c.,
dUb cfIJj- dUi? ) dxdydz each group belonging to a point in A. Hence we have the follow-
ff/\ dx\ dy\ dz\ ) ing equalities : —
2^=2 ^=2gV' (22).
^ J~J~ dv ~ff/^ dxdydz. The first and last of these expressions are called respectively the
The first term vanishes for all the surfaces,—for some because U = 0, potential of A on B, and the potential of B on A, and this equality
explains the statement made above.
for others because U is constant and J'J~~~^vd'& — 0; and the second The two systems A and B may be different states of equi-
term vanishes because v2U = 0. librium of the same system, if we choose. In this case we
Hence the integral on the left hand must vanish, and that too may still farther modify the expression in (22), and write
element by element, since every element is positive. Hence we Y{Zxf + Y^E + &c. = Y^xq + Y2'22y + &c. (See Gauss, l. c.)
must have
dY_dY' dN _dN' dV dY' So that we may state the proposition thus :—If Ex, E2,
dx ~dx ’ dy ~ dy ’ dz ~ dz ’ .. . E„ V,, V2,.. . V., and E,'. E2',. . . E„ V,', V2',... V.'
Hence V and V' can only differ by a constant. But such differ- be the respective charges and potentials of the conductors
ence is precluded by the boundary conditions. Hence the func- in two different states of equilibrium, then we have
tions are identical; in other words, there is but one solution to the 2E,Y = SEV' . . . . (23).
problem we have proposed.
It is very easy to show, by methods of which we have If we take for the two states of the system
already had an example, that the value of Y thus found E £12 glS gin
makes the integral Y 0 0 0
and Y21 rt-l 2 g2 8 gin
Y’ 0 1 0 0
equation (23) becomes
a minimum. Now, we shall show directly that this inte- (24),
22 1 ~ £12
or, in words, the coefficient of induction of \ on 2 is equal to r=n r—n s=n
Q = i 2 2 £r«VrV,= i 2 2 i?r«ErE, . . (27).
that of 2 on r=l s=l r=l 8=1
External There is one more general theorem on electrical distribu- So that Q is a homogeneous quadratic function of the
tion which, from its great practical importance, deserves a potentials or of the charges. If, therefore, we increase the
systems P^ace here* Suppose we take a hollow conductor of any potentials of all the conductors, or the charges of all the
form, place any electrical system inside it, and connect the conductors in any ratio, we increase thereby the potential
conductor with the earth, then equilibrium will be estab- energy in the duplicate of that ratio.
lished, in such a way that the potential of every portion We can by a transformation, which is a particular case
of the conductor is zero. Now, the potential being zero of a theorem of Green’s, obtain a very remarkable volume
at all infinitely distant points, we may regard the outside integral for the potential energy of an electrical system.
space as inclosed by a surface of zero potential; hence the Let V denote the potential at any point in the field, Consider Green’s
potential at every point in this space must be the same, the integral theorem.
and there can be no electrical action anywhere outside.
Again, removing the internal system, let us place any A/Aei'*!*!)'-*'
system outside the conductor, and, besides, charge it to where the integration is to he extended throughout the whole of the
any desired extent, keeping it insulated this time. Then space unoccupied by conductors. W e have by partial integration
the outer and inner surfaces of the conductor will be level
surfaces; and, since there is no electricity inside the inner fff%\^ =ff y^-fff
surface, the potential in the interior will be constant.
Hence the external.system, in a state of equilibrium, exerts and two similar equations. Hence
no action whatever within. Now we may evidently, with- JL /77Y(Wh + 2
out mutual disturbance, superpose such an internal and JJJ V^l dz
external system as we have described, and still get a
system in equilibrium. It is, moreover, clear that we can
in this way satisfy the most general conditions that can be where the surface integration extends over the surface of all the
assigned. Hence, since we know that there can be only conductors, and it is to he noticed that dv is drawn from the con-
one solution of the problem of electrical equilibrium, the ductor into the insulating medium. If p and o- be volume and
synthetical one thus obtained represents the actual state of surface densities,
affairs. When, therefore, a hollow conductor with any 1 dV 2
cr = Itt dv ’ and p — — -— v Y.
external and internal systems is in equilibrium, the equili-
brium of the internal is independent of that of the external Thus we get
Moreover; if we draw any surface in the substance of the zJJJ Ul +ry\+dz\)dxdydZ
hollow conductor, no lines of force cross it in one direction
or the other; therefore the whole amount of electricity = J J'J'V <n7S + \ ^pdxdydz . , (28).
within must be zero; in other words, the charge on the in- This result includes a more general case than our present
ternal surface of the conductor is equal and opposite to the one; for it shows that the potential energy of an electrical
algebraical sum of the charges on all the bodies within. system is given by the integral on the left hand side in all
Elect- These propositions contain the principle of what are
rical called electrical screens, i.e. sheets of metal used to defend cases, whether there is equilibrium or not. It is not even
screens, electrical instruments, &c., from external influences. On restricted to the case of perfect conductors and perfect non-
conductors, for a slight modification of our preliminary
the practical efficiency of gratings in this way, see Maxwell statements
(§ 203); on the application to the theory of lightning would include that case as well. At present,
conductors, see a paper by him in the reports of the British however, we have p = 0 everywhere, and V constant at the
surface and in the substance of each conductor, so that the
Association for 1876.
If we take the simple case where there is no external right hand side is simply the expression |2EV which we
system, but only a charge on the hollow conductor, we get have already found for the potential energy; we may there-
a complete explanation of Faraday’s ice-pail experiment. fore write
Potential The potential energy of a system of charged conductors
energy of is the Work required to bring them from a neutral state to
of Ton-”1 char es an(
g ^ potentials which they have at any time, K2A (29),
ductors. The state of zero potential energy here contemplated is of
course that in which there is an equal amount of + and
- electricity everywhere in the system, or, as we might It being the resultant force at any point of the field, and du
put it, the state in which there is no electrical separation. the element of volume. It is clear that we may if we like
Now if Q denote the potential energy of the system, we extend the integration over the whole field, since in the
have with the notation of (21) substance of any conductor R = 0.
When we know the potential energy of an electrical sys- Eorce
tern it is very easy to find the force which resists or tends to tending
Q = 2^ (25), produce any change of configuration. Two particular cases to Pr°-
are of common occurrence and of considerable interest.
the summation including every pair of elements in the First, let the charges on all the conductors be kept con- configU.
system. If the system be in equilibrium, then, reasoning stant. Let the variable which is altered by the supposed ration,
as above, it is obvious that 5EV is just twice , inas- change of configuration be <£, and let <f> be the correspond-
ing force1 tending to increase <£. Then, since no energy
much as each pair of elements will come in twice. Hence is supplied from without, if we suppose the displacement
we get made infinitely slowly, so that no kinetic energy is gene-
Q = £2EV (26). rated, we have
This is an expression of the greatest importance. We can 1
Or generalized force component, i.e., the amount of work per
give it various forms; by means of (18) and (20) we get unit of $ done in increasing cp.
30 ELECTRICITY [electrostatical theory.
<l>54> + SQ = 0 (30). The mass of the shell is *-Trpd(abc) = iw/xabcp, therefore Q = Ainpabcp.
Also 6 = /xp where p is the perpendicular from the centre of the
or (31)* ellipsoid on the tangent plane. Whence we get
Referring to the second of the expressions in (27), we see that this <34>'
may he written r=» *-« dp , that is, the density at any point varies directly as the
2 2 E E,- r
r=l *=i r d<p distance of the tangent plane at that point from the centre.
From this it is evident that in similarly electrified states Returning again to our ellipsoidal shell, we know that the result-
of the same system the force tending to produce a given ant force at any external point P due to this shell is to that due
to a “confocal shell” passing through the point in the ratio
displacement varies as the square of the electrification. of the masses. Let the volume density in the two he p, and let
It is important to remark that in the present case the sys- the perpendicular on2 the tangent plane at P to the confocal
tem tends to move so that its potential energy is decreased. (Va* + A, 'd+ A, Y’c + a) through P be co. Then the thickness of
Secondly, let us suppose that the potentials of the dif- the shell at P is geo, and the force at P due to the shell iirpp.co.
ferent conductors are kept constant during any displace- Hence the force due to the original shell is
ment, energy being supplied from without. dY . abc
dv ~ 7rp'UC° \V + A)(&2 + k)(c2 + A) («)>
We shall suppose the change made in two steps. First, we shall
suppose the given displacement to take place while the charges dv being an element of the normal at P. Now if x,y,z he the co-
remain constant. On this supposition the force exerted will, to the ordinates of P, we have, by differentiation of
first order of small quantities, he the same as that exerted when
we suppose the potential not to vary; hence a2 + A + 52 + A + c2 + A 1 ’
$8<p + J2E5V = 0 .
‘Iralx 2ydy 2zdz
Next, supply energy from without so that the potentials become 2 d\.
again Yj, V2,&c., . . . and the charges Ej + SEj, E2 + 5E2, &c. The a2 + A + 62 + A + c2 + A -i (a2 + A)2 (52 + a)2 (c2 + a)?!
final result will be the same, to first order of small quantities, as if Suppose we take dx, dy, dz in the direction of the normal, then
the two changes had been made simultaneously. Now, applying the dx=dv-7r-—,
theorem of mutual potential energy to the two states of our system, cr + A &c., and the last equation
u reduces to
E, E|IE1 + 5E1|E2 + SE2 d\=2o)dv.
V||Y1 + 5Y1|V2 + 5Y2 and
n Vi I y2 Hence from (a) we get
we have 2(E1 + SEjX Yx + SVi) = 2(EY), Cl
^ V(a2 + A)(A2 + a)(c2 +a) ’
hence 2E8V = - 2V8E (32); Integrating this from A to co , and remembering that the potential
dV T <7E dQ const vanishes at an infinite distance, we get
therefore <I> = d^>~l^^ -) (33).
By (27) this may he written V —2irou.abc■f 2 (/3).
V(a + A)(62 + A)(c2 + A)
^ _ i r=n^ s—n^ yv . We pass from this to the electrical case by putting for iirpyabc,
r—1 s=l r * d$ which is the mass of the shell, Q, which represents the quantity of
The energy supplied from without is electricity on the ellipsoid. We thus get
£{2(E + 8E)Y-2E(Y + 8Y) }
y Q /"" 2 ^ !35t1
= i28EY-i2ESY= -2E8V=2<I>S</> = 28Q, by (32). V V(« + a)(62 + A)(c2 + A) ' * • '
In other words, when the potentials of a system are X
kept constant by supply of energy from without, the system which gives the potential due to a charge Q on an isolated
tends to move so as to increase the potential energy of ellipsoid abc at any point on the confocal ( Ja? + A, Jtf + A,
electrical separation, and the amount of energy supplied Jc2 + A). It is obvious that, of the three confocals at P,
from without is double this increase. If we suspend side that is meant which belongs to the same family as (a, b, c),
by side two balls, each connected with the positive pole of e.g., if (a,b,c) be an ellipsoid, as opposed to a hyperboloid of
a battery, the other pole of which is connected with the one or two sheets, then ( J a? + A., Jb2 +A, Jc2 +A) must
ground, the balls will tend to separate, and in separating be an ellipsoid.
they will gain with reference to gravity a certain amount SQ If we put A = 0, we get the value of the potential Vft at
of potential energy; the charges on the balls will also in- Q is• what we have defined above as
crease to an extent representing an increase of electrical the surface. Now —
- Vo
potential energy SQ, and the batteries will be drawn upon the capacity of the ellipsoid; we get therefore in the recipro-
for an amount of 2SQ. cal of the integral
Cases The problem of electrical equilibrium has been com-
where pletely solved in very few cases. We proceed to give a ! rc»
problem short sketch of what has been done in this way, which may 2/o V(a24A)(62 + A)(c2 + A) ' ' ' ^
has been
solved. indicate to the reader what is known on this head. an expression for the capacity of an isolated ellipsoid.
Ellipsoid. We can deduce the distribution and potential in the case In the particular case of an ellipsoid of revolution, the Plane-
of an ellipsoid from known propositions about the attrac- above integral, which is in general an elliptic integral, tai7
tions of ellipsoidal shells of gravitating matter. can be found in finite terms. In the case of a planetary elllPs0ld-
Consider an ellipsoidal shell, the axes of whose hounding sur- ellipsoid, a = b>c\ and we find for the capacity
faces are (a, b, c) (a + da, b + db, c + dc), where —=^ = a. The (37),
potential of such a shell at any internal point is constant, and the
equipotential surfaces for external space are ellipsoids confocal with where c is the least angle whose tangent is
(a, o, c). (See Thomson and Tait, §§ 519 sqq.) Hence if we dis-
tribute electricity on an ellipsoid (a, b, c) such that its density at every If we make c = 0, then e = 0 ; and the planetary ellipsoid Circular
pomt is proportional to the thickness of the shell formed by the reduces to a circular disc, the capacity for which is there- disc-
similar ellipsoids (a,b,c) (a + da,b + db,c + dc), the distribution will he
m equilibrium. Thus if <r=A0p, where 6 is the thickness at any 1
point and p the volume density of the shell; then the quantity of fore —, that is, that of a sphere of the same radius
electiicity on any element dS is A times the mass of the correspond- 1-571
ing element of the shell; and if Q he the whole quantity of elec- 1
This demonstration was suggested by that given by Thomson
tricity on the ellipsoid, Q = A times the whole mass of the shell. {Reprint of Papers, p. 10) to establish a slightly different formula.
(for the capacity of a sphere is obviously equal to its of any point P from their respective centres, and p. and p! the cosines
radius). Cavendish had arrived by experiment at the of the angles r and / make with the line joining the centres of
the spheres. Since the distributions are evidently symmetrical
value —(see Thomson’s Reprint, p. 180), a very remark- about the central line, we can obviously expand the potentials
due to each distribution in zonal harmonics relative to the cor-
able result for his time. It is very easy, by taking the responding sphere. Hence, if 4-n-a(f> - j denote potential due to
limit of the right hand side of (34), to find the expression
for the density at a distance r from the centre of the disc; sphere a at any point inside it, we have
it is 47ra^)^ = A0 +AjQj —+ A2Q2— + .
Q V \ aj a a\ («)•
(p _ 27r2 sja The potential at any external point is
Ovary In the case of an ovary ellipsoid, a = b<c,) and the , a , „ a|2 . ^ a|3
ellipsoid. capacity is A0 ^ +A2Q2 + 03),
2 sjc2 - a1 which may be written Itt — .
2 2
log c + Vc —- a \ .... (39); Similarly we have fox the other sphere
C -Vc‘
= B0+iqQ/^ + B2Q'2^j + . . . (7)
from which several limiting cases may be deduced.
Formula (34), applied to a very elongated ovary ellip- J
for the potential at any internal, and 4ir ' - 4> f p, - ) for the
soid, shows us that the density at the pointed ends is very r' \ r')
great compared with that at the equator. The ratio of potential at any external point.
the densities in fact increases indefinitely with the ratio of The whole potential, then, will be given by
the longest to the shortest dimension. We have in such V 4 + Itt-t <I> ,
an infinitely elongated ellipsoid an excellent type of a = *y r ( v)
pointed conductor. at any point external to both spheres.
Points The effect of a point or an edge on a conductor may be Also Y = iircup^p, ^ ^ 4> ^/r',inside a ; and
and very easily shown by drawing a series of level surfaces, the
edges. first of which is the surface of the conductor itself, which
Y = 4irff-</) + inside l.
has, say, an edge on it. The consecutive surfaces have
sharpness of curvature corresponding to the edge, which How, the conditions of the problem require that the values of
gets less and less as we recede from the conductor. The Y in the two last cases shall be constant. Our functions are, there-
level surfaces at an infinite distance are spheres. Tracing, fore, to be determined by the equations
then, any tube of force from an infinite distance, where
the sections of all are equal, inwards towards the discon- (5),
tinuity, we see that the section becomes narrower as the "*0.£)+M'0'.y)-!I
curvature of the level surfaces sharpens, and at a mathe-
matical edge the section is infinitely small, and therefore which are to be satisfied with obvious restrictions on r and r' in each
case, fteverting, however, to the expressions (a), (£), (7), &c., we
the force is infinitely great. At a mathematical point this see that we need not solve the problem in the general form thus
is doubly true. At such places the force tending to drive suggested ; for it will be sufficient if we determine the constants
the electricity into the insulating medium becomes infinite. Ao, Aj, &c., B0, B^ &c. Now, if we make ^=1, /=!,—that is,
In practice the medium gives way, and disruptive discharge consider only points on the central line,—then Qx = 1, Q2 = l, &c.,
of some kind occurs. Qi'=l, Q2, = l> A0, Ax &c. B0, Bj, &c., are the coefficients
Sphere We can find the distribution on a spherical conductor in- P
01 !LL I &c., and iU , — , &c., in the expressions for the
with r r'
given fluenced by given forces, such for instance as would arise
force. from rigidly electrified bodies in the neighbourhood. potentials inside the spheres a and 5. Hence, if / ^ and
The method of procedure would be as follows :—Let U be the
potential of the rigidly electrified system alone at any point of the F (j J denote the values of Q , when p. = 1
sphere. Then the problem is to determine a function Y, which
shall satisfy the equation v2V at every point of space, and have the and p! — 1, we need only solve the equations
value C - il at the surface of the sphere, where C is a constant to
be determined by the conditions of the problem. Expand C - U in ^h-^) - |
series of surface harmonics, and let the result be (<)
C-U:=y0 + 71 + 72+ . . . &c. . . (a). + 6F
(j)=0 i
Then the value of Y is
y* ^|2 where we have replaced r and r' by their values c-r' and c-r, c
V===7o + 7i~ + 72-|-f . . . inside the sphere (0), being the distance between the centres of a and b. Poisson then
eliminates the function F, by choosing a new variable |, such that
and Y, = 70® + 71ff| +7 .... outside . (7). F = c—- , and remarks that we may give to £ any value between
r r\ r\ ~k
For these evidently satisfy Laplace’s equation, have the given value + a and - a, and therefore we may write r for £; we thus have the
(a) at the surface of the sphere, and are finite and continuous same variable in both the equations, and F ( ) which occurs in
everywhere. From (0) and (7), by means of the surface characteristic \c-rj
equation, we can deduce an expression for the density at any point both may be eliminated. The result is
of the sphere, and for the whole charge. If the latter is given we
have a condition to determine C; if, on the other hand, the
value of the potential of the sphere were given, then this would be .
the value of C. This is the functional equation on which depends the solution of
Jase of The case of two mutually influencing spheres was treated the problem of two mutually influencing spheres.
.wo Poisson treats very fully the case of two spheres in contact; for
spheres. by Poisson in the famous memoir which really began the which case, taking a=\, the above equation becomes
r’oisson’s mathematical theory of electricity. We regret that we f(r) - b „ { 1 + b- r \ gb
analysis. cannot afford space for more than a mere sketch of his & + (l + 6)(l -r)^G+(](l + &)(l-r) = h - 1 + b-r
Consider the potentials due to the distributions on each sphere. We are, of course, assuming aquaintance with the properties of
Let a and b be the radii of the two spheres, r and r' the distances spherical harmonics.
electricity [electrostatical theory.
set of conductors of known form, the potential of which at
He finds a solution, lr any external point is V = U, where U is known. Also
bh (f'1+*-l)e (!+!>)(] -r)- dt (e). the potential V is clearly constant inside every conductor.
1—t Hence, applying the characteristic surface equation, we get
for the density at any point of any of our conductors the
It is then easy to find F(r), and write down general-exrrr jsions expression
for the potential. Poisson goes on to show that ^e density a <r= - 1 dU
the point of contact of the spheres is zero. He finds, for the 47t dv
mean density on the two spheres 1 ^and^fc respectively, We might make this a little more general, and state our
. bh f" t 1+6-l result thus '.—If we distribute on a level surface or sur-
itW -~nrdt' faces of any electrical system, completely inclosing that
system, electricity with surface density at every point
this being, in fact, the value of / (0), (x — — ~y~~
i 47r -T-,
dv ’ this distribution will of itself be in equili-
"i+ft _ | brium, and the potential at any external point will be Id],
Jl - r
and B = 5(1 dt
+ 6)/ We have given a physical demonstration of this import-
ant theorem. The mathematical reader will easily see the
He shows that the calculation of the ratio 0 of A to B may he application to this case of the general reasoning about the
reduced to the calculation of the first of these integrals only. For solution of V2V = 0, of which we have already given
the difference 4ir62B - 4irA between the charges on 1 and 6 he examples. For a simple but interesting case of this
finds the elegant expression 2 general theorem, see Thomson and Tait’s Natural Philo-
47t 56. cos
1+6 1+6 sophy, vol. i. § 508.
To Sir William Thomson we owe the elegant and Methods
from which it follows that the whole charge is always greater powerful methods of “ Electric Images ” and “ Electric
on the sphere of greater radius. He then calculates the value of /3 Inversion.'” By means of these he arrived, by the use of son>
for various values of 6, and its limit for 6 = 0, and next the ratio of
the densities at the two points diametrically opposite the point of simple geometrical reasoning, at results which before had Electric
contact, and finds for the mean density on each of two equal required the higher analysis. We shall endeavour to images,
spheres in contact A = 6 log 2. He also calculates for this last illustrate these by two simple examples. We do not
case the ratio of the greatest to the mean density. In the case of follow the methods of the author (for which, see his
two unequal spheres, the ratio of the greatest density on the smaller
to the mean density on the larger is found for various values of 5. papers), but take advantage of what we have already laid
He then passes on to investigate the densities for various values down.
of fX. Let A he any point outside a sphere (fig. 12) of radius a, and
Plana All these results are compared with the measurements centre C. Let AC —/, and take B in CA
and (jfP>
of Coulomb, and found in satisfactory accordance with
Roche. them. In his first memoir, Poisson considers the case such that CB-CA = a2, or CB = y.; then it
is easily proved that, if P be any point on
where the distance between the spheres is great compared the sphere,
with the radii; and in a subsequent memoir he considers BP=a
the case of two spheres at any distance. AP— /' Fig. 12.
Plana (Sur la distribution de Velectricite ct la surface des Hence if E he any quantity of electricity, we have
deux Spheres, Turin, 1845) extended the calculations of
Poisson, using much the same methods. He also calcu- E
lated approximately the mean densities in the case of 2Y „
several spheres in contact, and arrived at results which Therefore, if we place a quantity E of electricity at A, and a quan-
agreed satisfactorily with the experiments of Coulomb.
For a table of his results, see the end of the first volume tity - yE at B, the sphere will he a level surface of these two, that,
of Itiess’s Reibungselectricitdt. An account of the work namely, for which the potential is zero. Another level surface of the
of Roche, who also followed in the footsteps of Poisson, system is evidently an infinitely small sphere surrounding _ A.
will be found in Mascart, t. i. p. 290 sqq. Hence it follows, from the theorem of Green which we have just
discussed, that a distribution of electricity on the sphere, the
Synthe- The researches of Green led him to a very valuable E;
tical me ■ synthetical method, by means of which we can' construct density of which is given by a — (where R is the resultant force
thod of an infinite number of cases where we can find the electri-
Green. cal distribution. Suppose that we take any distribution due to E and - - E at any point of the sphere), together with a
whatever of electricity, for which we know the potential at quantity E at A, gives a system in equilibrium, the potential due to
any point, and consequently the level surfaces. Take any which at any point outside the sphere is the same as that of E at
level surface, or parts of level surfaces, inclosing the whole A, and _ E at B.
of the electricity, and suppose these level surfaces to It appears, therefore, that the action of the electricity
become actual conducting sheets of metal. Suppose the
electrical distribution inside to be rigid, and connect the induced on the uninsulated sphere by the electrified point
sheets of metal with the earth, so as to reduce them to A is equivalent at all external points to the action of
potential zero. The sheets will become charged in such a - jr\E at B. The electrified point B is called by Sir Wil-
way that the whole potential at every point in them and liam Thomson the electrical image of A in the sphere. It is
external to them is zero. Let now U be the potential at
any external point due to inside distribution, and Y that obvious that the whole charge on the sphere is - jE, and
due to the charge on the sheets, then we have everywhere we can very easily find the density at any point.
on or outside the sheets, U + V = 0, or V = - U. Now U
is constant at every point of each sheet; hence Y is so In fact, resolving along CP, which we know to he the direction
also. Hence the distribution to which Y is due is an of resultant force, the forces due to A and B, we get
equilibrium distribution per se. Removing now our internal E
distribution, and changing the sign of that on the sheets, R-J.^sOFA- / 2 cos CPB
we have a distribution of electricity in equilibrium on a BP
2 2
E /it + AP -f"' 2
' p + AP - a2
AP2V 2aAP 2/AP )=- aAP
(/2-a2)E (40). Again, if we consider the system thus found, it is obvious
47raAP3 that, if we place a quantity - aC of electricity at the
We miglit have any number of external points and find origin, this will make the potential at every point of the
the image of each. We should thus get a system which system zero, and we have a solution of the case of an
might be called the image of the external system. The uninsulated conductor, whose surface is the inverse of that
distribution induced in an uninsulated sphere by such an of the given conductor, under the influence of an electrified
external system could easily be found by adding up the point.
effect of each external element found by means of its As an example of the use of this method, let us invert the uni-
form distribution on a sphere with respect to an origin on its cir-
image. Similar methods might also be applied to an in- cumference, the radius of inversion being the diameter of the
ternal system. The solution can be generalized without sphere. The sphere inverts into an infinite plane, touching at
difficulty to the case where either the charge or potential the other end A of the diameter through the origin. Let C be the
of the sphere is given. c ’ wliere ^ 48 the diameter.
potential on the sphere so that <r = ^kcI
Suppose the charge Q given ; superpose on the a
distribution found Hence the density at any point P on an infinite plane influenced by
above a uniform distribution of amount Q + v E. This will pro- a quantity - Cd of electricity placed at a point 0 distant d from it
is given by
duce a constant potential Q^ +j.E all over the sphere, and therefore d2C
* 2-n-r'3 -
wall not disturb the equilibrium. We have thus got the required Again, inverting points inside the sphere, for which the poten-
distiibution of the given charge Q under the influence of A. The tial is constant, we get the potential due to the distribution on the
density of any point is given by infinite plane, at points on the other side from the inducing point,
■ E (/'2-^)b (41). the result being
dira2 + \iraf 47raAP y, = dC
So far the method of images is simply a synthetical r' ’
Electric which is the same as that due to dC at 0. Hence the potential at a
inver- method for obtaining distributions on a sphere. But Sir point on the same side as 0 is that due to a quantity dC placed at
sion. William Thomson has shown us how’ to convert it into an O', where 0'A = 0A. O' is in fact the image of 0. If we write Q
instrument for transforming any electrical problem into a for - Cd, then we get
variety of others. , - Qd )
f P be any point (fig. 13), 0 a fixed point, and P' be taken ^ ~ 2irr'3 / . . (43).
in OP such that OP. OP'= a2,
then P' is called the inverse These results might of course have been deduced as particular cases
of P with respect to O, which of a sphere and point.
is called the origin of inver- Many beautiful applications of these methods will be
sion, or simply the origin; a
is the radius of inversion. We found in the Reprint of Sir William Thomson’s papers and
may1 thus invert any locus of in Maxwell’s Electricity and Magnetism. Two of these are
points into another locus of points, which we may call the of especial importance. Adopting the method of succes-
sive influences given by Murphy {Electricity, 1833, p. 93),
inverse of the former. and conjoining with it the method of images, Sir William
Let P, Q and P', Q' be any two points and their inverses. Let us Thomson treated the problem of two spheres. For his
suppose that there is a charge E at Q, and a charge E' at Q', which
is the image of E in a sphere with radius a and centre 0 ; so that results, see Reprint, pp. 86-97. At the end of that paper
two valuable tables are given—I. “ Showing the quantities
E'= qqE. Let Y and V' be the respective potentials of E and E' of electricity on two equal spherical conductors of radius
at P and P'. Then we have obviously r, and the mutual force between them, when charged to
Y' a = r potentials u and v respectivelyII. “ Giving the potentials
Y=S a’ and force when the charges D and E are given.” The ratio
where OP = r, OP' = P. It is very easy to show that, if ds, dS, of m to t! in the first case and of D to E in the second is
dv, <r, p, be elements of length, surface, and volume, and surface and also given, for which at a given distance there is neither
volume densities, and the same symbols with dashes the inverses ot attraction nor repulsion. An interesting experiment on
these, then we have this curious phenomenon is described in Riess, Bd. i.
dd a? r'2 cfS' a4 § 186. For an application of dipolar co-ordinates to the
ds= = ; TS = 74 &c- problem of two spheres, see Maxwell.
an <t</ ar 3 a? p r5 a5 Ihomson also applied his methods to determine the dis-Spherical
r'3 ’ p ~ aP~ r'5 tribution on spherical bowls of different apertures. See bowl.
also ^ r Reprint, p. 178 sqq. His numerical results on p. 186
E~ a ~ r'a ’ Y'
Y~ ar ~r'a are extremely interesting, as affording a picture of the
By means of these equations it is easy to invert any effect of gradually closing a conductor, and are of great
electrical system. Take, for example, the case of any con- value in giving the experimenter an idea as to what aper-
ductor in electrical equilibrium ; then, since its potential ture he may allow himself in a vessel which he desires
is everywhere constant, it inverts into a surface distribu- should be for practical purposes electrically closed.
tion, tne potential at any point of which distant v' from It would lead us too far to discuss here the analytical Conju-
method of conjugate functions, and the allied geometrical Sate
the origin is by (42) C, where C is the constant poten- method of inversion in two dimensions. A full account of fui,c'
tial of the conductor. The surface density at any point of these, with important applications, will be found in Max- ‘
the system is found from that of the corresponding point well, vol. i. § 182 sqq.
on the conductor by the equation We shall conclude our applications with a brief notice
of a few of the ordinary electrostatical instruments, refer-
For the general properties of curves and their inverses the reader ring the readei for an account of some others to the article
may consult Salmon’s Solid Geometry. He will have no difficulty in Electrometer.
proving for himself such as we shall require here, If two plates be placed parallel to each other, and one
VIII. - s
34 ELECTRICITY [electrostatical THEORY.
parallel to AB. When desired, C can be put in communication
Parallel of them raised to potential V, while the other is connected with AB. It may then be regarded as forming part of an infinite
plates. with the earth, then there will be certain charges E and F plate, so that if AB be at potential Y, and DE at potential zero,
on the two plates. If p and r be the coefficients of self- Y
induction for A and B, and q the coefficient of mutual induc- then the surface density on C will be equal to-j^ , where d is the
tion, then in the present case distance between the plates ; and if A he the area of C the whole
E=pV, F=g'V) AY
amount of electricity on C is ^ • If now we break the connec-
and the energy of the distribution is obviously tion between C and the box and discharge the box, we are left with
Q = iEV=4pY2, AY
a known quantity of electricity on C, viz. ■
so that the 2work done by completely discharging the con-
denser ocV . If we suppose the plates very large com- The most usual and for many purposes the most con- Leyden
pared with the distance between them, then we may venient form of accumulator is the Leyden jar. This is jar’
treat the case, for all points not very near the edge, as if merely a glass jar (fig. 15) coated to a certain height out-
the plates were infinite. side and inside with tinfoil. The mouth
In this case the lines of force are straight, and the number of of the jar is stopped with a cork or
lines of force which leave any area on A is equal to that of those wooden disc, which serves the double pur-
which enter the opposite area on B. Hence the surface densities on pose of keeping dirt and moisture from
the plates are equal and opposite in sign. Also we clearly have
the uncovered glass inside, and of carrying
<“>• a wire in metallic connection with the
For the number of lines offeree which cross any unit of area parallel inside coating, which passes up through
to the plates is constant, and therefore the resultant force is con- the stopper and ends in a metal knob. If
stant at every point between the plates. the glass of the jar be very thin, we may
Principle It appears, therefore, from (44) that if we make the dis- find the distribution on the two coatings
of accu- tance between our plates very small, the density on the by neglecting the curvature j the electric
mula- inner surface will b@ very great, and the whole charge on density on the inner surface of the two
tors. A very great. An apparatus of this kind for collecting Fig. 15.
coatings will then be the same as in the
large quantities of electricity at a moderate potential is case of parallel plates. If, therefore, the inner coat-
called an accumulator or condenser. One of the first instru- ing be at potential Y, and the outer at potential zero,
ments of this kind was Franklin’s pane, which consisted V
of two sheets of tinfoil pasted opposite each other on the the density on the inner coating will be > and that on
two sides of a pane of glass. There is of course a practical
limit to the increase of capacity in such arrangements, the outer - In the particular case we are consider-
because a spark will pass when the insulating medium is ing the inner coating forms very nearly a closed conductor,
too thin. The greater dielectric strength of glass makes it so that there will be very little electricity on its inner sur-
more convenient than air for an insulating medium, and face, and there will also be very little on the wire and
we shall see by-and-by that it has other advantages as well. knob compared with the amount on the surface of the inner
When the plate A is of finite size there will in general be coating which is next the glass. We may therefore put
a distribution of electricity on the back comparable with SV
the charge which A would hold at potential Y if B were for the whole electricity on the inner coating where S
absent. When the distance between the plates is small, is the extent of its surface. The capacity C of the jar is
by far the greater portion of the capacity is due to the then given by
Condens- presence of B. Advantage of this principle has been taken C=- S (45).
ing in the condensing electroscope of Yolta, which is an ordin- Aird
electro- ary gold-leaf apparatus, except that the knob is replaced
scope. Green calculated to a first approximation the effect of the curva-
by a circular disc on which is placed another disc fitted ture on the capacity, and found that, if R and R' be the greatest
with an insulating handle; the discs are covered with a and least radii of curvature of the inner coating at any point, then
thin coat of varnish which serves as an insulating medium. the densities on the inner and outer coatings are given by
If we connect with either disc, say the lower, a source of iLK(T4)} • ■ • • <->■
electricity of feeble potential Y, and connect the upper and consequently the capacity of the inner coating by
disc at the same time with the earth, then a large quantity
of electricity at potential V collects on the lower disc. h\/fdh*//(bm . (47).
Now remove all connections, and lift away the upper disc. In any case, C being a constant, we have charge E = CV Battery
The capacity of the lower disc is thereby enormously di- and energy Q = JCV2. Hence if we connect the inner at)reast of ars
minished. Therefore, since the charge is unaltered, its coatings of n similar jars, and charge them to potential Y, -
potential must rise correspondingly; and the gold leaves all the outer coatings being at the same time connected
may diverge very vigorously, although a simple connection with the earth, we have, E and Q representing the whole
with the lower disc alone would scarcely have moved them. charge and energy,
This instrument is of great use in all cases where we have E=nCY )
an unlimited supply of electricity at feeble potential. Sir Q = | CY2 | (48)
Guard William Thomson has devised an accumulator of measur-
ring able capacity, called the Guard Ring Accumulator, which If we discharge such a battery of n jars into another of
accumu- is a modification of the arrangement we are discussing. ri similar jars, by connecting the knobs together, and the
lator. AB (fig. 14) is a flat cylindrical metal box, the upper end of outer coatings to earth in each case, we have, U being the
which is truly plane, and has a common potential after discharge,
circular aperture, into which
fits, without touching, a plane »CY=7iCU + %'CTJ
disc C, which is supported on n ,
the bottom of the box by in- and U= n—-,v +n (49).
sulating supports, so that its There is therefore a loss of energy represented by
upper surface is in the same |ftCY2-^(w + 7i')CU2,
plane with the lid of the box.
HE is a metal disc which can 14. that is 2
be moved by a screw through measured distances, always remaining %n + n') CY (50).
Let us now connect A with the earth, so that its potential becomes
In other words, an part of the potential energy zero ; we have now to find the charges and potentials, our datum
being that the whole charge on B is - E .
is lost. When a battery of jars is discharged through a As before, we have F'= - E', but G is no longer zero. We have,
circuit in which there is a fine wire of large resistance, however, F' + G' = - E. Hence G' - E' = - E.
the greater part of the potential energy lost in the dis- Also, since A is at zero potential, En— E' — (T = o
charge appears as heat in the fine wire. Riess made hb + —
£ >
elaborate experiments on the heating of wires by the dis- - cE' pE
charge in this way, and the results of his experiments are therefore G' = - F'= E' G' = -cE
p+c p+c
in agreement with the formulae which we have just given, G' - cpY
(See Heating Effects.) The potential of B is —> ■p + c ’
Battery We may also arrange a battery of jars by first charging cp
in series, each separately to potential Y in the usual way, and then ' p+c
connecting them in series, so that the outer coating of each city has flowed away to earth from A, and a quantity - cp Y has
jar is in metallic connection with the inner coating of the p+c
next. In such an arrangement of jars, it is obvious that passed from the inner to the outer surface of B, while the potential
in passing from the outer coating of the last at potential has altered, on A from Y to 0, and on B from 0 to —— V.
zero to the inner coating of the first, the potential will rise p+c
Suppose now we connect B with the earth, thus reducing it to zero
to vN. When we come to discharge such a series, the potential. Since the charge on A remains the same, and that on
electromotive force to begin with is ?iY, so that for any the inner coating of B is equal and opposite to it, it follows that
purpose in which great initial electromotive force is now the charges on A, &c., are ~ Y, Y, 0, where q denotes
required this combination has great advantages over n jars
abreast. The “ striking distance,” for instance, i.e., the j I the potentials of A and B are -- Y and 0. After another
greatest distance at which the discharge by spark will just
take place through air, is much greater. On the other pair of such operations the charges will be ^ — V, &c., and the
hand, the quantity of electricity which passes is less, being
only CV instead of /iCV ; the whole loss of potential energy potential,-? Y ; after a third, charges, —^ ? Y, &e., and potential,
in a complete discharge is, however, the same.
The case which we have been discussing must be care- —| Y. Hence the charges and potentials go on decreasing in geo-
fully distinguished from that of a series of jars charged by metrical progression.^ Amounts of electricity flow away from A
Cascade, “cascade,” where n uncharged jars are connected up in equal to qV, g? Y, g-?| V, g? 3V &c., in the successive operations,
succession as in last case, and the first charged by con-
nection with the electric machine to potential V, while the and equal amounts of opposite signs are discharged from B. The
sum of all these discharges is the whole original charge on A, for
outer coating of the last of the series is connected to earth,
and the rest of the jars insulated. The whole electro- gYl 1 +y+7 + &c., ad. inf. ) = —— Y «=/V .
motive force in this case is clearly only Y, and, if all the 1--^
jars be similar, the potential difference between the coatings Hence by an infinite number of alternate connections
in each is — j the charge on the inner coating of the first is we shall finally discharge the jar completely. The elec-
tricity which flows out at each contact is called the “ free
therefore —’ and the whole potential energy only f——. electricity,” and that which remains behind the “ bound
The arrangement is, therefore, not so good as a single jar electricity.” The quantity which we have denoted by p Capacity
fully charged by the same machine. It was fancied by is clearly the capacity of a spherical Leyden jar; it in-of spheri-
Franklin, who invented this method of charging, that some creases indefinitely as the distance between the conduct- cal jar-
advantage was gained by it in the time of charging, the ing surfaces decreases, and is very nearly proportional to
notion being that the overflow was caught by the successive the surface of the inside coating, when the distance is
jars and that electricity was thereby saved. Charging by small compared with the radius of either surface.
cascade was treated by Green. Some of the experiments It is very easy to extend our reasoning to any con-
of Riess bear on the matter (vide Mascart, §§ 190, 191), denser.
which, after all, is simple enough. If, m fact, gn, g12, g22 be the coefficients of self and mutual in-
t ie duction for the armatures, then this potential after operating n
Free and ^ theory of accumulators, or condensers as they
bound are often called, much stress has been laid on the differ- times as above is M —2 Y, the charges, g11( gl2 Y Y and
elec- ence between “free” and “ bound” electricity. To illus- Veil— ill “a'
tncity. trate meanjng 0f these terms, let us take a case where <h‘. Sll *?22 ) Y, and the amounts of electricity which leave 1
the calculations can be carried out in detail. and 2 in the ?ith operation are iqqn ^ gn ins ~ i M/ iU y
Suppose we have two concentric spherical shells, an inner, A, and gn ins J \in ins J
an outer, B. Let the outer radius of A be a, and the inner and respectively.
outer radii of B he 6 and c, so that the thickness of the latter is We must not omit one more interesting case. If we Coaxial
c -b. We shall suppose that we can, when we please, connect the have two infinite coaxial cylinders of radii a and b cylinders.
inside sphere with the earth. It is clear that there can never be (b > a), then obviously the potential is symmetrical about
any electricity on the inner surface of A. Let the charges on the
other surfaces in order be E, F, G. Let us suppose in the first in- the common axis, and Laplace’s equation becomes
stance that A is at potential Y, and B at zero. Then we have to find d2Y2 1 dY
E, F, G. Draw a surface in the substance of B; no lines of force cross dr dr ‘
it, therefore the whole amount of electricity within is zero. Hence
F = - E. Also, considering the external space, which is inclosed The integral of this is Y = C log r + D. Let the inner cylinder
between two surfaces of zero potential, we see that G=0. Thus, be at potential the outer at potential Y2, then
lo r
since A is at potential Y, we have — _ _=Y. Y=(V1-Y2). g +Y2 log a-Y, log b (52).
a b log a - log b log a - log 6
E Y = pV (where v = ] . . . .(51). Hence the surface density on the inner cylinder is given by
b-cu ^ V b-a) ^dV W-Y,
In this case, then, there is no electrification on the outside of B, in dr
and an electric pendulum suspended there would give no indication, ina log ^
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Mature animals most subject: Causes in horse, mechanical, chemical, microbian
irritants—alkalies, acids, caustics, hot mashes, ferments, fungi, rank grasses,
excess of chlorophyll, clover, alfalfa, acrid vegetables, bacterial infection secondary,
acrid insects in food; symptomatic of gastritis, pharyngitis, diseased teeth, specific
fevers. Symptoms: Congestion and tumefaction of buccal mucosa, lips and salivary
glands; Epithelial desquamation; fœtor; salivation; froth; papules; vesicles.
Prognosis. Treatment: Cool soft food; antiseptics; wet applications to skin;
This is much more common in the adult than in suckling domestic
animals. None of the domestic mammals or birds can be considered
immune from it, but as its causes and manifestations differ
somewhat it seems well to consider it separately in the different

Causes. These may be classed as mechanical, chemical, microbian

and other irritants. In the horse it is often due to the reckless
administration of irritant liquids as remedies. Owing to the length of
the soft palate the horse can refuse to swallow any liquid as long as
he chooses, and some of the worst cases of stomatitis I have seen
resulted from the retention in the mouth of caustic alkaline liquids
given under the name of “weak lye.” Strong acids and caustic salts
dissolved in too little water or other excipient, or suspended in
liquids in which they cannot dissolve, or made into boluses which are
crushed between the teeth are not infrequent conditions. Too hot
mashes given to a hungry horse is another cause of this trouble.
Fermented or decomposed food is often most irritating. Coachmen
will sometimes induce it by attaching to the bit bags of spicy or
irritant agents, to cause frothing and make the animal appear
Fungi in fodders are among the common causes. The rust of wheat
(puccinia graminis), the caries of wheat (tilletia caries), the blight
(erysiphe communis), ergot (claviceps purpurea), the fungus of rape
(polydesmus excitiosus) and the moulds (penicillium and puccinia)
have all been noticed to coincide with stomatitis, and charged with
producing it. On the other hand, at given times, one or other of these
cryptogams has been present extensively in the fodder without any
visible resultant stomatitis. The apparent paradox may be explained
by the fact that these fungi vary greatly in the irritant or harmless
nature of their products according to the conditions under which
they have grown, and the stage of their development at which they
were secured and preserved. Ergot notoriously differs in strength in
different years, on different soils, under various degrees of sunshine,
shade, cloud, fog, etc. In different States in the Mississippi valley it is
not uncommon to find stomatitis in horses in winter, fed on ergoted
hay, while cattle devouring the same fodder have dry gangrene of
feet, tail and ears. Yet in other seasons the ergot fails to produce
these lesions. Rank grown, watery vegetation, especially if it contains
an excess of chlorophyll is liable to cause stomatitis. Red and white
clover, trefoil, hybrid and purple clover, and alfalfa have all acted
more or less in this way, though in many cases, the food has become
musty or attacked by bacterial ferments. Some of the strongly
aromatic plants, and those containing acrid principles (cicuta virosa,
œnanthe crocata, mustard, etc.) cause buccal inflammation and
The irritation in many such cases is not due to one agent only, the
vegetable or other irritant may be the starting point, acting but as a
temporary irritant, the action of which is supplemented and
aggravated by the subsequent attacks of bacterial ferments on the
inflamed, weakened or abraded tissues. The bacteria present in the
mouth, food or water would have had no effect whatever upon the
healthy mucosa, while they make serious inroads on the diseased. On
the other hand the vegetable, mechanical or chemical irritant would
have had but a transient effect, but for the supplementary action of
the bacteria.
In horses that have the bad habit of retaining masses of half
masticated food in the cheeks the growth of cryptogams is greatly
enhanced and such food often becomes violently irritating.
Among other mechanical causes may be named pointed or barbed
hairs or spines (barley awns, spikes, thorns, etc.) which, lodging in a
gland orifice, or in a wound of the gum or mucosa, form a source of
irritation or a centre for bacterial growth and abscess.
Again, irritants of animal origin must be named. These are not
taken by choice, but when lodged in fodder, or in the pastures they
are taken in inadvertently with the food. In this way poisonous
insects, and especially hairy caterpillars, cantharides, potato bugs,
etc., gain access to the mouth.
It must not be overlooked that stomatitis occurs as an extension,
sympathetic affection or sequel of diseases of other organs. Gastritis
is usually attended by redness and congestive tenderness of the
tongue, especially of the tip and margins, and other parts of the
buccal mucosa, notably the palate just back of the incisors, are often
involved. In other cases it appears as a complication of pharyngitis,
laryngitis, of affections of the lower air passages, of the teeth and
periodontal membrane or of the salivary glands.
It appears also in a specific form in certain fevers, as in horsepox,
pustulous stomatitis, aphthous fever and even in strangles. Mercurial
stomatitis, rarely seen at the present time, is one of the worst forms
of the disease, and like the infectious forms will be treated
Lesions and Symptoms. At the outset and in the slighter forms of
congestion there is merely heat and dryness of the buccal mucosa.
Redness may show on the thinner and more delicate portions of the
membrane, as under the tongue, on the frænum, and on the
sublingual crest. But elsewhere it is hidden by the thickness of the
epithelium, and the manifestations are merely those of suppressed
secretion with local hyperthermia.
As the congestion is increased there is seen, even at this early
stage, a slight thickening or tumefaction of the mucosa, especially on
the gums, lips, the sublingual area, the orifices of the salivary glands,
and the palate back of the upper incisors. On the dorsum of the
tongue, the cheeks and lips, generally the lack of loose connective
tissue tends to prevent the swelling.
With the advance of the inflammation the redness of the mucosa
extends, at first in points and circumscribed patches, and later over
the entire surface. The epithelium drying and degenerating in its
surface layers forms with the mucus a sticky gummy film on the
surface, which, mingling with decomposing alimentary matters gives
out a heavy, offensive or even fœtid odor.
The different parts of the mouth are now tender to the touch, and
this, with the fœtor and even bitterness of the bacterial products
combine with the general systemic disturbance in impairing or
abolishing appetite. In any case mastication becomes slow and
infrequent, and morsels of food are the more likely to be retained, to
aggravate the local condition by their decomposition.
The dry stage is followed by the period of hypersecretion, and in
this the salivary glands take a prominent part, so that ptyalism
(slobbering) becomes the most marked feature of the disease. The
saliva mixed with the increasing secretion of mucus and the
abundance of proliferating and shedding epithelium, escapes from
the lips and falls in stringy masses in the manger and front of the
stall. When there is much motion of the jaws and tongue it
accumulates as a froth around the lips.
A careful examination of the mucosa will sometimes detect slight
conical elevations with red areolæ, representing the tumefied orifices
of the obstructed mucous follicles, and later these may show as
minute erosions. Even vesicles have been noticed (Weber,
Dieckerhoff, Kosters), but when these are present one should
carefully exclude the specific stomatites such as horsepox, contagious
pustular stomatitis, aphthous fever, etc.
Erosions of the mucosa and desquamation of the epithelium have
been noticed in horses fed on purple (hybrid) clover, buckwheat or
ergot, and in some of these cases the inflammation has extended (in
white faces especially) to the skin of the face, the mucosa of the nose,
and the adjacent glands, and as complications icterus, constipation,
colics, polyuria, albuminuria and paresis of the hind limbs have been
observed. These latter are common symptoms of cryptogamic
Prognosis. In uncomplicated cases the disease is not a grave one,
lasting only during the continued application of the local irritant, and
recovering more or less speedily when that has been removed.
Complications are dangerous only when due to some specific disease
poison (glanders, actinomycosis, strangles, etc.), and even poisoning
by the usual cryptogams of leafy or musty plants is rarely persistent
in its effects.
Treatment. This resolves itself into the removal of the irritant
cause and the soothing of the irritation. When the cause has been
definitely ascertained the first step is easy.
In the direction of soothing treatment, a careful selection of diet
stands first. Fibrous hay and even hard oats, barley or corn may have
to be withheld, and green food, or better still, bran mashes, gruels,
pulped roots or fruits allowed. Scalded hay or oats, ensilage, sliced
roots, or ground feed may often be taken readily when the same
aliments in their natural condition would be rejected or eaten
Medicinal treatment may often be given in the drinking water
which should always be allowed in abundance, pure and clean. In the
way of medication chlorate of potash, not to exceed one-half to one
ounce per day according to the size of the animal, may be added,
together with an antiseptic (carbolic acid, borax, permanganate of
potash, common salt, naphthol, creolin, hyposulphite of soda). In
case of severe swelling, a cap made to fit the head with strips wet in
alum and vinegar or other astringent solution maintained against the
intermaxillary space may be desirable. Support for the tongue may
be necessary as mentioned under glossitis.
In case of complications on the side of the bowels, liver or kidneys,
laxatives, diuretics and antiseptic agents may be called for.
Dense resistant mucosa protective: Affection usually circumscribed. Action of
violent irritants, and toxins of specific fevers. Mechanical irritants. Symptoms:
Salivation; congestion; eruptions; erosions; ergot; acrid vegetables; caustics.
Treatment: Astringents; antiseptics; refrigerants; derivatives; tonics. Removal of
foreign bodies. Lesions and symptoms in sheep.
The mouth of the ox as Cadeae well says has a cuticular epithelium
too thick and resistant to be easily attacked by microbes. It follows
that infected inflammations are far more frequently circumscribed
than in the thinner and softer buccal mucosa of the horse. The more
general buccal inflammations come more particularly from the use of
food that is too hot or that contains strongly irritant agents. The
thickness of the buccal epithelium however, is no barrier to the local
action of poisons operating from within as in rinderpest, or aphthous
fever, or in malignant catarrh, nor is it an insuperable barrier to the
local planting of the germs of cow pox, anthrax, actinomycosis, or
cryptogamic aphtha (muguet). The wounds inflicted by fibrous food
make infection atria for such germs, hence the great liability to such
local inflammations, in winter when the animals are on dry feeding.
For the same reason, perhaps, the prominent portions of the buccal
mucosa,—the papillæ—are sometimes irritated themselves while
serving as protectors for the general mucous surface, and hence they
become specially involved in inflammation, which constituted the
“barbs” of the old farriers. Utz records a buccal inflammation
occurring in herds fed on green trefoil, first cutting, showing that
even in cattle this agent may determine a general stomatitis.
Symptoms. These do not differ from those of the horse, and
resemble, though often in a milder form, the buccal manifestations of
aphthous fever. There is the difficulty of mastication and
indisposition to take in fibrous aliment, the drivelling of saliva from
the mouth, or its accumulation in froth around the lips, the frequent
movement of the tongue and jaws, and the congestive redness,
papular eruption, vesication, or even erosion of the affected mucous
membrane. It is always necessary to guard against confounding the
simple stomatitis, and the slighter infected inflammations, from the
more violent infections above referred to. The special diagnostic
symptoms must be found under the respective headings. The
aphthous fever is not to be expected in American herds, but the
stomatitis which is associated with ergot in the food is met more
particularly in winter and spring, and must not be confounded with
the specific disease, on the one hand nor with the simpler forms of
buccal inflammation on the other. In the case of ergoted fodder the
signs of ergotism in other situations will be found, in the affected
animals, such for example as necrotic sloughs and sores around the
top of the hoof, sloughing of the hoof or of one or more digits, or of
the metatarsus, of the tip of the tail or ear; abortions, convulsions,
delirium, lethargy or paralysis. If not seen in the same animals some
of these forms may be observed in other members of the herd. Then
the buccal lesions are in themselves characteristic: soft, whitish,
raised patches of the epithelium (rarely blisters) are followed by
desquamation and exposure of the red, vascular surface beneath, and
this tends to persist if the ergoted fodder is persisted in.
Treatment. Simple stomatitis of the ox generally tends to
spontaneous and early recovery. The simplest astringent and
antiseptic treatment is usually sufficient to bring about a healthy
action. Borax given in the drinking water, not to exceed four ounces
per day, or the same amount mixed with syrup or honey and
smeared occasionally on the tongue, or hyposulphite or sulphite of
soda, or weak solutions of carbolic acid will usually suffice, after the
irritant cause has been removed. Vinegar, or highly diluted mineral
acids may be used but are somewhat hurtful to the teeth. Decoctions
of blackberry bark or solutions of other vegetable astringents may be
used as alternatives. When there is evidence of irritant matters in the
stomach or bowels, a saline laxative will be advisable to be followed
by vegetable bitters or other tonics. Thorns and other foreign bodies
imbedded in the tongue or other part of the mouth must be
discovered and removed.
The more delicate buccal mucosa in these animals would render
them more subject to inflammations, but this is more than
counterbalanced by the mode of prehension of aliments, not by the
tongue, but by the delicately sensitive lips, and further by the
daintiness and care with which these animals select their food. The
treatment would not differ materially from that prescribed for the
Causes: burns; spiced food; bones; sepsis; ferments; pin caterpillar; dental and
gastric troubles. Symptoms: careful prehension and mastication; congestion;
swelling; eruption; erosion; furred tongue; stringy salivation; fœtor; swelling of
lips, cheeks, intermaxillary space, and pharynx. Treatment: demulcent foods;
antiseptics; derivatives; tonics; care of teeth and gums.
Causes. Hot food is a common cause in hungry dogs. Spiced food
in house dogs fed scraps from the table tend to congestion of mouth
and stomach alike. Irritation through wounds with bones, especially
in old dogs with failing teeth, and in exceptional cases the impaction
of a bone between the right and left upper molars are additional
causes. Putrid meat must also be recognized as a factor, the septic
microbes seizing upon the wounds and spreading from this as an
infecting centre. Lactic acid and other irritant products developed
through fermentation of particles of food retained about the gums
and cheeks soften the epithelium and irritate the sub-epithelial
tissue, causing congestion. Megnin draws attention to the fact that
the pin caterpillar (bombyx pinivora) found on the stalks of couch
grass (Triticum repeus) produces buccal irritation when chewed and
swallowed to induce vomiting. As in other animals more or less
buccal congestion attends on gastric congestion and inflammation.
Dental troubles are often sufficient causes.
Symptoms. The animal becomes dainty with regard to his food,
picking up the smaller or softer pieces and rejecting the larger or
harder. Mastication is painful and selection is made of moist or soft
articles which can be swallowed without chewing or insalivation. The
mouth is red and hot, and at times the mucous membrane eroded, or
blistered, the lesions concentrating especially on the gums and
around the borders of the tongue. The dorsum of the tongue is
furred, whitish, yellowish or brownish. Saliva collects in the mouth
and escapes in filmy strings from its commissures, and the odor of
the mouth becomes increasingly foul. Swelling of the lips, cheeks or
intermaxillary space marks the worst cases.
Treatment. Withdraw all irritant and offensive aliments. Give
soups, mushes, scraped or pounded lean meat in small quantities,
washing out the mouth after each meal with a 20 per cent. solution of
permanganate of potash or borax or a two per cent. solution of
carbolic acid. Cadeac advises against chlorate of potash on account of
its known tendency to bring about hæmoglobinæmia in dogs. A
laxative and bitters may be called for in case of gastritis or
indigestion, and any morbid condition of the teeth must be attended
to. Decayed teeth may be removed. Tartar especially must be cleaned
off by the aid of a small wooden or even a steel spud and a hard
brush with chalk will be useful. A weak solution of hydrochloric acid
is usually employed to loosen the tartar, but this is injurious to the
structure of the teeth and had best be avoided if possible. Tincture of
myrrh is especially valuable both as a gum-tonic and as a deodorant
and antiseptic. This may be rubbed on the irritated gums as often as
the mouth is washed.

Causes: Irritants; ferments; noose on jaw; specific poisons. Symptoms: Careful

feeding; thirst; frothy lips; champ jaws; redness; swelling; fœtor. Treatment:
Cooling, astringent, antiseptic lotions; mushy food; derivative; tonics.

Causes. Swine suffer from simple stomatitis when exposed to

thermal, mechanical or chemical irritants. Food that is too hot, or
that which is hard and fibrous, or that which contains spikes and
awns, capable of entering and irritating gland ducts or sores, or food
which is fermented or putrid, food or medicine of an irritant
character. The habit of catching and holding swine with a running
noose over the upper jaw, and the forcing of the jaws apart with a
piece of wood in search of the cysticercus cellulosa are further
causes. In several specific infectious diseases inflammation of the
mucous membrane with eruption or erosion is not uncommon. Thus
aphthous fever is marked by vesicular eruption, muguet by epithelial
proliferation and desquamation, hog cholera and swine plague by
circumscribed spots of necrosis and erosion. Patches of false
membrane are not unknown, and local anthrax, tubercle and
actinomycosis are to be met with. Inflammation may start from
decaying teeth.
Symptoms are like as in other animals, refusal of food, or a
disposition to eat sparingly, to select soft or liquid aliments, to
swallow hard materials half chewed or to drop them, to champ the
jaws, and to seek cold water. Accumulation of froth around the lips is
often seen, and the mouth is red, angry, dry, and hot, and exhales a
bad odor.
Treatment does not differ materially from that adopted in other
animals. Cooling, astringent, antiseptic lotions, honey and vinegar,
and in case of spongy or eroded mucosa, tincture of myrrh daily or
oftener. Soft feeding, gruels, pulped roots, or well kept ensilage may
be used, and clean, cool water should be constantly within reach. In
case of overloaded stomach or indigestion a laxative followed by
bitter tonics will be in order.

Causes: hurried breathing; local irritants; exposure; filthy roost. Symptoms:

gaping; roupy cry; epithelial pellicle on tongue, larnyx. or angle of the bill.
Treatment: pick off pellicle; smear it often with glycerized antiseptic. Remove
accessory and exciting causes.

This form of inflammation of the tongue of birds is characterized

by the increased production and desiccation of the epithelium so that
it takes on a horny appearance. According to Cadeac it may
accompany various inflammatory affections of the air passages,
which cause hurried breathing with persistently open bill, and thus
entail evaporation of the moisture. More commonly it has its primary
cause in local inflammation of the surface in connection with damp,
cold, draughty hen-roosts, and above all, the accumulation of
decomposing manure and the exhalation of impure gas. Even in such
cases the abnormal breathing with the bill open is an accessory cause
of the affection.
Symptoms. The breathing with open bill should lead to
examination of the tongue, but above all if at intervals the bird with a
sudden jerk of the head emits a loud shrill, raucous sound, which
reminds one of the cough of croup. The tip and sides of the tongue
are found to be the seat of a hard, dry, and closely adherent epithelial
pellicle, which suggests a false membrane.
Treatment. The common recourse is to pick or scrape off the
indurated epithelial mass, leaving a raw, bleeding surface exposed.
This is then treated with a solution of borax, or chlorate of potash.
Cadeac deprecates this treatment as useless and dangerous, and
advises the disintegration of the dry epithelial mass with a needle
taking care not to prick nor scratch the subjacent sensitive tissue,
and to wash with a 5 per cent. solution of chlorate of potash. A still
more humane and effective method is to make a solution of
hyposulphite of soda in glycerine and brush over the affected surface
at frequent intervals. This may be conveniently applied through the
drinking water.
In case of implication of the lower air passages or lungs, the
treatment must be directed to them, and soft, warm, sloppy food and
the inhalation of water vapor will prove of great advantage. Secure
clean, sweet, dry pens, pure air, and sunshine. (See pseudo
membranous enteritis.)

Division of circumscribed buccal inflammations: palatitis; gnathitis gingivitis;

glossitis. Causes: injuries; acrid; venomous or caustic agents; diseased teeth;
foreign bodies in gland ducts; malformed jaws; infections, etc. Symptoms:
salivation; difficult prehension and mastication; dropping half masticated morsels;
distinctive indications of different caustics; abrasion; abscess; slough; infective
disease lesions. Treatment: for palatitis, massage by hard corn ears, scarification,
laxatives; for gnathitis, care for teeth and ducts, astringent washes, eliminate
mercury; for glossitis, remove cause, use antidote to venom, or to chemical irritant,
astringent, antiseptic lotions or electuaries, evacuate abscess, soft, cool diet,
elevate the head, suspend the tongue.

Localized inflammations in the buccal cavity are named according

to the portion of the lining membrane attacked;—palatitis if seated
in the roof of the mouth; gnathitis if restricted to the cheeks;
gingivitis if to the gums; and glossitis if to the tongue.
Palatitis. Lampas. Congestion of the hard palate behind
the upper front teeth. This is usually seen in young horses during
the period of shedding the teeth and is caused by the irritation and
vascularity consequent on teething. The red and tender membrane
projects beyond the level of the wearing surfaces of the upper
incisors, and may materially interfere with the taking in of food. A
common practice in such cases is to feed unshelled Indian corn, the
nibbling of which seems to improve the circulation in the periodontal
membrane and by sympathy in the adjacent palate. Superficial
incisions with the lancet or knife will usually relieve, and may be
followed by mild astringent lotions if necessary. If apparently
associated with costiveness or gastric or intestinal irritation a dose of
physic will be demanded. Nothing can excuse the inhuman and
useless practice of burning the parts with a hot iron.
Gnathitis. Inflammation of the Cheeks. Usually resulting as
a distinct affection from irregular or overgrown teeth, or the entrance
of vegetable spikes into the gland ducts, these cause local swelling
and tenderness, slow imperfect mastication, dropping of food half
chewed, accumulation of food between the cheeks and teeth,
thickening, induration and sloughing of the mucous membrane with
excessive fœtor.
Treatment. Consists in correcting the state of the teeth and ducts
and using one of the washes recommended for glossitis.
Gingivitis. Inflammation of the gums. This is either
connected with the eruption of the teeth in young animals and to be
corrected by lancing the swollen gums and giving attention to the
diet and bowels; or it is due to scissor-teeth or to the wear of the
teeth down to the gums in old horses; or it is dependent on diseased
teeth, or mercurial poisoning, under which subjects it will be more
conveniently considered. Barley awns or other irritants must be
Glossitis, Inflammation of the Tongue. Causes. Mostly the
result of violence with bits, ropes, etc., with the teeth, or with the
hand in giving medicine; of scalding food, of acrid plants in the food:
of irritant drugs (ammonia, turpentine, croton, lye, etc.), or of sharp,
pointed bodies (needles, pins, thorns, barley and other barbs, etc.)
which perforate the organ. In exceptional cases leech and snake bites
are met with especially in cattle, owing to the tongue being exposed
when taking in food. Local infections and those of the specific forms,
determine and maintain glossitis.
Symptoms: Free flow of saliva, difficulty in taking in food or
drinking, and red, swollen, tender state of the tongue, which in bad
cases hangs from between the lips. The mucous membrane may be
white, (from muriatic acid, alkalies, etc.), black, (from oil of vitriol,
lunar caustic, etc.), yellow, (from nitric acid, etc.), or of other colors
according to the nature of the irritant. It may be raised in blisters,
may present red, angry sores where the epithelium has dropped off;
may become firm and indurated from excessive exudation; may swell
and fluctuate at a given point from the formation of an abscess; or
may become gangrenous in part and drop off. Breathing is difficult
and noisy from pressure on the soft palate. There is usually little
fever and death is rare unless there is general septic infection.
Treatment will depend on the cause of injury. In all cases seek for
foreign bodies imbedded in the organ and remove them. If snake
bites are observed use ammonia or potassium permanganate locally
and generally, or cholesterin as a local application. If the irritation
has resulted from mineral acids, wash out with calcined magnesia
lime water, or bicarbonate of soda or potash. If from alkalies (lye)
use weak vinegar. If from caustic salts employ white of egg,
vegetable-gluten, boiled linseed, slippery elm, or other compound of
albumen or sheathing agent. In ordinary cases use cold astringent
lotions, such as vinegar and water; vinegar and honey; borax, boric
or carbolic acid, chlorate of potash, alum or tannin and honey.
Poultices applied around the throat and beneath the lower jaw are
often of great value. The bowels may be relieved if necessary by
injections, as it is usually difficult to give anything by the mouth. If
ulcers form touch them daily with a stick of lunar caustic or with a
fine brush dipped in a solution of ten grains of that agent in an ounce
of distilled water. For sloughs use a lotion of permanganate of
potash, one drachm to one pint of water, or one of carbolic acid, one
part to fifty of water. If an abscess forms give a free exit to the pus
with the lancet, and afterward support the system by soft nourishing
diet, and use disinfectants locally. As in all cases of stomatitis, the
food must be cold gruels or mashes, or finely sliced roots will often
be relished.
The mechanical expedient of supporting the tongue in a bag is
essential in all bad cases, as if allowed to hang pendulous from the
mouth inflammation and swelling are dangerously aggravated.
Causes: in horse, ox, dog; rough, fibrous food, blistering ointments, bacteria.
Symptoms: general stomatitis, and special; papules with grayish centres and red
areolæ, vesiculation, ulceration. Treatment: Astringent, antiseptic, derivative,
tonic, stimulant.
This is a rare affection in ruminants where the thickness of the
epithelial covering appears to be a barrier to infection or injury,
while it is common in the more delicate and sensitive buccal mucosa
of the horse and dog. In the horse the ingestion of irritant plants with
the food and the penetration of vegetable barbs into the mucous
follicles may be charged with causing the disease, while in both horse
and dog the licking of blistering ointments and the local action of
fungi and bacteria are factors in different cases.
Symptoms. With the ordinary symptoms of stomatitis, there
appear minute firm, whitish, circular elevations representing the
openings of the inflamed mucous or salivary follicles, having a
reddish areola, and grayish white vesicular centre. They may amount
to a line or more in diameter, and on bursting leave red cores or
ulcers. The whole mouth may be affected or the disease may be
confined to the lips, gums or tongue.
Treatment. Beside the general astringent washes, this affection is
greatly benefited by the local use of antiseptics, as sulphite or
hyposulphite of soda, 2 drachms in a quart of water. Borax,
permanganate of potash, carbolic acid or other antiseptic in suitable
solution may be substituted. Saline laxatives are often useful to
remove sources of irritation in stomach and intestines, and iron salts
(chloride or nitrate) in full and frequently repeated doses may be
given internally. Ulcers may be cauterized and soft food and pure
water given from an elevated manger.
Causes: specific disease poisons; debility; rachitis; cancer; chronic suppuration;
irritation—mechanical, chemical, thermic, venomous, etc. Symptoms: difficult,
imperfect prehension and mastication, salivation, bleeding, swollen, puffy
epithelium, blisters, extending erosions, deep or spreading. Duration. Treatment:
correct constitutional fault, tonics, soft, digestible food, antiseptics, mild caustics.
This is characterized by the formation of necrotic spots and
patches of the buccal epithelium, with desquamation, and the
formation of more or less rodent ulcers of the sub-epithelial mucosa.
Like other ulcerative processes it is usually due to microbic invasion,
and in this way it may supervene on other and simpler forms of
stomatitis. It also varies in its manifestations and nature according to
the genus of animal, and the specific microbe present.

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