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Name....................................................................... Class 10th.............. Date........................... Mark.....................

Test paper (Unit 1)

A Choose the correct item.

1 A: Can I see a copy of your CV?
B: Yes, of course. I am sending/will send it to you.
2 A: What are your plans for the evening?
B: I have/will be having dinner with my boss.
3 A: The deadline is five thirty tonight!
B: Don’t worry! I will be finishing/have finished before then.
4 A: Look! He is going to break/will be breaking the chair.
B: Stop him!
5 A: I can’t see this very well.
B: Wait. I will turn up/am turning up the light.
6 A: How long have you been working here?
B: By the end of the month, I will be working/will have been working here for 25 years.
7 A: Shall I come around about 1 pm?
B: Perhaps later. I will have had/be having lunch at 1 pm.
8 A: What are you doing this morning, Tina?
B: I will buy/am going to buy tickets for the rock concert next week.

B Put the verbs in brackets into the correct future form.

1. I hope he ......................(not lose) his job over that mistake he made.
2. By the time the meeting is over, we ......................(discuss) company matters for over three hours.
3. You should go now because your ferry ..................(leave) at 2:30.
4. Day by day, Mr Shaw ...................(turn) into a really nice boss.
5. This looks delicious. I .................(have) the chicken curry, please.
6. The electrician ................(install) all the light fittings by noon.
7. This time tomorrow I ..................(relax) on the beach.
8. Watch out! You ....................(fall).

C Choose the correct preposition.

1 I’m going to apply for/in/to a job at the new 4 My granddad has just retired for/from/on his
fun park. job.
2 Tom is responsible with/for/under all the 5 I don’t like to have to work with/from/under
shops in the region. pressure.
3 Everyone congratulated Anna for/on/with her 6 What do you specialise in/on/for?

D Choose the correct item.

1 Jane is leaving the company and has handed in her ......... . 5 Our boss made a serious mistake and had to
A warning B notice C note ......... .
2 My father ......... his own car rental business. A dismiss B resign C retire
A deals B controls C runs 6 James’ new company didn’t make any ......... the
3 Fortunately, I get on very well with my ......... at the office. first year.
A colleagues B comrades C crew A earnings B benefits C profits
4 Ruth was fed up with her boss and finally ......... her job. 7 How many ......... are there in your office?
A abandoned B discontinued A employees B employers
C quit C workers
8 Liam has a great job with lots of ......... .
A promotions B perks
C pensions

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