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Date August 11, 2022

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Project Title: The Effectiveness of the online retail shopping market in the Kingdom of Bahrain

Background and Rationale of the Study:

Today, everything that we observe is conducted online, and as businesses began to move from

real-time to digital markets, e-commerce evolved. Online retail shopping has emerged as a new

category. It now serves as a stand-in for the actual market. It is currently in use everywhere,

including in Bahrain. In Bahrain, awareness of online shopping is now starting to spread quickly.

The demand in the Bahrain e-commerce market is rising dramatically right now. With an increase

in smartphone and internet usage in, so too has the propensity for online shopping among

Bahrainis. Because of this, it is obvious that the top e-commerce companies in the world are

competing for control of the Bahrain e-commerce market.

Online shopping started to take a growth during the COVID-19 Pandemic, the Social distancing was

required because the circumstances were different from everyday life. As a result of people staying

home, especially those who have been affected by the virus, the online shopping industry has

quickly expanded and is in high demand. The goal of the online platform is to offer customers

value while upholding a high standard of effectiveness and customer service. A wide range of

customers has started to recognize these services because technology has become such a

significant part of people's lives. With the advent of eCommerce sites, people from all walks of life

can now shop freely online anywhere in the world. In Bahrain, the majority of online orders come

from international companies and international eCommerce sites like,,, and It makes people's lives considerably easier than they were
previously. In this modern era, the number of people making purchases online has grown

significantly year after year, having a stronger impact on the commercial sector. More people are

comfortable making purchases online, as evidenced by the fact that the number of online

consumers is growing faster than the number of Internet users. The growth of this brand-new

phenomenon of online shopping can be attributed to the development of the internet, which

encouraged customers to choose it as their preferred method of shopping. One of the non-store

formats that are used the most frequently today for both business and personal transactions is the

Internet. From the viewpoint of the consumer, the Internet offered the potential advantages of

saving time and money when shopping. E-commerce provides an easy way to sell products to a

large customer base.

Statement of the problem:

There is plenty of statistical and economic study about customer switching to online shopping after

COVID-19 Pandemic, but there is not enough research effectiveness of the online retail shopping

market in the Kingdom of Bahrain. There are many websites on the internet that provide a variety

of goods and services that customers can find and purchase online, including electronic, clothing,

cosmetic, and other items. Additionally, there are a number of services available online, including

the ability to pay bills, book a flight ticket, and more. Additionally, this study examines the

attitudes of consumers with regard to their purchase intentions when shopping online, as well as

the influences of social factors on those intentions.

Expected Output:

As a researcher, I must maintain objectivity or objectivity with regard to the research conclusion,

but after looking into the evidence, I would like to anticipate receiving a favorable response from

online shoppers regarding the usability of online shopping and their expectations. I anticipate that

the respondents will have a favorable opinion of online shopping or will at least express a favorable

opinion. I wish people in the Kingdom of Bahrain had a very favorable attitude toward online

shopping, and is is to figure out how this kind of service like online shopping is affecting people's

lives. People's lives have already been affected by online shopping, which is beneficial because

many professionals and busy people who don't have time to go shopping can easily order what

they want online rather than wasting time going to the market and buying it themselves.

Additionally, it negatively affects people's lives because it encourages them to rely on the internet

and keeps them inside. Nowadays, most tasks can be completed online, including paying bills,

ordering tickets for transportation, and using other services. We investigate the study's topic,

which is consumers' perceptions of online shopping, in this study. However, a number of factors
discourage customers from making online purchases. For instance, some customers are hesitant to

make online purchases because they believe the quality of the products won't hold up over time.

This research also looks at how social factors affect consumers' intentions to buy when they shop

online, as well as how those intentions are viewed by consumers. The majority of people,

especially the younger generation, have started to rely on technology as it has advanced. The new

generation has grown accustomed to technology, and it now plays a crucial role in every aspect of

their lives.

Research Methodology:

The researchers used secondary data analysis/archival study methods and survey methods, which

showed us all the previous analytical data and archive study by researchers. We collected data and

used sampling, A quantitative descriptive research study examined the effects of online shopping

attributes on customer satisfaction and loyalty toward web retailers in Bahrain handled through e-

commerce experience. Participants in the study, both men and women, ranged in age from 18 to

60 and had made at least six online purchases. On the other hand, a large portion of Bahrainis use

the internet for social networking (73%), education (44%), work-related activities (27%), job

searching (27%), and internet banking (17%). Income is the primary driver for internet banking

and shopping, with only a tiny percentage (ten percent) and eight percent) using it for government

services and online shopping.

Educational, Social or Scientific Value of the Research: The research educational and social value is

how online shopping become a part of life in Bahrain, the growth of online shopping in Bahrain

started during the COVID-19 Pandemic, and consumers started to understand it’s better to shop

online rather than go to market without wasting time at the same time consumers can find more

variety of products online than traditional shopping. As government data, about 86% of consumers

in Bahrain have switched to the world of eCommerce since the start of the coronavirus COVID-19

pandemic, and they want to continue to buy everything online. Sitecore, the top global provider of

software for managing the digital customer experience, confirmed this. According to 86% of

Bahraini IT decision-makers, since the pandemic began, customers are willing to leave an online

store and choose an alternative if they can't find what they're looking for in a few simple clicks.

Gantt Chart:

TASK Plan start Plan Duration START END

Define research title 14-July2022 1 weeks 14-July-2022 10 days

Research about the topic 14-July-2022 1week 14-July-2022 1week

Define research question 28-July-2022 1 week 28-July-2022 1 week

Collecting data 4-Aug-2022 5 days 4-Aug-2022 4 days

Finalization of data and cleaning of data 9-Aug-2022 1 day $-Aug-2022 1 day

Data analysis 10-Aug-2022 1 day 10-Aug-2022 1 day

Refine article 11-Aug-2022 1 day 11-Aug-2022 1 day

References 11-Aug-2022 1 day 11-Aug-2022 1 day

Completing research 11-Aug-2022 1 day 11-Aug-2022 1 day

MATCHED SOURCES: - 1% SimilarCompare - 1% SimilarCompare - <1>Compare

Report Generated on August 11, 2022 by

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