Sherlock Holmes and The Mystery of The Loch N 5

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By KoelhoK

Sherlock Holmes and the

Mystery of the Loch Ness
A Storybird
Sherlock Holmes and the Mystery of the Loch Ness

By KoelhoK

Illustrated by
mb illustration

Published on
April 05, 2023

© Storybird 2023 All rights reserved

Chapter 1

The Death of Sherlock Holmes

Friday, 13 th October 1984

2: 00 am
Watson: Sherlock! Sherlock!! Oh, for goodness’ sake, how
am I going to survive here all by myself? It´s all his fault! If
only I had known what I was getting myself into, I wouldn't
have come. Oh well, you know what they say, when you are
lost, hug a tree, and wait for somebody to save you.

3:00 am
(Sound of a scream)
Watson: Oh, please no…
Watson runs towards the screams, but it was too late. When
he arrived, he saw Sherlock dead.

Chapter 2

The Case Begins

Two days earlier

Wednesday, 11 th October 1984
1:50 pm
It was another boring day in London. There was no case
that was truly interesting and bloodthirsty for Sherlock to
enjoy. He spent all his days alone in his apartment at 221B
Baker Street.
His apartment was a mess, as was his mind. Dirty clothes all
over the room, books open and scratched on the table and
on the fireplace, and pieces of glass by the window, which
was broken. It was dirty! However, believe it or not, that
place could be beautiful. There were Renaissance paintings,
ancient Greek sculptures, and very precious manuscripts
from many years ago. It was a place of pure knowledge.
Despite being an apartment with many things to entertain,
Sherlock preferred to spend his days playing the violin and
annoying Mrs. Hudson, the landlady, and his only friend,

Watson.Watson: Sherlock! Sherlock, are you here?
Watson was anxiously climbing the apartment stairs, as he
had very important news. Unfortunately, clumsy as he is, of
course he had to trip and hit his head on the stairs!
Mrs. Hudson: You must be more careful Watson, have you
noticed that you are always hurting yourself? If I were the
one to stumble like that…
Watson was in such a hurry, he didn't even realize what
Mrs. Hudson had said. When he got to the living room, he
noticed the mess that was there, and he saw Sherlock
sleeping on the sofa…at 2 pm.
Watson: Sherlock. – no response – Sherlock!! – still no
response – How the hell is he not awake yet? – Good grief!
How is he not awake yet!!
Watson gave up trying to wake his friend up and decided to
go and sit on the
armchair in front of the fireplace. As he looked around, he
noticed a bullet hole that was in the wall.
Watson: What the h-
Sherlock: Hello, Watson.
Watson: Oh, for goodness’ sake Sherlock, you scared me!

Sherlock: I assume you brought me a new case.

Watson: Oh, don't tell me you could tell by my smell and
my clothes that I brought you a case!

Sherlock: Don't be an idiot! I just saw the letter in your
pocket saying, "Urgent! Do not open! For Sherlock Holmes’
eyes only."
Watson: Oh…
Of course, it hadn't been like that. Sherlock is known for
his ability to easily read people. He knows Watson too well
not to know when the two have a challenge in hands. And
from Watson's face, it looked like this was the time
Sherlock was going to have some euphoria.
Watson: So, here's the letter. I might already have opened
it...just in case it's a prank, you know...
Sherlock ignores everything Watson says and reads the
letter to himself. You could see Sherlock's expressions
change to the emotions of excitement, fear, and anxiety.
And when he finished reading the letter…
Sherlock: Watson, we have a case!!

Chapter 3

Arrival in Scotland

Scotland, Edinburgh
Thursday, 12 th October 1984
11:30 am
The mission of the two partners takes place in Scotland,
more specifically in Edinburgh.
As they exited the plane, both Watson and Sherlock were
bombarded with journalists and men trying to sell whiskey.
Sherlock was surprised for a few seconds to see so many
people there. But after thinking about it for a while, of
course he realized that bloody Watson must have posted on
his blog that they were going to Scotland.
After running out of the airport with the whiskey and
having lost all those people,they headed towards the hotel
that Watson chose online, The Forester's Lodge.
Watson: Sherlock I'm telling you it's going to be fun! It has
a great score of 4.0 stars, and it's very close to the lake that
we're going to explore!Sherlock: It has a good score

because there was only 2 people scoring it, and one of them
was literally the hotel owner.
Watson: Come on, Sherlock! You're always so negative. It's
only a few nights here until we solve the case of this
monster. I certainly look forward to seeing why so many
people fear this “monster”! (Watson giggles)
Sherlock: Come on Watson! The monster might even be
(A moment of silence followed by the two laughing
hysterically out loud.)
Watson: Oh, Sherlock you kill me!
As the two laughed heartily over how silly other people
were to think there was a lake monster, a chill ran down
their spines. Little did they know where they were going to
put themselves in, these coming days.

Chapter 4

The Mysterious Stranger in Mary King


Mary King Alley

Friday, 13 th October 1984
1:00 am
Watson: Are you sure this is where we're supposed to be?

Sherlock: Yes, it's right here. Mary King Alley.

Watson: Sherlock, this doesn't seem like a good idea or a
good place to meet a stranger! After all, he's a stranger and
we don't know if he might come armed orwith ulterior
motives. You know, now that we're famous because of
(Sherlock cuts Watson off when he hears footsteps getting
A few meters from the two, stood a very suspicious man. He
was wearing a long black trench coat and a beret that
covered his face. It was not possible to identify him.

However, Sherlock was determined to speak with the
individual, who claimed that he had clues about the case.
Stranger: Are you Sherlock?
Sherlock: It depends, who's asking?
The individual started to laugh in a strange and suspicious
way and then Sherlock interrupted.
Sherlock: Is this some joke? I came here for the
information, not to see you
laughing like a hyena.The stranger stops laughing and
approaches Sherlock's ear, asking him if he has what he
Sherlock: Information first, reward later.
The man tried to argue, but to no avail, and so he began to
recount all the events he had seen.
Stranger: I've seen many things happen... Things that no one
can explain why. It's been a long time since people called
me crazy, but after all who's crazy now, huh? Now, they are
all afraid of what could happen in the next few days, and
rightly so!
Sherlock tells the stranger to stop stalling and say what he
Stranger: There is a lake not far from here. There are some
legends about the
monster that lives in the lake and eats people's organs.
However, this is all

nonsense. What you can really see is that every Friday,
between 1 am and 3 am, the lake creates a whirlpool. This
whirlpool brings with it the souls of people who were lost in
purgatory, and you can hear how each of these souls died.
However, if you get too close you can die in the same way
that one of the souls died.
Watson: Oh, for goodness’ sake, Sherlock! This man is
clearly making fun of us! Let's get out of here!
The stranger starts to laugh intensely, takes his share of the
reward from
Sherlock's hands, and disappears into the shadows, while
muttering: "you'll see".
Watson: What the hell was that? I knew this was a bad idea!
We should have asked people who don't want to meet us at
1am. On top of that, he took it with him… wait a second,
what was in that bag that you gave him?
Sherlock does not respond to Watson. He thinks this is all
nonsense, of course! But none the less, it was intriguing!
Sherlock: You know Watson, we're still on schedule to go
see that whirlpool.
Watson: Oh no, definitely not! We are not going to that
bloody place at 1 am just because you want to see some
stupid whirlpool!
Sherlock: Come on Watson, don’t be a party pooper.
Watson: That’s it. We are not going!

Chapter 5

The Loch Ness Monster Mystery

Loch Ness
1:30 am
Watson: I can't believe you got me to come here!
Sherlock: I would say it was something elementary, dear
Watson: Yeah, ok! Sure! Fine. Either way we can't separate.
This forest is huge and frightening, we could easily get lost
here. You know, this doesn't seem like a good idea, even
though I don't believe in those legends. This forest looks too
dark for me. Maybe if we leave now, we won't be killed by
whatever thing or animal is here.
While Watson talked and talked about how he wanted to
leave, he didn't realize he was alone, and he had no idea
where Sherlock had gone.
Watson: Sherlock, are you listening to me? Sherlock?
When Watson realized what his supposed friend had done,
he became very

irritated and felt like screaming and chasing Sherlock.
However, as he gradually realized that he was completely
lost, without anyone, exhausted and hungry, he decided to
do what anyone else would do in his situation. To cry, as he
lamented his decision to come with Sherlock and even meet
him. Watson tried to remember the good things in life like
Mrs. Hudson and… other things.
After a few minutes of walking in the forest, he began to
listen carefully to nature. Strange noises, he wasn't sure
what it was, maybe animals or maybe just the sound of the
wind hitting the trees. He was sure of one thing though, he
was going to kill Sherlock Holmes! But at the end of the
day, Watson also wanted to come on this mission, and now
he must do it too. His feelings renewed. Watson walks
further, not looking for Sherlock, but for the lake.
Sherlock: I finally got rid of Watson! I was tired of listening
to him talk. Now I can focus more easily on the case.
According to some indications, I believe that this is
where the lake is.
After a few minutes of walking, Sherlock began to hear
many sounds from the forest. It was very windy, foggy and
you could hear water. Sherlock followed that sound,
having finally found that lake. However, there was nothing

Sherlock: I was deceived!
But then it began. The waters of the lake became intensely
agitated, the wind grew stronger, and suddenly a huge
whirlpool formed in front of Sherlock's eyes. He didn't
want to believe what was happening. Approaching the
whirlpool carefully, he began to hear several things. The
sounds seemed to grow strangely more intense until they
suddenly stopped. They stopped completely. The water
returned to normal and there was no longer any wind. It was
an uneasy silence. Upon closer observation, the lake
appeared to have nothing suspicious, but then footsteps
began to be heard.
After Watson's adrenaline rush to look for the lake monster,
he realized he was just spinning around. After all, he still
hasn't found Sherlock or the lake, and he's pretty sure he's
passed a specific tree 3 times already. With no hope left, he
decides to call his old friend.
Watson: Sherlock! Sherlock!! Oh, for goodness’ sake, how
am I going to survive here all by myself? It´s all his fault! If
only I had known what I was getting myself into, I wouldn't
have come. Oh well, you know what they say, when you are
lost, hug a tree, and wait for somebody to save you.
While Watson was doing this, little did he know what his
friend Sherlock was getting into.

Sherlock: Who's there? Show yourself!
He continues to hear the footsteps getting closer and closer,
not realizing which way they are coming from.
Sherlock: I'll say it just one more time, show yourself now,
Sherlock pulls a gun out of his overcoat. Apparently, he
came prepared and was expecting something like this to
The sounds of footsteps end. No one is seen in sight. But
suddenly the fog thickens, and a figure begins to appear.
Not someone human, but a creature. The creature appeared
to be larger than the trees, with a very long neck and eyes
that were all white. Sherlock was immobilized! He couldn't
believe what he was seeing! The creature looks straight at
Sherlock and growls as it runs towards him.
Sherlock screams loudly for help, tries to aim his gun and
fires, to no avail, and simply accepts his fate.

Watson hears Sherlock's sounds of pain and despair.*

Watson: Oh, please don't...

Watson runs towards the sounds, but it was too late. When
he arrived, he saw

Sherlock dead. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. He
tries to approach but isn’t capable of. Sherlock was all
disheveled, full of blood on the floor! He couldn't
even recognize him!
Watson screamed and screamed until he couldn't take it
Sherlock: Watson! Watson!!
Watson: What? Sherlock? You are alive?
Sherlock: Unfortunately.
Watson: I cannot believe! Where am I...? And why does my
head hurt so much...
Sherlock: You're on the stairs of the building, apparently
you hit your head and passed out.
Watson: Oh my god, really?
Sherlock: It doesn't look like you have anything to worry
about anyway. Mrs.
Hudson said you were rushing to see me. Does it have
anything to do with the letter in your pocket?
Watson hands the letter to Sherlock, who reads it carefully
while Watson explains everything he saw in the dream.
Watson: Sherlock, you won't believe it! We went to Loch
Ness but first you wanted to meet this super weird man, and
then we were on schedule, and you left me, and then I heard
sounds of you screaming and when I went to look you were

dead! It was horrible and good at the same time! We must
go there!
Sherlock: Watson, for God's sake, a lake monster? Souls of
people in the purgatory? Ah, spare me! These are nothing
but myths! Gibberish! And here I was thinking you brought
me something interesting… apparently you must have hit
your head right before you came here!
Watson: But Sherlock...
Sherlock: Oh, come on! None of this is true. What a waste.

As Sherlock returns to the living room, Watson

accompanies him, and notices that the apartment wasn't as
dirty after all as before, but...
Watson: Hey, Sherlock! Why do you have a bullet in the
middle of the living room wall?
Sherlock: I was trying to kill the leprechaun who steals my
left foot sock…
Watson: What…

The End


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