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Hello my name is Olivia Maragos, and I am a rising senior at Ripon

High School in Ripon California. I am most known for my sports. In
high school I played volleyball, soccer and track, but outside of
school I played softball, bowling, and indoor soccer. My life would
not be complete If I didn't play sports. My main sport is soccer, and I
have played club soccer for about four years. Soccer clears my
mind and I get to escape the harsh realities of life, except when I
have a bad game. I grew up with my life revolving around mostly
bowling, soccer and volleyball. My high game in bowling is a 279. . .
Sports are not the only thing important to me. Academics are just
as important, and if anything more important than sports. Soccer
may not be forever, but an education will be, and that is what my
dad always grew up telling me. I work hard in school to try and get
the best grades I can, but I like to take classes that challenge me,
because that's a bigger flex if I am getting straight A’s in harder
classes than regular classes. I have also grown up with three older
brothers and I am the youngest. I have been the youngest of my
entire family up to August 2022. My cousin had a baby, Georgia,
and I was no longer the baby of the family. I went from the baby of
the family to the babysitter of the family, but I wouldn't change it for
the world. Now that you have some background about me. Check
out my Resume and my website for more information and insight!

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