Exam 1 Spring 2022

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Lebanese American University Department of Computer Science and Mathematics MTH 304 - Differential Equations ‘Exam 1 - Spring 2022 Num = KEY Dt: © This exam consist of 11 pages and 8 problems. © Answer the questions below an the space provided. You can use the back pages far more space for your answers. Please specify. ¢ Make sure you justify all your answers. Circle the name of your instruct © Dr. Samer Habre © Dr. Rabih Assaf © Dr. Houssein Nasser El Dine © Dr. Ahmad Makki Question number Grade [i156 % 218% a 18% LiB% 5.10% 6.14% 7.10% & Bonus Question TOTAL (15%) Categorize the following diferential equations as separable, linear, or exact and then solve them (explicitly if possible): dy_ ty “ © S77 arop ano : 3 ay” ; Jre = J ye SEO) dt ae ToS yee C 0) Bt voctt) = 20000) Miran . Joe Wee J Se Ln\entl Beye € =e ze = wA Sink sve possbtt “ye 1 fsinecoseat Aint > 1 [Ase~c]- Pee Aone Ait 2. (18 %) Consider following Differential Equation: = (y+ 20y) de — 2? dy =0. (a) Is the differential equation F exact? ON = Br dv aS 7 Sent excel” ON 2-1» oy (b) Determine an integrating factor »(y) such that 1F is exact (to be verified). ranntyn 2 - Ors) 2 c Yrrany ID J New eration lpetones Zz xy A of eM 2a KB 3 2 we = t (98889) ay - ye = t 3 3 S 2 2 a Q 35) - & aA SH (c) Find the general solution of a differential ra uF =0. Whar) = © stew Fooly af Sse 2 OW Laem awd SY = - Ox Ss EX} ae VW lx3\ x x~ ech) ot 2 ot ly) = ae => Cly)2o ag 7 = Se }. (15 %) A tank initially contains 60 gal of pure water. Brine containing 1 Ib of salt, por gallon enters the tank at 2 gal/min, and the (perfectly mixed) solution leaves the tank at 3 gal/min; thus the tank is empty after exactly 1 hour. Let y(t) be the amount of salt in the tank after ¢ minutes. (a) Write an Initial Value Problem for the amount of salt in the tank at any time #(< 60). yer=o Taper li = 9 ein Stkpec idle = a bot aye [Od BS = 2; yg ae * Bo beat |S + Be te] (b) Solve the TVP in part (a) to find the amount of salt in the tank at any time t(< 60). Bay = ata be 1 KWe e atte: + st =yu- bad [op me (+e “J «(ery = fee) = Clos-0)* 1 be yer > S= FH (c) Determine the amount of salt when the tank is half empty. a qos) = Go- 39" 36, (bo_ 39) = to- 2e Beso =go. 2, 2. 4 4, (18 %) Consider the following autonomous differential equation wy 2. eee (a) Identify the equilibrium solutions and sketch its phase line. at. ge oe MH ross dey 2 oO -2 (b) Classify the equilibrium solutions as stable/ unstable/ somi-stable (source, sink, node). DL ro wnpbabte O x» Aems- vtobke -L ky and (c) By hand, sketch typical solution curves in the regions in the ty-plane deter- mined by the graphs of the equilibrium solutions. (@) Below is the graph of f(y) = y'—4y? vs p. Explain why the solutions sketched in part (a) match this graph. Fe ye, Peopssevcad Asoumhy <> aN orm inoaasing asd Lowour down Sat, Meo D SA a6BMS ® 227 FS) o posiowe nd rewirkp (Coyporte te y¢-t) 5. (10 %) Solve the following Bernoulli Differential equation: vom=2. 2 -tyt = ays ou re a — 2) aS =) Ms wife 3x) by parka: Wa nT 9 Be 2 nde 4. dv sand “avn o% / i \ > ato. eer, fone” \ 2 2 xh \ ct eh ge ee 6, (14 %) Consider the following first-order ODEs: Bev $-0-v0-». 4) Assign the direction fields (a), (b) and (¢) above to the corresponding ODE. ‘ustify your choices. P A Raurenpona, to &) ae at =G x)=) Alles Fords Wl) ii) Make a guess for a differential equation of the remaining slope field. Justify your answer. Xx. G4) 6) ac or al = \a-y} 9-1) 7. (10 %) Solve the following IVP + cays JFAT vie)=0, 29>0 Aik WD) = eC Uv => Aiw(D= hl ~¢ ber tape 02> AM) Tels Cor Conta 8. (Bonus Question) Consider the following ODE: dy Ja (B) Fp tabet =a). (a) Using the substitution u = e~¥, show that the ordinary differential equation (B) can be converted into a linear equation of the form Br alou= 00, (b) Using part (a), solve the following differential equation: + setiet = tant). (Westie: fan() at In|ses)| + ana [car = taney +0). © mw. > ao a . to. 2 it) Aw Ly oe = pm = alk) a 6) cae 7 eH ye We = PY oy frore (5) oe - kortelu = Ate lt) pMiee es Axil) Sues cose (recor) Rekdb = =Oxk i tacje Aree Cust . 9 Mw

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