Dokumen - Tips - 3g Key Performance Indicators Kpippt

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3G Key Performance Indicators (KPI)

Key Performance Indicators (KPI)

• For radio network optimization, it is necessary to have decided on

key performance indicators.
• These KPIs are parameters that are to be observed closely when
the network monitoring is going on.
• Mainly, the term KPI is sed for parameters related to voice and
data channels, bt network performance can be broadly
characterized into coverage, capacity and !ality criteria also that
cover speech and data aspects.
• KPIs are collected from network management system along with
"eld measrements sch as drive tests.

12/20/12 2
Key Performance Indicators…..continued

• For the "eld measrements, the tools sed are ones that
can analyze the tra#c, capacity and !ality of the calls, and
the network as a whole.
• For drive testing, a test mobile is sed.
• This test mobile keeps on making calls in moving vehicle
that goes arond varios parts of the network to measre
$rop %all &ate '$%&(, %)& '%all )ccess &ate(, *+
'*andover( etc. parameters.
• part from drive testing, the measrements can also be
generated by the network management system.
• -etwork Management system '-M)( can generate varios
reports which can be analysed, processed and sed to
fond problematic parameters in network.

12/20/12 3
3G KPI’s Detail

Following main KPIs are monitored for MT)/

• ccessibility ' )etp Failres0&1 and &&%, %))&(

• &etainability ' $rops0&1 and &&%(

• Mobility ' )*+,I)*+(

• Throghpt

• sage '&esorces(

12/20/12 
 CS Call Drop

Possible Reason Resolution

1: Change physical antenna parameters (tilt, Azimuth and
1: Poor coverage issue height), If reuired Increase !CP and CPIC" po#er to
increase coverage and capacity$

%: chec for &eigh'our planning of the cells in that area$

%: &eigh'our planning issue
(issing neigh'ours)

*: Chec and resolve the issue 'y tracing the source of

*: +!P issue (+eceive !otal #ide'and po#er) e-ternal interference through ./! or spectrum Analyzer or
get the hard#are checed

0: Alarms 0: or#ard alarms to /22 team for +ectification$

3: Chec + conditions in and chec 2ource and !arget
3: 4vershooting issue Cells to have a feel of overshoot$ ae physical changes
on the 'asis of results$
5$ P2C Clash6 2ame P2C in cells having
5$ +eplan the P2C of the cells
overlapping coverage

12/20/12 !
 PS Call Drop

Possible Reason Resolution

1$ change physical antenna changes or If reuired
1$ Poor + conditions Increase !CP and CPIC" po#er to increase coverage and
%: chec for &eigh'our planning of the cells in that area$
%: issing &eigh'our Issue
(issing neigh'ours)
*: Chec and resolve the issue 'y tracing the source of
*: +!P issue e-ternal interference through ./! or spectrum Analyzer or
get the hard#are checed
0: Alarms 0: or#ard alarms to /22 team for +ectification$
3: Chec C"+ data and see if the drops are taing place
3: !racing the particular 78$
on one particular 78 or different 78

 RRC Connection Setup Failure

Possible Reason Resolution
1$ ++C ailure 1$ 9o Cell ++C +eect Analysis
%: Po#er congestion %: Chec for +!P issue or Increase the po#er
*: C8 Congestion *: ;oad /alancing<physical optimization or add carrier$

0: ;oad /alancing<physical optimization or add carrier or

0: Code Congestion
play #ith "29PA codes$

3: &o +eply 3: !his includes reasons lie + conditions and 78 issue

5$ Cell 2cenario analysis report and chec if the failures

5$ 9ongle<78 issue
are interactive call failures
12/20/12 "
 HO Failure (3G3G)

Possible Reason Resolution

1: Chec + conditions in 4mstar and chec 2ource and
1: 4vershooting issue !arget Cells to have a feel of overshoot$ ae physical
changes on the 'asis of results$
%: chec for &eigh'our planning of the cells in that area$
%: issing &eigh'our Issue
(issing neigh'ours)
*$ "andover event threshold and parameter *$ +etune the handover event threshold and parameter
settings settings
0$ P2C Clash6 2ame P2C in cells having
0$ +eplan the P2C of the cells
overlapping coverage
3: Change physical antenna parameters (tilt, Azimuth and
3: Poor coverage issue height), If reuired Increase !CP and CPIC" po#er to
increase coverage and capacity$

 IRAT HO Failure (3G Network to 2G Network)

Possible Reason Resolution
1$ =2 Cell 9iscrepancies 1$ +emove all =2 cell 9iscrepancies
%: Interference on =2 Cell %: +emove interference issue on %= cell
*: Alarms on %= or *= cell *: +emove all alarms either on %= or *= side$
0: I+A! parameters 0: +etune I+A! parameters$

3: ilter the cells having continuous high I+A! failures$

3: Particular cell issue 8na'le the I+A! attempt and I+A! success counter from
%>>> to find out failures are #ith #hich cells

5$ /locing on %= cell 5$ +esolve the issue of 'locing in %= cell

12/20/12 #
 Power con!e"tion I""ue

Possible Reason Resolution

1$ Chec and resolve the issue 'y tracing the source of

1$ +!P issue e-ternal interference through ./! or spectrum Analyzer
or get the hard#are checed

%: Increase !CP and CPIC" po#er to increase coverage

%: Po#er issue
and capacity$

*: Carrier addition *: Add ne# carrier

0: Chec + conditions in 4mstar and chec 2ource and

0: 4vershooting cell !arget Cells to have a feel of overshoot$ ae physical
changes on the 'asis of results$

12/20/12 $
3G KPI’s and acce&tance 'imit (different for different o&erators)
Information Element Accept Limit (%)
CSV Access Failure Rate ? 1$> @
CSV Drop Rate ?1@

CSV Qualit (DL) 3th percentile of samples B %$> @ /;8+

CSV Qualit (!L) 3th percentile of samples B %$> @ /;8+

Soft"Softer #an$oer &er'ea$ ? 1$5

Voice Call Setup time (obile to PS*+) 3th percentile B 3 seconds
Voice Call Setup time (obile to obile) 3th percentile B  seconds
#SDPA Access Failure Rate B 1$> @
#S!PA Access Failure Rate B 1$> @
CSD Call Setup *ime 3th percentile ≤  seconds
CSD Access Failure Rate ?1$> @
#SDPA Drop Call Rate ?1$> @
#S!PA Drop Call Rate ?1$> @
CSD Drop Call Rate B 1$> @
PSD aera,e DL *'rou,'put ≥ %1>
PSD aera,e !L *'rou,'put ≥ 1D>
PSD Call Setup time 3 percentile sessions ≤ * seconds

Stationar a-imum DL #SDPA .it Rate(/bps) E 5 'ps

Stationar a-imum !L #S!PA .it Rate(/bps) E 1$% 'ps
#SDPA Latenc 3th percentile sessions ≤ 1>> ms

PSD Latenc 3th percentile sessions ≤ 1>> ms

12/20/12 %
dustment *ecommendation and Im&lementation

• d2stment &ecommendation and Implementation

F %ommon %ontrol %hannel Power llocation
F &3 Ma4imm Power parameters
F Intra0fre!ency *andover parameters
F Inter0fre!ency *andover parameters
F Inter0&T *andover parameters
F Power %ontrol parameters
F ccess parameters

12/20/12 10
P*+,-D*- 'IG ,+-*

• vailable on an &-%, &5I and &1) basis, the F%T)

tool is available to interface to and represent the
relevant conters. %onters are collected on a
!arterly '67 minte( basis 'known as a reporting
period( and are stored from the operational date of the
cell thereby allowing for past analysis.

• There are nmeros conters available from an

&-%9&5I9&1). *owever, this procedre concentrates
on conters re:ecting the critical performance of the
cells. These conters 'and formlae derived there
from( are best analysed graphically throgh the se of
F%T). The formlae sed for statistics sch as $%&
and %))& may be obtained within the F%T).
12/20/12 11
P*+,-D*- 'IG ,+-*

• 1oth the -M% and the Planning ; +ptimization

<ngineer are responsible for monitoring conters. The
-M% has the responsibility of maintaining the active
stats of all cells and therefore mst act in accordance
to all sch related conters. The Planning and
+ptimization <ngineer monitors and acts on conters
re:ecting the cell=s active performance.
• It is possible to con"gre alarms to be generated for
conters e4ceeding speci"c vales. These alarms
wold then be monitored by the -M%.
• For the &adio Planning ; +ptimisation <ngineer the
focs is on maintaining ade!ate cell performance in
terms of ccessibility 'call setp analysis(,
&etainability 'drop call analysis( and Integrity 'speech
12/20/12 12
!ality9video !ality9packet throghpt analysis(

• If a cell has poor accessibility it is typically de to

either some form of congestion or a hardware9software
falt or a miscon"gration. It is also possible that
there is some e4ternal sorce of interference 'sch as
a microwave link on the same fre!ency( a>ecting the

• ccessibility shold be monitored independently for
the di>erent &1 types 'e.g. )peech, %) ?ideo, P)
Interactive &@@, P) Interactive *)$P, etc.( as in
certain sitations only one of the &1 types will be
a>ected. For e4ample, a disabled *)0T51 will a>ect
the accessibility of the P) Interactive *)$P &1, bt
if the &1) also has a T51 'non0*)( installed then the
12/20/12 13
other &1s may contine to have an acceptable

• Ahen a low %))& is detected on a cell the "rst thing

to check is if dmission %ontrol is re2ecting the
&&%9&1 setp attempt 'pm-o&e!$enieddm( or if it
is failing after admission 'pm-oFailedfterdm(. For
high pm-o&e!$enieddm refer to the Bdmission
%ontrolC sections below. For high pm-oFailedfterdm
refer to the BFailre fter dmissionC sections below.

12/20/12 1
Example/ F%T) &eport showing a low %))& )peech
cased by a high pm-o&e!$enieddm. -ote that
pm-o&e!$enieddm is not &1 speci"c so other &1s
will most likely be a>ected in this case too.

12/20/12 1!
Admission Control: DL Power

• If dmission %ontrol re2ects a &1 establishment de to a

lack of $3 power then the conter
pm-oFailed&ab<stttempt3ack$lPwr is incremented. %heck
that the feeder losses are con"gred correctly in the &1)
and that the parameter ma4immTransmissionPower is set
correctly 'typically to ma4$lPower%apability mins
D.Ed1m(. The vale of parameter pwrdm shold also be
veri"ed 'typically set to 7G(. lso, check for M%P alarms
i.e. sometimes &1) HEDE sites with high feeder losses are
con"gred with two M%Ps per sector and one of the M%Ps
fails reslting in a large redction in the
ma4$lPower%apability of the sector and, hence, casing a
lack of $3 power. 3ong term soltions are to increase the
power capability of the sector by adding or pgrading an
M%P '&1) HEDH( or & '&1) HED(, re0engineering the site
to redce feeder lengths, or perhaps to change the &1)
type to one sing &&s '&1) HJDE or &1) HJ6E( if this
12/20/12 1"
Admission Control: DL Channelisation Codes

• If dmission %ontrol re2ects a &1 establishment de to a

lack of $3 channelisation codes then the conter
pm-oFailed&ab<stttempt3ack$l%hnl%ode is incremented.
This will typically a>ect the P) Interactive &@@ '$%*9F%*(
%))& worse than the )peech %))& as the P) Interactive
&@@ &1 re!ires channelisation codes at a lower spreading
factor 'sing more of the code tree(. In the PJ software
release a cell that spports &@@ and *)$P typically has 7
spreading factor 6 $3 channelisation codes reserved for
*)$P. This means that appro4imately HEG of available
codes are reserved for *)$P. Ahen this is the case it is
common for $3 channelisation code congestion too occr.
%heck the setting of parameter dl%odedm 'typically set to
L7G on MT-=s network(. The long term soltion is to add
another cell in the coverage area to take some of the
tra#c this may be achieved by introdcing a second
carrier, another sector, or another site. The short term
12/20/12 1#
soltion is to redce the tra#c carried by the site ')ee the
Admission Control: Connection Limits

• If dmission %ontrol re2ects a &1 establishment de

to e4ceeding the con"gred connection limit for )F L,
)F 6, or )F HE then the conter
pm-oFailed&ab<stttempt<4ceed%onn3imit is
incremented. These spreading factors are sed by the
P)J9HLJ, P)J96EL, and P)J9HLJ &1s so the
connection limit blocking typically applies to channel
switching between these &1s for an &@@ packet
interactive &1. The connection limits are con"gred
by parameters sfLdm, sf6dm and sfHEdm. The
defalt settings allow the ma4imm possible nmber
of &3=s for each spreading factor in which case
dmission %ontrol will not block for this reason. 3ower
settings have been tested 'in combination with
ad2sted %lass 1 No) settings on the Ib interface( in
which case some connection limit re2ections were
12/20/12 1$
Admission Control: Hardware Usae !Channel

• It is possible for dmission %ontrol to re2ect a &1 establishment

attempt de to ins#cient 3 or $3 &1) hardware capacity i.e. too
few channel elements available. The channel element capacity of
an &1) may be software limited 'according the software license
con"gred for the &1)( or hardware limited 'according to the T51s
and &51s installed in the &1)(. The two parameters that control
the &1) hardware admission policy are l*wdm and dl*wdm.
1y defalt these parameters shold be set to 6DDG in which case
no hardware is reserved for handovers and dmission %ontrol will
not block &1 establishment attempts for this reason 'see BFailre
fter dmission/ *ardware sageC(. In software revision PJ there
is no speci"c conter to indicate this type of dmission %ontrol
re2ection, so if pm-o&e!$enieddm is triggered withot any of the
other relevant conters indicating a reason then it is likely that
this is the case and that l*wdm or dl*wdm is incorrectly
con"gred to a vale below 6DDG. In the P7 software release there
are new conters that indicate when lack of hardware capacity
cases &1 establishment failres in a cell/ 12/20/12 1%
m-oFailed&ab<stttem t3ack$l*w,
So#t Hando$er Dro%s

• Typically a cell that has a high nmber of dropped calls

de to )+*+ failres 'pm-o)ys&el)peech)o*o( will
also have a high nmber of drops de to missing
neighbors 'pm-o)ys&el)peech-eighbr( indicting that
the )+*+ failres are de to missing neighbor
relations however, there are sitations where )+*+
failres happen for other reasons. Two common
reasons are a neighboring cell that is misbehaving
'often de to falty hardware9software( or a
miscon"gration reslting in a failre to perform an
inter0&-% )+*+ across the Ir interface.

12/20/12 20
Dri$e Test Based Ser$ice &ualit' (easurements

• From T<M) Investigation,the ability to measre the

speech and video streaming service !ality is
introdced throgh two new KPIs/ the A%$M )peech
Nality Inde4 ')NI( and the ?ideo )treaming Nality
Inde4 '?)NI(. These two KPIs may be sed to
benchmark the service !ality for speech and video
streaming from drive test data. In addition to the
above the $3 13<& may also be obtained for

12/20/12 21
)** + HSDPA PS Interacti$e Throuh%ut !),C
• The throghpt obtained on the packet interactive
&1s '*)$P and &@@( are a good indication of the
Integrity o>ered by these services. %onters are
available at an &-% level to obtain the P) Interactive
verage Throghpt for &@@ '$%*9F%*( and *)$P,
as well as the retransmission rate for these two

12/20/12 22
est for &ecial reas/ 4ots&ots

• )pecial area refers to a small district or indoors

F +perator o#ces, residence of ?IP.
F Key hotels or entertainment location.
F Oovernment location.
F 3ocations of large company or grop sbscribers .
F 3ocations tend to be cared , sch as railway station
or airport.

12/20/12 23
+&timi5ation *e&ort

• The 《 optimization report 》 shold be presented

after the pro2ect passes the cstomer acceptance. The
optimization report shold inclde/
F Pro2ect backgrond introdction.
F <4isting network stats.
F cceptance criteria.
F +ptimization process.
F Problem analysis, ad2stment recommendation and
the e>ect for the implemented part.
F cceptance test and reslt.
F 3eftover problems and sggestions from the
optimization point of view.
12/20/12 2

12/20/12 2!

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