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Name: M. Ahmed Bin Ashraf

Class: 60-C
Subject: Islamiat
Its mention in Quran (chapter 96 verse 1-2)

its translation is:

(Read in the name of your lord who created,
Created man from clot of blood)

 In past, science confirms that man is made up of clot of blood but later due
to advancement of science it confirms that man is not made up of clot of
 Let us analyze meaning of alaq;
 Alaq have 3 meanings in Arabic (clot of blood, clinging, leech like
Its mention in Quran (surah al nahl chapter 16 verse 43)
Its translation is
(if you don’t know the meaning go to those who are expert in their fields)
 Some Arabs take this translation Dr. Keith moor. He was Hod of
anatomy in Toronto.
 His views were that majority things Quran mention in the subject of
embryology are 100% correct but few things he doubted, as
embryology is getting advance in recent few years and even he was
not aware of that doubts.
 He examine the early stage of embrew under powerful microscope
and he was shock that leech and early embrew look same.
 Later science confirms that in early stages the kid inside the mother
whom clings the urethra wall
 Furthermore its proven by science that at early weeks there is no
circulation of blood in kids body so it acts like a clot of blood
 And in middle stage of embrew development its acts like leech as it
suck/takes blood from mothers body.

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