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A Time I recognised the magnitude of my passion for sustainable development was when

family visited the dump-site along rivers swamps and lakes in Uganda mainly , in slum areas
along the fishing villages of kasenyi landing sites, city slums like kinawataka kampala,
alongriver mpanga in fortportal kabarole district of Uganda . Over a million metric tonnes
waste and homes for many people.

Experiencing the immense volumes of waste and the appalling living standards of its
inhabitants had a tremendous impact on me and helped me realize the necessity of resolving
the imminent issue of waste.

Upon entering university I was always touched by the living conditions of the people who I
would open go to help sort out the waste which would often not be collected , by
government ..

This have provided me with extensive knowledge in the importance of intertwining economic,
social and ecological aspects to achieve global sustainable development. A particularly
enthralling example displaying the need to consider all features to achieve sustainable
development which I met was its significance on the environment and the economy.

After having learned the importance of economic, social and ecological symbiosis, I spent my
time working with administrative tasks for the recycling department of the construction
company in local government department for cities and towns,.

Determined to learn more about the field, I managed to attend meetings, providing me with a
first-hand experience of the necessity of merging economic profit with environmental
sustainability, and adding to my thirst for further studies within the field.

During my leave days I had yet another profound learning when working at a disaster
management company for a two week trainee period in which I became involved with the
creation of an application informing how to prevent a drinking water crisis, such as water
poisoning as well as teaching how to limit environmental and social consequences of an
accident or a sabotage.

Sustaining the momentum I had built up during my work , I decided to focus to extended
project on pollution. In addition, I also decided to pursue extracurricular activities within the
industry and entered the try-outs for the district local environment team in the 2016 , we
managed to work out ideas of how to educate people about protections of water bodies and
collection of waste .

Being raised in an underdeveloped country, where renewable is most needed. I think

approximately all of the total used in consumption should be renewable., I have lived with the
idea of preserving and enjoying the nature. Naturally, I have caught an interest in farming
mostly cattle keeping since my father and late grandfather were all farmer,
I have grown to know and witness the troubles caused by long drought, where animals die,
due to lack of water, and pasture.

These Programs have not only provided me with excellent academic preparations for further
studies abroad, I have also had the opportunity to meet people from all over the world;
learning about different cultures. I have also taken up farming through growing of cash crops
like maize, coffee, beans and sustainable development is a must. For Africa to solve
problems in famine and energy.

I have been able to accredit myself as bilingual, turning me into a truly international citizen,
thereby allowing me to believe myself perfectly competent and willing to take on further
studies in a nation as diverse and multicultural as the US

My hopes are that further studies at your university will prove an excellent investment for my
future career in the environmental and developmental sector, allowing me to help eroding
mpanga river banks, lake Victoria fishing and landing sites also, swampy slums of
kinamataka, and lubigi to less than a pile of dirt.

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