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2023 updated cpn guide by Scammingiq

This will be a part 5 series covering how to:

1. Get a CPN SSN, Addy, and Phone #. (Updated)

2. Trimerge your CPN. (Updated)

3. Get a Debit and Secured Credit Card. (Updated)

4. Aquire Tradelines. (Updated)

5. Getting a High Balance Credit Card.

5. Bonus: CPN Apartment Method. (Finished)


CPNS are synthetic Credit Profiles.

Everyone has a profile. This is your information including:

Name, Address, SSN, DOB, Phone #, Email, and Credit Score.

When you apply for a Credit Card or Loan, Banks take your info and compare it to your Profile
to validate you.

They get these profiles from Credit Bureaus.

But if someone makes a fake profile they can do everything a real person can.
Apply for CVVs, Rent Cars, Lease Apartments, Make a Business. Whatever you can think of.

How to find a CPN number

This is my updated method on finding a CPN Number.

A CPN Number is just a SSN number that's not in use.

That means it wasn't issued to anyone.

Once we get the number we can Tri Merge it can start building Credit.

If we used an issued SSN then the owner would see the changes on their Credit.

You also don't want a SSN issued to someone under 18.

This is harder to look for because their SSN is unused.

Just like a CPN number.

Lastly, you don't want to use a number owned by the deceased.

Ok so how do we find unissued SSNs?

First you get a SSN Validator.

I'm doing it on SSN Verify.

The first thing we want to do is figure out the State Prefix.

Every state has a unique prefix on their SSNs.

You can find the one you want on SSN Verify.

I'm doing Cali.

Just copy the prefix.

Go back to the homepage and enter the Prefix.

From here you're just gonna be trying numbers till you find some that work.

From here you're just gonna be trying numbers till you find some that work.

This beats paying someone $150 to do the exact same thing.

If the SSNs are issued it'll look like this.

This means it belongs to someone.

And can't be used for a CPN.

This is what we want.

Only one number is different from the issued one.

All you have to do is look.

How to get a drop # and address

First we need to get a phone number.

The number can’t be a Google Voice or VOIP since we have to merge it into public records.

Which means u will have to get a burner phone.

The one I’m going to recommend is Tracfone.

All you have to do is buy the phone and a sim plan. Cost around $30 and you can pay cash.

It’s good to have another phone to handle your CPN anyway.

Next I’m going to show you how to get an address for your CPN.

Virtual Offices don't work anymore for CPNs.

So if you want a fire drop you're gonna have to finesse.

I'll share a couple ways.

The first way is by finding one on Zillow.

Search up the city you need.

Then change the Sort by: to Newest.

Then go down and go back a month.

Look for an empty house for rent.

You want to pull up and see if it's uninhabited before doing anything.

After we set up Informed Delivery, this crib will be perfect for our drop.

Later on we’ll set up Mail Forwarding so we never have to come back here.
Informed Delivery lets you know when your CPN mail comes in.

You'll need this so you can quickly get your CPN mail from the drop.

You can set it up with any addy.

And verify it with your CPN burner.

How to Tri Merge

Banks use Public Records to verify your info when you apply for Banks, Loans and Credit

If the info you use to apply doesn’t match they will decline you.

So it’s important you get your CPN on public records with a good Tri Merge.

To check public records, banks contact Data Furnishers like Lexisnexis. And Credit bureaus like

Data Furnishers sole purpose is to collect as much data as they can for this reason.

They take info from practically anything you sign up for online and use it to build a profile.

This profile is half of your CPN, the other half being the credit profile.

Once you have both you make a "real person".

Trimerging is just when you fabricate details for the Data Furnishers to collect.

Which in return makes you the profile you need.

After we do this we can apply for a secured card and build credit.
So how do you Trimerge?

We're gonna start building our footprint on

This puts you in a directory that data furnishers collect from.

Then you want to sign up for any local licenses or library cards.

Now we're gonna start applying for reward programs, mailing lists, etc.

Here our some I recommend:

You want to sign up for as many of these as you can and find more.
We call them Public Records.

Once you do 40+ Public Records your ready to do one last Public Record.

Go on Carvana and apply for a car.

It doesn't matter if you get approved.

This one should be the final push we need before we can open up a Credit Karma.
Wait a month and you should be able to open one up.

Start building credit

Before you try anything on this step make you heavily Trimerged.

if you do you will 100% get approved for everything on this step.

Once you have a blank Credit Karma you know you're ready.

Before we can build credit we need to open up a bank account.

If you run enough public records you should be able to open most banks online.

There isn’t a specific one that’s better.

If you need more help opening one up the Bank Drop guide is in the Book of IQ.

You might also need an ID or some other documents.

If you need a physical ID I recommend going to

For all other documents you can try

Most Tax Documents can be easily forged yourself.

I also do some physical docs myself.

So how do you start building credit for your CPN?

Since you don’t have credit right now you get a credit card.

But since you can’t get a credit card you can’t build credit.

Because of this you have to get a Secured Card.

A secured card is a Credit Card where you pay for a Credit Line.

Usually $100-300 as a deposit which you can get back later.

When your just starting getting this let’s you a get enough credit for a high balance Credit Card

Even if you don’t get tradelines you can still get a CC in 5 months.

But tradelines will definitely speed things up.

The card I’m going to recommend is the Discover Secured Card.

No credit score or history required.

And they offer virtual cards.

Getting this will give your credit score a huge boost instantly and will allow you to get a high
balance CC later on.

I’ll be showing you how after the Tradelines step of this guide.


Today I'm gonna teach you how to make your own 10 year tradeline.

So what are Tradelines?

Tradelines are accounts that show up on a Credit Report.

If you get one for your CPN you will see an instant credit boost as well as an increase over time.

You can get these from tradeline vendors who add your CPN to their account as an Authorized

Or just make them yourself.

This way is becoming more popular as the SSN administration tries to slow down CPN use.
We're gonna make our own Tradeline with

I decided to go with them because they have a $50 flat fee

which is way cheaper than a traditional tradeline, while still being CPN friendly.

And they require no ID and only a simple lease doc.

To make your own Tradeline with PaymentReport you have to sign up as a Tenant and as a

To do this we're first gonna populate the lease for our Drop Addy.

You can do this on

Find the lease for your state.

First fill it out with your CPN info and drop address, then fill out the landlord.
You can find the landlord by going to the county tax assessor's website.
Just search up the address.

Then you want to sign up as the landlord with the same info. Use a burner email.

Once you sign up on both sides PaymentReport verifies the lease with the "landlord" which is
actually you.

This method gives you full control of the Tradeline.

They report whatever you tell them to the Credit Bureaus.

And it holds way more weight then a Authorized User tradeline.

Getting a high balance CC

Alright now that your CPN has a Secured and a Tradeline it's time to get a Credit Card.
Getting this CC instantly boosts your CPN 60+ points.

And is the last thing we need to build a strong Credit Profile for our CPN.

Alternatively you could just cashout the CC.

So what is the best Credit Card to get with a CPN?

The CC we're gonna apply for is the Apple Card.

High approval rate and good credit limits make this one of the best cards to get in 2022.

High approval rate means it's easy to get with a CPN.

And a good credit limit is important for your overall Credit Score.

They give around 3-7k when you start.

Alright go on

It's better to do this on a laptop instead of a phone.

Because you might have to submit an ID pic. You can just use a

But if you do it on a phone you have to submit a live pic.

You use an iCloud account to apply for the card.

Earlier we covered how to get a burner number and email.

You should be using it for everything you do with the CPN.

Including making an iCloud.

Fill out the app with your CPN info.

For income do $80-120k.

I did $190k because I have multiple tradelines reporting on my account.

Agree to the TOS.
Now you have to wait a couple days for your application to go through.
When it's ready they email you.

Just sign in with the same

When it's ready they email you.

They ship out a physical card but I just use the virtual card.

You can also use the card as a tradeline for other CPNs.

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