Celebrity Report Assignment

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Assignment: Celebrity Report

Marketing Name: Julian Jimenez

Directions: Research a celebrity of your choosing. The celebrity can be an actor, singer, sports figure,
author, producer, director, or anyone generally considered to be a celebrity.

Name of Your Celebrity: Hugh Jackman

Date of Birth: 12 October 1968

Best Known For: Wolverine (X-Men)

Family Information: Got Married in April 1996, his wife had 2 miscarriages, but then they adopted 2 kids,
but in September 2023, they announced that they separated

List products or companies associated with this celebrity. (If you are unable to locate products endorsed
by this celebrity, list products they SHOULD endorse.)
Laughing Man Coffee and Seed Productions

Describe this celebrity’s target market (market segment) in terms of demographics and, if applicable,
geographics and psychographics.
Mainly his target audience is 13+ with his X-Men movies, and children for the Greatest Showman. This is
mainly for people in the United states since that is where the movies take place, so the U.S. watches them

How does this celebrity market or promote himself/herself? You MUST include social media. How many
followers on Twitter/Instagram?
He mainly uses Instagram(thehughjackman (31.6M followers)) and talk shows/news stations for

What global/international appeal (or global opportunities) exist for this celebrity?

The U.S. has his main opportunity with Marvel since he is the original Wolverine, so it’ll make sense for
him to continue playing it for any future X-Men movie, or Deadpool 3.

Explain any risks (or potential risks) associated with this celebrity.
Starting his Business for sun cream

How can these risks be managed?

By promoting it so they’ll make a profit and not lose money

How does this celebrity practice social responsibility?

They don’t do anything inappropriate to anyone and isn’t rude on Social


Attach a Photo of Your Celebrity

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