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Infinity RPG Adventures in the Human

Sphere 1st Edition Justin Alexander

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From the unreachable boardrooms of the Hyperpowers to the cold asteroids of Human Edge, and
the bright allure of Maya to the dark corners of Arachne, intrigues and confrontations take place
across every aspect of the Human Sphere. New plots, counteroffensives, and plans for subterfuge
are deployed with a frenetic pace even ALEPH would struggle to process.

Walking an infinitesimally thin line amidst the political, social, and physical turmoil, O-12 agents
are tasked with containing the chaos before it escalates, allowing regular citizens of the Human
Sphere to live their lives blissfully unaware of the dangers that threaten to unravel the delicate
balance of powers.

Adventures in the Human Sphere provides a collection of far-reaching missions, each designed
to thrust your agents into the path of machinations and conflicts that jeopardise the fragile
alliances which bind humanity together.

• Immerse yourself in the Infinity Roleplaying Game with

ten independent adventures that run the length and
breadth of the Human Sphere, from Sol to Human Edge.

• New adversaries to add to your roster, including the

Hungries of the Combined Army, and brutal Kyrgyz Mafia.

• In-depth maps of key locations, quantronic

networks, and social interactions that underpin the
conflicts within this rich array of locations.

• Comprehensive Wilderness of Mirrors objectives for each

adventure, with separate plot hooks for each faction.

• Advice on extending both scenes and adventures,

so that these missions become a springboard
for your own expanded campaigns.

ISBN 978-1-912200-28-3

9 781912 200283
www.modiphius.com Printed in the UK

Justin Alexander, Richard August, Nick Bate, Benn Graybeaton, Jonathan Breese,
Jonathan “Killstring” Herzberger, John Kennedy, Marc Langworthy, Chris Lites, Chris Malone,
Tom McGrenery, Patrycjusz Piechowski, Giles Pritchard, Mark Redacted, Josh Vogt


Spindash (Ben Huen & Yukiko Otsu) Ben Zweifel, Bruno Balixa, Del Borovic, N.R. Bharathae
Emilio Rodríguez, Lily Abdullina,
Mike Hamlett, Mike Nesbitt


Zoe Robinson Marc Langworthy Michal E. Cross


Marc Langworthy, Justin Alexander, Aric Weider Richard L. Gale
Kyle Randolph, Richard L. Gale Marc Langworthy


Justin Alexander Benn Graybeaton, Marc Langworthy Jay Little

Benn Graybeaton, Nathan Dowdell, Mark Redacted, Justin Alexander, Marc Langworthy


Gutier Lusquiños Rodríguez, Alberto Abal, Carlos Torres, and Carlos “Bostria” Llauger


Garry Harper Lloyd Gyan Sam Webb


Laz Campbell, Preeti Gupton (translation), Thank you to Corvus Belli—Alberto, Gutier, Carlos, and
Neil Harvey, Joshua Humphrey (translation), Fernando—for letting us play in your world!
Ivan Solla (canon expertise), Bing Yang (translation)
PLAYTESTING Modiphius Entertainment Ltd 2017
Aaron Manuel, Joel Mills, 39 Harwood Road, London, SW6 4QP
Ryan McGrath, Trent Baker info@modiphius.com

Infinity: Adventures in the Human Sphere

Modiphius Entertainment Product Number: MUH050212
ISBN: 978-1-912200-28-3

Artwork & Storyline © Corvus Belli S.L.L. 2017

INFINITY is © Corvus Belli S.L.L. 2017

The 2d20 system and Modiphius logos are copyright Modiphius Entertainment Ltd 2017. All 2d20 system text
is copyright Modiphius Entertainment Ltd. Any unauthorised use of copyrighted material is illegal.
Any trademarked names are used in a fictional manner; no infringement is intended.

This is a work of fiction. Any similarity with actual people and events, past or present, is purely coincidental
and unintentional except for those people and events described in an historical context.

Printed by Zenith Print & Packaging, Gellihirion Industrial Estate, Treforest, Pontypridd, UK, CF37 5SX











6 16 25 36 48 58 67 78 87 97
Welcome to Adventures in the Human Sphere, a PARADISO – FALLEN ANGEL
compendium of ten short adventures designed The Alstadt district of Damburg has rapidly
to provide agents with missions set across the declined into the fluid frontline of Coordinated
length and breadth of human-inhabited space. Each Command’s efforts to retake the shattered city. The
adventure has been designed to draw players into agents are dispatched to survey the lines for an
the multiple mediums of conflict and subterfuge imminent offensive.
engaged in across the boardrooms and battlefields
of the first century of the New Calendar. The future SOL – THE DAY AFTER
is a bright, but often murky affair. These adventures TOMORROW
offer an opportunity to make a positive difference The terrorist organisation named The Sons of
in maintaining the fragile balance that binds Tomorrow have previously only ever served as a
humanity together. minor irritant at best. Their sudden organisation
and possession of a dirty bomb have sent alarm
bells ringing.
For ease of reference, the ten adventures are WRECK OF THE ARCHON
presented alphabetically by system, rather than by The O-12S Archon recently disappeared within
hypercorps or adventure title. The adventures are the Svalarheima system, but has since been buried
summarised below: under the ice by the crew of a melt rig. What really
happened to the ship and her crew?
A once in a decade celebration on this decadent OF A WAVE
planet has drawn millions from across the entirety An isolated PanOceanian laboratory has recently
of the Human Sphere. Some seem intent on creat- been the victim of a terrorist attack. PanOceania
ing their own spectacle, however, which could spell claim Yu Jing involvement, though the StateEmpire
disaster for the millions flocking to the planet. categorically deny this. The Bureau step in to
“Bureau Noir is adapting
and evolving. Into what exactly,
defuse rising tensions.
and whether for better or BOURAK – SILKWORM
worse, only time will tell. The Kyrgyz Mafia are a law unto themselves, but YUTANG – INDULGENCE
I don’t mean a surface change serious action needs to be undertaken when they Missing O-12 equipment has been discovered
or a re-branding either, but a cross the Hachib of Haqqislam and threaten to in the hands of a smuggling ring on Yutang.
grass roots evolution that is unleash a horrific new drug. Production must be Investigating the matter reveals a plot that could
absorbing agents at a rate that halted at all costs. destabilise the sanctity of the StateEmpite.
makes it impossible to monitor.
Is the bureau achieving its DAWN – RIOTS AT DAWN There are two notable omissions from the list in
goals and working within
The Caledonians are renowned for their pride, fierce the form of Concilium and Shentang. Technically,
mandates? Yes, for now.
I predict, however, that it
independence, and rich heritage. They are also a the Shentang-Yutang system could be said to be
won’t be long before it major source of Teseum. When that supply slows to covered by the Indulgence adventure, but as the
becomes bloated and unwieldy a trickle, everyone takes notice. entire mission takes place on Yutang it seemed
— and worse yet for a bureau necessary to list it by planet rather than system.
that prides itself on secrecy and HUMAN EDGE – AWOL Fear not! This doesn’t mean they won’t get rep-
covert operations — graceless A decorated Bureau Noir agent went missing some resentation, just that some difficult calls were made
and blunt in its application. time ago on the Paradiso front, but has recently due to space constraints. These planets will feature
What are our options for been detected on an orbital in Human Edge. He elsewhere, but there is only so much we could pack
when that day arrives? hasn’t reported in, but questions need answering. into one-hundred and twelve pages — and we think
That is the task of this
you’ll agree there’s a lot crammed in!
committee to establish.”
— Tomas Avura, Deputy Director NEOTERRA – A CULT OF ONE
for Bureau Trimurti, addressing Much to the Bureau’s disgruntlement, a Hypercorp Although it barely scratches the surface of con-
the Amikeco Initiative Oversight executive has called in a favour and requested cepts, themes, and beliefs of the setting, this entire
Committee in Edda, on assistance in finding her missing son. The case soon book is a show of appreciation for the vast scope of
Concilium Prima. spirals from one of a missing person to something the Human Sphere and the adventures that are to
much more sinister. be had therein.


SEEDS & CONTINUITY Establishing any faction handlers beforehand,

determining how they make contact and receive
Rather than representing one large campaign, the responses, and what influence they offer the
adventures within this book are designed as stand- narrative beyond the requests made of each
alone missions. GMs can pick and choose where to character helps provide depth and authenticity to
send their players, or slip any of these adventures the Wilderness of Mirrors agendas. Also, as with any
into their current campaign as a side-plot or mission element, additional goals can be tailored to
addition to the overall objective. That doesn’t mean, wider aims as part of a larger campaign arc.
however, that the plots need to remain aloof of each
other. Any good campaign will feature moving parts
and alter with the flow of time; both our own and HEAT SOURCES
the New Calendar’s. With a little preparation, any
number of hooks and tidbits from unused missions In addition to the Wilderness of Mirrors intrigue,
can be seeded into the players’ current adventure. each mission offers several Heat spends relating
to specific scenes or parts of the narrative. These
GMs should never feel constrained by the plot or should not be considered the only options available
scenario. Each adventure and individual scene can to GMs throughout the entirety of the adventure,
be tweaked, added to, shortened, or altered to suits or indeed a limitation for each specific scene.
their group’s playstyle and requirements. Inventive or Machiavellian GMs can and should
spend some time during the preparation stages to
plan suitable Heat spends that provide additional
RANDOM SELECTION spice for any scenes that lack them. The Heat
spends don’t need to be overwhelming, but should
Some GMs may have a hard time selecting a certainly strive to maintain the flavour of the
mission from those contained within, or it may be overall mission and be in context with the scene
necessary to provide a filler between plot points that they relate. GMs should try to be creative and
within a current campaign. The Random Scenario subtle rather than overpowering (unless the scene
table, below, can be used to let the dice decide. demands it of course.)


1-2 Acontecimento: Honeywasp
This book is also overflowing with maps across
3-4 Bourak: Silkworm all three modes of conflict offered within the
5-6 Dawn: Riots at Dawn Infinity Corebook; social, quantronic, and physical
maps abound. Even so, not every eventuality could
7-8 Human Edge: AWOL
be catered for. When preparing to run one of the
9-10 Neoterra: A Cult of One adventures, GMs should take note of any locations
11-12 Paradiso: Fallen Angel they feel will benefit from additional representation
— whether across, one, two, or all three of the spec-
13-14 Sol: The Day After Tomorrow trums of conflict — and prepare accordingly.
15-16 Svalarheima: The Wreck of the Archon
So that events and goals interlink seamlessly,
17-18 Varuna: The Breaking of a Wave preparation of additional maps and network can
19-20 Yutang: Indulgence also be tailored to incorporate Heat spends and
Wilderness of Mirrors agendas. This also means
that GMs can amend the maps contained within
WILDERNESS OF MIRRORS this book to better suit any alterations made by
themselves to the overall narrative.
The default setting for the Infinity RPG places the
PCs as agents of O-12’s Bureau Noir. Though sup-
posedly shorn of former allegiances, old allegiances LET MAYHEM COMMENCE
die hard and past ties can continue to provide a
strong influence on each characters’ decisions. Each We hope you enjoy the adventures that await.
scenario therefore provides a full set of suggested Pulling so many threads together into a cohesive
Wilderness of Mirrors objectives that represent the whole that provides a taster of the Human Sphere
influence applied by a character’s former faction. has been an incredible ride for everyone involved,
The Agent Handlers section of the Player’s Guide and extremely rewarding; your group’s enjoyment
provides an excellent resource. of them is the icing on the cake. Enjoy!

Adventures in the Human Sphere 5


Acontecimento’s 300th day festival is a once-in- priding themselves on finding new and innovative
a-decade spectacle that has attracted millions to ways to celebrate. Even by their standards, the
the celebration, but also stretched security forces 300th Festival is set to be a spectacle that far
paper-thin; a fact that many different elements are surpasses all others.
keen to use to their advantage.
Once a decade — on the 300th day of
O-12 has dispatched agents to assist the belea- Acontecimento’s leap year — the colossal celebra-
guered security forces with a view to assessing the tion captivates the entirety of the globe. Carnivals,
growing number of threats. Is there a connection parades, and public concerts begin as much as
between these seemingly-unrelated incidents? three weeks prior to the day, then subside over
And when faced with compromising secrets, what a winding down week affectionately called “the
choices will the agents make? afterglow”. With no expense spared, the spectacle
attracts a massive influx of tourists seeking to lose
themselves in the jubilant chaos of the global
BACKGROUND phenomenon. There are also some who plan to
exploit it, including one Timoteo Bakshi.
Acontecimento is renowned for its public holidays.
Alongside a number of local traditions, observance An executive in WarTechWorks’ Orujo Minor division
of significant dates and traditions from every and an entrepreneur with more ambition than
corner of the Human Sphere has led to Aconteccans sense, Timoteo’s success in marketing Ramhorn-327

6 Chapter 1

TAGs to the Human Edge has emboldened him; The glistening spires of Cidade BomJesus’
he envisions a future in which WarTechWorks is a skyscrapers are alive with light as you make
major player in personal defence, with himself as your descent. Always a gorgeous sight, the city
the driving force who made it happen. is positively vibrant with festival celebrations.
Despite the 300th day being a few weeks away,
A polar opposite of war-torn Paradiso, however, the the party’s already in full-swing.
peaceful planet is watched over by the Order of
Montesa and Shock Army of Acontecimento. People Once disembarked, an encrypted message informs
feel safe, which is bad for business. Bakshi’s taken them that their contact is awaiting them in a
it upon himself to create panic, or maybe even a Hesperya Consulting office suite. Silva will greet
cold war. Unbeknownst to him, he’s close to starting them there personally before taking them to a
a real one. conference room overlooking the city.

While more than content to play host, Silva knows

TIMOTEO BAKSHI the characters’ time is valuable so will get right to
the briefing.
Tall and handsome, his soulful eyes and wood-
grain-streaked hair make a stronger impression
than even his dark violet suits.
ALEPH: The Nomads appear to be increasingly interested in various events tran-
ROLEPLAYING spiring across the planet. Find out what has captured their attention and prevent
• Smooth, charming, and too clever by half. any particularly disruptive plans bearing fruit.
• Nods and points to the speaker when respond-
ing to a question. Ariadna: Maya’s crown jewel, Go-Go Marlene, and her staff are covering the
• Treats social interactions as negotiations; always planet-wide festivities. Convincing her agents to visit Dawn would mean a
trying to find the best terms. temporary reduction in PanOceanian campaigning; they’d never risk harming the
pop idol. Do whatever you can to get Ariadna onto her itinerary.
Bakshi popularized the Ramhorn in PanOceanian Haqqislam/Minor Nations: Eco-Aktion has seized cutting-edge terraforming
banana republics, then made his fortune by research, which will be on their local servers — if still in existence. Retrieve either
providing off-the-books TAGs to private citizens, the data or a cell member’s cube (living host optional).
mercenaries, and others. Well-heeled, and highly
educated, there’s no problem he feels incapable Nomads: Sources suggest that one Oscar Schäfer — wanted by the Moderator
of solving. Corps’ Sport Crimes Division for illegal possession of genetically-enhanced
weapons-grade creatures — is planet-side. Bring him in or silence him, but under
KEY INFO no circumstances can the existence of his “pets” be made public.
• Use the Corp Exec stats on p. 427 of the Infinity
Corebook. PanOceania: The 300th day festival is more than just a holiday – it’s a showcase
• Takes risks with other people’s welfare, but of PanOceania’s superior quality of life. Minimise the fallout from any incidents
believes himself to be in control –always able to or ensure there is a scapegoat if it can’t be contained.
salvage disasters.
• Knows that Rosália López— an independent Yu Jing: An undercover agent — Io Makoto — is currently undercover as
Mayacaster in BomJesus — is actually undercover Mayacaster Rosália López. She briefly went dark, so her loyalty needs to be
Yu Jing operative, Io Makoto. She’s seeking to determined. Acquire her comlog for study and do not allow it to fall into
manipulate him into increasing unrest, but PanOceanian hands.
Bakshi intends to claim himself a victim of Yu
Jing treachery. Corporations: Someone at WarTechWorks’ Orujo Minor office is undertaking
questionable activities. Find out who, find out what, then discreetly leak it to
the press.
Submondo: Pockmarked Kepu sold out his old crew and left his boss for the
During the weeks leading up to the tercentennial authorities. He’s currently running with the Blade-Tongues in Bhai Gurdas. Show
celebrations, the characters are summoned to him the price of treachery: kill him and get rid of his Cube.
Acontecimento. Bureau Aegis wants trusted agents
on the ground for the event, and a local contact, Mercenaries: An old contact sourced a Druze Shock Team contract for a group in
Mei Li Silva, will fill them in on the mounting crisis Portobelo. Unfortunately, that group turned out to be Ateks Out! which violated
when they arrive. the terms of another contract. The Druze are unlikely to go quietly; erase any
trace of their presence.
The GM may read or paraphrase the following:

OPERATION: Honeywasp 7
MEI LI SILVA disappearance of high-profile individuals has
everyone on edge.
Fluid as a river, her lavender-hued Bantu knots 6. Dissention in Bhai Gurdas
and asymmetrical white suits project an aura of Around the same time that gang activity
sophistication. increased, several Nomads became active in the
sprawling city’s most-neglected neighbourhoods.
ROLEPLAYING Coincidence, or an attempt to stir dissent?
• Savvy, confident, and well-connected; Silva takes
pride in her work with O-12. After going over the leads, the GM may read or
• Blessed with a melodic voice and quick to paraphrase the following:
laughter, she has a knack for making people feel
comfortable. “Time to get to work. I can provide intel, but
• Lazily sips herbal tea before answering questions. decision-making falls on you,” Silva states with
a crack of her knuckles. She hesitates and sighs.
BACKGROUND “Word of advice? You’ll be kicking multiple hor-
A Loĝanto Confidente with Hesperya Consulting, nets’ nests all at once. Occasionally, some idiot
Silva is also an information source and go-between messes with wasps and we all get stung. Watch
for O-12 assets in Bomjesus. She is a consummate yourselves out there”. With a mirthful smile, she
professional where the bureau is concerned — a adds: “And if you can, try to enjoy the festival.”
fact reflected in her consultation rates.

• Use the Information Broker profile, Infinity
Corebook p. 440. ATEK UNREST
• Silva maintains an extensive network of contacts,
including surreptitious circles. If the characters Nestled in scenic Magalhães, the city of Portobelo
need an introduction, Silva can arrange it. is the ultimate tourist destination. Beautiful
• She’s on retainer throughout the festival season. Portobelo has it all: white sands, blue waters, hot
If her assistance is needed, she can provide springs, and hotter residents.
information and context as required.
Currently, it also has impoverished, angry Ateks on
its doorstep. Their leader, an activist named Vera
PENDING ISSUES Vermillion, has been making them increasingly bold.
Nobody knows how they got set up this close to
Silva is aware of six pending issues that might be the city, but they resist being rounded up and Ateks
worth investigating. Out! is getting increasingly brazen in harassing
them. The situation is a powder keg.
1. Atek Unrest
The Atek populace is becoming increasingly
agitated. Rioting is a certainty. VERA VERMILLION
2. Eco-Aktion APPEARANCE
The Dushyanta CFZ has become the target of Her lanky frame and blood-orange hair set
Adarsanan grass-bombing, which will be mas- Vermillion apart from a crowd, as do the ugly scar
sively disruptive if allowed to continue. over one eye and facial tattoos.
Even though leads 3, 4, and Orujo is awash in smugglers right now. Some • Atek life has left her with an incredibly dark
6 aren’t tied into Bakshi, that of them peddle restricted weapons and sense of gallows-humour, which applies when-
doesn’t mean they can’t be ammunition. ever possible.
compelling diversions. Think • Scratches at the base of her skull when thinking
of them as an adjustable 4. Tensions in Punta Norte something over.
dial; resolve them quickly if
Over the past month, the stone city of Punta • Wearily cynical, but with good reason: she’s used
you don’t want to tarry on
Acontecimento, or flesh them
Norte has seen a massive influx of Submondo. to disappointment.
out into full side-plots if you Residents are becoming increasingly nervous.
would like more mileage from BACKGROUND
the assignment. Either way, 5. Disappearances on Bharatavarsha Island Vermillion was like any other slum rat, until
they still hold potential clues. People have been going missing on the island. overzealous police shot some of her friends down
It could just be the sabre-toothed bears, but the after mistaking them for gang members. Dead

8 Chapter 1

Atek teenagers mistakenly labelled as dangerous

criminals didn’t warrant an investigation, and that
was that. She’s been an activist ever since. At the first sign of violence, the scene erupts into pandemonium. Between the
Ateks and their assailants, Ateks Out!, there’s a combination of rioting, panic,
KEY INFO and fleeing for one’s life, with the central compound rapidly degenerating into a
• Use the Activist profile, Infinity Corebook p. 419. pitched battle.
• Originally from outside Puerto La Guardia,
Vermillion and her crew were smuggled in at the If the characters take a side in this conflict, the opposition will summon rein-
behest of Timoteo Bakshi. He worked with her forcements. Whatever their agenda, they’re going to need backup.
directly; after all, an Atek’s testimony holds no
consequence. ATEKS
• Vermillion has surreptitiously recorded her inter- While not initially looking for a fight, they are absolutely prepared to defend
actions with Bakshi. He relentlessly coaxes her themselves. Vermillion and four Ateks take part in the conflict. If the characters
on, pushing her to “get what she deserves.” side with Ateks Out!, another Atek joins the fray for each character in the party.
• Between the police, hate groups like Ateks Out!, Use Thug A (Infinity Corebook, p. 459) for the Ateks, though they lack weapons.
or even Atek bio-purists with no room for a
transgender woman in their worldview, people ATEKS OUT!
have been trying to kill Vermillion her entire life. Unlike the Ateks, they showed up expecting to throw down. Unbeknownst to the
Not normally a violent person, this protest is her larger Ateks Out! contingent, a woman named Rosália López has hired a small
chance to strike back— if hit, she’ll hit back with Druze Shock Team (Infinity Corebook, p. 433) to escalate the situation. The Shock
all her strength. Team consists of four members, plus one additional member for each character
• Though resigned to becoming a martyr, should they side with the Ateks.
Vermillion is no zealot. She will cut deals if
given a chance. TACTICS
Once hostilities commence, the action is hectic and fast-paced. Neither side
trusts the characters, with any opposition (correctly) identifying them as the
THE LANDSCAPE biggest threat. If the characters avoid choosing a side, both parties will regard
them as hostile — because why else would they be there?
In stark contrast to the wealth and avarice on
display inside the city limits, the Ateks have set up
a favela on the outskirts of Portobelo. The slums defaced WarTechWorks logo can be discerned
are a jarring reminder that poverty still exists, even with a Daunting (D2) Observation test. HEAT
1 Heat: The jostles and shoves
on Magalhães.
of the agitated crowds spill
López’s hired Druze Shock Team:
over onto a random character,
Matters are already hitting a fever pitch by the • Whether through conversation or interrogation, who must succeed at an
time the characters arrive, as Ateks Out! Members inflicting a Metanoia effect on one of the team Average (D1) Athletics test to
have begun antagonizing several victims who are will cause them to reveal the nature of their job. avoid falling prone.
hunkered down behind makeshift cover. Without • An Average (D1) Analysis test will identify the
immediate intervention, escalation is inevitable. troops as a Druze Shock Team. 2 Heat: Flying debris from an
• Hacking into their comlogs will reveal the con- unknown assailant amongst
The riot can be treated like a social zone (event, tract with Rosália López. the crowd targets a character.
antagonistic, Insular 2, Enmity 2 toward the oppos- A Challenging (D2) Acrobatics
or Athletics test is required to
ing side), which will dissipate by either inflicting Whatever the characters decide to do, there are
avoid 1+4§ damage with the
a Metanoia effect on Vermillion — provided she’s fires — both figurative and literal —to contend
Knockdown quality.
still breathing — or against Ateks Out! (Resolve 6, with. The Ateks weren’t acting illegally until the
Morale Soak 2). riot, while the Druze were just carrying out a
contract. PanOceania, however, will demand a
AFTERMATH scapegoat.
There are two major clues to be taken from this
scene once the dust settles, each of which has
several routes to discovery: SCENE TWO:
Bakshi’s involvement with the Ateks:
• Vermillion will happily incriminate Bakshi. REACTION
• If Vermillion doesn’t survive, her recordings of
Bakshi can incriminate him. Figuring out how to An Eco-Aktion cell has taken it upon themselves
operate her archaic touch-screen device requires to halt the alteration of Dushyanta’s native biome.
a Challenging (D2) Education or Tech test. Acontecimento’s native grasses are a super-weed.
• Searching through the shanty town reveals ship- Attacking the Dushyanta CFZ with grass-bombing
ping containers used in its construction. A hastily runs and introducing them to the continental

OPERATION: Honeywasp 9
farming zones could functionally destroy the which were exchanged for an escalation of their activ-
SUBMONDO island’s agricultural output, setting it back decades. ities near the festival’s zenith. The cell narrowed their
To represent Struktura benefactor’s identity down to dummy accounts used
like Red Wolf, Blade-tongues
This Eco-Aktion cell is particularly tech-savvy; the by either Timoteo Bakshi or Rosália López.
like Barbosa (in Scene Six), or
other Submondo leaders, use
entire operation is run through remotes. Putting a
stop to it will require an Infowar response.
the Gang Enforcer (Infinity
Corebook, p. 437) flanked by SCENE THREE:
2-4 Gang Members (Infinity
Corebook, p. 437 ).
Accessing the remotes will not only allow the char-
acters to shut down the remotes, but provide the
information to make the tactic non-viable. Getting ORUJO PORT
there, however, will take some work.
Due to their unique legal status, the factory com-
Staffed by two Wardrivers and a selection of plexes of Orujo Minor are less like a community,
Activists (Infinity Corebook, pp. 461 and 419), the and more like a string of micronations. A tangle of
Eco-Aktion network is based out of a warehouse unique laws combined with an overworked port
in the hills of Shakuntala. Accessing the network is authority has created an opportunity for smugglers
possible through Maya, the guards’ comlogs, phys- to ply their trade.
ically accessing the warehouse (granting access to
the lobby), or the remotes themselves. Additionally, Locating the smugglers is relatively straightfor-
the admin node can be used to grant superuser ward; a successful Challenging (D2) Thievery test
access and the communications node taps into will lead the characters straight to Rafael Batista.
the larger Eco-Aktion network. The data storage At two metres tall and extremely garrulous, he’s
node contains proprietary and potentially lucrative easy to spot. While Batista can’t speak for everyone,
terraforming research seized during their last raid, he’s not here on anybody’s orders and he’s not look-
as well as incomplete blueprints for the BomJesus ing for trouble. Provided they turn a blind eye to his
Square Clock-Dome — a unique festival monument. business, inflicting a Metanoia effect will ensure
SMUGGLERS he’s more than willing to work with the characters.
Use the Arms Dealer (Infinity LEADS
Corebook, p. 421) to represent The data storage and communication nodes both con- For the record, the Smugglers are absolutely traf-
Batista or his compatriots. tain conversations with a “benefactor” who provided ficking in illegal contraband, including DA, DT, and
the security codes they’ve used to avoid detection, Viral ammunition.

Eco-Aktion Quantronic Network SCENE FOUR:

Access Point
Data Tunnel
Admin Node Lobby The GM may read or paraphrase the following:
Secured Zone:
Firewall: 8 IC-1 Counter-
measures The Camõen city of Punta Norte has always
IC-1 Black ICE
been a must-see, but appears perfectly heavenly
Cell during the festival season. The pearlescent stone
Comlogs construction is bathed in a gentle sweeping
Comms light – as though Earth’s Aurora Borealis was
hewn from stone.
Data Node
Storage Secured Zone: The wealthy community is currently hosting a
Firewall: 8 variety of Submondo. While most of the citizenry
Secured Zone:
have yet to catch on, local authorities are get-
Firewall: 8 Seeder ting anxious.
Though some leads can be found here, the
IC-1 Crybaby
confluence of criminals has a fairly transparent
Adversary Roster motivation: the 300th day festival is good for busi-
ness and Submondo like money. Rather than rely
• 1 Security Geist, cycling through Lobby (60%)
and Communications (40%) on PanOceanian security to ensure that nothing
untoward happens to the millions of potential
• (If alerted) 1 Wardriver enters through the customers gathered here, however, they’ve taken
Admin Node, and searches for intruders matters into their own hands.

10 Chapter 1

Bharatavarsha Social Network

Dance of the Uncharted Runenwald Oscar
Floating Lights Preserve Sanctuary Schäfer

Marlene! Adventure! Supplying
Expeditionary Excursions!

Escorted through Clients Candice

Bhai Gurdas Meehan

East End Rafael Professional “Red Wolf”

Blade-Tongues Batista Associates Volkov

If the characters are careful and clever, they But something’s gone wrong: bright-eyed location
might find themselves an unlikely ally in the form scout Candice Meehan has gone missing. An
of Vladyaka “Red Wolf” Volkov; an enterprising endless string of episodes demanding new loca-
Struktura who’s happy to get her hands dirty, tions means a military search party is going to be
provided that O-12 is willing to play nice with her deployed if she doesn’t turn up soon; something
family during their stay. everyone involved would prefer to avoid. The clock
is ticking, but tracking the missing scout should ADDITIONAL
solve the mystery of the other disappearances. ZONES
SCENE FIVE: If the characters have
completed Scene Three, Four,
LIARS, FIGHTERS, Locating Candice will require some legwork; a
Psyop is likely the best approach. Bharatavarsha
or Six before searching for

AND BEARS contains the following social zones of interest:

Candice, there are additional
options open to them:

The Vishwan capital of Bharata is positively aglow Dance of the Floating Lights: Held weekly leading • The East End Blade-Tongues
thanks to the custom of hanging paper lanterns in up to the 300th day; if you’re looking to contact escorted one of Go-Go
welcome. The night sky is lit up with hundreds of Go-Go Marlene’s staff, this outdoor gala is a good Marlene’s scouts through Bhai
thousands of tiny lights, beckoning travellers in. place to start. Gurdas – they can make an
Ominously, however, all is dark outside the metro- Go-Go Marlene! Expeditionary staff (Loyalty 4:
• Rafael Batista has
polis’ city limits. Largely due to the sabre-toothed Marlene): Consummate professionals putting on a
clandestinely supplied
bears that stalk its mountain streams and lush brave face, concern for their colleague bubbles just Adventure! Excursions
hillsides, Bharatavarsha Island’s biome remains beneath the surface. While they’re anxious to locate with gear – he can get the
relatively intact in a balance that has endured for Meehan, they’re also concerned about Marlene’s characters an introduction,
centuries. With disappearances occurring, that safety – anyone posing a threat to the pop idol will from which they can head to
balance is in now jeopardy — as is the secret enclave have a difficult time ahead. the Uncharted Preserve
of Bakunian outcasts, hidden away in the mountains.
Adventure! Excursions: The safari company that • A professional associate of
took Meehan for an expedition through the Batista’s, “Red Wolf” Volkov,
FINDING CANDICE uncharted natural preserve in hopes of spotting a can make an introduction
sabre-toothed bear. More successful than intended,
• If a character has gained the
With the festival in full swing, it’s no surprise they stumbled upon a den that scattered the group. support of both Batista and
that Go-Go Marlene is here to take in the sights. They haven’t returned, but can set the characters on Volkov, the latter will confess
She’s currently in BomJesus, though her location Candice’s trail. to supplying the Runenwald
scouts are — quite literally — scattered across the Sanctuary and provide a
globe, diligently seeking out locations for the hit Uncharted Preserve: This part of the island is wild location
travel programme. and untamed, but a successful Challenging (D2)

OPERATION: Honeywasp 11
Analysis or Survival test will reveal a path to the quite well. Too aggressive to peacefully exist near
MEANER THAN THE Runenwald Sanctuary. Characters will need to most settlements, the wild expanse is a utopia for
succeed at a series of Challenging (D2) Observation the harried creatures; even the sabre-toothed bears
While they won’t hunt humans,
sabre-toothed bears will or Survival tests to avoid the sabre-toothed bears — are content to leave their fellow apex predators
viciously defend their territory, otherwise, they infringe on their territory and spark alone, and Schäfer has fully embraced the back-to-
and are more than capable an attack. nature lifestyle.
of doing so. Use the stats for
Ariadnan Brown Bears, Infinity Runenwald Sanctuary (Antagonistic): Despite being Discovery could mean exile or death, so Schäfer’s
Corebook p. 480. wildly out of place on Acontecimento, this hidden hardly thrilled to see the characters. A dozen or so
enclave of Pupniks blends into the local biome Pupniks lounge among the log cabins and prefab
habitats, though their exact numbers are difficult
to ascertain.
In the halls of Vaudeville,
APPEARANCE Candice Meehan: Battered, bruised, and nursing
science and debauchery
both run virtually unchecked. At two metres plus change, his tousled brown a broken arm, Meehan is palpably thrilled to see
Nowhere is this more evident locks, unruly beard, and angular canid features another human face. Not that she has anything
than in “Pupniks” — genetically add to his striking countenance; even for a against Schäfer and the Pupniks, other than his
engineered animal-human Chimera, he stands out in a crowd. occasionally threatening to let the creatures eat her.
hybrids with deliberately Which is a joke. Right?
stunted, sub-sapient intellects. ROLEPLAYING
Illegal throughout the Human • Growls when he’s angry, happy, and introspec- Her comlog and recorders having been destroyed,
Sphere — including parts of the tive. Schäfer growls a lot. Expressively. Meehan is desperate to leave. Keenly aware
Nomad Nation — Pupniks are
• Distrustful of strangers, tends to assume the that there aren’t supposed to be Pupniks on
frequently used as underworld
worst until proven wrong. Acontecimento, and bound by a debt of gratitude
status symbols, in violent
gladiatorial bouts, or for even • Trying to eke out a peaceful existence, he’ll to Schäfer, she’s conflicted about what to do. Either
darker purposes. kill without question to protect his charges. way, she can’t stay here. If they promise to get her
out, she readily agrees to cooperate with the char-
Bred for violence, trained for BACKGROUND acters. Schäfer is touchy over a journalist knowing
aggression, and distressingly A former Submondo pit fighter, Schäfer is their location, but whether through diplomacy,
humanoid in appearance, a member of Puptection; an activist group stealth, or combat, she wants out.
most Pupniks are ill-suited dedicated to halting the unethical treatment
to civilized society. Use the of Pupniks. He infiltrated his former employers AFTERMATH
Antipode Warrior’s profile,
and liberated the Pupniks there. Having Candice will share what she knows with the char-
Infinity Corebook p. 462.
been on the run with them ever since, he acters, both from her time at Runenwald and the
leapt at WarTechWorks’ offer of relocation to lead up to it:
a PanOceanian paradise world as it would
If the characters attempt to allow them to shake their pursuers. It sounded • An old contact of hers, Io Makoto, tipped her off
fight or sneak their way out, too good to be true — and it undoubtedly to an exclusive scoop in the uncharted preserve.
assign one Pupnik per character was — but Schäfer saw a once-in-a-lifetime Makoto — currently under the alias Rosália López
to oppose them. opportunity and acted accordingly. — normally wouldn’t put her in danger.

KEY INFO • She has learned the Pupniks were smuggled in

• Use the Chimera profile, Infinity by WarTechWorks, which would require an exec-
HEAT Corebook p. 423. utive’s authority to pull off. A Challenging (D2)
1 Heat: The Pheromones
of a random character set
• The sanctuary was established with the Lifestyle or Daunting (D3) Education test reveals
the Pupniks on edge; they help of WarTechWorks, who smuggled that Timoteo Bakshi is the only exec ever to
vociferously express their in the Pupniks at no charge. Schäfer has have visited Bakunin. Silva can also reveal this.
displeasure. Persuade or no idea why.
Command tests that target • He stumbled upon the injured Meehan while • If Candice doesn’t survive the scene, contacting
the Pupniks are made at +1 out hunting. Her severe injuries meant there the Go-Go Marlene expeditionary staff will — in
difficulty by that character. was no way she’d make it back to civilization addition to unleashing a tidal wave of grief
in one piece, so he brought her to the enclave — provide access to her notes, which point to
2 Heat: One Pupnik has taken to recover. Meehan’s presence is a conundrum; Makoto/López as her source.
a shine to Meehan and insists
she’s done nothing wrong, but exposing the
on leaving with her. The PCs
need to establish dominance
Sanctuary — essentially her job — could mean Knowledge of the sanctuary can be used or ignored
to convince the creature death for them all. at the characters’ discretion, though their decision
otherwise, either defeating her • In addition to accessing his dyadic link to could lead to future repercussions with either
in single combat, or inflicting a Meehan, gaining Schäfer’s trust will remove PanOceania or the Nomads.
Metanoia with Psywar. the Antagonistic quality from the Sanctuary.

12 Chapter 1

SCENE SIX: the degree of obfuscation she’s enjoying is border-

line preternatural.
BHAI GURDAS A cursory investigation of her apartment will
initially uncover little, though a Challenging (D2)
Khalsa’s largest metropolis, Bhai Gurdas, is practi- Analysis or Hacking test will reveal logs surround-
cally buckling under the sheer amount of humanity ing a brief hiccup experienced some three months
passing through. A hefty delegation from Corregidor ago while researching Shasvastii. Each additional
isn’t helping matters, while a local gang — the East Momentum can reveal some interesting secrets:
End Blade-Tongues — having become increasingly
volatile further compound matters. Local officials • Extensive blueprints of Cidade BomJesus’ Clock-
are worried that the Nomads are stirring up trouble, Dome, and attendance projections for the Zênite
though to what end is anyone’s guess. Noturno.
• A recently vacated, person-sized deep freezer. A
The Nomads have cultivated a plan that involves Daunting (D3) Analysis test reveals Io Makoto’s
recruiting the Blade-Tongues with promises of a DNA inside.
more lucrative life. This has sparked internal conflict, • 2 reloads worth of K1 ammunition, or something
with one side of the gang (under Nine-Fingers similar.
Barbosa) ready to leave for greener pastures, while
another (following Pockmarked Kepu) ramp up The characters may come to different conclusions.
protection rackets to prove their turf is sustainable. Regardless, a Daunting (D3) Analysis or Education
test can be used to provide a damning hypothesis
This conflict could be resolved by backing a faction, (consulting Silva on this provides -1 difficulty to the
negotiating a truce, or any other means the charac- test): Makoto seems to have been studying — and
ters devise, up to and including letting it play out on has likely been compromised — by the Combined
its own. Whatever the characters decide, any surviv- Army. It’s entirely possible that Makoto is dead. And
ing parties are likely to remember their involvement. a Speculo Killer has taken her place.


CONFRONTATIONS Prior to Scene 9, the characters need to assemble
the clues they’ve gathered thus far. The first six
CONFRONTING BAKSKI scenes provide clues incriminating Bakshi and
Bakshi may be dangerously overconfident, but he’s Makoto; investigating either should point to the
no fool. If confronted, he will pivot to his backup Zênite Noturno, as well as potentially unveiling
plan and heap the blame on López. Presenting him Makoto’s true nature.
with evidence of her true identity will cause him
to feign innocence. Getting him to crack on this The characters’ groundwork along the way can be
point requires inflicting a Metanoia, though he has used to add the following context:
Intransigence 2 against this.
• Silva confirming that WarTechWorks assisted
Should he break, he hands over everything he has with constructing the festival’s Clock-Dome,
on Makoto, including biometric data that allows which is not their usual forte (Bakshi is genu-
them to bypass her apartment’s security and infor- inely ignorant of this).
mation concerning her interest in the upcoming • Vermillion revealing that some Atek groups
Zênite Noturno; particularly the clock-dome built were approached about smuggling dangerous
specifically for the event. materials — possibly explosives — into BomJesus,
though she kept her distance.
CONFRONTING MAKOTO • Batista denying working with Bakshi or Makoto,
If at any point the characters decide to seek out though some of his contacts have. Makoto
Rosália López — or Io Makoto, if they’ve put together loading up on far more different ammo types
her true identity — they find themselves frustrated than one person would ever need could provide
at every turn. Makoto is suddenly quite difficult to components for a terrifying shrapnel bomb.
track down. Friends and associates have seen her • Volkov is little help, but she can have people
recently, but her current whereabouts are unknown. keep an eye out at the Zênite.
• Schäfer, although completely in the dark, could
A Challenging (D2) Analysis test will connect any slip some Pupniks into the massed throngs in
suspicions the characters might have, especially as search of a scent.

OPERATION: Honeywasp 13
• Meehan can expedite the characters’ access to
the square through the power of celebrity. “MAKOTO’S” PUPPETS
• The Blade-Tongues revealing their gangs are The Zênite is the climax of the “Makoto’s”
hired to cause a ruckus at the Zênite — nothing plans. Trouble is anticipated. A combination
major, just enough to get security’s attention. of soldiers, knights, and local police have
been carefully manipulated into acting as the
If the characters have taken a tangent or reached Shasvastii’s unwitting enforcers. Completely
different conclusions, Silva can always request innocent of the true circumstances, they’ll
them as roving security for the Zênite. Although courageously defend their home from terrorists
much less prepared, they’ll be in place to intervene such as the characters.
before “Makoto” gets its way.
Use a combination of Spec Ops (Infinity Corebook
p. 455), Police (Infinity Corebook p. 449), and
KILLER SCENE NINE: Knights (Infinity Corebook p. 441 to represent
these puppets.
Sent on a mission to turn
the denizens of the Human ZENITH
Sphere against each other, TACTICS
the creature’s amused at how The Zênite Noturno — nocturnal zenith — occurs on “Makoto’s” forces will be alert, though the crowd
incredibly simple it’s been. the titular 300th day, culminating the festival with adds +1 difficulty to Observation tests. On the
It feels almost unfair, like parades, celebrations, and revelry. Nowhere is this lookout for trouble, they will rapidly respond
fighting a child, but orders more spectacular than the Zenith Countdown in to threats — such as the characters, their allies,
are orders. Having killed and
Cidade BomJesus’ central square, where millions of and other distractions — in multiple areas.
replaced Io Makoto, it will
people gather for an experience unlike any other.
use the identity to push
Bakshi over the edge. And somewhere in that ocean of light and sound is
a Shasvastii, looking to blow it all to hell. “MAKOTO’S” ZÊNITE
Planning to set off a NOTURNO ROSTER
devastating explosion, the
Shasvastii will then leave the FESTIVAL CENTRE FORCE AREA
body of the real Makoto behind. 4 Police Area 1
A Yu Jing spy and a complicit The GM may read or paraphrase the following:
PanOceanian citizen will 2 Spec Ops (Trooper), Knight Area 2
set the Jade Empire and the 2 Knights Area 3
The city is thundering with life. A roaring ocean
Hyperpower at each
other’s throats in no time.
of humanity. An estimated 5 million people have Area 4 (25%), Area 5 (25%),
packed in tight for the festivities. A massive Speculo Killer
Area 6 (25%) or Area 7 (25%)
Use the Shasvastii – structure has been erected at the centre of the
2 Spec Ops (Elite),
Speculo Killer stats on square, an analogue clock — complete with Area 8 – Clock-Dome
1 Spec Ops (Heavy)
Infinity Corebook p. 473). gears for inner workings — to assist the crowd in
counting down to the 300th day.

Some areas of interest in BomJesus Square: To ensure the plan’s success, local security has been
HEAT thoroughly infiltrated. ‘Commanding Officers’ are
1 Heat: The daunting civilian 1. Streets around the square — currently roped likely to overrule any requests for aid, so calls for
numbers and potential casualty off from traffic and packed with pedestrians help will fall on deaf ears within the PanOceanian
list tugs at the PCs sensibilities.
(refer to Combat Zones – Crowds, p. 109 Infinity military and the Military Orders. To take Makoto
An Average (D1) Discipline
Corebook.) down, the characters will have to go it more or
test is required to avoid 1+2§
Resolve damage. Suffering a 2. The park area around the square proper, packed less alone.
Metanoia inflicts the Dazed with crowds as above.
condition, which lasts until 3. The open plaza at the heart of the square. CLOCK TOWER CONFRONTATION
a successful Recover 4-7. “Pillars of the Sky” – four skyscrapers framing A Daunting (D3) Observation or Tech test reveals
action is taken. the north and south of the square, connected the explosives lacing the dome’s structure. It
by enclosed translucent walkways. doesn’t house a bomb, it is a bomb. Having prior
2 Heat: Stealthy hands within 8. The massive Clock-Dome in the centre of knowledge of relevant clues provides -1 difficulty
the crowd attempt to pilfer a the square. to the test. Additional Momentum can reveal the
valuable object from a random
following information:
character. A Challenging (D2)
Observation or Thievery test
is required to notice and avoid The Shasvastii has been planning this operation • Disarming it requires disconnecting the clock
the sleight of hand. Of course, for roughly a year. Impersonating key officials has face from its surrounding mechanisms.
the ensuing tension could allowed for the replacement of various components • The body of Io Makoto lies in one corner. An
provide a spark to the flame… of the clockwork dome and converted the structure Average (D1) Medicine test reveals that she’s
into a massive shrapnel bomb. been dead for several months.

14 Chapter 1

• Several other bodies belonging to Yu Jingese If Makoto’s corpse has been found, or there is valid
citizens are stashed at various levels. reason to doubt the disguise, the Shasvastii reveals PLAYTEST TIP
its true nature; any story that survives will serve the UNLIKELY ALLIES
The square is packed with civilians of course, so ultimate purpose just fine, the end result is all that If the characters haven’t pieced
avoiding the spread of panic is of paramount matters: death is temporary, but failure lasts forever. together where the danger
importance. The stampede that would ensue in the lies, this is a great time to
wake of the bomb becoming common knowledge use any allies they’ve gained
throughout the adventure.
or the Speculo revealing itself could feasibly kill AFTERMATH Several might be on-site
hundreds on its own. Navigating the shoulder to assisting and any one of them
shoulder crowds is a tough prospect regardless, but There’s still a need for answers once the dust could point the characters
can be made deadly if chaos is unleashed. settles. PanOceania’s security soon realize they’ve toward the Clock-Dome; if
been deceived and want to know exactly what just the players are stuck, let their
Stealth, guile, or other means can be used to move happened, irrespective of O-12’s involvement. earlier decisions bear fruit.
through the scene, with things heating up at the
dome. Attacking as Makoto, the Shasvastii will strike Speculo Killers are a military secret; a shape-shifter
personally once the PCs are discovered. this deep inside the Human Sphere will create
waves of panic. Conversely, dead StateEmpire
agents won’t look good for Yu Jing, to say nothing of
TIME BOMB anything else the characters have uncovered. Some
Pairing a flair for the dramatic with a need to delicate decisions will need to be made, though
maximize the bomb’s impact, the Speculo set thankfully backed by powerful bargaining chips.
the device to activate at the stroke of midnight.
It also physically disconnected the clock hands WORST-CASE SCENARIOS
from their surroundings, rendering them The bomb explodes, killing the PCs and everyone in
impervious to hacking. Disarming the device the vicinity of Bomjesus Square. Yet, as the Speculo
is a complex Tech test (D2, 4 Momentum, 4 Killer pointed out, death is temporary. People are
failures). If successful, the device becomes desperate for answers in the wake of this enormous
inert. The clock hands grind to a halt should tragedy. The characters are resurrected from their
a Complication occur, alerting millions that Cubes to provide answers from a ground-zero
something’s wrong. Failure to disarm the perspective. Failure to stop the explosion isn’t
device means it explodes. the end, merely the launching point for a whole
new campaign.

OPERATION: Honeywasp 15

There’s a new drug out there. It hasn’t reached a Kyrgyz Mafia matriarch is attending to check
the streets just yet, but if someone doesn’t do on production and ensure that the operation is
something, it soon will. Though Silkworm is still being run as stipulated. Bureau Noir predict that
contained to a limited area in Bourak, it has already the resultant disarray will be enough to prevent
left addled minds and compliant, zombie-like servi- the drug from spreading and permanently end its
tors in its wake. O-12 refuses to let a drug like this production. The characters should be wary of leav-
to creep into the rest of the Human Sphere. ing themselves exposed once the mission is done
however, as the Kyrgyz Mafia have a surprisingly
long reach, rarely forgive, and never forget.
Bureau Noir believe the drug is being synthesized While attempting to create a hardier strain of
in a privately-owned medical research facility Silk, a dedicated team of off-world, Mafia-backed
in the outlands of Bourak. The PCs are tasked chemists unintentionally created a synthetic strain
with positively confirming that the facility is that can be readily cultivated and easily grown as
manufacturing Silkworm. Once substantiated, their a crop. The Silkworm compound alters the complex
next objective is to disrupt a high-level meeting chemical formula of Silk to instead produce several
taking place within the facility; intel suggests that potent narcotic effects, including a cognitive

16 Chapter 2

tranquilizer. The Silkworm plant resembles a large

poppy with blue petals, instead of a red, which
provides the plant with a useful cover given the ALEPH: Examine the test data to determine whether addictive properties carry
fact that it offers none of the medicinal qualities over to Lhosts. Procure the recipe and any data relating to Lhosts.
of true Silk. With only minimal horticultural and
harvesting infrastructure required, the Mafia can Ariadna: Monitor the facility’s employees. Arrange extraction for Dogfaces or
begin to grow it on nearly every inhabitable planet other Exotics and harvest any data useful in determining whether Silkworm
in the Human Sphere. would be suitable for Antipode control. (Whether there are any such employees
is optional for the GM.)
Silkworm becomes a bright blue translucent liquid
once refined, which is then sold in small vials that Haqqislam: Discover the source of the Silk being used in the drug’s synthesis.
are broken beneath the nose and sharply inhaled. Ensure the crops are preserved for research purposes.
The effects of the drug are virtually instantaneous,
with the user experiencing a blissful vacancy akin Nomads: Data has been obtained concerning the use of Haqqislam terraforming
to the out-of-body experiences typically attributed technology for the growth of crops. Uncover any evidence of unethical dealings
to nirvana for up to fifteen hours at a time; the between the Kyrgyz Mafia and Haqqislam.
drug is incredibly addictive, with a high percentage
of users becoming immediately dependent. While PanOceania: While Silkworm is a fine prize, the facility utilises Haqqislamite terr-
experiencing the euphoria, the user is rendered aforming technology to grow the crops. Steal any blueprints of this technology.
utterly docile and can be effectively utilised as (If they exist, the blueprints can be located anywhere within the facility.)
slave labour. The Kyrgyz are using the drug to
establish an extremely cheap and efficient work- Yu Jing: Seize a sample of Silkworm if possible, but also ensure that no other
force that can be used to financially destroy their agent secures a sample — by destroying the crops if necessary.
business rivals.
Corporations: Your Company is prepared to purchase the facility once the Mafia
The facility being used to produce the Silkworm are cleared out. Bury a copy of the production data onsite so that it can be
drug has always been a medical research facility. recovered later.
Originally built and funded by a multi-institute
university initiative, the remote nature of the Submondo: The Matriarch of the Kyrgyz Mafia will be at the farm. Assassinate her
facility meant that resources dwindled over time or, better yet, dose her with Silkworm!
thanks to more pressing concerns and more inter-
esting projects occupying the university’s budget. Mercenaries: The Kyrgyz Mafia is a pest that creates pretty law enforcement
Eventually, it was quietly sold off to the Kyrgyz contracts. Whether through violence or intrigue, ensure that the Mafia are left
Mafia, who procured the site to use it as a narcotic with plenty of middle management vacancies.
production site. Things changed when one of the
Mafia’s pet chemists developed Silkworm; since
then, the entire facility has become dedicated to
its production.

The facility is largely run by low-level Kyrgyz

Facility Social Network
Mafiosi, who use fear and intimidation to keep
everyone in check. A few Bourakian residents are
employed in administrative or bureaucratic roles,
though this just provides a convenient façade to Local 40 Tribes
the true nature of the operation. Though virtually Luqmaan
Kyrgyz Mafia Maya Cluster
prisoners, the chemists working within the main
drug factory are unharmed and well cared for.
Higher level Mafia figures routinely visit to ensure
that production is progressing at an acceptable
speed and with positive results. Workers arrive
daily at the facility, with most put to work on the
growing patches where they tend and harvest the Production
Alikhan Doula
Silkworm crops prior to refinement. Some of the Facility
workers are used as test subjects for the newest
formulations of Silkworm. All are addicted to it,
regardless. As soon as they are given their daily
dose — the only form of payment they ever
receive — they shuffle away to work quietly and Insular: 2
obediently until sent home, as that’s how Silkworm Routine Counter-Intelligence Level
affects individuals.

MISSION BRIEFING Luqmaan (the facility’s manager, Accessibility 1)
and Doula (a well-respected member of the Kyrgyz
Inhaled, Complex 4, Special,
This first scene takes place at an O-12 facility Mafia, Accessibility 2) as members, though there’s
1+3§ physical damage
prior to the PC’s departure for Bourak. The PCs are little salient information on the facility itself. Local
Special Effect: On a failed assembled and informed that that they are obliged Mafia contacts can provide an introduction or
Resistance test, Silkworm to attend a briefing session. GMs can use the brief- escort to the facility, plus insight into Luqmaan and
immediately intoxicates ing as an opportunity to introduce any “technical Alikhan, an underboss at the facility.
the user for a number of team” of NPCs who will be providing support
hours equal to 15 minus the during the mission.
character’s Resistance Expertise. SCENE ONE:
While intoxicated with
Read or paraphrase the following.
Silkworm, the character suffers
the Dazed condition and gains
Your mission handler, Agent Jaye, strides FRONTIER
the Mindless special ability
confidently into the room a few moments after
(Infinity Corebook p. 418.) you take your uncomfortable seats in the sparse The Tupkurundo — the Kyrgyz term for the
conference room. You note that he is dressed in a hinterlands that conceal the research facility’s
Though rendered immune to style common on Bourak. location —is a frontier both promising and harsh.
all other mind-influencing Clever use of irrigation from mountain springs
effects due to the Mindless “Ladies and gentlemen, welcome. You’ve been provide small sections of scrubland conducive to
ability, a character is highly over the details, but, in case any of you are slow farming. The extreme isolation and natural security
susceptible to coercion while readers, the mission is simple: First, confirm provided by such places ensures that any number
intoxicated. All Discipline tests Silkworm’s presence and destroy it. Second, of research facilities, laboratories and development
to resist coercion increase
apprehend everyone at the meeting that is plants are located out here; their relative inacces-
by +3 difficulty — or to Dire
taking place. If Silkworm continues to spread sibility ensures that preserving the secrets of such
(D3) if a test wasn’t previously
required; failure means that at its current rate, it’ll hit every system within a places is much easier than if they were located in
the character mutely complies month. We’re going planet-side to prevent that. the heart of a bustling metropolis.
with instructions given. Good luck.”
The journey is made in a small and uncomfortable
Addiction 3 (1 dose), The PCs are provided with cover identities that but mercifully cool jitney. Though not an especially
Compulsion 3, Withdrawal 3, place them as itinerant workers lured to the drugs arduous trip, the PCs arrive stiff and sore, but other-
1+3§ physical damage. The plant by the promise of cash and no questions wise in good shape.
Addiction rating increases asked. The medical facility is owned and run by
by +1 difficulty every time an
the local Kyrgyz Mafia, who nominally operate it ARRIVAL
additional dose is taken
as a well-protected, but legitimate business on the Arriving at the research facility is somewhat
— maximum Epic (D5).
As Silkworm is a very new exterior. A map of the facility is provided, along heartening, as the ingeniously irrigated trenches
narcotic there is no known with some details. The local authorities are unware that sustain thin lines of surrounding vegetation
treatment for addiction. of the Silkworm production — or so they say at least. prove that life can blossom in the harsh wastelands
Producing synthetic Silk and then using it as an if carefully tended; an illusion of tenderness that is
ingredient in a narcotic is extremely embarrassing soon to be shattered however.
for the Hachib of Haqqislam; a slight that cannot
PLAYTEST TIP be allowed to continue. As their vehicle draws near the facility, the PCs
ARRIVAL IS KEY will notice that a private security firm has set up a
Try to avoid calling for tests The facility’s Social Network is hostile and suspi- cordon surrounding the compound. This should be
at this point. A failure could cious of outsiders. While running a full psyop is tense, as it is the first test of their legends.
lead to a sudden, bloody end unlikely to bear fruit, incorporating Psywar into the
to the adventure before it has infiltration could provide invaluable insight. For the While waiting for their IDs to clear, the PCs may
really begun. Roleplay the
purposes of this mission, the network is considered catch several clues as to the current situation at
situation instead. Though surly,
an Insular 2 Community (Infinity Corebook, p. 128) the facility:
the security guards will accept
the cover identities. The PCs with a Routine counter-intelligence level. If the
will need to hide their more characters tip their hand, however, the network will • A Challenging (D2) Observation test reveals
incriminating equipment; become more suspicious. that the guards are wearing badges bearing
how they do this is, of course, the legend of the Kola Kanduu; a Kyrgyz term
is up to them. There are two primary points of ingress to the meaning ‘Bloodstained’. A call to Agent Jaye will
network: the local Kyrgyz Mafia presence, and the reveal that these mercenaries have close ties
40 Tribes Maya Cluster; an informal Maya network with the local Kyrgyz Mafia and are infamous for
that counts some of the facility’s residents among their brutality.
their number.
• A dozen people are already outside awaiting
A Challenging (D2) Education or Lifestyle test can admission. Others arrive after the PCs and take
reveal that the Maya Cluster (Accessibility 2) count a place in one of two queues. The first queue

18 Chapter 2

is for new workers; the second is for returning

workers. A Daunting (D3) Medicine test reveals
that the men and women in this second queue THE FACILITY VICES
The guards are reluctant to
are suffering from withdrawal symptoms of discuss anything, including the
some form. These symptoms are incredibly mild, While the map the players were given at the price of gaining their assistance.
requiring the most careful and informed scrutiny beginning is accurate in terms of layout, little other Observant characters will
to notice the tremor of the hands or the sterto- information has been acquired. realise that the “coin of the
rous breathing. realm” when attempting a
The main laboratory responsible for synthesizing bribe isn’t currency or favours,
• The guards scan IDs listlessly. A Challenging Silkworm is located some distance from the main but non-Silkworm intoxicants;
(D2) Analysis test indicates that they are chiefly facility (as part of the Outer Sheds) and is carefully while it’s in plentiful supply,
the Guards seem reluctant to
there for intimidation. They treat everyone hidden. A series of medical buildings and attached
indulge in the local product.
roughly, pat pockets and confiscate anything of Manager’s office compose the central portion of
Nitrocaine, stims, or even a
value they can find. the research facility. On clearing the checkpoint, good whiskey will reduce the
the PCs will be directed straight to the office, with guard’s Intransigence by 1.
• If the PCs start asking questions of anyone in four guards accompanying them to ensure that they
either queue, they will receive little in response don’t deviate from the course. New workers are
and will only serve to agitate the guards. No presented to the manager, where their details are
one is willing to speak. At the point of entry, then taken and their duties explained to them.
they receive an identifying number that is
stamped directly into their clothing before Other than their degrading opinion of the workers,
being handed a single vial of Silkworm. Some the guards are reluctant to reveal anything of
characters may wish to try the drug — in which importance. They are hardened mercenaries that
case refer to the rules above — or at least make have made a name for themselves via enthusiastic
a pretence to avoid suspicion. Regardless, the brutality; any attempts to influence them must
air will be filled with the sharp sound of vials overcome an Intransigence of 2 – anything less
being cracked and the murmur of satiated users. falls short of the desired outcome. The guards will
PCs will now be able to witness the effects also attempt to bully and intimidate the PCs at
of the drug first-hand as the men and women various points, which is likely best roleplayed, but
around them suddenly become quiet, zom- may utilise the Psywar rules if so wished (Infinity
bie-like, and follow any order contentedly. Corebook, p. 130).



Luqmaan, the manager of the facility, looks tired and AGI AWA BRW COO INT PER WIL
less than thrilled about conducting the interview. He 8 10 9 8 10 8 10
explains the tasks that will be required and offers
a choice of serving as guinea pigs in the testing FIELDS OF EXPERTISE
facilities — which he is completely open and unam- Combat +1 — Movement — — Social +2 2
biguous about — or toiling in the fields. Stating that Fortitude +2 — Senses +2 1 Technical +2 1
he must return to work, he informs the PCs that they DEFENCES
will be shown to their chosen area in a moment and
Firewall 10 Resolve 10 Vigour 9
rushes the meeting to a close, before pausing as he
Security 0 Morale 3 Armour 1
leaves to mention that there are areas of the camp
which are absolutely out of bounds to ‘unsanctioned ATTACKS
personnel’, with severe penalties for transgressing. Pistol: R/C, 1+6§, Burst 1, 1H, Vicious 1
The PCs are then hurried out. GEAR: Kyrgyz Armoured Clothing
Tight-Lipped and Surly: Psywar attempts made against Luqmaan are
LUQMAAN made at either +1 difficulty or +1 Intransigence (GM’s choice).

He wears a cheap suit and a pretentious bearing,
including a constant look of boredom and SCENE FOUR:
• A continual smoker, the walls of his office have
long-since turned bright yellow with tar. Upon leaving Luqmann’s office, the guards order
• Unless offered an incentive, Luqmaan has very the PCs to join a large group of men and women
little respect for others. He becomes excessively gathered in the centre of the facility. There is a
pleasant if he stands to gain something, other- great deal of milling about, but the gathering is
wise he’s extremely dismissive to everyone. slowly subdivided into three separate groups. An
• His entire office is haphazard, with solder hold- Average (D1) Persuade test can garner what is
ing the desk together, tape covering the chair, occurring from one of the crowd. The three differ-
and stuffing oozing from the cushion. ent groups are:

BACKGROUND 1. Test Subjects: These will be taken to dormito-

Luqmaan used to be a man with high standards and ries and subjected to medical trials. They tend
expectations, but he quickly discovered the corrupt- to be the least physically robust and stable of
ing power of money. A former student who worked the group; those for whom the Silkworm addic-
at the facility while it was still dedicated to research, tion has become too far advanced.
he now spends his time helping the Kyrgyz with the
distribution and production of Silkworm. He’s only 2. Workers: Drawn by their addiction to Silkworm,
a puppet, however, and possesses little true power, the facility relies on the auxiliary workers
which explains why he’s looking for a way out. returning and fulfilling the daily duties required
to keep the place functioning.
• An Average (D1) Observation test reveals that 3. Fresh Meat: The group the PCs are attached
his cheap suit hides armour under the stains. to is by far the smallest, numbering ten at the
• Unless the speaker is exceptionally skilled, he most. Lured by food, work, or even a new kind
quickly shuts down conversations (see Tight- of drug, they are initially treated the best and
Lipped and Surly, below.) are often used as recruits for others while their
• If someone denotes the quality of his office, he addiction is not so apparent. They are given a
deflects the remark: “Eh? Cutbacks. What can I tour of the facility and encouraged to sing its
say? Now, stop snooping around other people’s praises in return for extra Silkworm or money.
things and let’s get back to business, yes?”
• Commenting on his smoking habit will illicit: The undermanager responsible for dividing the
“Keep your pointless facts and let’s get back mob and assigning tasks is Alikhan, a short, tough
to business”. member of the Kyrgyz Mafia. He sends people

20 Chapter 2

to the three different groups as he sees fit. He is Testing Facilities, where they are to be used
dedicated to getting the workers under control as a as cleaners, functionaries, or for any other neces- THE PROTECTORS:
• Use the Gang Enforcer profile,
Silkworm addicted work force, thereby enabling the sary menial labour. The PCs and one or two other
Infinity Corebook p. 437,
Mafia to increase production. ‘newbs’ are gruffly ordered to follow four guards
replacing the Combi Rifle
on a tour of the facility. Primarily conducted with with a Light Shotgun.
The PCs can spend as much time as they’d like the aim of persuading the Fresh Meat to act as • Protectors prefer to attack
mingling with the crowd and interacting with those enthusiastic recruiters for others, the guards will unarmed first, but will quickly
cocooned in the web. The addicts are essentially switch to demonstrating the potential risks of resort to using more lethal
mute, though there are a number of men and disobeying the Kyrgyz Mafia if their wards seem weapons if any of their allies
women in attendance for reasons other than unimpressed. are wounded.
habitual reliance.
Though spacious, the facilities are far from
Natasha is provided here as one example, but feel welcoming. An austere concrete structure houses
free to improvise more. Still in her early teens, she’s connected suites. The exterior of the three-storey
the eldest daughter of a family in need of money. building is pitted and streaked with rust from the
She’s trustworthy, likeable, and easy to talk to. This exposed metal frame. A bored, cynical superinten-
is her third time on the Facility; though she’s not dent named Ibrahim runs the building. Thoroughly
addicted to Silkworm, she toils to feed her father’s immoral, he is unconcerned by the tests which the
addiction. She has had little reason to fear the Mafia — and by extension the Corps — have him
guards thus far. perform. The first people the PCs meet upon enter-
ing the Testing Facilities, however, will be
WHAT NATASHA KNOWS the Protectors.
Natasha provides a window into life in the facility.
While she’s a relative newcomer, she knows many The guards who supervise the testing are known,
people who have worked here longer. The PCs can both to themselves and to their victims, as The
learn a great deal from her. Protectors. They differ from the standard guard in
that the modicum of medical training they have
• Her father became addicted to Silkworm after received allows them to act as particularly brutal
to coming to work here, but is now too old nurses much of the time. Though they are all
and infirm to work. To stave off the crippling armed, most of this is extremely discrete; only one
withdrawal he suffers, she gives him her own member of each patrolling gang carries a weapon
Silkworm payment. openly, in the form of a Light Shotgun.

• Natasha is half Kyrgyz and knows the culture Essentially trained thugs, The Protectors will
well. She talks about the reckless, crazy spirit not take kindly to the PCs asking questions and
that infuses her people. prying into the affairs of the testing facility. A
worker’s Silkworm supply depends on quiet
• She hopes she can be part of the medical obedience, but occasionally some get nosey and
testing, which sounds a lot easier than being need to be taught not to pry. Having encountered
outside. this several times before, The Protectors will deal
with it by becoming rude, arrogant, and aggressive,
• She has overheard the guards discussing a major with a view to forcing a confrontation. If violence
meeting of the Kyrgyz Mafia taking place at the breaks out, they will summon more assistance in
facility today, which will include the attendance the form of another 1d6 Protectors and attempt
of a high-profile figure. She has gathered that to subdue the PCs. They won’t attempt to kill
this meeting will likely be taking place in them – not yet. Their Mafiosi masters will want to
the most secret part of the facility: the main interview the PCs first, to see if this is some sort
Silkworm Laboratory. Gaining this information of attempted infiltration.
requires a Challenging (D2) Persuade test.
Containing their anger will make the PCs lives
much easier. If none of them rise to the bait, the
SCENE FIVE: Protectors simply try to rush them through the
TESTING tour as quickly as possible. A Challenging (D2)
Observation or Medicine test, however, highlight a
FACILITIES potentially sinister detail: the walls of more than
one room sport gouges that might well have been
Once processed by Alikhan, the various groups made by human fingernails. A further Daunting
are swiftly dispatched to their respective tasks. A (D3) Analysis or Observation test will indicate the
large contingent of the Workers group, including presence of a bugging system spread throughout
Natasha if the PCs have met her, head towards the the Facility.

in either the Communications Node or Data Node
Facility Quantronic Network C. From here, the characters can use the nodes as
remotes, as well as having eyes and ears across the
Data compound.
Lobby A The Lobby is a secure workspace, used for private
Recorder meetings, data analysis, and maintenance on
Nodes Commercial the network’s software. It’s a Commercial-grade
HighSec HighSec zone, additionally protected by IC-1
Secured Zone: Redtape software.
Firewall: 4 IC-1
Redtape Data From the Alarms node, alarms across the entire
Node compound can be activated, silenced, or even
B remotely disabled.
Alarms The Communications Node tracks and enables
Secured Zone: comms throughout the facility; from here, an
Firewall: 10 Data Flux enterprising hacker could listen in, access prior
Camouflage communications, even spoof commands. It also
Node contains a Data Tunnel to Node C.
C The Data Nodes house large chunks of restricted
information; each is a Secured Zone, with a Firewall
of 10. Node A is packed with reams of medical data,
• 1 Security Geist, cycling through Lobby (70%) KEY primarily concerned with the effects of Silkworm
and Communications (30%) Access Point on the nervous system. Node B holds information
• (If alerted) Luqmaan enters through the on a number of illegal biological weapons, and
Data Tunnel
Lobby, and searches for intruders associated projects. Node C has further details on
the organization’s human trials; both here, and at
other sites.
NODE C Every residence is bugged. A cheap voice recorder
picks up anything above a whisper, though clarity is
Node C is a repository of
miscellaneous and sundry data spotty. The Kyrgyz Mafia installed the devices as a
– too volatile to leave unsecured, preventative to infiltration. The bugs are difficult to
but not immediately relevant notice in each room, while escaping the Protector’s This dummy laboratory was built, and is purely
to the facility’s operation. This notice for long enough to hack into the system maintained, for the sake of appearances. Having
is a great opportunity to give is somewhat more problematic. The PCs might been shown the place, the PCs are expected to
out seeds for future adventures, consider distracting the Protectors so one of their move swiftly on. The place is manned by one
blackmail on assorted parties,
number can slip away quietly. authentic Doctor, a harassed and exhausted
or whatever else the GM
desires. It’s a big vault of dirty
woman called Yasmina. She is continually flanked
secrets. Feel free to use it. The local datasphere isn’t connected to Maya, by a Kyrgyz Mafiosi, who does his best to appear
Arachne or any other grid. Hacking into the system blandly menacing.
will be challenging, but very much worth the risk.
There are three primary access points to the local The medical facility is reasonably well equipped,
quantronic network: the Recorders, the Alarms, and but a successful Challenging (D2) Medicine or
the Lobby area (which is accessible from Luqmaan’s Daunting (D3) Analysis test will highlight the ste-
office). The Recorders and Alarms are each Secured rility and disuse of the equipment, indicating that
Zones, with Firewalls of 4 and 10, respectively, this is clearly a decoy.
whereas Luqmaan’s office relies on physical secu-
rity; an Average (D1) Hacking test will grant access A quiet area, with relatively little security — besides
to his terminal. the four guards accompanying them — the dummy
medical facility can be a good opportunity for the
Regardless of how it’s accessed, the network con- PCs to strike violently. The Mafia have not sought
tains several zones of interest: to protect this place, as they consider there to
be nothing worth stealing and therefore nothing
The Recorder Nodes store their collected data worth committing resources to. Of course, grabbing
until a nightly maintenance cycle, where they are the opportunity is up to the PCs, but it should be
routed through the Lobby, and eventually stored clear that it is a fleeting one. Dependant on their

22 Chapter 2

choice, the GM can use appropriate tests to see

whether the PCs can slip away without raising the
alarm, or perhaps sneak back in later at a time of SILKWORM AND THE DOCTOR
• Use the Gang Enforcer profile
their choosing.
LABORATORY for the Mafiosi, and the Doctor
profile for Yasmina (Infinity


Corebook, pp. 437 and 429).

THE GUARD Located at the farthest extent of the research facility,

the laboratory is heavily guarded and festooned
• The Mafiosi knows the
location of the Silkworm
STATION with anti-scanning equipment designed to hide it Laboratory. The PCs could
hack his comlog, trail him,
from any aerial surveillance. A contingent of Kyrgyz
or interrogate him to garner
The two sheds composing the guard station Mafia, Protectors, and administrators work and live
the information.
combine to form a small armoury and a command on the premises, tending to the needs of the four
centre for the external defences; the same defences Scientists who are responsible for the synthesis of • Beyond the fact that there is
the PCs will need to negotiate in order to access the Silkworm itself. a secret medical laboratory
the Silkworm laboratory. somewhere on the site, the
The Mafia have established what they hope to be Doctor knows almost nothing.
During the day, this station is manned by three or an inaccessible perimeter around the site, which She chiefly deals with those
four Protectors and a senior member of the Kyrgyz involves roving drones, motion-activated “screamers”, hurt during the trials.
Mafia. At night, however, there are two squads of six and the actual Protectors themselves. Characters
Protectors within shouting distance of the station, aware of the drones and screamers can attempt
plus at least three members of the Mafia inside at to hack them remotely from the Guard station
any one time. (see opposite) without risk of being observed.
Otherwise, spotting the remotes and screamers is
The Protectors within the station are also better a Daunting (D3) Observation test thanks to their
equipped than those elsewhere in the facility mimetic polycarbon coating. The screamers are all
and — in addition to their pistols — all carry at managed through a common network (Firewall 10),
least a Combi Rifle or Light Shotgun. The PCs are with a breach granting enough control of them
not shown this as part of their tour. If they break that they can be either activated or deactivated as
away from their Guards at any point, however, this a Free Action.
may be a useful place to equip themselves with
purloined weaponry. The laboratory is filled with the necessary equip-
ment for the synthesis, refinement and production
• The central computer hub in the station of Silkworm, which includes ranks of distilling
controls the security measures protecting the machines, a large reactor, centrifuges, and other vital
Silkworm Laboratory. As a secured zone with a equipment. Racks of automated sampling robots
Firewall of 10 and Intrusion Countermeasures, frequently emerge from the walls, while several
it is extremely difficult to breach. Doing so, computers (Firewall 6) constantly run data analysis
however, allows the PCs to deactivate these on the brain function of addicts and the relative
security measures (see opposite). strength of the various strains of Silkworm. Gas can-
isters occupy rooms that also contain conveyor belts,
• The PCs can remotely view the Silkworm pro- which are used to convey items through sterilisation
duction facility from the hub, allowing them to chambers that connect to the raw Silkworm plant,
plan their attack carefully. which can be seen through the window on the
opposing wall of the isolation chamber.
• A series of messages can be recovered from the
system’s databanks with a successful Daunting The place is protected by heavy, reinforced doors
(D3) Hacking test. These coded messages are with a clean room interposed between the entrance
frequently exchanged between the off-planet and laboratory. The laboratory is carefully protected
Kyrgyz Mafia Vors and their employees on the and kept hermetically sealed. A second hermetically
surface. There are enough details of the compo- sealed chamber beyond the laboratory contains the
sition of Silkworm for a sufficiently competent Silkworm, where it is held prior to being cut and
chemist to determine the formula for the drug readied for distribution. A third room contains the
— possibly resolving the Wilderness objectives final, diluted product, which is separated into quan-
for one or more of the player characters. tities for the addicted workers and off-planet sale.
Groups of two Guards might be found at any point,
• The messages also refer to the meeting the PCs depending upon the GM’s requirements.
are expected to disrupt, which is due to tran-
spire inside the Silkworm production facility in To gain access to each room, a suitable ID must be
only a few moments time! presented — not every ID will provide access to all

the rooms. PCs that have successfully hacked into PCs enter. The Protectors stationed in the lab are
the Guard station hub, however, will be able to arranged into three fire teams, two consisting of
override the entry system. Otherwise, the system three members, and one of four.
has a Firewall 10. Placing explosives in these
rooms and detonating them will result in the If the PCs invade the meeting, Doula will waste no
Primary Objective of the mission being completed. time in attempting to escape. Her bodyguards and
any attendant Protectors will attack immediately,
THE SECOND FLOOR while additional Protectors — which require Heat
The laboratory’s second floor is accessible via a set spends as normal — will begin arriving in subse-
of stairs in the clean area preceding the main lab- quent rounds. While Doula remains present and
oratory. Up here is where the high-level meeting is active, any zone she is in gains a Loyalty rating of
taking place. The Kyrgyz Mafia has sent one of their 2 and Kyrgyz within her zone — including herself —
own to ensure that progress is satisfactory and that benefit from an Intransigence of 2.
the new, more potent strains of the drug are nearing
completion. Precisely what the Mafia intends to use
the drug for is unclear, but that’s something for later. THE FINALE
The players objective is to disrupt the meeting.
The Secret Farm presents several opportunities to
Doula, a Kyrgyz Matriarch, represents the interests accomplish fantastic results for Bureau Noir. The
of her outfit. She is a high-ranking figure in the mob Silkworm supply can be virtually wiped out through
and widely respected. Taking her alive will prove a the intelligent deployment of explosives. Samples
valuable bargaining tool. Alongside four of her own and crucial data can also be obtained and studied
personal bodyguards, there are also eight Protectors to better understand the dark narcotic market that
and ten auxiliary staff in the laboratory when the plagues the Human Sphere. While this won’t bring
down the Kyrgyz Mafia, it might cause them to
reconsider some of their illegal business ventures…
for a while. Of course, it could also result in a rather
DOULA THE KYRGYZ MATRIACH large personal vendetta against the characters.

8 10 10 8 10 12 12 KYRGYZ BODYGUARDS


Combat +2 1 Movement +1 — Social +3 3 AGI AWA BRW COO INT PER WIL
Fortitude +2 — Senses +2 2 Technical +2 2 9 10 10 9 8 8 9


Firewall 12 Resolve 14 Vigour 12 Combat +3 2 Movement +1 1 Social +1 —
Security 1 Morale 4 Armour 2 Fortitude +2 1 Senses +2 1 Technical +1 —

• Pistol: R/C, 1+6§, Burst 1, 1H, Vicious 1 Firewall 8 Resolve 9 Vigour 10
• Knife: Melee, 1+5§, 1H, Concealed 1, Non-Hackable, Subtle 2,
Security 1 Morale 2 Armour 2
Thrown, Unforgiving 1
GEAR: Light Combat Armour. ATTACKS
• Assault Pistol: R/C, 1+6§, Burst 2, Unbalanced, Vicious 1
SPECIAL ABILITIES • Stun Baton: Melee, 1+6§, 1H, Non-Hackable, Knockdown, Stun,
• Common Special Abilities: Menacing 2, Threatening 2 Subtle 1
• Impassive Brutality: Doula is not averse to getting her hands bloody
when punishments need doling out; in fact, she seems to stoically GEAR: Light Combat Armour.
welcome the opportunity. She may reroll three § when making SPECIAL ABILITIES
a Close Combat test, but must accept the new results. Additionally, • Kyrgyz Ferocity: Kyrgyz Bodyguards fight ferociously to defend their
she reduces the Heat cost of Guard and Riposte Reactions by 1, to a charge. They may reroll two § when making a Ballistics or Close
minimum of 0. Finally, after successfully executing a Parry, she may Combat test, but must accept the new results. Additionally, each
immediately perform a Reaction to make a standard melee attack point of Momentum paid or Heat spent to gain additional dice for
against the foe she parried. a Close Combat test provides two d20s, instead of one (the normal
• Matriarch’s Will: Doula’s iron will and physical brutality ensures maximum of three bonus d20s still applies). Finally, they reduce the
she maintains a position of dominance while many rivals fall to the penalty for firing at a range other than the weapon’s optimal range
wayside. She benefits from a Morale Soak of 4. Additionally, she may by one, to a minimum of 0.
reroll one d20 when making a Discipline test, or any dice that did • Matriarch’s Shield: When responding to Doula being declared the
not generate a success when making an initial roll for a Resistance target of an attack, the Kyrgyz Bodyguards reduce the Heat cost of
test, but must accept the new results. Guard Reactions taken to defend her by 1, to a minimum of 0.

24 Chapter 2


Bureau Noir suspects serious foul play behind The main corporation influencing all of this, the
recent miner strikes on Ariadna. While miners with- Echelon Mining Consortium (EMC), has been oper-
holding their labour may seem to be normal for that ating through shell companies. They have employed
system, the unexpected rise of one Branch Chief mercenaries through one such subsidiary, Double
Morrison and a large amount of money changing Eagle Industries, to ensure their business interests
hands through PanOceanian corporations has the are safeguarded.
Bureau concerned.
Not long after the PCs arrival, their contact, Chief
Allister Lamont, dies in an explosion. His enraged
OPERATIONAL and estranged daughter, Jessica, has gathered an
angry mob on the steps of the local precinct in
SUMMARY search of justice. If she can be calmed and reasoned
with, Jessica will become an important ally; or
Behind the scenes, a previously unknown noble, an irritating thorn if not. Various clues become
Branch Chief Miles Morrison, has been surrepti- apparent from an examination of the bomb scene
tiously working with PanOceanian corporations to evidence, though little directly trace to the culprit.
circumvent both O-12 and Ariadna law regulating
Teseum, which largely involves exchanging the Shortly after the bombing, either via Jessica or the
precious ore for personal wealth, political power, Branch Chief himself, the PCs are invited to a social
and assistance in dominating the House of Clans. event at the Branch Chief’s castle. The Branch Chief

Riots at DAWN 25
vehicle and delivered her to the Morrison Mines,
WILDERNESS OF MIRRORS which also doubles as the headquarters for Double
ALEPH: Teseum is an invaluable commodity. Investigate opportunities for Eagle Industries (DEI). The agency is utilizing
independent Teseum supply and establish connections where possible so that mercenaries to covertly fortify a section of the mine.
more dedicated negotiators can be deployed in a positive environment. Offer
short-term favours to primary producers as necessary. The PCs are ambushed en route to the mine,
apparently by miners intent on seeking revenge,
Ariadna: (Rodianian): Discord amongst Caledonian elites can be an opportunity, though closer inspection reveals them to be in
but also a danger. Ensure that any pro-independence politicians are brought to DEI’s employ. The PCs will need to access the safe-
the attention of Central Command. Harvest any useful blackmail material. guarded area to recover Jessica. Once inside, they
are rewarded with the revelations of a plot to con-
Ariadna: (Other) Discord amongst Caledonian elites will be exploited by Central trol, assassinate, or manipulate several members of
Command. Ensure that any exposed politicians are reminded of this by planting the House of Clans in order for Morrison to obtain
an easily detected surveillance device in their private quarters (three devices are ultimate authority. Chief Lamont was the first name
supplied for this purpose.) on the list. They also discover that the secure area
is acting as a transfer point for the movement of
Haqqislam: Despite the obvious benefits, many regular Caledonians remain Teseum onto ships bound for the Ariadna Exclusion
reluctant or sceptical concerning Cubes. To make inroads on the market, convince Zone. Escaping with the information will mean
as many influential persons as possible to undergo implantation. Two Cubes are evading or engaging the DEI security and then
immediately available at a nearby caravanserai for this purpose. fleeing to a local safe point.

Nomads: The Nomads sympathise with the miner’s plight and wish to support
them organising. A deepening of Ariadna’s reliance on the Nomads for assistance MISSION BRIEFING
as a result of this will also provide a clear advantage over rivals. Secure a prolific
contact within the miner’s union. Upon arriving in Mat’, the PCs are diverted to a
briefing with Agent Dmitri Blankin of Cossack High
PanOceania: PanOceania is attempting to put a new foot forward with Rodina. Command, who greets them warmly, offers fresh tea
Communicate the location of any Separatist elements or other illegal activities. and biscuits, then gets to business. The O-12 han-
Prepare the ground for negotiators to take up any abandoned activities. dler responsible for their assignment here joins via
augmented reality. Blankin is blunt and straight to
Yu Jing: PanOceania have focussed the Emperor’s eyes on Dawn. Do everything the point; the economic situation in the country is
possible to thwart their influence while extending the StateEmpire’s. Yu Jing is grim and there is a real concern that the unrest will
prepared to offer material support to independence movements so long as it sweep from Caledonia across the rest of Ariadna.
can maintain local surveillance of third parties. If the opportunity arises seed the
ground for further negotiations. The PC’s O-12 handler tasks them to investigate,
by any means necessary, the fundamental reasons
Corporations/Submondo: Mining contracts on Dawn are incredibly lucrative. for the recent unrest in the country. Deep cover
Ensure that competitors engaged in such actions are politically compromised to informants have also reported a possible breach of
the point that they are forced to withdraw or enter into a partnership. trade ethics concerning Dawn, so the Bureau would
like to understand the root origins behind Branch
Mercenaries: Ariadnan troops are in demand for security contracts. Recruit a Chief Morrison’s sudden rise to prominence in the
native face to manage and recruit a local force that can be shored up with off- region. His sudden affluence has also brought a
world reinforcements. measure of stability to his own mine, which has
subsequently allowed him to begin snapping up
mines closed due to dispute under the promise of
agrees to an interview with the PCs, during which resolving workforce disagreements and resuming
he intimates that Jessica might even have arranged productivity. The Branch Chief’s motivations need
the recent bombing herself. Successful covert ops to be scrutinised and understood. A meeting with
here, however, reveal some disturbing facts. In the Chief Lamont has been arranged, who can provide
meantime, an infuriated Jessica, who is seemingly a background concerning this very matter.
intent on causing damage at the Branch Chief’s
mine, quits the party. The Branch Chief reveals
that she fled the scene after his chief of security BACKGROUND
informed her that her possible involvement in
the bombing was under investigation. He invites Hardly known for its wealth or luxury, Caledonia
the PCs to apprehend her, as he fears that his own is a crude place that bears similarities to impov-
guards will mishandle the situation. erished areas on Earth hundreds of years ago,
including rioting, protesting, shanties, infighting,
In truth, Jessica hadn’t made it beyond the Branch and a general sense of uneasiness. Ironically,
Chief’s fortress walls. Security bundled her into a the Caledonians possess access to the one


near-priceless commodity that drives economics reputation in Caledonia, Morrison and the
across the Human Sphere: Teseum. Unfortunately, mercenaries agreed that it would be in their best
mining operations across the country have slowed interests to operate under a pseudonym. Bolstered
to a crawl due to union-backed labour disputes by Caledonians unquestionably loyal to Miles,
over pay and conditions. the Druze masquerade as Ariadnan troops in the
employ of the Double Eagle Industries private
The quality of life in the Caledonian town of security firm.
Brannigan, however, is at an all-time high and now
competes with some of the more mediocre cities To lend the operation credence, Echelon authorised
across the Human Sphere. The benevolence of the the investment of millions of credits into research
local Branch Chief, Miles Morrison, has uplifted life of the old North American empire — particularly
for everyone there. Demonstrations still plague the the Branch Chiefy 21st century. A combination of
town unfortunately, with disenfranchised labourers dialect coaches, old movies, and footage of existing
from outlying mines venting their fury amongst the USAriadnan settlements cultivates the illusion that
fruits of their harvest. Only Miles Morrison’s own personnel hail from USAriadna, rather than off-
mine remains functioning without issue, his own planet. While this has yet to survive strict scrutiny
staff well recompensed for their efforts, and numer- by true USAriadnans, especially as some personnel
ous safety checks in place that are sorely lacking in struggle to differentiate every subtle nuance that
many other mines. has been drilled into their head, they have
managed to fool most Caledonians that aren’t privy
Branch Chief Morrison is also a traitorous oppor- to their secret. The ones that see through them
tunist. He has sold out to the Echelon Mining quickly disappear.
Consortium, a PanOceanian corporation seeking
exclusive mining rights on Dawn. To provide muscle
to their ambitions, EMC have established Double
Eagle Industries, a subsidiary private military com-
pany populated mostly by Caledonians loyal to Clan THE EXPLOSION
Morrison, as well as hardened mercenaries brought
in secretly from off-world. An old Rodina Punochka skimmer is allocated to the
team to fly them to Caledonia:
Echelon were patient in their investment. Minor,
untraceable cash investments to Miles’ holdings THE FLIGHT
created the illusion that the Branch Chief’s own
investments in the Ariadnan Stock Exchange had Climbing aboard, it’s easy to note the bright,
started to pay off. They also groomed Miles in the polished emerald sheen of the flyer’s exterior
ways of politics and strategy, further bolstering contrasting with the frayed upholstery and tar-
his already formidable intelligence. The Branch nished metalwork of the interior. The trip across
Chief rose to prominence and Echelon had bought the tempestuous skies of the continent is rocky
their very own major player within the Caledonian at best, and extremely shaky at worse. The
political arena. Between them, they agreed on the vibrant plains of Rodina and lush fields of
best ways to neutralize his rivals; be that passively Merovingia give way to the overcast skies and
or aggressively. stony hills of Caledonia.

Through the young Branch Chief’s connections, Despite its aged appearance, the flyer braves
Echelon began blackmailing choice political targets. the worst of the weather and arrives at your
Matters discussed in private soon began making destination: a deep valley ringed by numerous
their way to the public, forcing several politicians smoke stacks that harbours a town at its heart.
to resign. Troublesome miners and citizens were Brannigan consists of several industrial
framed and dealt with by the authorities. Both the buildings, many homes, and a variety of shops NOTES ON
Branch Chief’s influence and local prosperity have that dot the canyon floor. The morning light of PROFILES
grown considerably, but at what cost? the descent reveals an endless train of trucks DEI employees consist largely
and transports ferrying tired miners back and of Corporate Security Unit
(Troopers) led by their elite
forth from the mines, like soldier ants
counterparts (see p. 427, Infinity
DOUBLE EAGLE harvesting for their queen. What appears to
Corebook). The fortified areas
INDUSTRIES be a festival taking place in a nearby street of the Morrison Mine is also
draws the eye as the helipad looms into view. staffed by Druze Shock Team
Double Eagle Industries is a front for the Druze Only as the engines of the skimmer shut off members, again in the form
Company that Branch Chief Morrison has employed do you pick up on the sounds of a demonstra- of troopers led by elites (see
to manage Echelon’s private security interests on tion underway. p. 427, Infinity Corebook.)
Dawn. Painfully aware of the Druze’ loathsome

Riots at DAWN 27
The PCs are forced to wait half an hour after INVESTIGATING THE
landing before their car arrives. Airport authorities WRECKAGE
are quick to blame the demonstration. The driver
of their vehicle — a rugged yet pristine SUV — is To investigate further, the PCs must find some way
a quiet, respectful man who helps the investiga- of contending with the burning wreckage; hydrants
tors with their equipment but otherwise keeps are located close by, while the restaurant will
to himself. possess fire extinguishers. The PCs own driver will
inform them that the smouldering figure in the
Demonstrators waving signs and singing protest driver’s seat is likely the Chief’s personal driver, Jeff
songs fill the area as their vehicle exits the airport, Grant (later confirmed). The damaged comlogs of
with many of them shaking banners and making the two unrecognisable corpses in the rear can be
signs at the car as it nudges through. The driver used to identify them as Chief Lamont and his per-
of their car is forced to honk his horn and the sonal assistant, Patricia Headly. A briefcase located
vehicle’s speed is reduced to a crawl more than near the Chief’s corpse was blasted to pieces in the
once. He stresses that they will soon meet Chief explosion. A Challenging (D2) Analysis or Tech test
Lamont at a nearby restaurant when the follow- will determine that it contained encoded data discs,
ing happens: though they are likely burned beyond recovery.

DEATH OF A CHIEF Inspecting the debris and succeeding on a

Challenging (D2) Tech or Daunting (D3) Analysis
A shiny black limo can be seen slowly making test, will determine that an explosive device was
its way through the crowd at an intersection, placed directly underneath the passenger section
making efforts to avoid the protestors. Apart of the car. Much like the encoded discs, above,
from the chrome hubcaps and large wolf ’s identifying the explosives or technology used in
head adorning the front the bonnet, the vehicle the construction of the device will require the use
is an SUV similar to the one you now occupy. of forensic laboratory equipment (equivalent to a
You also notice that it has special government corporate lease laboratory, Infinity Corebook p. 372.)
plates on its rear. Your driver smiles and points
HEAT at the car, “And that would be the Chief ’s The death of the Chief is devastating for the city
1 Heat – Song of the Innocent: private limo. It looks like we will be arriving at of Brannigan. Ariadnan police and anti-terrorism
The terrible carnage and the same time.” experts swarm in to shut down the crime scene. The
decimation leaves many officials in charge are reluctant to share information
screaming for help, from the with the PCs and, though they do not arrest them,
The outside world is wracked by smoke and
walking wounded and badly
flame just as he finishes the last word. A power- interview them to establish why they are in the city.
hurt to uninjured bystanders.
The noisy chaos of the scene ful explosion drowns out the crowd, while
adds +1 difficulty to all tests. the force of the blast rocks your vehicle and Gaining access to a forensic laboratory — or at the
For an additional 1 Heat, shatters the windscreen. Moments of shock and very least technicians who can conduct the investi-
all Psywar tests suffer an silence give way to tremulous car alarms and gation — and the results that can be determined are
additional +1 difficulty (+2 heart-wrenching screams. detailed below.
difficulty overall.)
2 Heat – Blame the Off- MINOR ENCOUNTER: Use the Detective profile, Infinity Corebook p. 428, for
worlders! Two shocked
and angry demonstrators
THE WOUNDED the lead investigator, Stewart Campbell. If he can be
convinced to assist the O-12 investigation, then he
immediately perceive the PCs
to be the root cause of the The entire area around the Player Characters is will provide them with the full disposal of the local
bombing. They leap to the a scene of shock and devastation. They will forensic laboratory. Succeeding at a Challenging
attack with anything to hand likely seek to treat the injured around them, as (D2) Science test — which already includes the -1
(use the Thug B profile, Infinity most of those wounded in the explosion were difficulty for use of a laboratory — reveals that the
Corebook p. 460). This spend protestors who had the misfortune of standing compact yet powerful explosives were created
may be repeated each round. too close. using materials that can easily dupe the scanning
equipment at Caledonian security checkpoints. None
3 Heat – Secondary Unfortunately for them, dealing with the after- of the components are manufactured on Dawn.
Explosion: The bomb has math doesn’t mean the scene is now entirely
caused considerable damage,
safe. The emergency services and other local Each two points of Momentum can be used to
which results in a secondary
explosion. The blast inflicts
authorities are imminent, but in the meantime, reveal one of the following facts:
2+5§ damage with the there are a number of incidents that can affect
Deafening, Indiscriminate the PCs as they attempt to deal with the carnage • The composition of the explosive is a highly
(Close), Knockdown, Piercing 1, around them. Of course, becoming a rallying point irregular compound produced using rare
and Vicious 1 qualities. amidst the chaos around them can also bring its minerals found only in frigid confines of the
own dangers (see Heat sidebar). Svalarheiman wastelands.


• Piecing together fragments of the data discs try and understand how employment with him
intimate that Branch Chief Morrison has been differed to others. PLAYTEST TIP
benefiting from some decidedly shady dealings THREAT OF
on the Ariadnan stock exchange, though there is KEY INFO VIOLENCE
no evidence to support this. • Use the Activist (Elite) profile, p. 419 of the The GM should ensure the
players understand that the
Infinity Corebook.
threat of the mob is very
From this, the PCs should understand that an • She had recently approached her father
real. The overstretched law
organisation or person from off-world has a vested seeking reconciliation, although he had been enforcement does not have
interest in the current unrest affecting Caledonia. enraged over her contact with Branch Chief the personnel on hand to
Additionally, O-12’s instincts concerning the Branch Morrison. She feels the Chief was jealous of contain a riot and are seriously
Chief appear to be accurate. Whether the two are her respect for the Branch Chief, which possibly outmanned. Iron bars, mining
connected or not, however, remains to be seen. prompted his investigation into the Branch picks, and knives can be easily
Chief’s holdings. spotted among the crowd; a
• Having met and interviewed the Branch Chief, misstep could result in serious

SCENE TWO: which included a tour of his estate and the

upper workings of his mine, she finds it hard
harm or innocent deaths.
As a means to increase the
THE UNIONIST to believe that he’s involved in anything
tension, a suitable number of
Heat spends should also be
underhand. determined beforehand.
The PCs leave their ‘interview’ only to walk • The Branch Chief doesn’t just believe in better-
headlong into a baying mob. Backed by her ing the life of Caledonians; he seeks to improve
unionist friends, Chief Lamont’s daughter, Jessica, is the lot of all Ariadnans. He even employs
demanding answers and justice. Enraged by shock USAriadnan mercenaries alongside Caledonian
and grief, she blames the PCs for her father’s death muscle to protect his mine.
and demands their incarceration. The majority of • Admiration for Branch Chief Morrison stems
the crowd consist of Activists (Trooper), Infinity from the fact that he provides his miners with
Corebook p. 419. The mob can be considered to be pay and benefits that are far above those of
a single zone with an Insular rating of 2, while con- the average miner. Although he didn’t go into
vincing Jessica that the PCs are innocent requires a specifics, she can only assume that he is passing
Metanoia against an Intransigence of 3. on the benefits of a profitable mine.
• The Branch Chief is hosting a prestigious
birthday party in a few days’ time to honour his
JESSICA MORRISON distant cousin, Tilda Schaumberg. Although she
has nothing to celebrate, Jessica will arrange
Appearance: Late teens, tight pony tail, slim and to attend with the PCs so they might gauge his
undernourished. She wears an old Ariadnan military noble intentions for themselves.
jacket bearing union insignias.
If the PCs fail to pacify Jessica and thereby gain
ROLEPLAYING: the above information, the GM may use a member
• Passionate and noble, she strives to make life of Chief Lamont’s estate to impart some or all of
better for everyone. the above information, although the facts should
• Angry, afraid, and guilty all at once over attack- be tainted with a clear bias towards the belief that
ing her father and his institution. Jessica is a spoilt teenager rebelling against her
• She wants answers. Someone must be punished father after blaming him for her mother’s death.
for her father’s murder. Should they seek one, the PCs will initially be
refused a meeting with the Branch Chief, although
BACKGROUND his PA will invite the ‘unsung heroes of Brannigan’s
A happy child until her mother’s death, Jessica took recent tragedy’ via email a day before the party
to idolising her lost parent as a saint for the work takes place.
she often undertook to improve social services
across Caledonia. Jessica’s anger at her loss led Additional Ariadnan security forces arrive to re-es-
her to the forefront of marches and rallies, a fact tablish control if the confrontation escalates into
that alienated her even further from her father. violence. Despite rapidly dispersing the crowd, the
If Jessica can be convinced to talk rather than city still simmers as miners continue their demon-
scream murder, her grief, anger and frustration strations and police officers in riot gear struggle to
over her father’s death become readily apparent. keep the peace.
Prior to his death, she had actually been leading
campaigns against her father’s treatment of his With little or no tweaking — plus one or two addi-
own employees, though recently she began seeking tions — the Heat spends provided for the aftermath
more peaceable means to achieve her goals. This of the explosion on p.28 are just as relevant here if
prompted a visit to Branch Chief Morrison to matters do turn ugly.

Riots at DAWN 29
SCENE THREE: Some guests make use of small terminals built

LOC HOLLOWAY into the wall, while servants in fine clothes tend
to the needs of all.

Located not far from the city, Loc Holloway is a One servant whispers in the ear of a man
small lake which doubles as one of Brannigan’s wearing a coal grey suit, who turns from his
water supplies. Dominating the lake from its hilltop associates and walks towards you with a drink in
perch on the eastern shore is a stout stone castle hand. The soft, silvery glint of Teseum cufflinks
surrounded by tall, foreboding walls. Modern light- and thin neck torque catch your eye as he smiles,
ing illuminates the grounds at intervals of twenty offers his and states: “Miles Carmichael Morrison,
feet, revealing beautifully tended grounds, marble 9th Branch Chief of Loc Morrison, at your service.
sculptures and ancient tableaus of iconic scenes Welcome to my humble hall. I trust you will
from ancient Gaelic mythology. Security personnel enjoy yourselves.”
patrol regularly and a well-dressed doorman greets
visitors at the front gate. When the players arrive,
they are forced to wait for a few minutes before BRANCH CHIEF MILES
being granted entry. MORRISON
On the approach to and within the main grounds, a Appearance: Young, yet distinguished, and very
successful Challenging (D2) Observation test will charismatic. He wears fine clothes and stays classy,
detect sophisticated cameras concealed amongst no matter the occasion.
the trees and statues. These small cameras are
state-of-the-art Ariadnan technology. ROLEPLAYING
• Smooth and articulate, he answers every ques-
As the doors open and you pass across the tion coolly and succinctly.
threshold, it feels almost as though you step • If backed into a corner, he will calmly take
from grim and ancient times into an age of control of the conversation before going on the
modernity and wonder. Though the stone offensive. Evidence of wrongdoing should be
façade of the castle would suggest otherwise, played off as circumstantial.
the interior is well furnished, warm, and well • Will become angry if challenged over his
lit. It appears that a party is under way, and dealings and intentions concerning Echelon and
many guests socialize around a fire place while Ariadna; he truly believes he is ushering in a
hardnosed security officers look on from the side. bright new age.

Mile’s intentions and recent history are contained
within the Operational Summary and Background
at the start of the mission. Born and raised in
Brannigan, Branch Chief Miles Morrison has not
made it this far by not being cautious. He lacks com-
passion towards his enemies, but will always use a
careful hand rather than a crushing fist. He knows
his alliance with Echelon will be his undoing if
unearthed before fruition, so seeks to keep it hidden
until his position is more secure.

• Use the Corp Exec profile, Infinity Corebook p. 427.
• Branch Chief Morrison greets the PCs warmly
and ensures his servants attend to their every
need. Although the party is largely in honour of
his cousin, he wanted to also take the opportu-
nity to thank them for their heroics during the
recent tragedy. He hopes that whoever carried
out the cowardly attack is brought to justice.
• If Jessica is present — which she should be
irrespective of whether the PCs calmed her
or not — it becomes apparent that the Branch
Chief’s relationship with her is almost that of
affectionate step-father and adoptive daughter.


Shrewd characters who succeed at a Daunting believes this might be why the Chief began digging
(D3) Analysis or Observation test, however, will for dirt that is just simply not there. He’s saddened
note that his affection appears faked and the to even think it, but he remembers her raw fury
warmth never quite reaches his eyes. following her last meeting with the Chief; he’d hate
• The Branch Chief will consent to a short to think that she had anything to do with her own
interview with the players, which takes place father’s death.
within his private office: a luxuriously furnished
affair containing his personal computer and the At some point, the discussion will be interrupted by
Morrison’s hereditary weapon — a Teseum hunt- the Branch Chief’s head of security, Harland Mercer
ing sword known as Swiftkill — in pride of place (Corporate Security Unit, Infinity Corebook p. 427).
on the wall above the banner of Clan Morrison. Harland will inform them that he needs to speak
with the Branch Chief about private security con-
Miles frequently refers to his computer during the cerns, and that he would like for the guests to leave.
interview; a high-tech affair beyond the means of The Branch Chief will protest and insist the PCs stay, PLAYTEST TIP
anything currently produced on Ariadna. Other items though he will ask them to leave his office. CRACKING THE
in the room, from the currently transparent view BRANCH CHIEF
screen on the wall, to the fine art on display, also This is a prime opportunity for
the characters to engage in
suggest an appeal for trappings from beyond the HARLAND MERCER, Psywar with the Branch Chief,
horizons of Dawn. CHIEF OPS, DOUBLE who has directly pitted himself
EAGLE INDUSTRIES against their wits at any stage.
The Branch Chief will inform the characters that a A cold and disciplined demeanour hides Be sure they make use of his
prosperous mining operation and the performance beneath a tailored suit that bulges with talents and spend Heat as
of the company’s investments mean that he can muscle. A concealed harness secures his pistol necessary to empower his rolls.
pass the wealth on to his employees. In turn, the beneath his suit, while a constant connection Also feel free to grant the
mine’s productivity improves or remains consistent. to the estate’s intranet provides him with Branch Chief Morale Soak and
Given time, he hopes to bring the same stability to information from its many security feeds. Intransigence bonuses based
the local region, perhaps even the entire country. If on the fact that he is currently
entrenched in the seat of his
asked of his dealings with Chief Lamont, the Branch Mercer is cold, calculating, and formidable
power. The PCs should face an
Chief will insist that he had nothing to do with the opponent who has dedicated his career to
extremely difficult, though not
man beyond his connection with the Chief’s daugh- lifting Double Eagle Industries from obscurity impossible task in cracking his
ter. Jessica informed the Branch Chief that the Chief into a prominent private security corporation. cool façade.
was jealous of his paternal relationship with her. He

Riots at DAWN 31
SCENE FOUR: • In truth, Tilda Schaumburg was surprised to
be invited to a party in held her honour, as she
THE PARTY had not considered themselves to be very close,
though she is very grateful of the privilege.
The PCs will note that they are always shadowed
by the Branch Chief’s private security as they tour • The private security firm that the Branch Chief
the grounds. Restricted to the main atrium and the seems to have on permanent retainer are not
party proper, it is soon apparent that they are under usually associated with such high-class affairs.
constant surveillance. Armed personnel purposefully Their rough reputation is also seemingly at odds
prevent the players accessing other areas — consider with the harmonious vibe emanating from the
them to benefit from the same Morale Soak and Morrison mine.
Intransigence as Miles — which leaves the PCs free
to interact with the party guests if they do not • Jessica left in a furious rush following a
intend to find another way to leave. conversation with Harland. She clearly heard
something she didn’t like.
Most of the guests themselves are in awe of the
riches and heritage on display at the estate, such
as relics from the first days of Dawn’s colonization, SUBTERFUGE AROUND
and swords and tartans taken from famous battles MORRISON
across Caledonia.
PCs wishing to leave the atrium can employ several
Although an extensive guest list is not a require- methods to gain access to other parts of the castle,
ment, the GM can use this as a perfect opportunity though elements of them all will likely be required
to plant red herrings and false trails. The PCs can both to remain undetected and garner the necessary
make several Persuade rolls to interact with the information:
guests, at a difficulty determined by the GM. If suc-
cessful, they can learn the following information: Face-to-Face Stealth test: Bypasses the guards
roaming the hallways and grants access to private
• The Branch Chief does not have many guests to corridors. For the guards, use the Spec Ops (Trooper)
his estate, and is often known to travel to the profile, Infinity Corebook p. 455.
mine to oversee his business there. Visitors to
the mine have never ventured beyond the entry Face-to-Face Persuade test: Though not impossible,
shaft however. convincing the guards to allow anyone access to

Brannigan Social Network

Holloway Chief Ops
Castle Officer Mercer

Brannigan Tilda
Schaumburg’s Morrison Mines
Police HQ

Jessica Branch Chief Fortified

Lamont Morrison Complex


the castle proper is extremely difficult. Significant Otherwise, the group are stopped not far from the
bribes may help. The PCs will also require a plausi- mine by a group of fallen logs and angry miners.
ble reason. This is a staged ambush, however, that rapidly
descends into a gunfight. As soon as the ambush
Daunting (D3) Hacking test: Allows access to the erupts, the DEI escort turn on the PCs.
lobby of the castle’s network. Each room of the
house is its own quantronic zone. The security If the PCs avoided the ambush, security at the
command and Branch Chief’s office are secured mine is on alert (providing them with one bonus
Commercial HighSec zones with a Firewall of 10 Momentum to Observation tests), but slipping in
and Intrusion Countermeasures. Both are also still a possibility. Defeating the ambush places
hidden behind data tunnels. security on high alert; two-man patrols constantly
patrol the perimeter security fence with vicious
Accessing the Branch Chief’s terminal reveals little, looking guard dogs. Gaining access in the latter case
as any files on here are backed up daily in a one- will require violent action.
way transmission to a secure server at the mine
before being wiped; he seemingly leaves little to The actual geography of the exterior surface area
chance. An email has been sent within the last hour, and mines are left open to interpretation, as they
however, informing DEI security that they will be are composed of typical elements seen often
receiving guests soon, so a warm welcome should across the centuries of humanity’s industrial era. A
be prepared. chain-link fence topped with razor wire secures the
surface perimeter, which is split in two places by
Accessing the security command zone reveals a hardened, double-manned checkpoints — one for
staff roster that not only details the rotation of entering, one for exiting. The fence forms a ‘D’ shape
DEI employees between Morrison’s estate and with the valley walls to encompass an area some
mines, but also includes routine appointments for five-hundred metres wide and a kilometre long at
language coaching and culture lessons. the widest points. A fortified guardhouse bolted
to the valley wall inside the compound sits atop a
While none of these clues expose foul play, they wide metal door that provides vehicular access to
are certainly notable for their peculiarity. Though the secure area of the mines. Apart from a secure
the player characters have gathered information fire exit serviced by steel steps, the guardhouse can
that the Branch Chief is behaving suspiciously, any only be accessed from within the secure area.
attempt to contact the High Command ends with A second gaping entrance provides access to the
them requesting more information and ordering the less secure mine; though there is plenty of foot
player characters to investigate the mines person- traffic in and out of the open entrance, the vehicular
ally. Fortuitously, the Branch Chief himself asks the flow through either entrance is curiously lacking.
PCs to apprehend Jessica, who is apparently heading The remainder of the surface compound consists of
to the mine to meet with other demonstrators accommodation for the DEI personnel and miners,
and cause mayhem. Harland’s interruption Branch shipping containers, site manager’s office, mining
Chiefier had been to inform the Branch Chief of equipment stores, and vehicular parking.
Jessica’s flight after informing her of their suspicions.
Much like the Branch Chief’s party, a combination of
infiltration techniques can go a long way to grant-
SCENE FIVE: ing the PCs access to certain areas and information:

THE BIRD IN A MINE Face-to-Face Stealth: Allows for a combination of

trickery and cunning to get the PCs past the fencing,
The PCs are escorted to the Morrison mine — which security cameras, and patrols. At the GMs discretion,
is located on the Eastern edge of the valley about Hacking or Tech tests may also be required to
four kilometres from Brannigan — by two DEI circumvent physical security measures, such as
employees. If they gained access to the Branch keypads and ID scanners.
Chief’s email, they might already be suspicious
that something is not quite right. Otherwise, Face-to-Face Persuade: Caters for the PCs bribing
permit Challenging (D2) Analysis or Observation miners into lending them work permits for the
tests to pick up on clues from the guards, such as unsecure mine. They will also need to provide a very
continually inputting data on comlogs (updating good reason for the miners to even consider risking
their location) and regularly fingering weaponry. their livelihoods.
The PCs’ best course of action would be to deal with
their escorts before approaching the mine. That way, Daunting (D3) Hacking test: All areas of the mine
while security will be on alert, it will mean they still possess quantronic zones similar to the Branch
have a chance of sneaking beyond the perimeter. Chief’s estate; Echelon upgraded the entire

Riots at DAWN 33
networks of both as an enticement measure. SUB-LEVEL 1
The surface compound consists of several zones The next level is essentially a floating level of
that represent their physical counterparts, with the catwalks and gantries that criss-cross above the
site manager’s office and guardhouse possessing third level, which is a large open pit approximately
the same traits as the Branch Chief’s office (see one-hundred metres below. Guards regularly patrol
p. 33). Hacking the guardhouse provides access to the gantries and inspect the offices and billets
the security features and systems of the entire com- bolted to the mine walls. The Branch Chief main-
plex — above and below ground — while hacking tains an office here, which includes his own private
the site manager’s office provides access to the pro- files and data. Hacking into his files will reveal his
duction facilities and safety features of the mines. depth of treachery, including everything contained
within the Background and Operational Summary
The site manager’s office contains both a physical at the start of the adventure.
and data copy of a staff roster. When cross-refer-
encing this with the security roster, it immediately Jessica is located within one of the offices, with
becomes apparent that the mine is inflating its two DEI personnel standing permanent guard. She
numbers of personnel, as the DEI — who regulate is handcuffed to a chair, her nose dripping with
their own affairs — also appear on the payroll of blood and eyes swollen shut. Letting their weapons
Morrison Mines. In actuality, much of the mining do the talking, the guards waste no time with
is automated thanks to advanced technology questions. Jessica is extremely grateful for being
provided by Echelon, but the Branch Chief is using rescued. She explains that the Branch Chief ejected
false employee details attributed to DEI employees her from the party via Harland, although she was
to make it appear as though a large manual work- swept up by security and brought to the mine. It
force is still being utilised. seems that the intent was for them all to become
tragic victims of a violent staged demonstration.
On entering the mines, it is quickly noticeable that This is an opportunity for Jessica to right any
the upper levels are largely bereft of personnel, with wrongs if the players did not talk her down during
the few at work more focused on operating or main- the confrontation during Scene 2.
taining the Teseum mining machinery than with
who is walking the mine. Armed DEI personnel roam SUB-LEVEL 2
both the secure and open mines at regular intervals, The third level is an entirely automated mining
with at least four guards located on the upper level. floor operated by robotic units. The advanced
The secure mine is completely sealed from the open machines possess sophisticated sensors and
mine by high security armoured doors. drilling equipment capable of efficiently removing
HEAT the Teseum ore from the walls. The floor currently
Refer to the Raising the Tension
sidebar, p. 35, for additional
contains a few maintenance employees, though
ideas concerning Heat THE FORTIFIED COMPLEX tread marks indicate that vehicles regularly transit
for this scene. to and from the surface level. The machinery is
The PCs should quickly realise that whatever stamped with the Echelon Mining Consortium logo,
1 Heat: Stray rounds cause a is taking place behind the secure doors of the while the accents of the maintenance label them
piece of machinery to explode, fortified area requires investigating. In addition, as off-worlders. This floor is further proof-positive
showering the area with they can trace the movements of Jessica’s comlog, that the mine is a sham designed to fool others,
shrapnel. The blast inflicts which also disappears behind the security doors. maximise profit, and further Morrison’s control of
1+3§ damage with the The entire fortified complex contains its own the Teseum mining industry.
Indiscriminate (Close)
independent network — which is essentially a
and Piercing 1 qualities.
repeat of those already encountered — that is used
2 Heat: The Druze call in some to control the workings and administration of the EXIT PROBLEMS
heavy backup in the form of mine. Currently, any data transfers between exterior
two elite Druze Shock Team networks takes place in physical form to minimise Freeing Jessica will invite new problems, as the
members (Infinity Corebook security risks. Though inefficient, Echelon consider fortified area’s network detects her movement and
p. 433). This Heat spend may the gain more beneficial than the loss until terms triggers an alert as she leaves the office. Hackers
only be made once during the for Teseum mining are secured. connected to the system can detect the trigger
Fortified Complex scene. with a Daunting (D3) Analysis test, and can shut
SURFACE LEVEL down the alarm with a similar difficulty Hacking
3 Heat: A catwalk or gantry
The surface level of the fortified complex is a huge test. Although the damage will have been done, the
collapses underfoot. Characters
on the affected section must
open cavern consisting of parking bays for large system will no longer track her movements. As soon
succeed at Challenging (D2) vehicles, long ramps to the third level, personnel as the alarm is triggered, the machinery in the mine
Acrobatics or Athletics test lifts for all levels, access to the guardhouse, and stops working and goes into emergency mode.
to avoid falling five zones stacks of crates containing various electronic and
to the floor below. robotic parts. The entire level is well-lit and moni- Shouts erupt throughout the chamber as DEI
tored, making stealth a tricky prospect. personnel converge on the area and sweep across


all three levels. Hackers examining the layout of

the fortified complex can attempt a Challenging
(D2) Analysis or Observation test to pinpoint an REVEALED RAISING THE
emergency shaft that could provide a swift exit TENSION
to aboveground, which will bypass most of the Escaping back to the city, the players must still The entire escape, from
triggering the alarm to reaching
security guards. make their case with their superiors as to Morrison’s
Brannigan safely, should be a
true intentions. The players will need to present
tense and fraught affair. Plan on
any and all evidence found. Jessica Lamont will
SCENE SIX: be intent on exposing Branch Chief Morrison as a
building in some Heat spends
prior to launching the scene
ESCAPING TO traitor. Her ire translates to her fellow campaign-
ers, who immediately seek to storm the Branch
and consider adding Heat to
the pool for a pre-specified
SAFETY Chief’s estate. increment of time that elapses
(which can also increase in
Depending on whether the PCs have secured copies Local media provide continual coverage of amount of Heat/decrease in
of Branch Chief Morrison’s personal files, escaping fighting in the streets, as soldiers from the length of time as the scene
develops). Also consider some
to safety should now be the priority. Double Eagle Caledonian Volunteer Corps move door- to-door
double-bluffs, perhaps in the
Industries locks down the area around the mine in search of remaining DEI personnel. Most form of additional miners out
and deploys its troops in a massive manhunt of the mercenaries surrender and many claim seeking Jessica’s whereabouts;
for the players. If Harland is still alive, he will ignorance to recent events, but that is of little are they really miners, or more
arrive and take charge of the situation personally. consequence to the Caledonians who take them DEI personnel in disguise? Prep
Knowing that they cannot allow the operatives prisoner. Several large explosions rumble across ahead a little and keep the
to escape with the information they have gained, the valley in quick succession, with follow-up tension high!
Echelon deploys a squad of DEI mercenaries in reports stating that the Morrison Mines have
heavy combat gear (Spec Ops, Heavy — Infinity been destroyed in a series of violent explosions.
Corebook p. 455) to the area with orders to simply There are claims of natural gas leaks, though
eliminate Jessica and the PCs. most believe it a ploy by the clan to destroy
any evidence.
Average (D1) Hacking test: Monitoring DEI com-
munications reveals they are blocking all public Miles Morrison and the Druze become ghosts.
broadcasts in the area. Overriding the jamming Caledonian troops arrive at Loc Holloway to
requires access to the exterior surface compound, find the ancestral manse a smouldering
a Challenging (D2) Tech or Daunting (D3) Hacking wreck, many of its records and relics destroyed.
test, and several minutes of tinkering (although Whispers report that the Volunteer Corps
Momentum may reduce this.) found one only one item intact: the ceremonial
sword of the Morrison Clan, defiantly standing
Daunting (D3) Hacking or Tech test: Provides point down in the brickwork of the Branch
access to the fortified compound’s lift system and Chief ’s office.
armoured doorways, including the emergency shaft
if pinpointed. Miles and his allies become something of a
focus for anger for the immediate region,
The players will need to figure out a way to survive causing protests and rallies to lose momentum.
a four-kilometre trip to Brannigan. All public Trust between mine owners and their employees
transportation has been suspended, with DEI com- must be rebuilt, with some mediation required;
mandeering vehicles and blocking all major roads. not something the Caledonians are renowned
Large trucks and vehicles can be taken from the for. The power vacuum left behind by the
surface compound, though they serve as painfully beheading of two major families has many of
slow-moving targets. Making their way back to the the local clans at each other’s throats, with
city and getting in touch with the Ariadnan military many bracing themselves for further suffering.
garrison is the only way to ensure protection from For yourselves, however, the mission is over.
Echelon, but only if they can survive. The mercenar- A shuttle is en route from Concilium, and your
ies tracking them are trained killers and veterans next mission awaits.
of numerous off-world campaigns, but the players
have their own guide and an advantage in that the With the death of her father, Jessica must also
mercenaries do not know the terrain that well. rebuild her family’s shattered political strength
and hope to reunite the people of Brannigan. The
The flight to Brannigan can be resolved through players will find a powerful ally in the form of the
a number of face-to-face tests to avoid discovery, Jessica and great respect from their superiors for
including a combination of skills such as Stealth to exposing the corruption. They will also have
hide from patrols, Athletics to outdistance them, or gained the eternal enmity of both Echelon and
Survival to leave no trail to follow. the Morrisons.

Riots at DAWN 35


Father-Officer Tomás Álvarez, Knight of Santiago Álvarez is actually a Yu Jing double agent, and has
and decorated Bureau Noir agent, is missing. He been since the NeoColonial Wars, when he served
vanished from the Paradiso front, where he has in Human Edge on the Santiago strike cruiser Son
served with distinction since the Combined Army of Thunder. He was ordered to sabotage the ship
invasion. Now, weeks since his disappearance, he and relay its position to a waiting Yu Jing squadron.
has been sighted on the Shuyè (Night Vigil) The PanOceanian cruiser was destroyed, Álvarez the
Orbital in Human Edge. Shuyè is Yu Jing’s portal only survivor. Now, he has learned that a salvage
to the Abyss wormhole, and Paradiso beyond it. company called Manta is recovering NeoColonial
What is Álvarez doing there? War wreckage, and Son of Thunder is on their list.

Fearing evidence recovered from Son of Thunder

OPERATIONAL will blow his cover, Álvarez has returned to Human
Edge. He is running an operation to destroy Manta
SUMMARY Salvage, fomenting a workers revolt, which will cul-
minate in the bombing of the partially-constructed
A burst of biometric data from the Shuyè Orbital Manta Salvage Platform. He plans to use the revolt
has alerted Bureau Noir to Álvarez’s presence as a cover to slip a software agent into Manta’s
on the station. The player characters are quickly quantronic network, stealing Son of Thunder’s
dispatched to locate and retrieve him. location and wiping all evidence of its existence.


Álvarez is aided by the Shuyè Orbital head of

security and clandestine Imperial Agent, Chief Lin
Jing-Wei, and a freelance hacker known as Quiver. ALEPH: Father-Officer Tomás Álvarez’s service history with the Knights of
The PCs may learn some or all of Álvarez’s history Santiago is a mystery. Obtain his service record, without alerting the Knights.
and plans through these accomplices. Their inves-
tigations will eventually lead them to the Manta Ariadna: Use the opportunity of a PanOceanian knight onboard a Yu Jing orbital
Salvage Platform in the middle of a full-blown to engineer an international incident, creating the impression that one of the
riot, and from there to the wreckage of the Son great powers is spying on the other.
of Thunder.
Haqqislam/Corporations: Shuyè is a commercial hub outside the Abyss worm-
hole, competing with the local caravanserai for trade. The Yu Jing-controlled
BACKGROUND orbital offers a suite of high-security conference rooms for hire. You are ordered
to bug these rooms.
Human Edge is the frontier of human colonisation.
Residents live and work in orbitals and asteroid Nomads: The Nomad motherships are hearing rumours of mistreatment of
colonies, stripping the system of its immense min- Nomad zero-g construction workers by a company based on Shuyè: Manta
eral riches. The system’s star, Astraeus, is prone to Salvage. Make contact with the workers, and determine if the rumours are true.
violent storms that lash the human colonies with If so, and at your discretion, call in heavy support from Corregidor.
deadly radiation.
PanOceania: Shuyè is the closest Yu Jing-controlled orbital to the Abyss worm-
The scenario takes place in three orbitals close to hole. Imperial Agents must pass through the orbital en route to the Paradiso
the Abyss wormhole connecting Human Edge to front. You are supplied with an autonomous software agent, to install in the Yu
Paradiso. The Shuyè (Night Vigil) Orbital is a Yu Jing security network, which will identify these agents. This requires gaining
Jing-owned commercial hub, depopulated since the access to the local secure datasphere. A Hacking task determines how effectively
war broke out on Paradiso. The Monastery-Orbital the software agent has been hidden.
of Saint Anne is home to the Holy Military Order
of the Knights of Santiago, and the place where Yu Jing: It’s suspected that Álvarez may be attempting to defect to the Jade
Father-Officer Álvarez was trained. Finally, the Empire. Facilitate that if possible, while ensuring that there is reasonable doubt
Manta Salvage Platform is a partially-constructed about his affiliation. (This is a cover story, as the PC lacks clearance to know that
industrial facility. Álvarez is already a double agent.)

ÁLVAREZ’S PLAN Submondo: A local hacker operating under the codename “Quiver” has gotten
When the PCs arrive on Shuyè, Álvarez has been into some sort of trouble and sent out a distress call through submondo chan-
at work for a few weeks. He has convinced many nels. She wants help getting off Shuyè station.
blue-collar Manta workers that the company is
taking shortcuts on safety, and plans to cut their Mercenaries: There are rumours that the Manta Salvage Company, with offices
benefits. His claims are supported by forged on Shuyè, has been experiencing workers protests. Try to open the doors for a
documents created by the freelance hacker Quiver. security contract. (If this requires you to nudge the locals into action, so be it.)
With the assistance of Chief Lin Jing-Wei, head
of Shuyè security, he has stolen explosives from
a Bannockburn Consolidated Mining ship and Edge’s sun, Astraeus. They load the stolen explo-
stashed them in Shuyè’s Cargo Bay 4. His plan will sives aboard the fast transport ship Dokkaebi. MINOR ENCOUNTER
proceed as follows, unless the players interfere: SECURITY
Manta Riots: Astraeus erupts with an immense RESPONSE
Meeting Quiver: Álvarez meets with Quiver in her solar storm. Álvarez uploads the final pieces of If Álvarez or Chief Lin feel the
PCs have become a serious
berth to collect the last of the forged propaganda forged propaganda to Maya, announcing to the
threat, they will attempt to
targeting Manta and an autonomous software world that Manta has ordered its workers to con-
deal with it. This can include a
agent that will steal the coordinates of the Son of tinue zero-g operations during the solar storm. squad of Lin Jing-Wei’s officers
Thunder from the Manta datasphere. in plainclothes. (Use the stats
• Riots break out at the Manta Salvage Platform. for elite Police from the Infinity
Quiver Betrayed: Lin Jing-Wei sends one of her • The Dokkaebi travels to the Platform. Using the Corebook, p. 449.)
officers (Takenori Hara) to kill Quiver and clean riot as cover, Álvarez leads his squad of Shuyè
up loose ends. Quiver turns the table on the security personnel to the Manta command
assassin, smashes all of her equipment, and seeks centre. There, he plants the autonomous soft-
to flee Shuyè. ware agent, steals the location of Son of Thunder,
and destroys the command centre.
Loading the Dokkaebi: Álvarez, disguised as Zareh
Willingham, meets with disgruntled Manta workers Son of Thunder: Álvarez abandons his supporters,
in Cargo Bay 4 on Shuyè. He informs them of the dons his armour, and takes the Dokkaebi to the Son
plan to riot during the next solar storm of Human of Thunder alone.


ÁLVAREZ’S YU Once the PCs learn of the Son of Thunder, there are • He has disguised himself as zero-g demolitions
any number of ways in which they could learn the worker Zareh Willingham, and joined the Manta
Chief Lin Jing-Wei has
provided Álvarez with a team official story of what happened to the ship: Salvage workforce.
of four Shuyè security officers. • If apprehended by the PCs, Álvarez will not nec-
They are operating under • It was destroyed in Human Edge during the First essarily immediately fight. He is a consummate
civilian disguises. Use the NeoColonial War. Bureau Noir operative, and a long-term double
stats for elite Police from the • The ship was attacked by a fleet of six Yu Jing agent. He will play on gaps in the player char-
Infinity Corebook (p. 449) destroyers. acters’ understanding of the situation, poke at
• Father-Knight Álvarez was the only survivor. His conflicts within the team, and offer a legitimate
escape pod was picked up by the prospecting explanation for his return to the Son of Thunder.
vessel Silent Skies. He later returned to the • Álvarez’s Story: The Son of Thunder was sab-
Monastery-Orbital of Saint Anne, his base of otaged by an early Combined Army incursion,
operations during the war, aboard a civilian ship. decades before their invasion of Paradiso. Manta
• A cursory investigation was conducted by Salvage has been compromised by the Combined
Father Ignacio María Rabal (who is now the Army and are trying to retrieve their hibernating
Commodore-Abbot in charge of Saint Anne), saboteur on the ship.
resulting in Father Álvarez being summarily • If confronted with evidence of his Yu Jing
cleared of any responsibility. connections, Álvarez may attempt to claim he’s
actually working as a triple agent.
Poking at this story won’t reveal anything particu-
larly amiss, but it’s also difficult to delve deeper: The
Silent Skies was registered in Human Edge, but dis- TROOPER
appeared during the war (presumably as collateral
damage). No Yu Jing vessels ever claimed responsi- FR-OFFICER TOMÁS ÁLVAREZ
bility for the destruction of the Son of Thunder. Only
the Monastery-Orbital still exists (see Scene 3).
10 9 13 8 10 12 12
TOMÁS ÁLVAREZ Combat +5 2 Movement +2 2 Social +3 3
Fortitude +3 3 Senses +1 — Technical — —
Short, stocky, and powerful. Buzz-cut greying hair. DEFENCES
Skin so smooth it suggests reconstructive surgery. Firewall 10 Resolve 15 Vigour 16
Security — Morale 4 Armour 5
• Demeanour shifts rapidly, from friendly jocularity • Teseum Sword: Melee, 1+11§, Unbalanced, Piercing 2, Parry 2,
to stern command. Vicious 1
• Makes regular physical contact: clapping shoul- • Combi Rifle: Range C/M,1+6§, Burst 2, 2H, Expert 1, Vicious 1
ders, shaking hands, touching the people he is GEAR: Military Order Powered Combat Armour[PanOceania] +
talking with. Tactical Scabbard for blade, D-Charges
• Never stays long. Connects people, plants ideas, SPECIAL ABILITIES
PLAYTEST TIP then makes his excuses and leaves. • Menacing 2: When Álvarez enters the scene in his Powered Armour,
REASONABLE immediately add 2 points to the Heat pool.
DOUBT BACKGROUND • Master Manipulator: Álvarez generates an additional 2 Momentum
This mission works best if the Álvarez is a decorated Knight of Santiago, an expe- on Persuade tests.
players are genuinely unsure rienced Bureau Noir operative, and a Yu Jing double • Bureau Noir Tactics: Álvarez is a seasoned Bureau Noir agent. He
what to think about Álvarez’s agent. His treasonous actions during the First gains 2 bonus Momentum on tests to spot ambushes or resist
disappearance. Is he pursuing a NeoColonial War have finally come back to haunt manipulation by Bureau Noir agents. In addition, he gains +2§ on
personal mission or vendetta? him. A month ago, Álvarez received word through Psywar attacks against Bureau Noir agents.
Is he being manipulated, or • Sword of the Spirit: Álvarez can reroll up to 3§ when making a
his long-dormant Yu Jing network that the wreck
forced to act against orders? melee attack, but must accept the new results. Additionally, each
Could he have been replaced
of the Son of Thunder had been found by a salvage point of Heat or Momentum spent to gain additional dice for a Close
by an impersonator, or even company. He immediately set out for Human Edge, Combat test provides two d20s, instead of one. Finally, when making
a Speculo Killer? Is he acting to clear away any incriminating evidence and free an attack with the Close Combat skill, each point of Momentum spent
on legitimate Bureau Noir himself to continue his crusade against the alien to deal bonus damage adds two points of damage, instead of one.
business that he cannot invaders on Paradiso. NOTES: Álvarez’s Powered Armour’s Exoskeleton 3 quality is
report to his superiors factored into his weapon damage. Outside of his armour, reduce the
for some reason? Additional biographical details on Álvarez can be damage by 3§.
found in the Mission Briefing, p. 39



The Player Characters receive their briefing as DATE OF BIRTH: 1 OCT 22 NC

an encrypted burst transmission. The message is PLACE OF BIRTH: Saint Anfarth Workers Collective, Human Edge
provided as the handout on this page, which can be | Orphaned |
given to the Players. INDUCTED: 4 APR 37 NC
| Location: Monastery-Orbital of Saint-Anne, Human Edge |
SERVICE NO. 67-A-8945


ENCRYPTED BRIEFING BEGINS >> Human Edge 5 APR 37 8 OCT 37 | Novice |

Mentor: Ignacio María Rabal, current

One month ago, Father-Officer Tomás Álvarez
Commodore-Abbot at Monastery-Orbital of Saint-Anne
agent of Bureau Noir, disappeared from his post
on Paradiso without warning or prior approval.
His whereabouts since that time are unknown. 9 OCT 37 5 MAY 38 Squire, 3rd Class
Earth 6 MAY 38 27 DEC 40 | Squire, 2nd Class |
Nineteen hours ago, O-12 automated monitoring
received a | biometric reading | Ribbon: Commendation of Piety
indicating that Álvarez was on | Shuyè |
28 DEC 40 18 MAY 41 Squire, 1st Class
Location: Human Edge, Shuyè (Night Vigil) Orbital, Yu Jing controlled Human Edge 19 MAY 41 5 AUG 42 Squire, 1st Class
Abyss Wormhole proximity
6 AUG 42 3 MAR 43 | Father-Knight |

No subsequent data have been received. Service medal: Second NeoColonial War
Either Álvarez is still on Shuyè,
or the data are being tampered with. Neoterra 3 MAR 43 7 JAN 44 Father-Knight
Sol 8 JAN 44 17 SEP 44 | Father-Knight |
Be aware: Álvarez is a skilled Bureau Noir agent,
and a Knight of Santiago with Service medal: Final NeoColonial War
considerable | combat experience | Service record classified by Hexahedron

OBJECTIVES >> Varuna 18 SEP 44 28 APR 45 Father-Knight

PRIMARY OBJECTIVES Paradiso 29 APR 45 15 JUN 51 | Father-Officer |

Locate Father-Officer Tomás Álvarez.
Service medal: First NeoColonial War
Bring him in for debriefing.
Medal: Cross of Naval Commendation
16 JUN 51 INACTIVE | Honourably released
Determine the reason for Father-Officer
from active duty |
Tomás Álvarez’s disappearance.
Verify that his actions since disappearance Medal: Cross of Meritorious Service
do not pose a security risk. List of career commendations and medals

<< ENCRYPTED BRIEFING ENDS Earth 5 FEB 55 31 DEC 58 Father-Instructor

1 JAN 59 INACTIVE Honourably


• First class close quarters fighter, both on the ground and in zero-g 60 NC: Transferred to Paradiso during | First Offensive |
• Command experience, in both naval and intelligence contexts
• Quantronic skills identified as below average Classified: Bureau Noir Service Record: double alpha plus





Chief Lin Jing-Wei keeps a SHOUYE ORBITAL AGI AWA
careful eye on all traffic aboard
9 12 8 10 11 8 12
Shuyè. If the player characters
Shuyè is a string of connected pods and cubes,
attempt to travel incognito, FIELDS OF EXPERTISE
their cover identities will be
wrapped around itself like a folded protein. It
looks vaguely organic. Inside, this impression Combat +1 — Movement +2 — Social +3 2
carefully scrutinised when they
arrive. The GM can also spend disappears entirely. Shuyè protects itself from Fortitude +3 1 Senses +4 3 Technical +1 —
a point of Heat to probe their Astraeus’ intense storms in the simplest way
identities again, if the player possible: with layer upon layer of radiation
Firewall 12 Resolve 15 Vigour 11
characters undertake any shielding. There are no windows, no vistas of
public activities. Security 4 Morale — Armour 1
space. In an attempt to enliven the environment,
every surface is plastered with flexiscreens, neon ATTACKS
graffiti, flickering signs and advertisements. • Standard Pistol Range C, 1+6§ damage, Burst 1, 1H, Close Quarters,
Vicious 1
The agents are greeted in the Shuyè Orbital entry GEAR: Analysis Suite, Armoured Clothing, Comlog, Security Cuffs
hall by Chief Lin Jing-Wei, head of station security. SPECIAL ABILITIES
Polite but cold, she welcomes the PCs, but does • Eye in the Sky: Chief Lin is the head of Shuyè station security. Her
not volunteer any additional support. If asked, she sensors cover the entire station. Spend 1 Heat to have at least one
claims not to know Álvarez, or his whereabouts. sensor in the current scene, allowing her to use her Analysis Suite.
• Imperial Agent: Chief Lin’s data is locked behind high grade
encryption. This grants her Security 4.
At the earliest opportunity, Chief Lin shows the
• Station Security (1 Heat): A chief of security, Lin can rapidly summon
agents to quarters she has reserved for them, station security. Instead of their usual cost, she can spend 1 Heat
in the diplomatic sector. She then makes her to summon two Trooper or one Elite reinforcement. (Use stats for
excuses — important station duties — and leaves. trooper or elite Police from the Infinity Corebook, p. 449.)

CHIEF LIN JING-WEI She is deeply curious about Álvarez — his purpose in
Human Edge, and what the Son of Thunder means to
APPEARANCE him. Nevertheless, she is rigidly loyal, and does not
Surprisingly tall. Her station security uniform is ask questions that she considers beyond her remit.
immaculately turned out— the flashing lights of
Shuyè’s public spaces glint off her shining buttons KEY INFO
and rank insignia. • Knows that Álvarez is a Yu Jing agent, operating
on board the station under the alias Zareh
• Wears a look of frowning concentration. • Is aware that Álvarez has some connection to
• Expects to be obeyed; if not, responds angrily. the Son of Thunder, via a standing order in the
• Appears to have a remarkably cosmopolitan Imperial Agent Section to report any mentions of
attitude to foreigners aboard her Orbital; in the vessel.
actual fact, this is precisely because foreigners • Has supplied Álvarez with station security access
are her targets. codes, and four loyal security officers to act as
his personal squad.
BACKGROUND • Is covering up the theft of Bannockburn
Lin Jing-Wei is a low-ranking member of the Consolidated Mining explosives on behalf of
Imperial Agent Section. Lacking political con- Álvarez. She knows that they have simply been
nections, her chances of advancing beyond the shuffled into an incorrectly-labelled storage
Zhànyīng rank are vanishingly small. Nevertheless, closet in Cargo Bay 4.
she seeks to prove herself through diligent service. • Will not allow access to Yu Jing’s security servers
under any circumstances. (She doesn’t want
Chief Lin was born on Shentang, and transferred Quiver’s tampering to be discovered.)
to Human Edge to take up her current post. She is
rigid but fair with her staff, and they have grown
to trust her, if not exactly love her. Aside from LOCAL GOSSIP
maintaining station security, her role is to pass
information that may be relevant to the Imperial Characters investigating the orbital for any unusual
Agent Section up the chain of command, and to activity can make an Average (D1) Pesuade test. On
support any operatives passing through the Orbital. a success, they glean one of the following pieces of


information, plus one additional piece of informa- • Father-Knight Álvarez has limited access. He can
tion per Momentum spent: log into the Security Mainframe (Zone 3), but can
only access the Security Cameras (Zone 6). UNION THUGS
• There is a protest at Manta Salvage headquar- The Manta Salvage workers are
ters, in the Shuyè commercial sector. Workers ADVERSARIES touchy, and used to oppressive
are harassing Manta executives as they enter There is a Security LAI constantly monitoring the Yu Jing security. If they notice
the players poking around their
and leave, about labour and safety conditions. system (use LAI stats from the Infinity Corebook,
protest, they may leap to the
The protest leader is a man named Zareh p. 443). Assume it’s in a random zone at the begin- conclusion that they’re secret
Willingham. It is unusual that station authorities ning of any hack. police, and take measures
haven’t put an end to it. to stop them. If Álvarez has
Guo Shi Kwan is the local infoperator (use the stats learned that the players are
• A week ago, a large quantity of mining explo- for an Evo Trooper from the Infinity Corebook, p. pursuing him, he’ll encourage
sives was stolen. Despite angry petitioning 433). There’s a 25% chance he’s actively monitoring violent action.
from Bannockburn Consolidated Mining, station the system at any given time, and he’ll immediately
security Chief Lin Jing-Wei doesn’t seem to be log in if the LAI summons him or any other alert
particularly interested in investigating the theft. is sounded.

• The Abyss wormhole is about to be permanently NETWORK MAP

closed by an ALEPH super-weapon, or it’s about General Features: Every zone except Zone 1 has
to be breached by a Combined Army battle fleet, Commercial HighSec (granting +2§ Interference
or StateEmpire-sanctioned smugglers are using Soak to users with proper authentication).
it to sneak stolen Combined Army artefacts, or....
Zone 1 — Maya Portal: This is the public portal
• The Pride of Victoria, a mining exploration ship, for station security. It has press releases, contact
has disappeared. Shuyè was its last known port information, functions for reporting emergencies,
of call. and the like.
• Access Point: As a public portal, this zone is easy
to access from the orbital’s datasphere.
SHOUYE ORBITAL Zone 2 — Security Gateway (Secured: Firewall 8):
The station security network is heavily protected SECURITY
SECURITY from outside intrusion. PERSONNEL
The Shuyè security offices are
To extract any information from Shuyè Orbital — Zone 3 — Security Mainframe: This is the central typically guarded by a squad
its datasphere, or its security offices —the agents hub of the Shuyè security network. of five people. Use elite Police
will need to break and enter. • IC-1 Crybaby: If a check to penetrate the Crybaby from the Infinity Corebook, p. 449.
fails, it notifies the Security LAI.
The Shuyè security network
• Data Tunnel to Dock Management: This data
is monitored by one sysop,
SHOUYÈ SECURITY tunnel has been hidden, requiring an Average with two others on call if
NETWORK (D1) Analysis test to detect. backup is required. Use the
Wardriver from p. 461 of the
Penetrating the Shuyè security network can Zone 4—Authentication Server (Firewall 15): Infinity Corebook, equipped with
allow PCs to lay bare many of the secrets of the As a Breach Effect, this server can issue valid Defensive Hacking Devices.
conspiracy confronting them. authentication for the Shuyè security network.
• IC-2 Crybaby: If a check to penetrate this
SYSTEM AUTHENTICATION Crybaby fails, it notifies the Security LAI and
There are four pertinent authentications active on Guo Shi Kwan. PLAYTEST TIP
Shuyè network. CONFERENCE
Zone 5— Station Monitoring (Firewall 6): All the ROOM BUGS
• Security Agents have basic User authentication. data collected from Shuyè security scanners is If the player characters attempt
They can use the access points on their comlog stored here, including biometric data. to install bugs in the Shuyè
(Zone 10) to access the Security Mainframe • Conference Room Bugs: Carefully-indexed conference rooms they will
immediately discover Chief Lin
(Zone 3), Station Monitoring (Zone 5), and the recordings of meetings from the Shuyè con-
Jing-Wei’s listening devices.
Security Cameras (Zone 6). ference rooms reveal that Chief Lin has them They provide an access point to
bugged. An Analysis (D1) test notes that one the station security network (via
• Chief Lin has Superuser authentication. She has code has been tagged with an unusual code: A Node 5— Station Monitoring),
complete access to the entire system. delegation of Knights of Santiago (Commodore- and can be identified as Yu
Abbot Rabal, accompanied by Brothers Quinn Jing-made with Average (D1)
• Guo Shi Kwan has Admin authentication, but and Cotsios) met with representatives from Tech or Thievery tests.
cannot access Chief Lin’s personal files (Zone 8). Manta Salvage (led by Choice Lennert, Manta


Shouyé Quantronic Network 10.
Security KEY
9. Access
10. Other Point
Security Security
Comlog Staff Data
Quiver’s 9. Tunnel
Data Tunnel 8. Chief Lin Security
See Scene 4 Staff
2. Security 7. Staff 10.
Gateway Partitions Comlog
1. Maya 3. Security Other
Portal Mainframe Security
5 Station Data 10.
Tunnel Security
Monitoring Comlog

6 Security 4. 11. Dock

Cameras Management

Chief of Ops). Lin has flagged the mention of Son • Quiver’s Data Tunnel: This automatically
of Thunder in the recording. bypasses the IC-3 Crybaby, and is only accessible
• Quiver’s Software Agent: An Average (D1) Analysis if Quiver’s system has been reassembled.
test (either while deliberately scanning the
system or as part of any attempt to access the Zone 9 — Other Security Staff (Secured: Firewall 3):
biometric data) detects Quiver’s software agent. Accounts belonging to security personnel assigned
Spending 1 Momentum also identifies what the to assist Álvarez will have communication logs
agent is doing (monitoring and deleting Álvarez’ indicating that those orders came from Chief Lin.
biometric data) and also detects it is attempting
to transmit data (the system on the other end Zone 10 — Security Comlogs
appears to be down, but can be traced to a phys- • Access Point: Comlogs carried by security
ical location—Scene Four: Quiver’s Quarters). The personnel (including Chief Lin) provide potential
agent can be deactivated with an Average (D1) access points to the security network.
Hacking test, in which case the station will again
start registering Álvarez (although the data will Zone 11 — Dock Management: This system man-
be associated with “Zareh Willingham”). ages customs and immigration manifests for the
Shuyè docks.
Zone 6— Security Cameras (Secured: Firewall 8): • Challenging (D2) Analysis: The manifests have
• Access Point: Every security camera on Shuyè been tampered with. All data on Docking Bay 4
provides a potential access point. has been deleted, and the bay itself is marked as
“Under Maintenance”. (This is where Álvarez’ ship,
Zone 7— Staff Partitions: Data storage for security the Dokkaebi, is berthed and the stolen explosives
staff is sub-divided by user. From this node, hackers are hidden.) The equipment for detecting explo-
can obtain a complete list of all Shuyè security sives in Docking Bay 4 have also been shut off.

Zone 8— Chief Lin (Secured: Firewall 6): Lin CHIEF LIN’S OFFICE
Jing-Wei’s partition is encrypted. An Average (D1)
Analysis test recognizes the codes as belonging to Chief Lin’s office is located in a secured bubble
the Yu Jing Imperial Agent Section. Without access a short distance from the main docks. Breaking
to the codes, decrypting her system is a Daunting in is relatively straightforward — a Challenging
(D3) Analysis task. (On a success, see sidebar.) (D2) Thievery test bypasses any physical security
• IC-3 Crybaby: If a check to penetrate this Crybaby measures. Doing so without being detected is much
fails, it notifies Lin Jing-Wei. harder, requiring Daunting (D3) Stealth tests.

Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
Every man is, I believe, a gourmand at heart, but the
chance of being a glutton does not come to all. Greystock
gave my husband plenty of opportunities of indulging his
liking for dainties; and when Ronald and I ate at our table
together, I had to listen to long lectures on the art of
cooking. They were not uninstructive lectures; most women
will do well to listen when a lord of the creation discourses
of roast and boiled, sauce and gravy; but the consciousness
of an empty purse made all this talk a weariness to we.
Worse than a weariness—it was a pain.

One July afternoon, when I was sitting at the open

window with my eternal mending work, a drowsiness began
to steal over me, and my hands dropped heavily on my lap.
It was a hot day; far off in country places the corn was
ripening fast, and scarlet poppies were flaunting among the
golden grain. I shut my eyes and called up a vision of the
arbour at the end of my grandfather's garden—a veritable

"Where honeysuckles, ripened by the sun,

Forbid the sun to enter."

Once more I seemed to tread the long grass-path that

led to the bower; once more a rush of perfume,
intoxicatingly sweet, swept over me, and filled me with
delight. Again the overblown damask roses shed a shower
of petals at my feet, and the large white lilies stood in
stately file on each side of the old walk. I was back again in
the delicious, dreamy place where my childish days were
spent, and all the cares of the present life were forgotten
and blotted out, when a loud, harsh noise suddenly broke
the spell.

It was only a double knock, but who does not know how
unwelcome such a sound may be in the middle of an
afternoon nap? Sleep was not such a common blessing that
I could afford to lose ever so little of it. Many wakeful nights
had made a few moments of oblivion as precious as gold;
my sojourn in happy dreamland might have done me a
world of good, if it had not been cut short.

Just as the parlour door was flung open, I started up,

suddenly conscious that I was in a most ungraceful attitude.
Seated in our only easy chair, I had put my feet up on
another, and on this extemporised couch I had enjoyed an
interval of most blissful repose. There are few who have not
experienced the intense sweetness of that sleep which
comes to us at unexpected times, and in somewhat
inconvenient places—a sweetness which we often miss
when we lie down on the orthodox couch at night, and
anxiously await the coming of the drowsy god. Even now,
when heart and brain are at rest, I can remember those
snatches of perfect forgetfulness of this life and its sordid
troubles, and I like to fancy that they were sent to me by a
Divine kindness.

Half-bewildered, and still entangled in the web of

dreams, I rose, and found myself face to face with William

"I am afraid I have startled you, Mrs. Hepburne," he

said, in a voice which was lunch softer than his usual tone.
"You have not been well, I hear—indeed, you are not
looking strong."
There was something almost tender in the fixed look of
his dark eyes; but it was a tenderness that did not draw me
towards him for a moment.

"No, I am not very strong," I admitted, simply. "My

husband's illness was long and trying, you know, and
anxiety wore me out."

"You are very much changed."

The words seemed to fall involuntarily from his lips, and

the pity in his face stung me.

"I was prepared for changes when I married," I said,

coldly. "Every girl is. I never expected to go on leading the
easy do-nothing life I lived with Lady Waterville."

"Ah, yes! You got tired of that life. You even preferred
trouble to monotony; that's always the way with women."

"Isn't it the way with men also?" I asked, with a smile.

"That was said like Miss Coverdale—you were always

fond of putting questions. Well, no; I believe women care
more about excitement than we do, that's the truth."

"I don't agree with you," I replied, shaking my head.

"But we won't begin one of our old interminable arguments
—besides, a good deal of the spirit of contradiction has died
out of me. How is Lady Waterville?"

"Very well; and yet I don't know that I ought to say

'very well.' She is far too stout and apathetic to be in
perfect health."

"But she has been stout and apathetic for any number
of years, and the condition seems to agree with her," I said.
"I haven't lost one bit of my old affection for her, Mr.
Greystock, although I suppose she never will forgive me."

He laughed, but the pitying look was still in his eyes. "I
think she has forgiven you in her heart," he answered. "But
sometimes forgiveness is never acknowledged in a lifetime.
It is only revealed when death has 'set his seal' upon the
lips. Poor Lady Waterville! She has missed you."

My eyes filled with tears; for a moment I could not


"The forsaken are apt to be bitter," he went on. "You

have, beyond other women, a power of winning love which
is past explaining. Do not be surprised if people get angry
at finding that they have been despoiled of your affection—
even an unconscious despoiler cannot hope to escape

"A very unjust indignation," I said, faintly.

"Perhaps it is," he admitted, in a quiet voice. "But it is

no light trial to see all the richest offerings heaped upon the
shrine of a saint who accepts them with cold complacency.
We, whose altars are bare, would have given worlds for a
single gem or flower."

The words sent a thrill of sharp pain through my heart.

Had he observed that growing coldness of which I had been
conscious in Ronald? Did he know that my husband had
turned back in spirit to a woman whom he had loved before
he had ever seen me?

The jealousy which was silently burning deep down at

the bottom of my soul, had consumed all my peace. I could
not speak of it to any one, but I was always haunted by a
vague notion that Ronald saw Ida Lorimer often, and found
a delight in her society that he had ceased to find in mine.

There was a pause, and I sat waiting almost

breathlessly for William Greystock's next words, feeling
miserably afraid that he would say something to confirm my

"Ronald's handiwork, I see," he remarked, going close

to the chimney-piece to inspect the tambourine. "How
clever he is in doing this kind of thing! Miss Lorimer is
making some progress under his instruction, but she has
not much taste."

He spoke in a natural, easy tone, as if he had taken it

for granted that I knew all about the intimacy between my
husband and Ida Lorimer. I turned faint and sick, and my
voice sounded strangely harsh when I spoke.

"I did not know that Ronald was giving lessons," I said,

"Did you not?" William turned, and looked at me with a

smile. "Yes, he is not a bad teacher, I believe. But, Mrs.
Hepburne, I am forgetting the object of my visit; I came to
invite you to a picnic at Richmond. Ronald is coming, of
course, and I hope you will be persuaded to join us."

How could he smile so blandly when my poor distressed

face was fronting his? Either he was utterly obtuse, or he
was taking a positive pleasure in my sufferings.

I did not want to go to Richmond—I did not want to go

anywhere—the desire to see green trees and fields was still
strong within me, but I longed to be alone in the old haunts
of my childhood, in scenes which were unconnected with
the love and pain of my later life. Yet how could I refuse an
invitation which had been already accepted by my husband?

"I am a very poor creature now-a-days," I said, with a

miserable attempt to speak lightly. "People who go to
picnics ought to be good walkers, and have a fund of animal
spirits. I am not gay enough to join your party, Mr.

Again there was a softening in his voice, and an

indescribable look of tenderness in his face which made him
far handsomer than I had ever seen him before.

"Does one only want gay companions?" he asked. "I

think not. For my own part, I turn with relief to some one
who is not gay, some one who can sympathise with my own
gravity of temperament. Take pity on me then, Mrs.
Hepburne, and spare me a few hours of your society next

Still I hesitated, wondering why he pressed the point.

"The air will do you good," he continued, earnestly.

"And I will take care that you are not bored or persecuted in
any way. Then, too, there are Ronald's wishes to be
considered: he says you are shutting yourself up too much."

"Did he say that?" I demanded, eagerly.

"Indeed he did," Those inscrutable dark eyes were

looking deep into mine. "Is it not natural that he should be
anxious about his wife's health and spirits, and natural, too,
that he should sometimes speak his thoughts to till old

I reflected for a moment.

William Greystock's words sounded kind and
reasonable, and I was secretly glad to know that Ronald
had displayed some anxiety on my account.

"I will come to your picnic, Mr. Greystock," I said at last.

"It is kind of you to take an interest in me. Perhaps my
husband is right; I have given way too much to depression,
and have stayed too long in the house."

He thanked me, gravely and courteously, and then

quietly went his way.


WHEN Ronald came in, I told him at once of William

Greystock's visit, and added that I had accepted the

"Have you? I said to Greystock that I was sure you

would not go," remarked my husband, taking up his old
station on the hearth with his back to the empty grate.

"I thought you would be vexed if I refused," I rejoined,

watching him keenly as I spoke.

"It would vex me still more if you did anything that you
hated doing, Louie. And lately you have shown such a
dislike to society that—"

"That I had better keep out of it, Ronald? Well, it isn't

too late to send an excuse."

"Nonsense," he answered, irritably; "Greystock would

think you mad. Only, as you have promised to go, do try to
enter into the spirit of the thing. Leave your little worries at
home, and enjoy yourself with the others."

At that moment I wished passionately that I had sent

William Greystock away with decided negative. Ronald did
not want we to go to this picnic; he was afraid that I should
be a kill-joy. Nobody wanted we now; I had only been
desirable while my youth and gaiety lasted.

I wondered whether the life-stories of other women

were anything like mine? Had they, too, been worshipped in
their brief, bright girlhood, and neglected in their sad
wifehood? Disappointed, driven back into myself, crushed
down under a load of daily increasing anxieties, it is no
marvel that I looked at Ronald and was secretly astonished
to see that he was getting younger and brighter.

The truth was that he had never yet fairly realised our
position as I did. All through that long illness of his—all
through the weary weeks of convalescence, I had done my
utmost to keep the veil over his eyes. While I beheld the
grim, ugly facts of our life, he saw only a rose-coloured
haze that softened every unlovely detail; and that veil,
which anxious love had woven, had never yet been entirely
rent away.

It was not a great wonder, then, that he fancied I was

making the worst of everything, and was surprised at my
anxious outlook into a future which he believed to be
sunshiny enough. Too late I was learning the bitter truth,
which every woman must learn sooner or later, that she
who makes an idol of a man must always burn incense
before his shrine. Instead of letting Ronald descend from
the pedestal on which I had placed him—instead of making
him take his lawful share of our common burdens—I had
chosen to shoulder all the load, while he stood, high aloft,
looking down with half-contemptuous surprise at the weak
creature who was staggering at his feet.

What influences were at work, hardening his heart?

How was it that he did not watch me with the old anxious
tenderness, and see that I was losing strength every day?
Alas! He had grown tired of being anxious and tender. If he
had married a rich wife, his life would have been untroubled
by the sight of a pale face and an enfeebled frame. Nothing
preserves a woman's beauty like prosperity. Let her tread
upon roses—guard her from all the worries that come from
lack of money—if you want her to keep her charms.
For the thousandth time, the face of Ida Lorimer, fair,
calm, unworn, rose up before me like a vision. Ronald was
in the habit of seeing that face often; every day, perhaps. I
could fancy that his hand would touch hers as he guided her
pencil; I could guess that her golden head sometimes
brushed his shoulder as he bent to watch her progress. Did
not that contact ever inspire him with a vain regret for the
days when she might have been won?

It has taken a long time to write these thoughts upon

paper, but they drifted through my mind as swiftly as leaves
that are driven before the wind. There stood Ronald, with
the old tragic look in his eyes that always reminded me of
the portrait of Inez—a look that seemed to settle on his face
now-a-days whenever he was alone with me.

"I believe you dread going out with me, Ronald?" I said,
after a brief pause. "What does it matter whether William
Greystock thinks me mad or sane? I will write an excuse
this very evening."

"It matters a great deal what Greystock thinks," he

answered, with a frown that told of gathering wrath. "I
don't want my friends to think strange things of my wife.
You say that you have accepted the invitation, and so the
affair is settled. Pray don't take offence at my timely
counsels; they am well meant, and greatly needed."

I started up, sharply stung by the unkind words. And

then in the next moment, the flame of anger suddenly died
in my heart, and I was conscious only of my miserable
weakness and loneliness. Unawares, a little wailing cry
escaped from my lips, and I sank helplessly into a chair, and
wept quiet tears.
So bitter was my sorrow that it did not comfort me even
to feel Ronald's hand on my shoulder, and hear his voice
saying soothing words in my ear. We might make up this
difference as we had made up others, but our innermost
selves could not be changed. I did not want to quarrel; of
all the silly things in this world, a quarrel between married
people seemed to me the silliest and most useless. Wedlock
(as I once heard a cynic say) is an iron chain covered with
velvet, and those couples only are wise who keep the soft
covering on the chain.

As for me, I loved my fetters, and felt that my heart

would break with the breaking of a single link. But I feared
that Ronald had already caught a glimpse of the iron under
the velvet, and had begun to sigh for release.

"Don't cry, Louie," he was saying, penitently. "You do

make me feel myself such a brute when you take to
weeping. And, really, you have wept so much lately, that we
seem to be always living in a damp atmosphere. Why
shouldn't we bask in the sun sometimes? Look up, dear, and
tell me that you will try to be bright."

He might as well have commanded a dying woman to

make an effort to live. All that I could do was to wipe away
the tears, and struggle feebly to produce a smile.

"Never mind me, Ronald," I answered, seeing the

disappointed look in his face. "I shall get stronger and wiser
by-and-by. Sit there, in your favourite corner of the sofa,
and sing and play. That will do me more good than anything

He needed no second bidding; the guitar, as usual, was

close at hand, and he began to touch it with loving fingers.
"What shall I sing?" he asked. "I know; it shall be your
own song, 'Sweetheart, sweetheart,'—I like it better than
any you have ever written."

"Yes," I said, eagerly; "I would rather hear that than

anything else."

But even while I spoke, I remembered the days when I

wrote those lines—days full of thankfulness, brightened by
an intense belief in the immutability of our love.

I have sometimes wondered whether a great poet ever

takes up his own volume, and recalls the time in which each
song was born. The song lives on, fresh and sweet as when
it first started into life; but only the writer can see the
withered hopes—the poor faded dreams and worn-out
associations that cling to every line. So many dead things
are hanging round those living verses that I fancy the
author can hardly sing them over to himself without tears.
And as I sat quietly listening for the first words of my love-
song, written in the spring, and touched with springtide
hope and confidence, my heart was aching for the happier

But it was not the prelude to my song that my husband

began to play. As he swept the strings, there came again
that sweet, strange melody which always soothed us, even
while it baffled all attempts to catch its meaning.

Over and over he played that soft air, till the last trace
of vexation faded out of his face; and his eyes, with a
musing look in them, sought mine inquiringly. Again the
music hushed all my troubled thoughts, as a nurse stills the
fretful wailing of a child; again it seemed to murmur faintly
of a coming time of peace and joy and rest.
"Shall I ever know where I learnt that air?" asked
Ronald at last, letting the guitar rest on his knee. "Louie, I
will tell you a curious thing. One night I was dining with
some friends of Greystock's; they had a guitar in the room,
and I took it up and tried to play our mysterious melody.
But it would not come; and had to give up the attempt to
recall it. What do you think of that, little woman?"

"I don't know what to think, Ronald," I replied; "but I

do know that there is something in the air that gives me
new courage and comforts me as nothing else does.
Perhaps it is a message from some unknown spirit friend.
Who can tell?"

And he echoed thoughtfully, "Who can tell?"


WE went down to Richmond early in the afternoon—a

true July afternoon—sultry and still. The air was full of a
dreamy haze that softened the outlines of objects without
hiding them. Even the brilliant colours of the flower-beds
seemed to be subdued as we passed the well-kept gardens,
where women in light summer dresses were sitting under
awnings, and men were taking their ease in cane chairs. We
had decided not to go upon the overcrowded river, and
William Greystock led his little party straight to the lower

It was a very small party, and yet, at this hour, I have

but a very faint recollection of those who wandered with me
under the old trees that day. I saw but two persons, my
husband and Ida Lorimer. The others seemed to move
about them like phantoms; and I think I must have looked
and spoken as if I were in a dream.

The picture of Ida is stamped indelibly upon my

memory. She wore a large straw hat of some fantastic
shape, lined with pale blue, and adorned with a bunch of
tea roses. Her gown, too, was a combination of cream-
colour and blue, and, as she moved languidly over the
grass, she reminded me of one of those Watteau-like figures
that are painted on fans.

She took very little notice of me, greeting me with a

cool courtesy which I repaid with some haughtiness. Ronald
was watching our meeting with a furtive glance, and did not
seem to be as much at ease as usual. William Greystock,
too, watched, and his face was as inscrutable as ever.
Miss Lorimer took possession of my husband in the
most natural way in the world. She displayed no coquettish
airs; she did not appear to make any marked exhibition of
power; but quite easily and calmly she summoned him to
her side with a few commonplace words.

"Let us try to get nearer to those deer," she said. "I

keep up my old fondness for animals, and deer are the most
delightful creatures in the universe."

It was a clever way of separating herself and Ronald

from the rest of the party. He attended her, willingly
enough; they went together towards the herd, which, of
course, moved off at their nearer approach; and then the
pair followed, although they must have known the
uselessness of the pursuit.

My glance went after them, over the soft grass, now

golden with the light of the afternoon sun. What a fair scene
it was, those great trees casting their shadows across the
sunlit turf; the dappled herds, the mellow haze filling up
every space, the two graceful figures moving farther and
farther away!

With a start, I found William Greystock close to my side,

and heard him speaking to me in a peculiarly quiet voice.

"I used to dream of walking here with some dear friend,

Mrs. Hepburne," he said. "An afternoon like this always
revives old dreams. Mine have never been realised; Ronald
has been more fortunate than I have."

"Ah! It is not always a blessing to realise one's dream!"

The words broke from me involuntarily, and were

spoken to myself rather than to my companion. But he
answered the remark with a touch of sadness in his tone.
"That is a bitter speech to come from your lips," he
said, softly. "I hope you do not speak from your own

"Oh! I suppose people's experiences are very much

alike," I replied, with an attempt at lightness. "There is
always the inevitable disenchantment when we have fairly
entered our promised land."

He sighed, and there was a brief silence.

"It is a kind of disenchantment I shall never know," he

said at last. "All that I have known is the weary march
across the desert, the gnawing hunger and burning thirst.
Even if the Canaan is less fair than our fancies, it must, at
any rate, be sweeter than the endless waste of sand."

At that moment I sincerely pitied William Greystock.

"But why must your life be a weary march?" I asked,

forgetting my usual cold caution in his presence. "Why
should there not be a Canaan for you as well as for others?"

"Can you ask? No, Mrs. Hepburne, I will not sadden you
with any story of myself and my lot. Believe me, my
greatest desire is to see you and Ronald happy. I have no
stronger interest in life than this."

I was beginning to believe in him. The sight of those

two figures strolling ahead of us under the trees had begun
to confuse my powers of judgment. I ceased to remember,
at that moment, the William Greystock who had come to
Lady Waterville's; the hard, bitter man, whose true nature
had been revealed to me in many little ways, and who had
never yet, in spite of apparent friendship, rendered any real
service to Ronald. It seemed to be a new and softer
Greystock who was walking by my side, and speaking in this
quiet, melancholy voice.

Moreover, the burning pain in my heart, and the ache of

my weary head, were fast bewildering my reasoning
faculties; and I even began to ask myself whether I had
ever known the true Ronald at all? Perhaps he had never
loved me; or his love might only have been of that spurious
kind which is the outcome of a disappointment.

It is a true saying that nature abhors a void; and many

a hasty marriage has been brought about by the
dethronement of an old love. Had Ronald taken me only
because he wanted to fill up an empty place in his life?

I ought to have known him too well to have asked this

foolish question of my own heart; but there are times when
our best beloved seem to present a new aspect to our eyes.
I could still see those two figures under the trees; they gave
no sign of turning back, or of waiting for the others to come
up with them. There was a pause after my companion's last
words; and all at once I remembered that they were kind
words, and called for a reply.

"We have done nothing to deserve your interest in us,

Mr. Greystock," I said, sadly. "What are we but a silly young
couple who despised the counsel of friends? I almost
wonder why you should feel so kindly."

"I have very few people to care for," he answered. "As

to Ronald, you know we are half relations. I wish, however,
that I had more influence with him."

"I thought you always influenced him," I said, in

surprise. "He quotes you constantly, and seems to be
guided by your advice." Glancing at Mr. Greystock as I
spoke, I saw him quietly shake his head.
"If I could guide Ronald," he began, and then suddenly
broke off, and looked away towards the strolling couple.

My jealous heart finished the incomplete sentence. I

was sure that he meant to add something about the
intimacy with Ida Lorimer; and yet, if he disapproved of
that intimacy, why was Ida at Richmond that day? But
perhaps she had been invited at my husband's urgent
request; and if this were so, Ronald's vexation at my
acceptance of the invitation was explained.

The man at my side could furnish me with full

particulars of Ronald's old love-affair. Miss Lorimer and
William Greystock were friends of long standing.

Half maddened as I then was, I felt a wild desire to

make my companion speak more plainly. On looking back to
that day, I see that he was perfectly aware of all that was
working in my heart, and was quietly waiting for his
opportunity. Just then some of the others joined us, and I
closed my lips and brooded over my grief in silence.

The hours went on, and a breath of coolness stole over

the great park as it drew near sunset. I gazed absently at
the lovely golden lights that fell softly here and there, and
longed to be alone in my room at Chapel Place. My desire
for solitude increased every moment; I wanted to go away
and hide myself, and leave Ronald in the society he loved

At length the weary day came to an end; but Ida

seemed resolved to keep her hold upon my husband to the
very last. She had (or seemed to have) a willing captive; he
approached me once with a question and a smile, and then
went back quickly to her, driven off; I suppose, by my
gloomy face.
"I am taking care of Mrs. Hepburne, Ronald," said
William Greystock, pleasantly; and Ronald answered lightly
that he knew I was in good hands.

Afterwards I never heard how it was that our home-

bound train chanced to be unusually crowded that evening.
We were all but too late when we reached the station, and
there was a great deal of bustle and hurry in which I could
only take a languid part. My head ached, and my limbs
were so tired after the very moderate exertions of the
afternoon that I could hardly drag myself along, and William
Greystock's aid was really needed. I caught a parting
glimpse of the fantastic hat with its tea roses, and saw that
its wearer was still under Ronald's protection; and then
(how, I know not), I found myself in a compartment of a
first-class carriage with Greystock.

We were among strangers; not one of our own party

was with us; and of this I was almost glad. There was no
necessity to keep up a conversation with Greystock. He saw
how thoroughly tired I was, and understood my desire to be
silent. Leaning back in a corner with closed eyes, I tried to
forget myself and my miseries for a little while; and I think
I had almost succeeded in sinking into oblivion when the
train came to a stop.

When I opened my eyes again, I found that all my

fellow-passengers were getting out, and we two were left in
the compartment alone.

The twilight was now deepening fast; all the warm gold
of the after-glow had long faded, and there was only a soft
grey sky with silvery spaces here and there. To me it
seemed a melancholy night, too still and calm for a heart as
passionately troubled as mine.
"Is the headache better?" asked William Greystock,
gently. He was sitting in the opposite corner, and bent
towards me as he spoke.

"A little better," I answered, faintly.

"Mrs. Hepburne," he said, after a slight pause, "I can

never forgive myself for persuading you to come with us to-
day. If I had only known—"

"Known what?" I asked, involuntarily.

"That you would have had to bear the neglect—the

humiliation you have borne to-day! Forgive me if I have
spoken too plainly. I always lamented your marriage,
knowing as I did that Ronald had given away his heart
before he ever knew you. Now, perhaps, you can
understand why those who loved you best so bitterly
regretted the sacrifice you made in bestowing yourself on

Oh, if I had not been so weak and spent, I might have

answered him as a wife who had a true sense of her own
dignity! But I was exhausted in body and confused in mind.

"Who are those who loved me best?" I said, clasping

and unclasping my hands. "It seems to me sometimes that
the only person who ever loved me was my grandfather.
And I wish, with all my heart, that I could follow him!"

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