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Enduring Understanding


• Internal— psychological or
1. Sender— is the source of the physiological noise within the
message, the one who encodes the communicator.
• The sender is the one who transforms • External- noise in the form of sights
thoughts into messages. and sounds.
• The primary responsibility of the
sender is to convey the message in the • Semantic- language barrier between
most comprehensible way possible. the communicators.

2. Receiver— is the recipient of the

Other Communication Models
message from the sender.
• The receiver is the one who decodes
and processes the information 1. Shannon and Weaver Communication
conveyed by the sender. Model
• The model was designed by Claude
3. Message— is the body of information Shannon and Warren Weaver in 1949
that is sent by the sender to the mirroring radio and telephone technologies.
• It refers to anything that is 2. SMCR Communication Model
communicated by the sender to the • The participants in the communication
receiver. process (the sender and the receiver) are
governed by factors like communication
4. Channel— is what connects the skills, attitude, knowledge, social system,
sender to the receiver. and culture when they communicate.
- It is the means of accessing the
message sent by the sender to the • The SMCR model was designed by David
receiver. Berlo in 1960 which is an expansion of the
• For example, mobile phones are Shannon and Weaver communication
commonly used as model.
channels of communication
nowadays. • SMCR stands for Sender-Message-
Channel-Receiver and it separates the
5. Feedback— is the response of the elements of communication into distinct
receiver to the sender. part.
• Feedback is not always available in
the communication process. 3. Schramm Communication Model
• Between or among the communicators,
6. Interference/Noise— is what communication may include sharing of
impedes the communication process. knowledge and ideas, giving of advice or
ommands, or asking questions, among
7. Situation/ Context— refers to all the thers.
interrelated conditions in the
communication process. 4. Transactional Communication Model
• Sometimes, the context or situation
• The transactional model operates on the
helps in the success of the
premise that the communicators
communication process, and
simultaneously engage in the act of sending
sometimes it does not.
and receiving of messages.
language - can be defined as the tool used in communication process.
- Through language that we are able to express our thoughts, share our feelings, and
communicate our views and perspectives about things.
- can also be the source of misunderstanding sometimes.

Language System of Rules

1. Phonology – refers to the sound system of a language which includes the sounds used in a certain
language and how these sound can be combined to produce a word. It can also be broken down into
smaller units known as phonemes.
Phoneme – basic unit of sound. Example: the sound /l/ in love

2. Morphology – the system of how words are formed. Words combined are also determined by
individual languages.
Morpheme – smallest meaningful unit in a language. Example: affixes (anti, dis, re, in, etc.)

3. Syntax – refers to the word order, word placement, and word combination that create meaning.
Also refers to the creation of a grammatically correct sentence.

4. Semantics – refers to the study of meaning that is used to understand human expression through

5. Pragmatics – studies the way in which context (condition or location) contributes to meaning.
Example: use of polite words when talking to teacher.

Terms of Definition
speech community- when people use language and they can understand each
other, they are said to belong in the same.

Language acquisition- is the process where people acquire their first

language commonly called native language or mother tongue.

second languages that people may learn through formal instruction at school
or informal learning on their own. This also refers to language learning

Language learning- refers to the ability to communicate in the second/foreign


Language Contact- refers to the contact between people having or speaking

different languages either written or spoken.

Language Change is the phenomenon by which permanent alterations are

made in the features of language over time.
General Forms of Communication
1. Verbal Communication— refers to the 2. Non-verbal Communication— refers
sharing of information, ideas, thoughts, and to the transmission of a message without the
feelings between individuals using speech or use of words.
spoken communication Example: gestures, body language, posture,
Examples: face-to-face conversations, telephone facial expressions, eye contact, touch, and
conversations, video chat, speech delivery, and tone of voice.
television and radio broadcasts.

Conversation is said to be the most common form of

verbal communication because we do this in our Non-verbal cues that can enhance
day-to-day interaction with others. or hamper the effectiveness of
Types of Conversation verbal communication:
1.Dialogue- is a cooperative, two-way 1.Facial Expressions
conversation. The goal is for participants to 2.Eye Contact
exchange information and build relationships 3.Body Language
with one another. 4.Posture
5. Space
Example:Two undecided voters talking to
each other about
3. Written Communication- It refers to
2. Debate- is a competitive, two-way the type of communication that uses the written
conversation. The goal is to win an language.
Example: pen and paper letters and documents,
argument or convince someone, such as electronic documents, e-mail, SMS or text
the other participant or third-party messages, memos, written reports

3. Discourse- is a cooperative, one-way

conversation. The goal is to deliver
information from the speaker to the listeners.
Example: A professor giving a lecture on
international politics.

4. Diatribe- is a competitive, one-way

conversation. The goal is to express
emotions, browbeat those that disagree with
you, and/or inspire those that share the same

Some Suggestions for Effective Verbal

1.Know your audience
2.Know your topic
3.Plan your presentation
4.Be familiar with the venue
Other Forms of Communication
Intrapersonal Communication
- defines intrapersonal communication as communicating with oneself,
and that may include self-talk, acts of imagination and visualization, and
even recall and memory.

Interpersonal Communication
-This type of communication refers to the exchange of ideas,
information, feelings, and attitudes between two or more people.

Public Communication
-This refers to the delivery of a message to a particular group of people,
as when a political candidate delivers a political campaign speech to
the listeners.

Visual Communication
-This refers to the transmission of information and ideas using symbols
and images.

Mass Communication
-Mass communication is a process in which a person, group of people,
or an organization sends a message through television, radio, print
media, and social media.

Computer-Mediated Communication
-referred to as CMC is “the use of an application computer to control
multimedia interactive and message-based communication”

Visual Communication
-the use of any image to communicate an idea. Visual communication
may take place through pictures, graphs, and charts, as well as through
signs and symbols.
-These visual images inform, educate, or persuade a person or an
Tracing the History of Visual
Aldous Huxley the most important figures
●sets of evidence that visual communication is who explored visual communication and
the oldest form of communication:
sight-related theories

1. Cave paintings semiotics In an academic context, the study of

•Cave paintings are believed symbols and visual communication.
to be a primitive form of purpose: to analyze how people make meaning out of
communication images and symbols, and how those images and
symbols are analyzed and interpreted.
2. Petroglyphs
●These are images carved
on rocks believed to have Major Perspectives in
been originated by the Analyzing Visual Images
Neolithic people some 1. Personal Perspective
10,000 to 12,000 years • This view posits that the analysis of an
ago. image depends on the individual’s
thoughts and values and the way he or
3. Geoglyphs she looks at things using his or her
●These are drawings or own personal lens.
designs on the ground
produced by arranging 2. Historical Perspective
gravel, stones, or soil. • This perspective refers to the
determination of the importance of the
4. Pictograms, Ideograms, work based on the medium’s timeline.
and Logograms
● are images that represent 3. Technical Perspective
physical objects. •This perspective takes into account how
●Pictograms (pictures which different media convey messages
resemble what they differently based on the platform used.
signify) and ideograms
(pictures which represent 4. Ethical Perspective
ideas) were the basis of •This perspective considers the moral and
early written symbols. ethical responsibilities shared by the
5. Cuneiform
●One of the world’s earliest 5. Cultural Perspective
systems of writing is the •This perspective brings to the fore the
cuneiform script invented idea that all cultures use symbols to
by the Sumerians. communicate meanings within groups.

6. Hieroglyphics 6. Critical Perspective

●It contained a combination •This perspective allows the audience to
of logographic, look at the larger issues associated with
alphabetic, and the image, meaning, the issues
ideographic elements transcend the image and shape a
used by the Ancient reasoned personal reaction.
Ethics in General Guidelines for Ethical
●Ethics deals with the issues of right
and wrong in human affairs. Listening
Ethics in Communication 1. Be Courteous and
●Since communication is an everyday
activity, it should also observe Attentive
ethical standards because ethical •Just as speakers have the
communication gives rise to trust. ethical obligation to
prepare for their speeches,
the listeners have the
1. Be Truthful ethical obligation to be
•Truthfulness is fundamental to all courteous and attentive
forms of communication. during the delivery of the
2. Show Respect for the Power of
Words 2. Avoid Prejudging the
•Words are powerful.
3. Invoke Participatory Democracy
•Jumping to conclusions about
•Communication ethics is a joint the points of the speaker even
responsibility between the speaker before the speech begins is
and the audience. one of the major barriers to
example, speakers should put themselves in the effective listening.
shoes of the listeners and see if they are
treating the listeners as they would like to be
treated, with respect. 3. Maintain the Free and
Open Expression of Ideas
4. Demonstrate Mindfulness of •A democratic society
Cultural Diversity
•Ethical communicators construct
depends on the free and
their speeches being mindful of open expression of ideas.
cultural differences-- that means
being careful not to offend others
with the things that they say.

5. Treat People as Ends, Not Means

•The best interest of the audience
should be the ends sought by the
speaker. We should refrain from
manipulating people just so we can
achieve what we want.
Computer Mediated Communication (CMS)
●is any form of communication between two or more individual people who interact each
other via separate computers through the Internet or a network connection
●includes everything from structured projects to open projects in which students are free to
work on "messy"--but authentic--problem solving.
Examples of CMC can include:
●shared network group folders
●discussion boards (or fora/forums)
●frequently updated hyperlinked webpages.

Types of Computer Mediated Communication

A.Asynchronous Communication B. Synchronous Communication
- Asynchronous activities are independent of real- -Synchronous activities occur concurrently
time and are comprised of activities, such as, between two or more users including such
viewing a web page, composing an Electronic Mail real-time applications as chat rooms or instant
(e-mail), watching a video clip, or dowloading a file. messaging which allow users to interact
simultaneously through text, audio, and video
with other users located anywhere in the

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