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What is Nutrition?

• Nutrition is about eating a healthy and balanced diet. Food and drink provide the
energy and nutrients you need to be healthy. Understanding these nutrition terms may
make it easier for you to make better food choices.

Is nutrition important to fitness?

• Eating a well-balanced diet can help you get the calories and nutrients you need to
fuel your daily activities, including regular exercise.

• When it comes to eating foods to fuel your exercise performance, it’s not as simple as
choosing vegetables over doughnuts. You need to eat the right types of food at the right
times of the day.

• (KA-luh-ree) A measurement of the energy content of food. The body needs calories to
perform its functions, such as breathing, circulating the blood, and physical activity. How
many calories to eat a day
• The recommended daily calorie intake for the average person is:
• 2,500kcal for men
• 2,000kcal for women

How many calories to eat to lose weight

• When trying to lose weight, the average person should aim to reduce their daily calorie
intake by about 600 kcal.

That means reducing calories from the recommended daily allowance to:
• 1,900kcal for men
• 1,400kcal for women

How many calories to have per meal to lose weight?

Based on an average of 1,400kcal per day:
• breakfast: 280kcal
• lunch: 420kcal
• dinner: 420kcal
• snacks and drinks: 280kcal
Macronutrients are the nutrients your body needs in larger amounts, namely
carbohydrates, protein, and fat. These provide your body with energy, or calories.
Macros are: Carbohydrates, protein, fat and alcohol

Micronutrients are the nutrients your body needs in smaller amounts, which are
commonly referred to as vitamins and minerals

Minerals and vitamins are called micronutrients since they are needed by your body in SMALL
amounts. The minerals and most of the vitamins your body needs must be obtained from the
FOODS you eat since your body cannot make them
Eating well for physical activity and sport can have many benefits including: •allowing
you to perform well in your chosen sport or activity
•reducing the risk of injury and illness
•ensuring the best recovery after exercise or a training program

Foods for fuel and exercise

● Carbohydrates - The main role of carbohydrates in physical activity is to provide
energy. For athletes, if their diet does not contain enough carbohydrate, it is likely
that their performance and recovery will be impaired, as carbohydrate is the key
fuel for the brain and for muscles during exercise
● Protein - Protein is important in sports performance as it can boost glycogen
storage, reduce muscle soreness and promote muscle repair. For those who are
active regularly, there may be benefit from consuming a portion of protein at each
mealtime and spreading protein intake out throughout the day.
● Fat - Fat is essential for the body in small amounts, but it is also high in calories.
Consuming too much fat can lead to excess calorie intake which can lead to
weight gain over time, so this is a particular concern if you’re trying to control
your weight. The type of fat consumed is also important. Studies have shown that
replacing saturated fat with unsaturated fat in the diet can reduce blood
cholesterol, which can lower the risk of heart disease and stroke. Fat-rich foods
usually contain a mixture of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids but choosing
foods that contain higher amounts of unsaturated fat and less saturated fat, is
preferable as most of us eat too much saturated fat.

Dehydration can cause tiredness and affect performance by reducing strength and
aerobic capacity (especially when exercising for longer periods). So, especially when
exercising at higher levels or in warmer conditions, it is important to try and stay
hydrated before, during and after exercise to prevent dehydration. In most cases, unless
training at a high intensity for over an hour, water is the best choice as it hydrates
without providing excess calories or the sugars and acids found in some soft drinks that
can damage teeth

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