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Escuela Secundaria N° 2

Actividad de prevención de bullying

Watch the short film, then read and choose.(Mira el video, luego lee y
The short film is in a school / park / house. There is / are some attractions
and there are some toys in a bag / box / freezer. The bell rings and lots of
adults / children / animals go out. The children study / go on excursion / play games in the
But the Lou appears. Lou is a girl / boy. He is a friend / bully. Lou likes / doesn’t like
playing nicely.
First Lou gets a soccer ball / a baseball ball / a rugby ball. Then he gets a video game / a bat /
a baseball cap. Finally Lou kicks a baseball glove / a sweater / a stuffed animal.
When the bell rings all the children go to class / play a game / do sports. But the toys in the
box want Lou’s bag / food / friendship.
Lou and the boys play / talk /fight in the school playground. The toys have a surprise. They
have got Lou’s toy car / ball / stuffed animal.
Lou has to say “Sorry” / talk to the teacher / return all the toys to get his stuffed animal back.
 Diseña y graba un video con tus compañeros sobre prevención de bullying en la
escuela, puedes tomar ideas del video anterior, agregar carteles y leer en inglés.

Escuela Secundaria N° 2

Actividad de prevención de bullying

Watch the short film, then read and choose. (Mira el video, luego lee y
The short film is in a school / park / house. There is / are some attractions
and there are some toys in a bag / box / freezer. The bell rings and lots of
adults / children / animals go out. The children study / go on excursion / play games in the
But the Lou appears. Lou is a girl / boy. He is a friend / bully. Lou likes / doesn’t like
playing nicely.
First Lou gets a soccer ball / a baseball ball / a rugby ball. Then he gets a video game / a bat /
a baseball cap. Finally Lou kicks a baseball glove / a sweater / a stuffed animal.
When the bell rings all the children go to class / play a game / do sports. But the toys in the
box want Lou’s bag / food / friendship.
Lou and the boys play / talk /fight in the school playground. The toys have a surprise. They
have got Lou’s toy car / ball / stuffed animal.
Lou has to say “Sorry” / talk to the teacher / return all the toys to get his stuffed animal back.
• Diseña y graba un video con tus compañeros sobre prevención de bullying en la
escuela, puedes tomar ideas del video anterior, agregar carteles y leer en inglés.

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