Assignment 2

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Faculty of Management Sciences

Course Title: Human Behavior in Organizations
Course Code: BAHR 7393
Assignment No. 2
Course Instructor: Dr. Aqeel Ahmad

Section: MS24 Program: MSBA/MSAF Date: April 22, 2024

Submission Date: May 06, 2024 Maximum Marks: 30

Course Objective: CO1,
Program Objective: PO1 Course Learning Objective: CLO1
CO3, CO4
Student Name: Arslan Qadir Registration No: L1F23MSAF0003 Sr. No: 06

Submit the assignment (hard and soft form) in group with proper format.
Font size, 12, Time New Roman and Line spacing 1.5.
The assignment submitted after due date will not be accepted.

Experiential Assignment: Organizational Justice Task

Step 01: Each group member should recall an instance in which he or she was (a) treated
especially fairly and (b) treated especially unfairly. Work-related instances are preferable, but
nonwork examples are fine too. What do the stories have in common?

Step 02: Sit together, spend time and discuss whether the instance was more distributive,
procedural, informational, or interpersonal in nature. What was the source of the fair / unfair
treatment? How did you feel, and how did you respond?

Step 03: Each group member should develop a set of recommendation/s for handling the unfair
situations in a fairer manner. Group leader for your group who will briefly summarize the unfair
instances, along with the group’s recommendations for handling them better. The discussion
should reflect the four types of justice discussed in the class (distributive, procedural,
informational, and interpersonal).

Step 1:
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(a) Treated Especially Fairly:

I remember a work-related instance where I was given recognition for a project that I contributed
to significantly. My team leader made sure to acknowledge my efforts during a meeting with
higher management. Not only did they praise my work, but they also ensured that my
contributions were highlighted in the project documentation. This acknowledgment not only
boosted my morale but also encouraged me to continue giving my best to the team.

(b) Treated Especially Unfairly:

There was a situation where I put in a lot of effort to meet a tight deadline for a project.
However, due to circumstances beyond my control, the project faced delays and setbacks.
Despite my efforts and the challenges I faced, I was blamed solely for the delays during a team
meeting. My contributions were overlooked, and I was unfairly criticized for aspects that were
not entirely under my control.

Common Elements:

Both stories involve recognition or lack thereof for my contributions in a work-related context.
In the fair treatment scenario, my efforts were acknowledged and appreciated, leading to
increased motivation and job satisfaction. Conversely, in the unfair treatment scenario, my
efforts were disregarded, and I faced criticism and blame unfairly, resulting in demotivation and
frustration. In both cases, the recognition or lack thereof significantly impacted my morale and
engagement with the work.

Step 2

Fair Treatment Instance:

Nature of the Instance: This instance was more informational in nature. The fair
treatment involved providing clear and transparent information regarding my contributions
to the project. My team leader ensured that my efforts were properly recognized and
documented, which provided me with valuable feedback about my performance.

Source of Fair Treatment: The fair treatment stemmed from the proactive actions of my
team leader and higher management. They took the initiative to acknowledge and highlight
my contributions, demonstrating a commitment to fairness and appreciation for the team's

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Feelings and Response: I felt validated and appreciated for my hard work, which boosted
my morale and motivation. I also made sure to express gratitude to my team leader for
their recognition, fostering a positive relationship within the team.

Unfair Treatment Instance:

Nature of the Instance: The unfair treatment leaned more towards interpersonal
dynamics. Despite my efforts and the extenuating circumstances, I was unfairly singled out
and blamed for the project delays during a team meeting. The unfairness stemmed from the
interpersonal interactions and dynamics within the team.

Source of Unfair Treatment: The unfair treatment originated from a lack of

understanding and empathy from certain team members or leaders. Instead of recognizing
the complexities of the situation and offering support, they chose to assign blame unfairly,
possibly due to miscommunication or a lack of transparency.

Feelings and Response: I felt frustrated and demoralized by the unjust criticism,
especially considering the effort I had put into the project. I sought clarification with my
direct supervisor to ensure that my perspective was understood and to prevent similar
situations in the future. Additionally, I focused on learning from the experience and
maintaining a proactive approach to communication within the team to mitigate

Step 03:

Recommendations for handling unfair situations in a fairer manner, considering the four
types of justice:

1. Distributive Justice:

 Ensure equitable distribution of rewards, recognition, and opportunities based on

individuals' contributions and performance.

 Establish clear criteria and metrics for evaluating contributions to avoid biases
and favoritism.

 Provide avenues for feedback and appeals to address any perceived inequities in
resource allocation or recognition.

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2. Procedural Justice:

 Implement transparent and fair processes for decision-making, such as project

assignments, promotions, and performance evaluations.

 Involve affected parties in the decision-making process to enhance perceived

fairness and legitimacy.

 Communicate the rationale behind decisions and any changes in procedures to

foster understanding and acceptance among team members.

3. Informational Justice:

 Ensure open and honest communication regarding expectations, goals, and

performance standards within the team or organization.

 Provide timely and constructive feedback to individuals about their performance,

strengths, and areas for improvement.

 Share relevant information about project progress, challenges, and decisions to

maintain transparency and trust among team members.

4. Interpersonal Justice:

 Foster a culture of respect, empathy, and inclusivity within the team or


 Encourage active listening and dialogue to address concerns, resolve conflicts,

and promote understanding among team members.

 Provide support and resources to individuals facing challenges or experiencing

unfair treatment, promoting a sense of belonging and solidarity within the team.

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