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Hello sons of God. How have you people been? I want us to move on with today's teaching. The whole
of this week,we have been talking about being born again and the dynamics that surround it. I have been
arranging you on the areas that bring confusion so that you gain mastery over the things that are most
surely believed. The things that I teach are the things that most of you know so I am simply cementing it.

Today,I wanna talk about sin. Can it take you to hell? Such is what I wanna handle. So buckle up your
belts, we are about to take a flight.

Father Thank you for healing hearts. Thank you for opening our eyes to the wondrous things of your
word. Thank you for giving us grace. In Jesus name. Ameeeen.

The word sin in the bible is the Greek word hamartia which means wandering from the way of
righteousness,missing the mark or erring. That means according to God,when you miss the mark or
error,you have sinned.

Sin began when Adam ate the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. From that point,the bible
says he died. The quality of his life diminished. God already told him that when he eats of that tree he
shall surely die. The fact that he was still breathing tells us it's another form of life he lost. The life of
God.Zoe. And that is the state sin always seeks to leave you.The state called bios. The estate where both
the human and the animal exist in the same dimension. So no discernment.No superior thinking.No
higher life. Jesus looked at this depravity and decided to RESTORE man back to the original estate he
shared with God.

Genesis 2:16-17 KJV And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou
mayest freely eat: but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the
day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.

Genesis 3:6 KJV And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to
the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and
gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.
I have the life of God in me.So I know what I am talking about. I ain't saying I have the life of God
because I received it in my spirit. No. Because I enjoy it experientially. The life of God is pulsating in my
veins. Probably one day I will give you testimonies of the operations of this life in me.

You see,whatever cannot affect God must never affect you. The life of God is the panacea to this
inferior life throwback and threats and problems. Benchmark your life with the current state and
condition of Jesus. If He didn't wake up on His throne because of covid,kindly sit down and eat pizza.
Because it says as He IS so are we in this world. Not as He was.NO. It insists that as He currently is. So
when I wanna know what should be the testimony of my life,I check with what Jesus is currently doing.
And the bible says that angels worship Him saying to Him is worthy honor,glory,riches etc. So I also say to
myself angels must worship the God in me running helter-skelter for my glory,riches etc. Life is very
beautiful if you can see it from the lenses of God. The life of God is what makes us triumphant in this

1 John 4:17 KJV Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment:
because as he is, so are we in this world.

Revelation 5:12 KJV saying with a loud voice, Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power, and
riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honour, and glory, and blessing.

Sin is not an act. It's a nature problem. People's sins don't make them sinners. No. It is people's sin
nature that makes them sinners. They sin because they are sinners. They don't sin now to become
sinners. David said from conception I was in iniquity. This is so strange! Because how can you say a
zygote(the first product of conception)is a sinner and is actually in iniquity? Does a zygote know how to
sin or what sin is? That immediately tells you sin is not what you do but who you are before you
receive Jesus.

Psalm 51:5 KJV Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; And in sin did my mother conceive me.
The same way you were a sinner by nature before you received Christ,you are also righteous by NATURE
after you got born again. Because righteousness was IMPARTED in you as a nature in your spirit. So
now you don't need to do good things to become righteous. No. You are righteous by nature!
Righteousness is a nature you received from Christ as a finished work of the cross. This is in 2 Cor 5:21

2 Corinthians 5:21 KJV — For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be
made the righteousness of God in him.

And the problem with this is that you can never improve on the finished work of the cross. So you can
never be any more righteous or less righteous. And you can never lose your righteousness. You don't
wake up in the morning to remind yourself by speaking in tongues that you are a man. No. Because
whether you pray about it or not,your genitalia and your voice will always betray you! You are a man by
nature. You don't need prayers for it. You can't improve on that nature. You are not 70% today and 90%
tomorrow. You don't work on your manhood so that you maintain it. Never! Why? Because it is a nature.
It doesn't matter if you wanna speak like a girl or you wanna cat walk,you will always be betrayed by
beards. The same way as a lady,it doesn't matter how much you wanna be a lesbian and convince
yourself you are a man,menses will always betray you at the end of the month! Because that is your
nature! Similarly,you are RIGHTEOUS.And you can't ever advise God better concerning it.Period.

Give me 1 John 5:16-18

1 John 5:16-18 KJV If any man see his brother sin a sin which is not unto death, he shall ask, and he
shall give him life for them that sin not unto death. There is a sin unto death: I do not say that he shall
pray for it. All unrighteousness is sin: and there is a sin not unto death. We know that whosoever is
born of God sinneth not; but he that is begotten of God keepeth himself, and that wicked one toucheth
him not.

This scripture tells you that there are two types of sin. The one that leads to death and the one that
does not lead to death. Can we get deeper with these two then we finish?

These are the kind of sins that you will hear people term mortal sin(that leads to death)and immortal
sin(that does not lead to death). So the question has always been how far does a sin become mortal or
immortal. Today we are gonna answer that question with utmost clarity. No grey areas whatsoever.

Many people usually think that when you do a certain sin for long,not it becomes mortal. That is not
really it. No. A habit is not a sin that leads to death. In as much baggage as it looks,you can easily
overcome it. People say Elvin I have been into porn for 10yrs now I don't know if I can even stop anymore.
You can. Easily.If light comes, Gross light,then gross darkness will give way instantly. It doesn't matter
how long darkness has been in a room,if you switch on the light,it checks out immediately. What seems
to be holding you can be flashed off cheaply by the right intensity of light. Only don't permit that
sin.Don't permit that addiction.Keep resisting it. Light is travelling.It's on its way to meet you from within
you.It will spring out and that will be the end of that issue you thought would last forever.

You see,what you permit to grow. You must learn to strive against sin until you master it. It doesn't
matter how much it seems to suggest it is for life,resist it. The word of God says that you have not
resisted sin to death. Resist it.

Hebrews 12:4 KJV Ye have not yet resisted unto blood, striving against sin.

Now you see, any sin you do in the context of your body is considered immortal. It doesn't lead to death.
Meaning you can always go to God,confess it and receive forgiveness. You don't go to hell because you
stole something or did something wrong. You can be forgiven for His name's sake if you go to God and
receive forgiveness from His bowels of love and Mercy.

See this. You must never allow sin or a habit to convince you that you are going to hell or allow sin
convince you ati that is why you are sick. Never. Never allow sin to have dominion over you. Right up
after doing that sin,wake up,dust yourself and tell yourself I am God's building in construction,I am
permitted to make mistakes and the blood of Jesus has spoken over my redemption from this sin,I resist
this sin forever,I will never do it again,I have the life of God in me,I resist this addiction in Jesus name.
That is how to overcome it. And day by day it will die until it will be no more. Only don't ever permit it
and make a consensus with yourself that it is okaay to do it. No.Never.Remember we said whatever you
permit grows. Also,never allow any self consciousness or guilt take over your soul after a wrong doing.

Lemme tell you actually a secret as to why the devil always wants you to sin. He always wants you to sin
because of this one reason-GUILT. He knows no matter how much you make confession for your sin,it is
human to have guilt. And when you have it,he can easily take advantage of you. He can lessen your
hunger for intimacy because he will keep flashing that sin before your face. Each time you experience
this just say the word of God says whatever has been born of God cannot sin,so I cannot sin in Jesus
name!I have the nature of God in Jesus name!

Lemme tell you a secret,life will ALWAYS evolve towards the direction of your words. So each time you
speak this,spiritually you are programming an atmosphere of defeat towards this sin and an atmosphere
of triumph against this sin. One day you will wake up in the morning and this thing has permanently died
in you!Forever! It says little by little until I drive away all your enemies. So God won't bring you out of
that addiction once and boom! It's done. No. Many times He will drive it off you little by little.

Exodus 23:30 KJV By little and little I will drive them out from before thee, until thou be increased, and
inherit the land.

So that is for the sin that is immortal. A sin that can be forgiven. Many believers end up beating
themselves down because of something wrong they did. They can't endure themselves remembering
what they did with their step cousin in bed. God forgave them way back and yet they are trying to
remind Him of what He forgot. Many times people just become the roadblocks of their own lives. They
stop God. They frustrate the grace of God in their lives because of self consciousness.

The word of God says the Spirit of God hovered over the face of the waters and darkness was upon the
face of the deep. Did you see that? The Spirit of God was brooding over darkness! He wasn't ashamed of
it. He was all over it.He brooded over it long enough till God discerned that now I think it's time we
speak light. So I want you to know that you don't have to hide away the dark secrets and feelings and
encounters and habits away from the Spirit of God. He wants to brood over it.

You see,when you pray,speak in tongues and image this sin that has always brought you back to inferior
versions of yourself,these dark secrets,these bitter feelings and emotions you have carried for years
against your ex. Image them as you pray in tongues.By doing this,you are allowing the Holy Ghost brood
over the darkness within. Even when meditating on the word of God,start scouting your mind through
scriptures that talk about what you are struggling with. If you do this long enough,the Holy Spirit will
now tell you one day son,speak light,it is now time. Because a time will always come that you will have
to speak light. Now stand in the liberty with which you have been freed in Christ Jesus!!Hallelujah!!

Genesis 1:2 KJV And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the
deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

Now I want us to go to the sin that is mortal and then we end.

The day you look at yourself and agree with your heart that you no longer need Jesus,that is what we
call the sin we call mortal. Besides that,the day you rebuff the activities of the Spirit of grace and speak
against Him,you have done the sin that we call immortal. And by this now,you will have to make the
sinner's confession again if you are ever to see heaven. But I wanna explain this in detail so that we
understand .

You see under the category of immortal sin is fornication,lying,cheating,slander etc. Under the category
of sin, mortal sin is resisting the Spirit of grace,blasphemy,conceit and independence in your heart from
the saving power of the cross and Jesus. That is a good place to start. So we have seen that the sin that
leads to death is not necessarily blasphemy. Blasphemy is just a part of it. It's a branch of it.

One time Evangelist Dag Hewald Mills,one of the greatest evangelists in history and alive in our time
who this generation is privileged to have, gave a very shocking testimony in his book which I read. He
said he once preached in a crusade and a certain old man came straight up to him and told him Dag,I
want you to know I am 80yrs old and no matter how much you preach to me,I will never change and I
won't ever get born again. He looked straight into his eyes while saying this. Evangelist Mills couldn't
believe that. He looked at that man and said okay. So from this great evangelist's experience,you have
seen that there are people who have personally made up their minds never to get born again. And by
doing so have bought themselves eternal tickets to hell. That is now what we call conceit or evil
independence from the saving power of the cross.

Even if you were born again and at one point you say you have no need of God then that is it. It's either
you redo the sinner's confession or we are talking about another story. This is different from depression
or giving up in life. No. This is a state where someone is consciously denouncing God's help and
intervention in anything regardless of how much He knows God can help him. It is a condition where
someone intentionally and purposefully denounces himself from any help or dependency from heaven.
It happens many times when people get rich or when people get famous or they are world wide

Getting depressed and all this giving up is not a mortal sin because it is just a human disposition that has
been developed over time due to repetitive failure and pain and heartbreaks from people or relatives. So
that can't take someone to hell.Depression is what Lazarus had and even pain.But he went to heaven.
And even to Abraham's bosom in heaven. So giving up or depression is not part of mortal sin as people
propose. I am not advocating for it. I hate it. I don't like it. It's an evil spirit. I taught about and even how
to overcome it in one of my pdfs called Praise or something. I don't remember(you can ask Lorraine she
will give you). So I don't like it. It's called the spirit of heaviness and it's very bad for the believer. So
even if you once received Christ and you got to a place that now you lived in sin till you no longer need
him,where you have been swallowed up in sin or yourself till all you want is "have fun" and you don't
wanna hear this message of the cross anymore,then surely we can't help you. It's hell we are talking

Losing your zeal for prayer or your zeal for the word is not the same as this. Loss of zeal for spiritual
things doesn't warrant you to make the sinner's confession. No. You just need the Spirit of God to
revitalise you or a man of God through prayers. That one is simple. You don't even need to rededicate
your life to Jesus.

You only rededicate your life to Jesus if your condition is the one I have talked about up there(living in
sin and now you feel you don't need God anymore)but you wanna get born again and receive him again.
But you don't rededicate because you lost your zeal for prayer and the word and nowadays you are
struggling to read the bible. No. That one,just text your mentor or your father in the Lord and they will
help you out. They will revive you. Or attend my prayer meetings. Or even ask the Spirit of God to revive
you and begin to pray. He will!
Give me Heb 10:26-29

Hebrews 10:26-29 KJV For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth,
there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins, but a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery
indignation, which shall devour the adversaries. He that despised Moses' law died without mercy
under two or three witnesses: of how much sorer punishment, suppose ye, shall he be thought worthy,
who hath trodden under foot the Son of God, and hath counted the blood of the covenant, wherewith
he was sanctified, an unholy thing, and hath done despite unto the Spirit of grace?

According to this scripture,when many people read it and they see that term For if we sin willfully after
we have received the knowledge of truth there remains NO SACRIFICE for sins, Immediately they say
when you sin willfully then God won't ever forgive you!Liar!!That is very wrong! Do you know a believer
can never sin willfully? Did you not read that whatever is born of God cannot sin? Actually the AMP
version of that scripture says whatever is born of God cannot willfully sin! That immediately tells you you
can't wilfully sin. But why? Because your spirit will convict you. Your spirit will weep. And even the Holy
Ghost will weep. So don't hurt Him.

1 John 3:9 AMP No one who is born of God [deliberately, knowingly, and habitually] practices sin,
because God’s seed [His principle of life, the essence of His righteous character] remains [permanently]
in him [who is born again—who is reborn from above—spiritually transformed, renewed, and set
apart for His purpose]; and he [who is born again] cannot habitually [live a life characterized by] sin,
because he is born of God and longs to please Him.

Lemme show you what sin this passage of scripture is talking about.

Immediately after this scripture talks about this so-called willful sinning. It now goes ahead,rushes to
explain what this sin really is so that believers who sinned don't see as though they have no hope. It
specifically tells you that if you trample underfoot the Son of God,and you count the blood of covenant
with which you were sanctified unholy and when you despise the Spirit of grace. But we'll know a
believer cannot do this. Because believers love the blood of Jesus. Believers genuinely honor the Son of
God and even fear God. If you look at a believer after they have sinned,these guys you can tell they love
God and honor God. They don't sin then they curse the blood. No. Only people overcome by
money,religion,fame etc can do that.

I have seen people who have done this. People who have told me my gospel is foolish and stupid. That is
what we now call mortal sin. That is what we call trampling underfoot the Son of God and despising the
Spirit of grace. Like the way the Pharisees were rebuffing the Spirit of grace at work in Jesus. I tell you
before God if they didn't repent,all of them are burning in hell now.

That is why it is never wise to fight a manifestation of the Spirit in someone's life which you haven't
understood fully by scripture. You might be fighting the Spirit of grace(Spirit of God)without knowing! If
you don't understand the prophetic,don't fight it. Burn the midnight oil and search for scriptures that
can open your eyes towards it. If a manifestation of power or the Spirit is in someone's life which is
strange troubles your spirit,don't be quick to verbally oppose it or point your finger against it. No. Keep
quiet and patiently learn it or even take your time to study it versus scriptures.

There is nothing like confessing sins of commission and omission. The offender only confesses of the sin
he is aware of. That is according to the typology given by God in Lev 5:5. And it shall be,when he shall be
guilty in one of these things,that he shall confess that he hath sinned in that thing. The offender was to
confess only "that thing" in particular where he had offended.

Leviticus 5:5 KJV And it shall be, when he shall be guilty in one of these things , that he shall confess
that he hath sinned in that thing:

So that is what I had for you this week. This series will continue throughout even next week but with
other teachers. I believe God has opened our eyes to these realities and these foundational truths. We
chose to do this series because we wanted to just cement these foundational things in case someone
wasn't sure. Many of you know these things but we are kind enough to do this to the ones who don't
know and seek to know. And also it is a reminder to us because there is nothing too basic we can't learn
something new from.

Can I pray for you so that we finish?

Father in the name of Jesus,thank you for my hearers. Thank you for giving me the best audience.
Papa I love GM.I love all these people. Whoever needs healing,give them healing. Whoever needs
money,give them money. Whoever needs peace,Papa grant them my peace. Whoever needs favour at
their workplace,let it be so. Whoever needs deliverance from attacks and demonic oppression,they
are delivered in Jesus name. Whoever needs you,give them you. Whoever wants fees cleared,I clear it
for them. Whoever wants connections,I give them the most fresh and superior connections.
Breakthroughs everywhere. I prophesy a revival.A renewal.Power of the Holy Ghost.Zeal.Favour. Wipe
away their tears. In Jesus name.Ameeen.

Nawapenda sanaa

My name is Elvin Vanuel. I was the one taking you through this series. Kama unataka kutoa sadaka,
number ya MPesa ni ile Ile.

Anyway,till next time,Shalom. I love you so much GM. You are the best I know!

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